// Microsoft OLE
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1994-1995.
// File: cdbghelp.cxx
// Contents: OLE Debug Helper Object
// Classes: CDebugHelper
// History: 19-Nov-94 DeanE Created
#include <dfheader.hxx>
#pragma hdrstop
// Global library character constants - note alphabetical order for
// easy reference
CONST TCHAR chBackSlash = TEXT('\\'); CONST TCHAR chEqual = TEXT('='); CONST TCHAR chNewLine = TEXT('\n'); CONST TCHAR chNull = TEXT('\0'); CONST TCHAR chPeriod = TEXT('.'); CONST TCHAR chSpace = TEXT(' '); CONST TCHAR chTrace = TEXT(' '); CONST TCHAR chTraceErr = TEXT('e');
// Global library string contants - note alphabetical order for
// easy reference
CONST TCHAR szCRLF[] = TEXT("\r\n"); CONST TCHAR szError[] = TEXT("ERROR "); // Used TraceMsg for ERRORs
CONST TCHAR szNewLine[] = TEXT("\n"); CONST TCHAR szNull[] = TEXT(""); CONST TCHAR szPeriod[] = TEXT(".");
// Test Result Description strings
// Debug Helper Usage String
LPTSTR gptszDebugHelperUsageString = { TEXT("Debug Object Command line options:\r\n") TEXT(" /logloc - where log output goes (bitfield)\r\n") TEXT(" /traceloc - where trace output goes (bitfield)\r\n") TEXT(" /tracelvl - trace levels (bitfield)\r\n") TEXT(" /spyclass - spy window\r\n") TEXT(" /labmode - do not use PopUp for errors\r\n") TEXT(" /breakmode - break on error\r\n") TEXT(" /verbose - trace hrchecks that are ok\r\n") };
int giAlwaysNegativeOne = -1;
// Global variable, the THREAD_VALIDATE_FLAG_ON bit of which at present is
// used to do or skip thread validation DH_VDATETHREAD macro. Other bits
// might be used in future. Initialize the variable to set its bit
// Member: CDebugHelp::CDebugHelp
// Synopsis: Initializes CDebugHelp object. Makes object usable
// in it's default state.
// Arguments: None.
// Returns: Nothing. Constructor cannot fail.
// History: 21-Nov-94 DeanE Created
CDebugHelp::CDebugHelp() : _fLogLoc(DH_LOC_TERM), _fTraceLoc(DH_LOC_TERM), _fTraceLvl(DH_LVL_ALWAYS|DH_LVL_ERROR), _fMode(DH_LABMODE), _hrExpectedError(S_OK), _fCreatedLog(FALSE), _plog(NULL), _hwndAssert(NULL), _cPass(0), _cAbort(0), _cFail(0), _cIndentLevel(0), _fSpyWarning(0), _pszSpyWindowClass((LPTSTR) SZ_DEFAULT_SPY_WINDOW_CLASS) { DWORD cchModule; TCHAR szModule[CCH_MAX_MODULE]; TCHAR szModule1[CCH_MAX_MODULE]; short ret=0;
lstrcpy(_szDbgPrefix, TEXT("NoName"));
// Initialize the debug prefix string - it is the first
// CCH_MAX_DBGPREFIX characters in the name of this
// .exe, without the extension
cchModule = GetModuleFileName(NULL, szModule1, CCH_MAX_MODULE);
if ((0 != cchModule) && (cchModule < CCH_MAX_MODULE)) { ret = GetFileTitle(szModule1, szModule, sizeof(szModule)); if (0 == ret) { //
// Strip the .exe extension if it exists
cchModule = _tcslen(szModule);
if (cchModule >= 4) // if the name has at least 4 chars
{ if (0 == _tcsicmp(szModule + cchModule - 4, TEXT(".exe"))) { szModule[cchModule - 4] = TEXT('\0'); } }
// Save the module name as the debug prefix
_tcscpy(_szDbgPrefix, szModule); } } }
// Member: CDebugHelp::~CDebugHelp
// Synopsis: Releases resources associated with the CDebugHelp class.
// Sets member variables so the basic functions can work.
// Arguments: None
// Returns: Nothing.
// History: 21-Nov-94 DeanE Created
CDebugHelp::~CDebugHelp() { // Set all member variables to valid default values
_fLogLoc = DH_LOC_TERM; _fTraceLoc = DH_LOC_TERM; _fTraceLvl = DH_LVL_ALWAYS|DH_LVL_ERROR; _fMode = DH_LABMODE;
// Close the log by deleting the log object, if we created it
if (_fCreatedLog) { delete _plog; }
_plog = NULL; }
// Member: CDebugHelp::GetRegDbgInfo
// Synopsis: Initializes CDebugHelp object from the registry. Even
// if errors occur, the object is left in the usable
// default state.
