Copyright (c) 2001 Microsoft Corporation
@doc @module evtlogwriter.cxx | Implementation of the Event Log Writer @end
Stefan Steiner [SSteiner] 07/26/2001
Revision History:
Name Date Comments ssteiner 07/26/2001 created
--*/ #include "stdafx.h"
#include "vs_idl.hxx"
#include "vs_hash.hxx"
#include <vswriter.h>
#include <Sddl.h>
#include "vs_seh.hxx"
#include "vs_trace.hxx"
#include "vs_debug.hxx"
#include "vs_reg.hxx"
#include "evtlogwriter.hxx"
#include "allerror.h"
// Standard foo for file name aliasing. This code block must be after
// all includes of VSS header files.
static GUID s_writerId = { 0xeee8c692, 0x67ed, 0x4250, 0x8d, 0x86, 0x39, 0x6, 0x3, 0x7, 0xd, 0x00 };
// The display name of the Event Log writer.
static LPCWSTR s_wszWriterName = L"Event Log Writer";
// The file group component name for the Event Log
static LPCWSTR s_wszComponentName = L"Event Logs";
// The Registry key that contains event-log information
static LPCWSTR s_wszLogKey = L"SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\Eventlog";
// The value field that contains the the event-log file
static LPCWSTR s_wszLogFile = L"File";
// The location of where the Event Log will be copied.
static CBsString s_cwsEventLogsTargetDir = ROOT_BACKUP_DIR SERVICE_STATE_SUBDIR L"\\EventLogs";
// The location of the Event Log
static CBsString s_cwsSystemEventLogDir = L"%SystemRoot%\\system32\\config";
// The mask specifying which files to exclude from backup
static CBsString s_cwsSystemEventLogFiles = L"*.evt";
// Class wide member variables
CEventLogWriter *CEventLogWriter::sm_pWriter; HRESULT CEventLogWriter::sm_hrInitialize;
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CEventLogWriter::Initialize() { CVssFunctionTracer ft(VSSDBG_WRITER, L"CEventLogWriter::Initialize");
try { ft.hr = CVssWriter::Initialize ( s_writerId, s_wszWriterName, VSS_UT_SYSTEMSERVICE, VSS_ST_OTHER, VSS_APP_SYSTEM, 60000 );
if (ft.HrFailed()) ft.Throw ( VSSDBG_WRITER, E_UNEXPECTED, L"Failed to initialize the Event Log writer. hr = 0x%08lx", ft.hr );
ft.hr = Subscribe(); if (ft.HrFailed()) ft.Throw ( VSSDBG_WRITER, E_UNEXPECTED, L"Subscribing the Event Log server writer failed. hr = %0x08lx", ft.hr ); } VSS_STANDARD_CATCH(ft)
return ft.hr; }
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CEventLogWriter::Uninitialize() { CVssFunctionTracer ft(VSSDBG_WRITER, L"CEventLogWriter::Uninitialize");
return Unsubscribe(); }
// handle request for WRITER_METADATA
// implements CVssWriter::OnIdentify
bool STDMETHODCALLTYPE CEventLogWriter::OnIdentify(IVssCreateWriterMetadata *pMetadata) { CVssFunctionTracer ft(VSSDBG_WRITER, L"CEventLogWriter::OnIdentify");
try { //
// Set the restore method for the writer
ft.hr = pMetadata->SetRestoreMethod ( VSS_RME_RESTORE_AT_REBOOT, NULL, NULL, VSS_WRE_NEVER, true ); ft.CheckForErrorInternal(VSSDBG_WRITER, L"IVssCreateWriterMetadata::SetRestoreMethod");
// Add the one file component
ft.hr = pMetadata->AddComponent ( VSS_CT_FILEGROUP, NULL, s_wszComponentName, s_wszComponentName, NULL, // icon
0, false, false, true ); ft.CheckForErrorInternal(VSSDBG_WRITER, L"IVssCreateWriterMetadata::AddComponent");
AddExcludes(pMetadata); ScanLogs(); AddLogs(pMetadata); } VSS_STANDARD_CATCH(ft)
return ft.HrSucceeded(); }
bool STDMETHODCALLTYPE CEventLogWriter::OnPrepareSnapshot() { CVssFunctionTracer ft(VSSDBG_WRITER, L"CEventLogWriter::OnPrepareSnapshot");
try { CBsString cwsExpanded; if (!cwsExpanded.ExpandEnvironmentStrings(s_cwsEventLogsTargetDir)) { ft.TranslateError(VSSDBG_WRITER, HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(::GetLastError()), L"CBsString::ExpandEnvironmentStrings"); }
