/********************************** module *********************************/ /* Copyright (c) 1993-2000 Microsoft Corporation */ /* */ /* cclex */ /* lexical analyser for the C compiler */ /* */ /***************************************************************************/ /* */ /* @ Purpose: */ /* */ /* @ Functions included: */ /* */ /* */ /* @ Author: Gerd Immeyer @ Version: */ /* */ /* @ Creation Date: 1987.02.09 @ Modification Date: */ /* */ /***************************************************************************/
#pragma warning ( disable : 4514 4310 4710 )
#include "nulldefs.h"
extern "C" { #include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "common.hxx"
#include "errors.hxx"
#include "midlnode.hxx"
#include "listhndl.hxx"
#include "filehndl.hxx"
#include "lextable.hxx"
#include "lexutils.hxx"
#include "grammar.h"
#include "gramutil.hxx"
#include "cmdana.hxx"
#include "mbcs.hxx"
extern "C" { #include "lex.h"
extern void ParseError( STATUS_T, char *); extern NFA_INFO *pImportCntrl;
extern lextype_t yylval;
extern token_t toktyp_G; /* token type */ extern short toklen_G; /* len of token string */ extern char *tokptr_G; /* pointer to token string */ extern long tokval_G; /* value of constant token */ extern short curr_line_G;
extern LexTable *pMidlLexTable; extern short CompileMode; extern CMD_ARG * pCommand;
int chCached = 0;
char NewCCputbackc( char ch ) { if (chCached) { pImportCntrl->UnGetChar(short(chCached)); } chCached = ch;
if ( ch == '\n' ) curr_line_G--; return ch; }
/***** definition of state table fields ****/
#define ERR 0x7f0c /* character not in character set */
#define X10 0x0100
#define X11 0x0101
#define X20 0x0200
#define X21 0x0201
#define X23 0x0203
#define X30 0x0300
#define X40 0x0400
#define X41 0x0401
#define X43 0x0403
#define X50 0x0500
#define X51 0x0501
#define X53 0x0503
#define X62 0x0602
#define X70 0x0700
#define X71 0x0701
#define X73 0x0703
#define X82 0x0802
#define X90 0x0900
#define X91 0x0901
#define XLQ 0x0a00
#define XLD 0x0b00
/*---- define of single operators ----*/
#define O65 0x410d /* ' 65 */
#define O43 ('(' * 256 + 12) /* ( 43 */
#define O44 (')' * 256 + 12) /* ) 44 */
#define O49 (',' *256 + 12) /* , 49 */
#define O24 ('.' *256 + 10) /* . 24 */
#define O14 (':' *256 + 12) /* : 14 */
#define O50 (';' *256 + 12) /* ; 50 */
#define O13 ('?' *256 + 12) /* ? 13 */
#define O47 ('[' *256 + 12) /* [ 47 */
#define O48 (']' *256 + 12) /* ] 48 */
#define O45 ('{' *256 + 12) /* { 45 */
#define O46 ('}' *256 + 12) /* } 46 */
#define O23 ('~' *256 + 12) /* ~ 23 */
#define OHS ('#' *256 + 12) /* # */
#define O64 0x400e /* " 64 */
#define O7d 0x0000 /* eol */
#define O7e (short)0x9f0c /* eof */
/*---- define of possible multi character operator ----*/
#define D00 0x000b /* - 00 */
#define D01 0x010c /* / 01 */
#define D02 0x020c /* < 02 */
#define D03 0x030c /* > 03 */
#define D04 0x040c /* ! 04 */
#define D05 0x050c /* % 05 */
#define D06 0x060c /* & 06 */
#define D07 0x070c /* * 07 */
#define D08 0x080b /* + 08 */
#define D09 0x090c /* = 09 */
#define D0a 0x0a0c /* ^ 0a */
#define D0b 0x0b0c /* | 0b */
/***** character table *****/ /* MIDL supports the ANSI character set as input */
const extern short ct[256]= {
