// @doc
* * @module IDirectInputEffectDriver.cpp | * * Contains Class Implementation of CIDirectInputEffectDriverClassFactory: * Factory for Creating Proper Effect Driver * * History * ---------------------------------------------------------- * Matthew L. Coill (mlc) Original Jul-7-1999 * * (c) 1999 Microsoft Corporation. All right reserved. * * @topic This IDirectInputEffectDriver | * This Driver sits on top of the standard PID driver (which is also * an IDirectInputEffectDriver) and passes most requests to the PID driver. * Some requests such as, DownloadEffect and SendForceFeedback command are * modified for our use. Modification purposes are described at each function * definition. * **********************************************************************/
#include "IDirectInputEffectDriverClassFactory.h"
#include "IDirectInputEffectDriver.h"
#include <WinIOCTL.h> // For CTL_CODE definition
#include "..\\GCKernel.sys\\GckExtrn.h"
#include <crtdbg.h>
#include <objbase.h> // For CoUninitialize
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <tchar.h>
const GUID IID_IDirectInputEffectDriver = { 0x02538130, 0x898F, 0x11D0, { 0x9A,0xD0,0x00,0xA0,0xC9,0xA0,0x6E,0x35 } };
extern TCHAR CLSID_SWPIDDriver_String[];
LONG DllAddRef(); LONG DllRelease();
DWORD __stdcall DoWaitForForceSchemeChange(void* pParameter); const DWORD c_dwShutdownWait = 500; // (0.5 Seconds)
struct DIHIDFFINITINFO_STRUCT { DWORD dwSize; LPWSTR pwszDeviceInterface; GUID GuidInstance; };
// PID Defines for Effect Tyoes
#define PID_RAMP 0x27
#define PID_SQUARE 0x30
#define PID_SINE 0x31
#define PID_TRIANGLE 0x32
#define PID_SAWTOOTHUP 0x33
#define PID_SPRING 0x40
#define PID_DAMPER 0x41
#define PID_INTERTIA 0x42
#define PID_FRICTION 0x43
struct PercentageEntry { DWORD dwAngle; DWORD dwPercentageX; // DWORD dwPercentageY; Y == 10000 - X
// Array of Fixed value data
const PercentageEntry g_PercentagesArray[] = { // Angle, Sin^2(Angle)
{ 0, 0}, // 0 Degrees
{ 1125, 381}, // 11.25 Degrees
{ 2250, 1465}, // 22.5 Degrees
{ 3375, 3087}, // 33.75 Degrees
{ 4500, 5000}, // 45 Degrees
{ 5625, 6913}, // 56.25 Degrees
{ 6750, 8536}, // 67.50 Degrees
{ 7875, 9619}, // 78.75 Degrees
{ 9000, 10000}, // 90 Degrees
const DWORD c_dwTableQuantization = g_PercentagesArray[1].dwAngle; const LONG c_lContributionY = 2; // (1/2 = 50%)
const BYTE c_bSideWinderPIDReportID_SetEffect = 1;
// Usage Pages (just PID)
const USAGE c_HidUsagePage_PID = 0x0F;
// Usages
const USAGE c_HidUsage_EffectType = 0x25; const USAGE c_HidUsage_EffectType_Spring = 0x40; const USAGE c_HidUsage_EffectBlock_Gain = 0x52; const USAGE c_HidUsage_EffectBlock_Index = 0x22; // This is the ID of the effect
// Preloaded Effects
const BYTE c_EffectID_RTCSpring = 1;
// Local Debugging Streaming Function that works in release
#undef UseMyDebugOut
void __cdecl myDebugOut (LPCSTR lpszFormat, ...) { #ifdef UseMyDebugOut
//Stolen from inline void _cdecl AtlTrace(LPCSTR lpszFormat, ...) in AtlBase.h
va_list args; va_start(args, lpszFormat);
int nBuf; char szBuffer[1024];
nBuf = _vsnprintf(szBuffer, sizeof(szBuffer), lpszFormat, args); _ASSERTE(nBuf < sizeof(szBuffer)); //Output truncated as it was > sizeof(szBuffer)
#ifdef _NDEBUG
OutputDebugStringA(szBuffer); #else
_RPTF0 (_CRT_WARN, szBuffer); #endif
va_end(args); #else
UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER (lpszFormat); return; #endif
/******************** Class CIDirectInputEffectDriver ***********************/
** ** CIDirectInputEffectDriverClassFactory::CIDirectInputEffectDriverClassFactory() ** ** @mfunc Constructor ** *****************************************************************************/ CIDirectInputEffectDriver::CIDirectInputEffectDriver ( IDirectInputEffectDriver* pIPIDEffectDriver, //@parm [IN] Pointer to PID Effect Driver
IClassFactory* pIPIDClassFactory //@parm [IN] Pointer to PID Class Factory
) :
m_ulReferenceCount(1), m_dwDIVersion(0xFFFFFFFF), m_dwExternalDeviceID(0xFFFFFFFF), m_dwInternalDeviceID(0xFFFFFFFF), m_pIPIDEffectDriver(pIPIDEffectDriver), m_pIPIDClassFactory(pIPIDClassFactory), m_hKernelDeviceDriver(NULL), m_hKernelDeviceDriverDuplicate(NULL), m_hHidDeviceDriver(NULL), m_dwGcKernelDevice(0), m_hForceSchemeChangeWaitThread(NULL), m_dwForceSchemeChangeThreadID(0), m_pPreparsedData(NULL) { myDebugOut ("CIDirectInputEffectDriver::Constructor (pIPIDEffectDriver:0x%0p)\n", pIPIDEffectDriver);
