Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Contains the exported DLL functions for VssAPI.dll. BUGBUG: Uses code that currently sets the SE handler. Since the SEH is process wide, this can/will effect the user of this DLL. Need to fix.
reuvenl 5/01/2002
Revision History:
Name Date Comments reuvenl 5/01/2002 Created from old wrtrshim.cpp --*/
#include "stdafx.h"
** ATL */ CComModule _Module; #include <atlcom.h>
#include "vs_sec.hxx"
#include "vs_reg.hxx"
#include "ntddsnap.h"
// Standard foo for file name aliasing. This code block must be after
// all includes of VSS header files.
// the name of the Volume Snapshot Service
const LPCWSTR wszVssvcServiceName = L"VSS";
static ULONG g_ulThreadAttaches = 0; static ULONG g_ulThreadDetaches = 0; static CBsCritSec g_cCritSec; static GUID g_guidSnapshotInProgress = GUID_NULL;
static IVssShim *g_pIShim = NULL; // Used by the simulate functions.
**++ ** ** Routine Description: ** ** The DllMain entry point for this DLL. Note that this must be called by the ** CRT DLL Start function since the CRT must be initialized. ** ** ** Arguments: ** hInstance ** dwReason ** lpReserved ** ** ** Return Value: ** ** TRUE - Successful function execution ** FALSE - Error when executing the function ** **-- */
BOOL APIENTRY DllMain (IN HINSTANCE hInstance, IN DWORD dwReason, IN LPVOID lpReserved) { BOOL bSuccessful = TRUE;
if (DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH == dwReason) { try { /*
** Set the correct tracing context. This is an inproc DLL */ g_cDbgTrace.SetContextNum (VSS_CONTEXT_DELAYED_DLL); }
catch (...) { /*
** Can't trace from here so just ASSERT() (checked builds only) */ bSuccessful = FALSE;
BS_ASSERT (bSuccessful && "FAILED to initialise tracing sub-system"); } }
if (bSuccessful) { try { switch (dwReason) { case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: BsDebugTrace (0, DEBUG_TRACE_VSSAPI, (L"VssAPI: DllMain - DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH called, %s", lpReserved ? L"Static load" : L"Dynamic load"));
** Don't need to know when threads start and stop - Wrong ** ** DisableThreadLibraryCalls (hInstance); */ _Module.Init (ObjectMap, hInstance);
break; case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH: BsDebugTrace (0, DEBUG_TRACE_VSSAPI, (L"VssAPI: DllMain - DLL_PROCESS_DETACH called %s", lpReserved ? L"during process termination" : L"by FreeLibrary"));
case DLL_THREAD_ATTACH: g_ulThreadAttaches++;
if (0 == (g_ulThreadAttaches % 1000)) { BsDebugTrace (0, DEBUG_TRACE_VSSAPI, (L"VssAPI: DllMain thread attaches = %u, detaches = %u, outstanding = %u", g_ulThreadAttaches, g_ulThreadDetaches, g_ulThreadAttaches - g_ulThreadDetaches)); } break;
case DLL_THREAD_DETACH: g_ulThreadDetaches++;
if (0 == (g_ulThreadDetaches % 1000)) { BsDebugTrace (0, DEBUG_TRACE_VSSAPI, (L"VssAPI: DllMain thread attaches = %u, detaches = %u, outstanding = %u", g_ulThreadAttaches, g_ulThreadDetaches, g_ulThreadAttaches - g_ulThreadDetaches)); } break;
default: BsDebugTrace (0, DEBUG_TRACE_VSSAPI, (L"VssAPI: DllMain got unexpected reason code, lpReserved: %sNULL", dwReason, lpReserved ? L"non-" : L"")); break; } }
catch (...) { BsDebugTraceAlways (0, DEBUG_TRACE_VSSAPI, (L"VssAPI: DllMain - Error, unknown exception caught"));
bSuccessful = FALSE; } }
return (bSuccessful); } /* DllMain () */
