Copyright (C) 2002 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module contains routines that port drivers can use for support of the MPIO package. Author:
kernel mode only
Revision History:
#include "precomp.h"
BOOLEAN PortpFindMPIOSupportedDevice( IN PUNICODE_STRING DeviceName, IN PUNICODE_STRING SupportedDevices );
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, PortGetMPIODeviceList)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, PortpFindMPIOSupportedDevice)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, PortpMPIOLoaded)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, PortIsDeviceMPIOSupported)
Routine Description:
This routine builds and returns the MPIO SupportedDeviceList by querying the value MPIOSupportedDeviceList under the key 'RegistryPath' (which should be HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\MPDEV).
RegistryPath - The Absolute registry path under which MPIOSupportDeviceList lives. Return Value:
The MULTI_SZ SupportedDeviceList or NULL. --*/ { RTL_QUERY_REGISTRY_TABLE queryTable[2]; WCHAR defaultIDs[] = { L"\0" }; NTSTATUS status;
// Zero the table entries.
RtlZeroMemory(queryTable, sizeof(queryTable));
// The query table has two entries. One for the supporteddeviceList and
// the second which is the 'NULL' terminator.
// Indicate that there is NO call-back routine, and to give back the MULTI_SZ as
// one blob, as opposed to individual unicode strings.
// The value to query.
queryTable[0].Name = L"MPIOSupportedDeviceList";
// Where to put the strings, the type of the key, default values and length.
queryTable[0].EntryContext = MPIODeviceList; queryTable[0].DefaultType = REG_MULTI_SZ; queryTable[0].DefaultData = defaultIDs; queryTable[0].DefaultLength = sizeof(defaultIDs);
// Try to get the device list.
status = RtlQueryRegistryValues(RTL_REGISTRY_ABSOLUTE, RegistryPath->Buffer, queryTable, NULL, NULL); return status; }
BOOLEAN PortpFindMPIOSupportedDevice( IN PUNICODE_STRING DeviceName, IN PUNICODE_STRING SupportedDevices ) /*++
Routine Description:
This internal routine compares the two unicode strings for a match.
DeviceName - String built from the current device's inquiry data. SupportedDevices - MULTI_SZ of devices that are supported.
Return Value:
TRUE - If VendorId/ProductId is found.
--*/ { PWSTR devices = SupportedDevices->Buffer; UNICODE_STRING unicodeString; LONG compare;
// 'devices' is the current buffer in the MULTI_SZ built from
// the registry.
while (devices[0]) {
// Make the current entry into a unicode string.
RtlInitUnicodeString(&unicodeString, devices);
// Compare this one with the current device.
compare = RtlCompareUnicodeString(&unicodeString, DeviceName, TRUE); if (compare == 0) { return TRUE; }
// Advance to next entry in the MULTI_SZ.
devices += (unicodeString.MaximumLength / sizeof(WCHAR)); } return FALSE; }
BOOLEAN PortpMPIOLoaded( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
This internal routine is used to determine whether an mpio package is installed by trying to open the MPIO SymLink. NOTE: Perhaps a more exhaustive method can be used in the future.
Return Value:
TRUE - If MPIO is present.
--*/ { UNICODE_STRING unicodeName; PDEVICE_OBJECT controlDeviceObject; PFILE_OBJECT fileObject; NTSTATUS status;
// Build the symlink name.
RtlInitUnicodeString(&unicodeName, L"\\DosDevices\\MPIOControl");
// Get mpio's deviceObject.
status = IoGetDeviceObjectPointer(&unicodeName, FILE_READ_ATTRIBUTES | FILE_WRITE_ATTRIBUTES, &fileObject, &controlDeviceObject);
if (NT_SUCCESS(status)) { ObDereferenceObject(fileObject); } return ((status == STATUS_SUCCESS) ? TRUE : FALSE); }
BOOLEAN PortIsDeviceMPIOSupported( IN PUNICODE_STRING DeviceList, IN PUCHAR VendorId, IN PUCHAR ProductId ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine determines whether the device is supported by traversing the SupportedDevice list and comparing to the VendorId/ProductId values passed in.
DeviceList - MULTI_SZ retrieved from the registry by PortGetDeviceList VendorId - Pointer to the inquiry data VendorId. ProductId - Pointer to the inquiry data ProductId.
Return Value:
TRUE - If VendorId/ProductId is found.
--*/ { UNICODE_STRING deviceName; UNICODE_STRING productName; ANSI_STRING ansiVendor; ANSI_STRING ansiProduct; NTSTATUS status; BOOLEAN supported = FALSE; PAGED_CODE();
// The SupportedDevice list was built in DriverEntry from the services key.
if (DeviceList->MaximumLength == 0) {
// List is empty.
return FALSE; }
// If MPIO isn't loaded, don't claim support for the device.
if (!PortpMPIOLoaded()) { return FALSE; } //
// Convert the inquiry fields into ansi strings.
RtlInitAnsiString(&ansiVendor, VendorId); RtlInitAnsiString(&ansiProduct, ProductId);
// Allocate the deviceName buffer. Needs to be 8+16 plus NULL.
// (productId length + vendorId length + NULL).
// Add another 4 bytes for revision plus one pad, if anyone happens to jam that in.
deviceName.MaximumLength = 30 * sizeof(WCHAR); deviceName.Buffer = ExAllocatePool(PagedPool, deviceName.MaximumLength); //
// Convert the vendorId to unicode.
RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString(&deviceName, &ansiVendor, FALSE);
// Convert the productId to unicode.
RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString(&productName, &ansiProduct, TRUE);
// 'cat' them.
status = RtlAppendUnicodeStringToString(&deviceName, &productName);
if (status == STATUS_SUCCESS) {
// Run the list of supported devices that was captured from the registry
// and see if this one is in the list.
supported = PortpFindMPIOSupportedDevice(&deviceName, DeviceList);
} return supported; }