#include <ndis.h>
#include <e100_equ.h>
#include <e100_557.h>
#include <e100_def.h>
#include <mp_def.h>
#include <mp_cmn.h>
#include <mp.h>
#include <mp_nic.h>
#include <mp_dbg.h>
#include <e100_sup.h>
// Things to note:
// PME_ena bit should be active before the 82558 is set into low power mode
// Default for WOL should generate wake up event after a HW Reset
// Fixed Packet Filtering
// Need to verify that the micro code is loaded and Micro Machine is active
// Clock signal is active on PCI clock
// Address Matching
// Need to enable IAMatch_Wake_En bit and the MCMatch_Wake_En bit is set
// ARP Wakeup
// Need to set BRCST DISABL bet to 0 (broadcast enable)
// To handle VLAN set the VLAN_ARP bit
// IP address needs to be configured with 16 least significant bits
// Set the IP Address in the IP_Address configuration word.
// Fixed WakeUp Filters:
// There are 3ight different fixed WakeUp Filters
// ( Unicast, Multicast, Arp. etc).
// Link Status Event
// Set Link_Status_Wakeup Enable bit.
// Flexible filtering:
// Supports: ARP packets, Directed, Magic Packet and Link Event
// Flexible Filtering Overview:
// driver should program micro-code before setting card into low power
// Incoming packets are compared against the loadable microcode. If PME is
// is enabled then, the system is woken up.
// Segments are defined in book - but not implemented here.
// WakeUp Packet -that causes the machine to wake up will be stored
// in the Micro Machine temporary storage area so that the driver can read it.
// Software Work:
// Power Down:
// OS requests the driver to go to a low power state
// Software Pends request
// SW sets CU and RU to idle by issuing a Selective Reset to the device
// 3rd portion .- Wake Up Segments defintion
// The above three segments are loaded as on chain. The last CB must have
// its EL bit set.
// Device can now be powered down.
// Software driver completes OS request
// OS then physically switches the Device to low power state
// Power Up:
// OS powers up the Device
// OS tells the SW that it is now in D0
// driver should NOT initialize the Device. It should NOT issue a Self Test
// Driver Initiates a PORT DUMP command
// Device dumps its internal registers including the wakeup frame storage area
// SW reads the PME register
// SW reads the WakeUp Frame Data, analyzes it and acts accordingly
// SW restores its cvonfiguration and and resumes normal operation.
// Power Management definitions from the Intel Handbook
// Definitions from Table 4.2, Pg 4.9
// of the 10/100 Mbit Ethernet Family Software Technical
// Reference Manual
#define PMC_Offset 0xDE
#define E100_PMC_WAKE_FROM_D0 0x1
#define E100_PMC_WAKE_FROM_D1 0x2
#define E100_PMC_WAKE_FROM_D2 0x4
#define E100_PMC_WAKE_FROM_D3HOT 0x8
#define E100_PMC_WAKE_FROM_D3_AUX 0x10
// Load Programmable filter definintions.
// Taken from C-19 from the Software Reference Manual.
// It has examples too. The opcode used for load is 0x80000
#define BIT_15_13 0xA000
#define CB_FILTER_EL BIT_7
#define CU_SCB_NULL ((UINT)-1)
#pragma pack( push, enter_include1, 1 )
// Define the PM Capabilities register in the device
// portion of the PCI config space
typedef struct _MP_PM_CAP_REG {
USHORT UnInteresting:11; USHORT PME_Support:5;
// Define the PM Control/Status Register
typedef struct _MP_PMCSR {
USHORT PowerState:2; // Power State;
USHORT Res:2; // reserved
USHORT DynData:1; // Ignored
USHORT Res1:3; // Reserved
USHORT PME_En:1; // Enable device to set the PME Event;
USHORT DataSel:4; // Unused
USHORT DataScale:2; // Data Scale - Unused
USHORT PME_Status:1; // PME Status - Sticky bit;
typedef struct _MP_PM_PCI_SPACE {
UCHAR Stuff[PMC_Offset];
// PM capabilites
// PM Control Status Register
// This is the Programmable Filter Command Structure
typedef struct _MP_PROG_FILTER_COMM_STRUCT { // CB Status Word
// CB Command Word
//Next CB PTR == ffff ffff
//Programmable Filters
ULONG FilterData[16];
typedef struct _MP_PMDR { // Status of the PME bit
UCHAR PMEStatus:1;
// Is the TCO busy
UCHAR TCORequest:1;
// Force TCO indication
// Is the TCO Ready
// Reserved
UCHAR Reserved:1;
// Has an InterestingPacket been received
UCHAR InterestingPacket:1;
// Has a Magic Packet been received
UCHAR MagicPacket:1;
// Has the Link Status been changed
UCHAR LinkStatus:1; } MP_PMDR , *PMP_PMDR;
// Structure used to set up a programmable filter.