/* 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f */ O7e,ERR,ERR,ERR,ERR, 0,ERR,ERR,ERR, 0,O7d,ERR, 0, 0,ERR,ERR, /* 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1a 1b 1c 1d 1e 1f */ ERR,ERR,ERR,ERR,ERR,ERR,ERR,ERR,ERR,ERR,O7e,ERR,ERR,ERR,ERR,ERR, /* ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / */ 0,D04,O64,OHS,ERR,D05,D06,O65,O43,O44,D07,D08,O49,D00,O24,D01, /* 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? */ 7, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 9, 9,O14,O50,D02,D09,D03,O13, /* @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O */ ERR, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 15, 4, 4, 4, /* P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _ */ 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 6, 4, 4,O47,ERR,O48,D0a, 4, /* ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o */ ERR, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 4, 4, 4, /* p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~ DEL */ 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 6, 4, 4,O45,D0b,O46,O23,ERR, /* 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 8a 8b 8c 8d 8e 8f */ 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, /* 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 9a 9b 9c 9d 9e 9f */ 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, /* a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 aa ab ac ad ae af */ 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, /* b0 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7 b8 b9 ba bb bc bd be bf */ 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, /* c0 c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 c8 c9 ca cb cc cd ce cf */ 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, /* d0 d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 d6 d7 d8 d9 da db dc dd de df */ 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, /* e0 e1 e2 e3 e4 e5 e6 e7 e8 e9 ea eb ec ed ee ef */ 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, /* f0 f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 fa fb fc fd fe ff */ 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4};
/***** state transition table *****/
const extern short st[ 13 ][ 16 ] = {
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
// spc a-d e f g-z l x 0 1-7 8-9 . + - op ' " L
/* start 0 */ 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 5, 5,X90,X90,X90,X90,X90, 12, /* name 1 */ X10, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,X11,X11,X11,X11,X11, 1, /* 0 2 */ X20,X23, 9,X23,X23,X30, 3, 6, 6, 6,X23,X21,X21,X21,X21,X30, /* 0x 3 */ X53, 4, 4, 4,X53,X53,X53, 4, 4, 4,X53,X53,X53,X53,X53,X53, /* hex 4 */ X50, 4, 4, 4,X53,X53,X53, 4, 4, 4,X53,X51,X51,X51,X51,X53, /* int 5 */ X20,X23, 9,X23,X23,X23,X23, 5, 5, 5,X21,X21,X21,X21,X21,X23, /* oct 6 */ X70,X73, 9,X73,X73,X73,X73, 6, 6, 5, 8,X71,X71,X71,X71,X73, /* . 7 */ X91,X91,X91,X91,X91,X91,X91,X91,X91,X91,X91,X91,X91,X91,X91,X91, /* int. 8 */ X40,X43, 9,X43,X43,X43,X43, 8, 8, 8,X43,X41,X41,X41,X41,X43, /* .e 9 */ X40,X43,X43,X43,X43,X43,X43, 11, 11, 11,X43, 10,X41,X41,X41,X43, /* .e- 10*/ X43,X43,X43,X43,X43,X43,X43, 11, 11, 11,X43,X43,X43,X43,X43,X43, /* .e-i 11*/ X40,X43,X43,X43,X43,X43,X43, 11, 11, 11,X43,X41,X41,X41,X41,X43, /* L 12*/ X10, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,X11,X11,X11,XLQ,XLD, 1
/***** multi character operator table *****/
const token_t moptab[] = {
/***** define of the action routines *****/
token_t name(void); token_t mulop(void); token_t character(void); token_t string(void); token_t ProcessHash(); token_t ProcessComplexDefine( char *, char *, int ); token_t LChar(); token_t LStr();
extern token_t ScanGuid( void ); extern token_t ScanVersion( void ); extern token_t ScanImplicitImports(void);
typedef token_t (*TOKEN_PFN)(void);
