// ITrkAdmn.idl : IDL source for ITrkAdmn.dll //
// This file will be processed by the MIDL tool to // produce the type library (ITrkAdmn.tlb) and marshalling code.
import "oaidl.idl"; import "ocidl.idl";
[ object, uuid(A2531F44-C67D-11D0-8CB1-00C04FD90F85), dual, helpstring("Forcably gives a machine link-tracking ownership of file(s)/volume(s)"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface ITrkForceOwnership : IDispatch { [id(1), helpstring("Force one or more volumes to be owned by the current machine")] HRESULT Volumes(BSTR bstrUncPath, long lScope); [id(2), helpstring("Force one or more files to be owned by the current machine")] HRESULT Files(BSTR bstrUncPath, long lScope); [id(3), helpstring("Get the ownership-status of one or more volumes")] HRESULT VolumeStatus(BSTR bstrUncPath, long lScope, VARIANT *pvarlongVolIndex, VARIANT *pvarbstrVolId, VARIANT *pvarlongStatus ); [id(4), helpstring("Get the ownership-status of one or more files")] HRESULT FileStatus(BSTR bstrUncPath, long lScope, VARIANT *pvarrgbstrFileName, VARIANT* pvarrgbstrFileId, VARIANT* pvarrglongStatus); };
[ object, uuid(D0056F6B-E2A0-11D0-B1C2-00C04FB9386D), dual, helpstring("Notifies a machine's Link Tracking service that a restore has taken place"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface ITrkRestoreNotify : IDispatch { [id(1), helpstring("Notify the Link Tracking service that a restore has taken place")] HRESULT OnRestore(); };
[ object, uuid(755939E3-E381-11D0-B1C5-00C04FB9386D), helpstring("ITrkRestoreParser Interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface ITrkRestoreParser : IUnknown { }; [ uuid(A2531F35-C67D-11D0-8CB1-00C04FD90F85), version(1.0), helpstring("Link Tracking 1.0 Type Library") ] library ITRKADMNLib { importlib("stdole2.tlb");
[ uuid(A2531F45-C67D-11D0-8CB1-00C04FD90F85), helpstring("Link Tracking Force Ownership Class") ] coclass TrkForceOwnership { [default] interface ITrkForceOwnership; }; [ uuid(D0056F6C-E2A0-11D0-B1C2-00C04FB9386D), helpstring("TrkRestoreNotifyClass") ] coclass TrkRestoreNotify { [default] interface ITrkRestoreNotify; }; [ uuid(755939E4-E381-11D0-B1C5-00C04FB9386D), helpstring("TrkRestoreParser Class") ] coclass TrkRestoreParser { [default] interface ITrkRestoreParser; }; };