AVStream Simulated Hardware Sample
Copyright (c) 2001, Microsoft Corporation.
This file contains source for the video capture pin on the capture filter. The capture sample performs "fake" DMA directly into the capture buffers. Common buffer DMA will work slightly differently.
For common buffer DMA, the general technique would be DPC schedules processing with KsPinAttemptProcessing. The processing routine grabs the leading edge, copies data out of the common buffer and advances. Cloning would not be necessary with this technique. It would be similiar to the way "AVSSamp" works, but it would be pin-centric.
created 3/8/2001
#include "BDACap.h"
#pragma code_seg("PAGE")
#endif // ALLOC_PRAGMA
CCapturePin:: CCapturePin ( IN PKSPIN Pin ) : m_Pin (Pin)
Routine Description:
Construct a new capture pin.
Pin - The AVStream pin object corresponding to the capture pin
Return Value:
PKSDEVICE Device = KsPinGetDevice (Pin);
// Set up our device pointer. This gives us access to "hardware I/O"
// during the capture routines.
m_Device = reinterpret_cast <CCaptureDevice *> (Device -> Context);
NTSTATUS CCapturePin:: DispatchCreate ( IN PKSPIN Pin, IN PIRP Irp )
Routine Description:
Create a new capture pin. This is the creation dispatch for the video capture pin.
Pin - The pin being created
Irp - The creation Irp
Return Value:
Success / Failure
CCapturePin *CapPin = new (NonPagedPool, MS_SAMPLE_CAPTURE_POOL_TAG) CCapturePin (Pin);
if (!CapPin) { //
// Return failure if we couldn't create the pin.
} else { //
// Add the item to the object bag if we we were successful.
// Whenever the pin closes, the bag is cleaned up and we will be
// freed.
Status = KsAddItemToObjectBag ( Pin -> Bag, reinterpret_cast <PVOID> (CapPin), reinterpret_cast <PFNKSFREE> (CCapturePin::Cleanup) );
if (!NT_SUCCESS (Status)) { delete CapPin; } else { Pin -> Context = reinterpret_cast <PVOID> (CapPin); }
// If we succeeded so far, stash the video info header away and change
// our allocator framing to reflect the fact that only now do we know
// the framing requirements based on the connection format.
if (NT_SUCCESS (Status)) {
TransportInfo = CapPin -> CaptureBdaTransportInfo (); if (!TransportInfo) { Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } }
if (NT_SUCCESS (Status)) { //
// We need to edit the descriptor to ensure we don't mess up any other
// pins using the descriptor or touch read-only memory.
Status = KsEdit (Pin, &Pin -> Descriptor, 'aChS');
if (NT_SUCCESS (Status)) { Status = KsEdit ( Pin, &(Pin -> Descriptor -> AllocatorFraming), 'aChS' ); }
// If the edits proceeded without running out of memory, adjust
// the framing based on the video info header.
if (NT_SUCCESS (Status)) {
// We've KsEdit'ed this... I'm safe to cast away constness as
// long as the edit succeeded.
PKSALLOCATOR_FRAMING_EX Framing = const_cast <PKSALLOCATOR_FRAMING_EX> ( Pin -> Descriptor -> AllocatorFraming );
Framing -> FramingItem [0].Frames = 8;
// The physical and optimal ranges must be biSizeImage. We only
// support one frame size, precisely the size of each capture
// image.
Framing -> FramingItem [0].PhysicalRange.MinFrameSize = Framing -> FramingItem [0].PhysicalRange.MaxFrameSize = Framing -> FramingItem [0].FramingRange.Range.MinFrameSize = Framing -> FramingItem [0].FramingRange.Range.MaxFrameSize = TransportInfo -> ulcbPhyiscalFrame;
Framing -> FramingItem [0].PhysicalRange.Stepping = Framing -> FramingItem [0].FramingRange.Range.Stepping = 0;
return Status;
PBDA_TRANSPORT_INFO CCapturePin:: CaptureBdaTransportInfo ( )
Routine Description:
Capture the video info header out of the connection format. This is what we use to base synthesized images off.
Return Value:
The captured video info header or NULL if there is insufficient memory.
m_TransportInfo = reinterpret_cast <PBDA_TRANSPORT_INFO> ( ExAllocatePool ( NonPagedPool, sizeof(BDA_TRANSPORT_INFO) ) );
if (!m_TransportInfo) return NULL;
// Bag the newly allocated header space. This will get cleaned up
// automatically when the pin closes.
NTSTATUS Status = KsAddItemToObjectBag ( m_Pin -> Bag, reinterpret_cast <PVOID> (m_TransportInfo), NULL );
if (!NT_SUCCESS (Status)) {
ExFreePool (m_TransportInfo); return NULL;
} else {
m_TransportInfo->ulcbPhyiscalPacket = 188; m_TransportInfo->ulcbPhyiscalFrame = 188 * 312; m_TransportInfo->ulcbPhyiscalFrameAlignment = 1; m_TransportInfo->AvgTimePerFrame = (19200 * 10000 * 8) / (188 * 312);
return m_TransportInfo;
NTSTATUS CCapturePin:: Process ( )
Routine Description:
The process dispatch for the pin bridges to this location. We handle setting up scatter gather mappings, etc...
Return Value:
Success / Failure
Leading = KsPinGetLeadingEdgeStreamPointer ( m_Pin, KSSTREAM_POINTER_STATE_LOCKED );
while (NT_SUCCESS (Status) && Leading) {
// For optimization sake in this particular sample, I will only keep
// one clone stream pointer per frame. This complicates the logic
// here but simplifies the completions.
// I'm also choosing to do this since I need to keep track of the
// virtual addresses corresponding to each mapping since I'm faking
// DMA. It simplifies that too.
if (!m_PreviousStreamPointer) { //
// First thing we need to do is clone the leading edge. This allows
// us to keep reference on the frames while they're in DMA.
Status = KsStreamPointerClone ( Leading, NULL, sizeof (STREAM_POINTER_CONTEXT), &ClonePointer );
// I use this for easy chunking of the buffer. We're not really
// dealing with physical addresses. This keeps track of what
// virtual address in the buffer the current scatter / gather
// mapping corresponds to for the fake hardware.
if (NT_SUCCESS (Status)) {
// Set the stream header data used to 0. We update this
// in the DMA completions. For queues with DMA, we must
// update this field ourselves.
ClonePointer -> StreamHeader -> DataUsed = 0;
SPContext = reinterpret_cast <PSTREAM_POINTER_CONTEXT> (ClonePointer -> Context);
SPContext -> BufferVirtual = reinterpret_cast <PUCHAR> ( ClonePointer -> StreamHeader -> Data ); }
} else {
ClonePointer = m_PreviousStreamPointer; SPContext = reinterpret_cast <PSTREAM_POINTER_CONTEXT> (ClonePointer -> Context); Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; }
// If the clone failed, likely we're out of resources. Break out
// of the loop for now. We may end up starving DMA.
if (!NT_SUCCESS (Status)) { KsStreamPointerUnlock (Leading, FALSE); break; }
// Program the fake hardware. I would use Clone -> OffsetOut.*, but
// because of the optimization of one stream pointer per frame, it
// doesn't make complete sense.
ULONG MappingsUsed = m_Device -> ProgramScatterGatherMappings ( &(SPContext -> BufferVirtual), Leading -> OffsetOut.Mappings, Leading -> OffsetOut.Remaining );
// In order to keep one clone per frame and simplify the fake DMA
// logic, make a check to see if we completely used the mappings in
// the leading edge. Set a flag.
if (MappingsUsed == Leading -> OffsetOut.Remaining) { m_PreviousStreamPointer = NULL; } else { m_PreviousStreamPointer = ClonePointer; }
if (MappingsUsed) { //
// If any mappings were added to scatter / gather queues,
// advance the leading edge by that number of mappings. If
// we run off the end of the queue, Status will be
// STATUS_DEVICE_NOT_READY. Otherwise, the leading edge will
// point to a new frame. The previous one will not have been
// dismissed (unless "DMA" completed) since there's a clone
// pointer referencing the frames.
Status = KsStreamPointerAdvanceOffsets ( Leading, 0, MappingsUsed, FALSE ); } else {
// The hardware was incapable of adding more entries. The S/G
// table is full.
Status = STATUS_PENDING; break;
// If the leading edge failed to lock (this is always possible, remember
// that locking CAN occassionally fail), don't blow up passing NULL
// into KsStreamPointerUnlock. Also, set m_PendIo to kick us later...
if (!Leading) {
m_PendIo = TRUE;
// If the lock failed, there's no point in getting called back
// immediately. The lock could fail due to insufficient memory,
// etc... In this case, we don't want to get called back immediately.
// Return pending. The m_PendIo flag will cause us to get kicked
// later.
// If we didn't run the leading edge off the end of the queue, unlock it.
if (NT_SUCCESS (Status) && Leading) { KsStreamPointerUnlock (Leading, FALSE); } else { //
// DEVICE_NOT_READY indicates that the advancement ran off the end
// of the queue. We couldn't lock the leading edge.
// If we failed with something that requires pending, set the pending I/O
// flag so we know we need to start it again in a completion DPC.
if (!NT_SUCCESS (Status) || Status == STATUS_PENDING) { m_PendIo = TRUE; }
return Status;
NTSTATUS CCapturePin:: CleanupReferences ( )
Routine Description:
Clean up any references we're holding on frames after we abruptly stop the hardware.
Return Value:
Success / Failure
PKSSTREAM_POINTER Clone = KsPinGetFirstCloneStreamPointer (m_Pin); PKSSTREAM_POINTER NextClone = NULL;
// Walk through the clones, deleting them, and setting DataUsed to
// zero since we didn't use any data!
while (Clone) {
NextClone = KsStreamPointerGetNextClone (Clone);
Clone -> StreamHeader -> DataUsed = 0; KsStreamPointerDelete (Clone);
Clone = NextClone;
NTSTATUS CCapturePin:: SetState ( IN KSSTATE ToState, IN KSSTATE FromState )
Routine Description:
This is called when the caputre pin transitions state. The routine attempts to acquire / release any hardware resources and start up or shut down capture based on the states we are transitioning to and away from.
ToState - The state we're transitioning to
FromState - The state we're transitioning away from
Return Value:
Success / Failure
switch (ToState) {
// First, stop the hardware if we actually did anything to it.
if (m_HardwareState != HardwareStopped) { Status = m_Device -> Stop (); ASSERT (NT_SUCCESS (Status));
m_HardwareState = HardwareStopped; }
// We've stopped the "fake hardware". It has cleared out
// it's scatter / gather tables and will no longer be
// completing clones. We had locks on some frames that were,
// however, in hardware. This will clean them up. An
// alternative location would be in the reset dispatch.
// Note, however, that the reset dispatch can occur in any
// state and this should be understood.
// Some hardware may fill all S/G mappings before stopping...
// in this case, you may not have to do this. The
// "fake hardware" here simply stops filling mappings and
// cleans its scatter / gather tables out on the Stop call.
Status = CleanupReferences ();
// Release any hardware resources related to this pin.
if (m_AcquiredResources) { //
// If we got an interface to the clock, we must release it.
if (m_Clock) { m_Clock -> Release (); m_Clock = NULL; }
m_Device -> ReleaseHardwareResources ( );
m_AcquiredResources = FALSE; }
// Acquire any hardware resources related to this pin. We should
// only acquire them here -- **NOT** at filter create time.
// This means we do not fail creation of a filter because of
// limited hardware resources.
if (FromState == KSSTATE_STOP) { Status = m_Device -> AcquireHardwareResources ( this, m_TransportInfo );
if (NT_SUCCESS (Status)) { m_AcquiredResources = TRUE;
// Attempt to get an interface to the master clock.
// This will fail if one has not been assigned. Since
// one must be assigned while the pin is still in
// KSSTATE_STOP, this is a guranteed method of getting
// the clock should one be assigned.
if (!NT_SUCCESS ( KsPinGetReferenceClockInterface ( m_Pin, &m_Clock ) )) {
// If we could not get an interface to the clock,
// don't use one.
m_Clock = NULL;
} else { m_AcquiredResources = FALSE; }
} else { //
// Standard transport pins will always receive transitions in
// +/- 1 manner. This means we'll always see a PAUSE->ACQUIRE
// transition before stopping the pin.
// The below is done because on DirectX 8.0, when the pin gets
// a message to stop, the queue is inaccessible. The reset
// which comes on every stop happens after this (at which time
// the queue is inaccessible also). So, for compatibility with
// DirectX 8.0, I am stopping the "fake" hardware at this
// point and cleaning up all references we have on frames. See
// the comments above regarding the CleanupReferences call.
// If this sample were targeting XP only, the below code would
// not be here. Again, I only do this so the sample does not
// hang when it is stopped running on a configuration such as
// Win2K + DX8.
if (m_HardwareState != HardwareStopped) { Status = m_Device -> Stop (); ASSERT (NT_SUCCESS (Status));
m_HardwareState = HardwareStopped; }
Status = CleanupReferences (); }
// Stop the hardware simulation if we're coming down from run.
if (FromState == KSSTATE_RUN) {
Status = m_Device -> Pause (TRUE);
if (NT_SUCCESS (Status)) { m_HardwareState = HardwarePaused; }
} break;
case KSSTATE_RUN: //
// Start the hardware simulation or unpause it depending on
// whether we're initially running or we've paused and restarted.
if (m_HardwareState == HardwarePaused) { Status = m_Device -> Pause (FALSE); } else { Status = m_Device -> Start (); }
if (NT_SUCCESS (Status)) { m_HardwareState = HardwareRunning; }
return Status;
#pragma code_seg()
#endif // ALLOC_PRAGMA
void CCapturePin:: CompleteMappings ( IN ULONG NumMappings )
Routine Description:
Called to notify the pin that a given number of scatter / gather mappings have completed. Let the buffers go if possible. We're called at DPC.
NumMappings - The number of mappings that have completed.
Return Value:
ULONG MappingsRemaining = NumMappings;
// Walk through the clones list and delete clones whose time has come.
// The list is guaranteed to be kept in the order they were cloned.
PKSSTREAM_POINTER Clone = KsPinGetFirstCloneStreamPointer (m_Pin);
while (MappingsRemaining && Clone) {
PKSSTREAM_POINTER NextClone = KsStreamPointerGetNextClone (Clone);
// Count up the number of bytes we've completed and mark this
// in the Stream Header. In mapped queues
// (KSPIN_FLAG_GENERATE_MAPPINGS), this is the responsibility of
// the minidriver. In non-mapped queues, AVStream performs this.
ULONG MappingsToCount = (MappingsRemaining > Clone -> OffsetOut.Remaining) ? Clone -> OffsetOut.Remaining : MappingsRemaining;
// Update DataUsed according to the mappings.
for (ULONG CurMapping = 0; CurMapping < MappingsToCount; CurMapping++) { Clone -> StreamHeader -> DataUsed += Clone -> OffsetOut.Mappings [CurMapping].ByteCount; }
// If we have completed all remaining mappings in this clone, it
// is an indication that the clone is ready to be deleted and the
// buffer released. Set anything required in the stream header which
// has not yet been set. If we have a clock, we can timestamp the
// sample.
if (MappingsRemaining >= Clone -> OffsetOut.Remaining) {
Clone -> StreamHeader -> Duration = m_TransportInfo -> AvgTimePerFrame;
Clone -> StreamHeader -> PresentationTime.Numerator = Clone -> StreamHeader -> PresentationTime.Denominator = 1;
// If a clock has been assigned, timestamp the packets with the
// time shown on the clock.
if (m_Clock) {
LONGLONG ClockTime = m_Clock -> GetTime ();
Clone -> StreamHeader -> PresentationTime.Time = ClockTime;
} else { //
// If there is no clock, don't time stamp the packets.