const static TOKEN_PFN action[] = { 0, /* unused */ name, /* handle name token */ cnv_int, /* convert integer token */ cnv_int, /* convert integer token */ cnv_hex, /* convert hex constant */ cnv_hex, /* convert hex constant */ cnv_octal, /* convert octal constant */ cnv_octal, /* convert octal constant */ cnv_float, /* convert floating point constant */ mulop, /* handle multi character operator */ LChar, /* wide character */ LStr, /* wide character string */ };
/***** declare of global varables *****/
static short ci; /* current state character index */ static char ch; /* current character */ static int pbch; /* flag describing whether to take the next char
or not */ char LastLexChar;
unsigned short LexContext = LEX_NORMAL;
#define MAX_LINE_SIZE 256
static char tok_buffer[MAX_LINE_SIZE];
token_t IsValidPragma( char *);
/*............................. internal function ..........................*/ /* */ /* comment analyzer */ /* */
token_t comment() { BOOL fParseError = FALSE;
for (;;) { ch = NewCCGetch(); if (ch == 0) { fParseError = TRUE; break; } if (CurrentCharSet.IsMbcsLeadByte(ch)) { NewCCGetch(); } else if (ch == '*') { char chNext = NewCCGetch(); if (chNext == 0) { fParseError = TRUE; break; } if (CurrentCharSet.IsMbcsLeadByte(chNext)) { NewCCGetch(); } else if (chNext == '/') { break; } else if (chNext == '*') { NewCCputbackc(chNext); } } } if (fParseError) { ParseError(EOF_IN_COMMENT, (char *)NULL); /* no end of comment operator */ exit( EOF_IN_COMMENT ); } return ( NOTOKEN ); }
token_t commentline() { for (;;) { ch = NewCCGetch(); if( ch == 0 ) { ParseError(EOF_IN_COMMENT, (char *)NULL); exit( EOF_IN_COMMENT ); break; } else if (CurrentCharSet.IsMbcsLeadByte(ch)) { NewCCGetch(); } else if (ch == '\n') { break; } } return ( NOTOKEN ); /* get the next token */ }
/*............................. internal function ..........................*/ /* */ /* multi character operator */ /* */
const static token_t *snglop = &moptab[0]; /* adr of single character operator */ const static token_t *assgop = &moptab[12]; /* adr of assignment operator */ const static token_t *dblop = &moptab[24]; /* adr of double character operator */
token_t mulop() { REG unsigned short i; /* index into multi operator table */ REG char lstch; //printf ("in mulop ch = %c\n", ch);
i = unsigned short(((unsigned short)ci) >> 8); /* get high byte of character index */ if( i > 11 ) { /* is it a type specification ? */ // check for EOI
if ( ci == short(0x9f0c) ) { if(pImportCntrl->GetLexLevel() == 0) { if(pImportCntrl->GetEOIFlag()) return 0; else pImportCntrl->SetEOIFlag(); } return EOI; } if( i == 64 ) /* character is " */ return ( string() ); /* handle string token */ if( i == 65 ) /* character is ' */ return ( character() ); /* handle character constant */ if( i == '#' ) return ProcessHash(); /* process any hash tokens */ if( i == '.' ) { if( (ch = NewCCGetch()) == '.' ) { return DOTDOT; } NewCCputbackc( ch ); }
if ( i == LBRACK ) { inside_rpc++; return i; } if ( i == RBRACK ) { inside_rpc--; return i; }
return ( i ); /* return type of single operator */ } lstch = ch; /* save entry character */ ch = NewCCGetch(); /* get a new one */ if (CurrentCharSet.IsMbcsLeadByte(ch)) { toklen_G = 1; tokptr_G[1] = 0; NewCCputbackc(ch); return *(snglop+i); } tokptr_G[1] = ch; tokptr_G[2] = 0; toklen_G = 2; /* add to token string */ if( ch == '=' ) { /* is next character an equal op. */ return *(assgop+i); /* return an assign operator */ } if( lstch == ch ) { /* is next char. = current char. ? */ toktyp_G = *(dblop+i); /* yes, get its type */ if( !toktyp_G ) { /* is it a doppel operator ? */ toklen_G = 1; /* update token string */ tokptr_G[1] = 0; NewCCputbackc(ch); /* deliberate, puback of EOF is ignored */ return *(snglop+i); /* no, return single operator */ } if( ch == '/' ) /* if the operator is double // */ { // potentially an error
