// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1993.
// File: bm_nest.cxx
// Contents: Nested Object Rpc Method Invocation tests
// Classes: CNestTest
// History: 1-July-93 t-martig Created
#include <headers.cxx>
#pragma hdrstop
#include <bm_nest.hxx>
#include <oletest.hxx>
#include <tracelog.hxx>
TCHAR *CNestTest::Name () { return TEXT("Nested"); }
SCODE CNestTest::Setup (CTestInput *pInput) { CTestBase::Setup(pInput);
// get iteration count
m_ulIterations = pInput->GetIterations(Name());
// get CLSID of server
SCODE sc = pInput->GetGUID(&m_ClsID, Name(), TEXT("Clsid_Local")); if (FAILED(sc)) { Log (TEXT("Setup - GetClassID failed."), sc); return sc; }
// initialize timing arrays
INIT_RESULTS(m_ulNest2Time); INIT_RESULTS(m_ulNest3Time); INIT_RESULTS(m_ulNest4Time); INIT_RESULTS(m_ulNest5Time);
sc = InitCOM(); if (FAILED(sc)) { Log (TEXT("Setup - CoInitialize failed."), sc); return sc; }
m_pILoop1=NULL; sc = CoCreateInstance(m_ClsID, NULL, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER, IID_ILoop, (void **)&m_pILoop1); if (FAILED(sc)) { Log (TEXT("Setup - CoCreateInstance of first Server failed."), sc); return sc; }
m_pILoop2=NULL; sc = CoCreateInstance(m_ClsID, NULL, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER, IID_ILoop, (void **)&m_pILoop2); if (FAILED(sc)) { Log (TEXT("Setup - CoCreateInstance of second Server failed."), sc); return sc; }
// pass the pointers to each other
sc = m_pILoop1->Init(m_pILoop2); if (FAILED(sc)) { Log (TEXT("Setup - Initialization of first Server failed."), sc); return sc; }
sc = m_pILoop2->Init(m_pILoop1); if (FAILED(sc)) { Log (TEXT("Setup - Initialization of second Server failed."), sc); return sc; }
return S_OK; }
SCODE CNestTest::Cleanup () { if (m_pILoop1) { m_pILoop1->Uninit(); m_pILoop1->Release(); }
if (m_pILoop2) { m_pILoop2->Uninit(); m_pILoop2->Release(); }
UninitCOM(); return S_OK; }
SCODE CNestTest::Run () { CStopWatch sw; SCODE sc;
// nesting 2 levels. Note we pass in 3 not 2, since the server
// subtracts 1 from the passed in value and then stops the nesting
// if the count is zero.
// a value of 3 represents a single nested call.
for (ULONG iIter=0; iIter<m_ulIterations; iIter++) { sw.Reset(); sc = m_pILoop1->Loop(3); m_ulNest2Time[iIter] = sw.Read(); Log (TEXT("Loop (2)"), sc); }
// nesting 3 levels
for (iIter=0; iIter<m_ulIterations; iIter++) { sw.Reset(); sc= m_pILoop1->Loop(4); m_ulNest3Time[iIter] = sw.Read(); Log (TEXT("Loop (3)"), sc); }
// nesting 4 levels
for (iIter=0; iIter<m_ulIterations; iIter++) { sw.Reset(); sc = m_pILoop1->Loop(5); m_ulNest4Time[iIter] = sw.Read(); Log (TEXT("Loop (4)"), sc); }
// nesting 5 levels
for (iIter=0; iIter<m_ulIterations; iIter++) { sw.Reset(); sc = m_pILoop1->Loop(6); m_ulNest5Time[iIter] = sw.Read(); Log (TEXT("Loop (5)"), sc); }
return S_OK; }
SCODE CNestTest::Report (CTestOutput &output) { output.WriteSectionHeader (Name(), TEXT("Nested ORpc Calls"), *m_pInput);
output.WriteString (TEXT("\n")); output.WriteResults (TEXT("Nesting 2 "), m_ulIterations, m_ulNest2Time); output.WriteResults (TEXT("Nesting 3 "), m_ulIterations, m_ulNest3Time); output.WriteResults (TEXT("Nesting 4 "), m_ulIterations, m_ulNest4Time); output.WriteResults (TEXT("Nesting 5 "), m_ulIterations, m_ulNest5Time);
return S_OK; }