Copyright (c) 1989-1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name: analysis.hxx
Defines the control block class used during optimsation/codegen analysis.
This class keeps code gen analysis information while the analysis is in progress.
VibhasC Jul-25-1993 Created
----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifndef __ANAINFO_HXX__
#define __ANAINFO_HXX__
* include files ***************************************************************************/ #include "nulldefs.h"
extern "C" { #include <stdio.h>
#include "common.hxx"
#include "cgcommon.hxx"
// #include "optprop.hxx"
#include "opinfo.hxx"
#include "resdict.hxx"
#include "uact.hxx"
* local definitions ***************************************************************************/
extern short TempResourceCounter;
The analysis phase is the first phase of the code generation process. This phase figures out:
1. data offsets in the buffer, 2. local variable allocations, 3. alignment needs, actions, 4. Total or worst case buffer size requirements, 5. ability of the parameter to be marshalled by the engine, 6. need for auxillary routines and what auxillary routines, etc
This consists of 1 pass and information is set up during descent and the subsequent ascent. Pointees are deferred in the ndr and the analysis phase mimics that.
In short, the analysis phase does what the code generator would do, except emit the code. The walk is determined by the ndr representation for a type.
A pointer to one analysis block instance is passed during the analysis walk. Each cg class knows what to do with information in the analysis block.
A word about resources. Local variables are treated by the code generator as local resources. These are special expression-derived classes which have names and usually locations associated with them. A resource may be a parameter resource in which case it will appear as a parameter, a local resource, in which case it appears as a local variable.
The analyser may decide to allocate local resources based on need as a result of the analysis. Some resources are pre-known to the code generator and they are known as standard resources. The names and locations of these are fixed. For example the buffer pointer variable is _always_ a local resource. Similarly the rpc message pointer is _always_ a param resource for the server stub. ***************************************************************************/
// Enumerations of the analysis phase. Names are self-explanatory.
// This last enum actually defines a count of the number of phases
// defined for the purposes of allocation of arrays for analysis info
// if necessary.
// The big guy ! This is the analysis information manager.
// An implementation note: Try to keep bit fields together. All bit fields
// so far have been defined as unsigned longs, so keeping them together will
// enable the compiler to coalesce them into a long. Different compiler
// implementations may do a good or bad job.
class CG_NDR; class ANALYSIS_INFO { private:
// Miscellaneous properties like checking for ref parameters etc are
// kept here. The presence of at least one such property indicates that
// the stub must check for the validity of such parameters.
MISC_PROPERTY fMiscProperties : 1;
// Inherited property specifies that the child node must assume memory
// allocation done for it. The lower nodes use this info to figure out if
// they need to allocate memory and local variable pointers to this memory
// if necessary.
unsigned long fMemoryAllocDone: 1;
// Is a reference allocated for the lower types ?
unsigned long fRefAllocDone : 1;
// Is the ref chain from top-level params intact ?
unsigned long fRefChainIntact : 1;
// Flag indicating a return context.
unsigned long fReturnContext : 1;
// Flag indicating if pointees need to be deferred.
unsigned long fDeferPointee : 1;
// Flag indicating presence of at least one deferred pointee.
unsigned long fAtLeastOneDeferredPointee: 1;
// Inherited property that specifies if lower nodes must assume rpc buffer
// re-use. Rpc buffer re-use is not possible for dont_free params/types.
unsigned long fDontReUseBuffer: 1;
unsigned long fArrayContext : 1;
// The compiler mode.
unsigned long Mode : 2;
// Rpc ss allocate recommendation.
unsigned long fRpcSSAllocateRecommended : 1;
unsigned long fRpcSSSwitchSet : 1;
// These fields specify the allocation info for server side parameters.
// S_AllocLocation specifies if the allocation is on the stack or heap
// or the allocation is not needed (if buffer is being re-used). The
// S_AllocType specifies what the allocation would be: a pointer to the
// type in question or the type itself. The S_InitNeed specifies if the
// param needs to be inited by the server stub on entry. These are
// inherited properties.
S_STUB_ALLOC_LOCATION S_AllocLocation : 2;
S_STUB_ALLOC_TYPE S_AllocType : 2;
S_STUB_INIT_NEED S_InitNeed : 2;
// The current analysis phase.
// The current side.
SIDE Side;
// The current set of optimisation switches. This is a transformed form of
// optimisation options that the user specified. This helps decide what
// code generation actions to take. For example an option may specify that
// a procedure needs to be interpreted, so we dont need to call the normal
// code generator.
OPTIM_OPTION OptimOptions;
// The Resource dictionaries are maitained in a resource dictionary
// data base.
// The current embedding context. We increment this to indicate if we are
// in a top level or embedded context.
short EmbeddingLevel;
// This indicates the ptr indirection level. Each pointer must note its
// indirection level and then bump this field to indicate to the next
// pointer its (that pointer's) level.
short IndirectionLevel;
// Set unmarshalling action code.