// Add to gobal object count
// Add references for objects we are holding
m_pIPIDClassFactory->AddRef(); m_pIPIDEffectDriver->AddRef();
::memset((void*)&m_HidAttributes, 0, sizeof(m_HidAttributes));
m_ForceMapping.AssignmentBlock.CommandHeader.eID = eForceMap; m_ForceMapping.AssignmentBlock.CommandHeader.ulByteSize = sizeof(m_ForceMapping); m_ForceMapping.AssignmentBlock.ulVidPid = 0; // Irrelevant
m_ForceMapping.bMapYToX = FALSE; m_ForceMapping.usRTC = 10000; m_ForceMapping.usGain = 10000; }
** ** CIDirectInputEffectDriver::~CIDirectInputEffectDriver() ** ** @mfunc Destructor ** *****************************************************************************/ CIDirectInputEffectDriver::~CIDirectInputEffectDriver() { _ASSERTE(m_pIPIDEffectDriver == NULL); _ASSERTE(m_ulReferenceCount == 0);
DllRelease(); // Remove our object from the global object count
myDebugOut ("CIDirectInputEffectDriver::Destructor\n"); }
//IUnknown members
** ** ULONG CIDirectInputEffectDriver::QueryInterface(REFIID refiid, void** ppvObject) ** ** @func Query an IUnknown for a particular type. This causes reference count increase locally only. ** If it is a type we don't know, should we give the PID driver a crack (the PID driver ** might have a customized private interface, we don't want to ruin that). Currently not ** going to pass on the Query because this could screwup Symmetry. ** ** @rdesc S_OK : all is well ** E_INVALIDARG : if (ppvObject == NULL) ** E_NOINTERFACE : If requested interface is unsupported ** *************************************************************************************/ HRESULT __stdcall CIDirectInputEffectDriver::QueryInterface ( REFIID refiid, //@parm [IN] Identifier of the requested interface
void** ppvObject //@parm [OUT] Address to place requested interface pointer
) { myDebugOut ("CIDirectInputEffectDriver::QueryInterface (refiid:0x%0p, ppvObject:0x%0p)\n", refiid, ppvObject);
HRESULT hrPidQuery = m_pIPIDEffectDriver->QueryInterface(refiid, ppvObject); if (SUCCEEDED(hrPidQuery)) { // Don't perform a real addref (PID.dll::QueryInterface will do its own)
::InterlockedIncrement((LONG*)&m_ulReferenceCount); *ppvObject = this; } return hrPidQuery; }
** ** ULONG CIDirectInputEffectDriver::AddRef() ** ** @func Bumps up the reference count ** The PID driver reference count is left alone. We only decrement it when ** this object is ready to go away. ** ** @rdesc New reference count ** *************************************************************************************/ ULONG __stdcall CIDirectInputEffectDriver::AddRef() { myDebugOut ("CIDirectInputEffectDriver::AddRef (Early) 0x%0p\n", m_ulReferenceCount); m_pIPIDEffectDriver->AddRef(); return (ULONG)(::InterlockedIncrement((LONG*)&m_ulReferenceCount)); }
** ** ULONG CIDirectInputEffectDriver::Release() ** ** @func Decrements the reference count. ** if the reference count becomes zero this object is destroyed. ** The PID Factory reference is only effected if it is time to release all. ** ** @rdesc New reference count ** *************************************************************************************/ ULONG __stdcall CIDirectInputEffectDriver::Release() { myDebugOut ("CIDirectInputEffectDriver::Release (Early) 0x%0p\n", m_ulReferenceCount); if (m_ulReferenceCount == 0) { return m_ulReferenceCount; }
if ((::InterlockedDecrement((LONG*)&m_ulReferenceCount)) != 0) { m_pIPIDEffectDriver->Release(); return m_ulReferenceCount; }
// Tell the driver to complete outstanding IOCTLs to this device
if (m_hKernelDeviceDriver == NULL) { // Don't have a handle to PID driver, so open one
m_hKernelDeviceDriver = ::CreateFile(TEXT(GCK_CONTROL_W32Name), GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_FLAG_DELETE_ON_CLOSE, NULL); if (m_hKernelDeviceDriver == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { m_hKernelDeviceDriver = NULL; } } if (m_hKernelDeviceDriver != NULL) // Handle should be open, but check just incase
