* * Module Name: texparm.c * Author: Goran Devic, Mark Einkauf * Purpose: Texture memory management and parameterization for perspective textures * * Copyright (c) 1997 Cirrus Logic, Inc. * \**************************************************************************/
* Include Files ******************************************************************************/
#include "precomp.h"
#include <excpt.h>
#include <stdlib.h> /* Include standard library */
#include <stdio.h> /* Include standard input/output */
#include <math.h> /* Include math module */
#include "mcdhw.h"
#include "mcdutil.h"
#include "mcdmath.h"
#if 1 // 1 here to avoid tons of prints for each texture load
#include "debug.h" /* Include debug support */
* Local Variables and Defines ******************************************************************************/
#define F_NEG(var) (*(unsigned *)&var ^= 0x80000000)
// convert from float to 16.16 long
#define fix_ieee( val ) FTOL((val) * (float)65536.0)
// convert from float to 8.24 long
#define fix824_ieee( val ) FTOL((val) * (float)16777216.0)
typedef struct { float a1, a2; float b1, b2; } QUADRATIC;
typedef float * (WINAPI *CONVERT_TEXEL_FUNC)();
__inline float *luminance_texel(float *pSrc, MCDMIPMAPLEVEL *level, RGBQUAD *texel_rgba ) { // Single float used as R,G,B
texel_rgba->rgbRed = texel_rgba->rgbGreen= // texel_rgba->rgbBlue = (UCHAR)(*pSrc++ * ((1<<level->luminanceSize) - 1));
texel_rgba->rgbBlue = (UCHAR)(*pSrc++ * (float)255.0);
return(pSrc); }
// same as above, except texel = 1-color instead of color
__inline float *n_luminance_texel(float *pSrc, MCDMIPMAPLEVEL *level, RGBQUAD *texel_rgba ) { // Single float used as R,G,B
texel_rgba->rgbRed = texel_rgba->rgbGreen= // texel_rgba->rgbBlue = (UCHAR)(((float)1.0 - *pSrc++) * ((1<<level->luminanceSize) - 1));
texel_rgba->rgbBlue = (UCHAR)(((float)1.0 - *pSrc++) * (float)255.0);
return(pSrc); }
__inline float *luminance_alpha_texel(float *pSrc, MCDMIPMAPLEVEL *level, RGBQUAD *texel_rgba ) { // MCD_NOTE: For case of LUMINANCE_ALPHA, final alpha supposed to be Atexture*Afragment - 5465
// MCD_NOTE: can't do this, so we'll punt if blend on and LUMINANCE_ALPHA texture
// MCD_NOTE: This code left for completeness in case hardware support added
// 1st float used as R,G,B
texel_rgba->rgbRed = texel_rgba->rgbGreen= // texel_rgba->rgbBlue = (UCHAR)(*pSrc++ * ((1<<level->luminanceSize) - 1));
texel_rgba->rgbBlue = (UCHAR)(*pSrc++ * (float)255.0);
// 2nd float is alpha
// texel_rgba->rgbReserved = (UCHAR)(*pSrc++ * ((1<<level->alphaSize) - 1));
texel_rgba->rgbReserved = (UCHAR)(*pSrc++ * (float)255.0);
return(pSrc); }
// same as above, except texel = 1-color instead of color
__inline float *n_luminance_alpha_texel(float *pSrc, MCDMIPMAPLEVEL *level, RGBQUAD *texel_rgba ) { // MCD_NOTE: For case of LUMINANCE_ALPHA, final alpha supposed to be Atexture*Afragment - 5465
// MCD_NOTE: can't do this, so we'll punt if blend on and LUMINANCE_ALPHA texture
// MCD_NOTE: This code left for completeness in case hardware support added
// 1st float used as R,G,B
texel_rgba->rgbRed = texel_rgba->rgbGreen= // texel_rgba->rgbBlue = (UCHAR)(((float)1.0 - *pSrc++) * ((1<<level->luminanceSize) - 1));
texel_rgba->rgbBlue = (UCHAR)(((float)1.0 - *pSrc++) * (float)255.0);
// 2nd float is alpha
// texel_rgba->rgbReserved = (UCHAR)(((float)1.0 - *pSrc++) * ((1<<level->alphaSize) - 1));
texel_rgba->rgbReserved = (UCHAR)(((float)1.0 - *pSrc++) * (float)255.0);
return(pSrc); }
__inline float *luminance_blend_texel(float *pSrc, MCDMIPMAPLEVEL *level, RGBQUAD *texel_rgba ) { // RGB is from Texture Environment and is set by caller -
// A is Luminance value in texture
texel_rgba->rgbReserved = (UCHAR)(*pSrc++ * ((1<<level->luminanceSize) - 1));
return(pSrc); }
__inline float *luminance_alpha_blend_texel(float *pSrc, MCDMIPMAPLEVEL *level, RGBQUAD *texel_rgba ) { // RGB is from Texture Environment and is set by caller - so ignore texel value
pSrc++; // A is Luminance value in texture