// ParseError( SINGLE_LINE_COMMENT, (char *)0 );
return(commentline()); /* the next line is a comment */ } ch = NewCCGetch(); /* get next character */ if (ch == '=') { tokptr_G[2] = '='; tokptr_G[3] = '\0'; toklen_G = 3; /* update token string */ if(toktyp_G == LSHIFT) { /* if shift op.and equal sign ? */ return (LEFTASSIGN); /* return as assign operator */ } if(toktyp_G == RSHIFT) { return (RIGHTASSIGN); } tokptr_G[2] = '\0'; toklen_G = 2; } NewCCputbackc(ch); /* put back unused character */ return (toktyp_G); /* else return doppel char. operator */ } if( lstch == '-' && ch == '>' ) { /* if structure operator */ return (POINTSTO); /* return structure operator */ } if( lstch == '/' && ch == '*' ) { /* if comment */ return( comment() ); /* ignore the comment */ } tokptr_G[1] = '\0'; toklen_G = 1; /* remove from token string */ NewCCputbackc(ch); /* putback unused character */ return *(snglop+i); /* return single character operator */ }
/*............................. internal function ..........................*/ /* */ /* convert escape (\) character */ /* */
char convesc() { unsigned short value = 0; unsigned short tmp; BOOL fConstantIsIllegal = FALSE;
ch = NewCCGetch();
if ( ch == 'n' ) ch = 0xa; else if (ch == 't') ch = 0x9; else if (ch == 'v') ch = 0xb; else if (ch == 'b') ch = 0x8; else if( ch == 'r' ) ch = 0xd; else if( ch == 'f' ) ch = 0xc; else if( ch == 'a' ) ch = 0x7; else if( (ch == 'x') || (ch == 'X') ) { int i;
for( i = 0, value = 0, fConstantIsIllegal = FALSE; i < 2; ++i ) { tmp = ch = NewCCGetch(); tmp = (unsigned short)toupper( tmp ); if( isxdigit( tmp ) ) { tmp = unsigned short( (tmp >= '0') && (tmp <= '9') ? (tmp - '0') : (tmp - 'A') + 0xa ); } else if( ch == '\'' ) { NewCCputbackc( ch ); break; } else { fConstantIsIllegal = TRUE; } value = unsigned short( value * 16 + tmp ); }
if( fConstantIsIllegal || (value > (unsigned short) 0x00ff) ) ParseError( ILLEGAL_CONSTANT, (char *)0 );
ch = (char )value; } else if( (ch >= '0') && (ch <= '7')) { int i; value = unsigned short(ch - '0');
// the limit for this for loop is 2 because we already saw 1 character
for ( i = 0, value = unsigned short(ch - '0'), fConstantIsIllegal = FALSE; i < 2; ++i) { tmp = ch = NewCCGetch(); if( (ch >= '0') && (ch <= '7')) { tmp = unsigned short(tmp - '0'); value = unsigned short(value * 8 + tmp); } else if( ch == '\'' ) { NewCCputbackc( ch ); break; } else fConstantIsIllegal = TRUE; }
if( fConstantIsIllegal || (value > (unsigned short) 0x00ff) ) ParseError( ILLEGAL_CONSTANT, (char *)0 ); ch = (char )value; }
return ( ch ); }
/*............................. internal function ..........................*/ /* */ /* string analyzer */ /* */
token_t character() { ch = NewCCGetch(); if (CurrentCharSet.IsMbcsLeadByte(ch)) { tokptr_G[0] = ch; tokptr_G[1] = NewCCGetch(); tokptr_G[2] = 0; toklen_G = 2; } else { if (ch == '\\') { ch = convesc(); } tokptr_G[0] = ch; tokptr_G[1] = '\0';
yylval.yy_numeric.Val = tokval_G = ch; } if (NewCCGetch() != '\'') { ParseError(CHAR_CONST_NOT_TERMINATED,(char *)NULL ); exit( CHAR_CONST_NOT_TERMINATED ); } return (CHARACTERCONSTANT); }
// this rtn is called when the quote has been sensed.
char* g_pchStrBuffer = 0; unsigned long g_ulStrBufferLen = 1024;
// Scan ahead in the current file to see if the next non-space character is a
// quote. If it is then this is a string constant that is split into two
// pieces (e.g. "this" ... " is a " ... "test"). If the next character is
// not a quote reset the file back to where we started from.
