Copyright (c) 1987-1993 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Test program for the Netlogon service.
This code is shared between the RESKIT and non-RESKIT versions of nltest
13-Apr-1992 (cliffv)
User mode only. Contains NT-specific code. Requires ANSI C extensions: slash-slash comments, long external names.
Revision History:
Madana - added various options.
// Common include files.
#include <logonsrv.h> // Include files common to entire service
// Include files specific to this .c file
#include <align.h>
#include <dsgetdcp.h>
#include <netlogp.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <strarray.h>
#include <tstring.h>
#include <lmerr.h>
#include <lmapibuf.h>
#include <ssiapi.h>
#include <winreg.h>
#include <samregp.h>
#include <wtypes.h>
#include <ntstatus.dbg>
#include <winerror.dbg>
#include <iniparm.h>
VOID ListDeltas( LPWSTR DeltaFileName );
NETLOGON_PARAMETERS NlGlobalParameters; GUID NlGlobalZeroGuid;
MAIL_INFO GlobalMailInfo[64]; DWORD GlobalIterationCount = 0; LPWSTR GlobalAccountName; HANDLE GlobalPostEvent; CRITICAL_SECTION GlobalPrintCritSect;
HCRYPTPROV NlGlobalCryptProvider;
VOID DumpBuffer( PVOID Buffer, DWORD BufferSize ) /*++
Routine Description:
Dumps the buffer content on to the debugger output.
Buffer: buffer pointer.
BufferSize: size of the buffer.
Return Value:
--*/ { DWORD j; PULONG LongBuffer; ULONG LongLength;
LongBuffer = Buffer; LongLength = min( BufferSize, 512 )/4;
for(j = 0; j < LongLength; j++) { printf("%08lx ", LongBuffer[j]); }
if ( BufferSize != LongLength*4 ) { printf( "..." ); }
VOID NlpDumpBuffer( IN DWORD DebugFlag, PVOID Buffer, DWORD BufferSize ) /*++
Routine Description:
Dumps the buffer content on to the debugger output.
DebugFlag: Debug flag to pass on to NlPrintRoutine
Buffer: buffer pointer.
BufferSize: size of the buffer.
Return Value:
--*/ { #define NUM_CHARS 16
DWORD i, limit; CHAR TextBuffer[NUM_CHARS + 1]; LPBYTE BufferPtr = Buffer;
if ( BufferSize == 0 ) { return; }
// Hex dump of the bytes
limit = ((BufferSize - 1) / NUM_CHARS + 1) * NUM_CHARS;
for (i = 0; i < limit; i++) {
if (i < BufferSize) {
NlPrint((0,"%02x ", BufferPtr[i]));
if (BufferPtr[i] < 31 ) { TextBuffer[i % NUM_CHARS] = '.'; } else if (BufferPtr[i] == '\0') { TextBuffer[i % NUM_CHARS] = ' '; } else { TextBuffer[i % NUM_CHARS] = (CHAR) BufferPtr[i]; }
} else {
NlPrint((0," ")); TextBuffer[i % NUM_CHARS] = ' ';
if ((i + 1) % NUM_CHARS == 0) { TextBuffer[NUM_CHARS] = 0; NlPrint((0," %s\n", TextBuffer)); }
VOID NlpDumpSid( IN DWORD DebugFlag, IN PSID Sid OPTIONAL ) /*++
Routine Description:
Dumps a SID to the debugger output
DebugFlag - Debug flag to pass on to NlPrintRoutine
Sid - SID to output
Return Value:
--*/ {
// Output the SID
if ( Sid == NULL ) { NlPrint((0, "(null)\n")); } else { UNICODE_STRING SidString; NTSTATUS Status;
Status = RtlConvertSidToUnicodeString( &SidString, Sid, TRUE );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) { NlPrint((0, "Invalid 0x%lX\n", Status )); } else { NlPrint((0, "%wZ\n", &SidString )); RtlFreeUnicodeString( &SidString ); } }
VOID PrintTime( LPSTR Comment, LARGE_INTEGER ConvertTime ) /*++
Routine Description:
Print the specified time
Comment - Comment to print in front of the time
Time - GMT time to print (Nothing is printed if this is zero)
Return Value:
--*/ { //
// If we've been asked to convert an NT GMT time to ascii,
// Do so
if ( ConvertTime.QuadPart != 0 ) { LARGE_INTEGER LocalTime; TIME_FIELDS TimeFields; NTSTATUS Status;
printf( "%s", Comment );
Status = RtlSystemTimeToLocalTime( &ConvertTime, &LocalTime ); if ( !NT_SUCCESS( Status )) { printf( "Can't convert time from GMT to Local time\n" ); LocalTime = ConvertTime; }
RtlTimeToTimeFields( &LocalTime, &TimeFields );
printf( "%8.8lx %8.8lx = %ld/%ld/%ld %ld:%2.2ld:%2.2ld\n", ConvertTime.LowPart, ConvertTime.HighPart, TimeFields.Month, TimeFields.Day, TimeFields.Year, TimeFields.Hour, TimeFields.Minute, TimeFields.Second ); } }
LPSTR FindSymbolicNameForStatus( DWORD Id ) { ULONG i;
i = 0; if (Id == 0) { return "STATUS_SUCCESS"; }
if (Id & 0xC0000000) { while (ntstatusSymbolicNames[ i ].SymbolicName) { if (ntstatusSymbolicNames[ i ].MessageId == (NTSTATUS)Id) { return ntstatusSymbolicNames[ i ].SymbolicName; } else { i += 1; } } }
while (winerrorSymbolicNames[ i ].SymbolicName) { if (winerrorSymbolicNames[ i ].MessageId == Id) { return winerrorSymbolicNames[ i ].SymbolicName; } else { i += 1; } }
#ifdef notdef
while (neteventSymbolicNames[ i ].SymbolicName) { if (neteventSymbolicNames[ i ].MessageId == Id) { return neteventSymbolicNames[ i ].SymbolicName } else { i += 1; } } #endif // notdef
return NULL; }
VOID PrintStatus( NET_API_STATUS NetStatus ) /*++
Routine Description:
Print a net status code.
NetStatus - The net status code to print.
Return Value:
--*/ { printf( "Status = %lu 0x%lx", NetStatus, NetStatus );
switch (NetStatus) { case NERR_Success: printf( " NERR_Success" ); break;
case NERR_DCNotFound: printf( " NERR_DCNotFound" ); break;
case NERR_UserNotFound: printf( " NERR_UserNotFound" ); break;
case NERR_NetNotStarted: printf( " NERR_NetNotStarted" ); break;
case NERR_WkstaNotStarted: printf( " NERR_WkstaNotStarted" ); break;
case NERR_ServerNotStarted: printf( " NERR_ServerNotStarted" ); break;
case NERR_BrowserNotStarted: printf( " NERR_BrowserNotStarted" ); break;
case NERR_ServiceNotInstalled: printf( " NERR_ServiceNotInstalled" ); break;
case NERR_BadTransactConfig: printf( " NERR_BadTransactConfig" ); break;
default: printf( " %s", FindSymbolicNameForStatus( NetStatus ) ); break;
printf( "\n" ); }
VOID NlAssertFailed( IN PVOID FailedAssertion, IN PVOID FileName, IN ULONG LineNumber, IN PCHAR Message OPTIONAL ) { printf( "\n*** Assertion failed: %s%s\n*** Source File: %s, line %ld\n\n", Message ? Message : "", FailedAssertion, FileName, LineNumber );
NTSTATUS NlBrowserSendDatagram( IN PVOID ContextDomainInfo, IN ULONG IpAddress, IN LPWSTR UnicodeDestinationName, IN DGRECEIVER_NAME_TYPE NameType, IN LPWSTR TransportName, IN LPSTR OemMailslotName, IN PVOID Buffer, IN ULONG BufferSize, IN BOOL SendSynchronously, IN OUT PBOOL FlushNameOnOneIpTransport OPTIONAL ) /*++
Routine Description:
Send the specified mailslot message to the specified mailslot on the specified server on the specified transport..
DomainInfo - Hosted domain sending the datagram
IpAddress - IpAddress of the machine to send the pind to. If zero, UnicodeDestinationName must be specified.
UnicodeDestinationName -- Name of the server to send to.
NameType -- Type of name represented by UnicodeDestinationName.
TransportName -- Name of the transport to send on. Use NULL to send on all transports.
OemMailslotName -- Name of the mailslot to send to.
Buffer -- Specifies a pointer to the mailslot message to send.
BufferSize -- Size in bytes of the mailslot message
Return Value:
Status of the operation.
--*/ { return STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR; // If this routine is ever needed, copy it from logonsrv\client\getdcnam.c
VOID WhoWillLogMeOnResponse( )
Routine Description:
This routine reads the responses that are received for the query messages sent from the main thread.
Return Value:
--*/ { DWORD i; DWORD WaitCount; DWORD IndexArray[64]; HANDLE HandleArray[64];
NETLOGON_SAM_LOGON_RESPONSE SamLogonResponse; DWORD SamLogonResponseSize; DWORD WaitStatus; NET_API_STATUS NetStatus; BOOL AllReceived;
for(;;) {
// make wait array.
WaitCount = 0;
AllReceived = TRUE;
for (i = 0; i < GlobalIterationCount; i++ ) {
if( GlobalMailInfo[i].State == TRUE ) {
// if a response is received.
continue; }
AllReceived = FALSE;
// post a read.
if( GlobalMailInfo[i].ReadPending == FALSE ) {
if ( !ReadFile( GlobalMailInfo[i].ResponseHandle, (PCHAR)&GlobalMailInfo[i].SamLogonResponse, sizeof(NETLOGON_SAM_LOGON_RESPONSE), &SamLogonResponseSize, &GlobalMailInfo[i].OverLapped )) { // Overlapped I/O
NetStatus = GetLastError();
if( NetStatus != ERROR_IO_PENDING ) {
printf( "Cannot read mailslot (%s) : %ld\n", GlobalMailInfo[i].Name, NetStatus); goto Cleanup; } }
GlobalMailInfo[i].ReadPending = TRUE;
HandleArray[WaitCount] = GlobalMailInfo[i].ResponseHandle; IndexArray[WaitCount] = i;
WaitCount++; }
if( (WaitCount == 0) ) {
if( AllReceived ) {
// we received responses for all messages, so we are
// done.
goto Cleanup; } else {
// wait for an query posted
WaitStatus = WaitForSingleObject( GlobalPostEvent, (DWORD) -1 );
if( WaitStatus != 0 ) { printf("Can't successfully wait post event %ld\n", WaitStatus );
goto Cleanup; }
continue; } }
// wait for response.
