// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1993.
// File: bm_marsh.cxx
// Contents: Mashalling test
// Classes: COleMarshalTest
// History: 29-July-93 t-martig Created
#include <headers.cxx>
#pragma hdrstop
#include <bm_marsh.hxx>
#include <oletest.hxx>
#include <rpc.h>
#include <rpcdce.h>
// extern "C" RPC_STATUS UuidCreate(GUID *pguid);
TCHAR *COleMarshalTest::Name () { return TEXT("Marshalling"); }
SCODE COleMarshalTest::Setup (CTestInput *pInput) { SCODE sc;
for (ULONG i=0; i<REPS; i++) m_pStm[i] = NULL;
// Get number of iterations
m_ulIterations = pInput->GetIterations(Name());
// set NULL in case of error
for (i=0; i<m_ulIterations; i++) m_punk[i] = NULL;
// Get custom ClsID from .ini file
pInput->GetClassID(&m_ClsID, Name());
// Get class activation context from .ini file
m_dwClsCtx = pInput->GetClassCtx(Name());
INIT_RESULTS (m_ulUuidCreateTime);
for (i=0; i<REPS; i++) { INIT_RESULTS (m_ulMarshalTime[i]); INIT_RESULTS (m_ulUnmarshalTime[i]); INIT_RESULTS (m_ulLockObjectTime[i]); INIT_RESULTS (m_ulGetStdMarshalTime[i]); INIT_RESULTS (m_ulGetMarshalSizeTime[i]); INIT_RESULTS (m_ulDisconnectTime[i]); }
sc = InitCOM(); if (FAILED(sc)) { Log (TEXT("Setup - CoInitialize failed."), sc); return sc; }
for (i=0; i<m_ulIterations; i++) { // create an instance of the object to marshal
sc = CoCreateInstance(m_ClsID, NULL, m_dwClsCtx, IID_IUnknown, (void **)&m_punk[i]); if (FAILED(sc)) { Log (TEXT("Setup - CoCreateInstance failed"), sc); return sc; } }
for (i=0; i<REPS; i++) { // create a stream to marshal the interface into
SCODE sc = CreateStreamOnHGlobal(NULL, 0, &m_pStm[i]); if (FAILED(sc)) { Log (TEXT("Setup - CreateStreamOnHGlobal failed"), sc); } else { // write some data to init the stream
DWORD dwTemp; m_pStm[i]->Write(&dwTemp, sizeof(DWORD), NULL); } }
return S_OK; }
SCODE COleMarshalTest::Cleanup () { // release objects
for (ULONG i=0; i<m_ulIterations; i++) { if (m_punk[i]) m_punk[i]->Release(); }
for (i=0; i<REPS; i++) { if (m_pStm[i]) m_pStm[i]->Release(); }
UninitCOM(); return S_OK; }
SCODE COleMarshalTest::Run () { CStopWatch sw; LPVOID FAR pv;
for (ULONG iIter=0; iIter<m_ulIterations; iIter++) { SCODE sc[REPS]; ULARGE_INTEGER ulSeekStart[REPS]; LARGE_INTEGER libMove[REPS];
// create Uuid's
GUID guid; sw.Reset(); sc[0] = UuidCreate(&guid); m_ulUuidCreateTime[iIter] = sw.Read(); Log (TEXT("UuidCreate"), sc[0]);
// first, marshal the interface REPS times.