// If this is a multi-string situation return MULTIPLE_PROPERTY_ATTRIBUTES.
// This is a bit of a mis-use of that error code but it sounds nice.
// HACKHACK: The routine depends on internal knowledge of how NewCCGetch works.
// Doing something similiar using the grammar was tried but failed
// when processing imports because of details of how the trickery
// played on the lexer works to get it to change streams in mid-go.
STATUS_T spacereadahead() { fpos_t fpos; short newlines = 0; int ch = ' ';
if (0 != fgetpos(hFile_G, &fpos)) return INPUT_READ;
while (isspace(ch) && !feof(hFile_G)) { ch = getc(hFile_G);
if ( '\n' == ch ) ++newlines; }
if ('\"' == ch) { curr_line_G = (short) (curr_line_G + newlines); return MULTIPLE_PROPERTY_ATTRIBUTES; } else { if (0 != fsetpos(hFile_G, &fpos)) return INPUT_READ;
return STATUS_OK; } }
token_t string() { STATUS_T Status = STATUS_OK; char * ptr;
if ( !g_pchStrBuffer ) { g_pchStrBuffer = ( char * )malloc( sizeof( char ) * g_ulStrBufferLen ); if ( NULL == g_pchStrBuffer ) { RpcError( 0, 0, OUT_OF_MEMORY, 0 ); exit( OUT_OF_MEMORY ); } }
strncpy( g_pchStrBuffer, tokptr_G, toklen_G ); ptr = g_pchStrBuffer;
ch = 0; while( ( ch != '"' ) && ( Status == STATUS_OK ) ) { if ( ( unsigned long ) ( ptr - g_pchStrBuffer ) > ( g_ulStrBufferLen - 3 ) ) { char* pTempStrBuffer = ( char* ) realloc( g_pchStrBuffer, g_ulStrBufferLen * 2 ); if ( pTempStrBuffer ) { ptr = ( ptr - g_pchStrBuffer ) + pTempStrBuffer; g_pchStrBuffer = pTempStrBuffer; g_ulStrBufferLen = g_ulStrBufferLen * 2; } else { Status = STRING_TOO_LONG; } }
ch = NewCCGetch();
if( ch == 0 ) { Status = EOF_IN_STRING; } else if ( ch == '\\' ) { *ptr++ = ch; *ptr++ = NewCCGetch(); ch = 0; } else if ( ch != '\"' ) { *ptr++ = ch; if (CurrentCharSet.IsMbcsLeadByte(ch)) *ptr++ = NewCCGetch(); } else { Status = spacereadahead();
if ( MULTIPLE_PROPERTY_ATTRIBUTES == Status ) { Status = STATUS_OK; ch = 0; } } } *ptr = 0;
if( Status != STATUS_OK ) { ParseError( Status, (char *)0 ); exit( Status ); }
yylval.yy_string = pMidlLexTable->LexInsert( g_pchStrBuffer ); return ( STRING ); } /****************************** external function ***************************/ /* */ /* lexical analyzer */ /* */
static BOOL fLastToken = 0; static BOOL fLineLengthError = 0; static token_t LastToken;
void initlex() { fLastToken = 0; }
void yyunlex( token_t T ) { LastToken = T; fLastToken = 1; }
token_t yylex() { REG short state; /* token state */ REG char *ptr;
if( fLastToken ) { fLastToken = 0; return LastToken; }
if ( LexContext != LEX_NORMAL ) { switch ( LexContext ) { case LEX_GUID: { LexContext = LEX_NORMAL; return ScanGuid(); } case LEX_VERSION: { LexContext = LEX_NORMAL; return ScanVersion(); } case LEX_ODL_BASE_IMPORT: case LEX_ODL_BASE_IMPORT2: { return ScanImplicitImports(); break; } default: MIDL_ASSERT(0);