{ DWORD dwReturnDataSize; BOOL fSuccess = DeviceIoControl(m_hKernelDeviceDriver, IOCTL_GCK_END_FF_NOTIFICATION, (void*)(&m_dwGcKernelDevice), sizeof(DWORD), // In
NULL, 0, &dwReturnDataSize, // Out
if (!fSuccess) myDebugOut ("CIDirectInputEffectDriver::Release : GCK IOCTL_GCK_END_FF_NOTIFICATION failed!\n"); Sleep(c_dwShutdownWait); ::CloseHandle(m_hKernelDeviceDriver); } else { myDebugOut ("CIDirectInputEffectDriver::Release : Could not Open GCK for IOCTL_GCK_END_FF_NOTIFICATION\n"); }
// Free up the preparsed data
if (m_pPreparsedData != NULL) { ::HidD_FreePreparsedData(m_pPreparsedData); m_pPreparsedData = NULL; }
// Close the handle to the HID path of the driver
::CloseHandle(m_hHidDeviceDriver); m_hHidDeviceDriver = NULL;
// Close the thread handle (which should be done by now)
if (m_hForceSchemeChangeWaitThread != NULL) { ::CloseHandle(m_hForceSchemeChangeWaitThread); m_hForceSchemeChangeWaitThread = NULL; m_dwForceSchemeChangeThreadID = 0; } else { myDebugOut ("CIDirectInputEffectDriver::Release() m_hForceSchemeCHangeWaitThread did not finish!\n"); }
// Release the low level pid driver and delete ourselves
m_pIPIDEffectDriver->Release(); m_pIPIDEffectDriver = NULL;
// Release the low level factory (include extra release to fix bug in PID.dll)
if (m_pIPIDClassFactory->Release() > 0) { m_pIPIDClassFactory->Release(); } m_pIPIDClassFactory = NULL;
delete this; return 0; }
//IDirectInputEffectDriver members
HRESULT __stdcall CIDirectInputEffectDriver::DeviceID ( DWORD dwDIVersion, DWORD dwExternalID, DWORD dwIsBegining, DWORD dwInternalID, void* pReserved ) { myDebugOut ("CIDirectInputEffectDriver::DeviceID (dwDIVersion:0x%08p dwExternalID:0x%08p dwIsBeginning:0x%08p dwInternalID:0x%08p pReserved:0x%08p)\n", dwDIVersion, dwExternalID, dwIsBegining, dwInternalID, pReserved);
// Store off some data
m_dwExternalDeviceID = dwExternalID; m_dwInternalDeviceID = dwInternalID;
bool bPossiblyFirstTime = false; // Get a handle to the Kernel Device and activate the thread
if (m_hKernelDeviceDriver == NULL) { bPossiblyFirstTime = true; m_hKernelDeviceDriver = ::CreateFile(TEXT(GCK_CONTROL_W32Name), GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_FLAG_DELETE_ON_CLOSE, NULL); if (m_hKernelDeviceDriver == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { m_hKernelDeviceDriver = NULL; myDebugOut ("CIDirectInputEffectDriver::DeviceID Create GCK File Failed!\n"); } else { InitHidInformation((LPDIHIDFFINITINFO)pReserved); // Set up the HID stuff (preparsed data et al)
if (NULL == pReserved || IsBadReadPtr ((const void*)pReserved, (UINT) sizeof (DIHIDFFINITINFO_STRUCT)) ) { myDebugOut ("CIDirectInputEffectDriver::DeviceID E_INVALIDARG (pReserved is NULL!)\n"); return E_INVALIDARG; // Call the default guy
//return m_pIPIDEffectDriver->DeviceID(dwDIVersion, dwExternalID, dwIsBegining, dwInternalID, pReserved);
} //
// get the handle for this device
WCHAR* pwcInstanceName = ((DIHIDFFINITINFO_STRUCT*)(pReserved))->pwszDeviceInterface; DWORD dwBytesReturned; BOOL fSuccess = ::DeviceIoControl(m_hKernelDeviceDriver, IOCTL_GCK_GET_HANDLE, pwcInstanceName, ::wcslen(pwcInstanceName)*sizeof(WCHAR), &m_dwGcKernelDevice, sizeof(m_dwGcKernelDevice), &dwBytesReturned, NULL);
if (fSuccess != FALSE) { // Update the force block
fSuccess =::DeviceIoControl(m_hKernelDeviceDriver, IOCTL_GCK_GET_FF_SCHEME_DATA, (void*)(&m_dwGcKernelDevice), sizeof(DWORD), (void*)(&m_ForceMapping), sizeof(m_ForceMapping), &dwBytesReturned, NULL);
// Get the duplicate handle for the thread
BOOL bDuplicated = ::DuplicateHandle(::GetCurrentProcess(), m_hKernelDeviceDriver, ::GetCurrentProcess(), &m_hKernelDeviceDriverDuplicate, 0, FALSE, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS); if ((m_hKernelDeviceDriverDuplicate == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) || (bDuplicated == FALSE)) { m_hKernelDeviceDriverDuplicate = NULL; } else { m_hForceSchemeChangeWaitThread = ::CreateThread(NULL, 0, DoWaitForForceSchemeChange, (void*)this, 0, &m_dwForceSchemeChangeThreadID); } } else { myDebugOut ("CIDirectInputEffectDriver::DeviceID IOCTL_GCK_GET_HANDLE Failed!\n"); }
// Close since I need to reopen at the end (why is this happening?)
