// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1993.
// File: bm_Cache.cxx
// Contents: Contains the impl of COleCacheTest which deals with Clipboard related
// apis.
// Classes: COleCacheTest
// Functions:
// History:
#include <headers.cxx>
#pragma hdrstop
#include "hlp_util.hxx"
#include "hlp_iocs.hxx"
#include "hlp_ias.hxx"
#include "hlp_app.hxx"
#include "hlp_site.hxx"
#include "hlp_doc.hxx"
#include "bm_cache.hxx"
#include <oleauto.h>
// CCacheTest::Name, SetUp, Run, CleanUp
// Purpose:
// These routines provide the implementation for the Name, Setup,
// Run and CleanUp of the class CCacheTest. For details see the doc
// for driver what are these routines supposed to do.
// Parameters:
// Return Value:
// None
// Comments:
// If STRESS is defined don't do anything with timer variable! We are
// not interested in time values.
TCHAR *COleCacheTest::Name () { return TEXT("CacheTest"); }
SCODE COleCacheTest::Setup (CTestInput *pInput) { CTestBase::Setup(pInput); HRESULT sc; HRESULT hres;
#ifdef STRESS
//If stress condition loop number of time = STRESSCOUNT
m_ulIterations = STRESSCOUNT; #else
// get iteration count
m_ulIterations = pInput->GetIterations(Name()); #endif
// initialize timing arrays
#ifndef STRESS
for (int xx = 0; xx < TEST_MAX_ITERATIONS; xx++) { m_CacheTimesOutl[xx].ulCreateCache = NOTAVAIL; m_CacheTimesOutl[xx].ulCache = NOTAVAIL; m_CacheTimesOutl[xx].ulInitCache = NOTAVAIL; m_CacheTimesOutl[xx].ulLoadCache = NOTAVAIL; m_CacheTimesOutl[xx].ulSaveCache = NOTAVAIL; m_CacheTimesOutl[xx].ulUncache = NOTAVAIL; m_CacheTimesOutl[xx].ulUpdateCache = NOTAVAIL; m_CacheTimesOutl[xx].ulDiscardCache = NOTAVAIL; }
sc = OleInitialize(NULL); if (FAILED(sc)) { Log (TEXT("Setup - OleInitialize failed."), sc); return sc; }
hres = CLSIDFromString(OutlineClassName, &m_clsidOutl); Log (TEXT("CLSIDFromString returned ."), hres); assert (hres == NOERROR);
//Create root Doc and STorage for Doc
m_lpDoc = CSimpleDoc::Create(); //Create Individual Objects and Init the table
for (ULONG iIter=0; iIter<m_ulIterations; iIter++) {
// Create an instance of Site
CSimpleSite *pObj = CSimpleSite::Create(m_lpDoc, iIter); if (pObj) m_pSite[iIter] = pObj; } return sc; }
SCODE COleCacheTest::Cleanup () {
for (ULONG iIter=0; iIter<m_ulIterations; iIter++) { delete m_pSite[iIter]; }
OleUninitialize(); return S_OK; }
SCODE COleCacheTest::Run () { BOOL fRet;
fRet = CallRunCache(m_clsidOutl, m_pSite, m_pOleCache2, m_ulIterations, m_CacheTimesOutl); return S_OK; }
SCODE COleCacheTest::Report (CTestOutput &output) { //Bail out immediately on STRESS because none of the following variables
//will have sane value
#ifdef STRESS
return S_OK; #endif
output.WriteString (TEXT("*************************************************\n")); output.WriteSectionHeader (Name(), TEXT("Cache Apis"), *m_pInput); output.WriteString (TEXT("*************************************************\n")); output.WriteString (TEXT("\n")); WriteCacheOutput(output, TEXT("Outline"), m_CacheTimesOutl, m_ulIterations); output.WriteString (TEXT("\n"));
return S_OK; } //**********************************************************************
// CallRunCache
// Purpose:
// Creates an embedded object and calls routines to create cache
// Initialize them and then Save and load them.