// Last placeholder class (like param / field / return etc)
CG_NDR * pLastPlaceholderClass;
// Init the state of this analysis block. This call resets the
// alignment state machine, buffer size properties etc. This is called
// ONCE per procedure per stub side.
void Reset();
// Simple set and get functions.
void SetRpcSSSwitchSet( BOOL f) { fRpcSSSwitchSet = f; }
BOOL IsRpcSSSwitchSet() { return fRpcSSSwitchSet; }
void SetRpcSSAllocateRecommended( unsigned long f ) { fRpcSSAllocateRecommended = f; }
BOOL IsRpcSSAllocateRecommended() { return (BOOL)(fRpcSSAllocateRecommended == 1); }
void SetMode( unsigned long M ) { Mode = M; } unsigned long GetMode() { return Mode; }
CG_NDR * SetLastPlaceholderClass( CG_NDR * pLP ) { return pLastPlaceholderClass = pLP; } CG_NDR * GetLastPlaceholderClass() { return pLastPlaceholderClass; }
unsigned long SetHasAtLeastOneDeferredPointee() { return (fAtLeastOneDeferredPointee = 1); }
unsigned long ResetHasAtLeastOneDeferredPointee() { return (fAtLeastOneDeferredPointee = 0); }
unsigned long SetDeferPointee() { return (fDeferPointee = 1); }
unsigned long ResetDeferPointee() { return (fDeferPointee = 0); }
unsigned long SetReturnContext() { return (fReturnContext = 1); } unsigned long ResetReturnContext() { return (fReturnContext = 0); }
unsigned long SetRefChainIntact() { return (fRefChainIntact = 1); } unsigned long ResetRefChainIntact() { return (fRefChainIntact = 0); }
short ResetEmbeddingLevel() { return (EmbeddingLevel = 0); }
// bumps up embedding level, but returns the old one.
short PushEmbeddingLevel() { return EmbeddingLevel++; }
// pops embedding level but returns the current one.
short PopEmbeddingLevel() { if( IndirectionLevel > 0 ) return IndirectionLevel--; else return IndirectionLevel; }
short GetCurrentEmbeddingLevel() { return EmbeddingLevel; }
short SetCurrentEmbeddingLevel( short E) { return (EmbeddingLevel = E); }
short ResetIndirectionLevel() { return (IndirectionLevel = 0); }
// This pushes the indirection level, but returns the current one.
short PushIndirectionLevel() { return IndirectionLevel++; }
// This pops the indirection Level but returns the current one.
short PopIndirectionLevel() { if( IndirectionLevel > 0 ) return IndirectionLevel--; else return IndirectionLevel; }
short GetCurrentIndirectionLevel() { return IndirectionLevel; }
S_STUB_ALLOC_LOCATION SetSStubAllocLocation( S_STUB_ALLOC_LOCATION L ) { return (S_AllocLocation = L); }
S_STUB_ALLOC_LOCATION GetSStubAllocLocation() { return S_AllocLocation; }
S_STUB_ALLOC_TYPE SetSStubAllocType( S_STUB_ALLOC_TYPE T ) { return (S_AllocType = T); }
S_STUB_ALLOC_TYPE GetSStubAllocType() { return S_AllocType; }
S_STUB_INIT_NEED SetSStubInitNeed( S_STUB_INIT_NEED N ) { return (S_InitNeed = N); }
S_STUB_INIT_NEED GetSStubInitNeed() { return S_InitNeed; }
short ResetTempResourceCounter() { return (TempResourceCounter = 0); }
short GetTempResourceCounter() { return TempResourceCounter; }
short BumpTempResourceCounter() { return (++TempResourceCounter); }
void SetDontReUseBuffer() { fDontReUseBuffer = 1; }
void ResetDontReUseBuffer() { fDontReUseBuffer = 0; }
void SetMemoryAllocDone() { fMemoryAllocDone = 1; }
void ResetMemoryAllocDone() { fMemoryAllocDone = 0; }
void SetRefAllocDone() { fRefAllocDone = 1; }
void ResetRefAllocDone() { fRefAllocDone = 0; }
ANAPHASE SetCurrentPhase( ANAPHASE P ) { return (Phase = P); }
ANAPHASE GetCurrentPhase() { return Phase; }
SIDE SetCurrentSide( SIDE P ) { return (Side = P); }
SIDE GetCurrentSide() { return Side; }
OPTIM_OPTION SetOptimOption( OPTIM_OPTION Op ) { return (OptimOptions |= Op); } OPTIM_OPTION GetOptimOption() { return OptimOptions; }
void ClearOptimOptions() { OptimOptions = OPTIMIZE_NONE; }
MISC_PROPERTY SetMiscProperties( MISC_PROPERTY M ) { return (fMiscProperties = M); }
MISC_PROPERTY GetMiscProperties() { return fMiscProperties; }
void SetArrayContext() { fArrayContext = 1; } void ResetArrayContext() { fArrayContext = 0; } BOOL IsArrayContext() { return (BOOL)(fArrayContext == 1); }
RESOURCE_DICT_DATABASE * SetResDictDatabase( RESOURCE_DICT_DATABASE * p ) { return ( pResDictDatabase = p ); }
RESOURCE_DICT_DATABASE * GetResDictDatabase() { return pResDictDatabase; }
// Set the analysis block ready for the next parameter on server side.
void S_ResetForNextParam( ) { ResetMemoryAllocDone(); ResetRefAllocDone(); ResetDontReUseBuffer(); ResetEmbeddingLevel(); ResetIndirectionLevel(); }
// Queries.