::CloseHandle(m_hKernelDeviceDriver); m_hKernelDeviceDriver = NULL; } }
// Hack to get PID.DLL to place keys in registry.
// -- It won't place them if OEM-FF Key is already there
if (bPossiblyFirstTime == true) { HKEY hkeyOEM = NULL; ::RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, TEXT("System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\MediaProperties\\PrivateProperties\\Joystick\\OEM"), 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hkeyOEM); if (hkeyOEM != NULL) { // Open key specific to the current device (VIDPID is in m_HidAttributes)
HKEY hkeyOEMForceFeedback = NULL; TCHAR rgtcDeviceName[64]; ::wsprintf(rgtcDeviceName, TEXT("VID_%04X&PID_%04X\\OEMForceFeedback"), m_HidAttributes.VendorID, m_HidAttributes.ProductID); ::RegOpenKeyEx(hkeyOEM, rgtcDeviceName, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hkeyOEMForceFeedback);
if (hkeyOEMForceFeedback != NULL) { // Check to see if the effects key is already there
HKEY hkeyEffects = NULL; ::RegOpenKeyEx(hkeyOEMForceFeedback, TEXT("Effects"), 0, KEY_READ, &hkeyEffects); ::RegCloseKey(hkeyOEMForceFeedback); if (hkeyEffects != NULL) { // Effects key is there, this is not the first time we have run
::RegCloseKey(hkeyEffects); bPossiblyFirstTime = false; } else // Delete the whole OEM ForceFeedback key
{ ::RegDeleteKey(hkeyOEM, rgtcDeviceName); } } } ::RegCloseKey(hkeyOEM); } */ // Call the drivers DeviceID (if we have removed the OEMFF Key it will repopulate)
HRESULT hrPID = m_pIPIDEffectDriver->DeviceID(dwDIVersion, dwExternalID, dwIsBegining, dwInternalID, pReserved);
// Do we need to put ourselves back as the DIEffectDriver?
/* if (bPossiblyFirstTime == true)
{ HKEY hkeyOEM = NULL; ::RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, TEXT("System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\MediaProperties\\PrivateProperties\\Joystick\\OEM"), 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hkeyOEM); if (hkeyOEM != NULL) { HKEY hkeyOEMForceFeedback = NULL; TCHAR rgtcDeviceName[64]; ::wsprintf(rgtcDeviceName, TEXT("VID_%04X&PID_%04X\\OEMForceFeedback"), m_HidAttributes.VendorID, m_HidAttributes.ProductID); ::RegOpenKeyEx(hkeyOEM, rgtcDeviceName, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hkeyOEMForceFeedback);
// Set the registry CLSID value to us
if (hkeyOEMForceFeedback != NULL) { ::RegSetValueEx(hkeyOEMForceFeedback, TEXT("CLSID"), 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE*)CLSID_SWPIDDriver_String, _tcslen(CLSID_SWPIDDriver_String) * sizeof(TCHAR)); ::RegCloseKey(hkeyOEMForceFeedback); } ::RegCloseKey(hkeyOEM); } } */ return hrPID; // Value from the System PID driver
HRESULT __stdcall CIDirectInputEffectDriver::GetVersions ( DIDRIVERVERSIONS* pDriverVersions ) { myDebugOut ("CIDirectInputEffectDriver::GetVersions (pDriverVersions:0x%08p)\n", pDriverVersions); return m_pIPIDEffectDriver->GetVersions(pDriverVersions); }
HRESULT __stdcall CIDirectInputEffectDriver::Escape ( DWORD dwDeviceID, DWORD dwEffectID, DIEFFESCAPE* pEscape ) { myDebugOut ("CIDirectInputEffectDriver::Escape (dwDeviceID:0x%08p, dwEffectID:0x%08p, pEscape:0x%08p)\n", dwDeviceID, dwEffectID, pEscape); return m_pIPIDEffectDriver->Escape(dwDeviceID, dwEffectID, pEscape); }
** ** void CIDirectInputEffectDriver::SetGain(DWORD dwDeviceID, DWORD dwGain) ** ** @func Modifies the user gain based on settings and sends it down to the lower PID driver ** ** @rdesc Nothing ** *************************************************************************************/ HRESULT __stdcall CIDirectInputEffectDriver::SetGain ( DWORD dwDeviceID, //@parm [IN] ID for device of interest
DWORD dwGain //@parm [IN] User selected gain
) { dwGain *= m_ForceMapping.usGain/1000; // 0 - 100K
dwGain /= 10; // 0 - 10K
myDebugOut ("CIDirectInputEffectDriver::SetGain (dwDeviceID:%d, dwGain:%05d:)\n", dwDeviceID, dwGain); return m_pIPIDEffectDriver->SetGain(dwDeviceID, dwGain); }
** ** HRESULT CopyW2T(LPWSTR pswDest, UINT *puDestSize, LPTSTR ptszSrc) ** ** @mfunc Copies a WCHAR into a TCHAR while checking buffer length ** ** @rdesc S_OK on success, MAKE_HRESULT(SEVERITY_ERROR, FACILITY_WIN32, ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) ** if destination buffer is too small ** *************************************************************************************/ HRESULT CopyW2T ( LPTSTR ptszDest, // @parm pointer to WCHAR destination buffer
UINT& ruDestSize, // @parm size of dest in WCHAR's
LPCWSTR pwcszSrc // @parm pointer to NULL terminated source string
) {
UINT uSizeRequired; HRESULT hr = S_OK; uSizeRequired = wcslen(pwcszSrc)+1; //the one is for a NULL character
// we always return wide, but TCHAR can be WCHAR or char
// this compile time so use preprocessor