WaitStatus = WaitForMultipleObjects( WaitCount, HandleArray, FALSE, // Wait for ANY handle
15000 ); // 3 * 5 Secs
if( WaitStatus == WAIT_TIMEOUT ) {
// we are done.
break; }
if ( WaitStatus == WAIT_FAILED ) { printf( "Can't successfully wait for multiple objects %ld\n", GetLastError() );
goto Cleanup; }
if( WaitStatus >= WaitCount ) {
printf("Invalid WaitStatus returned %ld\n", WaitStatus ); goto Cleanup; }
// get index
i = IndexArray[WaitStatus];
// read response
if( !GetOverlappedResult( GlobalMailInfo[i].ResponseHandle, &GlobalMailInfo[i].OverLapped, &SamLogonResponseSize, TRUE) ) { // wait for the read complete.
printf("can't read overlapped response %ld",GetLastError() ); goto Cleanup;
SamLogonResponse = GlobalMailInfo[i].SamLogonResponse;
// indicate that we received a response.
GlobalMailInfo[i].State = TRUE; GlobalMailInfo[i].ReadPending = FALSE;
GetLocalTime( &SystemTime );
EnterCriticalSection( &GlobalPrintCritSect );
printf( "[%02u:%02u:%02u] ", SystemTime.wHour, SystemTime.wMinute, SystemTime.wSecond );
printf( "Response %ld: ", i);
NetStatus = NetpDcParsePingResponse( NULL, &SamLogonResponse, SamLogonResponseSize, &NlDcCacheEntry );
if ( NetStatus != NO_ERROR ) { printf("Failure parsing response: "); PrintStatus( NetStatus ); goto Continue; }
// If the response is for the correct account,
// break out of the loop.
if ( NlNameCompare( GlobalAccountName, NlDcCacheEntry->UnicodeUserName, NAMETYPE_USER)!=0){
printf("Response not for correct User name " FORMAT_LPWSTR " s.b. " FORMAT_LPWSTR "\n", NlDcCacheEntry->UnicodeUserName, GlobalAccountName ); goto Continue; }
printf( "S:" FORMAT_LPWSTR " D:" FORMAT_LPWSTR " A:" FORMAT_LPWSTR, NlDcCacheEntry->UnicodeNetbiosDcName, NlDcCacheEntry->UnicodeNetbiosDomainName, NlDcCacheEntry->UnicodeUserName );
// If the DC recognizes our account,
// we've successfully found the DC.
switch (NlDcCacheEntry->Opcode) { case LOGON_SAM_LOGON_RESPONSE:
printf( " (Act found)\n" ); break;
printf( " (Act not found)\n" ); break;
printf( " (netlogon paused)\n" ); break;
default: printf( " (Unknown opcode: %lx)\n", SamLogonResponse.Opcode ); break; }
// Print the additional NT 5 specific information.
if ( NlDcCacheEntry->UnicodeDnsForestName != NULL ) { printf( " Tree: %ws\n", NlDcCacheEntry->UnicodeDnsForestName ); } if ( NlDcCacheEntry->UnicodeDnsDomainName != NULL ) { printf( " Dom: %ws\n", NlDcCacheEntry->UnicodeDnsDomainName ); } if ( NlDcCacheEntry->UnicodeDnsHostName != NULL ) { printf( " Host: %ws\n", NlDcCacheEntry->UnicodeDnsHostName ); } if ( NlDcCacheEntry->ReturnFlags != 0 ) { printf( " Flags: 0x%lx\n", NlDcCacheEntry->ReturnFlags ); }
Continue: if ( NlDcCacheEntry != NULL ) { NetpMemoryFree( NlDcCacheEntry ); NlDcCacheEntry = NULL; }
LeaveCriticalSection( &GlobalPrintCritSect ); }
// print non-responsed mailslots.
for( i = 0; i < GlobalIterationCount; i++ ) {
if( GlobalMailInfo[i].State == FALSE ) {
printf("Didn't receive a response for mail " "message %ld (%s)\n", i, GlobalMailInfo[i].Name ); } }
return; }
VOID WhoWillLogMeOn( IN LPWSTR DomainName, IN LPWSTR AccountName, IN DWORD IterationCount )
Routine Description:
Determine which DC will log the specified account on
DomainName - name of the "doamin" to send the message to
AccountName - Name of our user account to find.
IterationCount - Number of consecutive messages to send.
Return Value:
--*/ {
NET_API_STATUS NetStatus; ULONG AllowableAccountControlBits = USER_ACCOUNT_TYPE_MASK;
HANDLE *ResponseMailslotHandle = NULL;
HANDLE ResponseThreadHandle = NULL; DWORD ThreadId; DWORD WaitStatus; DWORD SamLogonResponseSize; ULONG DomainNameLength;
// Verify the domain name length to avoid buffer overrun
DomainNameLength = wcslen(DomainName);
// Domain name should be at most 16 characters where the 16th character must be '*'
if ( (DomainNameLength > DNLEN + 1) || (DomainNameLength == DNLEN + 1 && DomainName[DNLEN] != L'*') ) {
fprintf( stderr, "Invalid Netbios domain or server name '%ws' specified (too long)\n", DomainName ); return; }
// support only 64 iterations
if( IterationCount > 64 ) {
printf("Interations set to 64, maximum supported\n"); IterationCount = 64; }
GlobalIterationCount = IterationCount; GlobalAccountName = AccountName;
try { InitializeCriticalSection( &GlobalPrintCritSect ); } except( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { fprintf( stderr, "NLTEST.EXE: Cannot initialize GlobalPrintCritSect\n" ); return; }
// Get out computer name
if (!GetComputerName( ComputerName, &ComputerNameLength ) ) { printf( "Can't GetComputerName\n" ); return; }
// create mailslots
for (i = 0; i < IterationCount; i++ ) {
// Create a mailslot for the DC's to respond to.
if (NetStatus = NetpLogonCreateRandomMailslot( GlobalMailInfo[i].Name, &GlobalMailInfo[i].ResponseHandle)){
printf( "Cannot create temp mailslot %ld\n", NetStatus ); goto Cleanup; }
if ( !SetMailslotInfo( GlobalMailInfo[i].ResponseHandle, (DWORD) MAILSLOT_WAIT_FOREVER ) ) { printf( "Cannot set mailslot info %ld\n", GetLastError() ); goto Cleanup; }
(void) memset( &GlobalMailInfo[i].OverLapped, '\0', sizeof(OVERLAPPED) );
GlobalMailInfo[i].State = FALSE; GlobalMailInfo[i].ReadPending = FALSE; }
// create post event
GlobalPostEvent = CreateEvent( NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL );
if( GlobalPostEvent == NULL ) {
printf("can't create post event %ld \n", GetLastError() ); goto Cleanup; }
// start response thread.
ResponseThreadHandle = CreateThread( NULL, // No security attributes
0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE) WhoWillLogMeOnResponse, NULL, 0, // No special creation flags
&ThreadId );
if ( ResponseThreadHandle == NULL ) {
printf("can't create response thread %ld\n", GetLastError() ); goto Cleanup; }
wcscpy( NetlogonMailslotName, L"\\\\" ); wcscat( NetlogonMailslotName, DomainName ); // wcscat( NetlogonMailslotName, L"*" ); // Don't add for computer name
wcscat( NetlogonMailslotName, NETLOGON_NT_MAILSLOT_W);
// Send atmost 3 messages/mailslot
for( j = 0; j < 3; j++ ) {
// Repeat the message multiple times to load the servers
for (i = 0; i < IterationCount; i++ ) { PNETLOGON_SAM_LOGON_REQUEST SamLogonRequest; ULONG SamLogonRequestSize;
if( GlobalMailInfo[i].State == TRUE ) {
// if a response is received.
continue; }
// Build the query message.
NetStatus = NetpDcBuildPing ( FALSE, // Not only PDC
0, // Retry count
ComputerName, AccountName, GlobalMailInfo[i].Name, AllowableAccountControlBits, NULL, // No Domain SID
0, // Not NT Version 5
&SamLogonRequest, &SamLogonRequestSize );
if ( NetStatus != NO_ERROR ) { printf("can't allocate mailslot message %ld\n", NetStatus ); goto Cleanup; }
// Send the message to a DC for the domain.
NetStatus = NetpLogonWriteMailslot( NetlogonMailslotName, (PCHAR)SamLogonRequest, SamLogonRequestSize );
NetpMemoryFree( SamLogonRequest );
if ( NetStatus != NERR_Success ) { printf( "Cannot write netlogon mailslot: %ld\n", NetStatus); goto Cleanup; }
GetLocalTime( &SystemTime );
EnterCriticalSection( &GlobalPrintCritSect );
printf( "[%02u:%02u:%02u] ", SystemTime.wHour, SystemTime.wMinute, SystemTime.wSecond );
printf( "Mail message %ld sent successfully (%s) \n", i, GlobalMailInfo[i].Name );
LeaveCriticalSection( &GlobalPrintCritSect );
if( !SetEvent( GlobalPostEvent ) ) { printf("Can't set post event %ld \n", GetLastError() ); goto Cleanup; }
// wait 5 secs to see response thread received all responses.
WaitStatus = WaitForSingleObject( ResponseThreadHandle, 5000 ); // 15 secs. TIMEOUT
if( WaitStatus != WAIT_TIMEOUT ) {
if( WaitStatus != 0 ) { printf("can't do WaitForSingleObject %ld\n", WaitStatus); }
goto Cleanup; } }
// Wait for the response thread to complete.
if( ResponseThreadHandle != NULL ) {
WaitStatus = WaitForSingleObject( ResponseThreadHandle, 15000 ); // 15 secs. TIMEOUT
if( WaitStatus ) {
if( WaitStatus == WAIT_TIMEOUT ) { printf("Can't stop response thread (TIMEOUT) \n"); } else { printf("Can't stop response thread %ld \n", WaitStatus); } }
for (i = 0; i < IterationCount; i++ ) {
if( GlobalMailInfo[i].ResponseHandle != NULL ) { CloseHandle( GlobalMailInfo[i].ResponseHandle); } }
if( GlobalPostEvent != NULL ) { CloseHandle( GlobalPostEvent ); }
DeleteCriticalSection( &GlobalPrintCritSect );
return; }
#define MAX_PRINTF_LEN 1024 // Arbitrary.
VOID NlPrintRoutine( IN DWORD DebugFlag, IN LPSTR Format, ... ) { va_list arglist; char OutputBuffer[MAX_PRINTF_LEN];
// Put a the information requested by the caller onto the line
va_start(arglist, Format); (VOID) _vsnprintf( OutputBuffer, MAX_PRINTF_LEN - 1, Format, arglist ); va_end(arglist);
OutputBuffer[MAX_PRINTF_LEN - 1] = '\0';
printf( "%s", OutputBuffer ); return; UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER( DebugFlag ); }
NTSTATUS SimulateFullSync( LPWSTR PdcName, LPWSTR MachineName ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function simulate a full sync replication by calling NetDatabaseSync API and simply ignoring successfully returned data.