**++ ** ** Routine Description: ** ** The exported function that is called to simulate a snapshot creation to allow ** backup to drive the shim writers rather than having the snapshot co-ordinator ** do so. ** ** ** Arguments: ** ** guidSnapshotSetId Identifier used to identify the simulated prepare/freeze ** ulOptionFlags Options required for this freeze selected from the following list:- ** VSS_SW_BOOTABLE_STATE ** ** ulVolumeCount Number of volumes in the volume array ** ppwszVolumeNamesArray Array of pointer to volume name strings ** hCompletionEvent Handle to an event which will be set when the asynchronous freeze completes ** phrCompletionStatus Pointer to an HRESULT which will receive the completion status when the ** asynchronous freeze completes ** ** ** Return Value: ** ** Any HRESULT from the Snapshot writer PrepareForFreeze or Freeze functions. ** **-- */
__declspec(dllexport) HRESULT APIENTRY SimulateSnapshotFreeze ( IN GUID guidSnapshotSetId, IN ULONG ulOptionFlags, IN ULONG ulVolumeCount, IN LPWSTR *ppwszVolumeNamesArray, OUT IVssAsync **ppAsync ) { CVssFunctionTracer ft (VSSDBG_VSSAPI, L"VssAPI::SimulateSnapshotFreeze"); BOOL bSucceeded;
try { CBsAutoLock cAutoLock (g_cCritSec); BOOL bPrivilegesSufficient = FALSE; bPrivilegesSufficient = IsProcessBackupOperator ();
ft.ThrowIf (!bPrivilegesSufficient, VSSDBG_VSSAPI, E_ACCESSDENIED, L"FAILED as insufficient privileges to call shim");
// Most parameter checks should be done here in the VssApi DLL and not in the
// IVssCoordinator::SimulateSnapshotFreeze method since the shim DLL can be
// changed independently from the service. The service is just a forwarding
// agent to get SimulateSnapshotFreezeInternal called within one of the
// service's threads.
ft.ThrowIf ((ulOptionFlags & ~VSS_SW_BOOTABLE_STATE) != 0, VSSDBG_VSSAPI, E_INVALIDARG, L"FAILED as illegal option flags set");
ft.ThrowIf (!((ulOptionFlags & VSS_SW_BOOTABLE_STATE) || (ulVolumeCount > 0)), VSSDBG_VSSAPI, E_INVALIDARG, L"FAILED as need either BootableState or a volume list");
ft.ThrowIf ((ulVolumeCount > 0) && (NULL == ppwszVolumeNamesArray), VSSDBG_VSSAPI, E_INVALIDARG, L"FAILED as need at least a one volume in the list if not bootable state");
ft.ThrowIf ((GUID_NULL == guidSnapshotSetId), VSSDBG_VSSAPI, E_INVALIDARG, L"FAILED as supplied SnapshotSetId should not be GUID_NULL");
ft.ThrowIf ((NULL == ppAsync), VSSDBG_VSSAPI, E_INVALIDARG, L"FAILED as supplied ppAsync parameter is NULL");
*ppAsync = NULL;
** Try to scan all the volume names in an attempt to trigger ** an access violation to catch it here rather than in an ** unfortunate spot later on. It also gives us the ** opportinutiy to do some very basic validity checks. */ for (ULONG ulIndex = 0; ulIndex < ulVolumeCount; ulIndex++) { ft.ThrowIf (NULL == ppwszVolumeNamesArray [ulIndex], VSSDBG_VSSAPI, E_INVALIDARG, L"FAILED as NULL value in volume array");
ft.ThrowIf (wcslen (L"C:") > wcslen (ppwszVolumeNamesArray [ulIndex]), VSSDBG_VSSAPI, E_INVALIDARG, L"FAILED as volume name too short"); }
** Now we need to connect to the VssSvc service's IVssCoordinator object ** and make the simulate freeze happen. */ ft.ThrowIf ( g_pIShim != NULL, VSSDBG_VSSAPI, VSS_E_SNAPSHOT_SET_IN_PROGRESS, L"SimulateSnapshotThaw() must first be called by this process before calling SimulateSnapshotFreeze() again." );
ft.LogVssStartupAttempt(); ft.CoCreateInstanceWithLog( VSSDBG_VSSAPI, CLSID_VSSCoordinator, L"Coordinator", CLSCTX_ALL, IID_IVssShim, (IUnknown**)&(g_pIShim)); ft.CheckForError(VSSDBG_VSSAPI, L"CoCreateInstance( CLSID_VSSCoordinator, IID_IVssShim)");