texel_rgba->rgbReserved = (UCHAR)(*pSrc++ * ((1<<level->luminanceSize) - 1));
return(pSrc); }
__inline float *alpha_texel(float *pSrc, MCDMIPMAPLEVEL *level, RGBQUAD *texel_rgba ) { // RGB set by caller
// Single float used as Alpha
texel_rgba->rgbReserved = (UCHAR)(*pSrc++ * ((1<<level->alphaSize) - 1));
return(pSrc); }
__inline float *rgb_texel(float *pSrc, MCDMIPMAPLEVEL *level, RGBQUAD *texel_rgba ) { // 1st float used is R
texel_rgba->rgbRed = (UCHAR)(*pSrc++ * ((1<<level->redSize) - 1)); // 2nd float used is G
texel_rgba->rgbGreen= (UCHAR)(*pSrc++ * ((1<<level->greenSize)- 1)); // 3rd float used is B
texel_rgba->rgbBlue = (UCHAR)(*pSrc++ * ((1<<level->blueSize) - 1));
return(pSrc); }
__inline float *rgba_texel(float *pSrc, MCDMIPMAPLEVEL *level, RGBQUAD *texel_rgba ) { // 1st float used is R
texel_rgba->rgbRed = (UCHAR)(*pSrc++ * ((1<<level->redSize) - 1)); // 2nd float used is G
texel_rgba->rgbGreen= (UCHAR)(*pSrc++ * ((1<<level->greenSize)- 1)); // 3rd float used is B
texel_rgba->rgbBlue = (UCHAR)(*pSrc++ * ((1<<level->blueSize) - 1)); // 4th float is alpha
texel_rgba->rgbReserved = (UCHAR)(*pSrc++ * ((1<<level->alphaSize) - 1));
return(pSrc); }
__inline float *intensity_texel(float *pSrc, MCDMIPMAPLEVEL *level, RGBQUAD *texel_rgba ) { // Single float used as R,G,B,A
texel_rgba->rgbReserved = texel_rgba->rgbRed = texel_rgba->rgbGreen = texel_rgba->rgbBlue = (UCHAR)(*pSrc++ * ((1<<level->intensitySize) - 1));
return(pSrc); }
ULONG __MCDLoadTexture(PDEV *ppdev, DEVRC *pRc)
{ LL_Texture *pTexCtlBlk = pRc->pLastTexture; POFMHDL pohTextureMap = NULL; MCDTEXTURE *pTex = pTexCtlBlk->pTex; MCDMIPMAPLEVEL *level; SIZEL mapsize; UCHAR *pDest; int rowlength,row,col; ULONG alignflag; int rshift, gshift, bshift, ashift, rpos, gpos, bpos, apos;
mapsize.cx = (int)pTexCtlBlk->fWidth; mapsize.cy = (int)pTexCtlBlk->fHeight;
// FUTURE: MUST ADD EngProbeForRead, EngSecureMem/EngUnsecureMem for MIPMAPLEVEL access
MCDFREE_PRINT(" __MCDLoadTexture, size = %x by %x, mask=%x, neg=%x", mapsize.cx, mapsize.cy, pTexCtlBlk->bMasking, pTexCtlBlk->bNegativeMap);
if ((level[0].internalFormat == GL_BGR_EXT) || (level[0].internalFormat == GL_BGRA_EXT)) {
if (pRc->MCDTexEnvState.texEnvMode==GL_BLEND) { MCDBG_PRINT_TEX(" TexEnvMode=GL_BLEND, w/ RGB/RGBA texture - load fails"); return FALSE; }
// FUTURE: large 32 bit textures have trouble fitting in 4M board since 512 X 32bitpp
// FUTURE: requires pitch of 2048. 2048 pitch only happens at hi-res, such as
// FUTURE: 1024x786 at 16bpp. However, catch-22, since at hi-res, no room for
// FUTURE: backbuf+zbuf+large texture (may work on 8Meg board???)
// FUTURE: THEREFORE, will reformat 32bit texture to match screen format
//#define SUPPORT_32BIT_TEXTURES_ASIS --WARNING-> this path doesn't work for alphatest(mask) -
//should add if() to uses "non-ASIS" path if masking
// if GL_BGR_EXT or GL_BGRA_EXT internalFormat, use 8888 texel mode and copy as is in
// 32bit quantities (x86 byte reversal converts BGRA to ARGB, which is what L3d needs)
UCHAR *pSrc;
#if DRIVER_5465
pTexCtlBlk->bType = LL_TEX_8888; #else
pTexCtlBlk->bType = LL_TEX_1888; #endif
pohTextureMap = ppdev->pAllocOffScnMem(ppdev, &mapsize, alignflag, NULL);
// if alloc failed - try to recover
if (!pohTextureMap) { pohTextureMap = __MCDForceTexture(ppdev, &mapsize, alignflag, pTexCtlBlk->fLastDrvDraw); }
pTexCtlBlk->pohTextureMap = pohTextureMap; if (!pohTextureMap) { MCDBG_PRINT_TEX(" Load texture failed "); pTexCtlBlk->wXloc = 0; // set to 0 - have seen keys from deleted textures used in error
pTexCtlBlk->wYloc = 0; // - have sent question about this to Microsoft (3/29/97)
return FALSE; } else { // alloc of off screen memory worked - key is ptr to control block
pTexCtlBlk->wXloc = (WORD)pohTextureMap->aligned_x; pTexCtlBlk->wYloc = (WORD)pohTextureMap->aligned_y; }
// if we make it this far, texture allocation was successful,
