* Module Name: PAINT.c * Author: Noel VanHook * Date: Mar. 21, 1995 * Purpose: Handle calls to DrvPaint * * Copyright (c) 1995 Cirrus Logic, Inc. * \**************************************************************************/
This module handles calls to DrvPaint() by converting them into calls to DrvBitBlt(). The only conversion needed to to change the MIX into a ROP4.
#include "precomp.h"
// In an attempt to trace the problems with the FIFO, we supply a few
// macros that will allow us to easily try different FIFO stratagies.
// This macro is executed at the start of every BLT, before any registers
// are written.
#define STARTBLT() \
do { \ }while (0)
// This macro is executed at the top of inner BLT loops.
// If there were clipping, for example, STARTBLT() would be executed
// once at the start of the BLT, and STARTBLTLOOP() would be executed
// before each rectangle in the clip list.
#define STARTBLTLOOP() \
do { \ REQUIRE(0); \ }while (0) //==========================================================================
// Table to convert ROP2 codes to ROP3 codes.
BYTE Rop2ToRop3[]= { 0xFF, // R2_WHITE /* 1 */
0x00, // R2_BLACK /* 0 */
0x05, // R2_NOTMERGEPEN /* DPon */
0x0A, // R2_MASKNOTPEN /* DPna */
0x0F, // R2_NOTCOPYPEN /* PN */
0x50, // R2_MASKPENNOT /* PDna */
0x55, // R2_NOT /* Dn */
0x5A, // R2_XORPEN /* DPx */
0x5F, // R2_NOTMASKPEN /* DPan */
0xA0, // R2_MASKPEN /* DPa */
0xA5, // R2_NOTXORPEN /* DPxn */
0xAA, // R2_NOP /* D */
0xAF, // R2_MERGENOTPEN /* DPno */
0xF0, // R2_COPYPEN /* P */
0xF5, // R2_MERGEPENNOT /* PDno */
0xFA, // R2_MERGEPEN /* DPo */
0xFF // R2_WHITE /* 1 */
// If data logging is enabled, Prototype the logging files.
void LogPaint( int acc, SURFOBJ* psoDest, MIX mix, CLIPOBJ* pco, BRUSHOBJ* pbo);
// If data logging is not enabled, compile out the calls.
#define LogPaint(acc, psoDest, mix, pco, pbo)
* DrvPaint * * * * Paint the clipping region with the specified brush * * Accomplished by converting into a call to DrvBitBlt() * * * \**************************************************************************/
BOOL DrvPaint ( SURFOBJ *pso, CLIPOBJ *pco, BRUSHOBJ *pbo, POINTL *pptlBrush, MIX mix ) { ULONG fg_rop, bg_rop, rop4; DWORD color; PPDEV ppdev;
{ if (pointer_switch) return TRUE; } #endif
ppdev = (PPDEV) pso->dhpdev; ASSERTMSG (ppdev,"No PDEV in DrvPaint.");
// The destination rectangle is defined by the clipping region,
// so we should never get a null clipping region.
ASSERTMSG (pco, "DrvPaint without a clip object!\n");
DISPDBG((PAINT_DBG_LEVEL,"Drvpaint: Entry.\n"));
// Are we painting to a device bitmap?
if (pso->iType == STYPE_DEVBITMAP) { // Yes.
PDSURF pdsurf = (PDSURF)pso->dhsurf;
// Is the device bitmap currently in host memory?
if ( pdsurf->pso ) { // Yes. Move it into off screen memory.
if ( !bCreateScreenFromDib(ppdev, pdsurf) ) { // We couldn't move it to off-screen memory.
LogPaint(1, pso, mix, pco, pbo); return EngPaint(pdsurf->pso, pco, pbo, pptlBrush, mix); } }
// The device bitmap now resides in off-screen memory.
// This is the offset to it.
ppdev->ptlOffset.x = pdsurf->ptl.x; ppdev->ptlOffset.y = pdsurf->ptl.y; } else { // No, we are not painting to a device bitmap.
ppdev->ptlOffset.x = ppdev->ptlOffset.y = 0; } //
// DrvPaint is most often called with
// mix 0D (PAT COPY) and mix 06 (DEST INVERT).
// It behooves us, therefore, to handle these as
// special cases... provided they aren't clipped.
if ((pco->iDComplexity != DC_COMPLEX)) { // =================== PATCOPY ==================================
if (mix == 0x0D0D) { ASSERTMSG(pbo, "DrvPaint PATCOPY without a brush.\n"); if (pbo->iSolidColor != 0xFFFFFFFF) // Solid color
{ color = pbo->iSolidColor; switch (ppdev->ulBitCount) { case 8: // For 8 bpp duplicate byte 0 into byte 1.
color |= (color << 8); case 16: // For 8,16 bpp, duplicate the low word into the high word.
color |= (color << 16); break; } REQUIRE(9); LL_BGCOLOR(color, 0); LL_DRAWBLTDEF(0x100700F0, 0); LL_OP0(pco->rclBounds.left + ppdev->ptlOffset.x, pco->rclBounds.top + ppdev->ptlOffset.y); LL_BLTEXT ((pco->rclBounds.right - pco->rclBounds.left), (pco->rclBounds.bottom - pco->rclBounds.top)); LogPaint(0, pso, mix, pco, pbo); return TRUE; } // End PATCOPY with solid color.
else // PATCOPY with a brush.
