/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // vsmgmt.idl - Interfaces for Snapshots management exposed by VSS and/or providers // // Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation //
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Imports //
import "oaidl.idl"; import "ocidl.idl";
import "vss.idl";
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Constants //
// Types of returned objects in a Query typedef enum _VSS_MGMT_OBJECT_TYPE { VSS_MGMT_OBJECT_UNKNOWN = 0, VSS_MGMT_OBJECT_VOLUME, // Refers to a volume to be snapshotted VSS_MGMT_OBJECT_DIFF_VOLUME, // Refers to a volume to hold a diff area VSS_MGMT_OBJECT_DIFF_AREA, // Refers to an association between the two objects above. } VSS_MGMT_OBJECT_TYPE;
// Denotes that no maximum space is specified in AddDiffArea or ChangeDiffAreaMaximumSize const LONGLONG VSS_ASSOC_NO_MAX_SPACE = -1;
// If this constant is specified in ChangeDiffAreaMaximumSize then the association is removed const LONGLONG VSS_ASSOC_REMOVE = 0;
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Typedefs and structures //
// Structure containing the properties of a volume as being a volume to be snapshotted. typedef struct _VSS_VOLUME_PROP { VSS_PWSZ m_pwszVolumeName; // The volume name, in \\?\Volume{GUID} format. VSS_PWSZ m_pwszVolumeDisplayName; // The shortest mount point (for example C:\) } VSS_VOLUME_PROP, *PVSS_VOLUME_PROP;
// Structure containing the properties of a volume that can be used to keep a diff area typedef struct _VSS_DIFF_VOLUME_PROP { VSS_PWSZ m_pwszVolumeName; // The volume name, in \\?\Volume{GUID} format. VSS_PWSZ m_pwszVolumeDisplayName; // Represents the shortest mount point (for example C:\) LONGLONG m_llVolumeFreeSpace; // Free space on that volume LONGLONG m_llVolumeTotalSpace; // Total space on that volume } VSS_DIFF_VOLUME_PROP, *PVSS_DIFF_VOLUME_PROP;
// Structure containing the properties of a diff area association between // a volume to be snapshotted and a diff volume. typedef struct _VSS_DIFF_AREA_PROP { VSS_PWSZ m_pwszVolumeName; // The original volume name VSS_PWSZ m_pwszDiffAreaVolumeName; // The diff area volume name LONGLONG m_llMaximumDiffSpace; // Maximum space that on the diff area volume in this association. LONGLONG m_llAllocatedDiffSpace; // Allocated space on the diff area volume by this association. LONGLONG m_llUsedDiffSpace; // Used space from the allocated area above. } VSS_DIFF_AREA_PROP, *PVSS_DIFF_AREA_PROP;
// General-purpose union containing the properties of a volume or diff area [ switch_type(VSS_MGMT_OBJECT_TYPE) ] typedef union { [case(VSS_MGMT_OBJECT_VOLUME)] VSS_VOLUME_PROP Vol; [case(VSS_MGMT_OBJECT_DIFF_VOLUME)] VSS_DIFF_VOLUME_PROP DiffVol; [case(VSS_MGMT_OBJECT_DIFF_AREA)] VSS_DIFF_AREA_PROP DiffArea; [default]; } VSS_MGMT_OBJECT_UNION;
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Forward declarations //
interface IVssSnapshotMgmt; interface IVssDifferentialSoftwareSnapshotMgmt; interface IVssEnumMgmtObject;
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Interfaces //
// Used to manage diff areas remotely for Software-based snapshots (using hte copy-on-write mechanism). // Implemented by VSS and each provider. [ object, uuid(FA7DF749-66E7-4986-A27F-E2F04AE53772), helpstring("IVssSnapshotMgmt interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IVssSnapshotMgmt: IUnknown { // Returns an interface to further configure a snapshot provider HRESULT GetProviderMgmtInterface( [in] VSS_ID ProviderId, // It might be a software or a system provider. [in] REFIID InterfaceId, // Might be IID_IVssDifferentialSoftwareSnapshotMgmt [out, iid_is(InterfaceId)] IUnknown** ppItf );
// // Queries //
// Query volumes that support snapshots HRESULT QueryVolumesSupportedForSnapshots( [in] VSS_ID ProviderId, [in] LONG lContext, [out] IVssEnumMgmtObject **ppEnum );
// Query snapshots on the given volume. HRESULT QuerySnapshotsByVolume( [in] VSS_PWSZ pwszVolumeName, [in] VSS_ID ProviderId, [out] IVssEnumObject **ppEnum ); };
// Used to manage diff areas remotely for Software-based // snapshots (using the copy-on-write mechanism). // This is implemented by a Snapshot/System provider and // returned by IVssSnapshotMgmt::GetProviderMgmtInterface [ object, uuid(214A0F28-B737-4026-B847-4F9E37D79529), helpstring("IVssDifferentialSoftwareSnapshotMgmt interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IVssDifferentialSoftwareSnapshotMgmt: IUnknown { // // Diff area management //
// Adds a diff area association for a certain volume. // If the association is not supported, an error code will be returned. HRESULT AddDiffArea( [in] VSS_PWSZ pwszVolumeName, [in] VSS_PWSZ pwszDiffAreaVolumeName, [in] LONGLONG llMaximumDiffSpace );
// Updates the diff area max size for a certain volume. // This may not have an immediate effect // note that setting llMaximumDiffSpace to 0 will disable the // diff area HRESULT ChangeDiffAreaMaximumSize( [in] VSS_PWSZ pwszVolumeName, [in] VSS_PWSZ pwszDiffAreaVolumeName, [in] LONGLONG llMaximumDiffSpace );
// // Queries //
// Query volumes that support diff areas (including the disabled ones) HRESULT QueryVolumesSupportedForDiffAreas( [in] VSS_PWSZ pwszOriginalVolumeName, [out] IVssEnumMgmtObject **ppEnum );
// Query diff areas that host snapshots on the given (snapshotted) volume HRESULT QueryDiffAreasForVolume( [in] VSS_PWSZ pwszVolumeName, [out] IVssEnumMgmtObject **ppEnum );
// Query diff areas that physically reside on the given volume HRESULT QueryDiffAreasOnVolume( [in] VSS_PWSZ pwszVolumeName, [out] IVssEnumMgmtObject **ppEnum );
// Query diff areas in use by the given snapshot HRESULT QueryDiffAreasForSnapshot( [in] VSS_ID SnapshotId, [out] IVssEnumMgmtObject **ppEnum ); };
// This returns a set of volumes that can be snapshotted by Babbage. Returned by Query. [ object, uuid(01954E6B-9254-4e6e-808C-C9E05D007696), helpstring("IVssEnumMgmtObject Interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IVssEnumMgmtObject : IUnknown { HRESULT Next( [in] ULONG celt, [out, size_is(celt), length_is(*pceltFetched)] VSS_MGMT_OBJECT_PROP *rgelt, [out] ULONG *pceltFetched );
HRESULT Skip( [in] ULONG celt );
HRESULT Reset();
HRESULT Clone( [in, out] IVssEnumMgmtObject **ppenum ); };
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Snapshot Mgmt Type Library //
[ uuid(84015C41-291D-49e6-BF7F-DD40AE93632B), version(1.0), helpstring("Shadow Copy Mgmt 1.0 Type Library") ] library VSMGMT { importlib("stdole2.tlb");
[ uuid(0B5A2C52-3EB9-470a-96E2-6C6D4570E40F), helpstring("VssSnapshotMgmt Class") ] coclass VssSnapshotMgmt { [default] interface IVssSnapshotMgmt; } }