MODULE: SW_CImpI.CPP Tab Settings: 5 9 Copyright 1995, 1996, Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved.
PURPOSE: IDEffect Implementation. Function(s): CImpIDirectInputEffectDriver::DeviceID CImpIDirectInputEffectDriver::GetVersions CImpIDirectInputEffectDriver::Escape CImpIDirectInputEffectDriver::SetGain CImpIDirectInputEffectDriver::SendForceFeedbackCommand CImpIDirectInputEffectDriver::GetForceFeedbackState CImpIDirectInputEffectDriver::DownloadEffect CImpIDirectInputEffectDriver::DestroyEffect CImpIDirectInputEffectDriver::StartEffect CImpIDirectInputEffectDriver::StopEffect CImpIDirectInputEffectDriver::GetEffectStatus
Author(s): Name: ---------- ---------------- MEA Manolito E. Adan
Revision History: ----------------- Version Date Author Comments ------- ------ ----- ------------------------------------------- 1.0 06-Feb-97 MEA original, Based on SWForce 23-Feb-97 MEA Modified for DirectInput FF Device Driver 23-Mar-97 MEA/DS Added VFX support 16-Mar-99 waltw GetFirmwareParams, GetSystemParams, CMD_Download_RTCSpring, GetDelayParams, GetJoystickParams, & UpdateJoystickParams calls removed from DeviceID since they are called from g_pJoltMidi->Initialize. 23-Mar-99 waltw GetEffectStatus now uses data returned by Transmit instead of obsolete GetStatusGateData
****************************************************************************/ #include <windows.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "dinput.h"
#include "dinputd.h"
#include "SW_objec.hpp"
#include "hau_midi.hpp"
#include "ffd_swff.hpp"
#include "FFDevice.h"
#include "DPack.h"
#include "DTrans.h"
#include <ntverp.h>
#include "CritSec.h"
Declaration of externs
****************************************************************************/ #ifdef _DEBUG
extern char g_cMsg[160]; extern TCHAR szDeviceName[MAX_SIZE_SNAME]; extern void DebugOut(LPCTSTR szDebug); #else !_DEBUG
#define DebugOut(x)
#endif _DEBUG
extern CJoltMidi *g_pJoltMidi;
// To convert a nack error code to a DIError code
HRESULT g_NackToError[] = { SFERR_DRIVER_ERROR, // DEV_ERR_SUCCESS_200 - but it NACKd!
// ****************************************************************************
// *** --- Member functions for base class CImpIDirectInputEffectDriver Interface
// ****************************************************************************
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: CImpIDirectInputEffectDriver::CImpIDirectInputEffectDriver
// Purpose: Constructor(s)/Destructor for CImpIDirectInputEffectDriver Object
// Parameters: PCDirectInputEffectDriver pObj - Ptr to the outer object
// Returns:
// Algorithm:
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CImpIDirectInputEffectDriver::CImpIDirectInputEffectDriver(PCDirectInputEffectDriver pObj) { m_cRef=0; m_pObj=pObj; m_pJoltMidi = NULL; // The Jolt Device object
return; }
CImpIDirectInputEffectDriver::~CImpIDirectInputEffectDriver(void) { DebugOut("CImpIDirectInputEffectDriver::~CImpIDirectInputEffectDriver()\n");
// Destroy the CEffect object we created and release any interfaces
if (g_pJoltMidi) { delete g_pJoltMidi; g_pJoltMidi = NULL; }
// No critical section here because g_CriticalSection already destroyed
DebugOut("CImpIDirectInputEffectDriver::~CimpIDEffect()\n"); }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: CImpIDirectInputEffectDriver::QueryInterface
// CImpIDirectInputEffectDriver::AddRef
// CImpIDirectInputEffectDriver::Release
// Purpose: IUnknown members that delegate to m_pObj
// Parameters:
// Returns:
// Algorithm:
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
STDMETHODIMP CImpIDirectInputEffectDriver::QueryInterface(REFIID riid, PPVOID ppv) { return m_pObj->QueryInterface(riid, ppv); }
DWORD CImpIDirectInputEffectDriver::AddRef(void) { //
// We maintain an "interface reference count" for debugging
// purposes, because the client of an object should match
// AddRef and Release calls through each interface pointer.
