Copyright (c) 1989-1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name: paddict.cxx
Implement a counted dictionary class.
Implements a dictionary for handling padding expressions for unknown represent as data types.
Implements a dictionary for handling sizing macro for unknown represent as data types.
Implements Quintuple dictionary for registering all type names for both transmit_as and represent_as.
Implements Quadruple dictionary for handling usr_marshal.
Jan 25, 1994 RyszardK Created
#include "becls.hxx"
#pragma hdrstop
#include "typecls.hxx"
// CountedDictionary class.
unsigned short CountedDictionary::GetListOfItems( ITERATOR& ListIter ) /*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Routine Description:
Get a list of dict items into the specified iterator.
Arguments: ListIter - A reference to the iterator class where the list is accumulated.
Return Value: A count of the number of dictionary elements.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ { Dict_Status Status; void * pR; short Count = 0; //
// Get to the top of the dictionary.
Status = Dict_Next( (pUserType) 0 );
// Iterate till the entire dictionary is done.
while( SUCCESS == Status ) { pR = Dict_Curr_Item(); ITERATOR_INSERT( ListIter, pR ); Count++; Status = Dict_Next( pR ); }
return Count; }
void * CountedDictionary::GetFirst() { Dict_Status Status; void * pFirst = 0;
Status = Dict_Next( 0 );
if ( Status == SUCCESS ) pFirst = Dict_Curr_Item();
return( pFirst ); }
void * CountedDictionary::GetNext() { Dict_Status Status; void *pCurr, *pNext = 0;
pCurr = Dict_Curr_Item();
if ( pCurr ) { Status = Dict_Next( pCurr ); if ( Status == SUCCESS ) pNext = Dict_Curr_Item(); }
return( pNext ); }
SSIZE_T CountedDictionary::Compare( pUserType pE1, pUserType pE2 ) /*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Routine Description:
Compare two Counted types. Defaults to string comparison.
Return Value: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ { return( strcmp( (char *)pE1, (char *)pE2) ); }
void RepAsPadExprDict::Register( unsigned long Offset, node_skl * pStructType, char * pFieldName, node_skl * pPrevFieldType ) /*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Routine Description:
Adds a padding expression description to the dictionary
Offset - offset of the padding field pPaddingExpr - text of the expression to be printed out ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ { Dict_Status Status;
pEntry->KeyOffset = Offset; pEntry->pStructType = pStructType; pEntry->pFieldName = pFieldName; pEntry->pPrevFieldType = pPrevFieldType;
Status = Dict_Find( pEntry );
switch( Status ) { case EMPTY_DICTIONARY: case ITEM_NOT_FOUND:
Dict_Insert( pEntry ); EntryCount++; break;
default: // The only reason for an entry (offset) to be used already
// would be that the otimization has shrunk the format string.
// This means that the old entry should be deleted.
pOldEntry = (REP_AS_PAD_EXPR_DESC *)Dict_Curr_Item();
Dict_Delete( (pUserType *) &pOldEntry ); Dict_Insert( pEntry ); break; } return; }
SSIZE_T RepAsPadExprDict::Compare( pUserType pE1, pUserType pE2 ) /*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Routine Description:
Compare pad expr descriptors. KeyOffset is the key that orders the entries.
Return Value: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ { if( ((REP_AS_PAD_EXPR_DESC *)pE1)->KeyOffset < ((REP_AS_PAD_EXPR_DESC *)pE2)->KeyOffset ) return( -1 ); else if( ((REP_AS_PAD_EXPR_DESC *)pE1)->KeyOffset > ((REP_AS_PAD_EXPR_DESC *)pE2)->KeyOffset ) return( 1 ); else return( 0 ); }
REP_AS_PAD_EXPR_DESC * RepAsPadExprDict::GetFirst() { Dict_Status Status; REP_AS_PAD_EXPR_DESC * pFirst = 0;
Status = Dict_Next( 0 );
if ( Status == SUCCESS ) pFirst = (REP_AS_PAD_EXPR_DESC *)Dict_Curr_Item();
return( pFirst ); }
REP_AS_PAD_EXPR_DESC * RepAsPadExprDict::GetNext() { Dict_Status Status; REP_AS_PAD_EXPR_DESC *pCurr, *pNext = 0;
pCurr = (REP_AS_PAD_EXPR_DESC *)Dict_Curr_Item();
if ( pCurr ) { Status = Dict_Next( pCurr ); if ( Status == SUCCESS ) pNext = (REP_AS_PAD_EXPR_DESC *)Dict_Curr_Item(); }
return( pNext ); }
void RepAsPadExprDict::WriteCurrentPadDesc( ISTREAM * pStream ) /*++
Routine description:
Writes out the following string:
(unsigned char)(NdrFieldPad(pSN,pFN,pPFN,pPFT))
pStream - stream to write to.