// Parameters:
// Return Value:
// None
// Functions called:
// OleCreate OLE2 api
// CreateCacheObjects Create Cache objects
// FillCache To fill up the caches with pDO
// SaveAndLoadCache Get the estimates for Save and Load Cache
// Comments:
BOOL CallRunCache(REFCLSID rclsid, CSimpleSite *pSite[], LPOLECACHE2 pOleCache2[], ULONG ulIterations, CacheTimes Cachetimes[]) { HRESULT hres; ULONG iIter; BOOL retVal = FALSE; LPDATAOBJECT pDO = NULL;
CSimpleSite* pTempSite = CSimpleSite::Create(pSite[0]->m_lpDoc, -1); //Some temporary name
if (!pTempSite) goto error;
//If we have not had any problem then
HEAPVALIDATE() ; hres = OleCreate(rclsid, IID_IOleObject, OLERENDER_DRAW, NULL, &pTempSite->m_OleClientSite, pTempSite->m_lpObjStorage, (VOID FAR* FAR*)&pTempSite->m_lpOleObject);
LOGRESULTS (TEXT("OleCreate "), hres); if (hres != NOERROR) { goto error; } hres = pTempSite->m_lpOleObject->QueryInterface(IID_IDataObject, (LPVOID FAR*)&pDO); if (hres != NOERROR) goto error;
//Now call Appropriate routines to Save and Cache the objects
hres = CreateCacheObjects( pSite, pOleCache2, ulIterations, Cachetimes); if (hres != NOERROR) goto error; //there is no point in going if we had problem with creation
FillCache(pDO, pOleCache2, ulIterations, Cachetimes); SaveAndLoadCache(pSite, pOleCache2, ulIterations, Cachetimes);
retVal = TRUE;
if (hres != NOERROR) Log (TEXT("Routine CallRunCache failed with hres = "), hres);
if (pDO) pDO->Release(); if (pTempSite) { pTempSite->UnloadOleObject(); delete pTempSite; }
for (iIter=0; iIter < ulIterations; iIter++) { if (pOleCache2[iIter]) { pOleCache2[iIter]->Release(); pOleCache2[iIter] = NULL; } }
return retVal; }
// CreateCacheObjects
// Purpose:
// Creates Cache objects and then initlaize them.
// Parameters:
// Return Value:
// HRESULT that came from IPS->InitNew
// Functions called:
// CreateDataCache OLE2 api
// Comments:
HRESULT CreateCacheObjects(CSimpleSite *pSite[], LPOLECACHE2 pOleCache2[], ULONG ulIterations, CacheTimes Cachetimes[])
{ CStopWatch sw; HRESULT hres; ULONG iIter; BOOL retVal = FALSE;
for (iIter=0; iIter<ulIterations; iIter++) { sw.Reset(); hres = CreateDataCache(NULL, CLSID_NULL, IID_IOleCache2, (LPVOID FAR*)&pOleCache2[iIter]); GetTimerVal(Cachetimes[iIter].ulCreateCache);
LOGRESULTS (TEXT("CreateDataCache "), hres); if (hres != NOERROR) { goto error; } //
//Initlaize the cache for use later
LPPERSISTSTORAGE lpStg = NULL; hres = pOleCache2[iIter]->QueryInterface(IID_IPersistStorage, (LPVOID FAR*) &lpStg); if (hres == NOERROR) { hres = lpStg->InitNew(pSite[iIter]->m_lpObjStorage); lpStg->Release(); } } error: if (hres != NOERROR) Log (TEXT("Routine CreateCacheObject failed with hres = "), hres); return hres; }
VOID FillCache(LPDATAOBJECT pDO, LPOLECACHE2 pOleCache2[], ULONG ulIterations, CacheTimes Cachetimes[])
{ CStopWatch sw; HRESULT hres; ULONG iIter; BOOL retVal = FALSE;
//Initalize the cache
//NOTE: What I am doing below is trying to Init the cache with format that
//I think are very basic and common. So that we can profile the rest of the
//Cache methods with these options
//Work On: Create more Cache nodes!!!