++m_cRef; return m_pObj->AddRef(); }
DWORD CImpIDirectInputEffectDriver::Release(void) { // m_cRef is again only for debugging. It doesn't affect
// CSWEffect although the call to m_pObj->Release does.
--m_cRef; return m_pObj->Release(); }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: DeviceID
// Purpose:
// Parameters: DWORD dwExternalID -The joystick ID number being us
// DWORD fBegin -Nonzero if access to the device is beginning; Zero if ending
// DWORD dwInternalID -Internal joystick id
// LPVOID lpReserved -Reserved for future use (HID)
// Returns: SUCCESS or Error code
// Algorithm:
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT CImpIDirectInputEffectDriver::DeviceID( IN DWORD dwDirectInputVersion, IN DWORD dwExternalID, IN DWORD fBegin, IN DWORD dwInternalID, LPVOID lpReserved) { #ifdef _DEBUG
g_CriticalSection.Enter(); wsprintf(g_cMsg,"CImpIDirectInputEffectDriver::DeviceID(%lu, %lu, %lu, %lu, %lx)\n", dwDirectInputVersion, dwExternalID, fBegin, dwInternalID, lpReserved); _RPT0(_CRT_WARN, g_cMsg); g_CriticalSection.Leave(); #endif // _DEBUG
if (g_pDataPackager) { g_pDataPackager->SetDirectInputVersion(dwDirectInputVersion); } assert(NULL == g_pJoltMidi); // Create and Initialize our CJoltMidi object
#ifdef _DEBUG
OutputDebugString("Creating and Initializing CJoltMidi object\n"); #endif
g_pJoltMidi = new CJoltMidi(); if (NULL == g_pJoltMidi) { return (E_OUTOFMEMORY); } else { return g_pJoltMidi->Initialize(dwExternalID); } }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: GetVersions
// Purpose:
// Parameters: LPDIDRIVERVERSIONS pvers -Pointer to structure which receives version info
// Returns: SUCCESS or Error code
// Algorithm:
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT CImpIDirectInputEffectDriver::GetVersions( IN OUT LPDIDRIVERVERSIONS pvers) { if (g_pJoltMidi == NULL) { return E_FAIL; }
LOCAL_PRODUCT_ID* pProductID = g_pJoltMidi->ProductIDPtrOf(); if (pProductID == NULL) { return E_FAIL; }
pvers->dwFirmwareRevision = (pProductID->dwFWMajVersion << 8) | (pProductID->dwFWMinVersion); pvers->dwHardwareRevision = pProductID->dwProductID;
// Get version from ntverp.h (was FULLVersion from version.h)
pvers->dwFFDriverVersion = VER_PRODUCTVERSION_DW;
#ifdef _DEBUG
g_CriticalSection.Enter(); wsprintf(g_cMsg,"CImpIDirectInputEffectDriver::GetVersions(%lu, %lu, %lu)\n", pvers->dwFirmwareRevision, pvers->dwHardwareRevision, pvers->dwFFDriverVersion); _RPT0(_CRT_WARN, g_cMsg); g_CriticalSection.Leave(); #endif // _DEBUG
return SUCCESS; }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: Escape
// Purpose:
// Parameters: DWORD dwDeviceID - Device ID
// LPDIEFFESCAPE pEsc - Pointer to a DIFEFESCAPE struct
// Returns: SUCCESS or Error code
// Algorithm:
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT CImpIDirectInputEffectDriver::Escape( IN DWORD dwDeviceID, IN DWORD dwEffectID, IN OUT LPDIEFFESCAPE pEsc ) { ASSUME_NOT_NULL(g_pDataPackager); ASSUME_NOT_NULL(g_pDataTransmitter); if ((g_pDataPackager == NULL) || (g_pDataTransmitter == NULL)) { return SFERR_DRIVER_ERROR; }
// Create a command/data packet - send it of to the stick
HRESULT hr = g_pDataPackager->Escape(dwEffectID, pEsc); if (hr != SUCCESS) { return hr; }
ACKNACK ackNack; return g_pDataTransmitter->Transmit(ackNack); // Send it off
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: SetGain
// Purpose:
// Parameters: DWORD dwDeviceID - Device ID
// DWORD dwGain - Device gain
// Returns: SUCCESS or Error code
// Algorithm:
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT CImpIDirectInputEffectDriver::SetGain( IN DWORD dwDeviceID, IN DWORD dwGain) { #ifdef _DEBUG