// copy texture to video memory
pDest = ppdev->pjScreen + (pohTextureMap->aligned_y * ppdev->lDeltaScreen) + pohTextureMap->aligned_x;
pSrc = level[0].pTexels;
rowlength = level[0].widthImage << 2; // num bytes per row of map
// texture is 4 bytes per texel
// MCD_PERF - CONVERT memcpy of texture TO A BLIT
for (row=0; row<level[0].heightImage; row++) { memcpy (pDest,pSrc,rowlength); pDest += ppdev->lDeltaScreen; pSrc += rowlength; }
// alloc block with same color format as screen
switch (ppdev->iBitmapFormat) { case BMF_8BPP: if ( pTexCtlBlk->bAlphaInTexture ) // need alpha in texture
alignflag = MCD_TEXTURE16_ALLOCATE; else alignflag = MCD_TEXTURE8_ALLOCATE; break; case BMF_16BPP: alignflag = MCD_TEXTURE16_ALLOCATE; break; case BMF_24BPP: case BMF_32BPP: alignflag = MCD_TEXTURE32_ALLOCATE; break; }
pohTextureMap = ppdev->pAllocOffScnMem(ppdev, &mapsize, alignflag, NULL);
// if alloc failed - try to recover
if (!pohTextureMap) { pohTextureMap = __MCDForceTexture(ppdev, &mapsize, alignflag, pTexCtlBlk->fLastDrvDraw); } pTexCtlBlk->pohTextureMap = pohTextureMap; if (!pohTextureMap) { MCDBG_PRINT_TEX(" Load texture failed "); pTexCtlBlk->wXloc = 0; // set to 0 - have seen keys from deleted textures used in error
pTexCtlBlk->wYloc = 0; // - have sent question about this to Microsoft
return FALSE; } else { // alloc of off screen memory worked
pTexCtlBlk->wXloc = (WORD)pohTextureMap->aligned_x; pTexCtlBlk->wYloc = (WORD)pohTextureMap->aligned_y; }
// if we make it this far, texture allocation was successful,
// copy texture to video memory
pDest = ppdev->pjScreen + (pohTextureMap->aligned_y * ppdev->lDeltaScreen) + pohTextureMap->aligned_x; { RGBQUAD *pSrc = (RGBQUAD *)level[0].pTexels;
// texture is 4 bytes per texel
switch (alignflag) { case MCD_TEXTURE8_ALLOCATE: pTexCtlBlk->bType = LL_TEX_332; for (row=0; row<level[0].heightImage; row++) { for (col=0; col<level[0].widthImage; col++) { // convert from 888 to 332
*(pDest + col) = ((pSrc->rgbRed >> 5) << 5) | ((pSrc->rgbGreen >> 5) << 2) | (pSrc->rgbBlue >> 6); pSrc++; } pDest += ppdev->lDeltaScreen; } break; case MCD_TEXTURE16_ALLOCATE:
if ( pTexCtlBlk->bAlphaInTexture ) { if (pTexCtlBlk->bMasking) { pTexCtlBlk->bType = LL_TEX_1555; ashift = 7; apos = 15; // 1 bits alp, at bits 15->12
rshift = 3; rpos = 10; // 5 bits red, at bits 11->8
gshift = 3; gpos = 5; // 5 bits grn, at bits 7->4
bshift = 3; // 5 bits blu, at bits 3->0
} else { #if DRIVER_5465
pTexCtlBlk->bType = LL_TEX_4444; ashift = 4; apos = 12; // 4 bits alp, at bits 15->12
rshift = 4; rpos = 8; // 4 bits red, at bits 11->8
gshift = 4; gpos = 4; // 4 bits grn, at bits 7->4
bshift = 4; // 4 bits blu, at bits 3->0
#else // DRIVER_5465
// 5464 has no 4444 support
pTexCtlBlk->bType = LL_TEX_1555; ashift = 7; apos = 15; // 1 bits alp, at bits 15->12
rshift = 3; rpos = 10; // 5 bits red, at bits 11->8
gshift = 3; gpos = 5; // 5 bits grn, at bits 7->4
bshift = 3; // 5 bits blu, at bits 3->0
#endif // DRIVER_5465
} } else { pTexCtlBlk->bType = LL_TEX_565; ashift = 8; apos = 16; // removes alpha altogether
rshift = 3; rpos = 11; // 5 bits red, at bits 15->11
gshift = 2; gpos = 5; // 6 bits grn, at bits 10->5
bshift = 3; // 5 bits blu, at bits 4->0
for (row=0; row<level[0].heightImage; row++) { if (!pTexCtlBlk->bMasking) { for (col=0; col<level[0].widthImage; col++) { // convert from 8888 to 4444 or 565
*(USHORT *)(pDest + (col*2)) = ((pSrc->rgbReserved >> ashift) << apos) | ((pSrc->rgbRed >> rshift) << rpos) | ((pSrc->rgbGreen >> gshift) << gpos) | (pSrc->rgbBlue >> bshift);
} } else { for (col=0; col<level[0].widthImage; col++) { // convert from 8888 to 1555
*(USHORT *)(pDest + (col*2)) = ((pSrc->rgbRed >> rshift) << rpos) | ((pSrc->rgbGreen >> gshift) << gpos) | (pSrc->rgbBlue >> bshift);
// turn on mask bit (bit 15) if alpha > ref
if (pSrc->rgbReserved > pRc->bAlphaTestRef) *(USHORT *)(pDest + (col*2)) |= 0x8000;
} } pDest += ppdev->lDeltaScreen; } break; case MCD_TEXTURE32_ALLOCATE: #if DRIVER_5465
