Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Debugging routines exported by the STOR library.
Matthew D Hendel (math) 29-Apr-2000
Revision History:
#include "precomp.h"
//#include "ntrtl.h"
#if DBG
BOOLEAN StorQuiet = FALSE; ULONG StorComponentId = -1; PCSTR StorDebugPrefix = "STOR: ";
// NB: These should come from ntrtl.h
ULONG vDbgPrintExWithPrefix( IN PCH Prefix, IN ULONG ComponentId, IN ULONG Level, IN PCSTR Format, va_list arglist );
NTSYSAPI ULONG NTAPI DbgPrompt( PCH Prompt, PCH Response, ULONG MaximumResponseLength );
BOOLEAN StorAssertHelper( PCHAR Expression, PCHAR File, ULONG Line, PBOOLEAN Ignore ) { CHAR Response[2];
DebugPrint (("*** Assertion failed: %s\n", Expression)); DebugPrint (("*** Source File: %s, line %ld\n\n", File, Line));
if (*Ignore == TRUE) { DebugPrint (("Ignored\n")); return FALSE; }
for (;;) {
// The following line will print the prefix, not just the space.
DebugPrint ((" ")); DbgPrompt( "(B)reak, (S)kip (I)gnore (bsi)? ", Response, sizeof (Response) );
switch (tolower (Response[0])) {
case 'b': return TRUE;
case 'i': *Ignore = TRUE; return FALSE;
case 's': return FALSE; } } }
VOID StorSetDebugPrefixAndId( IN PCSTR Prefix, IN ULONG ComponentId ) /*++
Routine Description:
Set the default debug prefix to something other than "STOR: ".
Prefix - Supplies the prefix. The pointer to the prefix is saved preserved, so the prefix memory cannot be paged deallocated. Generally, using a static string here is best.
ComponentId -
Return Value:
--*/ { StorDebugPrefix = Prefix; StorComponentId = ComponentId; }
VOID vStorDebugPrintEx( IN ULONG Level, IN PCSTR Format, va_list arglist ) { if (Level == DPFLTR_ERROR_LEVEL || !StorQuiet) { vDbgPrintExWithPrefix ((PSTR)StorDebugPrefix, StorComponentId, Level, Format, arglist); } }
VOID StorDebugPrintEx( IN ULONG Level, IN PCSTR Format, ... ) { va_list ap;
va_start (ap, Format); vStorDebugPrintEx (Level, Format, ap); va_end (ap); }
VOID StorDebugWarn( IN PCSTR Format, ... ) { va_list ap;
va_start (ap, Format); vStorDebugPrintEx (DPFLTR_WARNING_LEVEL, Format, ap); va_end (ap); }
VOID StorDebugTrace( IN PCSTR Format, ... ) { va_list ap;
va_start (ap, Format); vStorDebugPrintEx (DPFLTR_TRACE_LEVEL, Format, ap); va_end (ap); }
VOID StorDebugPrint( IN PCSTR Format, ... ) { va_list ap;
va_start (ap, Format); vStorDebugPrintEx (DPFLTR_ERROR_LEVEL, Format, ap); va_end (ap); }
#endif // DBG
// The following are support functions for compiler runtime checks.
#if defined (_RTC) || (DBG == 1)
typedef struct _RTC_vardesc { int addr; int size; char *name; } _RTC_vardesc;
typedef struct _RTC_framedesc { int varCount; _RTC_vardesc *variables; } _RTC_framedesc;
VOID __cdecl _RTC_InitBase( VOID ) { }
VOID __cdecl _RTC_Shutdown( VOID ) { }
VOID #if defined (_X86_)
__declspec(naked) #endif // _X86_
__cdecl _RTC_CheckEsp( ) {
#if defined (_X86_)
__asm { jne esperror ; ret
esperror: ; function prolog
push ebp mov ebp, esp sub esp, __LOCAL_SIZE
push eax ; save the old return value push edx
push ebx push esi push edi }
DebugPrint (("*** Callstack Check failure at %p\n", _ReturnAddress())); KdBreakPoint();
__asm { ; function epilog
pop edi pop esi pop ebx
pop edx ; restore the old return value pop eax
mov esp, ebp pop ebp ret }
VOID FASTCALL _RTC_CheckStackVars( PVOID frame, _RTC_framedesc *v ) { int i;
for (i = 0; i < v->varCount; i++) { int *head = (int *)(((char *)frame) + v->variables[i].addr + v->variables[i].size); int *tail = (int *)(((char *)frame) + v->variables[i].addr - sizeof(int));
if (*tail != 0xcccccccc || *head != 0xcccccccc) {
DebugPrint(("*** RTC Failure %p: stack corruption near %p (%s)\n", _ReturnAddress(), v->variables[i].addr + (ULONG_PTR)frame, v->variables[i].name)); KdBreakPoint(); } } }
VOID __cdecl _RTC_UninitUse( IN PCSTR varname ) { DebugPrint(("\n*** RTC Failure %p: uninitialized variable %s.\n", _ReturnAddress(), varname)); KdBreakPoint(); }
#endif // _RTC || DBG