for (ULONG i=0; i<REPS; i++) { // save current stream seek pointer
LISet32(libMove[i], 0x00000000); m_pStm[i]->Seek(libMove[i], STREAM_SEEK_CUR, &ulSeekStart[i]);
// marshal the interface into the stream
sw.Reset(); sc[i] = CoMarshalInterface(m_pStm[i], IID_IUnknown, m_punk[iIter], 0, 0, MSHLFLAGS_NORMAL); m_ulMarshalTime[i][iIter] = sw.Read (); Log (TEXT("CoMarshalInterface"), sc[i]);
if (FAILED(sc[i])) { m_ulMarshalTime[i][iIter] = NOTAVAIL; } }
// now ReleaseMarshalData once
i = 0; { // set stream ptr back to the starting position
LISet32(libMove[i], ulSeekStart[i].LowPart); m_pStm[i]->Seek(libMove[i], STREAM_SEEK_SET, &ulSeekStart[i]);
// unmarshal the interface from the stream
sw.Reset (); sc[i] = CoReleaseMarshalData(m_pStm[i]); m_ulUnmarshalTime[i][iIter] = sw.Read (); Log (TEXT("CoReleaseMarshalData"), sc[i]); }
// now UnmarshalInterface the remaining times
for (i=1; i<REPS; i++) { if (FAILED(sc[i])) continue;
// set stream ptr back to the starting position
LISet32(libMove[i], ulSeekStart[i].LowPart); m_pStm[i]->Seek(libMove[i], STREAM_SEEK_SET, &ulSeekStart[i]);
// unmarshal the interface from the stream
sw.Reset (); sc[i] = CoUnmarshalInterface(m_pStm[i], IID_IUnknown, &pv); m_ulUnmarshalTime[i][iIter] = sw.Read (); Log (TEXT("CoUnmarshalInterface"), sc[i]);
if (SUCCEEDED(sc[i])) { ((IUnknown *)pv)->Release (); // Unmarshal called AddRef
} else { m_ulUnmarshalTime[i][iIter] = NOTAVAIL; } }
// call CoLockObjectExternal
sw.Reset(); sc[0] = CoLockObjectExternal(m_punk[iIter], TRUE, FALSE); m_ulLockObjectTime[0][iIter] = sw.Read(); Log (TEXT("CoLockObjectExternal"), sc[0]);
sw.Reset(); sc[1] = CoLockObjectExternal(m_punk[iIter], FALSE, FALSE); m_ulLockObjectTime[1][iIter] = sw.Read(); Log (TEXT("CoLockObjectExternal"), sc[1]);
// call CoGetStdMarshal
IMarshal *pIM = NULL; sw.Reset(); sc[0] = CoGetStandardMarshal(IID_IUnknown, m_punk[iIter], 0, NULL, MSHLFLAGS_NORMAL, &pIM); m_ulGetStdMarshalTime[0][iIter] = sw.Read(); Log (TEXT("CoGetStandardMarshal"), sc[0]);
sw.Reset(); pIM->Release(); m_ulGetStdMarshalTime[1][iIter] = sw.Read(); Log (TEXT("Release StdMarshal"), sc[1]);
// call CoGetMarshalSizeMax
ULONG ulSize = 0; sw.Reset(); sc[0] = CoGetMarshalSizeMax(&ulSize, IID_IUnknown, m_punk[iIter], 0, NULL,MSHLFLAGS_NORMAL); m_ulGetMarshalSizeTime[0][iIter] = sw.Read(); Log (TEXT("CoGetMarshalSizeMax"), sc[0]);
// call CoDisconnectObject
sc[0] = CoLockObjectExternal(m_punk[iIter], TRUE, FALSE);
sw.Reset(); sc[0] = CoDisconnectObject(m_punk[iIter], 0); m_ulDisconnectTime[0][iIter] = sw.Read(); Log (TEXT("CoDisconnectObject"), sc[0]); sc[0] = CoLockObjectExternal(m_punk[iIter], FALSE, FALSE); }
return S_OK; }
SCODE COleMarshalTest::Report (CTestOutput &output) { output.WriteSectionHeader (Name(), TEXT("Interface Marshalling"), *m_pInput);
for (ULONG iCtx=0; iCtx<1; iCtx++) { output.WriteString (TEXT("\n")); output.WriteClassID (&m_ClsID); output.WriteString (apszClsCtx[0]); output.WriteString (TEXT("\n"));
output.WriteResults (TEXT("UuidCreate "), m_ulIterations, m_ulUuidCreateTime); output.WriteString (TEXT("\n"));
output.WriteResults (TEXT("CoMarshalInterface 1"), m_ulIterations, m_ulMarshalTime[0]); output.WriteResults (TEXT("CoMarshalInterface 2"), m_ulIterations, m_ulMarshalTime[1]); output.WriteResults (TEXT("CoMarshalInterface 3"), m_ulIterations, m_ulMarshalTime[2]); output.WriteString (TEXT("\n"));
output.WriteResults (TEXT("CoReleaseMarshalData 3"), m_ulIterations, m_ulUnmarshalTime[0]); output.WriteResults (TEXT("CoUnmarshalInterface 2"), m_ulIterations, m_ulUnmarshalTime[1]); output.WriteResults (TEXT("CoUnmarshalInterface 1"), m_ulIterations, m_ulUnmarshalTime[2]); output.WriteString (TEXT("\n"));
output.WriteResults (TEXT("CoLockObjectExternal L"), m_ulIterations, m_ulLockObjectTime[0]); output.WriteResults (TEXT("CoLockObjectExternal U"), m_ulIterations, m_ulLockObjectTime[1]); output.WriteString (TEXT("\n"));
output.WriteResults (TEXT("CoGetStandardMarshal "), m_ulIterations, m_ulGetStdMarshalTime[0]); output.WriteResults (TEXT("pIMarshal->Release "), m_ulIterations, m_ulGetStdMarshalTime[1]); output.WriteString (TEXT("\n"));
output.WriteResults (TEXT("CoDisconnectObject "), m_ulIterations, m_ulDisconnectTime[0]); }
return S_OK; }