if (!pTexCtlBlk->bMasking) pTexCtlBlk->bType = LL_TEX_8888; else pTexCtlBlk->bType = LL_TEX_1888; #else // DRIVER_5465
pTexCtlBlk->bType = LL_TEX_1888; #endif // DRIVER_5465
rowlength = level[0].widthImage << 2; // num bytes per row of map
if (!pTexCtlBlk->bMasking) { for (row=0; row<level[0].heightImage; row++) { // copy the RGBQUAD as is, a whole row at a time
memcpy (pDest,pSrc,rowlength); pDest += ppdev->lDeltaScreen; pSrc += level[0].widthImage; // remember pSrc is RGBQUAD*, not UCHAR*
} } else { // masking on - set bit31 of texel according to alpha test
for (row=0; row<level[0].heightImage; row++) { // copy the RGBQUAD as is, a whole row at a time
memcpy (pDest,pSrc,rowlength); for (col=0; col<level[0].widthImage; col++) { // revisit the row, turning on mask bit (bit 31) if alpha > ref
if ((pSrc+col)->rgbReserved > pRc->bAlphaTestRef) *(ULONG *)(pDest + (col*4)) |= 0x80000000; }
pDest += ppdev->lDeltaScreen; pSrc += level[0].widthImage; // remember pSrc is RGBQUAD*, not UCHAR*
} }
break; } // endswitch
} // endblock
} else { // if internalFormat not GL_BGR_EXT or GL_BGRA_EXT , we'll convert to screen's format
// (see note below on FUTURE plans to use indexed textures without conversion)
if ( (pRc->MCDTexEnvState.texEnvMode==GL_BLEND) && (level[0].internalFormat != GL_LUMINANCE) && (level[0].internalFormat != GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA) && (level[0].internalFormat != GL_INTENSITY) )
{ MCDBG_PRINT_TEX(" TexEnvMode=GL_BLEND, w/ non LUM or INTENSITY texture - load fails"); return FALSE; }
if (pRc->MCDTexEnvState.texEnvMode==GL_BLEND) { // alpha only in texture - recall we've punted if not luminance or intensity
alignflag = MCD_TEXTURE8_ALLOCATE; } else { // alloc block with same color format as screen
switch (ppdev->iBitmapFormat) { case BMF_8BPP: if ( pTexCtlBlk->bAlphaInTexture ) // need alpha in texture
alignflag = MCD_TEXTURE16_ALLOCATE; else alignflag = MCD_TEXTURE8_ALLOCATE; break; case BMF_16BPP: alignflag = MCD_TEXTURE16_ALLOCATE; break; case BMF_24BPP: case BMF_32BPP: alignflag = MCD_TEXTURE32_ALLOCATE; break; } }
pohTextureMap = ppdev->pAllocOffScnMem(ppdev, &mapsize, alignflag, NULL); // if alloc failed - try to recover
if (!pohTextureMap) { pohTextureMap = __MCDForceTexture(ppdev, &mapsize, alignflag, pTexCtlBlk->fLastDrvDraw); }
pTexCtlBlk->pohTextureMap = pohTextureMap; if (!pohTextureMap) { MCDBG_PRINT_TEX(" Load texture failed "); // alloc of off screen memory failed
pTexCtlBlk->wXloc = 0; // set to 0 - have seen keys from deleted textures uses in error
pTexCtlBlk->wYloc = 0; // - have sent question about this to Microsoft
return FALSE; } else { // alloc of off screen memory worked - key is ptr to control block
pTexCtlBlk->wXloc = (WORD)pohTextureMap->aligned_x; pTexCtlBlk->wYloc = (WORD)pohTextureMap->aligned_y; }
// if we make it this far, texture allocation was successful,
// copy texture to video memory
pDest = ppdev->pjScreen + (pohTextureMap->aligned_y * ppdev->lDeltaScreen) + pohTextureMap->aligned_x;
// MCD_NOTE concerning indexed textures...
// MCD_NOTE - will convert indexed textures to same format as screen and
// MCD_NOTE - store as RGB texture, until hw palette use coded and debugged.
// FUTURE: use texture palettes in HW - possible complications are:
// FUTURE: -palette size not fixed - data format can be 16 bit index
// FUTURE: -palette can only be used when screen not in 8 bit mode
// FUTURE: -5465 bug where cursor interaction can corrupt palette
// FUTURE: -MISC_TEST bit set needed for some reason (see CGL code/ask Dan)
switch (level[0].internalFormat) { case GL_COLOR_INDEX8_EXT: { // indices are 8 bit
UCHAR *pSrc = level[0].pTexels; RGBQUAD *pPaletteData;
pPaletteData = pTex->pMCDTextureData->paletteData;
// texture is 1 BYTE per texel
switch (alignflag) { case MCD_TEXTURE8_ALLOCATE: pTexCtlBlk->bType = LL_TEX_332; for (row=0; row<level[0].heightImage; row++) { for (col=0; col<level[0].widthImage; col++) {
