// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997 - 1999
// httpreg.c
// HTTP/RPC protocol specific functions.
// Author:
// 06-02-97 Edward Reus Initial version.
#define FD_SETSIZE 1
#include <precomp.hxx>
// HttpParseServerPort()
// Parse strings of the form: <svr>[:<port>]
static BOOL HttpParseServerPort( IN char *pszServerPort, IN char *pszDefaultPort, OUT char *pszServer, OUT char *pszPort ) { char *psz; char *pszColon; char *CurrentPosition; char ch;
if (pszColon=strchr(pszServerPort,':')) { *pszColon = 0; psz = pszColon; psz++; strcpy(pszServer,pszServerPort); *pszColon = ':'; if (*psz) { // take the string until the end or until a space which
// indicates another entry (probably for another protocol).
CurrentPosition = psz; while (*CurrentPosition && (*CurrentPosition != ' ')) CurrentPosition ++; ch = *CurrentPosition; *CurrentPosition = 0; strcpy(pszPort,psz); *CurrentPosition = ch; } else { strcpy(pszPort,pszDefaultPort); } } else { strcpy(pszServer,pszServerPort); strcpy(pszPort,pszDefaultPort); }
return TRUE; }
// HttpParseProxyName()
const char *HttpProxyPrefix = "http://"; const int HttpProxyPrefixSize = sizeof("http://") - 1;
BOOL HttpParseProxyName( IN char *pszProxyList, IN BOOL UseSSLProxyPortAsDefault, OUT char *pszHttpProxy, OUT char *pszHttpProxyPort ) { BOOL fStatus; char *psz; char *pszSemiColon; int StringLength; char *ProtocolType; char *DefaultPort;
strcpy(pszHttpProxy,""); strcpy(pszHttpProxyPort,"");
// Check for no configured proxy:
if ((!pszProxyList)||(!*pszProxyList)) { return TRUE; }
// if the string is large enough to contain the prefix, check
// whether it has a prefix
StringLength = strlen(pszProxyList); if (StringLength >= HttpProxyPrefixSize) { if (RpcpStringNCompareA(pszProxyList, HttpProxyPrefix, HttpProxyPrefixSize) == 0) pszProxyList += HttpProxyPrefixSize; }
if (!strstr(pszProxyList,EQUALS_STR)) { return HttpParseServerPort(pszProxyList,DEF_HTTP_PORT,pszHttpProxy,pszHttpProxyPort); }
if (UseSSLProxyPortAsDefault) { ProtocolType = HTTPS_EQUALS_STR; DefaultPort = DEF_HTTP_SSL_PORT; } else { ProtocolType = HTTP_EQUALS_STR; DefaultPort = DEF_HTTP_PORT; }
if (psz=strstr(pszProxyList,ProtocolType)) { psz += strlen(ProtocolType); if (pszSemiColon=strstr(psz,SEMICOLON_STR)) { *pszSemiColon = 0; fStatus = HttpParseServerPort(psz,DefaultPort,pszHttpProxy,pszHttpProxyPort); *pszSemiColon = CHAR_SEMICOLON; return fStatus; } else { return HttpParseServerPort(psz,DefaultPort,pszHttpProxy,pszHttpProxyPort); } } else { return TRUE; } }
// HttpFreeProxyOverrideList()
static void HttpFreeProxyOverrideList( IN char **ppszOverrideList ) { char **ppszTmp = ppszOverrideList;
if (ppszOverrideList) { while (*ppszTmp) { I_RpcFree(*ppszTmp); ppszTmp++; }
I_RpcFree(ppszOverrideList); } }
// HttpParseProxyOverrideList()
static char **HttpParseProxyOverrideList( IN char *pszProxyOverrideList ) { int i; int iLen; int count = 1; DWORD dwSize = 1+strlen(pszProxyOverrideList); char *pszList; char *psz; char **ppszPatternList;
if (!dwSize) { return NULL; }
// Make a local copy of the pattern list, to work with:
pszList = (char *) alloca(dwSize);
// See how many separate patterns ther are in the override list:
// NOTE: That count may be too high, if either the list contains
// double semicolons or the list ends with a semicolon. If
// either/both of these happen that's Ok.
