Copyright (c) 2002 Microsoft Corporation
@doc @module comregdbwriter.cxx | Implementation of the COM+ RegDB Writer @end
Ran Kalach [rankala] 05/17/2002
Revision History:
Name Date Comments rankala 05/17/2002 created
--*/ #include "stdafx.h"
#include "vs_idl.hxx"
#include "vs_hash.hxx"
#include <vswriter.h>
#include <Sddl.h>
#include "vs_seh.hxx"
#include "vs_trace.hxx"
#include "vs_debug.hxx"
#include "vs_reg.hxx"
#include "comregdbwriter.hxx"
#include "allerror.h"
// Standard foo for file name aliasing. This code block must be after
// all includes of VSS header files.
static GUID s_writerId = { 0x542da469, 0xd3e1, 0x473c, 0x9f, 0x4f, 0x78, 0x47, 0xf0, 0x1f, 0xc6, 0x4f };
// The display name of the Event Log writer.
static LPCWSTR s_wszWriterName = L"COM+ REGDB Writer";
// The file group component name for the Event Log
static LPCWSTR s_wszComponentName = L"COM+ REGDB";
// The original location of the RegDB files
static CBsString s_cwsSystemComRegDBDir = L"%SystemRoot%\\Registration";
// The backup/restore location of the RegDB files
static CBsString s_cwsComRegDBTargetDir = ROOT_BACKUP_DIR BOOTABLE_STATE_SUBDIR L"\\ComRegistrationDatabase";
// The backup/restore file name of the RegDB database
static CBsString s_cwsBackupFilename = L"\\ComRegDb.bak";
// The COM+ System Applicationservice name
static LPCWSTR s_wszCOMSysAppServiceName = L"COMSysApp";
// Class wide member variables
CComRegDBWriter *CComRegDBWriter::sm_pWriter = NULL;
// RegDB function declarations
// Methods
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CComRegDBWriter::Initialize() { CVssFunctionTracer ft(VSSDBG_WRITER, L"CComRegDBWriter::Initialize");
try { ft.hr = CVssWriter::Initialize ( s_writerId, s_wszWriterName, VSS_UT_BOOTABLESYSTEMSTATE, VSS_ST_OTHER, VSS_APP_SYSTEM, 60000 );
if (ft.HrFailed()) ft.TranslateGenericError ( VSSDBG_WRITER, ft.hr, L"CVssWriter::Initialize(" WSTR_GUID_FMT L", %s)", GUID_PRINTF_ARG(s_writerId), s_wszWriterName );
ft.hr = Subscribe(); if (ft.HrFailed()) ft.TranslateGenericError ( VSSDBG_WRITER, ft.hr, L"CVssWriter::Subscribe for" WSTR_GUID_FMT L" %s)", GUID_PRINTF_ARG(s_writerId), s_wszWriterName ); } VSS_STANDARD_CATCH(ft)
return ft.hr; }
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CComRegDBWriter::Uninitialize() { CVssFunctionTracer ft(VSSDBG_WRITER, L"CComRegDBWriter::Uninitialize");
return Unsubscribe(); }
// handle request for WRITER_METADATA
// implements CVssWriter::OnIdentify
bool STDMETHODCALLTYPE CComRegDBWriter::OnIdentify(IVssCreateWriterMetadata *pMetadata) { CVssFunctionTracer ft(VSSDBG_WRITER, L"CComRegDBWriter::OnIdentify");
try {
// Converted to CUSTOM restore method (see bug# 688278)
#if 0
// Set the restore method for the writer
ft.hr = pMetadata->SetRestoreMethod ( VSS_RME_RESTORE_IF_CAN_REPLACE, NULL, NULL, VSS_WRE_ALWAYS, // writer always involved
false ); ft.CheckForErrorInternal(VSSDBG_WRITER, L"IVssCreateWriterMetadata::SetRestoreMethod");
// Set the restore method for the writer
ft.hr = pMetadata->SetRestoreMethod ( VSS_RME_CUSTOM, NULL, NULL, VSS_WRE_NEVER, // writer never involved in restore
false ); ft.CheckForErrorInternal(VSSDBG_WRITER, L"IVssCreateWriterMetadata::SetRestoreMethod");
// Exclude original location of COM+ RegDB files
ft.hr = pMetadata->AddExcludeFiles ( s_cwsSystemComRegDBDir, L"*", true ); ft.CheckForErrorInternal(VSSDBG_WRITER, L"IVssCreateWriterMetadata::AddExcludeFiles");
// Add the one file-group component
ft.hr = pMetadata->AddComponent ( VSS_CT_FILEGROUP, NULL, s_wszComponentName, s_wszComponentName, NULL, // icon
0, false, false, true ); ft.CheckForErrorInternal(VSSDBG_WRITER, L"IVssCreateWriterMetadata::AddComponent");
// Add files to the file group
ft.hr = pMetadata->AddFilesToFileGroup ( NULL, s_wszComponentName, s_cwsComRegDBTargetDir, L"*", true, NULL ); ft.CheckForErrorInternal(VSSDBG_WRITER, L"IVssCreateWriterMetadata::AddFilesToFileGroup");
return ft.HrSucceeded(); }
// Check whether the writer component is selected
// implements CVssWriter::OnPrepareSnapshot
bool STDMETHODCALLTYPE CComRegDBWriter::OnPrepareBackup(IN IVssWriterComponents *pWriterComponents) { CVssFunctionTracer ft(VSSDBG_WRITER, L"CComRegDBWriter::OnPrepareBackup");
try { m_bPerformSnapshot = FALSE;
if ( AreComponentsSelected() ) { // We are in component selection mode...