// Arguments: [pszRegKey] - Registy key holding necessary values.
// Returns: S_OK if values read and settings are valid, an error
// code if not.
// History: 21-Nov-94 DeanE Created
HRESULT CDebugHelp::GetRegDbgInfo(LPTSTR pszRegKey) { CRegistryHelp *prhRegKey = NULL; HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; DWORD fLabMode = TRUE; DWORD fBreakMode= FALSE; DWORD fVerbose = FALSE;
// Open the registry key
prhRegKey = new(NullOnFail) CRegistryHelp( #ifndef _MAC
if (FAILED(hr)) { delete prhRegKey; return(hr); }
// Note: From this point, error returns don't mean return an
// error, but set the default and return
// Get Trace Location value
hr = prhRegKey->GetValueDword( NULL, SZ_REG_TRACE_LOC, &_fTraceLoc, REG_DWORD); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { _fTraceLoc = ValidateLoc(_fTraceLoc); }
// Get Log Location value
hr = prhRegKey->GetValueDword( NULL, SZ_REG_LOG_LOC, &_fLogLoc, REG_DWORD); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { _fLogLoc = ValidateLoc(_fLogLoc); }
// Get Trace Level
hr = prhRegKey->GetValueDword( NULL, SZ_REG_TRACE_LVL, &_fTraceLvl, REG_DWORD); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { _fTraceLvl = ValidateLvl(_fTraceLvl) | DH_LVL_ALWAYS | DH_LVL_ERROR; }
// Get Mode
hr = prhRegKey->GetValueDword( NULL, SZ_REG_LABMODE, &fLabMode, REG_DWORD); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && fLabMode) { _fMode = DH_LABMODE; }
hr = prhRegKey->GetValueDword( NULL, SZ_REG_BREAKMODE, &fBreakMode, REG_DWORD); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && fBreakMode) { _fMode |= DH_BREAKMODE; }
hr = prhRegKey->GetValueDword( NULL, SZ_REG_VERBOSE, &fVerbose, REG_DWORD); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && fVerbose) { _fMode |= DH_VERBOSE; }
_fMode = ValidateMode(_fMode);
// Clean up and exit
delete prhRegKey;
hr = S_OK;
return(hr); }
// Member: CDebugHelp::WriteRegDbgInfo
// Synopsis: Write the current state of the CDebugHelp object to
// the registry.
// Arguments: [pszRegKey] - Registy key to write to.
// Returns: S_OK if values written, an error code if not.
// History: 21-Apr-96 Kennethm Created
HRESULT CDebugHelp::WriteRegDbgInfo(LPTSTR pszRegKey) { CRegistryHelp *prhRegKey = NULL; HRESULT hr = E_FAIL;
// Open the registry key
prhRegKey = new(NullOnFail) CRegistryHelp( #ifndef _MAC
if (FAILED(hr)) { delete prhRegKey; return(hr); }
// Write Trace Location value
hr = prhRegKey->SetValueDword( NULL, SZ_REG_TRACE_LOC, _fTraceLoc, REG_DWORD); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
// Write Log Location value
hr = prhRegKey->SetValueDword( NULL, SZ_REG_LOG_LOC, _fLogLoc, REG_DWORD); } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Write Trace Level
hr = prhRegKey->SetValueDword( NULL, SZ_REG_TRACE_LVL, _fTraceLvl, REG_DWORD); } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Write Lab Mode
hr = prhRegKey->SetValueDword( NULL, SZ_REG_LABMODE, _fMode&DH_LABMODE ? TRUE : FALSE, REG_DWORD); } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Write Break Mode
hr = prhRegKey->SetValueDword( NULL, SZ_REG_BREAKMODE, _fMode&DH_BREAKMODE ? TRUE : FALSE, REG_DWORD); } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Write Verbose
hr = prhRegKey->SetValueDword( NULL, SZ_REG_VERBOSE, _fMode&DH_VERBOSE ? TRUE : FALSE, REG_DWORD); }
// Clean up and exit
delete prhRegKey;
return(hr); }
// Member: CDebugHelp::CreateLog, public
// Synopsis: Creates a new log based on the parameters passed.
// Arguments: [argc] - Number of command line args
// [argv] - Command line args
// Returns: S_OK if log created successfully or none is specified,
// E_FAIL if not.
// History: 21-Nov-94 DeanE Created
HRESULT CDebugHelp::CreateLog(int argc, char **argv) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
// Check for existing log
if ((_plog != NULL) && (_fCreatedLog == TRUE)) { delete _plog; }
// Create the new log
_plog = new(NullOnFail) Log(argc, argv, LOG_ANSI); if (NULL == _plog) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } else if (NO_ERROR != _plog->ConfirmCreation()) { delete _plog; hr = E_FAIL; }
// Set _fCreatedLog flag to true so the log will get deleted during
// cleanup (otherwise the calling process must delete it).
