#include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h>
BOOL DoComIo(LPSTR lpCom,DWORD Baud,BYTE Size,BYTE Parity,BYTE Stop);
//#define COM_DEB 1
#define NUM 128
#define print printf
DWORD main(int argc, char *argv[], char *envp[]) { BOOL bRc; CHAR chDummy; BOOL bSize,bRIT,bRTTM,bRTTC;
bRIT = bRTTM = bSize = bRTTC = FALSE;
while(argc--) {
switch(argv[argc][1]) { // case 'f' :
// case 'F' : {
// if (argv[argc][0] != '-') break;
// printf("filename option=%s\n\n",argv[argc]);
// sscanf(argv[argc],"%c %c %s",&chDummy,&chDummy,lpFilename);
// printf("filename to be displayed=%s\n\n",lpFilename);
// bFile = TRUE;
// break;
// }
case 'I' : case 'i' : { if (argv[argc][0] != '-') break; printf("RIT option=%s\n\n",argv[argc]); sscanf(argv[argc],"%c %c %lx",&chDummy,&chDummy,&dwRIT); printf("RIT =%lx\n\n",dwRIT); bRIT = TRUE; break; } case 'M' : case 'm' : { if (argv[argc][0] != '-') break; printf("RTTM option=%s\n\n",argv[argc]); sscanf(argv[argc],"%c %c %lx",&chDummy,&chDummy,&dwRTTM); printf("RTTM =%lx\n\n",dwRTTM); bRTTM = TRUE; break; }
case 'C' : case 'c' : { if (argv[argc][0] != '-') break; printf("RTTC option=%s\n\n",argv[argc]); sscanf(argv[argc],"%c %c %lx",&chDummy,&chDummy,&dwRTTC); printf("RTTC =%lx\n\n",dwRTTC); bRTTC = TRUE; break; }
case 'S' : case 's' : { if (argv[argc][0] != '-') break; printf("size option=%s\n\n",argv[argc]); sscanf(argv[argc],"%c %c %lx",&chDummy,&chDummy,&dwSize); printf("Size to be xfered =%lx bytes\n\n",dwSize); if (dwSize > NUM) { printf("dwSize[%lx] should be < %lx\n",dwSize,NUM); return -1; } bSize = TRUE; break; } default: { break; }
if (!bRIT || !bRTTM || !bRTTC ||!bSize) { printf("\n\nOptions are required!!\n\n"); printf("timeout <required options>\n\n"); printf("options:\n"); printf(" -i<read interval timeout > eg: -i0x0000>\n\n"); printf(" -m<read total timeout multiplier> eg: -m0x0000>\n\n"); printf(" -c<read total timeout constant> eg: -c0x0000>\n\n"); printf(" -s<size in bytes to be xfred eg: -s0x10>\n\n"); return (-1); }
print("\n\n *** Doing COM TEST with [port=%s Baud=%d,Size=%d,Parity=%d,Stop=%d]***\n\n", SETTINGS1); bRc = DoComIo(SETTINGS1); if (!bRc) { print("\n\nCOM TEST FAILED********************************\n\n"); }
return 0; }
BOOL DoComIo(LPSTR lpCom,DWORD Baud,BYTE Size,BYTE Parity,BYTE Stop) {
CHAR WrBuffer[NUM]; CHAR RdBuffer[NUM]; DWORD i; HANDLE hCommPort; DCB dcb; BOOL bRc; DWORD dwNumWritten,dwNumRead,dwErrors; COMMTIMEOUTS CommTimeOuts;
print("\n\n *** COMM TEST START [port=%s,Baud=%d,Size=%d,Parity=%d,Stop=%d]***\n\n", lpCom,Baud,Size,Parity,Stop);
print("Opening the comm port for read write\n");
hCommPort = CreateFile( lpCom, GENERIC_READ|GENERIC_WRITE, 0, // exclusive
NULL, // sec attr
OPEN_EXISTING, 0, // no attributes
NULL); // no template
if (hCommPort == (HANDLE)-1) { print("FAIL: OpenComm failed rc: %lx\n",hCommPort); return FALSE; }
print("Opening the comm port for read write: SUCCESS hCommPort=%lx\n",hCommPort);
print("Setting the line characteristics on comm \n");
if (!GetCommState(hCommPort,&dcb)) { printf("FAIL: Couldn't get the dcb: %d\n",GetLastError()); return FALSE; } dcb.DCBlength = sizeof(DCB); // dcb.DCBversion = 0x0002; BUG BUG in spec not in header
dcb.BaudRate = Baud; dcb.ByteSize = Size; dcb.Parity = Parity; dcb.StopBits = Stop;
bRc = SetupComm(hCommPort,1024,1024);
printf("bRc from CommSetup = %lx\n",bRc);
