Copyright (c) 1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Various defines for general usage
Adi Oltean [aoltean] 07/09/1999
Revision History:
Name Date Comments aoltean 07/09/1999 Created aoltean 08/11/1999 Adding throw specification aoltean 09/03/1999 Adding DuplicateXXX functions aoltean 09/09/1999 dss -> vss aoltean 09/20/1999 Adding ThrowIf, Err, Msg, MsgNoCR, etc.
#ifndef __VSS_STR_HXX__
#define __VSS_STR_HXX__
#if _MSC_VER > 1000
#pragma once
// Standard foo for file name aliasing. This code block must be after
// all includes of VSS header files.
// Misc string routines
inline void VssDuplicateStr( OUT LPWSTR& pwszDestination, IN LPCWSTR pwszSource ) { BS_ASSERT(pwszDestination == NULL);
if (pwszSource == NULL) pwszDestination = NULL; else { pwszDestination = (LPWSTR)::CoTaskMemAlloc(sizeof(WCHAR)*(1 + ::wcslen(pwszSource))); if (pwszDestination != NULL) ::wcscpy(pwszDestination, pwszSource); } }
inline void VssSafeDuplicateStr( IN CVssFunctionTracer& ft, OUT LPWSTR& pwszDestination, IN LPCWSTR pwszSource ) throw(HRESULT) { BS_ASSERT(pwszDestination == NULL);
if (pwszSource == NULL) pwszDestination = NULL; else { pwszDestination = (LPWSTR)::CoTaskMemAlloc(sizeof(WCHAR)*(1 + ::wcslen(pwszSource))); if (pwszDestination == NULL) ft.Throw( VSSDBG_GEN, E_OUTOFMEMORY, L"Memory allocation error"); ::wcscpy(pwszDestination, pwszSource); } }
inline LPWSTR VssAllocString( IN CVssFunctionTracer& ft, IN size_t nStringLength ) { BS_ASSERT(nStringLength > 0); LPWSTR pwszStr = reinterpret_cast<LPWSTR>(::CoTaskMemAlloc((nStringLength + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR))); if (pwszStr == NULL) ft.Throw( VSSDBG_GEN, E_OUTOFMEMORY, L"Memory allocation error"); return pwszStr; }
inline void VssFreeString( IN OUT LPCWSTR& pwszString ) { ::CoTaskMemFree(const_cast<LPWSTR>(pwszString)); pwszString = NULL; }
inline LPWSTR VssReallocString( IN CVssFunctionTracer& ft, IN LPWSTR pwszString, IN LONG lNewStrLen // Without the zero character.
) { LPWSTR pwszNewString = (LPWSTR)::CoTaskMemRealloc( (PVOID)(pwszString), sizeof(WCHAR) * (lNewStrLen + 1)); if (pwszNewString == NULL) ft.Throw( VSSDBG_GEN, E_OUTOFMEMORY, L"Memory allocation error");
return pwszNewString; }
inline bool VssIsStrEqual( IN LPCWSTR wsz1, IN LPCWSTR wsz2 ) { if ((wsz1 == NULL) && (wsz2 == NULL)) return true; if (wsz1 && wsz2 && (::wcscmp(wsz1, wsz2) == 0) ) return true; return false; }
inline void VssConcatenate( IN CVssFunctionTracer& ft, IN OUT LPWSTR pwszDestination, IN size_t nDestinationLength, IN LPCWSTR wszSource1, IN LPCWSTR wszSource2 ) { BS_ASSERT(pwszDestination); BS_ASSERT(wszSource1); BS_ASSERT(wszSource2); BS_ASSERT(nDestinationLength > 0);
// Check if the buffer is passed
if (::wcslen(wszSource1) + ::wcslen(wszSource2) > nDestinationLength ) { BS_ASSERT(false); ft.Throw( VSSDBG_SWPRV, E_UNEXPECTED, L"Buffer not large enough. ( %d + %d > %d )", ::wcslen(wszSource1), ::wcslen(wszSource2), nDestinationLength); } ::wcscpy(pwszDestination, wszSource1); ::wcscat(pwszDestination, wszSource2); }
// Automatic auto-string class
class CVssAutoPWSZ { // Constructors/destructors
private: CVssAutoPWSZ(const CVssAutoPWSZ&);
public: CVssAutoPWSZ(LPWSTR pwsz = NULL): m_pwsz(pwsz) {};
// Automatically closes the handle
~CVssAutoPWSZ() { Clear(); };
// Operations
