Copyright (c) 2001-2002 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
DNS Resolver Service
Multicast routines.
James Gilroy (jamesg) December 2001
Revision History:
#include "local.h"
// Socket context
typedef struct _McastSocketContext { struct _SocketContext * pNext; SOCKET Socket; PDNS_MSG_BUF pMsg; BOOL fRecvDown;
// Globals
HANDLE g_hMcastThread = NULL; DWORD g_McastThreadId = 0;
BOOL g_McastStop = FALSE; BOOL g_McastConfigChange = TRUE;
HANDLE g_McastCompletionPort = NULL;
PMCSOCK_CONTEXT g_pMcastContext4 = NULL; PMCSOCK_CONTEXT g_pMcastContext6 = NULL;
PDNS_NETINFO g_pMcastNetInfo = NULL;
PWSTR g_pwsMcastHostName = NULL;
// Mcast config globals
#define MCAST_RECORD_TTL 60 // 1 minute
// Private prototypes
VOID mcast_ProcessRecv( IN OUT PMCSOCK_CONTEXT pContext, IN DWORD BytesRecvd );
VOID mcast_FreeIoContext( IN OUT PMCSOCK_CONTEXT pContext ) /*++
Routine Description:
Cleanup i/o context.
Includes socket close.
pContext -- context for socket being recieved
Return Value:
--*/ { DNSDBG( TRACE, ( "mcast_FreeIoContext( %p )\n", pContext ));
// cleanup context list
// - close socket
// - free message buffer
// - free context
if ( pContext ) { Socket_Close( pContext->Socket );
MCAST_HEAP_FREE( pContext->pMsg ); MCAST_HEAP_FREE( pContext ); } }
PMCSOCK_CONTEXT mcast_CreateIoContext( IN INT Family, IN PWSTR pName ) /*++
Routine Description:
Create and init a i/o context for a protocol.
Family -- address family
pName -- name to be published
Return Value:
NO_ERROR if successful. ErrorCode on failure.
--*/ { DNS_STATUS status = NO_ERROR; PMCSOCK_CONTEXT pcontext = NULL; SOCKET sock = 0; DNS_ADDR addr; HANDLE hport;
// setup mcast address
status = DnsAddr_BuildMcast( &addr, Family, pName ); if ( status != NO_ERROR ) { goto Failed; }
// create multicast socket
// - bound to this address and DNS port
sock = Socket_CreateMulticast( SOCK_DGRAM, &addr, MCAST_PORT_NET_ORDER, FALSE, // not send
TRUE // receive
if ( sock == 0 ) { goto Failed; }
// DCR: mcast context could include message buffer
// (or even just reassign some fields in context
// allocate and clear context
pcontext = MCAST_HEAP_ALLOC_ZERO( sizeof(MCSOCK_CONTEXT) ); if ( !pcontext ) { goto Failed; }
// create message buffer for socket
pcontext->pMsg = Dns_AllocateMsgBuf( 0 ); if ( !pcontext->pMsg ) { DNSDBG( ANY, ( "Error: Failed to allocate message buffer." )); goto Failed; }
// attach to completion port
hport = CreateIoCompletionPort( (HANDLE) sock, g_McastCompletionPort, (UINT_PTR) pcontext, 0 );
if ( !hport ) { DNSDBG( INIT, ( "Failed to add socket to io completion port." )); goto Failed; }
// fill in context
pcontext->Socket = sock; sock = 0; pcontext->pMsg->fTcp = FALSE;
#if 0
// not handling contexts in list yet
// insert into list
InsertTailList( (PLIST_ENTRY)pcontext ); #endif
return pcontext;
Socket_Close( sock ); mcast_FreeIoContext( pcontext ); return NULL; }
VOID mcast_DropReceive( IN OUT PMCSOCK_CONTEXT pContext ) /*++
Routine Description:
Drop down UDP receive request.