BS_ASSERT( g_pIShim != NULL ); g_guidSnapshotInProgress = guidSnapshotSetId;
** Now call the simulate freeze method in the coordinator */ ft.hr = g_pIShim->SimulateSnapshotFreeze( guidSnapshotSetId, ulOptionFlags, ulVolumeCount, ppwszVolumeNamesArray, ppAsync ); ft.CheckForError(VSSDBG_VSSAPI, L"IVssShim::SimulateSnapshotFreeze()");
** The simulate freeze operation is now running in a thread in VssSvc. */ } VSS_STANDARD_CATCH (ft);
return (ft.hr); } /* SimulateSnapshotFreeze () */
**++ ** ** Routine Description: ** ** The exported function that is called to simulate a snapshot thaw to allow ** backup to drive the shim writers rather than having the snapshot co-ordinator ** do so. ** ** ** Arguments: ** ** guidSnapshotSetId Identifier used to identify the simulated prepare/freeze ** ** ** Return Value: ** ** Any HRESULT from the Snapshot writer Thaw functions. ** **-- */
__declspec(dllexport) HRESULT APIENTRY SimulateSnapshotThaw ( IN GUID guidSnapshotSetId ) { CVssFunctionTracer ft (VSSDBG_VSSAPI, L"VssAPI::SimulateSnapshotThaw"); BOOL bPrivilegesSufficient = FALSE; HRESULT hrBootableState = NOERROR; HRESULT hrSimulateOnly = NOERROR;
try { CBsAutoLock cAutoLock (g_cCritSec); bPrivilegesSufficient = IsProcessBackupOperator ();
ft.ThrowIf (!bPrivilegesSufficient, VSSDBG_VSSAPI, E_ACCESSDENIED, L"FAILED as inssuficient privileges to call shim");
** We need to make sure a prior SimulateSnapshotFreeze happened. */ ft.ThrowIf ( g_pIShim == NULL, VSSDBG_VSSAPI, VSS_E_BAD_STATE, L"Called SimulateSnapshotThaw() without first calling SimulateSnapshotFreeze()" );
ft.ThrowIf ( g_guidSnapshotInProgress != guidSnapshotSetId, VSSDBG_VSSAPI, VSS_E_BAD_STATE, L"Mismatch between guidSnapshotSetId and the one passed into SimulateSnapshotFreeze()" ); /*
** Now call the simulate thaw method in the coordinator */ ft.hr = g_pIShim->SimulateSnapshotThaw( guidSnapshotSetId );
** Regardless of the outcome of the SimulateSnapshotThaw, get rid of the shim interface. */ g_pIShim->Release(); g_pIShim = NULL; g_guidSnapshotInProgress = GUID_NULL;
ft.CheckForError(VSSDBG_VSSAPI, L"IVssShim::SimulateSnapshotThaw()"); } VSS_STANDARD_CATCH (ft);
return (ft.hr); } /* SimulateSnapshotThaw () */
**++ ** ** Routine Description: ** ** The exported function that is called to check if a volume is snapshotted ** ** ** Arguments: ** ** IN VSS_PWSZ pwszVolumeName - The volume to be checked. ** OUT BOOL * pbSnapshotsPresent - Returns TRUE if the volume is snapshotted. ** ** ** Return Value: ** ** Any HRESULT from the IVssCoordinator::IsVolumeSnapshotted. ** **-- */
__declspec(dllexport) HRESULT APIENTRY IsVolumeSnapshotted ( IN VSS_PWSZ pwszVolumeName, OUT BOOL * pbSnapshotsPresent, OUT LONG * plSnapshotCompatibility ) { CVssFunctionTracer ft (VSSDBG_VSSAPI, L"VssAPI::IsVolumeSnapshotted"); BOOL bPrivilegesSufficient = FALSE; SC_HANDLE shSCManager = NULL; SC_HANDLE shSCService = NULL; DWORD dwOldState = 0;
try { // Zero out the out parameter
::VssZeroOut(pbSnapshotsPresent); ::VssZeroOut(plSnapshotCompatibility); bPrivilegesSufficient = IsProcessAdministrator (); ft.ThrowIf (!bPrivilegesSufficient, VSSDBG_VSSAPI, E_ACCESSDENIED, L"FAILED as insufficient privileges to call shim");
ft.ThrowIf ( (pwszVolumeName == NULL) || (pbSnapshotsPresent == NULL) || (plSnapshotCompatibility == NULL), VSSDBG_VSSAPI, E_INVALIDARG, L"FAILED as invalid parameters");
CBsAutoLock cAutoLock (g_cCritSec);
// Check to see if VSSVC is running. If not ,we are supposing that no snapshots are present on the system.