void Allocate(size_t nCharCount) throw(HRESULT) { CVssFunctionTracer ft( VSSDBG_GEN, L"CVssAutoPWSZ::Allocate" );
Clear(); m_pwsz = ::VssAllocString(ft, nCharCount); }
bool CopyFrom(LPCWSTR pwsz) { ::VssFreeString(m_pwsz); ::VssDuplicateStr(m_pwsz, pwsz); return (m_pwsz != NULL); }
void TransferFrom(CVssAutoPWSZ& source) { Clear(); m_pwsz = source.Detach(); }
LPWSTR Detach() { LPWSTR pwsz = m_pwsz; m_pwsz = NULL; return pwsz; }
// Returns the value of the actual handle
LPWSTR & GetRef() { return m_pwsz; } // Clears the contents of the auto string
void Clear() { ::VssFreeString(m_pwsz); } // Returns the value of the actual handle
operator LPWSTR () const { return m_pwsz; }
// Returns the value of the actual handle
operator LPCWSTR () const { return const_cast<LPCWSTR>(m_pwsz); }
// Implementation
private: LPWSTR m_pwsz; };
class CVssComBSTR { public: BSTR m_str; CVssComBSTR() { m_str = NULL; } /*explicit*/ CVssComBSTR(int nSize) { m_str = ::SysAllocStringLen(NULL, nSize); if ((m_str == NULL) && (nSize != 0)) throw(E_OUTOFMEMORY); } /*explicit*/ CVssComBSTR(int nSize, LPCOLESTR sz) { m_str = ::SysAllocStringLen(sz, nSize); if ((m_str == NULL) && (nSize != 0)) throw(E_OUTOFMEMORY); } /*explicit*/ CVssComBSTR(LPCOLESTR pSrc) { m_str = ::SysAllocString(pSrc); if ((m_str == NULL) && (pSrc != NULL)) throw(E_OUTOFMEMORY); } /*explicit*/ CVssComBSTR(const CVssComBSTR& src) { m_str = src.Copy(); } /*explicit*/ CVssComBSTR(REFGUID src) { LPOLESTR szGuid; HRESULT hr = StringFromCLSID(src, &szGuid); if (hr != S_OK) throw(hr); m_str = ::SysAllocString(szGuid); CoTaskMemFree(szGuid); if (m_str == NULL) throw(E_OUTOFMEMORY); } CVssComBSTR& operator=(const CVssComBSTR& src) { if (m_str != src.m_str) { if (m_str) ::SysFreeString(m_str); m_str = src.Copy(); } return *this; }
CVssComBSTR& operator=(LPCOLESTR pSrc) { ::SysFreeString(m_str); m_str = ::SysAllocString(pSrc); if ((m_str == NULL) && (pSrc != NULL)) throw(E_OUTOFMEMORY); return *this; }
~CVssComBSTR() { ::SysFreeString(m_str); } unsigned int Length() const { return (m_str == NULL)? 0 : SysStringLen(m_str); } operator BSTR() const { return m_str; } BSTR* operator&() { return &m_str; } BSTR Copy() const { BSTR str = ::SysAllocStringLen(m_str, ::SysStringLen(m_str)); if ((str == NULL) && (m_str != NULL)) throw(E_OUTOFMEMORY); return str; } HRESULT CopyTo(BSTR* pbstr) { ATLASSERT(pbstr != NULL); if (pbstr == NULL) return E_POINTER; *pbstr = ::SysAllocStringLen(m_str, ::SysStringLen(m_str)); if (*pbstr == NULL) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; return S_OK; } void Attach(BSTR src) { ATLASSERT(m_str == NULL); m_str = src; } BSTR Detach() { BSTR s = m_str; m_str = NULL; return s; } void Empty() { ::SysFreeString(m_str); m_str = NULL; } bool operator!() const { return (m_str == NULL); } HRESULT Append(const CVssComBSTR& bstrSrc) { return Append(bstrSrc.m_str, SysStringLen(bstrSrc.m_str)); } HRESULT Append(LPCOLESTR lpsz) { return Append(lpsz, ocslen(lpsz)); } // a BSTR is just a LPCOLESTR so we need a special version to signify
// that we are appending a BSTR