// This is overlayed over the Control/Status Register (CSR)
typedef struct _CSR_FILTER_STRUC {
// Status- used to verify if the load prog filter command
// has been accepted .set to 0xa000
USHORT ScbStatus; // SCB Status register
// Set to an opcode of 0x8
UCHAR ScbCommandLow; // SCB Command register (low byte)
// 80. Low + High gives the required opcode 0x80080000
UCHAR ScbCommandHigh; // SCB Command register (high byte)
// Set to NULL ff ff ff ff
ULONG NextPointer; // SCB General pointer
// Set to a hardcoded filter, Arp + IA Match, + IP address
union { ULONG u32;
struct { UCHAR IPAddress[2]; UCHAR Reserved; UCHAR Set; }PreDefined; }Programmable; // Wake UP Filter union
#pragma pack( pop, enter_include1 )
#define MP_CLEAR_PMDR(pPMDR) (*pPMDR) = ((*pPMDR) | 0xe0); // clear the 3 uppermost bits in the PMDR
// L O C A L P R O T O T Y P E S
__inline NDIS_STATUS MPIssueScbPoMgmtCommand( IN PMP_ADAPTER Adapter, IN PCSR_FILTER_STRUC pFilter, IN BOOLEAN WaitForScb );
VOID MPCreateProgrammableFilter ( IN PMP_WAKE_PATTERN pMpWakePattern , IN PUCHAR pFilter, IN OUT PULONG pNext );
// Macros used to walk a doubly linked list. Only macros that are not defined in ndis.h
// The List Next macro will work on Single and Doubly linked list as Flink is a common
// field name in both
PSINGLE_LIST_ENTRY ListNext ( IN PSINGLE_LIST_ENTRY ); */ #define ListNext(_pL) (_pL)->Flink
PLIST_ENTRY ListPrev ( IN LIST_ENTRY * ); */ #define ListPrev(_pL) (_pL)->Blink
// P O W E R M G M T F U N C T I O N S
PUCHAR HwReadPowerPMDR( IN PMP_ADAPTER Adapter ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine will Hardware's PM registers Arguments:
Adapter Pointer to our adapter
Return Value:
#define CSR_SIZE sizeof (*Adapter->CSRAddress)
ASSERT (CSR_SIZE == 0x18);
pPMDR = 0x18 + (PUCHAR)Adapter->CSRAddress ;
return pPMDR;
NDIS_STATUS MPWritePciSlotInfo( PMP_ADAPTER pAdapter, ULONG Offset, PVOID pValue, ULONG SizeofValue ) { ULONG ulResult; NDIS_STATUS Status; ulResult = NdisWritePciSlotInformation( pAdapter->AdapterHandle, 0, Offset, pValue, SizeofValue);
ASSERT (ulResult == SizeofValue);
// What do we do in case of failure;
if (ulResult == SizeofValue) { Status = NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS; } else { Status = NDIS_STATUS_FAILURE; }
return Status;
NDIS_STATUS MPReadPciSlotInfo( PMP_ADAPTER pAdapter, ULONG Offset, PVOID pValue, ULONG SizeofValue ) { ULONG ulResult; NDIS_STATUS Status; ulResult = NdisReadPciSlotInformation( pAdapter->AdapterHandle, 0, Offset, pValue, SizeofValue);
ASSERT (ulResult == SizeofValue);
// What do we do in case of failure;
if (ulResult == SizeofValue) { Status = NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS; } else { Status = NDIS_STATUS_FAILURE; }
return Status;
return Status; }
VOID MpExtractPMInfoFromPciSpace( PMP_ADAPTER pAdapter, PUCHAR pPciConfig ) /*++
Routine Description:
Looks at the PM information in the device specific section of the PCI Config space. Interprets the register values and stores it in the adapter structure Definitions from Table 4.2 & 4.3, Pg 4-9 & 4-10 of the 10/100 Mbit Ethernet Family Software Technical Reference Manual
Adapter Pointer to our adapter pPciConfig Pointer to Common Pci Space
Return Value:
--*/ { PMP_PM_PCI_SPACE pPmPciConfig = (PMP_PM_PCI_SPACE )pPciConfig; PMP_POWER_MGMT pPoMgmt = &pAdapter->PoMgmt; MP_PMCSR PMCSR;
// First interpret the PM Capabities register
PmCaps = pPmPciConfig->PMCaps;
if(PmCaps.PME_Support & E100_PMC_WAKE_FROM_D0) { pAdapter->PoMgmt.bWakeFromD0 = TRUE; } if(PmCaps.PME_Support & E100_PMC_WAKE_FROM_D1) { pAdapter->PoMgmt.bWakeFromD1 = TRUE; }
if(PmCaps.PME_Support & E100_PMC_WAKE_FROM_D2) { pAdapter->PoMgmt.bWakeFromD2 = TRUE; }
if(PmCaps.PME_Support & E100_PMC_WAKE_FROM_D3HOT) { pAdapter->PoMgmt.bWakeFromD3Hot = TRUE; }
if(PmCaps.PME_Support & E100_PMC_WAKE_FROM_D3_AUX) { pAdapter->PoMgmt.bWakeFromD3Aux = TRUE; }
// Interpret the PM Control/Status Register
{ PMCSR = pPmPciConfig->PMCSR;
if (PMCSR.PME_En == 1) { //
// PME is enabled. Clear the PME_En bit.