{ DWORD bltdef = 0x1000; if (SetBrush(ppdev, &bltdef, pbo, pptlBrush)) { REQUIRE(7); LL_DRAWBLTDEF((bltdef << 16) | 0x00F0, 0); LL_OP0 (pco->rclBounds.left + ppdev->ptlOffset.x, pco->rclBounds.top + ppdev->ptlOffset.y); LL_BLTEXT ((pco->rclBounds.right - pco->rclBounds.left) , (pco->rclBounds.bottom - pco->rclBounds.top) ); LogPaint(0, pso, mix, pco, pbo); return TRUE; } } // End PATCOPY with a brush
} // End PATCOPY
// ======================= DEST INVERT ============================
else if (mix == 0x0606) { REQUIRE(7); LL_DRAWBLTDEF(0x11000055, 0); LL_OP0(pco->rclBounds.left + ppdev->ptlOffset.x, pco->rclBounds.top + ppdev->ptlOffset.y); LL_BLTEXT ((pco->rclBounds.right - pco->rclBounds.left), (pco->rclBounds.bottom - pco->rclBounds.top) ); LogPaint(0, pso, mix, pco, pbo); return TRUE; } // End DEST INVERT
} // End special cases
// First, convert the fg and bg mix into a fg and bg rop
fg_rop = Rop2ToRop3[ (mix & 0x0F) ]; // convert fg mix to fg rop.
bg_rop = Rop2ToRop3[ ((mix>>8) & 0x0F) ]; // convert bg mix to bg rop
rop4 = (bg_rop<<8) | fg_rop; // build rop4.
// Now convert Paint to BitBLT
LogPaint(2, pso, mix, pco, pbo);
DISPDBG((PAINT_DBG_LEVEL,"Drvpaint: Convert to DrvBitBlt().\n")); return DrvBitBlt(pso, // Target
(SURFOBJ *) NULL, // Source
(SURFOBJ *) NULL, // Mask
pco, // Clip object
(XLATEOBJ *) NULL, // Xlate object
&(pco->rclBounds), // Dest rectangle.
(PPOINTL) NULL, // Src point.
(PPOINTL) NULL, // Mask point.
pbo, // Brush
pptlBrush, // Brush alignment
rop4); // ROP4
// ============================================================================
// Everything from here down is for data logging and is not used in the
// production driver.
// ============================================================================
// ****************************************************************************
// LogPaint()
// This routine is called only from DrvPaint()
// Dump information to a file about what is going on in DrvPaint land.
// ****************************************************************************
void LogPaint( int acc, SURFOBJ* psoDest, MIX mix, CLIPOBJ* pco, BRUSHOBJ* pbo) { PPDEV dppdev,sppdev,ppdev; char buf[256]; int i; BYTE fg_rop, bg_rop; ULONG iDComplexity;
ppdev = (PPDEV) (psoDest ? psoDest->dhpdev : 0); #if ENABLE_LOG_SWITCH
if (pointer_switch == 0) return; #endif
i = sprintf(buf,"DrvPaint: "); WriteLogFile(ppdev->pmfile, buf, i, ppdev->TxtBuff, &ppdev->TxtBuffIndex);
switch(acc) { case 0: // Accelerated
i = sprintf(buf, "ACCL "); break;
case 1: // Punted
i = sprintf(buf,"PUNT host "); break;
case 2: // Punted
i = sprintf(buf, "PUNT BitBlt "); break;
default: i = sprintf(buf, "PUNT unknown "); break;
} WriteLogFile(ppdev->pmfile, buf, i, ppdev->TxtBuff, &ppdev->TxtBuffIndex);
// Check the DEST
if (psoDest) { if (psoDest->iType == STYPE_DEVBITMAP) { i = sprintf(buf, "Id=%p ", psoDest->dhsurf); WriteLogFile(ppdev->pmfile, buf, i, ppdev->TxtBuff, &ppdev->TxtBuffIndex); if ( ((PDSURF)psoDest->dhsurf)->pso ) i = sprintf(buf,"DST=DH "); else i = sprintf(buf,"DST=DF "); } else if (psoDest->hsurf == ppdev->hsurfEng) i = sprintf(buf,"DST=S "); else i = sprintf(buf,"DST=H "); } else i = sprintf(buf,"DST=N "); WriteLogFile(ppdev->pmfile, buf, i, ppdev->TxtBuff, &ppdev->TxtBuffIndex);
// Check the MIX
i = sprintf(buf,"MIX = 0x%04X ", mix); WriteLogFile(ppdev->pmfile, buf, i, ppdev->TxtBuff, &ppdev->TxtBuffIndex);
// Check the type of clipping.
iDComplexity = (pco ? pco->iDComplexity : DC_TRIVIAL); i = sprintf(buf,"CLIP=%s ", (iDComplexity==DC_TRIVIAL ? "T": (iDComplexity == DC_RECT ? "R" : "C" ))); WriteLogFile(ppdev->pmfile, buf, i, ppdev->TxtBuff, &ppdev->TxtBuffIndex);
// Type of pattern.
if (pbo == NULL) { i = sprintf(buf,"BRUSH=N "); WriteLogFile(ppdev->pmfile, buf, i, ppdev->TxtBuff, &ppdev->TxtBuffIndex); } else if (pbo->iSolidColor == 0xFFFFFFFF ) { i = sprintf(buf,"BRUSH=P "); WriteLogFile(ppdev->pmfile, buf, i, ppdev->TxtBuff, &ppdev->TxtBuffIndex); } else { i = sprintf(buf,"BRUSH=0x%08X ",(pbo->iSolidColor)); WriteLogFile(ppdev->pmfile, buf, i, ppdev->TxtBuff, &ppdev->TxtBuffIndex); }
i = sprintf(buf,"\r\n"); WriteLogFile(ppdev->pmfile, buf, i, ppdev->TxtBuff, &ppdev->TxtBuffIndex);