} }
again: state = 0; /* initial state */ ptr = tokptr_G = tok_buffer; /* remember token begin position */ toklen_G = 0; do { ci = ct[ (unsigned char) (ch=NewCCGetch()) ]; /* character index out of char.tab. */ state = st[ state ][ ci & 0x00ff ]; /* determine new state */ } while ( state == 0 ); /* skip white space */ *(ptr++) = ch; toklen_G++; /* add chacter to token string */
if (CurrentCharSet.IsMbcsLeadByte(ch)) { *(ptr++) = NewCCGetch(); toklen_G++; } while( state < 13 ) { /* loop til end state */ ci = ct[ (unsigned char) (ch=NewCCGetch()) ]; /* character index out of char.tab. */ state = st[ state ][ ci & 0x00ff ]; /* determine new state */ if (state < 13) { /* if still going, */ if (toklen_G + 1 != MAX_LINE_SIZE) /* and the token isn't too large */ { *(ptr++) = ch; toklen_G++; /* add chacter to token string */ if (CurrentCharSet.IsMbcsLeadByte(ch)) { *(ptr++) = NewCCGetch(); toklen_G++; } } else { fLineLengthError = 1; } } }; *ptr = '\0'; LastLexChar = ch;
if (fLineLengthError) { ParseError(IDENTIFIER_TOO_LONG, (char *)0 ); fLineLengthError = 0; }
switch( state & 0x00ff ) { case 2: ch = NewCCGetch(); /* position to next character */ break;
case 3: case 1: NewCCputbackc(ch); /* position to current character */ break; /* case 0 - do nothing */ } //printf ("current ch = %c\n", ch);
toktyp_G = (*action[ state >> 8 ])(); /* execute action */
// skip fluff like #line
if (toktyp_G == NOTOKEN) goto again;
return(toktyp_G); }
token_t LChar() { character(); return WIDECHARACTERCONSTANT; }
token_t LStr() { string(); return WIDECHARACTERSTRING; }
// process line number tokens
token_t ProcessLine() { char * ptr = tokptr_G;
curr_line_G = short( atoi( ptr ) - 1 ); // skip spaces before file name
while ( ( ch = NewCCGetch() ) == ' ' ) ;
ptr = tokptr_G; // see if we got a filename
if ( ch == '\"' ) { for (;;) { ch = NewCCGetch(); *ptr++ = ch; if (CurrentCharSet.IsMbcsLeadByte(ch)) { *ptr++ = NewCCGetch(); } else if (ch == '\"') { break; } } *(--ptr) = '\0';
StripSlashes( tokptr_G );
pImportCntrl->SetLineFilename( tokptr_G );
} // skip to end of line
for (;;) { ch = NewCCGetch(); if (ch == 0) { break; } else if (CurrentCharSet.IsMbcsLeadByte(ch)) { ch = NewCCGetch(); } else if (ch == '\n') { break; } }
return NOTOKEN; }
// process # <something>
token_t ProcessHash() { char * ptr = tokptr_G, * ptrsave = ptr; token_t PragmaToken;
do // eat spaces
{ ch = NewCCGetch(); } while( isspace( ch ) );
// collect first token
while( !isspace( ch ) ) { *ptr++ = ch; if (CurrentCharSet.IsMbcsLeadByte(ch)) { *ptr++ = NewCCGetch(); } ch = NewCCGetch(); } *ptr = '\0';
// is this hash a pragma starter ?