--*/ { REP_AS_PAD_EXPR_DESC *pCurr = (REP_AS_PAD_EXPR_DESC *)Dict_Curr_Item();
if ( pCurr && pCurr->pPrevFieldType ) { pStream->Write( "(unsigned char)("FC_FIELD_PAD_MACRO"(" ); pCurr->pStructType->PrintType( PRT_TYPE_SPECIFIER, pStream ); pStream->Write( ',' ); pStream->Write( pCurr->pFieldName ); pStream->Write( ',' ); pStream->Write( pCurr->pPrevFieldType->GetSymName() ); pStream->Write( ',' ); pCurr->pPrevFieldType->GetChild()-> PrintType( PRT_TYPE_SPECIFIER, pStream ); pStream->Write( "))," ); } else pStream->Write( "0," ); }
void RepAsSizeDict::Register( unsigned long Offset, char * pTypeName ) /*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Routine Description:
Adds a sizing macro description to the dictionary
Offset - offset of the padding field pPaddingExpr - text of the expression to be printed out ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ { Dict_Status Status;
pEntry->KeyOffset = Offset; pEntry->pTypeName = pTypeName;
Status = Dict_Find( pEntry );
switch( Status ) { case EMPTY_DICTIONARY: case ITEM_NOT_FOUND:
Dict_Insert( pEntry ); EntryCount++; break;
default: // The only reason for an entry (offset) to be used already
// would be that the otimization has shrunk the format string.
// This means that the old entry should be deleted.
pOldEntry = (REP_AS_SIZE_DESC *)Dict_Curr_Item();
Dict_Delete( (pUserType *) &pOldEntry ); Dict_Insert( pEntry ); break; } return; }
SSIZE_T RepAsSizeDict::Compare( pUserType pE1, pUserType pE2 ) /*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Routine Description:
Compare size descriptors. KeyOffset is the key that orders the entries.
Return Value: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ { if( ((REP_AS_SIZE_DESC *)pE1)->KeyOffset < ((REP_AS_SIZE_DESC *)pE2)->KeyOffset ) return( -1 ); else if( ((REP_AS_SIZE_DESC *)pE1)->KeyOffset > ((REP_AS_SIZE_DESC *)pE2)->KeyOffset ) return( 1 ); else return( 0 ); }
REP_AS_SIZE_DESC * RepAsSizeDict::GetFirst() { Dict_Status Status; REP_AS_SIZE_DESC * pFirst = 0;
Status = Dict_Next( 0 );
if ( Status == SUCCESS ) pFirst = (REP_AS_SIZE_DESC *)Dict_Curr_Item();
return( pFirst ); }
REP_AS_SIZE_DESC * RepAsSizeDict::GetNext() { Dict_Status Status; REP_AS_SIZE_DESC *pCurr, *pNext = 0;
pCurr = (REP_AS_SIZE_DESC *)Dict_Curr_Item();
if ( pCurr ) { Status = Dict_Next( pCurr ); if ( Status == SUCCESS ) pNext = (REP_AS_SIZE_DESC *)Dict_Curr_Item(); }
return( pNext ); }
void RepAsSizeDict::WriteCurrentSizeDesc( ISTREAM * pStream ) /*++
Routine description:
Writes out the following string:
NdrFcShort( sizeof(<type>)
pStream - stream to write to.
