// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997 - 1999
// httpreg.c
// HTTP/RPC Proxy Registry Functions.
// Author:
// 06-16-97 Edward Reus Initial version.
#include <sysinc.h>
#include <rpc.h>
#include <rpcdce.h>
#include <winsock2.h>
#include <httpfilt.h>
#include <httpext.h>
#include <mbstring.h>
#include <ecblist.h>
#include <filter.h>
#include <regexp.h>
#include <registry.h>
#include <resource.h>
#include <PEventLog.h>
// AtoUS()
// Convert a numeric string to an unsigned short. If the conversion
// fails return FALSE.
static BOOL AtoUS( char *pszValue, unsigned short *pusValue ) { int iValue; size_t iLen = strlen(pszValue);
*pusValue = 0;
if ((iLen == 0) || (iLen > 5) || (iLen != strspn(pszValue,"0123456789"))) { return FALSE; }
iValue = atoi(pszValue);
if ((iValue < 0) || (iValue > 65535)) { return FALSE; }
*pusValue = (unsigned short) iValue;
return TRUE; }
char * SkipLeadingSpaces ( IN const char *CurrentPosition ) /*++
Routine Description:
Skips all spaces (0x20) starting from the current position.
CurrentPosition - the beginning of the string
Return Value:
The first non-space character in the string
--*/ { while (*CurrentPosition == ' ') CurrentPosition ++;
return (char *)CurrentPosition; }
void RemoveTrailingSpaces ( IN char *CurrentPosition, IN char *BeginningOfString ) /*++
Routine Description:
Removes all trailing spaces at the end of the string by converting them to 0.
CurrentPosition - the current position in the string - usually one before the null terminator.
BeginningOfString - the beginning of the string - we should not move beyond this.
Return Value:
--*/ { ASSERT(CurrentPosition >= BeginningOfString);
// whack all trailing spaces
while (*CurrentPosition == ' ' && CurrentPosition > BeginningOfString) { *CurrentPosition = '\0'; -- CurrentPosition; } }
void LogEventValidPortsFailure ( IN char *ValidPorts ) /*++
Routine Description:
Logs a message to the event log reporting that the ValidPorts regkey cannot be parsed.
ValidPorts - parses the valid ports string as read from the registry.
Return Value:
--*/ { HANDLE hEventSource; char *Strings[] = { ValidPorts }; hEventSource = RegisterEventSourceW (NULL, // uses local computer
EVENT_LOG_SOURCE_NAME); // source name
if (hEventSource == NULL) { #if DBG
DbgPrint("Rpc Proxy - RegisterEventSourceW failed: %X. Can't log event ValidPorts failure event. \n", GetLastError()); #endif // DBG
return; }
if (!ReportEventA(hEventSource, EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE, // event type
NULL, // user security identifier
1, // # of substitution strings
0, // no data
Strings, // pointer to string array
NULL)) // pointer to data
{ #if DBG
DbgPrint("Rpc Proxy - ReportEventW failed: %X. Can't log event ValidPorts failure. \n", GetLastError()); #endif // DBG
// fall through on error
} DeregisterEventSource(hEventSource); }
void LogEventStartupSuccess ( IN char *IISMode ) /*++
Routine Description:
Logs a message to the event log reporting that the RPC proxy started successfully.
IISMode - the mode that we start in. Must be the string "5" for 5.0 mode and the string "6" for 6.0 mode.
Return Value:
--*/ { HANDLE hEventSource; char *Strings[] = { IISMode }; hEventSource = RegisterEventSourceW (NULL, // uses local computer
EVENT_LOG_SOURCE_NAME); // source name
if (hEventSource == NULL) { #if DBG
DbgPrint("Rpc Proxy - RegisterEventSourceW failed: %X. Can't log event StartupSuccess event. \n", GetLastError()); #endif // DBG
return; }
if (!ReportEventA(hEventSource, EVENTLOG_INFORMATION_TYPE, // event type
NULL, // user security identifier
1, // # of substitution strings
0, // no data
Strings, // pointer to string array
NULL)) // pointer to data
{ #if DBG
DbgPrint("Rpc Proxy - ReportEventW failed: %X. Can't log event Startup Success. \n", GetLastError()); #endif // DBG
// fall through on error
} DeregisterEventSource(hEventSource); }
// HttpParseServerPort()
// Parse strings of the form: <svr>:<port>[-<port>]
// Return TRUE iff we have a valid specification of a server/port range.