psz = pszList; while (psz=strstr(psz,";")) { count++; psz++; }
ppszPatternList = (char**)RpcpFarAllocate( (1+count)*sizeof(char*) ); if (!ppszPatternList) { // Out of memory.
return NULL; }
i = 0; while (i<count) { if (!*pszList) { // End of list. This happens when the list contained empty
// patterns.
break; }
psz = strstr(pszList,";"); if (psz) { *psz = 0;
if ( (iLen=strlen(pszList)) == 0) { // Zero length pattern.
pszList = ++psz; continue; }
ppszPatternList[i] = (char*)RpcpFarAllocate(1+iLen); if (!ppszPatternList[i]) { HttpFreeProxyOverrideList(ppszPatternList); return NULL; } strcpy(ppszPatternList[i++],pszList); pszList = ++psz; } else { ppszPatternList[i] = (char*)RpcpFarAllocate(1+strlen(pszList)); if (!ppszPatternList[i]) { HttpFreeProxyOverrideList(ppszPatternList); return NULL; } strcpy(ppszPatternList[i++],pszList); } }
return ppszPatternList; }
// HttpCheckRegistry()
// With IE and WinInet you can setup a list of proxies to use to go through
// with an HTTP (or other) internet request. We need to support this as
// well. There are three registry entries of interest, which are located
// at:
// \HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings
// They are:
// ProxyEnable: REG_BINARY
// A flag (TRUE/FALSE) to enable/disable proxies.
// ProxyServer: REG_SZ
// On of: an empty string (no proxy specified), a single proxy server
// name (for any format), or a list of proxy servers to use by format.
// The list is of the form:
// ftp=<svr:port>,gopher=<svr:port>,http=<svr:port>,...
// Note that not all protocols need to be in the list. And the port#
// does not need to be specifed. If not present then default the port#
// to the default for that internet protocol (scheme).
// ProxyOverride: REG_SZ
// A semicolon separated list of server names, internet addresses or
// patterns which, if specified are used to denote machines that you
// want to directly access, without using the proxy server. Examples
// would be:
BOOL HttpCheckRegistry( IN char *pszServer, IN BOOL UseSSLProxyPortAsDefault, OUT char **ppszHttpProxy, OUT char **ppszHttpProxyPort, OUT RPCProxyAccessType *AccessType ) { int i; long lStatus; DWORD dwType; DWORD dwEnabled; DWORD dwSize; HKEY hKey; HKEY hUserKey; char szProxyList[256]; char szProxyOverrideList[256]; char szHttpProxy[MAX_HTTP_COMPUTERNAME_SIZE]; char szHttpProxyPort[MAX_HTTP_PORTSTRING_SIZE]; char *pszDotServer; char **ppszOverrideList; struct hostent UNALIGNED *pHostEnt; struct in_addr ServerInAddr; BOOL LocalDirect;
*ppszHttpProxy = NULL; *ppszHttpProxyPort = NULL; *AccessType = rpcpatDirect;
lStatus = RegOpenCurrentUser( KEY_READ, &hUserKey );
if (lStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return TRUE; }
lStatus = RegOpenKeyEx( hUserKey, REG_PROXY_PATH_STR, 0, KEY_READ, &hKey );
if (lStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return TRUE; }
dwSize = sizeof(dwEnabled); lStatus = RegQueryValueEx( hKey, REG_PROXY_ENABLE_STR, 0, &dwType, (LPBYTE)&dwEnabled, &dwSize ); if (lStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) { RegCloseKey(hKey); return TRUE; }
if (dwType == REG_BINARY) { TransDbgPrint((DPFLTR_RPCPROXY_ID, DPFLTR_WARNING_LEVEL, "HttpCheckRegistry(): Proxy Enabled: %s\n", (dwEnabled)? "TRUE" : "FALSE")); } #endif // DBG_REGISTRY
if (!dwEnabled) { // IE proxies are disabled, no need to go on.