#ifdef UNICODE
wcscpy(ptszDest, pwcszSrc); #else
int iRetVal=WideCharToMultiByte ( CP_ACP, 0, pwcszSrc, -1, ptszDest, ruDestSize, NULL, NULL ); if(0==iRetVal) hr=GetLastError(); #endif //UNICODE
} //Copy size required, or chars copied (same thing)
ruDestSize = uSizeRequired; return hr; }
** ** void CIDirectInputEffectDriver::InitHidInformation(void* HidInformation) ** ** @func Open a hid path to the driver, and get preparsed data and hid caps. ** ** @rdesc Nothing ** *************************************************************************************/ void CIDirectInputEffectDriver::InitHidInformation ( LPDIHIDFFINITINFO pHIDInitInfo //@parm [IN] Pointer to structure containing the HID device name
) { myDebugOut ("CIDirectInputEffectDriver::InitHidInformation (pHIDInitInfo: 0x%08p)\n", pHIDInitInfo); if (pHIDInitInfo != NULL) { TCHAR ptchHidDeviceName[MAX_PATH]; unsigned int dwSize = MAX_PATH; ::CopyW2T(ptchHidDeviceName, dwSize, pHIDInitInfo->pwszDeviceInterface); m_hHidDeviceDriver = ::CreateFile(ptchHidDeviceName, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_FLAG_DELETE_ON_CLOSE, NULL); if (m_hHidDeviceDriver == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { m_hHidDeviceDriver = NULL; return; } if (m_pPreparsedData == NULL) { ::HidD_GetPreparsedData(m_hHidDeviceDriver, &m_pPreparsedData); if (m_pPreparsedData == NULL) { return; } } ::HidP_GetCaps(m_pPreparsedData, &m_HidCaps);
// Find VID/PID the USB way!
::HidD_GetAttributes(m_hHidDeviceDriver, &m_HidAttributes); } }
** ** void CIDirectInputEffectDriver::SendSpringChange() ** ** @func Sends a new Spring Modify report to the driver ** ** @rdesc Nothing ** *************************************************************************************/ void CIDirectInputEffectDriver::SendSpringChange() { myDebugOut ("CIDirectInputEffectDriver::SendSpringChange ()\n"); if ((m_hHidDeviceDriver != NULL) && (m_pPreparsedData != NULL)) { // Setup the spring report
// 1. Allocate an array of max output size
BYTE* pbOutReport = new BYTE[m_HidCaps.OutputReportByteLength]; if (pbOutReport == NULL) { return; } // 2. Zero out array
::memset(pbOutReport, 0, m_HidCaps.OutputReportByteLength); // 3. Set the proper report ID
pbOutReport[0] = c_bSideWinderPIDReportID_SetEffect; // 4. Cheat since we know what the firmware is expecting (Use usage Gunk where easy)
pbOutReport[1] = c_EffectID_RTCSpring; // Effect Block Index (ID)
unsigned short usRTC = m_ForceMapping.usRTC; // 0 - 10K
usRTC /= 100; // 0 - 100
usRTC *= 255; // 0 - 25500
usRTC /= 100; // 0 - 255
if (usRTC > 255) { usRTC = 255; } pbOutReport[9] = BYTE(usRTC); // Effect Gain - Only item the RTC Spring will look at
// Now that the firmware has change for Godzilla it looks at bunches o stuff
pbOutReport[7] = 1; //sample period
pbOutReport[11] =132; //direction-axis + FW only force polar flag
pbOutReport[13] = 255; //Y - direction
myDebugOut ("CIDirectInputEffectDriver::SendSpringChange -> usRTC:%03d\n", usRTC);
// 5. Send the report down
DWORD dwBytesWritten; ::WriteFile(m_hHidDeviceDriver, pbOutReport, m_HidCaps.OutputReportByteLength, &dwBytesWritten, NULL);
// 6. Deallocate report array
delete[] pbOutReport; } }
** ** void CIDirectInputEffectDriver::SendForceFeedbackCommand() ** ** @func Intercepting this call gives us the chance to set the force level of the ** RTC Spring after a reset ** ** @rdesc Result of SendForceFeedbackCommand (from lower driver) ** *************************************************************************************/ HRESULT __stdcall CIDirectInputEffectDriver::SendForceFeedbackCommand ( DWORD dwDeviceID, //@parm [IN] ID of device this is for
DWORD dwState //@parm [IN] The command (we are interested in reset)
) { myDebugOut ("CIDirectInputEffectDriver::SendForceFeedbackCommand Enter (dwDeviceID:%x, dwState:0x%08p)\n", dwDeviceID, dwState); HRESULT hr = m_pIPIDEffectDriver->SendForceFeedbackCommand(dwDeviceID, dwState); myDebugOut ("CIDirectInputEffectDriver::SendForceFeedbackCommand Calling Base (hr:0x%08p)\n", hr); if (dwState == DISFFC_RESET) // This is how they turn on the RTC Spring
{ myDebugOut ("CIDirectInputEffectDriver::SendForceFeedbackCommand RESET sent!\n"); SendSpringChange(); }
return hr; }
HRESULT __stdcall CIDirectInputEffectDriver::GetForceFeedbackState ( DWORD dwDeviceID, DIDEVICESTATE* pDeviceState ) { myDebugOut ("CIDirectInputEffectDriver::GetForceFeedbackState Begin (dwDeviceID:%d, pDeviceState:0x%08p)\n", dwDeviceID, pDeviceState); HRESULT hrPidDriver = S_OK;
__try { hrPidDriver = m_pIPIDEffectDriver->GetForceFeedbackState(dwDeviceID, pDeviceState); //
// Invert safety switch and user FF switch bits to compensate for PID/DI mismatch
// which caused Fighter Ace II to ignore X/Y axes.