BOOL ShouldNotReUseBuffer() { return (BOOL)(fDontReUseBuffer == 1); } BOOL IsMemoryAllocDone() { return (BOOL)(fMemoryAllocDone == 1); }
BOOL IsRefAllocDone() { return (fRefAllocDone == 1); }
BOOL IsRefChainIntact() { return (fRefChainIntact == 1); }
BOOL IsReturnContext() { return (fReturnContext == 1); }
BOOL HasAtLeastOneDeferredPointee() { return (fAtLeastOneDeferredPointee == 1); }
BOOL IsPointeeDeferred() { return (fDeferPointee == 1); }
// Should we optimize for size ?
BOOL ShouldOptimizeSize() { return (BOOL) ((OptimOptions & OPTIMIZE_SIZE) == OPTIMIZE_SIZE ); }
BOOL ShouldOptimizeInterpreter() { return (BOOL) ((OptimOptions & OPTIMIZE_INTERPRETER) == OPTIMIZE_INTERPRETER ); }
// Should we generate code to check for a null ref pointer in the client
// stubs ?
BOOL ShouldCheckRef() { return (BOOL) ((OptimOptions & OPTIMIZE_NO_REF_CHECK) == 0 ); }
// Should we generate code to check for array bound attributes like
// size_is, length_is etc in the stubs ?
BOOL ShouldCheckBounds() { return (BOOL) ((OptimOptions & OPTIMIZE_NO_BOUNDS_CHECK)== 0 ); }
// miscellaneous methods.
RESOURCE * AddParamResource( PNAME pResName, node_skl *pT ) { return DoAddResource( pResDictDatabase-> GetParamResourceDict(), pResName, pT ); }
RESOURCE * GetParamResource( PNAME pResName ) { return pResDictDatabase-> GetLocalResourceDict()->Search( pResName ); }
RESOURCE * AddLocalResource( PNAME pResName, node_skl *pT ) { return DoAddResource( pResDictDatabase-> GetLocalResourceDict(), pResName, pT ); }
RESOURCE * GetLocalResource( PNAME pResName ) { return pResDictDatabase-> GetLocalResourceDict()->Search( pResName ); }
RESOURCE * AddGlobalResource( PNAME pResName, node_skl *pT ) { return DoAddResource( pResDictDatabase-> GetGlobalResourceDict(), pResName, pT ); }
RESOURCE * GetGlobalResource( PNAME pResName ) { return pResDictDatabase-> GetGlobalResourceDict()->Search( pResName ); }
RESOURCE * AddTransientResource( PNAME pResName, node_skl *pT ) { return DoAddResource( pResDictDatabase-> GetTransientResourceDict(), pResName, pT ); }
RESOURCE * GetTransientResource( PNAME pResName ) { return pResDictDatabase-> GetTransientResourceDict()->Search( pResName ); }
void ClearTransientResourceDict() { pResDictDatabase-> GetTransientResourceDict()->Clear(); } //
// This method does the actual insertion into the resource dictionary.
// This method will also check for a resource of the same name already
// present and in that case will not add.
RESOURCE * DoAddResource( RESOURCE_DICT * pResDict, PNAME pName, node_skl * pType );
// This method makes it slightly easier to add standard resources whose
// types are known. This is to save various portions of the back end
// not having to bother about the type part of the standard resources,
// and this knowledge makes the need to know about the type to one
// implementation module.
RESOURCE * AddStandardResource( STANDARD_RES_ID ResID );
// Generate the name for a temporary resource.
PNAME GenTempResourceName( char * pPrefix );
PNAME GenTRNameOffLastParam( char * pPrefix );
// Set the unmarshalling action recommendation stuff.
unsigned short SetAllocNeed( unsigned short A ) { return UAction.SetAllocNeed( A ); } unsigned short GetAllocNeed() { return UAction.GetAllocNeed(); } unsigned short SetRefAction( unsigned short R ) { return UAction.SetRefAction( R ); } unsigned short GetRefAction() { return UAction.GetRefAction(); } unsigned short SetUnMarAction( unsigned short U ) { return UAction.SetUnMarAction( U ); } unsigned short GetUnMarAction() { return UAction.GetUnMarAction(); } unsigned short SetPresentedExprAction( unsigned short P ) { return UAction.SetPresentedExprAction( P ); } unsigned short GetPresentedExprAction() { return UAction.GetPresentedExprAction(); } void SetUAction( unsigned short A, unsigned short R, unsigned short U, unsigned short P ) { UAction.SetUAction( A, R, U, P ); }
U_ACTION SetUAction( U_ACTION UA ) { return UAction.SetUAction( UA ); }
void Dump( ANAPHASE ); #endif // MIDL_INTERNAL
#endif // __ANAINFO_HXX__