Copyright (c) 1991-1993 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This file contains the RpcXlate code to handle the NetRemote APIs that can't be handled by simple calls to RxRemoteApi.
John Rogers (JohnRo) 02-Apr-1991
Portable to any flat, 32-bit environment. (Uses Win32 typedefs.) Requires ANSI C extensions: slash-slash comments, long external names.
This code assumes that time_t is expressed in seconds since 1970 (GMT). ANSI C does not require this, although POSIX (IEEE 1003.1) does.
Revision History:
02-Apr-1991 JohnRo Created. 13-Apr-1991 JohnRo Moved API handlers into per-group header files (e.g. RxServer.h). Quiet debug output by default. Reduced recompile hits from header files. 03-May-1991 JohnRo Changed to use both 16-bit data desc and SMB data desc. Use LPTSTR. Call RxpTransactSmb with UNC server name. 06-May-1991 JohnRo Use RxpComputeRequestBufferSize(). Use correct print strings for server name and descriptors. 15-May-1991 JohnRo Added conversion mode handling. 19-May-1991 JohnRo Make LINT-suggested changes. Got rid of tabs (again). 17-Jul-1991 JohnRo Extracted RxpDebug.h from Rxp.h. 25-Sep-1991 JohnRo Handle RapConvertSingleEntry's new return code. 21-Nov-1991 JohnRo Removed NT dependencies to reduce recompiles. 07-Feb-1992 JohnRo Use NetApiBufferAllocate() instead of private version. 15-Apr-1992 JohnRo FORMAT_POINTER is obsolete. 18-Aug-1992 JohnRo RAID 2920: Support UTC timezone in net code. Use PREFIX_ equates. 01-Oct-1992 JohnRo RAID 3556: Added NetpSystemTimeToGmtTime() for DosPrint APIs. 10-Jun-1993 JohnRo RAID 13081: NetRemoteTOD should return timezone info in right units.
// These must be included first:
#include <windows.h> // IN, LPTSTR, etc.
#include <lmcons.h>
// These may be included in any order:
#include <apinums.h>
#include <lmapibuf.h> // NetApiBufferFree().
#include <lmerr.h> // NO_ERROR, ERROR_ and NERR_ equates.
#include <lmremutl.h> // Real API prototypes and #defines.
#include <netdebug.h> // NetpKdPrint(()), FORMAT_ equates, etc.
#include <prefix.h> // PREFIX_ equates.
#include <remdef.h> // 16-bit and 32-bit descriptor strings.
#include <rx.h> // RxRemoteApi().
#include <rxpdebug.h> // IF_DEBUG().
#include <rxremutl.h> // My prototype.
#include <time.h> // gmtime(), struct tm, time_t.
#include <timelib.h> // NetpGmtTimeToLocalTime(), NetpLocalTimeZoneOffset().
Routine Description:
RxNetRemoteTOD performs the same function as NetRemoteTOD, except that the server name is known to refer to a downlevel server.
(Same as NetRemoteTOD, except UncServerName must not be null, and must not refer to the local computer.)
Return Value:
(Same as NetRemoteTOD.)
{ NET_API_STATUS ApiStatus; time_t GmtTime; // seconds since 1970 (GMT).
struct tm * pGmtTm; // broken down GMT time (static obj).
PTIME_OF_DAY_INFO pGmtTod = NULL; // TOD on remote sys, GMT timezone.
LONG LocalTimeZoneOffsetSecs; // offset (+ for West of GMT, etc).
TIME_OF_DAY_INFO LocalTod; // TOD on remote sys, local timezone.
LONG timezone;
NetpAssert(UncServerName != NULL);
IF_DEBUG(REMUTL) { NetpKdPrint(( PREFIX_NETAPI "RxNetRemoteTOD: starting, server='" FORMAT_LPTSTR "'.\n", UncServerName)); }
// REM32_time_of_day_info, also used by XACTSRV, translates the
// 16-bit local time returned from the server to GMT. Unfortunately
// it uses the timezone of the local machine rather than the timezone
// returned from the server. So, we have our own define here, which
// uses 'J'instead of 'G' so that no translation takes place. Then
// we do our own translation below. This makes us work with
// Windows 95 servers.
#define REM32_time_of_day_info_2 "JDDDDDXDDDDD"
// Get TOD structure (with local time values) from other system.
// Note that the "tod_elapsedt" field will be converted from local
// timezone to GMT by RxRemoteApi.