g_CriticalSection.Enter(); wsprintf(g_cMsg, "SetGain: %s Gain=%ld\r\n", &szDeviceName, dwGain); _RPT0(_CRT_WARN, g_cMsg); g_CriticalSection.Leave(); #endif
ASSUME_NOT_NULL(g_pDataPackager); ASSUME_NOT_NULL(g_pDataTransmitter); if ((g_pDataPackager == NULL) || (g_pDataTransmitter == NULL)) { return SFERR_DRIVER_ERROR; }
BOOL truncation = (dwGain > 10000); if (truncation) { dwGain = 10000; } // Create a command/data packet - send it of to the stick
HRESULT hr = g_pDataPackager->SetGain(dwGain); if (FAILED(hr)) { return hr; }
ACKNACK ackNack; hr = g_pDataTransmitter->Transmit(ackNack); // Send it off
if ((hr == SUCCESS) && (truncation)) { return DI_TRUNCATED; } return hr; }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: SendForceFeedbackCommand
// Purpose:
// Parameters: DWORD dwDeviceID - Device ID
// DWORD dwState - Command to set Device state
// Returns: SUCCESS or Error code
// Need to map the following DX to Jolt
// DS_FORCE_SHUTDOWN 0x00000001 // Actuators (Motors) are enabled.
// DS_FORCE_ON 0x00000002 // Actuators (Motors) are disabled.
// DS_FORCE_OFF 0x00000003 // All Effects are "Paused"
// DS_CONTINUE 0x00000004 // All "Paused" Effects are continued
// DS_PAUSE 0x00000005 // All Effects are stopped.
// DS_STOP_ALL 0x00000006 // All Effects destroyed,Motors disabled
// Jolt Device ulMode:
// SWDEV_SHUTDOWN 1L // All Effects destroyed, Motors disabled
// SWDEV_FORCE_ON 2L // Motors enabled. "Un-Mute"
// SWDEV_FORCE_OFF 3L // Motors disabled. "Mute"
// SWDEV_CONTINUE 4L // All "Paused" Effects are allow to continue
// SWDEV_PAUSE 5L // All Effects are "Paused"
// SWDEV_STOP_ALL 6L // Stops all Effects.
// Algorithm:
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT CImpIDirectInputEffectDriver::SendForceFeedbackCommand( IN DWORD dwDeviceID, IN DWORD dwState) { ASSUME_NOT_NULL(g_pDataPackager); ASSUME_NOT_NULL(g_pDataTransmitter); if ((g_pDataPackager == NULL) || (g_pDataTransmitter == NULL)) { return SFERR_DRIVER_ERROR; }
if (NULL == g_pJoltMidi) return (SFERR_DRIVER_ERROR);
// Create a command/data packet - send it of to the stick
HRESULT hr = g_pDataPackager->SendForceFeedbackCommand(dwState); if (hr != SUCCESS) { return hr; } ACKNACK ackNack; hr = g_pDataTransmitter->Transmit(ackNack); // Send it off
if (hr == SUCCESS) { g_ForceFeedbackDevice.StateChange(dwDeviceID, dwState); g_pJoltMidi->UpdateDeviceMode(dwState); } return hr; }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: GetForceFeedbackState
// Purpose:
// Parameters: DWORD dwDeviceID - Device ID
// LPDIDEVICESTATE pDeviceState - Pointer to a DIDEVICESTATE struct
// Returns: SUCCESS or Error code and state updated in pDeviceState
// Member: dwState
// DS_FORCE_SHUTDOWN 0x00000001
// DS_FORCE_ON 0x00000002
// DS_FORCE_OFF 0x00000003
// DS_CONTINUE 0x00000004
// DS_PAUSE 0x00000005
// DS_STOP_ALL 0x00000006
// Member: dwSwitches
// DSW_ACTUATORSON 0x00000001
// DSW_ACTUATORSOFF 0x00000002
// DSW_POWERON 0x00000004
// DSW_POWEROFF 0x00000008
// Algorithm:
// This is the DI Device State structure
//typedef struct DIDEVICESTATE {
// DWORD dwSize;
// DWORD dwState;
// DWORD dwSwitches;
// DWORD dwLoading;
// This is the SideWinder State structure (copy kept in CJoltMidi object)
//typedef struct _SWDEVICESTATE {
// ULONG m_Bytes; // size of this structure
// ULONG m_HOTS; // Hands On Throttle and Stick Status
// // 0 = Hands Off, 1 = Hands On
// ULONG m_BandWidth; // Percentage of CPU available 1 to 100%
// // Lower number indicates CPU is in trouble!