// Connect to the local service control manager
shSCManager = OpenSCManager (NULL, NULL, SC_MANAGER_CONNECT); if (!shSCManager) ft.TranslateGenericError(VSSDBG_VSSAPI, HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()), L"OpenSCManager(NULL,NULL,SC_MANAGER_CONNECT)");
// Get a handle to the service
shSCService = OpenService (shSCManager, wszVssvcServiceName, SERVICE_QUERY_STATUS); if (!shSCService) ft.TranslateGenericError(VSSDBG_VSSAPI, HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()), L" OpenService (shSCManager, \'%s\', SERVICE_QUERY_STATUS)", wszVssvcServiceName);
// Now query the service to see what state it is in at the moment.
SERVICE_STATUS sSStat; if (!QueryServiceStatus (shSCService, &sSStat)) ft.TranslateGenericError(VSSDBG_VSSAPI, HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()), L"QueryServiceStatus (shSCService, &sSStat)");
// BUG 250943: Only if the service is running then check to see if there are any snapsnots
if (sSStat.dwCurrentState == SERVICE_RUNNING) {
// Create the coordinator interface
CComPtr<IVssCoordinator> pCoord;
// The service is already started, but...
// We still log here in order to make our code more robust.
// Create the instance.
ft.CoCreateInstanceWithLog( VSSDBG_VSSAPI, CLSID_VSSCoordinator, L"Coordinator", CLSCTX_ALL, IID_IVssCoordinator, (IUnknown**)&(pCoord)); if (ft.HrFailed()) ft.TranslateGenericError(VSSDBG_VSSAPI, ft.hr, L"CoCreateInstance(CLSID_VSSCoordinator)"); BS_ASSERT(pCoord);
// Call IsVolumeSnapshotted on the coordinator
ft.hr = pCoord->IsVolumeSnapshotted( GUID_NULL, pwszVolumeName, pbSnapshotsPresent, plSnapshotCompatibility); } else { // If the service is not running, then try to see if we have only MS Software Provider installed
// Open the "Providers" key. Throw an error if the key does not exist.
CVssRegistryKey keyProviders; if (!keyProviders.Open( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"%s\\%s", x_wszVSSKey, x_wszVSSKeyProviders)) ft.TranslateGenericError(VSSDBG_VSSAPI, ft.hr, L"RegOpenKeyExW(%ld,%s\\%s,...) = ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND", HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, x_wszVSSKey, x_wszVSSKeyProviders); // Attach an enumerator to the subkeys the subkeys
CVssRegistryKeyIterator iter; iter.Attach(keyProviders); BS_ASSERT(!iter.IsEOF());
// Get the number of subkeys. If different than one, the we sould go with the standard path
// If it is only one, this is the MS software provider (since it is always registered)
if (iter.GetSubkeysCount() != 1) { // Create the instance.