for (iIter=0; iIter<ulIterations; iIter++) { FORMATETC fmte; DWORD dwConnection = 0L;
fmte.cfFormat = CF_METAFILEPICT; fmte.dwAspect = DVASPECT_CONTENT; fmte.ptd = NULL; fmte.tymed = TYMED_MFPICT; fmte.lindex = -1;
sw.Reset(); hres = pOleCache2[iIter]->Cache(&fmte, ADVF_PRIMEFIRST | ADVFCACHE_ONSAVE | ADVF_DATAONSTOP, &dwConnection); GetTimerVal(Cachetimes[iIter].ulCache);
LOGRESULTS (TEXT("IOleCache:Cache "), hres); if (hres != NOERROR) { goto error; }
//Fill the Cache from Data object provided
for (iIter=0; iIter<ulIterations; iIter++) { sw.Reset(); hres = pOleCache2[iIter]->InitCache(pDO); GetTimerVal(Cachetimes[iIter].ulInitCache);
LOGRESULTS (TEXT("IOleCache:InitCache "), hres); if (hres != NOERROR) { goto error; } }
error: if (hres != NOERROR) Log (TEXT("Routine FillCache failed with hres = "), hres); }
VOID SaveAndLoadCache(CSimpleSite *pSite[], LPOLECACHE2 pOleCache2[], ULONG ulIterations, CacheTimes Cachetimes[]) { CStopWatch sw; HRESULT hres; ULONG iIter;
// Save the Cache, i.e. save the formats Cached
for (iIter=0; iIter<ulIterations; iIter++) { LPPERSISTSTORAGE lpStg = NULL;
hres = pOleCache2[iIter]->QueryInterface(IID_IPersistStorage, (LPVOID FAR*)&lpStg); if (hres != NOERROR) continue; //TRy next Cache, it is unexpected condition though
sw.Reset(); hres = lpStg->Save(pSite[iIter]->m_lpObjStorage, TRUE); hres = lpStg->SaveCompleted(NULL);
GetTimerVal(Cachetimes[iIter].ulSaveCache); if (lpStg) lpStg->Release(); LOGRESULTS (TEXT("Cache- Save and SaveCompleted "), hres); }
//To test IOC:Load we need to destroy old cache nodes, create new
//ones and ask them to laod themselves
for (iIter=0; iIter < ulIterations; iIter++) { if (pOleCache2[iIter]) { pOleCache2[iIter]->Release(); pOleCache2[iIter] = NULL; } }
//Create new set of Cache
for (iIter=0; iIter<ulIterations; iIter++) { sw.Reset(); hres = CreateDataCache(NULL, CLSID_NULL, IID_IOleCache2, (LPVOID FAR*)&pOleCache2[iIter]); GetTimerVal(Cachetimes[iIter].ulCreateCache);
LOGRESULTS (TEXT("CreateDataCache "), hres); if (hres != NOERROR) { goto error; } }
//Load the Cache from the storage provided
for (iIter=0; iIter<ulIterations; iIter++) { LPPERSISTSTORAGE lpStg = NULL;
//Query for IPS to load the object
hres = pOleCache2[iIter]->QueryInterface(IID_IPersistStorage, (LPVOID FAR*) &lpStg); if (hres != NOERROR) continue; //Try next Cache
sw.Reset(); hres = lpStg->Load(pSite[iIter]->m_lpObjStorage); GetTimerVal(Cachetimes[iIter].ulLoadCache);
if (lpStg) lpStg->Release(); LOGRESULTS (TEXT("Cache- Load "), hres); } //End For
if (hres != NOERROR) Log (TEXT("Routine SaveAndLoadCache failed with hres = "), hres);
void WriteCacheOutput(CTestOutput &output, LPTSTR lpstr, CacheTimes *CTimes, ULONG ulIterations) { UINT iIter;
output.WriteString (TEXT("Name")); output.WriteString (lpszTab); output.WriteString (TEXT("Create")); output.WriteString (lpszTab); output.WriteString (TEXT("IOC:Cache")); output.WriteString (lpszTab); output.WriteString (TEXT("IOC:InitCache")); output.WriteString (lpszTab); output.WriteString (TEXT("LoadCache")); output.WriteString (lpszTab); output.WriteString (TEXT("SaveCache")); output.WriteString (TEXT("\n"));
for (iIter = 0; iIter < ulIterations; iIter++) { output.WriteString (lpstr); output.WriteString (lpszTab); output.WriteString (lpszTab); output.WriteLong (CTimes[iIter].ulCreateCache); output.WriteString (lpszTab); output.WriteLong (CTimes[iIter].ulCache); output.WriteString (lpszTab); output.WriteLong (CTimes[iIter].ulInitCache); output.WriteString (lpszTab); output.WriteLong (CTimes[iIter].ulLoadCache); output.WriteString (lpszTab); output.WriteLong (CTimes[iIter].ulSaveCache); output.WriteString (TEXT("\n")); }