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { _fCreatedLog = TRUE; }
return(hr); }
// Member: CDebugHelp::CreateLog, public
// Synopsis: Creates a new log based on the parameters passed.
// Arguments: [paszCmdline] - Windows-style ANSI command line.
// Returns: S_OK if log created successfully or none is specified,
// E_FAIL if not.
// History: 21-Nov-94 DeanE Created
HRESULT CDebugHelp::CreateLog(LPSTR paszCmdline) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; int argc = 0; CHAR **argv = NULL;
// Convert pszCmdline to argc/argv parameters
hr = CmdlineToArgs(paszCmdline, &argc, &argv); if (FAILED(hr)) { return(hr); }
// Check for existing log
if ((_plog != NULL) && (_fCreatedLog == TRUE)) { delete _plog; }
// Create the new log
_plog = new(NullOnFail) Log(argc, argv, LOG_ANSI); if (NULL == _plog) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } else if (NO_ERROR != _plog->ConfirmCreation()) { delete _plog; hr = E_FAIL; }
// Set _fCreatedLog flag to true so the log will get deleted during
// cleanup (otherwise the calling process must delete it).
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { _fCreatedLog = TRUE; }
// Delete the argc/argv command line created by CmdlineToArgs
while (argc > 0) { --argc; delete argv[argc]; }
delete argv;
return(hr); }
// Member: CDebugHelp::SetLog, public
// Synopsis: Sets the log pointer to the one passed. This one should
// not be deleted. Deletes existing log is appropriate. If
// NULL is passed, the old log is deleted and the new log
// is set to NULL (none).
// Arguments: [plog] - Pointer to new log.
// Returns: S_OK if log set successfully, E_FAIL if not.
// History: 21-Nov-94 DeanE Created
HRESULT CDebugHelp::SetLog(Log *plog) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL;
// Make sure new log pointer is valid
if ((NULL == plog) || (FALSE == IsBadReadPtr(plog, sizeof(Log *)))) { // Free old log if we have one
if ((_plog != NULL) && (_fCreatedLog == TRUE)) { delete _plog; }
// Set new log; we should not delete the pointer
_plog = plog; _fCreatedLog = FALSE; hr = S_OK; } else { OutputDebugString(TEXT("Invalid log pointer")); }
return(hr); }
// Member: CDebugHelp::SetDebugInfo, public
// Synopsis: Sets debug information.
// Arguments: [fLogLoc] - New Log Location setting.
// [fTraceLoc] - New Trace Location setting.
// [fTraceLvl] - New Trace Level setting.
// [fMode] - New Mode setting.
// Returns: S_OK
// History: 21-Nov-94 DeanE Created
// 10-Apr-97 SCousens revamp fMode
HRESULT CDebugHelp::SetDebugInfo( DWORD fLogLoc, DWORD fTraceLoc, DWORD fTraceLvl, DWORD fMode) { // Validate New settings
fLogLoc = ValidateLoc(fLogLoc); fTraceLoc = ValidateLoc(fTraceLoc); fTraceLvl = ValidateLvl(fTraceLvl); fMode = ValidateMode(fMode); // Assign new values
if (fLogLoc != DH_LOC_SAME) { _fLogLoc = fLogLoc; } if (fTraceLoc != DH_LOC_SAME) { _fTraceLoc = fTraceLoc; } if (fTraceLvl != DH_LVL_SAME) { _fTraceLvl = DH_LVL_ALWAYS|DH_LVL_ERROR|fTraceLvl; } // Set mode bits, one by one
if ((fMode & DH_LABMODE_SET) || (fMode & DH_BREAKMODE_SET) || (fMode & DH_VERBOSE_SET)) { DWORD fNewMode; fNewMode = fMode & DH_LABMODE_SET ? fMode & DH_LABMODE : _fMode & DH_LABMODE;
fNewMode |= fMode & DH_BREAKMODE_SET ? fMode & DH_BREAKMODE : _fMode & DH_BREAKMODE;
fNewMode |= fMode & DH_VERBOSE_SET ? fMode & DH_VERBOSE : _fMode & DH_VERBOSE;
// mask off the SET bits
_fMode = fNewMode & ~(DH_LABMODE_SET | DH_BREAKMODE_SET | DH_VERBOSE_SET) ; } // Reset the warning flag (in OutputMsg)
_fSpyWarning = FALSE;
return(S_OK); }
// Member: CDebugHelp::SetPopupWindow, public
// Synopsis: Associates the window handle passed with the Assert
// popups that can occur if Lab Mode is set FALSE. Simply
// replaces any existing window handle - does not close
// it, etc.