CComPtr<IVssCoordinator> pCoord; ft.CoCreateInstanceWithLog( VSSDBG_VSSAPI, CLSID_VSSCoordinator, L"Coordinator", CLSCTX_ALL, IID_IVssCoordinator, (IUnknown**)&(pCoord)); if (ft.HrFailed()) ft.TranslateGenericError(VSSDBG_VSSAPI, ft.hr, L"CoCreateInstance(CLSID_VSSCoordinator)"); BS_ASSERT(pCoord);
// Call IsVolumeSnapshotted on the coordinator
ft.hr = pCoord->IsVolumeSnapshotted( GUID_NULL, pwszVolumeName, pbSnapshotsPresent, plSnapshotCompatibility); } else { // Getting the volume name
WCHAR wszVolumeNameInternal[x_nLengthOfVolMgmtVolumeName + 1]; if (!::GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPointW( pwszVolumeName, wszVolumeNameInternal, ARRAY_LEN(wszVolumeNameInternal))) ft.Throw( VSSDBG_VSSAPI, VSS_E_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND, L"GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPoint(%s,...) " L"failed with error code 0x%08lx", pwszVolumeName, GetLastError()); BS_ASSERT(::wcslen(wszVolumeNameInternal) != 0); BS_ASSERT(::IsVolMgmtVolumeName( wszVolumeNameInternal )); // Check if the volume is fixed (i.e. no CD-ROM, no removable)
UINT uDriveType = ::GetDriveTypeW(wszVolumeNameInternal); if ( uDriveType != DRIVE_FIXED) ft.Throw( VSSDBG_VSSAPI, VSS_E_VOLUME_NOT_SUPPORTED, L"Encountering a non-fixed volume (%s) - %ud", pwszVolumeName, uDriveType);
// Open the volume. Throw "object not found" if needed.
CVssIOCTLChannel volumeIChannel; ft.hr = volumeIChannel.Open(ft, wszVolumeNameInternal, true, false, VSS_ICHANNEL_LOG_NONE, 0); if (ft.HrFailed()) ft.Throw( VSSDBG_VSSAPI, VSS_E_VOLUME_NOT_SUPPORTED, L"Volume (%s) not supported for snapshots 0x%08lx", pwszVolumeName, ft.hr);
// Check to see if there are existing snapshots
ft.hr = volumeIChannel.Call(ft, IOCTL_VOLSNAP_QUERY_NAMES_OF_SNAPSHOTS, false); if (ft.HrFailed()) ft.Throw( VSSDBG_VSSAPI, VSS_E_VOLUME_NOT_SUPPORTED, L"Volume (%s) not supported for snapshots 0x%08lx", pwszVolumeName, ft.hr);
// Get the length of snapshot names multistring
ULONG ulMultiszLen; volumeIChannel.Unpack(ft, &ulMultiszLen);
// If the multistring is empty, then ulMultiszLen is necesarily 2
// (i.e. two l"\0' characters)
// Then mark the volume as snapshotted.
if (ulMultiszLen != x_nEmptyVssMultiszLen) { (*pbSnapshotsPresent) = TRUE; // Bug 500069: Allow DEFRAG on Babbage snapshotted volumes
// Close handles
if (NULL != shSCService) CloseServiceHandle (shSCService); if (NULL != shSCManager) CloseServiceHandle (shSCManager);
// Convert the "volume not supported into S_OK.
if (ft.hr == VSS_E_VOLUME_NOT_SUPPORTED) ft.hr = S_OK;
return (ft.hr); } /* IsVolumeSnapshotted () */
**++ ** ** Routine Description: ** ** This routine is used to free the contents of hte VSS_SNASPHOT_PROP structure ** ** ** Arguments: ** ** IN VSS_SNAPSHOT_PROP* pProp ** **-- */
__declspec(dllexport) void APIENTRY VssFreeSnapshotProperties ( IN VSS_SNAPSHOT_PROP* pProp ) { CVssFunctionTracer ft (VSSDBG_VSSAPI, L"VssAPI::VssFreeSnapshotProperties");
if (pProp) { ::CoTaskMemFree(pProp->m_pwszSnapshotDeviceObject); ::CoTaskMemFree(pProp->m_pwszOriginalVolumeName); ::CoTaskMemFree(pProp->m_pwszOriginatingMachine); ::CoTaskMemFree(pProp->m_pwszServiceMachine); ::CoTaskMemFree(pProp->m_pwszExposedName); ::CoTaskMemFree(pProp->m_pwszExposedPath); } } /* VssFreeSnapshotProperties () */