// ULONG m_ACBrickFault; // 0 = AC Brick OK, 1 = AC Brick Fault
// ULONG m_ResetDetect; // 1 = HW Reset Detected
// ULONG m_ShutdownDetect; // 1 = Shutdown detected
// ULONG m_CommMode; // 0 = Midi, 1-4 = Serial
// Note: Apparently, DSW_ACTUATORSON and DSW_ACTUATORSOFF is a mirrored state
// from DS_FORCE_ON and DS_FORCE_OFF as set from SetForceFeedbackState
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT CImpIDirectInputEffectDriver::GetForceFeedbackState( IN DWORD dwDeviceID, IN LPDIDEVICESTATE pDeviceState) { // Driver sanity Check;
if (g_pJoltMidi == NULL) { ASSUME_NOT_REACHED(); return SFERR_DRIVER_ERROR; }
// User sanity check
if (pDeviceState == NULL) { ASSUME_NOT_REACHED(); return SFERR_INVALID_PARAM; } if (pDeviceState->dwSize != sizeof(DIDEVICESTATE)) { ASSUME_NOT_REACHED(); // Has structure changed?
// Fix 1.20 state bug (needs to be changed for jolt support)
if ((g_ForceFeedbackDevice.GetFirmwareVersionMajor() == 1) && (g_ForceFeedbackDevice.GetFirmwareVersionMinor() == 20)) { if ((g_pDataPackager == NULL) || (g_pDataTransmitter == NULL)) { return SFERR_DRIVER_ERROR; } HRESULT hr;
if ((g_pJoltMidi->GetSWDeviceStateNoUpdate().m_ForceState == SWDEV_FORCE_OFF)) { // Echo state back to fix 1.20 bug
hr = g_pDataPackager->SendForceFeedbackCommand(SWDEV_FORCE_OFF); } else { hr = g_pDataPackager->SendForceFeedbackCommand(SWDEV_FORCE_ON); }
if (hr != SUCCESS) { return hr; } ACKNACK ackNack; g_pDataTransmitter->Transmit(ackNack); // Send it off
pDeviceState->dwState = 0;
// Ask the device for state
HRESULT hRet = g_ForceFeedbackDevice.QueryStatus(); if (hRet != SUCCESS) { return hRet; }
// Set flags from the device
if (g_ForceFeedbackDevice.IsUserDisable()) { pDeviceState->dwState = DIGFFS_SAFETYSWITCHOFF; } else { pDeviceState->dwState = DIGFFS_SAFETYSWITCHON; } if (g_ForceFeedbackDevice.IsHostDisable()) { pDeviceState->dwState |= DIGFFS_ACTUATORSOFF; } else { pDeviceState->dwState |= DIGFFS_ACTUATORSON; } if (g_ForceFeedbackDevice.IsHostPause()) { pDeviceState->dwState |= DIGFFS_PAUSED; }
// All effects been stopped from host?
if (g_ForceFeedbackDevice.GetDIState() == DIGFFS_STOPPED) { pDeviceState->dwState |= DIGFFS_STOPPED; }
// Have any effects been created?