PdcName - Name of the PDC from where the database replicated.
MachineName - Name of the machine account used to authenticate.
Return Value:
Network Status code.
--*/ { NTSTATUS Status;
NETLOGON_CREDENTIAL ServerChallenge; NETLOGON_CREDENTIAL ClientChallenge; NETLOGON_CREDENTIAL ComputedServerCredential; NETLOGON_CREDENTIAL ReturnedServerCredential;
DWORD DatabaseIndex; DWORD i;
// Validate machine name
if ( wcslen(MachineName) > CNLEN ) { fprintf( stderr, "Invalid machine name '%ws' (too long)\n", MachineName ); return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
// Prepare our challenge
NlComputeChallenge( &ClientChallenge );
printf("ClientChallenge = %lx %lx\n", ((DWORD*)&ClientChallenge)[0], ((DWORD *)&ClientChallenge)[1]);
// Get the primary's challenge
Status = I_NetServerReqChallenge(PdcName, MachineName, &ClientChallenge, &ServerChallenge );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) { fprintf( stderr, "I_NetServerReqChallenge to " FORMAT_LPWSTR " returned 0x%lx\n", PdcName, Status ); return(Status); }
printf("ServerChallenge = %lx %lx\n", ((DWORD *)&ServerChallenge)[0], ((DWORD *)&ServerChallenge)[1]);
Password.Length = Password.MaximumLength = wcslen(MachineName) * sizeof(WCHAR); Password.Buffer = MachineName;
// Compute the NT OWF password for this user.
Status = RtlCalculateNtOwfPassword( &Password, &NtOwfPassword );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) {
fprintf(stderr, "Can't compute OWF password 0x%lx \n", Status ); return(Status); }
printf("Password = %lx %lx %lx %lx\n", ((DWORD *) (&NtOwfPassword))[0], ((DWORD *) (&NtOwfPassword))[1], ((DWORD *) (&NtOwfPassword))[2], ((DWORD *) (&NtOwfPassword))[3]);
// Actually compute the session key given the two challenges and the
// password.
NlMakeSessionKey( 0, &NtOwfPassword, &ClientChallenge, &ServerChallenge, &SessionKey );
printf("SessionKey = %lx %lx %lx %lx\n", ((DWORD *) (&SessionKey))[0], ((DWORD *) (&SessionKey))[1], ((DWORD *) (&SessionKey))[2], ((DWORD *) (&SessionKey))[3]);
// Prepare credentials using our challenge.
NlComputeCredentials( &ClientChallenge, &AuthenticationSeed, &SessionKey );
printf("ClientCredential = %lx %lx\n", ((DWORD *) (&AuthenticationSeed))[0], ((DWORD *) (&AuthenticationSeed))[1]);
// Send these credentials to primary. The primary will compute
// credentials using the challenge supplied by us and compare
// with these. If both match then it will compute credentials
// using its challenge and return it to us for verification
wcscpy( AccountName, MachineName ); wcscat( AccountName, SSI_ACCOUNT_NAME_POSTFIX);
Status = I_NetServerAuthenticate( PdcName, AccountName, ServerSecureChannel, MachineName, &AuthenticationSeed, &ReturnedServerCredential );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) {
fprintf(stderr, "I_NetServerAuthenticate to " FORMAT_LPWSTR " 0x%lx\n", &PdcName, Status );
printf("ServerCredential GOT = %lx %lx\n", ((DWORD *) (&ReturnedServerCredential))[0], ((DWORD *) (&ReturnedServerCredential))[1]);
// The DC returned a server credential to us,
// ensure the server credential matches the one we would compute.
NlComputeCredentials( &ServerChallenge, &ComputedServerCredential, &SessionKey);
printf("ServerCredential MADE =%lx %lx\n", ((DWORD *) (&ComputedServerCredential))[0], ((DWORD *) (&ComputedServerCredential))[1]);
if (RtlCompareMemory( &ReturnedServerCredential, &ComputedServerCredential, sizeof(ReturnedServerCredential)) != sizeof(ReturnedServerCredential)) {
fprintf( stderr, "Access Denied \n"); return( STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED ); }
printf("Session Setup to " FORMAT_LPWSTR " completed successfully \n", PdcName);
// retrive database info
for( DatabaseIndex = 0 ; DatabaseIndex < 3; DatabaseIndex++) {
SamSyncContext = 0;
for( i = 0; ; i++) {
NlBuildAuthenticator( &AuthenticationSeed, &SessionKey, &OurAuthenticator);
Status = I_NetDatabaseSync( PdcName, MachineName, &OurAuthenticator, &ReturnAuthenticator, DatabaseIndex, &SamSyncContext, &DeltaArray, 128 * 1024 ); // 128K
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) {
fprintf( stderr, "I_NetDatabaseSync to " FORMAT_LPWSTR " failed 0x%lx\n", PdcName, Status );
return(Status); }
if ( ( !NlUpdateSeed( &AuthenticationSeed, &ReturnAuthenticator.Credential, &SessionKey) ) ) {
fprintf(stderr, "NlUpdateSeed failed \n" ); return( STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED ); }
printf( "Received %ld Buffer data \n", i); //
// ignore return data
MIDL_user_free( DeltaArray );
if ( Status == STATUS_SUCCESS ) {
break; }
printf("FullSync replication of database %ld completed " "successfully \n", DatabaseIndex );
return Status; }
LONG ForceRegOpenSubkey( HKEY ParentHandle, LPSTR KeyName, LPSTR Subkey, REGSAM DesiredAccess, PHKEY ReturnHandle )
Routine Description:
Open the specified key one subkey at a time defeating access denied by setting the DACL to allow us access. This kludge is needed since the security tree is shipped not allowing Administrators access.
ParentHandle - Currently open handle
KeyName - Entire key name (for error messages only)
Subkey - Direct subkey of ParentHandle
DesiredAccess - Desired access to the new key
ReturnHandle - Returns an open handle to the newly opened key.
Return Value:
Return TRUE for success.
{ LONG RegStatus; LONG SavedStatus; HKEY TempHandle = NULL; BOOLEAN DaclChanged = FALSE;
SECURITY_INFORMATION SecurityInformation = DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION; DWORD OldSecurityDescriptorSize; CHAR OldSecurityDescriptor[1024]; CHAR NewSecurityDescriptor[1024];
// Open the sub-key
SavedStatus = RegOpenKeyExA( ParentHandle, Subkey, 0, //Reserved
DesiredAccess, ReturnHandle );
if ( SavedStatus != ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED ) { return SavedStatus; }
// If access is denied,
// try changing the DACL to give us access
// printf( "Cannot RegOpenKey %s subkey %s ", KeyName, Subkey );
// PrintStatus( SavedStatus );
// Open again asking to change the DACL
RegStatus = RegOpenKeyExA( ParentHandle, Subkey, 0, //Reserved
if ( RegStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) { printf( "Cannot RegOpenKey to change DACL %s subkey %s ", KeyName, Subkey ); PrintStatus( RegStatus ); goto Cleanup; }
// Get the current DACL so we can restore it.
OldSecurityDescriptorSize = sizeof(OldSecurityDescriptor); RegStatus = RegGetKeySecurity( TempHandle, SecurityInformation, (PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR) OldSecurityDescriptor, &OldSecurityDescriptorSize );
if ( RegStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { printf( "Cannot RegGetKeySecurity for %s subkey %s ", KeyName, Subkey ); PrintStatus( RegStatus ); goto Cleanup; }
// Build the Administrators SID
if ( !AllocateAndInitializeSid( &NtAuthority, 2, // two subauthorities
SECURITY_BUILTIN_DOMAIN_RID, DOMAIN_ALIAS_RID_ADMINS, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, &AdminSid ) ) { printf( "Cannot AllocateAndInitializeSid " ); PrintStatus( GetLastError() ); goto Cleanup; }
// Change the DACL to allow all access
RtlCopyMemory( NewSecurityDescriptor, OldSecurityDescriptor, OldSecurityDescriptorSize );
if ( !GetSecurityDescriptorDacl( (PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR)NewSecurityDescriptor, &DaclPresent, &Dacl, &DaclDefaulted )) { printf( "Cannot GetSecurityDescriptorDacl for %s subkey %s ", KeyName, Subkey ); PrintStatus( GetLastError() ); goto Cleanup; }
if ( !DaclPresent ) { printf( "Cannot GetSecurityDescriptorDacl " ); printf( "Cannot DaclNotPresent for %s subkey %s ", KeyName, Subkey ); goto Cleanup; }
if ( !GetAclInformation( Dacl, &AclSizeInfo, sizeof(AclSizeInfo), AclSizeInformation )) { printf( "Cannot GetAclInformation for %s subkey %s ", KeyName, Subkey ); PrintStatus( GetLastError() ); goto Cleanup; }
// Search for an administrators ACE and give it "DesiredAccess"
for ( i=0; i<AclSizeInfo.AceCount ; i++ ) {
if ( !GetAce( Dacl, i, (LPVOID *) &Ace ) ) { printf( "Cannot GetAce %ld for %s subkey %s ", i, KeyName, Subkey ); PrintStatus( GetLastError() ); goto Cleanup; }
if ( Ace->Header.AceType != ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE_TYPE ) { continue; }
if ( !EqualSid( AdminSid, (PSID)&Ace->SidStart ) ) { continue; }
Ace->Mask |= DesiredAccess; break;
if ( i >= AclSizeInfo.AceCount ) { printf( "No Administrators Ace for %s subkey %s\n", KeyName, Subkey ); goto Cleanup; }
// Actually set the new DACL on the key
RegStatus = RegSetKeySecurity( TempHandle, SecurityInformation, (PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR)NewSecurityDescriptor );
if ( RegStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { printf( "Cannot RegSetKeySecurity for %s subkey %s ", KeyName, Subkey ); PrintStatus( RegStatus ); goto Cleanup; }
DaclChanged = TRUE;
// Open the sub-key again with the desired access
SavedStatus = RegOpenKeyExA( ParentHandle, Subkey, 0, //Reserved
DesiredAccess, ReturnHandle );
if ( SavedStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { printf( "Cannot RegOpenKeyEx following DACL change for %s subkey %s ", KeyName, Subkey ); PrintStatus( SavedStatus ); goto Cleanup; }
Cleanup: if ( TempHandle != NULL ) { //
// Restore DACL to original value.
if ( DaclChanged ) {
RegStatus = RegSetKeySecurity( TempHandle, SecurityInformation, (PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR)OldSecurityDescriptor );
if ( RegStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { printf( "Cannot RegSetKeySecurity to restore %s subkey %s ", KeyName, Subkey ); PrintStatus( RegStatus ); goto Cleanup; } } (VOID) RegCloseKey( TempHandle ); }
if ( AdminSid != NULL ) { (VOID) FreeSid( AdminSid ); }
return SavedStatus;
LONG ForceRegOpenKey( HKEY BaseHandle, LPSTR KeyName, REGSAM DesiredAccess, PHKEY ReturnHandle )
Routine Description:
Open the specified key one subkey at a time defeating access denied by setting the DACL to allow us access. This kludge is needed since the security tree is shipped not allowing Administrators access.