UINT cComponents;
ft.hr = pWriterComponents->GetComponentCount( &cComponents ); ft.CheckForErrorInternal( VSSDBG_WRITER, L"IVssWriterComponents::GetComponentCount" );
if (cComponents > 0) // This writer has only one component so this means the component is selected
m_bPerformSnapshot = TRUE; }
ft.Trace(VSSDBG_WRITER, L"CComRegDBWriter returning with hresult 0x%08lx", ft.hr); return ft.HrSucceeded(); }
// Backup the database
// implements CVssWriter::OnPrepareSnapshot
bool STDMETHODCALLTYPE CComRegDBWriter::OnPrepareSnapshot() { CVssFunctionTracer ft(VSSDBG_WRITER, L"CComRegDBWriter::OnPrepareSnapshot");
try { CBsString cwsExpanded; if (!cwsExpanded.ExpandEnvironmentStrings(s_cwsComRegDBTargetDir)) { ft.TranslateError(VSSDBG_WRITER, HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(::GetLastError()), L"CBsString::ExpandEnvironmentStrings"); }
// Make sure that we don't backup up old stuff in the COM+ RegDB backup dir
// (Do this even if this writer is not supposed to spit such that we don't backup old data)
ft.hr = ::RemoveDirectoryTree(cwsExpanded); ft.CheckForErrorInternal(VSSDBG_WRITER, L"::RemoveDirectoryTree"); ft.hr = ::CreateTargetPath(cwsExpanded); ft.CheckForErrorInternal(VSSDBG_WRITER, L"::CreateTargetPath");
// Spit only if component is selected or this is a BootableSystemState backup
if ( !m_bPerformSnapshot && IsBootableSystemStateBackedUp() ) m_bPerformSnapshot = TRUE;
if (m_bPerformSnapshot) { //
// Backup the Com+ RegDB
// Load DLL and Get backup-func address
hRegDbDll = LoadLibrary(L"catsrvut.dll"); if (hRegDbDll == NULL) ft.TranslateError(VSSDBG_WRITER, HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(::GetLastError()), L"LoadLibrary catsrvut.dll");
PF_REG_DB_API pfRegDBBackup; pfRegDBBackup = (PF_REG_DB_API)GetProcAddress(hRegDbDll, "RegDBBackup"); if (pfRegDBBackup == NULL) ft.TranslateError(VSSDBG_WRITER, HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(::GetLastError()), L"GetProcAddress RegDBBackup catsrvut.dll");
// Add file-name to backup path
cwsExpanded += s_cwsBackupFilename;
// Call backup function
CComBSTR bstrExpanded = cwsExpanded; if (bstrExpanded.Length() == 0) ft.Throw(VSSDBG_WRITER, E_OUTOFMEMORY, L"Memory allocation error"); ft.hr = pfRegDBBackup(bstrExpanded); if (ft.HrFailed()) ft.TranslateGenericError ( VSSDBG_WRITER, ft.hr, L"::RegDBBackup(%s)", bstrExpanded ); } } VSS_STANDARD_CATCH( ft );
if (hRegDbDll != NULL) { FreeLibrary(hRegDbDll); hRegDbDll = NULL; }
ft.Trace(VSSDBG_WRITER, L"CComRegDBWriter returning with hresult 0x%08lx", ft.hr); return ft.HrSucceeded(); }
bool STDMETHODCALLTYPE CComRegDBWriter::OnFreeze() { CVssFunctionTracer ft(VSSDBG_WRITER, L"CComRegDBWriter::OnFreeze");
return ft.HrSucceeded(); }
bool STDMETHODCALLTYPE CComRegDBWriter::OnThaw() { CVssFunctionTracer ft(VSSDBG_WRITER, L"CComRegDBWriter::OnThaw");
return ft.HrSucceeded(); }
bool STDMETHODCALLTYPE CComRegDBWriter::OnAbort() { CVssFunctionTracer ft(VSSDBG_WRITER, L"CComRegDBWriter::OnAbort");