// Note IF clause which will cause fix to be ignored if DI fixes it
myDebugOut ("CIDirectInputEffectDriver::GetForceFeedbackState End (dwDeviceID:%d, pDeviceState:0x%08p; hr: 0x%08x)\n", dwDeviceID, pDeviceState, hrPidDriver);
return hrPidDriver; }
** ** void PercentagesFromAngle() ** ** @func Extrapolate the percentages from the table. Makes use of the fact that ** sin^2(angle) + cos^2(angle) = 1 and xPercentage + yPercentage = 1 ** ** @rdesc Result of download (from lower driver) ** *************************************************************************************/ void PercentagesFromAngle ( DWORD dwAngle, //@parm [IN] Angle to convert to percentages
LONG& lXPercent, //@parm [OUT] Resultant X Percentage
LONG& lYPercent //@parm [OUT] Resultant Y Percentage
) { // Get the angle mapping into the first quadrant
DWORD dwMappingAngle = dwAngle; // 0 - 9000
bool bFlipSignX = false; // X is negative in 3rd and 4th quadrants
bool bFlipSignY = true; // Y is negative in 1st and 4th quadrants
if (dwAngle > 9000) { bFlipSignY = false; if (dwAngle > 18000) { bFlipSignX = true; if (dwAngle > 27000) // 27000 - 36000
{ bFlipSignY = true; dwMappingAngle = 36000 - dwAngle; } else // 18000 - 27000
{ dwMappingAngle = dwAngle - 18000; } } else // 9000 - 18000
{ dwMappingAngle = 18000 - dwAngle; } }
_ASSERTE(dwMappingAngle <= 9000);
DWORD quantizedEntry = dwMappingAngle / c_dwTableQuantization; DWORD quantizedAngle = quantizedEntry * c_dwTableQuantization; if (dwMappingAngle == quantizedAngle) { lXPercent = g_PercentagesArray[quantizedEntry].dwPercentageX; } else { _ASSERTE(quantizedAngle < dwMappingAngle); _ASSERTE(dwMappingAngle < 9000);
DWORD lValue = g_PercentagesArray[quantizedEntry].dwPercentageX; DWORD rValue = g_PercentagesArray[quantizedEntry + 1].dwPercentageX; long int lSlope = ((rValue - lValue) * 1000)/c_dwTableQuantization; lXPercent = lValue + lSlope * (dwMappingAngle - quantizedAngle); }
lYPercent = 10000 - lXPercent; if (bFlipSignX == true) { lXPercent *= -1; } if (bFlipSignY == true) { lYPercent *= -1; } }
** ** void CIDirectInputEffectDriver::DownloadEffect() ** ** @func Intercepting this call gives us the chance to map the Y forces to the X ** axis. Switches off the type to determine if the mapping is done. ** ** @rdesc Result of download (from lower driver) ** *************************************************************************************/ HRESULT __stdcall CIDirectInputEffectDriver::DownloadEffect ( DWORD dwDeviceID, //@parm [IN] ID of device this is for
DWORD dwInternalEffectType, //@parm [IN] Type of effect (major, minor)
DWORD* pdwDnloadID, //@parm [IN, OUT] >0 - ID of effect to modify. 0 new effect ID returned
DIEFFECT* pEffect, //@parm [IN, OUT] Structure containing effect information
DWORD dwFlags //@parm [IN] Download flags
) { myDebugOut ("CIDirectInputEffectDriver::DownloadEffect (<NOT DEBUGGED>)\n");
if (pEffect == NULL) { return E_INVALIDARG; }
WORD wType = WORD(dwInternalEffectType & 0x0000FFFF); bool bGainTruncation = false;
// case EF_BEHAVIOR: // We don't axis-map behaviour
// case EF_USER_DEFINED: // We don't axis-map user defined
// case EF_RTC_SPRING: // We don't axis-map RTC spring
// case EF_VFX_EFFECT: // Visual force VFX Effect!!! Danger Will Robinson!