--*/ { REP_AS_SIZE_DESC *pCurr = (REP_AS_SIZE_DESC *)Dict_Curr_Item();
if ( pCurr ) { pStream->Write( "NdrFcShort( sizeof(" ); pStream->Write( pCurr->pTypeName ); pStream->Write( "))," ); } else pStream->Write( "0," ); }
BOOL QuintupleDict::Add( void * pContext ) /*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Routine Description:
Adds a Quintuple description to the dictionary.
TRUE - when a new entry has been registered, FALSE - otherwise
Index field gets set to appropriate index.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ { Dict_Status Status; XMIT_AS_CONTEXT * pEntry = (XMIT_AS_CONTEXT *) pContext;
Status = Dict_Find( pEntry );
if( Status == EMPTY_DICTIONARY || Status == ITEM_NOT_FOUND ) { pEntry->Index = CurrentIndex; Dict_Insert( pEntry ); CurrentIndex++; return TRUE; } else { pEntry->Index = ((XMIT_AS_CONTEXT *)Dict_Curr_Item())->Index; return FALSE; } }
SSIZE_T QuintupleDict::Compare( pUserType pE1, pUserType pE2 ) /*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Routine Description:
Compare two quintuple types. Both fXmit and the name have to match.
fXmit allows for comparing xmit_as with xmit_as and rep_as with rep_as. For xmit_as we compare the presented types. For rep_as we compare the wire types (not the local types).
Return Value: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ { if( ((XMIT_AS_CONTEXT *)pE1)->fXmit == ((XMIT_AS_CONTEXT *)pE2)->fXmit ) if ( ((XMIT_AS_CONTEXT *)pE1)->fXmit ) return( strcmp( ((XMIT_AS_CONTEXT *)pE1)->pTypeName, ((XMIT_AS_CONTEXT *)pE2)->pTypeName ) ); else return( strcmp( ((CG_REPRESENT_AS *)((XMIT_AS_CONTEXT *)pE1)->pXmitNode)-> GetTransmittedType()->GetSymName(), ((CG_REPRESENT_AS *)((XMIT_AS_CONTEXT *)pE2)->pXmitNode)-> GetTransmittedType()->GetSymName() ) ); else if( ((XMIT_AS_CONTEXT *)pE1)->fXmit ) return( -1 ); else return( 1 ); }
void * QuintupleDict::GetFirst() { Dict_Status Status; XMIT_AS_CONTEXT * pFirst = 0;
Status = Dict_Next( 0 );
if ( Status == SUCCESS ) pFirst = (XMIT_AS_CONTEXT *)Dict_Curr_Item();
return( pFirst ); }
void * QuintupleDict::GetNext() { Dict_Status Status; XMIT_AS_CONTEXT *pCurr, *pNext = 0;
pCurr = (XMIT_AS_CONTEXT *)Dict_Curr_Item();
if ( pCurr ) { Status = Dict_Next( pCurr ); if ( Status == SUCCESS ) pNext = (XMIT_AS_CONTEXT *)Dict_Curr_Item(); }
return( pNext ); }
BOOL QuadrupleDict::Add( void * pContext ) /*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Routine Description:
Adds a Quadruple description to the dictionary.
TRUE - when a new entry has been registered, FALSE - otherwise entry exist already
Index field gets set to appropriate index.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ { Dict_Status Status; USER_MARSHAL_CONTEXT * pEntry = (USER_MARSHAL_CONTEXT *) pContext;
Status = Dict_Find( pEntry );
if( Status == EMPTY_DICTIONARY || Status == ITEM_NOT_FOUND ) { pEntry->Index = GetCount(); Dict_Insert( pEntry ); IncrementCount(); return TRUE; } else { pEntry->Index = ((USER_MARSHAL_CONTEXT *)Dict_Curr_Item())->Index; return FALSE; } }
SSIZE_T QuadrupleDict::Compare( pUserType pE1, pUserType pE2 ) /*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Routine Description:
Compare two Quadruple types. For usr_marshall we compare the types.
Return Value: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ { return( strcmp( ((USER_MARSHAL_CONTEXT *)pE1)->pTypeName, ((USER_MARSHAL_CONTEXT *)pE2)->pTypeName ) ); }