// So that it is not asserted
MpClearPME_En (pAdapter,PMCSR);
//pPoMgmt->PowerState = PMCSR.PowerState;
VOID MPSetPowerLowPrivate( PMP_ADAPTER pAdapter ) /*++
Routine Description:
The section follows the steps mentioned in Section C.2.6.2 of the Reference Manual.
Adapter Pointer to our adapter
Return Value:
--*/ { CSR_FILTER_STRUC Filter; NDIS_STATUS Status = NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS; USHORT IntStatus; MP_PMCSR PMCSR; NdisZeroMemory (&Filter, sizeof (Filter));
do {
// Before issue the command to low power state, we should disable the
// interrup and ack all the pending interrupts, then set the adapter's power to
// low state.
NICDisableInterrupt(pAdapter); NIC_ACK_INTERRUPT(pAdapter, IntStatus); pAdapter->CurrentPowerState = pAdapter->NextPowerState;
// If the driver should wake up the machine
if (pAdapter->WakeUpEnable != 0) { //
// Send the WakeUp Patter to the nic
MPIssueScbPoMgmtCommand(pAdapter, &Filter, TRUE);
// Section C.2.6.2 - The driver needs to wait for the CU to idle
// The above function already waits for the CU to idle
ASSERT ((pAdapter->CSRAddress->ScbStatus & SCB_CUS_MASK) == SCB_CUS_IDLE); } else { MPReadPciSlotInfo(pAdapter, FIELD_OFFSET(MP_PM_PCI_SPACE, PMCSR), (PVOID)&PMCSR, sizeof(PMCSR)); if (PMCSR.PME_En == 1) { //
// PME is enabled. Clear the PME_En bit.
// So that it is not asserted
MpClearPME_En (pAdapter,PMCSR);
// Set the driver to lower power state by OS
} while (FALSE);
} NDIS_STATUS MPSetPowerD0Private ( IN MP_ADAPTER* pAdapter ) { PUCHAR pPMDR; NDIS_STATUS Status; do { // Dump the packet if necessary
//Cause of Wake Up
pPMDR = HwReadPowerPMDR(pAdapter);
// Clear the PMDR
} while (FALSE);
VOID MPSetPowerWorkItem( IN PNDIS_WORK_ITEM pWorkItem, IN PVOID pContext ) {
// Call the appropriate function
// Complete the original request
VOID HwSetWakeUpConfigure( IN PMP_ADAPTER pAdapter, PUCHAR pPoMgmtConfigType, UINT WakeUpParameter ) {
if (MPIsPoMgmtSupported( pAdapter) == TRUE) { (*pPoMgmtConfigType)= ((*pPoMgmtConfigType)| CB_WAKE_ON_LINK_BYTE9 |CB_WAKE_ON_ARP_PKT_BYTE9 ); } }
NDIS_STATUS MPSetUpFilterCB( IN PMP_ADAPTER pAdapter ) { NDIS_STATUS Status = NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS; PCB_HEADER_STRUC NonTxCmdBlockHdr = (PCB_HEADER_STRUC)pAdapter->NonTxCmdBlock; PFILTER_CB_STRUC pFilterCb = (PFILTER_CB_STRUC)NonTxCmdBlockHdr; ULONG Curr = 0; ULONG Next = 0; PLIST_ENTRY pPatternEntry = ListNext(&pAdapter->PoMgmt.PatternList) ;
DBGPRINT(MP_TRACE, ("--> HwSetupIAAddress\n"));
NdisZeroMemory (pFilterCb, sizeof(*pFilterCb));
// Individual Address Setup
NonTxCmdBlockHdr->CbStatus = 0; NonTxCmdBlockHdr->CbCommand = CB_EL_BIT | CB_LOAD_PROG_FILTER; NonTxCmdBlockHdr->CbLinkPointer = DRIVER_NULL;
// go through each filter in the list.
