Copyright (c) 1999, 2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Declaration of IsAdministrator
Adi Oltean [aoltean] 10/05/1999
Revision History:
Name Date Comments aoltean 09/27/1999 Created aoltean 10/05/1999 Moved into security.hxx from admin.hxx aoltean 12/16/1999 Moved into vs_sec.hxx brianb 04/27/2000 Added IsRestoreOperator, TurnOnSecurityPrivilegeRestore, TurnOnSecurityPrivilegeBackup brianb 05/03/2000 Added GetClientTokenOwner method
#ifndef __VSS_SECURITY_HXX__
#define __VSS_SECURITY_HXX__
#if _MSC_VER > 1000
#pragma once
// Standard foo for file name aliasing. This code block must be after
// all includes of VSS header files.
// global methods
// is caller member of administrators group
bool IsAdministrator() throw (HRESULT);
// is caller member of administrators group or has SE_BACKUP_NAME privilege
// enabled
bool IsBackupOperator() throw(HRESULT);
// is caller member of administrators group or has SE_RESTORE_NAME privilege
// enabled
bool IsRestoreOperator() throw(HRESULT);
// enable SE_BACKUP_NAME privilege
HRESULT TurnOnSecurityPrivilegeBackup();
// enable SE_RESTORE_NAME privilege
HRESULT TurnOnSecurityPrivilegeRestore();
// determine if process has ADMIN privileges
bool IsProcessAdministrator() throw(HRESULT);
// determine if process has backup privilege enabled
bool IsProcessBackupOperator() throw(HRESULT);
// determine if the process has the restore privilege enabeled
bool IsProcessRestoreOperator() throw(HRESULT);
// get SID of calling client process
TOKEN_OWNER *GetClientTokenOwner(BOOL bImpersonate) throw(HRESULT);
// get SID of the user running the client process
TOKEN_USER *GetClientTokenUser(BOOL bImpersonate) throw(HRESULT);
// auto sid class, destroys sid when going out of scope
class CAutoSid : public CVssAuto<SID*, CVssAutoGenericValue_Storage<SID*, NULL, LocalFreeType, ::LocalFree> > { typedef CVssAuto<SID*, CVssAutoGenericValue_Storage<SID*, NULL, LocalFreeType, ::LocalFree> > Base; public: CAutoSid() { }
// create a sid base on a well known sid type
void CreateBasicSid(WELL_KNOWN_SID_TYPE type);
// create a sid from a string
void CreateFromString(LPCWSTR wsz); };
// CVssSecurityDescriptor
class CVssSecurityDescriptor { public: CVssSecurityDescriptor(); ~CVssSecurityDescriptor();
public: HRESULT Attach(PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSelfRelativeSD); HRESULT AttachObject(HANDLE hObject); HRESULT Initialize(); HRESULT InitializeFromProcessToken(BOOL bDefaulted = FALSE); HRESULT InitializeFromThreadToken(BOOL bDefaulted = FALSE, BOOL bRevertToProcessToken = TRUE); HRESULT SetOwner(PSID pOwnerSid, BOOL bDefaulted = FALSE); HRESULT SetGroup(PSID pGroupSid, BOOL bDefaulted = FALSE); HRESULT Allow(LPCTSTR pszPrincipal, DWORD dwAccessMask, DWORD dwAceFlags = 0); HRESULT Deny(LPCTSTR pszPrincipal, DWORD dwAccessMask, DWORD dwAceFlags = 0); HRESULT Allow(PSID pSid, DWORD dwAccessMask, DWORD dwAceFlags = 0); HRESULT Deny(PSID pSid, DWORD dwAccessMask, DWORD dwAceFlags = 0); HRESULT Revoke(LPCTSTR pszPrincipal);
// utility functions
// Any PSID you get from these functions should be free()ed
static HRESULT SetPrivilege(LPCTSTR Privilege, BOOL bEnable = TRUE, HANDLE hToken = NULL); static HRESULT GetTokenSids(HANDLE hToken, PSID* ppUserSid, PSID* ppGroupSid); static HRESULT GetProcessSids(PSID* ppUserSid, PSID* ppGroupSid = NULL); static HRESULT GetThreadSids(PSID* ppUserSid, PSID* ppGroupSid = NULL, BOOL bOpenAsSelf = FALSE); static HRESULT CopyACL(PACL pDest, PACL pSrc); static HRESULT GetCurrentUserSID(PSID *ppSid); static HRESULT GetPrincipalSID(LPCTSTR pszPrincipal, PSID *ppSid); static HRESULT AddAccessAllowedACEToACL(PACL *Acl, LPCTSTR pszPrincipal, DWORD dwAccessMask, DWORD dwAceFlags); static HRESULT AddAccessDeniedACEToACL(PACL *Acl, LPCTSTR pszPrincipal, DWORD dwAccessMask, DWORD dwAceFlags); static HRESULT AddAccessAllowedACEToACL(PACL *Acl, PSID principalSID, DWORD dwAccessMask, DWORD dwAceFlags); static HRESULT AddAccessDeniedACEToACL(PACL *Acl, PSID principalSID, DWORD dwAccessMask, DWORD dwAceFlags); static HRESULT RemovePrincipalFromACL(PACL Acl, LPCTSTR pszPrincipal);