// Arguments: [hwnd] - New window handle
// Returns: S_OK if set successfully, E_FAIL if not.
// History: 1-Dec-94 DeanE Created
HRESULT CDebugHelp::SetPopupWindow(HWND hwnd) { _hwndAssert = hwnd; return(S_OK); }
// Member: CDebughelp::SetSpyWindowClass, public
// Synopsis: Set the window class that all spy window output will
// go to.
// Arguments: [pszSpyWindowClass] -- pointer to class name
// Returns: S_OK
// Algorithm: If the old spy class is not equal to the default one,
// free up the buffer we allocated. Then create a new
// buffer and copy the new class string into it.
// History: 09-Aug-95 MikeW Created
// Notes: If an error is returned the old class is preserved.
HRESULT CDebugHelp::SetSpyWindowClass(const LPTSTR pszSpyWindowClass) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; LPTSTR pszTemp;
if (_pszSpyWindowClass != SZ_DEFAULT_SPY_WINDOW_CLASS) { delete [] _pszSpyWindowClass; }
pszTemp = new TCHAR[_tcslen(pszSpyWindowClass) + 1];
if (NULL == pszTemp) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } else { _pszSpyWindowClass = pszTemp; _tcscpy(_pszSpyWindowClass, pszSpyWindowClass); }
return S_OK; }
// Member: CDebugHelp::TraceMsg, public
// Synopsis: Outputs the debug string to the current location setting
// if any set bit in the level passed match set bits in the
// global level.
// Arguments: [fLvl] - Trace level.
// [pszFmt] - Trace message format string.
// [...] - Arguments for format string.
// Returns: Nothing.
// History: 20-Oct-93 DeanE Created
// 10-Apr-97 SCousens Spiff up output string on error
void CDebugHelp::TraceMsg(DWORD fLvl, LPTSTR pszFmt, ...) { TCHAR szBuffer[CCH_MAX_DBG_CHARS]; TCHAR szDebug[CCH_MAX_DBG_CHARS + CCH_MAX_DBGPREFIX + CCH_MAX_INDENTPRINT + 6 ]; TCHAR szSpaces[CCH_MAX_INDENTPRINT]; va_list varArgs;
// If the level has DH_LVL_ENTRY in it indent by one
if (fLvl & DH_LVL_ENTRY) { _cIndentLevel++; }
// If all of the bits match, then we will output the string to the
// current location(s)
if ((fLvl & _fTraceLvl) == fLvl) { // Print the caller's string to a buffer
va_start(varArgs, pszFmt); _vsntprintf(szBuffer, CCH_MAX_DBG_CHARS, pszFmt, varArgs); szBuffer[CCH_MAX_DBG_CHARS-1] = chNull; va_end(varArgs);
// Add correct number of space for indentation
lstrcpy(szSpaces, TEXT(" ")); if (_cIndentLevel < CCH_MAX_INDENTPRINT) { szSpaces[_cIndentLevel]=TEXT('\0'); }
// Now prepend it with the debug prefix
_sntprintf(szDebug, CCH_MAX_DBG_CHARS, TEXT("%s: %c %s%s%s"), _szDbgPrefix, DH_LVL_ERROR & fLvl ? chTraceErr : chTrace, szSpaces, DH_LVL_ERROR & fLvl ? szError : szNull, szBuffer); szDebug[CCH_MAX_DBG_CHARS-1] = chNull;
// Now, spit the thing out to the proper places
OutputMsg(_fTraceLoc, szDebug); }
// If the level has DH_LVL_EXIT in it unindent by one
if (fLvl & DH_LVL_EXIT) { _cIndentLevel--; } }
// Member: CDebugHelp::ReportResult, public
// Synopsis: Outputs the test variation and result to the location(s)
// currently specified.
// Arguments: [usResult] - Result of the test
// [pszFmt] - Format of the log message
// [...] - Parameters for message
// Returns: Nothing.
// History: 21-Nov-94 DeanE Created
void CDebugHelp::ReportResult(USHORT usResult, LPTSTR pszFmt, ...) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; TCHAR szFmtBuffer[CCH_MAX_LOG_CHARS]; TCHAR szLogBuffer[CCH_MAX_LOG_CHARS]; va_list varArgs;
// format variable arg list into a buffer.
va_start(varArgs, pszFmt); _vsntprintf(szFmtBuffer, CCH_MAX_LOG_CHARS, pszFmt, varArgs); szFmtBuffer[CCH_MAX_LOG_CHARS-1] = chNull; va_end(varArgs);
// Set up log buffer. Truncate any extra chars.