// N.B.: pszServerPortRange gets modified on output
static BOOL HttpParseServerPort( IN char *pszServerPortRange, OUT VALID_PORT *pValidPort ) { char *psz; char *pszColon; char *pszDash; char *pszCurrent;
pszServerPortRange = SkipLeadingSpaces (pszServerPortRange);
if (pszColon=_mbschr(pszServerPortRange,':')) { if (pszColon == pszServerPortRange) { return FALSE; }
*pszColon = 0; psz = pszColon; psz++; pValidPort->pszMachine = (char*)MemAllocate(1+lstrlen(pszServerPortRange)); if (!pValidPort->pszMachine) { return FALSE; }
// truncate trailing spaces in the name
// position on the last character before the terminating NULL
pszCurrent = pValidPort->pszMachine + _mbstrlen(pValidPort->pszMachine) - 1;
// we checked above that the machine name is not empty
ASSERT(pszCurrent > pValidPort->pszMachine);
RemoveTrailingSpaces (pszCurrent, pValidPort->pszMachine);
if (*psz) { // skip leading spaces
psz = SkipLeadingSpaces (psz);
if (pszDash=_mbschr(psz,'-')) { *pszDash = 0; RemoveTrailingSpaces (pszDash - 1, psz); if (!AtoUS(psz,&pValidPort->usPort1)) { pValidPort->pszMachine = MemFree(pValidPort->pszMachine); return FALSE; }
psz = SkipLeadingSpaces (pszDash + 1);
if (!AtoUS(psz,&pValidPort->usPort2)) { pValidPort->pszMachine = MemFree(pValidPort->pszMachine); return FALSE; } } else { psz = SkipLeadingSpaces (psz);
if (!AtoUS(psz,&pValidPort->usPort1)) { pValidPort->pszMachine = MemFree(pValidPort->pszMachine); return FALSE; }
pValidPort->usPort2 = pValidPort->usPort1; } } else { pValidPort->pszMachine = MemFree(pValidPort->pszMachine); return FALSE; } } else { return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
// HttpFreeValidPortList()
void HttpFreeValidPortList( IN VALID_PORT *pValidPorts ) { VALID_PORT *pCurrent = pValidPorts;
if (pValidPorts) { while (pCurrent->pszMachine) { MemFree(pCurrent->pszMachine);
if (pCurrent->ppszDotMachineList) { FreeIpAddressList(pCurrent->ppszDotMachineList); }
pCurrent++; }
MemFree(pValidPorts); } }
// HttpParseValidPortsList()
// Given a semicolon separated list of valid machine name/port ranges
// string, part it and return an array of ValidPort structures. The last
// entry has a NULL pszMachine field.
VALID_PORT *HttpParseValidPortsList( IN char *pszValidPorts ) { int i; int iLen; int count = 1; DWORD dwSize = 1+lstrlen(pszValidPorts); char *pszList; char *pszFirst; char *psz; VALID_PORT *pValidPorts = NULL;
if (!dwSize) { return NULL; }
// Make a local copy of the machine/ports list to work with:
pszList = MemAllocate(dwSize);
if (!pszList) { // Out of memory.
return NULL; }
// See how many separate machine/port range patterns ther are in
// the list:
// NOTE: That count may be too high, if either the list contains
// double semicolons or the list ends with a semicolon. If
// either/both of these happen that's Ok, our array will be
// just a little too long.
psz = pszList; while (psz=_mbsstr(psz,";")) { count++; psz++; }
pValidPorts = (VALID_PORT*)MemAllocate( (1+count)*sizeof(VALID_PORT) ); if (!pValidPorts) { // Out of memory.
MemFree(pszList); return NULL; }
i = 0;
psz = pszList;
while (i<count) { if (!*psz) { // End of list. This happens when the list contained empty
// patterns.
break; }
pszFirst = psz; psz = _mbsstr(pszFirst,";"); if (psz) { *psz = 0; // Nul where the semicolon was...
if ( (iLen=lstrlen(pszFirst)) == 0) { // Zero length pattern.