// convert from 888 to 332
*(pDest + col) = ((pPaletteData[*pSrc].rgbRed >> 5) << 5) | ((pPaletteData[*pSrc].rgbGreen >> 5) << 2) | (pPaletteData[*pSrc].rgbBlue >> 6);
pSrc++; // increment by 1 byte
} pDest += ppdev->lDeltaScreen; } break; case MCD_TEXTURE16_ALLOCATE:
#if DRIVER_5465
pTexCtlBlk->bType = LL_TEX_4444; ashift = 4; apos = 12; // 4 bits alp, at bits 15->12
rshift = 4; rpos = 8; // 4 bits red, at bits 11->8
gshift = 4; gpos = 4; // 4 bits grn, at bits 7->4
bshift = 4; // 4 bits blu, at bits 3->0
#else // DRIVER_5465
pTexCtlBlk->bType = LL_TEX_565; ashift = 8; apos = 16; // removes alpha altogether
rshift = 3; rpos = 11; // 5 bits red, at bits 15->11
gshift = 2; gpos = 5; // 6 bits grn, at bits 10->5
bshift = 3; // 5 bits blu, at bits 4->0
#endif // DRIVER_5465
for (row=0; row<level[0].heightImage; row++) { for (col=0; col<level[0].widthImage; col++) { // convert from 8888 to 565
*(USHORT *)(pDest + (col*2)) = ((pPaletteData[*pSrc].rgbReserved >> ashift) << apos) | ((pPaletteData[*pSrc].rgbRed >> rshift) << rpos) | ((pPaletteData[*pSrc].rgbGreen >> gshift) << gpos) | (pPaletteData[*pSrc].rgbBlue >> bshift);
pSrc++; // increment by 1 byte
} pDest += ppdev->lDeltaScreen; }
break; case MCD_TEXTURE32_ALLOCATE: #if DRIVER_5465
pTexCtlBlk->bType = LL_TEX_8888; #else
pTexCtlBlk->bType = LL_TEX_1888; #endif
for (row=0; row<level[0].heightImage; row++) { for (col=0; col<level[0].widthImage; col++) {
// copy the RGBQUAD as is
*(DWORD *)(pDest + (col*4)) = *(DWORD *)(&pPaletteData[*pSrc]);
pSrc++; // increment by 1 byte
} pDest += ppdev->lDeltaScreen; } break; } } break; case GL_COLOR_INDEX16_EXT: // indices are 16 bit
{ USHORT *pSrc = (USHORT *)level[0].pTexels; RGBQUAD *pPaletteData;
pPaletteData = pTex->pMCDTextureData->paletteData;
// texture is 2 bytes per texel
switch (alignflag) { case MCD_TEXTURE8_ALLOCATE: pTexCtlBlk->bType = LL_TEX_332; for (row=0; row<level[0].heightImage; row++) { for (col=0; col<level[0].widthImage; col++) { // convert from 888 to 332
*(pDest + col) = ((pPaletteData[*pSrc].rgbRed >> 5) << 5) | ((pPaletteData[*pSrc].rgbGreen >> 5) << 2) | (pPaletteData[*pSrc].rgbBlue >> 6);
pSrc++; // increment by 1 16bit word
} pDest += ppdev->lDeltaScreen; } break; case MCD_TEXTURE16_ALLOCATE: #if DRIVER_5465
pTexCtlBlk->bType = LL_TEX_4444; ashift = 4; apos = 12; // 4 bits alp, at bits 15->12
rshift = 4; rpos = 8; // 4 bits red, at bits 11->8
gshift = 4; gpos = 4; // 4 bits grn, at bits 7->4
bshift = 4; // 4 bits blu, at bits 3->0
#else // DRIVER_5465
pTexCtlBlk->bType = LL_TEX_565; ashift = 8; apos = 16; // removes alpha altogether
rshift = 3; rpos = 11; // 5 bits red, at bits 15->11
gshift = 2; gpos = 5; // 6 bits grn, at bits 10->5
bshift = 3; // 5 bits blu, at bits 4->0
#endif // DRIVER_5465
for (row=0; row<level[0].heightImage; row++) { for (col=0; col<level[0].widthImage; col++) { // convert from 8888 to 565
*(USHORT *)(pDest + (col*2)) = ((pPaletteData[*pSrc].rgbReserved >> ashift) << apos) | ((pPaletteData[*pSrc].rgbRed >> rshift) << rpos) | ((pPaletteData[*pSrc].rgbGreen >> gshift) << gpos) | (pPaletteData[*pSrc].rgbBlue >> bshift);
pSrc++; // increment by 1 16bit word
} pDest += ppdev->lDeltaScreen; }
break; case MCD_TEXTURE32_ALLOCATE: #if DRIVER_5465
pTexCtlBlk->bType = LL_TEX_8888; #else
pTexCtlBlk->bType = LL_TEX_1888; #endif
for (row=0; row<level[0].heightImage; row++) { for (col=0; col<level[0].widthImage; col++) {
// copy the RGBQUAD as is
*(DWORD *)(pDest + (col*4)) = *(DWORD *)(&pPaletteData[*pSrc]);
pSrc++; // increment by 1 16bit word
} pDest += ppdev->lDeltaScreen; } break; } } break; case GL_LUMINANCE: case GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA: case GL_ALPHA: case GL_RGB: case GL_RGBA: case GL_INTENSITY: // pTexels is pointer to sequence of floats
// read pTexel value, convert to RGBA using redSize, greenSize, etc.,
// and store in current screen format.