_sntprintf(szLogBuffer, CCH_MAX_LOG_CHARS, TEXT("%s: %s"), GetResultText(usResult), szFmtBuffer); szLogBuffer[CCH_MAX_LOG_CHARS-1] = chNull;
// Send it out
OutputMsg(_fLogLoc, szLogBuffer); }
// Member: CDebugHelp::ReportStats, public
// Synopsis: Outputs statistics about test variations run so far,
// such as #tests run, #passed, #failed, etc to the Log
// Location (_fLogLoc).
// Arguments: None.
// Returns: Nothing.
// History: 21-Nov-94 DeanE Created
void CDebugHelp::ReportStats() { TCHAR szBuffer[CCH_MAX_LOG_CHARS];
_sntprintf(szBuffer, CCH_MAX_LOG_CHARS, TEXT("Summary--> Passed: %lu ; Failed: %lu ; Aborted: %lu"), _cPass, _cFail, _cAbort); szBuffer[CCH_MAX_LOG_CHARS-1] = chNull;
OutputMsg(_fLogLoc, szBuffer); }
// Member: CDebugHelp::LabAssertEx, public
// Synopsis: Produces an assert message to the current debug
// location(s) or to a dialog box, if running in non-Lab
// mode.
// Arguments: [szFile] - File assert occurred in.
// [nLine] - Line assert occurred.
// [nszMsg] - Assert message.
// Returns: Nothing.
// History: 20-Oct-93 DeanE Created
void CDebugHelp::LabAssertEx(LPCTSTR szFile, int nLine, LPCTSTR szMsg) { TCHAR szBuffer[CCH_MAX_ASSERT_CHARS]; int nAnswer;
_sntprintf(szBuffer, CCH_MAX_ASSERT_CHARS, TEXT("Assert!!! File: %s, Line: %d, %s\n"), szFile, nLine, szMsg); szBuffer[CCH_MAX_ASSERT_CHARS-1] = chNull;
// always spew
OutputMsg(_fTraceLoc, szBuffer);
// if labmode, popup
if (FALSE == (_fMode & DH_LABMODE)) { nAnswer = MessageBox( _hwndAssert, szBuffer, TEXT("CT OLE Assert"), MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_OKCANCEL); if (IDCANCEL==nAnswer) { DebugBreak(); } } // if break, break
else if (FALSE != (_fMode & DH_BREAKMODE)) { DebugBreak(); } }
// Member: CDebugHelp::CheckResult, public
// Synopsis: Compares the hr passed in with expected hr passed in
// Arguments: [hrCheck] - Result to check.
// [hrExpected] - Result expected.
// [pszFuncName] - Name of the current function
// [pszMsg] - Debug message if result not in list passed.
// [nLine] - __LINE__ macro
// [pszFile] - __FILE__ macro
// Returns: Nothing.
// History: 12-Aug-94 KennethM Created
// 1-Dec-94 DeanE Incorporated into CDebugHelp class
// 12-Apr-95 KennethM Only checks against S_OK
// 10-Apr-97 SCousens Check against errors also
HRESULT CDebugHelp::CheckResult (HRESULT hrCheck, HRESULT hrExpected, LPTSTR pszFuncName, LPTSTR pszMsg, int nLine, LPTSTR pszFile) { TCHAR szAssertBuf[CCH_MAX_ASSERT_CHARS]; TCHAR szAssertTitle[CCH_MAX_ASSERT_CHARS]; TCHAR szMsgBuffer[CCH_MAX_ASSERT_CHARS]; DWORD cchMsgBuffer = 0; int nAnswer; HRESULT hr = S_OK;
// If _dwExpectedError is set, then someone up the call chain
// wants us to ignore that error code, even if our direct caller
// does not. If the incoming error code matches _dwExpectedError,
// then ignore it and return.
if ( ( _hrExpectedError != S_OK ) && ( hrCheck == _hrExpectedError ) ) { return S_OK; }
// figure out if we have a problem
if (hrCheck != hrExpected) { if (FAILED(hrCheck)) { hr = hrCheck; } else { hr = E_FAIL; } }
// No problem, prepare to bail
if (S_OK == hr) { // if we are verbose, call tracemsg
if (FALSE != (DH_VERBOSE & _fMode)) { TraceMsg(DH_LVL_ALWAYS, S_OK == hrExpected ? // different output if HRCHECK
TEXT("%s; %s; ok") : TEXT("%s; %s; hr=%#lx; ok"), pszFuncName, pszMsg, hrCheck); } return hr; }
// Get the text for the HRESULT from the system
cchMsgBuffer = FormatMessage( FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, NULL, hrCheck, GetSystemDefaultLangID(), szMsgBuffer, CCH_MAX_ASSERT_CHARS, NULL); szMsgBuffer[CCH_MAX_ASSERT_CHARS-1] = chNull;
if (0 == cchMsgBuffer) { _sntprintf( szMsgBuffer, CCH_MAX_ASSERT_CHARS, TEXT("Error 0x%08x"), hrCheck); } else // zap any \r\n from the FormatMessage
{ while ('\r' == szMsgBuffer[cchMsgBuffer-1] || '\n' == szMsgBuffer[cchMsgBuffer-1]) { szMsgBuffer[--cchMsgBuffer] = chNull; } }
// Output to Trace Location
TraceMsg(DH_LVL_ERROR, S_OK == hrExpected ? // different output if HRCHECK
TEXT("%s; %s; hr=%lx; %s") : TEXT("%s; %s; hr=%lx;"), pszFuncName, pszMsg, hr, szMsgBuffer); // If we are comparing against failure, show what we expected and got.