BaseHandle - Currently open handle
KeyName - Registry key to open relative to BaseHandle.
DesiredAccess - Desired access to the new key
ReturnHandle - Returns an open handle to the newly opened key.
Return Value:
Return TRUE for success.
{ LONG RegStatus; PCHAR StartOfSubkey; PCHAR EndOfSubkey; CHAR Subkey[512]; HKEY ParentHandle;
ASSERT( KeyName[0] != '\0' ); if ( KeyName[0] == '\0' ) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
// Loop opening the next subkey.
EndOfSubkey = KeyName; ParentHandle = BaseHandle;
for (;;) {
// Compute the name of the next subkey.
StartOfSubkey = EndOfSubkey;
for ( ;; ) {
if ( *EndOfSubkey == '\0' || *EndOfSubkey == '\\' ) {
if ( EndOfSubkey-StartOfSubkey >= sizeof(Subkey) ) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } strncpy( Subkey, StartOfSubkey, (int)(EndOfSubkey-StartOfSubkey) ); Subkey[EndOfSubkey-StartOfSubkey] = '\0'; if ( *EndOfSubkey == '\\' ) { EndOfSubkey ++; } break; } EndOfSubkey ++; }
// Open the sub-key
RegStatus = ForceRegOpenSubkey( ParentHandle, KeyName, Subkey, DesiredAccess, ReturnHandle );
// Close the parent handle and return any error condition.
if ( ParentHandle != BaseHandle ) { (VOID) RegCloseKey( ParentHandle ); }
if( RegStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { *ReturnHandle = NULL; return RegStatus; }
// If this is the entire key name,
// we're done.
if ( *EndOfSubkey == '\0' ) { return ERROR_SUCCESS; }
ParentHandle = *ReturnHandle;
struct { LPSTR Name; enum { UnicodeStringType, HexDataType, LmPasswordType, NtPasswordType } Type; } UserVariableDataTypes[] = { { "SecurityDescriptor" , HexDataType }, { "AccountName" , UnicodeStringType }, { "FullName" , UnicodeStringType }, { "AdminComment" , UnicodeStringType }, { "UserComment" , UnicodeStringType }, { "Parameters" , UnicodeStringType }, { "HomeDirectory" , UnicodeStringType }, { "HomeDirectoryDrive" , UnicodeStringType }, { "ScriptPath" , UnicodeStringType }, { "ProfilePath" , UnicodeStringType }, { "Workstations" , UnicodeStringType }, { "LogonHours" , HexDataType }, { "Groups" , HexDataType }, { "LmOwfPassword" , LmPasswordType }, { "NtOwfPassword" , NtPasswordType }, { "NtPasswordHistory" , HexDataType }, { "LmPasswordHistory" , HexDataType } };
VOID PrintUserInfo( IN LPWSTR ServerName, IN LPSTR UserName ) /*++
Routine Description:
Print a user's description from the SAM database
ServerName - Name of server to query
UserName - Name of user to query
Return Value:
--*/ { NTSTATUS Status; LONG RegStatus; ULONG i;
HKEY BaseHandle = NULL; HKEY UserHandle = NULL; HKEY RidHandle = NULL;
CHAR UserKey[200]; CHAR RidKey[200]; LONG Rid; CHAR AnsiRid[20];
CHAR VariableData[32768]; ULONG VariableDataSize; PSAMP_VARIABLE_LENGTH_ATTRIBUTE v;
// Open the registry
RegStatus = RegConnectRegistryW( ServerName, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, &BaseHandle);
if ( RegStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { printf( "Cannot connect to registy on " FORMAT_LPWSTR " ", ServerName ); PrintStatus( RegStatus ); goto Cleanup; }
// Open the key for this user name.
strcpy( UserKey, "SAM\\SAM\\Domains\\Account\\Users\\Names\\" );
// Ensure UserName is short enough to fit into our buffer
if ( strlen(UserName) + strlen(UserKey) >= sizeof(UserKey) ) { return; } strcat( UserKey, UserName );
RegStatus = ForceRegOpenKey( BaseHandle, UserKey, KEY_READ|KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &UserHandle );
if ( RegStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { printf( "Cannot open %s ", UserKey ); PrintStatus( RegStatus ); goto Cleanup; }
// Get the RID of the user
RegStatus = RegQueryValueExW( UserHandle, NULL, // No name
NULL, // Reserved
&Rid, // Really the type
NULL, // Data not needed
NULL); // Data not needed
if ( RegStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { printf( "Cannot Query %s ", UserKey ); PrintStatus( RegStatus ); goto Cleanup; }
printf( "User: %s\nRid: 0x%lx\n", UserName, Rid );
// Open the key for this user rid.
sprintf( AnsiRid, "%8.8lx", Rid ); strcpy( RidKey, "SAM\\SAM\\Domains\\Account\\Users\\" ); strcat( RidKey, AnsiRid );
RegStatus = ForceRegOpenKey( BaseHandle, RidKey, KEY_READ|KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &RidHandle );
if ( RegStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { printf( "Cannot open %s ", RidKey ); PrintStatus( RegStatus ); goto Cleanup; }
// Get the Fixed Values associated with this RID
FixedDataSize = sizeof(FixedData); RegStatus = RegQueryValueExA( RidHandle, "F", // Fixed value
NULL, // Reserved
NULL, // Type Not Needed
FixedData, &FixedDataSize );
if ( RegStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { printf( "Cannot Query %s ", RidKey ); PrintStatus( RegStatus ); goto Cleanup; }
// If the fixed length data is NT 3.1,
// convert it to NT 3.5x format.
if ( IsVersion1_0 = (FixedDataSize == sizeof(*f1_0)) ) { f1_0 = (PSAMP_V1_0_FIXED_LENGTH_USER) FixedData; FixedUser1_0A.LastLogon = f1_0->LastLogon; FixedUser1_0A.LastLogoff = f1_0->LastLogoff; FixedUser1_0A.PasswordLastSet = f1_0->PasswordLastSet; FixedUser1_0A.AccountExpires = f1_0->AccountExpires; FixedUser1_0A.UserId = f1_0->UserId; FixedUser1_0A.PrimaryGroupId = f1_0->PrimaryGroupId; FixedUser1_0A.UserAccountControl = f1_0->UserAccountControl; FixedUser1_0A.CountryCode = f1_0->CountryCode; FixedUser1_0A.BadPasswordCount = f1_0->BadPasswordCount; FixedUser1_0A.LogonCount = f1_0->LogonCount; FixedUser1_0A.AdminCount = f1_0->AdminCount; RtlCopyMemory( FixedData, &FixedUser1_0A, sizeof(FixedUser1_0A) ); }
// Print the fixed length data.
if ( !IsVersion1_0) { printf( "Version: 0x%lx\n", f->Revision ); }
PrintTime( "LastLogon: ", f->LastLogon ); PrintTime( "LastLogoff: ", f->LastLogoff ); PrintTime( "PasswordLastSet: ", f->PasswordLastSet ); PrintTime( "AccountExpires: ", f->AccountExpires ); if ( !IsVersion1_0) { PrintTime( "LastBadPasswordTime: ", f->LastBadPasswordTime ); }
printf( "PrimaryGroupId: 0x%lx\n", f->PrimaryGroupId ); printf( "UserAccountControl: 0x%lx\n", f->UserAccountControl );
printf( "CountryCode: 0x%lx\n", f->CountryCode ); printf( "CodePage: 0x%lx\n", f->CodePage ); printf( "BadPasswordCount: 0x%lx\n", f->BadPasswordCount ); printf( "LogonCount: 0x%lx\n", f->LogonCount ); printf( "AdminCount: 0x%lx\n", f->AdminCount );
// Get the Variable Values associated with this RID
VariableDataSize = sizeof(VariableData); RegStatus = RegQueryValueExA( RidHandle, "V", // Variable value
NULL, // Reserved
NULL, // Type Not Needed
VariableData, &VariableDataSize );
if ( RegStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { printf( "Cannot Query %s \n", RidKey ); PrintStatus( RegStatus ); goto Cleanup; }
// Loop printing all the attributes.
for ( i=0; i<sizeof(UserVariableDataTypes)/sizeof(UserVariableDataTypes[0]); i++ ) {
// Make the offset relative to the beginning of the queried value.
// Ensure the data item descriptor is in the registry.
if ( ((PCHAR)&v[i]) > ((PCHAR)v)+VariableDataSize ) { printf( "Variable data desc %ld not in variable value.\n", i ); goto Cleanup; }
if ( v[i].Offset > (LONG) VariableDataSize || v[i].Offset + v[i].Length > VariableDataSize ) { printf( "Variable data item %ld not in variable value.\n", i ); printf( "Offset: %ld Length: %ld Size: %ld\n", v[i].Offset, v[i].Length, VariableDataSize ); goto Cleanup;
// Don't print null data.
if ( v[i].Length == 0 ) { continue; }
// Print the various types of data.
switch ( UserVariableDataTypes[i].Type ) { case UnicodeStringType:
UnicodeString.Buffer = (PUSHORT)(((PCHAR)v)+v[i].Offset); UnicodeString.Length = (USHORT)v[i].Length; printf( "%s: %wZ\n", UserVariableDataTypes[i].Name, &UnicodeString); break;
case LmPasswordType: Status = RtlDecryptLmOwfPwdWithIndex( (PENCRYPTED_LM_OWF_PASSWORD)(((PCHAR)v)+v[i].Offset), &Rid, &LmOwfPassword );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) { printf( "Cannot decrypt LM password: " ); PrintStatus( Status ); goto Cleanup; }
printf( "%s: ", UserVariableDataTypes[i].Name); DumpBuffer( &LmOwfPassword, sizeof(LmOwfPassword )); break;
case NtPasswordType: Status = RtlDecryptNtOwfPwdWithIndex( (PENCRYPTED_NT_OWF_PASSWORD)(((PCHAR)v)+v[i].Offset), &Rid, &NtOwfPassword );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) { printf( "Cannot decrypt NT password: " ); PrintStatus( Status ); goto Cleanup; }
printf( "%s: ", UserVariableDataTypes[i].Name); DumpBuffer( &NtOwfPassword, sizeof(NtOwfPassword )); break;
case HexDataType:
printf( "%s: ", UserVariableDataTypes[i].Name); DumpBuffer( (((PCHAR)v)+v[i].Offset), v[i].Length ); break; } }
// Be tidy.