{ float *pSrc; RGBQUAD texel_rgba; CONVERT_TEXEL_FUNC pTexelFunc; int sweetspot=0;
// texture is 1, 2, 3, or 4 floats per texel, each float is 4 bytes
pSrc = (float *)level[0].pTexels;
texel_rgba.rgbReserved = 0xff; // initialize for cases of constant Alpha
// FUTURE: We currently punt correctly if global blend enabled with texture alpha since
// FUTURE: can't do blend two levels of blend - However, 5465 doesn't modulate alpha
// FUTURE: of texture with alpha of fragment as req'd by GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA
// FUTURE: with Modulate or Blend, and RGBA with Modulate - therefore alpha stored
// FUTURE: for these 3 cases is wrong - and if blend turned on later, results wrong
switch (level[0].internalFormat) { case GL_LUMINANCE:
// texture is 1 float(4 bytes) per texel
if ( pRc->MCDTexEnvState.texEnvMode==GL_BLEND ) { pTexelFunc = luminance_blend_texel; // texel_rgba.rgbRed = (int)(pRc->MCDTexEnvState.texEnvColor.r * pRc->rScale) >> 16;
// texel_rgba.rgbGreen= (int)(pRc->MCDTexEnvState.texEnvColor.g * pRc->gScale) >> 16;
// texel_rgba.rgbBlue = (int)(pRc->MCDTexEnvState.texEnvColor.b * pRc->bScale) >> 16;
} else if (pTexCtlBlk->bNegativeMap) { pTexelFunc = n_luminance_texel; sweetspot++; } else { pTexelFunc = luminance_texel; } break; case GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA:
// texture is 2 floats(8 bytes) per texel
if ( pRc->MCDTexEnvState.texEnvMode==GL_BLEND ) { pTexelFunc = luminance_alpha_blend_texel; // texel_rgba.rgbRed = (int)(pRc->MCDTexEnvState.texEnvColor.r * pRc->rScale) >> 16;
// texel_rgba.rgbGreen= (int)(pRc->MCDTexEnvState.texEnvColor.g * pRc->gScale) >> 16;
// texel_rgba.rgbBlue = (int)(pRc->MCDTexEnvState.texEnvColor.b * pRc->bScale) >> 16;
} else if (pTexCtlBlk->bNegativeMap) pTexelFunc = n_luminance_alpha_texel; else pTexelFunc = luminance_alpha_texel; break; case GL_ALPHA: // FUTURE: GL_BLEND texture env defined in GL1.1 for GL_ALPHA,GL_RGB,GL_RGBA
// R, G, B assumed 0
// texture is 1 float(4 bytes) per texel
texel_rgba.rgbRed = texel_rgba.rgbGreen = texel_rgba.rgbBlue = 0; pTexelFunc = alpha_texel; break; case GL_RGB: // texture is 3 float(12 bytes) per texel
VERIFY_TEXELS_ACCESSIBLE(pSrc,level[0].heightImage*level[0].widthImage*12,ENGPROBE_ALIGN_DWORD); pTexelFunc = rgb_texel; break; case GL_RGBA: // texture is 4 float(16 bytes) per texel
VERIFY_TEXELS_ACCESSIBLE(pSrc,level[0].heightImage*level[0].widthImage*16,ENGPROBE_ALIGN_DWORD); pTexelFunc = rgba_texel; break; case GL_INTENSITY: // texture is 1 float(4 bytes) per texel
VERIFY_TEXELS_ACCESSIBLE(pSrc,level[0].heightImage*level[0].widthImage*4,ENGPROBE_ALIGN_DWORD); pTexelFunc = intensity_texel; break; }
switch (alignflag) { case MCD_TEXTURE8_ALLOCATE: if (pRc->MCDTexEnvState.texEnvMode==GL_BLEND) { // this works for GL_LUMINANCE, GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA, GL_INTENSITY only
pTexCtlBlk->bType = LL_TEX_8_ALPHA;
for (row=0; row<level[0].heightImage; row++) { for (col=0; col<level[0].widthImage; col++) { pSrc = pTexelFunc(pSrc,&level[0],&texel_rgba); *(pDest + col) = texel_rgba.rgbReserved; } pDest += ppdev->lDeltaScreen; }
} else { pTexCtlBlk->bType = LL_TEX_332;
for (row=0; row<level[0].heightImage; row++) { for (col=0; col<level[0].widthImage; col++) { pSrc = pTexelFunc(pSrc,&level[0],&texel_rgba);
// convert from 888 to 332
*(pDest + col) = ((texel_rgba.rgbRed >> 5) << 5) | ((texel_rgba.rgbGreen >> 5) << 2) | (texel_rgba.rgbBlue >> 6); } pDest += ppdev->lDeltaScreen; } }
break; case MCD_TEXTURE16_ALLOCATE: if ( pTexCtlBlk->bAlphaInTexture ) { if (pTexCtlBlk->bMasking) { pTexCtlBlk->bType = LL_TEX_1555; ashift = 7; apos = 15; // 1 bits alp, at bits 15->12
rshift = 3; rpos = 10; // 5 bits red, at bits 11->8
gshift = 3; gpos = 5; // 5 bits grn, at bits 7->4
bshift = 3; // 5 bits blu, at bits 3->0
} else { #if DRIVER_5465
pTexCtlBlk->bType = LL_TEX_4444; ashift = 4; apos = 12; // 4 bits alp, at bits 15->12
rshift = 4; rpos = 8; // 4 bits red, at bits 11->8
gshift = 4; gpos = 4; // 4 bits grn, at bits 7->4
bshift = 4; // 4 bits blu, at bits 3->0
#else // DRIVER_5465
// 5464 has no 4444 support
pTexCtlBlk->bType = LL_TEX_1555; ashift = 7; apos = 15; // 1 bits alp, at bits 15->12
rshift = 3; rpos = 10; // 5 bits red, at bits 11->8
gshift = 3; gpos = 5; // 5 bits grn, at bits 7->4
bshift = 3; // 5 bits blu, at bits 3->0
#endif // DRIVER_5465
} } else { pTexCtlBlk->bType = LL_TEX_565; ashift = 8; apos = 16; // removes alpha altogether