if (S_OK != hrExpected) { TraceMsg(DH_LVL_ALWAYS, TEXT("+ hr Expected:%#lx; Got:%#lx; %s"), hrExpected, hrCheck, szMsgBuffer); } TraceMsg(DH_LVL_ALWAYS, TEXT("+ File:%s; Line:%d"), pszFile, nLine);
// labmode - display an error popup
if (FALSE == (_fMode & DH_LABMODE)) { _sntprintf(szAssertBuf, CCH_MAX_ASSERT_CHARS, TEXT("%s : hr=%#lx : Expected %#lx\n%s\n"), pszMsg, hrCheck, hrExpected, szMsgBuffer); szAssertBuf[CCH_MAX_ASSERT_CHARS-1] = chNull;
_sntprintf(szAssertTitle, CCH_MAX_ASSERT_CHARS, TEXT("CT OLE - %s Error"), _szDbgPrefix); szAssertTitle[CCH_MAX_ASSERT_CHARS-1] = chNull;
// Do we want to debug this?
nAnswer = MessageBox( _hwndAssert, szAssertBuf, szAssertTitle, MB_ICONSTOP | MB_OKCANCEL); // yes we do?
if (IDCANCEL==nAnswer) { DebugBreak(); } } // break mode, break into the debugger
else if (FALSE != (_fMode & DH_BREAKMODE)) { DebugBreak(); } return hr; }
// Member: CDebugHelp::SetExpectedError, public
// Synopsis: Disables error logging for the specified error code.
// Arguments: [hrExpectedError] - Error code to disable. Pass S_OK
// for no expected errors.
// Returns: Nothing.
// History: 16-Sep-97 BWill Created
// Notes: -- Use this call to temporarily disable error logging
// in client code.
// -- Call this function with S_OK to enable all checks.
// cdbghelp.hxx.
void CDebugHelp::SetExpectedError( HRESULT hrExpectedError ) { _hrExpectedError = hrExpectedError; }
// Member: CDebugHelp::ValidateLoc, private
// Synopsis: Checks the location flag passed to insure it is a legal
// value.
// Arguments: [fLoc] - Location flag to check.
// Returns: Legal version of what we were to check.
// History: 21-Nov-94 DeanE Created
// 10-Apr-97 SCousens Return legal value
DWORD CDebugHelp::ValidateLoc(DWORD fLoc) { // Get what we can out of supplied location
return (DH_LOC_VALID & fLoc); }
// Member: CDebugHelp::ValidateLvl, private
// Synopsis: Checks the Trace Level flag passed to insure it is a
// legal value.
// Arguments: [fLvl] - Trace Level to check.
// Returns: Legal version of what we were to check.
// History: 21-Nov-94 DeanE Created
// 10-Apr-97 SCousens Return legal value
DWORD CDebugHelp::ValidateLvl(DWORD fLvl) { // Make sure a valid setting is passed
return (~DH_LVL_INVMASK & fLvl); }
// Member: CDebugHelp::ValidateMode, private
// Synopsis: Checks the Lab Mode flag passed to insure it is a
// legal value.
// Arguments: [fMode] - Flag to check.
// Returns: Legal version of what we were to check.
// History: 21-Nov-94 DeanE Created
// 10-Apr-97 SCousens Return legal value
DWORD CDebugHelp::ValidateMode(DWORD fMode) { return (fMode & (~DH_INVMODE)); }
// Member: CDebugHelp::SetStats, private
// Synopsis: Sets stats based on result
// Arguments: [usResult] - Result to add.
// Returns: nothing.
// History: 20-Oct-93 DeanE Created
VOID CDebugHelp::SetStats(USHORT usResult) {
switch (usResult) { case LOG_PASS: _cPass++; break;
case LOG_FAIL: _cFail++; break;
case LOG_ABORT: _cAbort++; break;
default: // do nothing.
break; } }
// Member: CDebugHelp::GetResultText, private
// Synopsis: Determines the correct text to printf for the result code
// passed. Result code corresponds to LogServer result codes.