if ((m_ForceMapping.bMapYToX) && ((wType >= PID_CONSTANT_FORCE) && (wType <= PID_SAWTOOTHDOWN))) { // We don't support more than 2 axes (currently), and 0 is probably an error
if ((pEffect->cAxes > 2) || (pEffect->cAxes == 0)) { return E_NOTIMPL; }
// We don't support sperical (3 axis force)
if (pEffect->dwFlags & DIEFF_SPHERICAL) { return E_NOTIMPL; // .. since got by axis check, programmer goofed up anyway
// Are the axes reversed?
bool bAxesReversed = (DIDFT_GETINSTANCE(pEffect->rgdwAxes[0]) == 1);
LONG lPercentX = 0; LONG lPercentY = 0;
// Polar, figure out percentage that is X and percentage that is Y
if (pEffect->dwFlags & DIEFF_POLAR) { if (pEffect->cAxes == 1) // Polar coordinate must have two axes of data (because DX says so)
{ _RPT0(_CRT_WARN, "POLAR effect that has only one AXIS\n"); // return E_INVALIDARG;
} long int lEffectAngle = pEffect->rglDirection[0]; // in [0] even if reversed
if (bAxesReversed == true) { // Indicates (-1, 0) as origin instead of (0, -1)
lEffectAngle += 27000; } while (lEffectAngle < 0) // Make it positive
{ lEffectAngle += 36000; } lEffectAngle %= 36000; // Make it from 0 to 35900
PercentagesFromAngle(DWORD(lEffectAngle), lPercentX, lPercentY);
// Not going to bother reseting the angle, since PID.dll just sends it down and wheel ignores Y component
} else if (pEffect->dwFlags & DIEFF_CARTESIAN) { // Here I remove the Y component in case PID.dll maps this to an angle.
if (bAxesReversed == true) { lPercentX = pEffect->rglDirection[1]; lPercentY = pEffect->rglDirection[0]; pEffect->rglDirection[0] = 0; } else { lPercentX = pEffect->rglDirection[0]; lPercentY = pEffect->rglDirection[1]; pEffect->rglDirection[1] = 0; } LONG lTotal = abs(lPercentX) + abs(lPercentY); // DIV ZERO Bug
// If both of the percentages are zero then do nothing
// Jen-Hung Ho
if (lTotal) { lPercentX = (lPercentX * 10000)/lTotal; if ( lPercentY > 0 ) lPercentY = 10000 - abs(lPercentX); else lPercentY = abs(lPercentX) - 10000; } } else { _ASSERTE(FALSE); return E_NOTIMPL; // Some new fangled coordinate system
} #if 0 // tempory remove by Jen-Hung Ho
long int lContributionY = lPercentY/c_lContributionY; long int lTotal = lPercentX + lContributionY; #else
long int lTotal; long int lContributionY = lPercentY/c_lContributionY; #endif
// If POLAR set proper angle
if (pEffect->dwFlags & DIEFF_POLAR) { // Keep as orginal code, add by Jen-Hung Ho
lTotal = lPercentX + lContributionY; if (lTotal < 0) { pEffect->rglDirection[0] = (bAxesReversed == true) ? 0 : 27000; } else { pEffect->rglDirection[0] = (bAxesReversed == true) ? 18000 : 9000; } } else // Cartesian
{ // use X axis force to determain direction, add by Jen-Hung Ho
// Y axis force follow X axis direction
if ( lPercentX > 0 ) lTotal = lPercentX + abs(lContributionY); else if ( lPercentX < 0 ) lTotal = lPercentX - abs(lContributionY); else lTotal = lContributionY;
// Already removed Y above
if (bAxesReversed == true) { pEffect->rglDirection[1] = lTotal; } else { pEffect->rglDirection[0] = lTotal; } }
// Allmost all the time we are changing the angle (and pid always sends it anyways)
// We avoid causing truncation - what if there was truncation? Need to check and return
if (pEffect->dwGain > 10000) { bGainTruncation = true; }
if (pEffect->dwFlags & DIEFF_POLAR) { // Modify the gain based on lPercentX and lPercentY
pEffect->dwGain = pEffect->dwGain * abs(lTotal); pEffect->dwGain /= 10000; // Put back in range 0 - 10000
// Make sure we don't go out of range and cause DI_TRUNCATED to be returned from below
if (pEffect->dwGain > 10000) { pEffect->dwGain = 10000; } } else // We are not mapping fix cartesian pid bug
{ // Cartesian
if (pEffect->dwFlags & DIEFF_CARTESIAN) { short int xAxisIndex = 0; short int yAxisIndex = 1;
// Are the axes reversed?