if (!bRc) { printf("FAIL: comsetup\n"); }
bRc = SetCommState(hCommPort,&dcb);
if (!bRc) { print("FAIL: cannot set the comm state rc:%lx\n",bRc); bRc = CloseHandle(hCommPort); if (!bRc) { print("FAIL: cannot close the comm port:%lx\n",bRc); } return FALSE; }
print("Setting the line characteristics on comm: SUCCESS\n");
CommTimeOuts.ReadIntervalTimeout = dwRIT; CommTimeOuts.ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier = dwRTTM; CommTimeOuts.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant = dwRTTC; CommTimeOuts.WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 0; CommTimeOuts.WriteTotalTimeoutConstant = 0;
printf("setting timeouts: RIT=%lx RTTM = %lx RTTC = %lx\n", dwRIT, dwRTTM, dwRTTC);
bRc = SetCommTimeouts(hCommPort, &CommTimeOuts);
printf("bRc from setcommtimeouts = %lx\n",bRc);
if (!bRc) { printf("FAIL: setcommtimeouts\n"); }
printf("Filling the buffer with the known chars \n");
for (i=0; i<dwSize; i++) { //WrBuffer[i] = 'a';
WrBuffer[i] = (CHAR)i;
print("Filling the buffer with the known chars : SUCCESS\n");
#ifdef COM_DEB
print("Dumping the buffer before sending it to comm\n");
for (i=0; i< dwSize; i++) { //print("%c",RdBuffer[i]);
print(" %d ",WrBuffer[i]);
print("\nDumping the buffer before sending it to comm SUCCESS\n"); #endif
print("Filling the Rdbuffer with the known chars (0xFF) to makeit dirty\n");
for (i=0; i< dwSize; i++) { RdBuffer[i] = (CHAR)'0xFF'; }
print("Filling the Rdbuffer with the known chars (0xFF): SUCCESS\n");
print("Writting this buffer to the comm port\n");
bRc = WriteFile( hCommPort, WrBuffer, dwSize, &dwNumWritten, NULL);
if (!bRc) { print("FAIL: cannot Write To the comm port:%lx\n",bRc); bRc = CloseHandle(hCommPort); if (!bRc) { print("FAIL: cannot close the comm port:%lx\n",bRc); } return FALSE; }
print("Writting this buffer to the comm port: SUCCESS rc:%lx, byteswritten:%lx\n", bRc,dwNumWritten);
print("Reading this buffer from the comm port\n");
bRc = ReadFile( hCommPort, RdBuffer, dwSize, &dwNumRead, NULL);
if (!bRc) { print("FAIL: cannot Read From the comm port:%lx\n",bRc); bRc = CloseHandle(hCommPort); if (!bRc) { print("FAIL: cannot close the comm port:%lx\n",bRc); } return FALSE; }
print("Reading this buffer from the comm port: SUCCESS rc:%lx, bytesread:%lx\n", bRc,dwNumRead);
//#ifdef COM_DEB
print("Dumping the Rdbuffer with the comm data\n");
for (i=0; i< dwSize; i++) { //print("%c",RdBuffer[i]);
print(" %d ",RdBuffer[i]);
print("\nDumping the Rdbuffer with the comm data: SUCCESS\n"); //#endif
print("Comparing the rd and wr buffers\n");
for (i=0; i< dwSize; i++) { if (RdBuffer[i] != WrBuffer[i]) { print("FAIL: BufferMisMatch: RdBuffer[%d]=%lx,WrBuffer[%d]=%lx\n", i,RdBuffer[i],i,WrBuffer[i]); bRc = CloseHandle(hCommPort); if (!bRc) { print("FAIL: cannot close the comm port:%lx\n",bRc); } return FALSE; } }
print("Comparing the rd and wr buffers: SUCCESS\n");
bRc = ClearCommError(hCommPort,&dwErrors,NULL); print("ClearCommError: rc= %lx and dwErrors=%lx\n",bRc,dwErrors);
bRc = PurgeComm(hCommPort,0); print("PurgeComm (%lx,0) rc = %lx\n",hCommPort,bRc);
//bRc = FlushFileBuffers(hCommPort);
//print("flushfilebuffers(%lx) rc = %lx\n",hCommPort,bRc);
print("Closing the comm port\n"); bRc = CloseHandle(hCommPort);
if (!bRc) { print("FAIL: cannot close the comm port:%lx\n",bRc); return FALSE; }
print("\n\n*** COMM TEST OVER*** \n\n"); }