Cleanup: if ( UserHandle != NULL ) { RegCloseKey( UserHandle ); } if ( RidHandle != NULL ) { RegCloseKey( RidHandle ); } if ( BaseHandle != NULL ) { RegCloseKey( BaseHandle ); } return;
VOID SetDbflagInRegistry( LPWSTR ServerName, ULONG DbFlagValue ) /*++
Routine Description:
Set the value DbFlagValue in the Netlogon service portion of the registry.
ServerName - Name of the server to update
DbFlagValue - Value to set dbflag to.
Return Value:
--*/ { LONG RegStatus; UCHAR AnsiDbFlag[20]; DWORD AnsiDbFlagLength;
HKEY BaseHandle = NULL; HKEY ParmHandle = NULL; LPSTR KeyName;
// Open the registry
RegStatus = RegConnectRegistryW( ServerName, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, &BaseHandle);
if ( RegStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { printf( "Cannot connect to registy on " FORMAT_LPWSTR " ", ServerName ); PrintStatus( RegStatus ); goto Cleanup; }
// Open the key for Netlogon\parameters.
KeyName = NL_PARAM_KEY; RegStatus = ForceRegOpenKey( BaseHandle, KeyName, KEY_SET_VALUE, &ParmHandle );
if ( RegStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { printf( "Cannot open " NL_PARAM_KEY ); PrintStatus( RegStatus ); goto Cleanup; }
// Set the DbFlag value into the registry.
AnsiDbFlagLength = sprintf( AnsiDbFlag, "0x%8.8lx", DbFlagValue );
RegStatus = RegSetValueExA( ParmHandle, "DbFlag", 0, // Reserved
REG_SZ, AnsiDbFlag, AnsiDbFlagLength + 1 );
if ( RegStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { printf( "Cannot Set %s:", KeyName ); PrintStatus( RegStatus ); goto Cleanup; }
printf( "%s set to %s\n", KeyName, AnsiDbFlag );
// Be tidy.
Cleanup: if ( ParmHandle != NULL ) { RegCloseKey( ParmHandle ); } if ( BaseHandle != NULL ) { RegCloseKey( BaseHandle ); } return;
VOID StopService( LPWSTR ServiceName )
Routine Description:
Stop the named service.
ServiceName (Name of service to stop) None.
Return Status:
STATUS_SUCCESS - Indicates service successfully stopped STATUS_NETLOGON_NOT_STARTED - Timeout occurred.
{ NTSTATUS Status; NET_API_STATUS NetStatus; SC_HANDLE ScManagerHandle = NULL; SC_HANDLE ServiceHandle = NULL; SERVICE_STATUS ServiceStatus; DWORD Timeout;
// Open a handle to the Service.
ScManagerHandle = OpenSCManager( NULL, NULL, SC_MANAGER_CONNECT );
if (ScManagerHandle == NULL) { NetStatus = GetLastError();
printf( "OpenSCManager failed: " ); PrintStatus( NetStatus ); goto Cleanup; }
if ( ServiceHandle == NULL ) { NetStatus = GetLastError();
printf( "OpenService [%ws] failed: ", ServiceName ); PrintStatus( NetStatus ); goto Cleanup; }
// Ask the service to stop.
if ( !ControlService( ServiceHandle, SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP, &ServiceStatus) ) { NetStatus = GetLastError();
// If there are dependent services running,
// determine their names and stop them.
if ( NetStatus == ERROR_DEPENDENT_SERVICES_RUNNING ) { BYTE ConfigBuffer[4096]; LPENUM_SERVICE_STATUS ServiceConfig = (LPENUM_SERVICE_STATUS) ConfigBuffer; DWORD BytesNeeded; DWORD ServiceCount; DWORD ServiceIndex;
// Get the names of the dependent services.
if ( !EnumDependentServicesW( ServiceHandle, SERVICE_ACTIVE, ServiceConfig, sizeof(ConfigBuffer), &BytesNeeded, &ServiceCount ) ) { NetStatus = GetLastError(); printf( "EnumDependentServicesW [Stop %ws] failed: ", ServiceName ); PrintStatus( NetStatus ); goto Cleanup; }
// Stop those services.
for ( ServiceIndex=0; ServiceIndex<ServiceCount; ServiceIndex++ ) { StopService( ServiceConfig[ServiceIndex].lpServiceName ); }
// Ask the original service to stop.
if ( !ControlService( ServiceHandle, SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP, &ServiceStatus) ) { NetStatus = GetLastError(); printf( "ControlService [Stop %ws] failed: ", ServiceName ); PrintStatus( NetStatus ); goto Cleanup; }
} else { printf( "ControlService [Stop %ws] failed: ", ServiceName ); PrintStatus( NetStatus ); goto Cleanup; } }
printf( "%ws service is stopping", ServiceName );
// Loop waiting for the service to stop.
for ( Timeout=0; Timeout<45; Timeout++ ) {
// Return or continue waiting depending on the state of
// the service.
if ( ServiceStatus.dwCurrentState == SERVICE_STOPPED ) { printf( "\n" ); goto Cleanup; }
// Wait a second for the service to finish stopping.
Sleep( 1000 ); printf( "." );
// Query the status of the service again.
if (! QueryServiceStatus( ServiceHandle, &ServiceStatus )) { NetStatus = GetLastError();
printf( "\nQueryServiceStatus [%ws] failed: ", ServiceName ); PrintStatus( NetStatus ); goto Cleanup; }
printf( "%ws service failed to stop\n", ServiceName );
Cleanup: if ( ScManagerHandle != NULL ) { (VOID) CloseServiceHandle(ScManagerHandle); } if ( ServiceHandle != NULL ) { (VOID) CloseServiceHandle(ServiceHandle); } return; }
BOOL GetDcListFromDs( IN LPWSTR DomainName ) /*++
Routine Description:
Get a list of DCs in this domain from the DS on an up DC.
DomainName - Domain to get the DC list for
Return Value:
TRUE: Test suceeded. FALSE: Test failed
// Get a DC to seed the algorithm with
if ( NetStatus != NO_ERROR ) { printf("Cannot find DC to get DC list from." ); PrintStatus( NetStatus ); RetVal = TRUE; goto Cleanup; }
if ( (DcInfo->Flags & DS_DS_FLAG) == 0 ) { printf( "Domain '%ws' is pre Windows 2000 domain. (Using NetServerEnum).\n", DomainName ); RetVal = FALSE; goto Cleanup; }
printf("Get list of DCs in domain '%ws' from '%ws'.\n", DomainName, DcInfo->DomainControllerName );
// Bind to the target DC
NetStatus = DsBindW( DcInfo->DomainControllerName, NULL, &DsHandle );
if ( NetStatus != NO_ERROR ) {
// Only warn if we don't have access
if ( NetStatus == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED ) { printf("You don't have access to DsBind to %ws (%ws) (Trying NetServerEnum).\n", DomainName, DcInfo->DomainControllerName ); } else { printf("Cannot DsBind to %ws (%ws).", DomainName, DcInfo->DomainControllerName ); PrintStatus( NetStatus ); } RetVal = FALSE; goto Cleanup; }
// Get the list of DCs from the target DC.
NetStatus = DsGetDomainControllerInfoW( DsHandle, DcInfo->DomainName, 1, // Info level
&DsDcCount, &DsDcInfo );
if ( NetStatus != NO_ERROR ) { printf("Cannot call DsGetDomainControllerInfoW to %ws (%ws).", DomainName, DcInfo->DomainControllerName ); PrintStatus( NetStatus ); RetVal = FALSE; goto Cleanup; }
// Compute the length of the
DnsLength = 1; for ( i=0; i<DsDcCount; i++ ) { ULONG Length; Length = wcslen( DsDcInfo[i].DnsHostName != NULL ? DsDcInfo[i].DnsHostName : DsDcInfo[i].NetbiosName );
DnsLength = max( DnsLength, Length ); } DnsLength = min( DnsLength, 50 );
// Loop though the list of DCs.
for ( i=0; i<DsDcCount; i++ ) { printf(" %*ws", DnsLength, DsDcInfo[i].DnsHostName != NULL ? DsDcInfo[i].DnsHostName : DsDcInfo[i].NetbiosName ); if ( DsDcInfo[i].fIsPdc ) { printf(" [PDC]"); } else { printf(" "); } if ( DsDcInfo[i].fDsEnabled ) { printf(" [DS]"); } else { printf(" "); } if ( DsDcInfo[i].SiteName != NULL ) { printf(" Site: %ws", DsDcInfo[i].SiteName ); } printf("\n"); }
// Cleanup locally used resources
Cleanup: if ( DsDcInfo != NULL ) { DsFreeDomainControllerInfoW( 1, DsDcCount, DsDcInfo ); }
if ( DsHandle != NULL ) { DsUnBindW( &DsHandle ); } return RetVal; }
int __cdecl main( IN int argc, IN char ** argv ) /*++
Routine Description:
Drive the Netlogon service by calling I_NetLogonControl2.
argc - the number of command-line arguments.
argv - an array of pointers to the arguments.