pContext -- context for socket being recieved
Return Value:
--*/ { DNS_STATUS status; WSABUF wsaBuf; DWORD bytesRecvd; DWORD flags = 0; INT retry = 0;
DNSDBG( TRACE, ( "mcast_DropReceive( %p )\n", pContext ));
if ( !pContext || !pContext->pMsg ) { DNS_ASSERT( FALSE ); return; }
// DCR: could support larger MCAST packets
wsaBuf.len = DNS_MAX_UDP_PACKET_BUFFER_LENGTH; wsaBuf.buf = (PCHAR) (&pContext->pMsg->MessageHead);
pContext->pMsg->Socket = pContext->Socket;
// loop until successful WSARecvFrom() is down
// this loop is only active while we continue to recv
// WSAECONNRESET or WSAEMSGSIZE errors, both of which
// cause us to dump data and retry;
// note loop rather than recursion (to this function) is
// required to avoid possible stack overflow from malicious
// send
// normal returns from WSARecvFrom() are
// SUCCESS -- packet was waiting, GQCS will fire immediately
// WSA_IO_PENDING -- no data yet, GQCS will fire when ready
while ( 1 ) { retry++;
status = WSARecvFrom( pContext->Socket, & wsaBuf, 1, & bytesRecvd, & flags, & pContext->pMsg->RemoteAddress.Sockaddr, & pContext->pMsg->RemoteAddress.SockaddrLength, & pContext->Overlapped, NULL );
if ( status == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { pContext->fRecvDown = TRUE; return; }
status = GetLastError(); if ( status == WSA_IO_PENDING ) { pContext->fRecvDown = TRUE; return; }
// when last send ICMP'd
// - set flag to indicate retry and repost send
// - if over some reasonable number of retries, assume error
// and fall through recv failure code
if ( status == WSAECONNRESET || status == WSAEMSGSIZE ) { if ( retry > 10 ) { Sleep( retry ); } continue; }
return; } }
VOID mcast_CreateIoContexts( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
Create any uncreated i/o contexts.
This is run dynamically -- after every mcast recv -- and creates any missing contexts, hence handling either previous failure or change in config (name change, protocol change).
Return Value:
--*/ { PDNS_NETINFO pnetInfo;
// get current netinfo
// DCR: should have "do we need new" netinfo check
pnetInfo = GrabNetworkInfo(); if ( pnetInfo ) { NetInfo_Free( g_pMcastNetInfo ); g_pMcastNetInfo = pnetInfo; } else { pnetInfo = g_pMcastNetInfo; }
// try\retry context setup, to handle dynamic IP\name
if ( !g_pMcastContext6 || !Dns_NameCompare_W( g_pwsMcastHostName, pnetInfo->pszHostName ) ) { g_pMcastContext6 = mcast_CreateIoContext( AF_INET6, pnetInfo->pszHostName );
Dns_Free( g_pwsMcastHostName ); g_pwsMcastHostName = Dns_CreateStringCopy_W( pnetInfo->pszHostName ); } if ( !g_pMcastContext4 ) { g_pMcastContext4 = mcast_CreateIoContext( AF_INET, NULL ); }
// redrop receives if not outstanding
mcast_DropReceive( g_pMcastContext6 ); mcast_DropReceive( g_pMcastContext4 ); }
VOID mcast_CleanupIoContexts( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
Cleanup mcast i/o contexts created.
Return Value:
--*/ { mcast_FreeIoContext( g_pMcastContext6 ); mcast_FreeIoContext( g_pMcastContext4 );
g_pMcastContext6 = NULL; g_pMcastContext4 = NULL; }
VOID Mcast_Thread( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
Mcast response thread.
Runs while cache is running, responding to multicast queries.