RegCloseKey(hKey); return TRUE; }
dwSize = sizeof(szProxyList); lStatus = RegQueryValueExA( // Needs to be ANSI
hKey, REG_PROXY_SERVER_STR, 0, &dwType, (LPBYTE)szProxyList, &dwSize ); if (lStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) { RegCloseKey(hKey); return TRUE; }
if (dwType == REG_SZ) { TransDbgPrint((DPFLTR_RPCPROXY_ID, DPFLTR_WARNING_LEVEL, "HttpCheckRegistry(): Proxy List: %s\n", szProxyList)); } #endif // DBG_REGISTRY
if (!HttpParseProxyName(szProxyList, UseSSLProxyPortAsDefault, szHttpProxy,szHttpProxyPort)) { RegCloseKey(hKey); return TRUE; }
dwSize = sizeof(szProxyOverrideList); lStatus = RegQueryValueExA( // Needs to be ANSI
hKey, REG_PROXY_OVERRIDE_STR, 0, &dwType, (LPBYTE)szProxyOverrideList, &dwSize ); if (lStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) { // Don't quit if the ProxyOverride entry is missing, that's Ok...
szProxyOverrideList[0] = 0; }
if (dwType == REG_SZ) { TransDbgPrint((DPFLTR_RPCPROXY_ID, DPFLTR_WARNING_LEVEL, "HttpCheckRegistry(): Proxy Override List: %s\n", szProxyOverrideList)); } #endif // DBG_REGISTRY
ppszOverrideList = HttpParseProxyOverrideList(szProxyOverrideList);
if (ppszOverrideList) { LocalDirect = MatchExactList( (unsigned char *) LOCAL_ADDRESSES_STR, (unsigned char **) ppszOverrideList );
if (!LocalDirect) *AccessType = rpcpatHTTPProxy; else { // we don't know. <local> is in the list of overrides,
// but we don't know whether the server is local
*AccessType = rpcpatUnknown; }
// Check the server name to see if it's in the override list:
if (MatchREList( (unsigned char *) pszServer, (unsigned char **) ppszOverrideList )) { // The server name is in the override list.
HttpFreeProxyOverrideList(ppszOverrideList); *AccessType = rpcpatDirect; return TRUE; }
// Convert the server name to dot notation and see if its in
// the override list:
pHostEnt = gethostbyname(pszServer); if (pHostEnt) { // Note that the server may actually have several addresses in
// a (NULL terminated) array. Need to check each one...
i = 0; while (pHostEnt->h_addr_list[i]) { memcpy(&ServerInAddr,pHostEnt->h_addr_list[i++],pHostEnt->h_length); pszDotServer = inet_ntoa(ServerInAddr); #ifdef DBG_REGISTRY
TransDbgPrint((DPFLTR_RPCPROXY_ID, DPFLTR_WARNING_LEVEL, "HttpCheckRegistry(): Server: %s Address: %s\n", pszServer, pszDotServer)); #endif // DBG_REGISTRY
if ( (pszDotServer) && MatchREList( (unsigned char *) pszDotServer, (unsigned char **) ppszOverrideList ) ) { // The server name (in dot notation) is in the override list.
HttpFreeProxyOverrideList(ppszOverrideList); *AccessType = rpcpatDirect; return TRUE; } } }
HttpFreeProxyOverrideList(ppszOverrideList); }
*ppszHttpProxy = (char *)RpcpFarAllocate(1+strlen(szHttpProxy)); if (!*ppszHttpProxy) { return FALSE; }
*ppszHttpProxyPort = (char*)RpcpFarAllocate(1+strlen(szHttpProxyPort)); if (!*ppszHttpProxyPort) { I_RpcFree(*ppszHttpProxy); *ppszHttpProxy = NULL; return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }