// @doc
* * @module ForceFeatures.cpp | * * Implements CForceFeatures to use msgame's HID features. * * History * ---------------------------------------------------------- * Mitchell Dernis Original * * (c) 1986-1998 Microsoft Corporation. All right reserved. * * @topic ForceFeatures | * CForceFeatures opens a handle to msgame in the context of * a particular device on construction. * The public members expose the feature interface for msgame. * * Will work with NT5 as is. For Win98 we need a different * scheme for getting HID path. DI promises to fix somehow. **********************************************************************///
#include <windows.h>
#include <dinput.h>
#include <dinputd.h>
extern "C" { #include <hidsdi.h>
} #include "FFeature.h"
** ** CForceFeatures::CForceFeatures(UINT uJoystickId) ** ** @mfunc C'tor gets Hid Path from Joystick and opens path to driver ** ** @rdesc None since this is c'tor. However at the end of this routine ** m_hDevice will contain a handle for the driver on success, or ** will contain NULL on failure. All routines will check the ** value of m_hDevice before proceeding. ** *************************************************************************************/ CForceFeatures::CForceFeatures() : m_hDevice(NULL) { }
** ** CForceFeatures::~CForceFeatures() ** ** @mfunc D'tor closes handle to driver, if it was open ** *************************************************************************************/ CForceFeatures::~CForceFeatures() { if(m_hDevice) { CloseHandle(m_hDevice); } }
** ** HRESULT CForceFeatures::Initialize(UINT uJoystickId, HINSTANCE hinstModule) ** ** @mfunc Calls to MsGame to GetId using MSGAME_FEATURE_GETID ** ** @rdesc S_OK on success ** E_FAIL for other problems ** *************************************************************************************/ HRESULT CForceFeatures::Initialize ( UINT uJoystickId, //@parm Joystick Id as used by winmm
HINSTANCE hinstModule //@parm Instance of the DLL for Creating DirectInput
) { if (m_hDevice != NULL) { return S_OK; // No need to reinitialize
HRESULT hr; //**
//** Get HidPath
// Get IDirectInput interface
IDirectInput *pDirectInput = NULL; IDirectInputJoyConfig *pDirectInputJoyConfig = NULL; hr = DirectInputCreate( hinstModule, DIRECTINPUT_VERSION, &pDirectInput, NULL ); if( FAILED(hr) ) return hr;
// Get IDirectInputJoyConfig
hr=pDirectInput->QueryInterface(IID_IDirectInputJoyConfig, (LPVOID *)&pDirectInputJoyConfig); if( FAILED(hr) ) { pDirectInput->Release(); return hr; } //
// GetConfig for JoyId
DIJOYCONFIG DiJoyConfig; DiJoyConfig.dwSize=sizeof(DIJOYCONFIG); hr = pDirectInputJoyConfig->GetConfig( uJoystickId, &DiJoyConfig, DIJC_GUIDINSTANCE ); //
// Done with pDirectInputJoyConfig
pDirectInputJoyConfig->Release(); pDirectInputJoyConfig = NULL; if( FAILED(hr) ) { pDirectInput->Release(); return hr; }
// Get IDirectInputDevice interface
IDirectInputDevice *pDirectInputDevice; hr = pDirectInput->CreateDevice(DiJoyConfig.guidInstance, &pDirectInputDevice, NULL); //
// Done pDirectInput
pDirectInput->Release(); pDirectInput = NULL; if( FAILED(hr) ) return hr; //
// Get HidPath
DIPROPGUIDANDPATH DiPropGuidAndPath; DiPropGuidAndPath.diph.dwSize = sizeof(DIPROPGUIDANDPATH); DiPropGuidAndPath.diph.dwHeaderSize = sizeof(DIPROPHEADER); DiPropGuidAndPath.diph.dwObj = 0; DiPropGuidAndPath.diph.dwHow = DIPH_DEVICE; hr=pDirectInputDevice->GetProperty( DIPROP_GUIDANDPATH, &DiPropGuidAndPath.diph);
// Done with pDirectInputDevice
pDirectInputDevice->Release(); pDirectInputDevice = NULL; if( FAILED(hr) ) return hr;
//** Open Path to Driver
if (m_hDevice == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { m_hDevice = NULL; } if (m_hDevice == NULL) { DWORD err = ::GetLastError(); return E_FAIL; }
PHIDP_PREPARSED_DATA pHidPreparsedData; if (HidD_GetPreparsedData(m_hDevice, &pHidPreparsedData) == FALSE) { ::CloseHandle(m_hDevice); m_hDevice = NULL; return E_FAIL; } HIDP_CAPS hidpCaps; HidP_GetCaps(pHidPreparsedData, &hidpCaps); m_uiMaxFeatureLength = hidpCaps.FeatureReportByteLength; HidD_FreePreparsedData(pHidPreparsedData); //
// On success, m_hDevice now contains a handle to the device
return S_OK; }
** ** HRESULT CForceFeatures::GetId(PRODUCT_ID_REPORT& rProductId) ** ** @mfunc Calls to MsGame to GetId using MSGAME_FEATURE_GETID ** ** @rdesc S_OK on success ** ERROR_OPEN_FAILED if no drive connection ** E_FAIL for other problems ** *************************************************************************************/ HRESULT CForceFeatures::GetId ( PRODUCT_ID_REPORT& rProductId // @parm Reference to PRODUCT_ID_REPORT to get from driver
) { if(!m_hDevice) { return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_OPEN_FAILED); }
BOOLEAN fSuccess; //
// Fill in ReportID for feature
rProductId.bReportId = MSGAME_FEATURE_GETID; //
// Call Get Feature on driver
fSuccess = HidD_GetFeature(m_hDevice, reinterpret_cast<PVOID>(&rProductId), m_uiMaxFeatureLength);
// -- HIDPI.H
// HIDP_GetData(Report Type, Data, Lenght, Preparse Data, Report, ReportLength);
// Return proper error code
if( !fSuccess ) { return E_FAIL; } return S_OK; }
** ** HRESULT CForceFeatures::GetStatus(JOYCHANNELSTATUS_REPORT& rJoyChannelStatus) ** ** @mfunc Get the JoyChannel Status from msgame's MSGAME_FEATURE_GETSTATUS ** ** @rdesc S_OK on success ** ERROR_OPEN_FAILED if no drive connection ** E_FAIL for other problems ** *************************************************************************************/ HRESULT CForceFeatures::GetStatus ( JOYCHANNELSTATUS_REPORT& rJoyChannelStatus // @parm Reference to JOYCHANNELSTATUS_REPORT to be filled by driver
) { if(!m_hDevice) { return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_OPEN_FAILED); } BOOLEAN fSuccess; //
// Fill in ReportID for feature
rJoyChannelStatus.bReportId = MSGAME_FEATURE_GETSTATUS; //
// Call Get Feature on driver
fSuccess = HidD_GetFeature(m_hDevice, reinterpret_cast<PVOID>(&rJoyChannelStatus), m_uiMaxFeatureLength); //
// Return proper error code
if( !fSuccess ) { DWORD err = GetLastError(); return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(err); // return E_FAIL;
} return S_OK; }
** ** HRESULT CForceFeatures::GetAckNak(ULONG_REPORT& rulAckNak) ** ** @mfunc Returns an AckNak by using msgame's GetAckNak Featue ** ** @rdesc S_OK on success ** ERROR_OPEN_FAILED if no drive connection ** E_FAIL for other problems ** *************************************************************************************/ HRESULT CForceFeatures::GetAckNak ( ULONG_REPORT& rulAckNak // @parm REFERENCE to ULONG_REPORT to be filled by driver with AckNak
) { if(!m_hDevice) { return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_OPEN_FAILED); } BOOLEAN fSuccess; //
// Fill in ReportID for feature
// Call Get Feature on driver
fSuccess = HidD_GetFeature(m_hDevice, reinterpret_cast<PVOID>(&rulAckNak), m_uiMaxFeatureLength); //
// Return proper error code
if( !fSuccess ) { return E_FAIL; } return S_OK; }
** ** HRESULT CForceFeatures::GetNackAck(ULONG_REPORT& rulNakAck) ** ** @mfunc Returns an AckNak by using msgame's MSGAME_FEATURE_NAKACK ** ** @rdesc S_OK on success ** ERROR_OPEN_FAILED if no drive connection ** E_FAIL for other problems ** *************************************************************************************/ HRESULT CForceFeatures::GetNakAck( ULONG_REPORT& rulNakAck // @parm REFERENCE to ULONG_REPORT to be filled by driver with NakAck
) { if(!m_hDevice) { return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_OPEN_FAILED); } BOOLEAN fSuccess; //
// Fill in ReportID for feature
// Call Get Feature on driver
fSuccess = HidD_GetFeature(m_hDevice, reinterpret_cast<PVOID>(&rulNakAck), m_uiMaxFeatureLength); //
// Return proper error code
if( !fSuccess ) { return E_FAIL; } return S_OK; } /***********************************************************************************
** ** HRESULT CForceFeatures::GetSync(ULONG_REPORT& rulGameport) ** ** @mfunc Get Sync information from MSGAME's MSGAME_FEATURE_GETSYNC ** ** @rdesc S_OK on success ** ERROR_OPEN_FAILED if no drive connection ** E_FAIL for other problems ** *************************************************************************************/ HRESULT CForceFeatures::GetSync ( ULONG_REPORT& rulGameport // @parm REFERENCE to ULONG_REPORT to be filled by driver with Gameport
) { if(!m_hDevice) { return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_OPEN_FAILED); } BOOLEAN fSuccess; //
// Fill in ReportID for feature
rulGameport.bReportId = MSGAME_FEATURE_GETSYNC; //
// Call Get Feature on driver
fSuccess = HidD_GetFeature(m_hDevice, reinterpret_cast<PVOID>(&rulGameport), m_uiMaxFeatureLength); //
// Return proper error code
if( !fSuccess ) { return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); } return S_OK; }
** ** HRESULT CForceFeatures::DoReset() ** ** @mfunc Does Reset via MSGAME's MSGAME_FEATURE_DORESET ** ** @rdesc S_OK on success ** ERROR_OPEN_FAILED if no drive connection ** E_FAIL for other problems ** *************************************************************************************/ HRESULT CForceFeatures::DoReset() { if(!m_hDevice) { return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_OPEN_FAILED); } BOOLEAN fSuccess; //
// Fill in ReportID for feature
// Call Get Feature on driver
fSuccess = HidD_GetFeature(m_hDevice, reinterpret_cast<PVOID>(&ulBogus), m_uiMaxFeatureLength); //
// Return proper error code
if( !fSuccess ) { return E_FAIL; } return S_OK; }