#define PRAGMA_STRING ("pragma")
#define MIDL_PRAGMA_PREFIX ("midl_")
#define LINE_STRING ("line")
#define LEN_LINE_STRING (4)
// we handle #pragma and #line directives
// #line found
if (strncmp( tokptr_G, LINE_STRING, LEN_LINE_STRING ) == 0 ) { ptr = tokptr_G; // get the next token (the number)
do // eat spaces
{ ch = NewCCGetch(); } while( isspace( ch ) );
// collect first token
while( !isspace( ch ) ) { *ptr++ = ch; if (CurrentCharSet.IsMbcsLeadByte(ch)) { *ptr++ = NewCCGetch(); } ch = NewCCGetch(); } *ptr = '\0'; return ProcessLine(); // this needs to be called with tokptr_G pointing after
// the #line part
} // # <number> found
else if ( isdigit(*tokptr_G) ) { *ptr = '\0'; return ProcessLine(); } else if( strncmp( tokptr_G, PRAGMA_STRING, LEN_PRAGMA_STRING ) == 0 ) { // eat white space between #pragma and next word
for(;;) { ch = NewCCGetch(); if(!isspace(ch) ) break; *ptr++ = ch; }
ptrsave = ptr;
*ptr++ = ch;
// pull next word in
for(;;) { ch = NewCCGetch(); if(!isalpha(ch) && (ch != '_') ) break; *ptr++ = ch; if (CurrentCharSet.IsMbcsLeadByte(ch)) { *ptr++ = NewCCGetch(); } }
// put back next char (it may even be the \n)
NewCCputbackc( ch ); *ptr = 0;
// check if it is a MIDL pragma or not
if ( ( PragmaToken = IsValidPragma( ptrsave ) ) != 0 ) { return PragmaToken; }
// assume it is some other C pragma, so return the string
for (;;) { ch = NewCCGetch(); *ptr++ = ch; if (CurrentCharSet.IsMbcsLeadByte(ch)) { *ptr++ = NewCCGetch(); } else if (ch == '\n') { break; } } *(--ptr) = 0;
yylval.yy_string = pMidlLexTable->LexInsert( ptrsave ); return KWCPRAGMA;
} else { // some graceful recovery by the parser
return GARBAGETOKEN; } }
token_t IsValidPragma( char * p ) { static char * agPragmaNames[] = { "midl_import" ,"midl_echo" ,"midl_import_clnt_aux" ,"midl_import_srvr_aux" ,"pack" }; static token_t agTokenVal[] = { KWMPRAGMAIMPORT ,KWMPRAGMAECHO ,KWMPRAGMAIMPORTCLNTAUX ,KWMPRAGMAIMPORTSRVRAUX ,KWCPRAGMAPACK };
short Index = 0;
while( Index < sizeof( agPragmaNames ) / sizeof(char *) ) { if( !strcmp( p, agPragmaNames[ Index ] ) ) return agTokenVal[ Index ]; ++Index; } return 0; }
token_t ScanGuid( void ) { char c; char * p = tokptr_G;
if( (c = NewCCGetch()) == '\"' ) { string(); ParseError( QUOTED_UUID_NOT_OSF, (char *)0 ); return UUIDTOKEN; }
NewCCputbackc( c );
// remove leading spaces.
while ( (c = NewCCGetch()) != 0 && isspace( c ) ) ;
while ( c && (c != ')') && (c != ',') && !isspace(c) ) { *p++ = c; if (CurrentCharSet.IsMbcsLeadByte(c)) { *p++ = NewCCGetch(); } c = NewCCGetch(); }
NewCCputbackc( c ); *p++ = 0; yylval.yy_string = pMidlLexTable->LexInsert(tokptr_G);
return UUIDTOKEN; }
token_t ScanVersion( void ) { char c; char * p = tokptr_G;
// remove leading spaces.
while ( (c = NewCCGetch()) != 0 && isspace(c) ) ;
while ( c && (c != ')') && !isspace(c) ) { *p++ = c; if (CurrentCharSet.IsMbcsLeadByte(c)) { *p++ = NewCCGetch(); } c = NewCCGetch(); }
NewCCputbackc( c ); *p++ = 0; yylval.yy_string = pMidlLexTable->LexInsert(tokptr_G);
token_t ScanImplicitImports( void ) { switch ( LexContext ) { case LEX_ODL_BASE_IMPORT: { tokptr_G = "import"; toktyp_G = KWIMPORTODLBASE; LexContext = LEX_ODL_BASE_IMPORT2; break; } case LEX_ODL_BASE_IMPORT2: { tokptr_G = "oaidl.idl"; toktyp_G = STRING; yylval.yy_string = pMidlLexTable->LexInsert(tokptr_G); LexContext = LEX_NORMAL; break; } default: MIDL_ASSERT(0); }
return toktyp_G;