// make sure that we don't backup up old stuff in the event log backup dir
ft.hr = ::RemoveDirectoryTree(cwsExpanded); ft.CheckForErrorInternal(VSSDBG_WRITER, L"::RemoveDirectoryTree"); ft.hr = ::CreateTargetPath(cwsExpanded); ft.CheckForError(VSSDBG_WRITER, L"::CreateTargetPath"); if (IsPathAffected(s_cwsSystemEventLogDir)) BackupLogs(); } VSS_STANDARD_CATCH( ft );
ft.Trace(VSSDBG_WRITER, L"CEventLogWriter returning with hresult 0x%08lx", ft.hr); return ft.HrSucceeded(); }
bool STDMETHODCALLTYPE CEventLogWriter::OnFreeze() { CVssFunctionTracer ft(VSSDBG_WRITER, L"CEventLogWriter::OnFreeze");
return ft.HrSucceeded(); }
bool STDMETHODCALLTYPE CEventLogWriter::OnThaw() { CVssFunctionTracer ft(VSSDBG_WRITER, L"CEventLogWriter::OnThaw");
return ft.HrSucceeded(); }
bool STDMETHODCALLTYPE CEventLogWriter::OnAbort() { CVssFunctionTracer ft(VSSDBG_WRITER, L"CEventLogWriter::OnAbort");
return ft.HrSucceeded(); }
bool CEventLogWriter::IsPathInSnapshot(const WCHAR *wszPath) throw() { return IsPathAffected(wszPath); }
// translate a sql writer error code into a writer error
void CEventLogWriter::TranslateWriterError( HRESULT hr ) { switch(hr) { default: SetWriterFailure(VSS_E_WRITERERROR_NONRETRYABLE); break;
case S_OK: break;
// Creates one instance of the Event Log writer class. If one already exists, it simple returns.
// static
HRESULT CEventLogWriter::CreateWriter() { CVssFunctionTracer ft(VSSDBG_WRITER, L"CEventLogWriter::CreateWriter"); if ( sm_pWriter != NULL ) return S_OK;
// OK, spin up a thread to do the subscription in.
try { sm_pWriter = new CEventLogWriter; if (sm_pWriter == NULL) ft.Throw(VSSDBG_WRITER, E_OUTOFMEMORY, L"Allocation of CEventLogWriter object failed.");
DWORD tid;
HANDLE hThread = ::CreateThread ( NULL, 256* 1024, InitializeThreadFunc, NULL, 0, &tid );
if (hThread == NULL) ft.Throw ( VSSDBG_WRITER, E_UNEXPECTED, L"CreateThread failed with error %d", ::GetLastError() );
// wait for thread to complete
::WaitForSingleObject( hThread, INFINITE ); ::CloseHandle( hThread ); ft.hr = sm_hrInitialize; } VSS_STANDARD_CATCH(ft) if (ft.HrFailed() && sm_pWriter) { delete sm_pWriter; sm_pWriter = NULL; }
return ft.hr; }
void CEventLogWriter::FreeLogs() { // free event-log information
for (int x = 0; x < m_eventLogs.GetSize(); x++) { ::VssFreeString(m_eventLogs[x].m_pwszName); ::VssFreeString(m_eventLogs[x].m_pwszFileName); }
m_eventLogs.RemoveAll(); }
void CEventLogWriter::ScanLogs() { CVssFunctionTracer ft (VSSDBG_WRITER, L"CEventLogWriter::ScanLogs");
FreeLogs(); // open the main registry key
CVssRegistryKey hkeyEventLogList (KEY_READ); if (!hkeyEventLogList.Open(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, s_wszLogKey)) { ft.Trace (VSSDBG_WRITER, L"Failed to open registry key: %s", s_wszLogKey); return; }
CVssRegistryKeyIterator iterator; iterator.Attach (hkeyEventLogList);
// for each subkey corresponding to a log
while (!iterator.IsEOF()) { EventLog currentLog; // --- get the file entry
CVssRegistryKey hkeyEventLog(KEY_QUERY_VALUE); if (!hkeyEventLog.Open(hkeyEventLogList.GetHandle(), iterator.GetCurrentKeyName())) { ft.Throw(VSSDBG_WRITER, E_UNEXPECTED, L"Failed to open registry entry for event log %s", iterator.GetCurrentKeyName()); }
CVssAutoPWSZ pwszFileName; hkeyEventLog.GetValue(s_wszLogFile, pwszFileName.GetRef(), false); if (pwszFileName.GetRef() == NULL) { ft.Trace(VSSDBG_WRITER, L"Error reading File value for event log %s", iterator.GetCurrentKeyName()); iterator.MoveNext(); continue; }
// ensure that the name has at least a single \ in it
if (wcschr(pwszFileName, DIR_SEP_CHAR) == NULL) { ft.Trace(VSSDBG_WRITER, L"Error in the File value for event log %s", iterator.GetCurrentKeyName()); iterator.MoveNext(); continue; } // --- get the name of the log