Return Value:
--*/ { DNS_STATUS status = NO_ERROR; PMCSOCK_CONTEXT pcontext; DWORD bytesRecvd; LPOVERLAPPED poverlapped; BOOL bresult;
DNSDBG( MCAST, ( "Mcast_Thread() start!\n" ));
// init mcast globals
g_McastStop = FALSE; g_McastCompletionPort = NULL;
// create mcast completion port
g_McastCompletionPort = CreateIoCompletionPort( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, NULL, 0, 0 ); if ( ! g_McastCompletionPort ) { DNSDBG( ANY, ( "Error: Failed to create mcast completion port.\n" )); goto Cleanup; }
// main listen loop
while ( 1 ) { DNSDBG( MCAST, ( "Top of loop!\n" ));
if ( g_McastStop ) { DNSDBG( MCAST, ( "Terminating mcast loop.\n" )); break; }
// wait
pcontext = NULL;
bresult = GetQueuedCompletionStatus( g_McastCompletionPort, & bytesRecvd, & (ULONG_PTR) pcontext, & poverlapped, INFINITE );
if ( g_McastStop ) { DNSDBG( MCAST, ( "Terminating mcast loop after GQCS!\n" )); break; }
if ( pcontext ) { pcontext->fRecvDown = FALSE; }
if ( bresult ) { if ( pcontext && bytesRecvd ) { mcast_ProcessRecv( pcontext, bytesRecvd ); } else { status = GetLastError();
DNSDBG( ANY, ( "Mcast GQCS() success without context!!!\n" "\terror = %d\n", status )); Sleep( 100 ); continue; } } else { status = GetLastError();
DNSDBG( ANY, ( "Mcast GQCS() failed %d\n" "\terror = %d\n", status )); // Sleep( 100 );
continue; } }
// cleanup multicast stuff
// - contexts, i/o completion port
// - note thread handle is closed by main thread as it is used
// for shutdown wait
if ( g_McastCompletionPort ) { CloseHandle( g_McastCompletionPort ); g_McastCompletionPort = 0; }
//NetInfo_Free( g_pMcastNetinfo );
DNSDBG( TRACE, ( "Mcast thread %d exit!\n\n", g_hMcastThread ));
g_hMcastThread = NULL; }
// Public start\stop
DNS_STATUS Mcast_Startup( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
Startup multicast listen.
Return Value:
--*/ { DNS_STATUS status; HANDLE hthread;
// screen
// - already started
// - no listen allowed
// - no IP4 listen and no IP6
if ( g_hMcastThread ) { DNSDBG( ANY, ( "ERROR: called mcast listen with existing thread!\n" )); return ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS; }
if ( g_MulticastListenLevel == MCAST_LISTEN_OFF ) { DNSDBG( ANY, ( "No mcast listen -- mcast list disabled.\n" )); return ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED; } if ( ! (g_MulticastListenLevel & MCAST_LISTEN_IP4) && ! Util_IsIp6Running() ) { DNSDBG( ANY, ( "No mcast listen -- no IP4 mcast listen.\n" )); return ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED; }
// fire up IP notify thread
g_McastStop = FALSE; status = NO_ERROR;
hthread = CreateThread( NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE) Mcast_Thread, NULL, 0, & g_McastThreadId ); if ( !hthread ) { status = GetLastError(); DNSDBG( ANY, ( "FAILED to create IP notify thread = %d\n", status )); }
g_hMcastThread = hthread;
return status; }
VOID Mcast_SignalShutdown( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
Signal service shutdown to multicast thread.
Return Value:
--*/ { g_McastStop = TRUE;
// shutdown recv
if ( g_McastCompletionPort ) { PostQueuedCompletionStatus( g_McastCompletionPort, 0, 0, NULL ); } }
VOID Mcast_ShutdownWait( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
Wait for mcast shutdown.
This is for service stop routine.
Return Value:
--*/ { HANDLE mcastThread = g_hMcastThread;
if ( ! mcastThread ) { return; }
// signal shutdown and wait
// note, local copy of thread handle, as mcast thread clears
// global when it exits to serve as flag
ThreadShutdownWait( mcastThread ); }
VOID mcast_ProcessRecv( IN OUT PMCSOCK_CONTEXT pContext, IN DWORD BytesRecvd ) /*++
Routine Description:
Process received packet.
pContext -- context for socket being recieved
BytesRecvd -- bytes received
Return Value:
--*/ { PDNS_RECORD prr = NULL; PDNS_HEADER phead; CHAR nameQuestion[ DNS_MAX_NAME_BUFFER_LENGTH + 4 ]; WORD wtype; WORD class; PDNS_MSG_BUF pmsg; PCHAR pnext; WORD nameLength; DNS_STATUS status;
// need new network info?