// Arguments: [usResult] - Result to look up.
// Returns: Pointer to output string corresponding to the result
// code passed (ie "PASSED" for LOG_PASS).
// History: 21-Nov-94 DeanE Created
LPCTSTR CDebugHelp::GetResultText(USHORT usResult) { LPCTSTR szResult = NULL; TCHAR szAssert[CCH_MAX_DBG_CHARS];
switch (usResult) { case LOG_PASS: szResult = szPass; break;
case LOG_FAIL: szResult = szFail; break;
case LOG_ABORT: szResult = szAbort; break;
case LOG_WARN: szResult = szWarn; break;
case LOG_INFO: szResult = szInfo; break;
default: szResult = szInvalid; _sntprintf(szAssert, CCH_MAX_DBG_CHARS, TEXT("Invalid Test Result=%ld"), usResult); szAssert[CCH_MAX_DBG_CHARS-1] = chNull; LabAssertEx(TEXT(__FILE__), __LINE__, szAssert); break; }
return(szResult); }
// Member: CDebugHelp::OutputMsg, private
// Synopsis: Outputs the buffer to the locations specified.
// Location, log, and buffer are all assumed to be valid,
// so no error checking is done.
// Arguments: [fLoc] - Location(s) to output buffer to.
// [pszBuffer] - Buffer to output.
// Returns: Nothing.
// History: 21-Nov-94 DeanE Created
// 08-Mar-95 MikeW Added DH_LOC_SPYWIN stuff
void CDebugHelp::OutputMsg(DWORD fLoc, LPTSTR pszBuffer) { CHAR szLogBuf[CCH_MAX_LOG_CHARS];
if (fLoc & DH_LOC_TERM) { OutputDebugString(pszBuffer); OutputDebugString(szNewLine); }
if (fLoc & DH_LOC_STDOUT) { _tprintf(TEXT("%s\n"), pszBuffer); }
if (fLoc & DH_LOC_LOG) { if (FALSE == IsBadReadPtr(_plog, sizeof(Log *))) { // Buffer must be ANSI regardless of platform
#ifdef UNICODE
_snprintf(szLogBuf, CCH_MAX_LOG_CHARS, "%ls", pszBuffer); #else
_snprintf(szLogBuf, CCH_MAX_LOG_CHARS, "%s", pszBuffer); #endif
szLogBuf[CCH_MAX_LOG_CHARS-1] = chNull; _plog->WriteData(szLogBuf); } else { // Trying to write to log that doesn't exist!
OutputDebugString(TEXT("CDebugHelp: Unable to write to Log File!\n")); } }
if (fLoc & DH_LOC_SPYWIN) { HWND hWndSpy;
hWndSpy = FindWindow(_pszSpyWindowClass, NULL);
if (NULL != hWndSpy) { SendMessage(hWndSpy, LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM) pszBuffer); SendMessage(hWndSpy, LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM) szCRLF); } else if (FALSE == _fSpyWarning) { //only spew this once, till someone changes the settings.
_fSpyWarning = TRUE; // Unable to find SpyWindow
OutputDebugString(TEXT("CDebugHelp: Spy Window not found!\n")); } } }
// Function: InitializeDebugObject
// Synopsis: Initialize the debug helper (trace levels, etc.)
// Arguments: (none)
// Returns: S_OK if all went well
// S_FALSE if we encountered /? and spewed and bailed.
// History: 29-Apr-05 kennethm Created
// 09-Aug-95 MikeW Override defaults w/ command line
// 10-Apr-97 SCousens move into CDebugHelp
HRESULT CDebugHelp::Initialize() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; int nRet;
LPTSTR pszSpyClass = NULL;
CUlongCmdlineObj cmdTraceLvl (OLESTR("tracelvl"), OLESTR("Trace levels")); CUlongCmdlineObj cmdTraceLoc (OLESTR("traceloc"), OLESTR("Trace output")); CUlongCmdlineObj cmdLogLoc (OLESTR("logloc"), OLESTR("Log output")); CBoolCmdlineObj cmdDebugUI (OLESTR("DebugUI"), OLESTR("Popup debug dialog"), OLESTR("FALSE")); CBoolCmdlineObj cmdLabMode (OLESTR("labmode"), OLESTR("Popup on error"), OLESTR("FALSE")); CBoolCmdlineObj cmdBreak (OLESTR("breakmode"), OLESTR("Break on error"), OLESTR("FALSE")); CBoolCmdlineObj cmdVerbose (OLESTR("verbose"), OLESTR("Trace HRCHECK for a noisy log"), OLESTR("FALSE")); CBaseCmdlineObj cmdSpyClass (OLESTR("spyclass"), OLESTR("Classname for Spy Window")); CCmdline cmdlineArgs;
CBaseCmdlineObj *aPossCmdline[] = { &cmdTraceLvl, &cmdTraceLoc, &cmdLogLoc, &cmdDebugUI, &cmdLabMode, &cmdVerbose, &cmdBreak, &cmdSpyClass };
// Read the debug options from the registry
hr = GetRegDbgInfo (DEFAULT_REG_LOC);
// Now that we have the defaults from the registry read the command
// line to over-ride them.
