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MODULE: SW_OBJEC.CPP Tab Settings: 5 9 Copyright 1995, 1996, Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved.
PURPOSE: IUnknown Method(s) for DirectInputEffectDriver Class objects FUNCTIONS:
Author(s): Name: ---------- ---------------- MEA Manolito E. Adan
Revision History: ----------------- Version Date Author Comments ------- ------ ----- ------------------------------------------- 1.0 06-Feb-97 MEA original, Based on SWForce 23-Feb-97 MEA Modified for DirectInput FF Device Driver 21-Mar-99 waltw Removed unreferenced CreateDirectInputEffectDriver 21-Mar-99 waltw Moved CJoltMidi initialization from CDirectInputEffectDriver::Init to CImpIDirectInputEffectDriver::DeviceID
****************************************************************************/ #include "SW_objec.hpp"
#include <crtdbg.h>
// External Data
#ifdef _DEBUG
extern char g_cMsg[160]; #endif
extern HANDLE g_hSWFFDataMutex;
// ****************************************************************************
// *** --- Member functions for base class CDirectInputEffectDriver
// ****************************************************************************
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: CDirectInputEffectDriver::CDirectInputEffectDriver
// Purpose: Constructor(s)/Destructor for CDirectInputEffectDriver Object
// Parameters: LPUNKNOWN pUnkOuter - Ptr to a controlling unknown.
// PFNDESTROYED pfnDestroy - Call when object is destroyed.
// Returns:
// Algorithm:
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CDirectInputEffectDriver::CDirectInputEffectDriver(LPUNKNOWN pUnkOuter, PFNDESTROYED pfnDestroy) { #ifdef _DEBUG
_RPT0(_CRT_WARN, "CDirectInputEffectDriver::CDirectInputEffectDriver()\r\n"); #endif
m_pImpIDirectInputEffectDriver=NULL; m_pUnkOuter=pUnkOuter; m_pfnDestroy=pfnDestroy; return; }
CDirectInputEffectDriver::~CDirectInputEffectDriver(void) { #ifdef _DEBUG
_RPT0(_CRT_WARN, "CDirectInputEffectDriver::~CDirectInputEffectDriver()\r\n"); #endif
//Delete the interface implementations created in Init
DeleteInterfaceImp(m_pImpIDirectInputEffectDriver); return; }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: CDirectInputEffectDriver::Init
// Purpose: Instantiates the interface implementations for this object.
// Parameters: none
// Returns: BOOL - TRUE if initialization succeeds, FALSE otherwise.
// Algorithm:
// Note:
// Creating the interfaces means creating instances of
// the interface implementation classes. The constructor
// parameters is a pointer to CDirectInputEffectDriver that has the
// IUnknown functions to which the interface implementations
// delegate.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
BOOL CDirectInputEffectDriver::Init(void) { #ifdef _DEBUG
_RPT0(_CRT_WARN, "CDirectInputEffectDriver::Init\n"); #endif
m_pImpIDirectInputEffectDriver=new CImpIDirectInputEffectDriver(this); if (NULL==m_pImpIDirectInputEffectDriver) return FALSE;
return (TRUE); }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: CDirectInputEffectDriver::QueryInterface
// Purpose: Manages the interfaces for this object which supports the
// IUnknown, and IDirectInputEffectDriver interfaces.
// Parameters: REFIID riid - REFIID of the interface to return.
// PPVOID ppv - PPVOID in which to store the pointer.
// Returns: HRESULT NOERROR on success, E_NOINTERFACE if the
// interface is not supported.
// Algorithm:
// Note:
// IUnknown comes from CDirectInputEffectDriver. Note that here and in
// the lines below we do not need to explicitly typecast
// the object pointers into interface pointers because
// the vtables are identical. If we had additional virtual
// member functions in the object, we would have to cast
// in order to set the right vtable. This is demonstrated
// in the multiple-inheritance version, CObject3.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
STDMETHODIMP CDirectInputEffectDriver::QueryInterface(REFIID riid, PPVOID ppv) { //Always NULL the out-parameters
if (IID_IUnknown==riid) *ppv=this;
//Other interfaces come from interface implementations
if (IID_IDirectInputEffectDriver==riid) *ppv=m_pImpIDirectInputEffectDriver;
if (NULL==*ppv) return ResultFromScode(E_NOINTERFACE);
//AddRef any interface we'll return.
((LPUNKNOWN)*ppv)->AddRef(); return NOERROR; }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: CDirectInputEffectDriver::AddRef and CDirectInputEffectDriver::Release
// Purpose: Reference counting members. When Release sees a zero count
// the object destroys itself.
// Parameters: none
// Returns: DWORD m_cRef value
// Algorithm:
// Note:
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
DWORD CDirectInputEffectDriver::AddRef(void) { return ++m_cRef; }
DWORD CDirectInputEffectDriver::Release(void) { if (0!=--m_cRef) return m_cRef; delete this; return 0; }