operator PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR() { return m_pSD; }
public: PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR m_pSD; PSID m_pOwner; PSID m_pGroup; PACL m_pDACL; PACL m_pSACL; };
// Class - CVssSidCollection
class CVssSidCollection { // Constructors/destructors
private: CVssSidCollection(const CVssSidCollection&); CVssSidCollection& operator=(const CVssSidCollection&); public: CVssSidCollection(); ~CVssSidCollection();
// Accessors
public: // Get the total count of stored SIDs
INT GetSidCount();
// Get the SID with the given index (starts with 0)
PSID GetSid(INT nIndex) throw(HRESULT);
// Get the SID use with the given index
SID_NAME_USE GetSidUse(INT nIndex) throw(HRESULT);
// Check if the SID with the given index is allowed
bool IsSidAllowed(INT nIndex) throw(HRESULT);
// Check if the SID with the given index is a local user/group
bool IsLocal(INT nIndex) throw(HRESULT);
// Get the principal for the SID with the given index
LPWSTR GetPrincipal(INT nIndex) throw(HRESULT);
// Get the principal for the SID with the given index
LPWSTR GetName(INT nIndex) throw(HRESULT);
// Get the principal for the SID with the given index
LPWSTR GetDomain(INT nIndex) throw(HRESULT);
// Determine if the current process can be a writer
bool IsProcessValidWriter() throw(HRESULT);
// determine if a SID is allowed to fire
bool IsSidAllowedToFire(PSID psid) throw(HRESULT);
// determine if the sid is a member of a well-known group
bool IsSidRelatedWithLocalSid( IN PSID pSid, IN LPWSTR pwszWellKnownPrincipal, IN PSID pWellKnownSid ) throw(HRESULT);
PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR GetSecurityDescriptor() { return m_SD; };
// Operations
// Initialize SID from registry and add the implicit Admin, BO, System SID
void Initialize() throw(HRESULT);
// Implementation
class CVssSidWrapper { public: CVssSidWrapper(bool bAllow, PSID pSid, SID_NAME_USE use, LPWSTR pwszName, LPWSTR pwszDomain, bool bIsLocal ): m_bAllow(bAllow), m_pSid(pSid), m_use(use), m_pwszName(pwszName), m_pwszDomain(pwszDomain), m_bIsLocal(bIsLocal) {}; bool IsSidAllowed() const { return m_bAllow; }; PSID GetSid() const { return m_pSid; }; SID_NAME_USE GetUse() const { return m_use; }; LPWSTR GetName() const { return m_pwszName; }; LPWSTR GetDomain() const { return m_pwszDomain; }; bool IsLocal() const { return m_bIsLocal; }; private: bool m_bAllow; PSID m_pSid; SID_NAME_USE m_use; LPWSTR m_pwszName; LPWSTR m_pwszDomain; bool m_bIsLocal; };
bool AddUser( IN LPCWSTR pwszUser, IN bool bAllow ) throw(HRESULT); void AddWellKnownSid( IN WELL_KNOWN_SID_TYPE type ) throw(HRESULT);
bool VerifyIsLocal( IN LPCWSTR pwszDomain, IN bool bIsAdministratorsAccount );
// determine if a SID is allowed to fire
bool CheckIfExplicitelySpecified( IN PSID psid, IN bool bChechAllowed ) throw(HRESULT);
// List of sids
CVssSimpleMap<LPWSTR, CVssSidWrapper> m_SidArray;
// Only for assertions
bool m_bInitialized;
// Security descriptor
CVssSecurityDescriptor m_SD;
// Name of the "BUILTIN" domain
// This is filled in when the SYSTEM well-known SID is added
// (the SYSTEM account must be added first)
CVssAutoLocalString m_pwszBuiltinDomain; };
#endif // __VSS_SECURITY_HXX__