BOOL bEmpty = TRUE; for (int i=2; i < MAX_EFFECT_IDS; i++) { if (g_ForceFeedbackDevice.GetEffect(i) != NULL) { bEmpty = FALSE; break; } } if(bEmpty) { pDeviceState->dwState |= DIGFFS_EMPTY; }
// NYI Firmware
/* if (m_DeviceState.m_ACBrickFault)
pDeviceState->dwState |= DIGFFS_POWEROFF; else pDeviceState->dwState |= DIGFFS_POWERON; */ pDeviceState->dwState |= DIGFFS_POWERON; // Always on in Zep (and Zep is on or we wouldn't be here)
pDeviceState->dwLoad = 0;
return hRet; }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: DownloadEffect
// Purpose:
// Parameters: DWORD dwDeviceID - Device ID
// DWORD dwInternalEffectType - Internal Effect Type
// IN OUT LPDWORD pDnloadID - Pointer to a DWORD for DnloadID
// IN LPCDIEFFECT pEffect - Pointer to a DIEFFECT structure
// IN DWORD dwFlags - for parameters that changed
// Returns: SUCCESS or Error code
// Algorithm:
// The following dwFlags may be sent by the kernel
//#define DIEP_ALLPARAMS 0x000000FF - All fields valid
//#define DIEP_AXES 0x00000020 - cAxes and rgdwAxes
//#define DIEP_DIRECTION 0x00000040 - cAxes and rglDirection
//#define DIEP_DURATION 0x00000001 - dwDuration
//#define DIEP_ENVELOPE 0x00000080 - lpEnvelope
//#define DIEP_GAIN 0x00000004 - dwGain
//#define DIEP_NODOWNLOAD 0x80000000 - suppress auto - download
//#define DIEP_SAMPLEPERIOD 0x00000002 - dwSamplePeriod
//#define DIEP_TRIGGERBUTTON 0x00000008 - dwTriggerButton
//#define DIEP_TRIGGERREPEATINTERVAL 0x00000010 - dwTriggerRepeatInterval
//#define DIEP_TYPESPECIFICPARAMS 0x00000100 - cbTypeSpecificParams
// and lpTypeSpecificParams
// Jolt has two options for downloading - Full SysEx or Modify Parameter
// Pass the dwFlags to each CMD_xxx function and let the MIDI function
// determine whether to use SysEx or Modify Parameter.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT CImpIDirectInputEffectDriver::DownloadEffect( IN DWORD dwDeviceID, IN DWORD dwInternalEffectType, IN OUT LPDWORD pDnloadID, IN LPCDIEFFECT pEffect, IN DWORD dwFlags) { #ifdef _DEBUG
g_CriticalSection.Enter(); wsprintf(g_cMsg, "%s 3Effect. DnloadID= %ld, Type=%lx, dwFlags= %lx\r\n", &szDeviceName[0], *pDnloadID, dwInternalEffectType, dwFlags); _RPT0(_CRT_WARN, g_cMsg); g_CriticalSection.Leave(); #endif
// Quick sanity check
if ((pEffect == NULL) || (pDnloadID == NULL)) { ASSUME_NOT_REACHED(); return SFERR_INVALID_PARAM; }
// Are we setup properly
ASSUME_NOT_NULL(g_pDataPackager); ASSUME_NOT_NULL(g_pDataTransmitter); if ((g_pDataPackager == NULL) || (g_pDataTransmitter == NULL)) { return SFERR_DRIVER_ERROR; }
HRESULT hr = SFERR_DRIVER_ERROR; HRESULT createResult = SUCCESS; BOOL downLoad = (dwFlags & DIEP_NODOWNLOAD) == 0; BOOL createdAttempted = FALSE;
InternalEffect* pLocalEffect = NULL; if (*pDnloadID != 0) { // 0 Indicates create new
pLocalEffect = g_ForceFeedbackDevice.GetEffect(*pDnloadID); } if (pLocalEffect == NULL) { // New effect create it (or Raw Force)
createdAttempted = TRUE; BOOL wasZero = (*pDnloadID == 0); pLocalEffect = g_ForceFeedbackDevice.CreateEffect(dwInternalEffectType, *pEffect, *pDnloadID, createResult, (downLoad == FALSE));
if (FAILED(createResult)) { return createResult; } if (pLocalEffect == NULL) { if ((*pDnloadID == RAW_FORCE_ALIAS) && (wasZero == FALSE)) { if ((dwFlags & (DIEP_DURATION | DIEP_SAMPLEPERIOD | DIEP_GAIN | DIEP_TRIGGERREPEATINTERVAL | DIEP_TRIGGERBUTTON | DIEP_ENVELOPE)) != 0) { return S_FALSE; } } return createResult; }
