// Microsoft OLE
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1996.
// All rights reserved.
// File: chancend.cxx
// Contents: Implementation for ChanceNode objects.
// Classes: ChanceNode
// Functions: ChanceNode
// ~ChanceNode
// AppendChildStorage
// AppendSisterStorage
// History: DeanE 12-Mar-96 Created
#include <dfheader.hxx>
#pragma hdrstop
// Debug object declaration
// Member: ChanceNode::ChanceNode, public
// Synopsis: Constructor. Initializes object with the values passed.
// Arguments: [cStg] - Number of direct child storages of this node
// [cStm] - Number of streams to create in this node
// [cbStmMin] - Minimum number of bytes/stream.
// [cbStmMax] - Maximum number of bytes/stream.
// Returns: Nothing.
// History: DeanE 12-Mar-96 Created
ChanceNode::ChanceNode( ULONG cStg, ULONG cStm, ULONG cbStmMin, ULONG cbStmMax) : _pcnChild(NULL), _pcnSister(NULL), _pcnParent(NULL), _cStorages(cStg), _cStreams(cStm), _cbMinStream(cbStmMin), _cbMaxStream(cbStmMax) { DH_FUNCENTRY(NULL, DH_LVL_DFLIB, _TEXT("ChanceNode ctor"));
DH_ASSERT(cbStmMin <= cbStmMax); }
// Member: ChanceNode::~ChanceNode, public
// Synopsis: Destructor. Deletes any children and sisters.
// Arguments: None.
// Returns: Nothing.
// History: DeanE 12-Mar-96 Created
ChanceNode::~ChanceNode() { DH_FUNCENTRY(NULL, DH_LVL_DFLIB, _TEXT("ChanceNode dtor"));
delete _pcnChild; delete _pcnSister; }
// Member: ChanceNode::AppendChildStorage, public
// Synopsis: Appends the node passed to the end of this nodes' child
// node chain.
// Arguments: [pcnNew] - The new node to append.
// Returns: S_OK for success or an error code.
// History: DeanE 12-Mar-96 Created
HRESULT ChanceNode::AppendChildStorage(ChanceNode *pcnNew) { ChanceNode *pcnTrav = this;
DH_FUNCENTRY(NULL, DH_LVL_DFLIB, _TEXT("ChanceNode::AppendChildStorage"));
// Find the last child in the structure
while (NULL != pcnTrav->_pcnChild) { pcnTrav = pcnTrav->_pcnChild; }
// Append the new node as a child of the last node,
// increase the number of storages of the last node,
// and make the new node point to the last node as it's parent
pcnTrav->_pcnChild = pcnNew; pcnTrav->_cStorages++; pcnNew->_pcnParent = pcnTrav;
return(S_OK); }
// Member: ChanceNode::AppendSisterStorage, public
// Synopsis: Appends the node passed to the end of this nodes' sister
// node chain.
// Arguments: [pcnNew] - The new node to append.
// Returns: S_OK for success or an error code.
// History: DeanE 12-Mar-96 Created
HRESULT ChanceNode::AppendSisterStorage(ChanceNode *pcnNew) { ChanceNode *pcnTrav = this;
DH_FUNCENTRY(NULL, DH_LVL_DFLIB, _TEXT("ChanceNode::AppendSisterStorage"));
// Find the last sister of this node
while (NULL != pcnTrav->_pcnSister) { pcnTrav = pcnTrav->_pcnSister; }
// Append the new node as a sister of the last node,
// increase the number of storages of this nodes' parent,
// and make the new node point to this nodes parent as it's parent
pcnTrav->_pcnSister = pcnNew; pcnTrav->_pcnParent->_cStorages++; pcnNew->_pcnParent = pcnTrav->_pcnParent;
return(S_OK); }