rshift = 3; rpos = 11; // 5 bits red, at bits 15->11
gshift = 2; gpos = 5; // 6 bits grn, at bits 10->5
bshift = 3; // 5 bits blu, at bits 4->0
sweetspot++; }
for (row=0; row<level[0].heightImage; row++) { if (!pTexCtlBlk->bMasking) { if (sweetspot<2) { for (col=0; col<level[0].widthImage; col++) { pSrc = pTexelFunc(pSrc,&level[0],&texel_rgba);
// convert from 8888 to 4444 or 565
*(USHORT *)(pDest + (col*2)) = ((texel_rgba.rgbReserved >> ashift) << apos) | ((texel_rgba.rgbRed >> rshift) << rpos) | ((texel_rgba.rgbGreen >> gshift) << gpos) | (texel_rgba.rgbBlue >> bshift); } } else { // n_luminance_texel -> 565
for (col=0; col<level[0].widthImage; col++) { ULONG _8bitequiv; ULONG redblue; ULONG green; _8bitequiv = FTOL(((float)1.0 - *pSrc++) * (float)255.0);
redblue = _8bitequiv >> 3; // 5 bits for r,b
green = (_8bitequiv << 3) & 0x07e0; // 6 bits for g, shift to middle
// convert to 565
*(USHORT *)(pDest + (col*2)) = (USHORT) ((redblue<<11) | green | redblue); } } } else { for (col=0; col<level[0].widthImage; col++) { pSrc = pTexelFunc(pSrc,&level[0],&texel_rgba);
// convert from 8888 to 4444 or 565
*(USHORT *)(pDest + (col*2)) = ((texel_rgba.rgbReserved >> ashift) << apos) | ((texel_rgba.rgbRed >> rshift) << rpos) | ((texel_rgba.rgbGreen >> gshift) << gpos) | (texel_rgba.rgbBlue >> bshift);
// turn on mask bit (bit 15) if alpha > ref
if (texel_rgba.rgbReserved > pRc->bAlphaTestRef) *(USHORT *)(pDest + (col*2)) |= 0x8000;
} } pDest += ppdev->lDeltaScreen; } break; case MCD_TEXTURE32_ALLOCATE: #if DRIVER_5465
if (!pTexCtlBlk->bMasking) pTexCtlBlk->bType = LL_TEX_8888; else pTexCtlBlk->bType = LL_TEX_1888; #else // DRIVER_5465
pTexCtlBlk->bType = LL_TEX_1888; #endif // DRIVER_5465
for (row=0; row<level[0].heightImage; row++) { if (!pTexCtlBlk->bMasking) { for (col=0; col<level[0].widthImage; col++) { pSrc = pTexelFunc(pSrc,&level[0],&texel_rgba);
// copy the RGBQUAD as is
*(RGBQUAD *)(pDest + (col*4)) = texel_rgba; } } else { // masking on - set bit31 of texel according to alpha test
for (col=0; col<level[0].widthImage; col++) { pSrc = pTexelFunc(pSrc,&level[0],&texel_rgba);
// turn on mask bit (bit 8) of alpha component, if alpha > ref
if (texel_rgba.rgbReserved > pRc->bAlphaTestRef) texel_rgba.rgbReserved|=0x80;
// copy the RGBQUAD as is
*(RGBQUAD *)(pDest + (col*4)) = texel_rgba; } } pDest += ppdev->lDeltaScreen; } break; } } break; } // endswitch
// if texture width or height less than 16, stretch it to 16x16
if ((level[0].widthImage < 16) || (level[0].heightImage < 16)) {
int col_copies, row_copies, h, w; UCHAR *colsrc, *coldest, *rowdest; int bpt;
// bytes per texel
switch (alignflag) { case MCD_TEXTURE8_ALLOCATE: bpt = 1; break; case MCD_TEXTURE16_ALLOCATE: bpt = 2; break; case MCD_TEXTURE32_ALLOCATE: bpt = 4; break; }
// for width stretch - 8 requires 2 copies, 4 requires 4, 2 requires 8, 1 requires 16
col_copies = (16 / level[0].widthImage);
// for height stretch - 8 requires 2 copies, 4 requires 4, 2 requires 8, 1 requires 16
// if already at least 16 high, then width stretch all that's needed, so prevent row copy
row_copies = (level[0].heightImage < 16) ? (16/level[0].heightImage) : 0;
// start with last row
h = level[0].heightImage - 1;
while (h >= 0) { int rc; // row copy counter
colsrc = coldest = ppdev->pjScreen + ((pohTextureMap->aligned_y + h) * ppdev->lDeltaScreen) + pohTextureMap->aligned_x;
w = level[0].widthImage;
// start at last texel of current row
// will copy last texel col_copies times to 15th, 14th, etc. texel(s)
colsrc += ( w - 1) * bpt; coldest += (16 - 1) * bpt; while (w--) { int cc=0; // copy original texel col_copies times
while (cc<col_copies) { // copy texel of bpt size
memcpy (coldest,colsrc,bpt);
// src remains the same, dest is decremented
coldest-=bpt; cc++; }
colsrc-=bpt; } // now row is at least 16 texels
// NOTE: may have been > 16 originally -
// If >= 16 originally, the "cc<col_copies" loop above
// would never have executed, and the "w--" loop would get
// colsrc back to start of row - inefficient but typically
// width=height so case of width>=16 rare
// colsrc points to start of row
colsrc = ppdev->pjScreen + ((pohTextureMap->aligned_y + h) * ppdev->lDeltaScreen) + pohTextureMap->aligned_x;
// compute where row should be copied to for expansion heightwise
rowdest = ppdev->pjScreen + ((pohTextureMap->aligned_y+(h * row_copies)) * ppdev->lDeltaScreen) + pohTextureMap->aligned_x;
rc=0; // width of row is now 16, if original less than 16