hr = g_pDataPackager->CreateEffect(*pLocalEffect, dwFlags); if (!downLoad) { delete pLocalEffect; pLocalEffect = NULL; } } else { // Effect Exists, modify it
InternalEffect* pDIEffect = g_ForceFeedbackDevice.CreateEffect(dwInternalEffectType, *pEffect, *pDnloadID, createResult, (downLoad == FALSE)); // Create new
if ((pDIEffect == NULL) || (FAILED(createResult))) { return createResult; }
hr = g_pDataPackager->ModifyEffect(*pLocalEffect, *pDIEffect, dwFlags); // Package relative changes
if (FAILED(hr)) { delete pDIEffect; return hr; }
if (downLoad) { g_ForceFeedbackDevice.SetEffect(BYTE(*pDnloadID), pDIEffect); // Replace the old with the new
pDIEffect->SetDeviceID(pLocalEffect->GetDeviceID()); // Update device IDs
delete pLocalEffect; // Delete the old
} else { delete pDIEffect; } }
if ((FAILED(hr)) || (downLoad == FALSE)) { return hr; } HRESULT modProblems = hr;
ACKNACK ackNack; hr = g_pDataTransmitter->Transmit(ackNack); // Send it off
if (hr == SFERR_DEVICE_NACK) { if (ackNack.dwErrorCode <= DEV_ERR_BANDWIDTH_FULL_200) { return g_NackToError[ackNack.dwErrorCode]; } else { return SFERR_DRIVER_ERROR; } } if (FAILED(hr)) { return hr; } if (createdAttempted == TRUE) { g_ForceFeedbackDevice.SetDeviceIDFromStatusPacket(*pDnloadID); }
// Check for start flag
if (dwFlags & DIEP_START) { // Create a command/data packet - send it of to the stick
HRESULT hr = g_pDataPackager->StartEffect(*pDnloadID, 0, 1); if (hr != SUCCESS) { return hr; } hr = g_pDataTransmitter->Transmit(ackNack); // Send it off
if (hr == SFERR_DEVICE_NACK) { if (ackNack.dwErrorCode <= DEV_ERR_BANDWIDTH_FULL_200) { return g_NackToError[ackNack.dwErrorCode]; } else { return SFERR_DRIVER_ERROR; } } pLocalEffect->SetPlaying(TRUE); return hr; }
if (createResult != SUCCESS) { // Truncation and whatnot
return createResult; } return modProblems; // Wow we got this far!
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: DestroyEffect
// Purpose:
// Parameters: DWORD dwDeviceID - Device ID
// DWORD DnloadID - Download ID to destroy
// Returns: SUCCESS or Error code
// Algorithm:
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT CImpIDirectInputEffectDriver::DestroyEffect( IN DWORD dwDeviceID, IN DWORD DnloadID) { #ifdef _DEBUG
g_CriticalSection.Enter(); wsprintf(g_cMsg, "%s DestroyEffect. DnloadID:%ld\r\n", &szDeviceName[0], DnloadID); _RPT0(_CRT_WARN, g_cMsg); g_CriticalSection.Leave(); #endif
ASSUME_NOT_NULL(g_pDataPackager); ASSUME_NOT_NULL(g_pDataTransmitter); if ((g_pDataPackager == NULL) || (g_pDataTransmitter == NULL)) { return SFERR_DRIVER_ERROR; }
// Create a command/data packet - send it of to the stick
HRESULT hr = g_pDataPackager->DestroyEffect(DnloadID); if (hr != SUCCESS) { return hr; } ACKNACK ackNack; return g_pDataTransmitter->Transmit(ackNack); // Send it off
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: StartEffect
// Purpose:
// Parameters: DWORD dwDeviceID - Device ID
// DWORD DnloadID - Download ID to Start
// DWORD dwMode - Playback mode
// DWORD dwCount - Loop count
// Returns: SUCCESS or Error code
// dwMode: Playback mode is available with the following options:
// PLAY_SOLO - stop other forces playing, make this the only one.