if ( g_McastConfigChange || ! g_pMcastNetInfo ) { NetInfo_Free( g_pMcastNetInfo );
DNSDBG( MCAST, ( "Mcast netinfo stale -- refreshing.\n" )); g_pMcastNetInfo = GrabNetworkInfo(); if ( ! g_pMcastNetInfo ) { DNSDBG( MCAST, ( "ERROR: failed to get netinfo for mcast!!!\n" )); return; } }
// check packet, extract question info
// - flip header fields
// - opcode question
// - good format (Question==1, no Answer or Authority sections)
// - extract question
pmsg = pContext->pMsg; if ( !pmsg ) { ASSERT( FALSE ); return; }
pmsg->MessageLength = (WORD)BytesRecvd; phead = &pmsg->MessageHead; DNS_BYTE_FLIP_HEADER_COUNTS( phead );
if ( phead->IsResponse || phead->Opcode != DNS_OPCODE_QUERY || phead->QuestionCount != 1 || phead->AnswerCount != 0 || phead->NameServerCount != 0 ) { DNSDBG( ANY, ( "WARNING: invalid message recv'd by mcast listen!\n" )); return; }
// read question name
pnext = Dns_ReadPacketName( nameQuestion, & nameLength, NULL, // no offset
NULL, // no previous name
(PCHAR) (phead + 1), // question name start
(PCHAR) phead, // message start
(PCHAR)phead + BytesRecvd // message end
); if ( !pnext ) { DNSDBG( ANY, ( "WARNING: invalid message question name recv'd by mcast!\n" )); return; }
// read question
wtype = InlineFlipUnalignedWord( pnext ); pnext += sizeof(WORD); class = InlineFlipUnalignedWord( pnext ); pnext += sizeof(WORD);
if ( pnext < (PCHAR)phead+BytesRecvd || class != DNS_CLASS_INTERNET ) { DNSDBG( ANY, ( "WARNING: invalid message question recv'd by mcast!\n" )); return; }
DNSDBG( MCAST, ( "Mcast recv msg (%p) qtype = %d, qname = %s\n", pmsg, wtype, nameQuestion ));
// check query type
// for address\PTR types do local name check
// note: global mcast-netinfo valid, assumes this called only in single
// mcast response thread
// note: mcast query match no-data issue
// could have query match (name and no-ip of type) or (ip and
// unconfigured hostname) that could plausibly generate no-data
// response; not worrying about this as it doesn't add value;
// and hard to get (no-address -- how'd packet get here)
if ( wtype == DNS_TYPE_AAAA || wtype == DNS_TYPE_A || wtype == DNS_TYPE_PTR ) { QUERY_BLOB blob; WCHAR nameBuf[ DNS_MAX_NAME_BUFFER_LENGTH ];
if ( !Dns_NameCopyWireToUnicode( nameBuf, nameQuestion ) ) { DNSDBG( ANY, ( "ERROR: invalid mcast name %s -- unable to convert to unicode!\n", nameQuestion )); return; }
RtlZeroMemory( &blob, sizeof(blob) );
blob.pNameOrig = nameBuf; blob.wType = wtype; blob.Flags |= DNSP_QUERY_NO_GENERIC_NAMES; blob.pNetInfo = g_pMcastNetInfo;
status = Local_GetRecordsForLocalName( &blob ); prr = blob.pRecords; if ( status == NO_ERROR && prr ) { goto Respond; }
DNSDBG( MCAST, ( "Mcast name %S, no match against local data.!\n", nameBuf ));
prr = blob.pRecords; goto Cleanup; }
// unsupported types
else { DNSDBG( MCAST, ( "WARNING: recv'd mcast type %d query -- currently unsupported.\n", wtype ));
return; }
// write packet
// - records
// - set header bits
status = Dns_AddRecordsToMessage( pmsg, prr, FALSE // not an update
); if ( status != NO_ERROR ) { DNSDBG( MCAST, ( "Failed mcast packet write!!!\n" "\tstatus = %d\n", status )); goto Cleanup; }
pmsg->MessageHead.IsResponse = TRUE; pmsg->MessageHead.Authoritative = TRUE;
// send -- unicast back to client
// DCR: mcast OPT, could consider assuming all mcast
// are OPT aware (WinCE?)
Socket_ClearMessageSockets( pmsg );
status = Send_MessagePrivate( pmsg, & pmsg->RemoteAddress, TRUE // no OPT
DNSDBG( MCAST, ( "Sent mcast response, status = %d\n", status ));
Dns_RecordListFree( prr ); return; }
// End mcast.c