++psz; continue; }
if (!HttpParseServerPort(pszFirst,&(pValidPorts[i++]))) { MemFree(pszList); HttpFreeValidPortList(pValidPorts); return NULL; } } else { // Last one.
if (!HttpParseServerPort(pszFirst,&(pValidPorts[i++]))) { MemFree(pszList); HttpFreeValidPortList(pValidPorts); return NULL; } }
++psz; }
MemFree(pszList); return pValidPorts; }
BOOL InvalidPortsRangeEventLogged = FALSE;
// HttpProxyRefreshValidPorts()
// Check the registry to see if HTTP/RPC is enabled and if so, return a
// list (array) of machines that the RPC Proxy is allowed to reach (may
// be NULL. The returned list specifies specifically what machines may
// be reached by the proxy.
// The following registry entries are found in:
// \Software
// \Microsoft
// \Rpc
// \RpcProxy
// Enabled : REG_DWORD
// TRUE iff the RPC proxy is enabled.
// ValidPorts : REG_SZ
// Semicolon separated list of machine/port ranges used to specify
// what machine are reachable from the RPC proxy. For example:
// foxtrot:1-4000;Data*:200-4000
// Will allow access to the machine foxtrot (port ranges 1 to 4000) and
// to all machines whose name begins with Data (port ranges 200-4000).
VALID_PORT *HttpProxyRefreshValidPorts(IN HKEY hKey OPTIONAL) { long lStatus; BOOL KeyOpenedLocally; DWORD dwType; DWORD dwSize; VALID_PORT *ValidPorts = NULL; char *pszValidPorts = NULL;
KeyOpenedLocally = FALSE;
if (hKey == NULL) { lStatus = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, REG_PROXY_PATH_STR, 0, KEY_READ, &hKey); if (lStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto CleanupAndExit; } KeyOpenedLocally = TRUE; }
dwSize = 0; lStatus = RegQueryValueEx(hKey, REG_PROXY_VALID_PORTS_STR, 0, &dwType, (LPBYTE)NULL, &dwSize); if ( (lStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) || (dwSize == 0) ) { goto CleanupAndExit; }
// dwSize is now how big the valid ports string is (including the trailing nul).
pszValidPorts = (char *) MemAllocate(dwSize); if (pszValidPorts == NULL) goto CleanupAndExit;
lStatus = RegQueryValueEx(hKey, REG_PROXY_VALID_PORTS_STR, 0, &dwType, (LPBYTE)pszValidPorts, &dwSize); if (lStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto CleanupAndExit; }
ValidPorts = HttpParseValidPortsList(pszValidPorts);
// fall through to the cleanup and exit code
CleanupAndExit: if (KeyOpenedLocally) RegCloseKey(hKey);
// if we failed to load/parse the valid ports list, log an event
if (ValidPorts == NULL) { // log the event only the first time
if (InvalidPortsRangeEventLogged == FALSE) { LogEventValidPortsFailure (pszValidPorts); // remember we have logged the event.
InvalidPortsRangeEventLogged = TRUE; } } else { // we parsed the ports successfully.
InvalidPortsRangeEventLogged = FALSE; }
if (pszValidPorts) MemFree(pszValidPorts);
return ValidPorts; }
BOOL HttpProxyCheckRegistry(void) { int i; long lStatus; DWORD dwType; DWORD dwSize; HKEY hKey; char *pszValidPorts; struct hostent UNALIGNED *pHostEnt; struct in_addr ServerInAddr; HMODULE RedirectorDll; RPC_CHAR *RedirectorDllName; RPC_CHAR RedirectorDllNameBuffer[40];
lStatus = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,REG_PROXY_PATH_STR,0,KEY_READ,&hKey); if (lStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return TRUE; }
dwSize = sizeof(g_pServerInfo->dwEnabled); lStatus = RegQueryValueEx(hKey,REG_PROXY_ENABLE_STR,0,&dwType,(LPBYTE)&g_pServerInfo->dwEnabled,&dwSize); if (lStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) { RegCloseKey(hKey); return TRUE; }
if (!g_pServerInfo->dwEnabled) { // RPC Proxy is disabled, no need to go on.