w = (level[0].widthImage < 16) ? 16 : level[0].widthImage;
while (rc<row_copies) { // copy row
memcpy (rowdest,colsrc,w*bpt);
// src remains the same, dest is incremented
rowdest += ppdev->lDeltaScreen; rc++; }
} // endwhile
return TRUE;
#if 1 // 0 here for simplest form of force
POFMHDL __MCDForceTexture (PDEV *ppdev, SIZEL *mapsize, int alignflag, float time_stamp) { int attempt=4; LL_Texture *pTexCtlBlk, *pTexCandidate; POFMHDL pohTextureMap=NULL; float cand_time_stamp;
MCDFORCE_PRINT(" __MCDForceTexture, pri=%d",(int)time_stamp);
// wait until pending drawing completes, since offscreen memory may be moved by this routine
while (!pohTextureMap && attempt) { switch(attempt) { case 4: // 1st try:look for texture of same (or bigger) size of current, but with lower time_stamp
// MCD_NOTE2: texture cache manager assumes alignflag same for all textures
// MCD_NOTE2: this may not be true if 32bpp textures ever supported as is
pTexCtlBlk = ppdev->pFirstTexture->next; pTexCandidate = NULL; cand_time_stamp = time_stamp;
MCDFORCE_PRINT(" Force, case 4");
while (pTexCtlBlk) {
MCDFORCE_PRINT(" loop: h=%x w=%x, pri=%d", (LONG)pTexCtlBlk->fHeight,(LONG)pTexCtlBlk->fWidth,(int)pTexCtlBlk->fLastDrvDraw); if ( pTexCtlBlk->pohTextureMap && (mapsize->cy <= (LONG)pTexCtlBlk->fHeight) && (mapsize->cx <= (LONG)pTexCtlBlk->fWidth) && (pTexCtlBlk->fLastDrvDraw < cand_time_stamp) ) { cand_time_stamp = pTexCtlBlk->fLastDrvDraw; pTexCandidate = pTexCtlBlk; }
pTexCtlBlk = pTexCtlBlk->next;
} // if we found a candidate, free it
if (pTexCandidate) { MCDFORCE_PRINT(" freeing cand: h=%x w=%x, pri=%d", (LONG)pTexCandidate->fHeight,(LONG)pTexCandidate->fWidth,(int)pTexCandidate->fLastDrvDraw);
ppdev->pFreeOffScnMem(ppdev, pTexCandidate->pohTextureMap); pTexCandidate->pohTextureMap = NULL; }
case 3: // 2nd try:look for texture of same or bigger size of current, with any time_stamp
pTexCtlBlk = ppdev->pFirstTexture->next; pTexCandidate = NULL;
MCDFORCE_PRINT(" Force, case 3");
while (pTexCtlBlk) { MCDFORCE_PRINT(" loop: h=%x w=%x",(LONG)pTexCtlBlk->fHeight,(LONG)pTexCtlBlk->fWidth); if ( pTexCtlBlk->pohTextureMap && (mapsize->cy <= (LONG)pTexCtlBlk->fHeight) && (mapsize->cx <= (LONG)pTexCtlBlk->fWidth) ) { // if already found a candidate, check if new find smaller
// if so it's new candidate, since we want to free smallest region
if (pTexCandidate) { if ((pTexCtlBlk->fHeight < pTexCandidate->fHeight) || (pTexCtlBlk->fWidth < pTexCandidate->fWidth)) { // new find is better choice
pTexCandidate = pTexCtlBlk; } } else { // first find - default candidate
pTexCandidate = pTexCtlBlk; } }
pTexCtlBlk = pTexCtlBlk->next;
} // if we found a candidate, free it
if (pTexCandidate) { MCDFORCE_PRINT(" freeing cand: h=%x w=%x, pri=%d", (LONG)pTexCandidate->fHeight,(LONG)pTexCandidate->fWidth,(int)pTexCandidate->fLastDrvDraw); ppdev->pFreeOffScnMem(ppdev, pTexCandidate->pohTextureMap); pTexCandidate->pohTextureMap = NULL; }
case 2: // 3rd try:free all textures with time_stamp less than current
pTexCtlBlk = ppdev->pFirstTexture->next;
MCDFORCE_PRINT(" Force, case 2");
while (pTexCtlBlk) { if ( pTexCtlBlk->pohTextureMap && (pTexCtlBlk->fLastDrvDraw < time_stamp) ) { ppdev->pFreeOffScnMem(ppdev, pTexCtlBlk->pohTextureMap); pTexCtlBlk->pohTextureMap = NULL; }
pTexCtlBlk = pTexCtlBlk->next;
} break;
case 1: // Last try:free all textures
pTexCtlBlk = ppdev->pFirstTexture->next; MCDFORCE_PRINT(" Force, case 1"); while (pTexCtlBlk) { if (pTexCtlBlk->pohTextureMap) { ppdev->pFreeOffScnMem(ppdev, pTexCtlBlk->pohTextureMap); pTexCtlBlk->pohTextureMap = NULL; }
pTexCtlBlk = pTexCtlBlk->next;
} break; } // endswitch
// try it now...
pohTextureMap = ppdev->pAllocOffScnMem(ppdev, mapsize, alignflag, NULL);
} MCDFORCE_PRINT(" Force RESULT= %x",pohTextureMap);
return (pohTextureMap); }
#else // simple force
// simplest force algorithm
POFMHDL __MCDForceTexture (PDEV *ppdev, SIZEL *mapsize, int alignflag, float time_stamp) { int attempts; LL_Texture *pTexCtlBlk; POFMHDL pohTextureMap; WAIT_HW_IDLE(ppdev); // wait until pending drawing completes, since offscreen memory may be moved by this routine
pTexCtlBlk = ppdev->pFirstTexture->next; while (pTexCtlBlk) { if (pTexCtlBlk->pohTextureMap) { ppdev->pFreeOffScnMem(ppdev, pTexCtlBlk->pohTextureMap); pTexCtlBlk->pohTextureMap = NULL; } pTexCtlBlk = pTexCtlBlk->next; } // try it now..
pohTextureMap = ppdev->pAllocOffScnMem(ppdev, mapsize, alignflag, NULL); return (pohTextureMap); }
#endif //simple force