Return Value:
Exit status
--*/ { NTSTATUS Status; NET_API_STATUS NetStatus;
LPSTR argument; int i; DWORD FunctionCode = 0; LPSTR AnsiServerName = NULL; CHAR AnsiUncServerName[DNS_MAX_NAME_LENGTH+2+1]; LPSTR AnsiDomainName = NULL; LPSTR AnsiTrustedDomainName = NULL; LPWSTR TrustedDomainName = NULL; LPSTR AnsiUserName = NULL; LPSTR AnsiSiteName = NULL; #ifndef NTRK_RELEASE
LPSTR AnsiPassword = NULL; BOOLEAN UnloadNetlogonFlag = FALSE; #endif // NTRK_RELEASE
ULONG Rid = 0; LPSTR AnsiSimMachineName = NULL; LPSTR AnsiDeltaFileName = NULL; LPSTR ShutdownReason = NULL; LPWSTR ServerName = NULL; LPWSTR UserName = NULL; PNETLOGON_INFO_1 NetlogonInfo1 = NULL; DWORD Level = 1; DWORD ShutdownSeconds; LPBYTE InputDataPtr = NULL; PDOMAIN_CONTROLLER_INFOA DomainControllerInfo;
DWORD DbFlagValue;
LARGE_INTEGER ConvertTime; ULONG IterationCount; ULONG DsGetDcOpenFlags = 0;
NT_OWF_PASSWORD NtOwfPassword; BOOLEAN NtPasswordPresent = FALSE; LM_OWF_PASSWORD LmOwfPassword; BOOLEAN LmPasswordPresent = FALSE; BOOLEAN GetPdcName = FALSE; BOOLEAN DoDsGetDcName = FALSE; BOOLEAN DoDsGetDcOpen = FALSE; BOOLEAN DoDsGetFtinfo = FALSE; BOOLEAN DoDsGetSiteName = FALSE; BOOLEAN DoDsGetDcSiteCoverage = FALSE; BOOLEAN DoGetParentDomain = FALSE; DWORD DsGetDcNameFlags = 0; DWORD DsGetFtinfoFlags = 0; BOOLEAN GetDcList = FALSE; BOOLEAN WhoWill = FALSE; BOOLEAN QuerySync = FALSE; BOOLEAN SimFullSync = FALSE; BOOLEAN QueryUser = FALSE; BOOLEAN ListDeltasFlag = FALSE; BOOLEAN ResetSecureChannelsFlag = FALSE; BOOLEAN ShutdownAbort = FALSE; BOOLEAN DomainTrustsFlag = FALSE; BOOLEAN TrustedDomainsVerboseOutput = FALSE; BOOLEAN DeregisterDnsHostRecords = FALSE; BOOLEAN DoClientDigest = FALSE; BOOLEAN DoServerDigest = FALSE;
char *StringGuid; RPC_STATUS RpcStatus; ULONG TrustsNeeded = 0; LPSTR AnsiDnsHostName = NULL; LPSTR AnsiDnsDomainName = NULL; LPSTR StringDomainGuid = NULL; LPSTR StringDsaGuid = NULL; LPSTR Message = NULL;
#define REPL_PARAM "/REPL"
#define SYNC_PARAM "/SYNC"
#define PWD_PARAM "/PWD:"
#define RID_PARAM "/RID:"
#define USER_PARAM "/USER:"
#define BP_PARAM "/BP"
#define TIME_PARAM "/TIME:"
#define PDC_PARAM "/PDC"
#define DS_PARAM "/DS"
#define DSP_PARAM "/DSP"
#define GC_PARAM "/GC"
#define KDC_PARAM "/KDC"
#define DNS_PARAM "/DNS"
#define IP_PARAM "/IP"
#define SITE_PARAM "/SITE:"
#define VERBOSE_PARAM "/V"
// Set the netlib debug flag.
extern DWORD NetlibpTrace; NetlibpTrace |= 0x8000; // NETLIB_DEBUG_LOGON
NlGlobalParameters.DbFlag = 0xFFFFFFFF;
ConvertTime.QuadPart = 0; RtlZeroMemory( &NlGlobalZeroGuid, sizeof(NlGlobalZeroGuid) );
if ( !CryptAcquireContext( &NlGlobalCryptProvider, NULL, NULL, PROV_RSA_FULL, CRYPT_VERIFYCONTEXT )) { printf("Failed to acquire cryptographic CSP (error=%lu)\n", GetLastError()); return 2; }
// Loop through the arguments handle each in turn
for ( i=1; i<argc; i++ ) {
argument = argv[i];
// Handle /QUERY
if ( _stricmp( argument, QUERY_PARAM ) == 0 ) { if ( FunctionCode != 0 ) { goto Usage; }
// Handle /SC_QUERY
} else if ( _strnicmp( argument, SC_QUERY_PARAM, sizeof(SC_QUERY_PARAM) - 1 ) == 0 ) { if ( FunctionCode != 0 ) { goto Usage; }
AnsiTrustedDomainName = &argument[sizeof(SC_QUERY_PARAM)-1];
TrustedDomainName = NetpAllocWStrFromAStr( AnsiTrustedDomainName );
if ( TrustedDomainName == NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "Not enough memory\n" ); return(1); }
Level = 2; InputDataPtr = (LPBYTE)TrustedDomainName;
// Handle /SC_CHANGE_PWD
} else if ( _strnicmp( argument, SC_CHANGE_PASSWORD_PARAM, sizeof(SC_CHANGE_PASSWORD_PARAM) - 1 ) == 0 ) { if ( FunctionCode != 0 ) { goto Usage; }
AnsiTrustedDomainName = &argument[sizeof(SC_CHANGE_PASSWORD_PARAM)-1];
TrustedDomainName = NetpAllocWStrFromAStr( AnsiTrustedDomainName );
if ( TrustedDomainName == NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "Not enough memory\n" ); return(1); }
Level = 1; InputDataPtr = (LPBYTE)TrustedDomainName;
// Handle /FINDUSER
} else if ( _strnicmp( argument, FINDUSER_PARAM, sizeof(FINDUSER_PARAM) - 1 ) == 0 ) { if ( FunctionCode != 0 ) { goto Usage; }
AnsiUserName = &argument[sizeof(FINDUSER_PARAM)-1];
TrustedDomainName = NetpAllocWStrFromAStr( AnsiUserName );
if ( TrustedDomainName == NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "Not enough memory\n" ); return(1); }
Level = 4; InputDataPtr = (LPBYTE)TrustedDomainName;
// Handle /REPL
} else if (_stricmp(argument, REPL_PARAM ) == 0 ){ if ( FunctionCode != 0 ) { goto Usage; }
// Handle /SYNC
} else if (_stricmp(argument, SYNC_PARAM ) == 0 ){ if ( FunctionCode != 0 ) { goto Usage; }
// Handle /SC_RESET
} else if (_strnicmp(argument, SC_RESET_PARAM, sizeof(SC_RESET_PARAM) - 1 ) == 0 ){ if ( FunctionCode != 0 ) { goto Usage; }
FunctionCode = NETLOGON_CONTROL_REDISCOVER; AnsiTrustedDomainName = &argument[sizeof(SC_RESET_PARAM)-1];
TrustedDomainName = NetpAllocWStrFromAStr( AnsiTrustedDomainName );
if ( TrustedDomainName == NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "Not enough memory\n" ); return(1); }
Level = 2; InputDataPtr = (LPBYTE)TrustedDomainName;
// Handle /SC_VERIFY
} else if (_strnicmp(argument, SC_VERIFY_PARAM, sizeof(SC_VERIFY_PARAM) - 1 ) == 0 ){ if ( FunctionCode != 0 ) { goto Usage; }
FunctionCode = NETLOGON_CONTROL_TC_VERIFY; AnsiTrustedDomainName = &argument[sizeof(SC_VERIFY_PARAM)-1];
TrustedDomainName = NetpAllocWStrFromAStr( AnsiTrustedDomainName );
if ( TrustedDomainName == NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "Not enough memory\n" ); return(1); }
Level = 2; InputDataPtr = (LPBYTE)TrustedDomainName;
// Handle /QUERY
} else if ( _stricmp( argument, TRANSPORT_PARAM ) == 0 ) { if ( FunctionCode != 0 ) { goto Usage; }
// Handle /PDC_REPL
} else if (_stricmp(argument, PDC_REPL_PARAM ) == 0 ){ if ( FunctionCode != 0 ) { goto Usage; }
// Handle /BP
} else if (_stricmp(argument, BP_PARAM ) == 0 ){ if ( FunctionCode != 0 ) { goto Usage; }
} else if (_stricmp(argument, TRUNCATE_LOG_PARAM ) == 0 ){ if ( FunctionCode != 0 ) { goto Usage; }
#endif // NTRK_RELEASE
// Handle /DBFLAG:dbflag
} else if (_strnicmp(argument, DBFLAG_PARAM, sizeof(DBFLAG_PARAM)-1 ) == 0 ){ char *end;
if ( FunctionCode != 0 ) { goto Usage; }
DbFlagValue = strtoul( &argument[sizeof(DBFLAG_PARAM)-1], &end, 16 ); InputDataPtr = (LPBYTE) ULongToPtr( DbFlagValue );
// Handle /Time:LSL MSL
} else if (_strnicmp(argument, TIME_PARAM, sizeof(TIME_PARAM)-1 ) == 0 ){ char *end;
if ( ConvertTime.QuadPart != 0 ) { goto Usage; }
ConvertTime.LowPart = strtoul( &argument[sizeof(TIME_PARAM)-1], &end, 16 ); i++; argument = argv[i];
ConvertTime.HighPart = strtoul( argument, &end, 16 );
// Handle /WHOWILL:Domain User [IterationCount]
} else if (_strnicmp(argument, WHOWILL_PARAM, sizeof(WHOWILL_PARAM)-1 ) == 0 ){ char *end;
if ( AnsiDomainName != NULL ) { goto Usage; }
AnsiDomainName = &argument[sizeof(WHOWILL_PARAM)-1];
i++; argument = argv[i]; AnsiUserName = argument;
if ( i+1 < argc ) { i++; argument = argv[i];
IterationCount = strtoul( argument, &end, 16 ); } else { IterationCount = 1; }
WhoWill = TRUE;
// Handle /BDC_QUERY:Domain
} else if (_strnicmp(argument, BDC_QUERY_PARAM, sizeof(BDC_QUERY_PARAM)-1 ) == 0 ){
if ( AnsiDomainName != NULL ) { goto Usage; }
AnsiDomainName = &argument[sizeof(BDC_QUERY_PARAM)-1]; QuerySync = TRUE;
// Handle /LOGON_QUERY
} else if ( _stricmp( argument, LOGON_QUERY_PARAM ) == 0 ) { if ( FunctionCode != 0 ) { goto Usage; }
FunctionCode = NETLOGON_CONTROL_QUERY; Level = 3;
// Handle full sync simulation
} else if (_strnicmp(argument, SIM_SYNC_PARAM, sizeof(SIM_SYNC_PARAM)-1 ) == 0 ){
if ( AnsiDomainName != NULL ) { goto Usage; }
AnsiDomainName = &argument[sizeof(SIM_SYNC_PARAM)-1];