RegCloseKey(hKey); return TRUE; }
dwSize = sizeof(g_pServerInfo->dwEnabled); lStatus = RegQueryValueEx(hKey,REG_PROXY_ALLOW_ANONYMOUS,0,&dwType,(LPBYTE)&g_pServerInfo->AllowAnonymous,&dwSize); if ((lStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS) && (dwType != REG_DWORD)) { // if the type is wrong, bail out
RegCloseKey(hKey); return FALSE; }
dwSize = sizeof(RedirectorDllNameBuffer); lStatus = RegQueryValueExW(hKey, REG_PROXY_REDIRECTOR_DLL, 0, &dwType, (LPBYTE)RedirectorDllNameBuffer, &dwSize); if ( ( (lStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS) || (lStatus == ERROR_MORE_DATA) ) && (dwType != REG_SZ) ) { // if the type is wrong, bail out
RegCloseKey(hKey); return FALSE; }
if (lStatus == ERROR_MORE_DATA) { RedirectorDllName = MemAllocate(dwSize); if (RedirectorDllName == NULL) { RegCloseKey(hKey); return FALSE; }
lStatus = RegQueryValueExW(hKey, REG_PROXY_REDIRECTOR_DLL, 0, &dwType, (LPBYTE)RedirectorDllName, &dwSize); } else RedirectorDllName = RedirectorDllNameBuffer;
if (lStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // a redirector DLL was configured
// Load it.
RedirectorDll = LoadLibraryW(RedirectorDllName); if (RedirectorDll == NULL) { RegCloseKey(hKey); return FALSE; }
g_pServerInfo->RpcNewHttpProxyChannel = (RPC_NEW_HTTP_PROXY_CHANNEL)GetProcAddress(RedirectorDll, "RpcNewHttpProxyChannel"); g_pServerInfo->RpcHttpProxyFreeString = (RPC_HTTP_PROXY_FREE_STRING)GetProcAddress(RedirectorDll, "RpcHttpProxyFreeString");
if ((g_pServerInfo->RpcNewHttpProxyChannel == NULL) || (g_pServerInfo->RpcHttpProxyFreeString == NULL)) { g_pServerInfo->RpcNewHttpProxyChannel = NULL; g_pServerInfo->RpcHttpProxyFreeString = NULL; FreeLibrary(RedirectorDll); RegCloseKey(hKey); return FALSE; } }
// this is called as part of the ISAPI initialization - no need
// to claim the right to refresh ports - we're single threaded
// by definition.
g_pServerInfo->RefreshingValidPorts = FALSE; g_pServerInfo->pValidPorts = HttpProxyRefreshValidPorts(hKey);
if (g_pServerInfo->pValidPorts) return TRUE; else return FALSE; }
// HttpConvertToDotAddress()
// Convert the specified machine name to IP dot notation if possible.
char *HttpConvertToDotAddress( char *pszMachineName ) { struct hostent UNALIGNED *pHostEnt; struct in_addr MachineInAddr; char *pszDot = NULL; char *pszDotMachine = NULL;
pHostEnt = gethostbyname(pszMachineName); if (pHostEnt) { memcpy(&MachineInAddr,pHostEnt->h_addr,pHostEnt->h_length); pszDot = inet_ntoa(MachineInAddr); }
if (pszDot) { pszDotMachine = (char*)MemAllocate(1+lstrlen(pszDot)); if (pszDotMachine) { lstrcpy(pszDotMachine,pszDot); } }
return pszDotMachine; }
// HttpNameToDotAddressList()
// Convert the specified machine name to IP dot notation if possible.
// Return a list (null terminated) of the IP dot addresses in ascii.