while (pPatternEntry != (&pAdapter->PoMgmt.PatternList)) { PMP_WAKE_PATTERN pWakeUpPattern = NULL; PNDIS_PM_PACKET_PATTERN pCurrPattern = NULL;;
// initialize local variables
pWakeUpPattern = CONTAINING_RECORD(pPatternEntry, MP_WAKE_PATTERN, linkListEntry);
// increment the iterator
pPatternEntry = ListNext (pPatternEntry); // Update the Curr Array Pointer
Curr = Next; // Create the Programmable filter for this device.
MPCreateProgrammableFilter (pWakeUpPattern , (PUCHAR)&pFilterCb->Pattern[Curr], &Next);
if (Next >=16) { break; } }
{ // Set the EL bit on the last pattern
PUCHAR pLastPattern = (PUCHAR) &pFilterCb->Pattern[Curr];
// Get to bit 31
pLastPattern[3] |= CB_FILTER_EL ;
ASSERT(pAdapter->CSRAddress->ScbCommandLow == 0)
// Wait for the CU to Idle before giving it this command
if(!WaitScb(pAdapter)) { Status = NDIS_STATUS_HARD_ERRORS; }
return Status;
do { // Set up SCB to issue this command
Status = MPSetUpFilterCB(pAdapter);
if (Status != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { break; }
// Submit the configure command to the chip, and wait for it to complete.
pAdapter->CSRAddress->ScbGeneralPointer = pAdapter->NonTxCmdBlockPhys;
Status = D100SubmitCommandBlockAndWait(pAdapter);
} while (FALSE); return Status; }
NDIS_STATUS MPCalculateE100PatternForFilter ( IN PUCHAR pFrame, IN ULONG FrameLength, IN PUCHAR pMask, IN ULONG MaskLength, OUT PULONG pSignature ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function outputs the E100 specific Pattern Signature used to wake up the machine.
Section C.2.4 - CRC word calculation of a Flexible Filer
pFrame - Pattern Set by the protocols FrameLength - Length of the Pattern pMask - Mask set by the Protocols MaskLength - Length of the Mask pSignature - caller allocated return structure Return Value: Returns Success Failure - if the Pattern is greater than 129 bytes
--*/ { const ULONG Coefficients = 0x04c11db7; ULONG Signature = 0; ULONG n = 0; ULONG i= 0; PUCHAR pCurrentMaskByte = pMask - 1; // init to -1
ULONG MaskOffset = 0; ULONG BitOffsetInMask = 0; ULONG MaskBit = 0; BOOLEAN fIgnoreCurrentByte = FALSE; ULONG ShiftBy = 0; UCHAR FrameByte = 0; NDIS_STATUS Status = NDIS_STATUS_FAILURE;
*pSignature = 0;
do { if (FrameLength > 128) { Status = NDIS_STATUS_FAILURE; break; }
// The E100 driver can only accept 3 DWORDS of Mask in a single pattern
if (MaskLength > (3*sizeof(ULONG))) { Status = NDIS_STATUS_FAILURE; break; }
for (n=i=0;(n<128) && (n < FrameLength); ++n) { // The first half deals with the question -
// Is the nth Frame byte to be included in the Filter
BitOffsetInMask = (n % 8);
if (BitOffsetInMask == 0) { //
// We need to move to a new byte.
// [0] for 0th byte, [1] for 8th byte, [2] for 16th byte, etc.