ApiStatus = RxRemoteApi( API_NetRemoteTOD, // API number
(LPTSTR) UncServerName, REMSmb_NetRemoteTOD_P, // parm desc
REM16_time_of_day_info, // DataDesc16
REM32_time_of_day_info_2, // DataDesc32
REMSmb_time_of_day_info, // DataDescSmb
NULL, // no AuxDesc16
NULL, // no AuxDesc32
NULL, // no AuxDescSmb
0, // flags: not a null session API
// rest of API's arguments, in 32-bit LM2.x format:
(LPVOID) & LocalTod, // pbBuffer
sizeof(LocalTod) ); // cbBuffer
IF_DEBUG(REMUTL) { NetpKdPrint(( PREFIX_NETAPI "RxNetRemoteTOD: after RxRemoteApi, " "ApiStatus=" FORMAT_API_STATUS ".\n", ApiStatus)); }
if (ApiStatus != NO_ERROR) { goto Cleanup; }
// Get info on the timezone itself. If target machine doesn't know, then
// we have to fall back on the age-old policy: assume it is running in
// same timezone that we are.
if (LocalTod.tod_timezone == -1) { //
// First, get number of seconds from UTC. (Positive values for
// west of Greenwich, negative values for east of Greenwich.)
// Then, convert to minutes.
LocalTimeZoneOffsetSecs = NetpLocalTimeZoneOffset(); timezone = LocalTimeZoneOffsetSecs / 60; } else { timezone = LocalTod.tod_timezone; } //
// Get GmtTime (time in seconds since 1970, GMT) for convenience.
NetpAssert( sizeof(DWORD) == sizeof(time_t) ); GmtTime = (time_t) LocalTod.tod_elapsedt + timezone * 60;
IF_DEBUG(REMUTL) { NetpKdPrint(( PREFIX_NETAPI "RxNetRemoteTOD: before convert, buffer:\n")); NetpDbgDisplayTod( "before GMT conv", & LocalTod ); NetpDbgDisplayTimestamp( "secs since 1970 (GMT)", (DWORD) GmtTime ); } NetpAssert( GmtTime != 0 ); NetpAssert( GmtTime != (time_t) (-1) );
// Alloc area for converted time of day info.
// API's caller will free this with NetApiBufferFree().
ApiStatus = NetApiBufferAllocate( sizeof(TIME_OF_DAY_INFO), (LPVOID *) (LPVOID) & pGmtTod ); if (ApiStatus != NO_ERROR) { NetpAssert( pGmtTod == NULL ); goto Cleanup; } NetpAssert( pGmtTod != NULL );
// Convert LocalTod fields to UTC timezone and set pGmtTod fields.
// This depends on the POSIX semantics of gmtime().
pGmtTm = gmtime( (time_t *) &(GmtTime) ); if (pGmtTm == NULL) { // UTC not available? How can this happen?
NetpKdPrint(( PREFIX_NETAPI "RxNetRemoteTOD: gmtime() failed!.\n" )); ApiStatus = NERR_InternalError; goto Cleanup; }
pGmtTod->tod_elapsedt = (DWORD) GmtTime; pGmtTod->tod_msecs = LocalTod.tod_msecs; pGmtTod->tod_hours = pGmtTm->tm_hour; pGmtTod->tod_mins = pGmtTm->tm_min; if (pGmtTm->tm_sec <= 59) { // Normal.
pGmtTod->tod_secs = pGmtTm->tm_sec; } else { // Leap second. Lie and say that it's not. This will avoid possible
// range problems in apps that only expect 0..59, as the
// TIME_OF_DAY_INFO struct is documented in LM 2.x.
pGmtTod->tod_secs = 59; } pGmtTod->tod_hunds = LocalTod.tod_hunds; pGmtTod->tod_tinterval = LocalTod.tod_tinterval; pGmtTod->tod_day = pGmtTm->tm_mday; pGmtTod->tod_month = pGmtTm->tm_mon + 1; // month (0..11) to (1..12)
pGmtTod->tod_year = pGmtTm->tm_year + 1900; pGmtTod->tod_weekday = pGmtTm->tm_wday; pGmtTod->tod_timezone = timezone;
IF_DEBUG(REMUTL) { NetpKdPrint(( PREFIX_NETAPI "RxNetRemoteTOD: after convert, buffer:\n")); NetpDbgDisplayTod( "after GMT conv", pGmtTod ); }
if (ApiStatus == NO_ERROR) { *BufPtr = (LPBYTE) (LPVOID) pGmtTod; } else if (pGmtTod != NULL) { (VOID) NetApiBufferFree( pGmtTod ); }
return (ApiStatus);
} // RxNetRemoteTOD