if( i >= argc ) { goto Usage; }
argument = argv[i]; AnsiSimMachineName = argument;
SimFullSync = TRUE;
// handle delta listing
} else if (_strnicmp(argument, LIST_DELTAS_PARAM, sizeof(LIST_DELTAS_PARAM)-1 ) == 0 ){
if ( AnsiDeltaFileName != NULL ) { goto Usage; }
AnsiDeltaFileName = &argument[sizeof(LIST_DELTAS_PARAM)-1];
ListDeltasFlag = TRUE;
// Handle /DCLIST
} else if (_strnicmp(argument, DCLIST_PARAM, sizeof(DCLIST_PARAM)-1 ) == 0 ){
if ( AnsiDomainName != NULL ) { goto Usage; }
AnsiDomainName = &argument[sizeof(DCLIST_PARAM)-1]; GetDcList = TRUE;
// Handle /DCNAME
} else if (_strnicmp(argument, DCNAME_PARAM, sizeof(DCNAME_PARAM)-1 ) == 0 ){
if ( AnsiDomainName != NULL ) { goto Usage; }
AnsiDomainName = &argument[sizeof(DCNAME_PARAM)-1]; GetPdcName = TRUE;
// Handle /DSGETDC
} else if (_strnicmp(argument, DSGETDC_PARAM, sizeof(DSGETDC_PARAM)-1 ) == 0 ){
if ( AnsiDomainName != NULL ) { goto Usage; }
AnsiDomainName = &argument[sizeof(DSGETDC_PARAM)-1]; DoDsGetDcName = TRUE;
// Handle /DSGETFTI
} else if (_strnicmp(argument, DSGETFTI_PARAM, sizeof(DSGETFTI_PARAM)-1 ) == 0 ){
if ( AnsiDomainName != NULL ) { goto Usage; }
AnsiDomainName = &argument[sizeof(DSGETFTI_PARAM)-1]; DoDsGetFtinfo = TRUE;
// Handle /UPDATE_TDO modifier to /DSGETFTI parameter
} else if ( _stricmp( argument, UPDATE_TDO_PARAM ) == 0 ) { if ( !DoDsGetFtinfo ) { goto Usage; }
DsGetFtinfoFlags |= DS_GFTI_UPDATE_TDO;
// Handle /SERVER:servername
} else if (_strnicmp(argument, SERVER_PARAM, sizeof(SERVER_PARAM)-1 ) == 0 ){ if ( AnsiServerName != NULL ) { goto Usage; }
AnsiServerName = &argument[sizeof(SERVER_PARAM)-1];
// Handle /PWD:password
} else if (_strnicmp(argument, PWD_PARAM, sizeof(PWD_PARAM)-1 ) == 0 ){ if ( AnsiPassword != NULL ) { goto Usage; }
AnsiPassword = &argument[sizeof(PWD_PARAM)-1];
#endif // NTRK_RELEASE
// Handle /USER:username
} else if (_strnicmp(argument, USER_PARAM, sizeof(USER_PARAM)-1 ) == 0 ){ if ( AnsiUserName != NULL ) { goto Usage; }
AnsiUserName = &argument[sizeof(USER_PARAM)-1]; QueryUser = TRUE;
// Handle /RID:relative_id
} else if (_strnicmp(argument, RID_PARAM, sizeof(RID_PARAM)-1 ) == 0 ){ char *end;
if ( Rid != 0 ) { goto Usage; }
Rid = strtol( &argument[sizeof(RID_PARAM)-1], &end, 16 ); #endif // NTRK_RELEASE
// Handle /SHUTDOWN:Reason seconds
} else if (_strnicmp(argument, SHUTDOWN_PARAM, sizeof(SHUTDOWN_PARAM)-1 ) == 0 ){
if ( ShutdownReason != NULL ) { goto Usage; }
ShutdownReason = &argument[sizeof(SHUTDOWN_PARAM)-1];
if ( i+1 < argc ) { char *end; i++; argument = argv[i]; if ( !ISDIGIT(argument[0]) ) { fprintf(stderr, "Second argument to " SHUTDOWN_PARAM " must be a number.\n\n"); goto Usage; } ShutdownSeconds = strtoul( argument, &end, 10 ); } else { ShutdownSeconds = 60; }
} else if (_stricmp(argument, SHUTDOWN_ABORT_PARAM ) == 0 ){
ShutdownAbort = TRUE;
// Allow the old spelling of //TRUSTED_DOMAINS
} else if (_stricmp(argument, TRUSTED_DOMAINS_PARAM ) == 0 || _stricmp(argument, DOMAIN_TRUSTS_PARAM ) == 0 ){
DomainTrustsFlag = TRUE;
// Handle /UNLOAD
} else if ( _stricmp( argument, UNLOAD_PARAM ) == 0 ) { if ( FunctionCode != 0 ) { goto Usage; }
// Handle /DSGETSITE
} else if ( _stricmp( argument, DSGETSITE_PARAM ) == 0 ) { DoDsGetSiteName = TRUE;
} else if ( _stricmp( argument, DSGETSITECOV_PARAM ) == 0 ) { DoDsGetDcSiteCoverage = TRUE;
} else if ( _stricmp( argument, PARENTDOMAIN_PARAM ) == 0 ) { DoGetParentDomain = TRUE;
} else if (_strnicmp(argument, DSDEREGISTERDNS_PARAM, sizeof(DSDEREGISTERDNS_PARAM)-1 ) == 0 ){ DeregisterDnsHostRecords = TRUE;
if ( AnsiDnsHostName != NULL ) { goto Usage; }
AnsiDnsHostName = &argument[sizeof(DSDEREGISTERDNS_PARAM)-1];
// Handle /DSREGDNS
} else if ( _stricmp( argument, DSREGISTERDNS_PARAM ) == 0 ) {
if ( FunctionCode != 0 ) { goto Usage; }
} else if ( _stricmp( argument, DSQUERYDNS_PARAM ) == 0 ) {
if ( FunctionCode != 0 ) { goto Usage; }
// Handle /PDC modifier to /DSGETDC parameter
} else if ( _stricmp( argument, PDC_PARAM ) == 0 ) { if ( !DoDsGetDcName && !DoDsGetDcOpen ) { goto Usage; }
DsGetDcNameFlags |= DS_PDC_REQUIRED;
// Handle /LDAPONLY modifier to /DSGETDC parameter
} else if ( _stricmp( argument, LDAPONLY_PARAM ) == 0 ) { if ( !DoDsGetDcName && !DoDsGetDcOpen ) { goto Usage; }
// Handle /DS modifier to /DSGETDC parameter
} else if ( _stricmp( argument, DS_PARAM ) == 0 ) { if ( !DoDsGetDcName ) { goto Usage; }
// Handle /DSP modifier to /DSGETDC parameter
} else if ( _stricmp( argument, DSP_PARAM ) == 0 ) { if ( !DoDsGetDcName ) { goto Usage; }
// Handle /KDC modifier to /DSGETDC parameter
} else if ( _stricmp( argument, KDC_PARAM ) == 0 ) { if ( !DoDsGetDcName && !DoDsGetDcOpen ) { goto Usage; }
DsGetDcNameFlags |= DS_KDC_REQUIRED;
// Handle /TIMESERV modifier to /DSGETDC parameter
} else if ( _stricmp( argument, TIMESERV_PARAM ) == 0 ) { if ( !DoDsGetDcName ) { goto Usage; }
// Handle /GTIMESERV modifier to /DSGETDC parameter
} else if ( _stricmp( argument, GTIMESERV_PARAM ) == 0 ) { if ( !DoDsGetDcName ) { goto Usage; }
// Handle /AVOIDSELF modifier to /DSGETDC parameter
} else if ( _stricmp( argument, AVOIDSELF_PARAM ) == 0 ) { if ( !DoDsGetDcName ) { goto Usage; }
DsGetDcNameFlags |= DS_AVOID_SELF;
// Handle /GC modifier to /DSGETDC parameter
} else if ( _stricmp( argument, GC_PARAM ) == 0 ) { if ( !DoDsGetDcName && !DoDsGetDcOpen ) { goto Usage; }
// Handle /NETBIOS modifier to /DSGETDC parameter
} else if ( _stricmp( argument, NETBIOS_PARAM ) == 0 ) { if ( !DoDsGetDcName ) { goto Usage; }
DsGetDcNameFlags |= DS_IS_FLAT_NAME;
// Handle /DNS modifier to /DSGETDC parameter
} else if ( _stricmp( argument, DNS_PARAM ) == 0 ) { if ( !DoDsGetDcName ) { goto Usage; }
DsGetDcNameFlags |= DS_IS_DNS_NAME;
// Handle /RET_DNS modifier to /DSGETDC parameter
} else if ( _stricmp( argument, RET_DNS_PARAM ) == 0 ) { if ( !DoDsGetDcName ) { goto Usage; }
// Handle /RET_NETBIOS modifier to /DSGETDC parameter
} else if ( _stricmp( argument, RET_NETBIOS_PARAM ) == 0 ) { if ( !DoDsGetDcName ) { goto Usage; }
// Handle /IP modifier to /DSGETDC parameter
} else if ( _stricmp( argument, IP_PARAM ) == 0 ) { if ( !DoDsGetDcName ) { goto Usage; }
DsGetDcNameFlags |= DS_IP_REQUIRED;
// Handle /BACKG modifier to /DSGETDC parameter
} else if ( _stricmp( argument, BACKG_PARAM ) == 0 ) { if ( !DoDsGetDcName ) { goto Usage; }
// Handle /FORCE modifier to /DSGETDC parameter
} else if ( _stricmp( argument, FORCE_PARAM ) == 0 ) { if ( !DoDsGetDcName && !DoDsGetDcOpen ) { goto Usage; }
// Handle /WRITABLE modifier to /DSGETDC parameter
} else if ( _stricmp( argument, WRITABLE_PARAM ) == 0 ) { if ( !DoDsGetDcName && !DoDsGetDcOpen ) { goto Usage; }
// Handle /SITE:
} else if (_strnicmp(argument, SITE_PARAM, sizeof(SITE_PARAM)-1 ) == 0 ){ if ( !DoDsGetDcName && !DoDsGetDcOpen ) { goto Usage; }
if ( AnsiSiteName != NULL ) { goto Usage; }
AnsiSiteName = &argument[sizeof(SITE_PARAM)-1];
// Handle /ACCOUNT:
} else if (_strnicmp(argument, ACCOUNT_PARAM, sizeof(ACCOUNT_PARAM)-1 ) == 0 ){ if ( !DoDsGetDcName ) { goto Usage; }
if ( AnsiUserName != NULL ) { goto Usage; }
AnsiUserName = &argument[sizeof(ACCOUNT_PARAM)-1];
// Handle /PRIMARY modifier to DsEnumerateDomainTrusts
} else if ( _stricmp( argument, TRUSTS_PRIMARY_PARAM ) == 0 ) { if ( !DomainTrustsFlag ) { goto Usage; } TrustsNeeded |= DS_DOMAIN_PRIMARY;
// Handle /FOREST modifier to DsEnumerateDomainTrusts
} else if ( _stricmp( argument, TRUSTS_FOREST_PARAM ) == 0 ) { if ( !DomainTrustsFlag ) { goto Usage; } TrustsNeeded |= DS_DOMAIN_IN_FOREST;
// Handle /DIRECT_OUT modifier to DsEnumerateDomainTrusts