MaskOffset = n/8; // This is the new byte we need to go
if (MaskOffset == MaskLength) { break; } pCurrentMaskByte ++; ASSERT (*pCurrentMaskByte == pMask[n/8]); }
// Now look at the actual bit in the mask
MaskBit = 1 << BitOffsetInMask ; // If the current Mask Bit is set in the Mask then
// we need to use it in the CRC calculation, otherwise we ignore it
fIgnoreCurrentByte = ! (MaskBit & pCurrentMaskByte[0]);
if (fIgnoreCurrentByte) { continue; }
// We are suppossed to take in the current byte as part of the CRC calculation
// Initialize the variables
FrameByte = pFrame[n]; ShiftBy = (i % 3 ) * 8; ASSERT (ShiftBy!= 24); // Bit 24 is never used
if (Signature & 0x80000000) { Signature = ((Signature << 1) ^ ( FrameByte << ShiftBy) ^ Coefficients); } else { Signature = ((Signature << 1 ) ^ (FrameByte << ShiftBy)); } ++i;
// Clear bits 22-31
Signature &= 0x00ffffff; // Update the result
*pSignature = Signature;
// We have succeeded
Status = NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS; } while (FALSE);
return Status; }
VOID MPCreateProgrammableFilter ( IN PMP_WAKE_PATTERN pMpWakePattern , IN PUCHAR pFilter, IN OUT PULONG pNext ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function outputs the E100 specific Pattern Signature used to wake up the machine.
Section C.2.4 - Load Programmable Filter page C.20
pMpWakePattern - Filter will be created for this pattern, pFilter - Filter will be stored here, pNext - Used for validation . This Ulong will also be incremented by the size of the filter (in ulongs) Return Value:
--*/ { PUCHAR pCurrentByte = pFilter; ULONG NumBytesWritten = 0; PULONG pCurrentUlong = (PULONG)pFilter; PNDIS_PM_PACKET_PATTERN pNdisPattern = (PNDIS_PM_PACKET_PATTERN)(&pMpWakePattern->Pattern[0]); ULONG LengthOfFilter = 0;
// Is there enough room for this pattern
{ // Length in DWORDS
LengthOfFilter = pNdisPattern->MaskSize /4;
if (pNdisPattern->MaskSize % 4 != 0) { LengthOfFilter++; }
// Increment LengthOfFilter to account for the 1st DWORD
// We are only allowed 16 DWORDS in a filter
if (*pNext + LengthOfFilter >= 16) { // Failure - early exit
return; } } // Clear the Predefined bit; already cleared in the previous function.
// first , initialize -
*pCurrentUlong = 0;
// Mask Length goes into Bits 27-29 of the 1st DWORD. MaskSize is measured in DWORDs
{ ULONG dwMaskSize = pNdisPattern->MaskSize /4; ULONG dwMLen = 0;
// If there is a remainder a remainder then increment
if (pNdisPattern->MaskSize % 4 != 0) { dwMaskSize++; }
// If we fail this assertion, it means our
// MaskSize is greater than 16 bytes.
// This filter should have been failed upfront at the time of the request
ASSERT (0 < dwMaskSize <5); //
// In the Spec, 0 - Single DWORD maske, 001 - 2 DWORD mask,
// 011 - 3 DWORD mask, 111 - 4 Dword Mask.
if (dwMaskSize == 1) dwMLen = 0; if (dwMaskSize == 2) dwMLen = 1; if (dwMaskSize == 3) dwMLen = 3; if (dwMaskSize == 4) dwMLen = 7;
// Adjust the Mlen, so it is in the correct position
dwMLen = (dwMLen << 3);
if (dwMLen != 0) { ASSERT (dwMLen <= 0x38 && dwMLen >= 0x08); } // These go into bits 27,28,29 (bits 3,4 and 5 of the 4th byte)
pCurrentByte[3] |= dwMLen ;
// Add the signature to bits 0-23 of the 1st DWORD
{ PUCHAR pSignature = (PUCHAR)&pMpWakePattern->Signature;
// Bits 0-23 are also the 1st three bytes of the DWORD
pCurrentByte[0] = pSignature[0]; pCurrentByte[1] = pSignature[1]; pCurrentByte[2] = pSignature[2];
// Lets move to the next DWORD. Init variables
pCurrentByte += 4 ; NumBytesWritten = 4; pCurrentUlong = (PULONG)pCurrentByte; // We Copy in the Mask over here
{ // The Mask is at the end of the pattern
PUCHAR pMask = (PUCHAR)pNdisPattern + sizeof(*pNdisPattern);
Dump (pMask,pNdisPattern->MaskSize, 0,1);
NdisMoveMemory (pCurrentByte, pMask, pNdisPattern->MaskSize);
NumBytesWritten += pNdisPattern->MaskSize; }
// Update the output value
{ ULONG NumUlongs = (NumBytesWritten /4);
if ((NumBytesWritten %4) != 0) { NumUlongs ++; }
ASSERT (NumUlongs == LengthOfFilter);
*pNext = *pNext + NumUlongs; }
return; }