if (DIDFT_GETINSTANCE(pEffect->rgdwAxes[0]) == 1) { xAxisIndex = 1; yAxisIndex = 0; }
LONG lTotal = abs(pEffect->rglDirection[0]) + abs(pEffect->rglDirection[1]);
// Fixup the X component so the total maginitude is base on 10K
if (lTotal) { pEffect->rglDirection[xAxisIndex] = (10000 * pEffect->rglDirection[xAxisIndex])/lTotal; }
// Remove the Y component to keep PID.dll from playing with it.
pEffect->rglDirection[yAxisIndex] = 0; } }
HRESULT hr = m_pIPIDEffectDriver->DownloadEffect(dwDeviceID, dwInternalEffectType, pdwDnloadID, pEffect, dwFlags); if ((hr == S_OK) && (bGainTruncation == true)) { hr = DI_TRUNCATED; } return hr; }
HRESULT __stdcall CIDirectInputEffectDriver::DestroyEffect ( DWORD dwDeviceID, DWORD dwDnloadID ) { myDebugOut ("CIDirectInputEffectDriver::DestroyEffect Enter(dwDeviceID:%d, dwDnloadID:%d)\n", dwDeviceID, dwDnloadID);
HRESULT hr = m_pIPIDEffectDriver->DestroyEffect(dwDeviceID, dwDnloadID); myDebugOut ("CIDirectInputEffectDriver::DestroyEffect Exit (hr:0x%08p)\n", hr); return hr; }
HRESULT __stdcall CIDirectInputEffectDriver::StartEffect ( DWORD dwDeviceID, DWORD dwDnloadID, DWORD dwMode, DWORD dwIterations ) { myDebugOut ("CIDirectInputEffectDriver::StartEffect (<NOT DEBUGGED>)\n"); return m_pIPIDEffectDriver->StartEffect(dwDeviceID, dwDnloadID, dwMode, dwIterations); }
HRESULT __stdcall CIDirectInputEffectDriver::StopEffect ( DWORD dwDeviceID, DWORD dwDnloadID ) { myDebugOut ("CIDirectInputEffectDriver::StopEffect (<NOT DEBUGGED>)\n"); return m_pIPIDEffectDriver->StopEffect(dwDeviceID, dwDnloadID); }
HRESULT __stdcall CIDirectInputEffectDriver::GetEffectStatus ( DWORD dwDeviceID, DWORD dwDnloadID, DWORD* pdwStatusCode ) { myDebugOut ("CIDirectInputEffectDriver::GetEffectStatus (<NOT DEBUGGED>)\n"); return m_pIPIDEffectDriver->GetEffectStatus(dwDeviceID, dwDnloadID, pdwStatusCode); }
DWORD __stdcall DoWaitForForceSchemeChange(void* pParameter) { myDebugOut ("CIDirectInputEffectDriver DoWaitForForceSchemeChange (pParameter: 0x%08p)\n", pParameter);
CIDirectInputEffectDriver* pIDirectInputEffectDriver = (CIDirectInputEffectDriver*)pParameter; //TODO remove this it could be really slow!
if (IsBadReadPtr ((const void*)pParameter, sizeof CIDirectInputEffectDriver)) { myDebugOut ("CIDirectInputEffectDriver DoWaitForForceSchemeChange pParameter is not a valid read ptr!\n"); } if (pIDirectInputEffectDriver != NULL) { pIDirectInputEffectDriver->WaitForForceSchemeChange(); }
return 0; }
** ** void CIDirectInputEffectDriver::WaitForForceSchemeChange() ** ** @func Thread waits on the Event signal for force scheme change until the object goes away. ** If event is signaled, WaitForForceSchemeChange() is called ** ** @rdesc Nothing ** *************************************************************************************/ void CIDirectInputEffectDriver::WaitForForceSchemeChange() { _ASSERTE(m_hKernelDeviceDriverDuplicate != NULL); if (IsBadReadPtr ((const void*)this, sizeof CIDirectInputEffectDriver)) { myDebugOut ("CIDirectInputEffectDriver WaitForForceSchemeChange is not a valid read ptr!\n"); }
FORCE_BLOCK forceMap; DWORD dwReturnDataSize = 0; for (;m_ulReferenceCount != 0;) { // Set up the IOCTL
BOOL bRet = ::DeviceIoControl(m_hKernelDeviceDriverDuplicate, IOCTL_GCK_NOTIFY_FF_SCHEME_CHANGE, (void*)(&m_dwGcKernelDevice), sizeof(DWORD), // In
(void*)(&forceMap), sizeof(forceMap), &dwReturnDataSize, // Out
NULL); _RPT0(_CRT_WARN, "Returned from Scheme Change!\n"); if ((m_ulReferenceCount != 0) && (bRet != FALSE) && (dwReturnDataSize == sizeof(forceMap))) { // Need a mutext here
m_ForceMapping = forceMap; SendSpringChange(); SetGain(m_dwInternalDeviceID, 10000); } else { // We are done
::CloseHandle(m_hKernelDeviceDriverDuplicate); m_hKernelDeviceDriverDuplicate = NULL; ExitThread(2); } } }