// If the function fails, then retrun NULL. It can fail if gethostbyname()
// fails, or memory allocation fails.
char **HttpNameToDotAddressList( IN char *pszMachineName ) { int i; int iCount = 0; struct hostent UNALIGNED *pHostEnt; struct in_addr MachineInAddr; char **ppszDotList = NULL; char *pszDot = NULL; char *pszDotMachine = NULL;
pHostEnt = gethostbyname(pszMachineName); if (pHostEnt) { // Count how many addresses we have:
while (pHostEnt->h_addr_list[iCount]) { iCount++; }
// Make sure we have at lease one address:
if (iCount > 0) { ppszDotList = (char**)MemAllocate( sizeof(char*)*(1+iCount) ); }
// Build an array of strings, holding the addresses (ascii DOT
// notation:
if (ppszDotList) { for (i=0; i<iCount; i++) { memcpy(&MachineInAddr, pHostEnt->h_addr_list[i], pHostEnt->h_length);
pszDot = inet_ntoa(MachineInAddr);
if (pszDot) { ppszDotList[i] = (char*)MemAllocate(1+lstrlen(pszDot)); if (ppszDotList[i]) { strcpy(ppszDotList[i],pszDot); } else { // memory allocate failed:
break; } } }
ppszDotList[i] = NULL; // Null terminated list.
} }
return ppszDotList; }
// CheckCacheTimestamp()
// Return true if the current time stamp is aged out.
BOOL CheckCacheTimestamp( DWORD dwCurrentTickCount, DWORD dwCacheTimestamp )
{ if ( (dwCurrentTickCount < dwCacheTimestamp) || ((dwCurrentTickCount - dwCacheTimestamp) > VALID_PORTS_CACHE_LIFE) ) { return TRUE; }
return FALSE; }
// CheckPort()
static BOOL CheckPort( DWORD dwPortNumber, VALID_PORT *pValidPort ) { return ( (dwPortNumber >= pValidPort->usPort1) && (dwPortNumber <= pValidPort->usPort2) ); }
// HttpProxyIsValidMachine()
BOOL HttpProxyIsValidMachine( SERVER_INFO *pServerInfo, char *pszMachine, char *pszDotMachine, DWORD dwPortNumber ) { int i; char **ppszDot; DWORD dwTicks; DWORD dwSize; DWORD dwStatus; VALID_PORT *pValidPorts;
// Check the machine name against those that were allowed
// in the registry:
dwStatus = RtlEnterCriticalSection(&pServerInfo->cs);
dwTicks = GetTickCount(); if (CheckCacheTimestamp(dwTicks, pServerInfo->dwCacheTimestamp) && pServerInfo->RefreshingValidPorts == FALSE) { // claim the right to refresh the ports
pServerInfo->RefreshingValidPorts = TRUE; RtlLeaveCriticalSection(&pServerInfo->cs);
// refresh them outside the critical section
pValidPorts = HttpProxyRefreshValidPorts ( NULL // hKey
// get back into the critical section
pServerInfo->RefreshingValidPorts = FALSE;
if (pValidPorts) { // if success, refresh the tick count
pServerInfo->dwCacheTimestamp = dwTicks; }
if (pServerInfo->pValidPorts) MemFree (pServerInfo->pValidPorts);
pServerInfo->pValidPorts = pValidPorts; }
pValidPorts = pServerInfo->pValidPorts;
if (pValidPorts) { while (pValidPorts->pszMachine) { // See if we have a name match:
if ( (MatchREi(pszMachine,pValidPorts->pszMachine)) && (CheckPort(dwPortNumber,pValidPorts)) ) { dwStatus = RtlLeaveCriticalSection(&pServerInfo->cs); return TRUE; }
// The "valid entry" in the registry might be an address
// wildcard, check it:
if ( (pszDotMachine) && (MatchREi(pszDotMachine,pValidPorts->pszMachine)) && (CheckPort(dwPortNumber,pValidPorts)) ) { dwStatus = RtlLeaveCriticalSection(&pServerInfo->cs); return TRUE; }
// Try a match using internet dot address:
if ( (pValidPorts->ppszDotMachineList) && (pszDotMachine) && (CheckPort(dwPortNumber,pValidPorts)) ) { // Note that the machine may have more than one address
// associated with it:
ppszDot = pValidPorts->ppszDotMachineList;
while (*ppszDot) { if (!_mbsicmp(pszDotMachine,*ppszDot)) { dwStatus = RtlLeaveCriticalSection(&pServerInfo->cs); return TRUE; } else { ppszDot++; } } }
pValidPorts++; } }
dwStatus = RtlLeaveCriticalSection(&pServerInfo->cs);
return FALSE; }