HRESULT AppendBSTR(BSTR p) { return Append(p, SysStringLen(p)); } HRESULT Append(LPCOLESTR lpsz, int nLen) { int n1 = Length(); BSTR b; b = ::SysAllocStringLen(NULL, n1+nLen); if (b == NULL) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; memcpy(b, m_str, n1*sizeof(OLECHAR)); memcpy(b+n1, lpsz, nLen*sizeof(OLECHAR)); b[n1+nLen] = NULL; SysFreeString(m_str); m_str = b; return S_OK; } HRESULT ToLower() { USES_CONVERSION; if (m_str != NULL) { LPTSTR psz = CharLower(OLE2T(m_str)); if (psz == NULL) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; BSTR b = T2BSTR(psz); if (b == NULL) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; SysFreeString(m_str); m_str = b; } return S_OK; } HRESULT ToUpper() { USES_CONVERSION; if (m_str != NULL) { LPTSTR psz = CharUpper(OLE2T(m_str)); if (psz == NULL) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; BSTR b = T2BSTR(psz); if (b == NULL) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; SysFreeString(m_str); m_str = b; } return S_OK; } bool LoadString(HINSTANCE hInst, UINT nID) { USES_CONVERSION; TCHAR sz[512]; UINT nLen = ::LoadString(hInst, nID, sz, 512); ATLASSERT(nLen < 511); SysFreeString(m_str); m_str = (nLen != 0) ? SysAllocString(T2OLE(sz)) : NULL; return (nLen != 0); } bool LoadString(UINT nID) { return LoadString(_pModule->m_hInstResource, nID); }
CVssComBSTR& operator+=(const CVssComBSTR& bstrSrc) { AppendBSTR(bstrSrc.m_str); return *this; } bool operator<(BSTR bstrSrc) const { if (bstrSrc == NULL && m_str == NULL) return false; if (bstrSrc != NULL && m_str != NULL) return wcscmp(m_str, bstrSrc) < 0; return m_str == NULL; } bool operator!=(BSTR bstrSrc) const { return !((*this) == bstrSrc); } bool operator==(BSTR bstrSrc) const { if (bstrSrc == NULL && m_str == NULL) return true; if (bstrSrc != NULL && m_str != NULL) return wcscmp(m_str, bstrSrc) == 0; return false; } bool operator<(LPCSTR pszSrc) const { if (pszSrc == NULL && m_str == NULL) return false; USES_CONVERSION; if (pszSrc != NULL && m_str != NULL) return wcscmp(m_str, A2W(pszSrc)) < 0; return m_str == NULL; } bool operator!=(LPCSTR pszSrc) const { return !((*this) == pszSrc); } bool operator==(LPCSTR pszSrc) const { if (pszSrc == NULL && m_str == NULL) return true; USES_CONVERSION; if (pszSrc != NULL && m_str != NULL) return wcscmp(m_str, A2W(pszSrc)) == 0; return false; } #ifndef OLE2ANSI
CVssComBSTR(LPCSTR pSrc) { m_str = A2WBSTR(pSrc); }
CVssComBSTR(int nSize, LPCSTR sz) { m_str = A2WBSTR(sz, nSize); }
void Append(LPCSTR lpsz) { USES_CONVERSION; LPCOLESTR lpo = A2COLE(lpsz); Append(lpo, ocslen(lpo)); }
CVssComBSTR& operator=(LPCSTR pSrc) { ::SysFreeString(m_str); m_str = A2WBSTR(pSrc); return *this; } #endif
HRESULT WriteToStream(IStream* pStream) { ATLASSERT(pStream != NULL); ULONG cb; ULONG cbStrLen = m_str ? SysStringByteLen(m_str)+(ULONG)sizeof(OLECHAR) : 0; HRESULT hr = pStream->Write((void*) &cbStrLen, sizeof(cbStrLen), &cb); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; return cbStrLen ? pStream->Write((void*) m_str, cbStrLen, &cb) : S_OK; } HRESULT ReadFromStream(IStream* pStream) { ATLASSERT(pStream != NULL); ATLASSERT(m_str == NULL); // should be empty
ULONG cbStrLen = 0; HRESULT hr = pStream->Read((void*) &cbStrLen, sizeof(cbStrLen), NULL); if ((hr == S_OK) && (cbStrLen != 0)) { //subtract size for terminating NULL which we wrote out
//since SysAllocStringByteLen overallocates for the NULL
m_str = SysAllocStringByteLen(NULL, cbStrLen-sizeof(OLECHAR)); if (m_str == NULL) hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; else hr = pStream->Read((void*) m_str, cbStrLen, NULL); } if (hr == S_FALSE) hr = E_FAIL; return hr; } };
#endif // __VSS_STR_HXX__