return ft.HrSucceeded(); }
// Converted to CUSTOM restore method (see bug# 688278)
#if 0
// Clean-up restore directory
// implements CVssWriter::OnPreRestore
bool STDMETHODCALLTYPE CComRegDBWriter::OnPreRestore(IVssWriterComponents *pComponent) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(pComponent);
CVssFunctionTracer ft(VSSDBG_WRITER, L"CComRegDBWriter::OnPreRestore");
try { //
// Note: There is no need to check for selected components here since the writer is being
// called during restore only if its component (there's only one) is being selected
CBsString cwsExpanded; if (!cwsExpanded.ExpandEnvironmentStrings(s_cwsComRegDBTargetDir)) { ft.TranslateError(VSSDBG_WRITER, HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(::GetLastError()), L"CBsString::ExpandEnvironmentStrings"); }
// make sure that we don't mix up old stuff with the new restore in the COM+ RegDB backup dir
ft.hr = ::RemoveDirectoryTree(cwsExpanded); ft.CheckForErrorInternal(VSSDBG_WRITER, L"::RemoveDirectoryTree"); ft.hr = ::CreateTargetPath(cwsExpanded); ft.CheckForErrorInternal(VSSDBG_WRITER, L"::CreateTargetPath"); } VSS_STANDARD_CATCH( ft );
ft.Trace(VSSDBG_WRITER, L"CComRegDBWriter returning with hresult 0x%08lx", ft.hr); return ft.HrSucceeded(); }
// Restore files using a legacy COM+ API
// implements CVssWriter::OnPostRestore
bool STDMETHODCALLTYPE CComRegDBWriter::OnPostRestore(IVssWriterComponents *pComponent) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(pComponent);
CVssFunctionTracer ft(VSSDBG_WRITER, L"CComRegDBWriter::OnPostRestore");
try { //
// Note: There is no need to check for selected components here since the writer is being
// called during restore only if its component (there's only one) is being selected
CBsString cwsExpanded; if (!cwsExpanded.ExpandEnvironmentStrings(s_cwsComRegDBTargetDir)) { ft.TranslateError(VSSDBG_WRITER, HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(::GetLastError()), L"CBsString::ExpandEnvironmentStrings"); }
// Add file-name to backup path
cwsExpanded += s_cwsBackupFilename;
CComBSTR bstrExpanded = cwsExpanded; if (bstrExpanded.Length() == 0) ft.Throw(VSSDBG_WRITER, E_OUTOFMEMORY, L"Memory allocation error");
// Restore the Com+ RegDB
// Use similar approach to ICOMAdminCatalog::RestoreREGDB (implemented by CCatalog2::RestoreREGDB)
// Load DLL and Get restore-func address
hRegDbDll = LoadLibrary(L"catsrvut.dll"); if (hRegDbDll == NULL) ft.TranslateError(VSSDBG_WRITER, HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(::GetLastError()), L"LoadLibrary catsrvut.dll");
PF_REG_DB_API pfRegDBRestore; pfRegDBRestore = (PF_REG_DB_API)GetProcAddress(hRegDbDll, "RegDBRestore"); if (pfRegDBRestore == NULL) ft.TranslateError(VSSDBG_WRITER, HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(::GetLastError()), L"GetProcAddress RegDBRestore catsrvut.dll");
// Stop the COMSysApp service (best effort - continue if we fail)
StopCOMSysAppService(); // should we log a warning here?