if (hr == S_OK) { //
// Make sure there were no errors starting up the cmd line objects
nRet = cmdlineArgs.QueryError(); if (nRet != CMDLINE_NO_ERROR) { hr = E_FAIL; TraceMsg (DH_LVL_ERROR, TEXT("cmdlineArgs.QueryError")); } }
if (hr == S_OK) { //
// Now parse the command line
nRet = cmdlineArgs.Parse(aPossCmdline, sizeof(aPossCmdline)/sizeof(CBaseCmdlineObj *), FALSE); if (nRet != CMDLINE_NO_ERROR) { hr = E_FAIL; TraceMsg (DH_LVL_ERROR, TEXT("cmdlineArgs.Parse")); } }
if (hr == S_OK) { DWORD dwLogLoc = DH_LOC_SAME; DWORD dwTraceLoc = DH_LOC_SAME; DWORD dwTraceLvl = DH_LVL_SAME; DWORD dwMode = 0;
if (cmdLabMode.IsFound()) { dwMode = *cmdLabMode.GetValue () ? DH_LABMODE_ON : DH_LABMODE_OFF; } if (cmdVerbose.IsFound()) { dwMode |= *cmdVerbose.GetValue () ? DH_VERBOSE_ON : DH_VERBOSE_OFF; } if (cmdBreak.IsFound()) { dwMode |= *cmdBreak.GetValue () ? DH_BREAKMODE_ON : DH_BREAKMODE_OFF; } if (cmdTraceLvl.IsFound()) { dwTraceLvl = *cmdTraceLvl.GetValue(); } if (cmdTraceLoc.IsFound()) { dwTraceLoc = *cmdTraceLoc.GetValue(); } if (cmdLogLoc.IsFound()) { dwLogLoc = *cmdLogLoc.GetValue(); } SetDebugInfo( \ dwLogLoc, \ dwTraceLoc, \ dwTraceLvl, \ dwMode);
if (cmdSpyClass.IsFound()) { OleStringToTString(cmdSpyClass.GetValue(), &pszSpyClass);
if (NULL != pszSpyClass) { SetSpyWindowClass (pszSpyClass); delete [] pszSpyClass; } } if (cmdDebugUI.IsFound()) { HRESULT hr2 = OptionsDialog (GetModuleHandle (NULL), GetActiveWindow ()); if (FAILED(hr2)) { TraceMsg (DH_LVL_ERROR, TEXT("DialogBoxParam failed; hr=%#x. (Is dlg in res?)"), hr2); } } }
return hr; }
// Member: CEntryExitTrace::CEntryExitTrace
// Synopsis: Displays a debug line saying the current function is being
// entered. Saves the information so it can be displayed
// when the destructor is called.
// Arguments: [pDebugObject] -- The parent debug log object
// [plExitOutput] -- The 32 value to display on exit (can be
// NULL)
// [fLvl] -- The trace level of this function
// [pszFuncName] -- The name of this function
// Returns:
// History: 4-10-95 kennethm Created
// Notes:
CEntryExitTrace::CEntryExitTrace( CDebugHelp *pDebugObject, PLONG plExitOutput, DWORD fLvl, LPTSTR pszFuncName) { // Save the paramters
_pDebugObject = pDebugObject; _plExitOutput = plExitOutput; _pszFuncName = pszFuncName; _fLvl = fLvl;
// Display the trace information
_pDebugObject->TraceMsg( (_fLvl | DH_LVL_ENTRY), TEXT("%s _IN"), _pszFuncName); }
// Member: CEntryExitTrace::~CEntryExitTrace
// Synopsis: Destructor. Display a trace output line
// Arguments: (none)
// Returns:
// History: 4-17-95 kennethm Created
// Notes:
CEntryExitTrace::~CEntryExitTrace(void) { // Display the trace information
if (_plExitOutput != NULL) { _pDebugObject->TraceMsg( (_fLvl | DH_LVL_EXIT), TEXT("%s _OUT:%#08lx"), _pszFuncName, *_plExitOutput); } else { _pDebugObject->TraceMsg( (_fLvl | DH_LVL_EXIT), TEXT("%s _OUT"), _pszFuncName); } }