Clone -> StreamHeader -> PresentationTime.Time = 0;
// If all of the mappings in this clone have been completed,
// delete the clone. We've already updated DataUsed above.
MappingsRemaining -= Clone -> OffsetOut.Remaining; KsStreamPointerDelete (Clone);
} else { //
// If only part of the mappings in this clone have been completed,
// update the pointers. Since we're guaranteed this won't advance
// to a new frame by the check above, it won't fail.
KsStreamPointerAdvanceOffsets ( Clone, 0, MappingsRemaining, FALSE );
MappingsRemaining = 0;
// Go to the next clone.
Clone = NextClone;
// If we've used all the mappings in hardware and pended, we can kick
// processing to happen again if we've completed mappings.
if (m_PendIo) { m_PendIo = TRUE; KsPinAttemptProcessing (m_Pin, TRUE); }
#define TS_PAYLOAD 188
// This is the data range description of the capture output pin.
const KSDATARANGE FormatCaptureOut = { // insert the KSDATARANGE and KSDATAFORMAT here
{ sizeof( KSDATARANGE), // FormatSize
0, // Flags - (N/A)
0, // Reserved
} };
// This is the data range description of the capture input pin.
const KS_DATARANGE_BDA_TRANSPORT FormatCaptureIn = { // insert the KSDATARANGE and KSDATAFORMAT here
{ sizeof( KS_DATARANGE_BDA_TRANSPORT), // FormatSize
0, // Flags - (N/A)
0, // SampleSize - (N/A)
0, // Reserved
}, // insert the BDA_TRANSPORT_INFO here
{ TS_PAYLOAD, // ulcbPhyiscalPacket
0, // ulcbPhyiscalFrameAlignment (no requirement)
0 // AvgTimePerFrame (not known)
} };
// CapturePinDispatch:
// This is the dispatch table for the capture pin. It provides notifications
// about creation, closure, processing, data formats, etc...
const KSPIN_DISPATCH CapturePinDispatch = { CCapturePin::DispatchCreate, // Pin Create
NULL, // Pin Close
CCapturePin::DispatchProcess, // Pin Process
NULL, // Pin Reset
NULL, // Pin Set Data Format
CCapturePin::DispatchSetState, // Pin Set Device State
NULL, // Pin Connect
NULL, // Pin Disconnect
NULL, // Clock Dispatch
NULL // Allocator Dispatch
// InputPinDispatch:
// This is the dispatch table for the capture pin. It provides notifications
// about creation, closure, processing, data formats, etc...
const KSPIN_DISPATCH InputPinDispatch = { CCapturePin::DispatchCreate, // Pin Create
NULL, // Pin Close
NULL, // Pin Process
NULL, // Pin Reset
NULL, // Pin Set Data Format
NULL, // Pin Set Device State
NULL, // Pin Connect
NULL, // Pin Disconnect
NULL, // Clock Dispatch
NULL // Allocator Dispatch
// CapturePinAllocatorFraming:
// This is the simple framing structure for the capture pin. Note that this
// will be modified via KsEdit when the actual capture format is determined.
DECLARE_SIMPLE_FRAMING_EX ( CapturePinAllocatorFraming, // FramingExName
8, // Frames
0, // Alignment
188 * 312, // MinFrameSize
188 * 312 // MaxFrameSize
// CaptureOutPinDataRanges:
// This is the list of data ranges supported on the capture output pin.
// CaptureInPinDataRanges:
// This is the list of data ranges supported on the capture input pin.