// PLAY_SUPERIMPOSE- mix with currently playing device
// Algorithm:
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT CImpIDirectInputEffectDriver::StartEffect( IN DWORD dwDeviceID, IN DWORD DnloadID, IN DWORD dwMode, IN DWORD dwCount) { #ifdef _DEBUG
g_CriticalSection.Enter(); wsprintf(g_cMsg, "%s StartEffect. DnloadID:%ld, Mode:%lx, Count:%lx\r\n", &szDeviceName[0], DnloadID, dwMode, dwCount); _RPT0(_CRT_WARN, g_cMsg); g_CriticalSection.Leave(); #endif
ASSUME_NOT_NULL(g_pDataPackager); ASSUME_NOT_NULL(g_pDataTransmitter); if ((g_pDataPackager == NULL) || (g_pDataTransmitter == NULL)) { return SFERR_DRIVER_ERROR; }
// Create a command/data packet - send it of to the stick
HRESULT packageResult = g_pDataPackager->StartEffect(DnloadID, dwMode, dwCount); if (FAILED(packageResult)) { return packageResult; }
ACKNACK ackNack; HRESULT hr = g_pDataTransmitter->Transmit(ackNack); // Send it off
if (hr == SFERR_DEVICE_NACK) { if (ackNack.dwErrorCode <= DEV_ERR_BANDWIDTH_FULL_200) { return g_NackToError[ackNack.dwErrorCode]; } else { return SFERR_DRIVER_ERROR; } }
InternalEffect* pEffect = g_ForceFeedbackDevice.GetEffect(DnloadID); if (pEffect != NULL) { pEffect->SetPlaying(TRUE); }
if (hr == SUCCESS) { return packageResult; } return hr; }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: StopEffect
// Purpose:
// Parameters: DWORD dwDeviceID - Device ID
// DWORD DnloadID - Download ID to Stop
// Returns: SUCCESS or Error code
// Algorithm:
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT CImpIDirectInputEffectDriver::StopEffect( IN DWORD dwDeviceID, IN DWORD DnloadID) { #ifdef _DEBUG
g_CriticalSection.Enter(); wsprintf(g_cMsg, "%s StopEffect. DnloadID:%ld\r\n", &szDeviceName[0], DnloadID); _RPT0(_CRT_WARN, g_cMsg); g_CriticalSection.Leave(); #endif
ASSUME_NOT_NULL(g_pDataPackager); ASSUME_NOT_NULL(g_pDataTransmitter); if ((g_pDataPackager == NULL) || (g_pDataTransmitter == NULL)) { return SFERR_DRIVER_ERROR; }
// Create a command/data packet - send it of to the stick
HRESULT hr = g_pDataPackager->StopEffect(DnloadID); if (hr != SUCCESS) { return hr; } ACKNACK ackNack; return g_pDataTransmitter->Transmit(ackNack); // Send it off
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: GetEffectStatus
// Purpose:
// Parameters: DWORD dwDeviceID - Device ID
// DWORD DnloadID - Download ID to get Status
// LPDWORD pdwStatusCode - Pointer to a DWORD for Status
// Returns: SUCCESS or Error code
// Algorithm:
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT CImpIDirectInputEffectDriver::GetEffectStatus( IN DWORD dwDeviceID, IN DWORD DnloadID, OUT LPDWORD pdwStatusCode) { HRESULT hRet = SUCCESS; #ifdef _DEBUG
g_CriticalSection.Enter(); wsprintf(g_cMsg, "GetEffectStatus, DnloadID=%d\r\n", DnloadID); _RPT0(_CRT_WARN, g_cMsg); g_CriticalSection.Leave(); #endif
ASSUME_NOT_NULL(g_pDataPackager); ASSUME_NOT_NULL(g_pDataTransmitter); ASSUME_NOT_NULL(pdwStatusCode); if ((g_pDataPackager == NULL) || (g_pDataTransmitter == NULL) || (pdwStatusCode == NULL)) { return SFERR_DRIVER_ERROR; }
// Create a command/data packet - send it of to the stick
HRESULT hr = g_pDataPackager->GetEffectStatus(DnloadID); if (hr != SUCCESS) { return hr; } ACKNACK ackNack; hr = g_pDataTransmitter->Transmit(ackNack); // Send it off
if (hr != SUCCESS) { return hr; }
// Use result returned by GetAckNackData in Transmit
DWORD dwIn = ackNack.dwEffectStatus;
// Interpret result (cooked RUNNING_MASK_200 becomes SWDEV_STS_EFFECT_RUNNING)
if ((g_ForceFeedbackDevice.GetDriverVersionMajor() != 1) && (dwIn & SWDEV_STS_EFFECT_RUNNING)) { *pdwStatusCode = DIEGES_PLAYING; } else { *pdwStatusCode = NULL; // Stopped;
} g_ForceFeedbackDevice.GetEffect(DnloadID)->SetPlaying(*pdwStatusCode == DIEGES_PLAYING); return SUCCESS; }