CVssAutoPWSZ pwszName; if (!pwszName.CopyFrom(iterator.GetCurrentKeyName())) ft.Throw(VSSDBG_WRITER, E_OUTOFMEMORY, L"Failed to allocate memory for event log name");
// -- add the information to the list
currentLog.m_pwszFileName = pwszFileName; currentLog.m_pwszName = pwszName; if (!m_eventLogs.Add(currentLog)) ft.Throw(VSSDBG_WRITER, E_OUTOFMEMORY, L"Failed to add entry to list");
pwszFileName.Detach(); pwszName.Detach();
iterator.MoveNext(); } }
void CEventLogWriter::AddExcludes(IVssCreateWriterMetadata* pMetadata) { CVssFunctionTracer ft (VSSDBG_WRITER, L"CEventLogWriter::AddExcludes");
pMetadata->AddExcludeFiles(s_cwsSystemEventLogDir, s_cwsSystemEventLogFiles, false); }
void CEventLogWriter::AddLogs(IVssCreateWriterMetadata* pMetadata) { CVssFunctionTracer ft (VSSDBG_WRITER, L"CEventLogWriter::AddLogs");
// add each log file to the component
for (int x = 0; x < m_eventLogs.GetSize(); x++) { CVssAutoPWSZ pwszEventPath; if (!pwszEventPath.CopyFrom(m_eventLogs[x].m_pwszFileName)) ft.Throw(VSSDBG_WRITER, E_OUTOFMEMORY, L"Failed to allocate memory for event log name");
// --- seperate out the path, and add to the component
VSS_PWSZ pwszEventFile = wcsrchr(pwszEventPath, DIR_SEP_CHAR); BS_ASSERT(pwszEventFile != NULL); *pwszEventFile = L'\0'; ++pwszEventFile;
ft.hr = pMetadata->AddFilesToFileGroup (NULL, s_wszComponentName, pwszEventPath, pwszEventFile, false, s_cwsEventLogsTargetDir ); ft.CheckForErrorInternal(VSSDBG_WRITER, L"IVssCreateWriterMetadata::AddFilesToFileGroup"); } }
void CEventLogWriter::BackupLogs() { CVssFunctionTracer ft(VSSDBG_WRITER, L"CEventLogWriter::BackupLogs");
// back up each event log
for (int x = 0; x < m_eventLogs.GetSize(); x++) { BS_ASSERT(m_eventLogs[x].m_pwszName != NULL); BS_ASSERT(m_eventLogs[x].m_pwszName != NULL); CVssAutoWin32EventLogHandle hLog = ::OpenEventLog(NULL, m_eventLogs[x].m_pwszName); if (hLog == NULL) { ft.Throw(VSSDBG_WRITER, E_UNEXPECTED, L"Failed to open event log %s. [0x%08lx]", m_eventLogs[x].m_pwszName, ::GetLastError()); }
// --- build up the path that we will back up to
VSS_PWSZ pwszBackupFile = ::wcsrchr(m_eventLogs[x].m_pwszFileName, DIR_SEP_CHAR); BS_ASSERT(pwszBackupFile != NULL);
CBsString cwsBackupPath; cwsBackupPath.ExpandEnvironmentStrings(s_cwsEventLogsTargetDir); cwsBackupPath += pwszBackupFile;
// --- NOTE: There's a potential failure scenario here. If two different event logs have the same filename
// --- in different directories, they will overwrite each other in the spit directory. This will be fixed when the
// --- writer is altered to be an in-place writer
if (::BackupEventLog(hLog, cwsBackupPath) == FALSE) { ft.Throw(VSSDBG_WRITER, E_UNEXPECTED, L"Failed to backup event log %s to %s. [0x%08lx]", m_eventLogs[x].m_pwszName, cwsBackupPath, ::GetLastError()); } } }
// static
DWORD CEventLogWriter::InitializeThreadFunc(VOID *pv) { CVssFunctionTracer ft(VSSDBG_WRITER, L"CEventLogWriter::InitializeThreadFunc");
BOOL fCoinitializeSucceeded = false;
try { // intialize MTA thread
ft.hr = ::CoInitializeEx(NULL, COINIT_MULTITHREADED); if (ft.HrFailed()) ft.Throw ( VSSDBG_WRITER, E_UNEXPECTED, L"CoInitializeEx failed 0x%08lx", ft.hr );
fCoinitializeSucceeded = true;
// Now initialize the base class and subscribe
ft.hr = sm_pWriter->Initialize(); } VSS_STANDARD_CATCH(ft)
if (fCoinitializeSucceeded) CoUninitialize();
sm_hrInitialize = ft.hr; return 0;
// static
void CEventLogWriter::DestroyWriter() { CVssFunctionTracer ft(VSSDBG_WRITER, L"CEventLogWriter::DestroyWriter"); if (sm_pWriter) { sm_pWriter->Uninitialize(); delete sm_pWriter; sm_pWriter = NULL; } }