// Call restore function
for (int iRetry = 0; iRetry < 5; iRetry++) { ft.hr = pfRegDBRestore(bstrExpanded); if (ft.HrSucceeded()) break; else if (ft.hr != HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS)) ft.TranslateGenericError ( VSSDBG_WRITER, ft.hr, L"::RegDBRestore(%s)", bstrExpanded );
Sleep(1000); }
if (! ft.HrSucceeded()) ft.TranslateGenericError ( VSSDBG_WRITER, ft.hr, L"::RegDBRestore(%s)", bstrExpanded );
ft.Trace(VSSDBG_WRITER, L"CComRegDBWriter returning with hresult 0x%08lx", ft.hr); return ft.HrSucceeded(); } #endif
// translate a sql writer error code into a writer error
void CComRegDBWriter::TranslateWriterError( HRESULT hr ) { //
// To DO: Check whether the spit backup/restore methods return any "RETRYABLE" errors
switch(hr) { default: SetWriterFailure(VSS_E_WRITERERROR_NONRETRYABLE); break;
case S_OK: break;
// Creates one instance of the Event Log writer class. If one already exists, it simple returns.
// Note: This method is not MT-safe - it is not expected that it will be called twice at the same time
HRESULT CComRegDBWriter::CreateWriter() { CVssFunctionTracer ft(VSSDBG_WRITER, L"CComRegDBWriter::CreateWriter"); if ( sm_pWriter != NULL ) return S_OK;
// Create and initialize a writer
try { sm_pWriter = new CComRegDBWriter; if (sm_pWriter == NULL) ft.Throw(VSSDBG_WRITER, E_OUTOFMEMORY, L"Allocation of CComRegDBWriter object failed.");
ft.hr = sm_pWriter->Initialize(); if (! ft.HrSucceeded()) ft.Throw(VSSDBG_WRITER, ft.hr, L"Initialization of CComRegDBWriter object failed."); } VSS_STANDARD_CATCH(ft);
return ft.hr; }
// static
void CComRegDBWriter::DestroyWriter() { CVssFunctionTracer ft(VSSDBG_WRITER, L"CComRegDBWriter::DestroyWriter"); if (sm_pWriter) { sm_pWriter->Uninitialize(); delete sm_pWriter; sm_pWriter = NULL; } }
// Stop the COMSysApp service if exists
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CComRegDBWriter::StopCOMSysAppService() { CVssFunctionTracer ft(VSSDBG_WRITER, L"CComRegDBWriter::StopCOMSysAppService");
try { SERVICE_STATUS svcStatus; BOOL bWait = TRUE; BOOL bStop = TRUE;
hSCM = OpenSCManager(NULL, NULL, SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS); if (hSCM == NULL) ft.TranslateError(VSSDBG_WRITER, HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()), L"::OpenSCManager");
hService = OpenService(hSCM, s_wszCOMSysAppServiceName, (SERVICE_STOP | SERVICE_QUERY_STATUS)); if (hService == NULL) { DWORD dwErr = GetLastError();
switch (dwErr) {
case ERROR_SERVICE_DOES_NOT_EXIST: // No such service (maybe ASR mode, service is not registered yet), no need to stop or wait
bStop = FALSE; bWait = FALSE; break;
default: // Any other error is unexpected
ft.TranslateError(VSSDBG_WRITER, HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwErr), L"::OpenService"); break; } }
// Stop the service
if (bStop) { // Retry couple of times if the service caanot accept controls
for (int iRetry = 0; iRetry < 5; iRetry++) { memset(&svcStatus, 0, sizeof(svcStatus)); if (! ControlService(hService, SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP, &svcStatus)) { DWORD dwErr = GetLastError();
switch (dwErr) {
case ERROR_SERVICE_NOT_ACTIVE: // Service is not running, no need to wait
bWait = FALSE; break;
default: // Any other error is unexpected
ft.TranslateError(VSSDBG_WRITER, HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwErr), L"::ControlService"); break; }
if (! bWait) // Service not active
// Sleep before retry
} else { // Success, no need to retry
break; } } }
if (bWait) { // Wait till service is stopped. 30 seconds max
DWORD dwWaitTime = 0; while (TRUE) { memset(&svcStatus, 0, sizeof(svcStatus)); if (! QueryServiceStatus(hService, &svcStatus)) ft.TranslateError(VSSDBG_WRITER, HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()), L"::QueryServiceStatus");
if (svcStatus.dwCurrentState == SERVICE_STOPPED) break;
Sleep(1000); dwWaitTime += 1000; if (dwWaitTime >= (30 * 1000)) ft.TranslateGenericError( VSSDBG_WRITER, HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_SERVICE_CANNOT_ACCEPT_CTRL), L"ControlService (%s, SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP)", s_wszCOMSysAppServiceName ); } } } VSS_STANDARD_CATCH( ft );
if (hService != NULL) { CloseServiceHandle(hService); hService = NULL; } if (hSCM != NULL) { CloseServiceHandle(hSCM); hSCM = NULL; } return (ft.hr); }