} else if ( _stricmp( argument, TRUSTS_DIRECT_OUT_PARAM ) == 0 ) { if ( !DomainTrustsFlag ) { goto Usage; } TrustsNeeded |= DS_DOMAIN_DIRECT_OUTBOUND;
// Handle /DIRECT_IN modifier to DsEnumerateDomainTrusts
} else if ( _stricmp( argument, TRUSTS_DIRECT_IN_PARAM ) == 0 ) { if ( !DomainTrustsFlag ) { goto Usage; } TrustsNeeded |= DS_DOMAIN_DIRECT_INBOUND;
// Handle /ALL_TRUSTS modifier to DsEnumerateDomainTrusts
} else if ( _stricmp( argument, TRUSTS_ALL_PARAM ) == 0 ) { if ( !DomainTrustsFlag ) { goto Usage; } TrustsNeeded |= (DS_DOMAIN_PRIMARY | DS_DOMAIN_IN_FOREST | DS_DOMAIN_DIRECT_OUTBOUND | DS_DOMAIN_DIRECT_INBOUND);
// Handle the verbosity level of the trust output
} else if ( _stricmp( argument, VERBOSE_PARAM ) == 0 ) { if ( !DomainTrustsFlag ) { goto Usage; }
TrustedDomainsVerboseOutput = TRUE;
// Handle /DOM: modifier to DsDeregesterHostDnsRecors
} else if (_strnicmp(argument, DEREG_DOMAIN_PARAM, sizeof(DEREG_DOMAIN_PARAM)-1 ) == 0 ){ if ( !DeregisterDnsHostRecords ) { goto Usage; }
if ( AnsiDnsDomainName != NULL ) { goto Usage; }
AnsiDnsDomainName = &argument[sizeof(DEREG_DOMAIN_PARAM)-1];
// Handle /DOMGUID: modifier to DsDeregesterHostDnsRecors
} else if (_strnicmp(argument, DEREG_DOMAIN_GUID, sizeof(DEREG_DOMAIN_GUID)-1 ) == 0 ){ if ( !DeregisterDnsHostRecords ) { goto Usage; }
if ( StringDomainGuid != NULL ) { goto Usage; }
StringDomainGuid = &argument[sizeof(DEREG_DOMAIN_GUID)-1];
// Handle /DSAGUID: modifier to DsDeregesterHostDnsRecors
} else if (_strnicmp(argument, DEREG_DSA_GUID, sizeof(DEREG_DSA_GUID)-1 ) == 0 ){ if ( !DeregisterDnsHostRecords ) { goto Usage; }
if ( StringDsaGuid != NULL ) { goto Usage; }
StringDsaGuid = &argument[sizeof(DEREG_DSA_GUID)-1];
// Handle /DNSGETDC
} else if (_strnicmp(argument, DSGETDCOPEN_PARAM, sizeof(DSGETDCOPEN_PARAM)-1 ) == 0 ){
if ( AnsiDomainName != NULL ) { goto Usage; }
AnsiDomainName = &argument[sizeof(DSGETDCOPEN_PARAM)-1]; DoDsGetDcOpen = TRUE;
// Handle /SITESPEC modifier to DsGetDcOpen
} else if ( _stricmp( argument, DSGETDCOPEN_SITEONLY ) == 0 ) { if ( !DoDsGetDcOpen ) { goto Usage; } DsGetDcOpenFlags |= DS_ONLY_DO_SITE_NAME;
// Handle /CDIGEST
} else if ( _strnicmp( argument, GET_CLIENT_DIGEST, sizeof(GET_CLIENT_DIGEST)-1 ) == 0 ) {
DoClientDigest = TRUE;
if ( Message != NULL ) { goto Usage; }
Message = &argument[sizeof(GET_CLIENT_DIGEST)-1];
// Handle domain name for /CDIGEST
} else if ( _strnicmp( argument, GET_CLIENT_DIGEST_DOMAIN, sizeof(GET_CLIENT_DIGEST_DOMAIN)-1 ) == 0 ) { if ( !DoClientDigest ) { goto Usage; } if ( AnsiDomainName != NULL ) { goto Usage; }
AnsiDomainName = &argument[sizeof(GET_CLIENT_DIGEST_DOMAIN)-1];
// Handle /SDIGEST
} else if ( _strnicmp( argument, GET_SERVER_DIGEST, sizeof(GET_SERVER_DIGEST)-1 ) == 0 ) {
DoServerDigest = TRUE;
if ( Message != NULL ) { goto Usage; }
Message = &argument[sizeof(GET_SERVER_DIGEST)-1];
// Handle all other parameters
} else { Usage: fprintf( stderr, "Usage: nltest [/OPTIONS]\n\n" );
fprintf( stderr, "\n" " " SERVER_PARAM "<ServerName> - Specify <ServerName>\n" "\n" " " QUERY_PARAM " - Query <ServerName> netlogon service\n" " " REPL_PARAM " - Force partial sync on <ServerName> BDC\n" " " SYNC_PARAM " - Force full sync on <ServerName> BDC\n" " " PDC_REPL_PARAM " - Force UAS change message from <ServerName> PDC\n" "\n" " " SC_QUERY_PARAM "<DomainName> - Query secure channel for <Domain> on <ServerName>\n" " " SC_RESET_PARAM "<DomainName>[\\<DcName>] - Reset secure channel for <Domain> on <ServerName> to <DcName>\n" " " SC_VERIFY_PARAM "<DomainName> - Verify secure channel for <Domain> on <ServerName>\n" " " SC_CHANGE_PASSWORD_PARAM "<DomainName> - Change a secure channel password for <Domain> on <ServerName>\n" " " DCLIST_PARAM "<DomainName> - Get list of DC's for <DomainName>\n" " " DCNAME_PARAM "<DomainName> - Get the PDC name for <DomainName>\n" " " DSGETDC_PARAM "<DomainName> - Call DsGetDcName" " " PDC_PARAM " " DS_PARAM " " DSP_PARAM " " GC_PARAM " " KDC_PARAM "\n " " " TIMESERV_PARAM " " GTIMESERV_PARAM " " NETBIOS_PARAM " " DNS_PARAM " " IP_PARAM " " FORCE_PARAM " " WRITABLE_PARAM " " AVOIDSELF_PARAM " " LDAPONLY_PARAM " " BACKG_PARAM "\n " " " SITE_PARAM "<SiteName>" " " ACCOUNT_PARAM "<AccountName>" " " RET_DNS_PARAM " " RET_NETBIOS_PARAM "\n" " " DSGETDCOPEN_PARAM "<DomainName> - Call DsGetDcOpen/Next/Close" " " PDC_PARAM " " GC_PARAM "\n " " " KDC_PARAM " " WRITABLE_PARAM " " LDAPONLY_PARAM " " FORCE_PARAM " " DSGETDCOPEN_SITEONLY "\n" " " DSGETFTI_PARAM "<DomainName> - Call DsGetForestTrustInformation" "\n " " " UPDATE_TDO_PARAM "\n" " " DSGETSITE_PARAM " - Call DsGetSiteName\n" " " DSGETSITECOV_PARAM " - Call DsGetDcSiteCoverage\n" " " PARENTDOMAIN_PARAM " - Get the name of the parent domain of this machine\n" " " WHOWILL_PARAM "<Domain>* <User> [<Iteration>] - See if <Domain> will log on <User>\n" " " FINDUSER_PARAM "<User> - See which trusted domain will log on <User>\n" " " TRANSPORT_PARAM " - Notify netlogon of new transport\n" "\n" #ifndef NTRK_RELEASE
" " BP_PARAM " - Force a BreakPoint in Netlogon on <ServerName>\n" #endif // NTRK_RELEASE
" " DBFLAG_PARAM "<HexFlags> - New debug flag\n" #ifndef NTRK_RELEASE
" " TRUNCATE_LOG_PARAM " - Truncate log file (rename to *.bak)\n" " " UNLOAD_PARAM " - Unload netlogon.dll from lsass.exe\n" #endif // NTRK_RELEASE
"\n" #ifndef NTRK_RELEASE
" " PWD_PARAM "<CleartextPassword> - Specify Password to encrypt\n" " " RID_PARAM "<HexRid> - RID to encrypt Password with\n" #endif // NTRK_RELEASE
" " USER_PARAM "<UserName> - Query User info on <ServerName>\n" "\n" " " TIME_PARAM "<Hex LSL> <Hex MSL> - Convert NT GMT time to ascii\n" " " LOGON_QUERY_PARAM " - Query number of cumulative logon attempts\n" " " DOMAIN_TRUSTS_PARAM " - Query domain trusts on <ServerName>" "\n " " " TRUSTS_PRIMARY_PARAM " " TRUSTS_FOREST_PARAM " " TRUSTS_DIRECT_OUT_PARAM " " TRUSTS_DIRECT_IN_PARAM " " TRUSTS_ALL_PARAM " " VERBOSE_PARAM "\n" " " DSREGISTERDNS_PARAM " - Force registration of all DC-specific DNS records" "\n" " " DSDEREGISTERDNS_PARAM "<DnsHostName> - Deregister DC-specific DNS records for specified DC" "\n " " " DEREG_DOMAIN_PARAM "<DnsDomainName>" " " DEREG_DOMAIN_GUID "<DomainGuid>" " " DEREG_DSA_GUID "<DsaGuid>" "\n" " " DSQUERYDNS_PARAM " - Query the status of the last update for all DC-specific DNS records" "\n\n" " " BDC_QUERY_PARAM "<DomainName> - Query replication status of BDCs for <DomainName>\n" " " SIM_SYNC_PARAM "<DomainName> <MachineName> - Simulate full sync replication\n" "\n" " " LIST_DELTAS_PARAM "<FileName> - display the content of given change log file \n" "\n" " " GET_CLIENT_DIGEST "<Message> "GET_CLIENT_DIGEST_DOMAIN "<DomainName> - Get client digest\n" " " GET_SERVER_DIGEST "<Message> "RID_PARAM "<RID in hex> - Get server digest\n" "\n" " " SHUTDOWN_PARAM "<Reason> [<Seconds>] - Shutdown <ServerName> for <Reason>\n" " " SHUTDOWN_ABORT_PARAM " - Abort a system shutdown\n" "\n" ); return(1); } }
// Convert the server name to unicode.
if ( AnsiServerName != NULL ) { if ( AnsiServerName[0] == '\\' && AnsiServerName[1] == '\\' ) { ServerName = NetpAllocWStrFromAStr( AnsiServerName ); } else {
if ( strlen(AnsiServerName) > DNS_MAX_NAME_LENGTH ) { fprintf( stderr, "Invalid server name\n" ); return(1); } AnsiUncServerName[0] = '\\'; AnsiUncServerName[1] = '\\'; strcpy(AnsiUncServerName+2, AnsiServerName); ServerName = NetpAllocWStrFromAStr( AnsiUncServerName ); AnsiServerName = AnsiUncServerName; } }
// Convert the user name to unicode.
if ( AnsiUserName != NULL ) {
UserName = NetpAllocWStrFromAStr( AnsiUserName );
if ( UserName == NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "Not enough memory\n" ); return(1); } }
// If we've been asked to contact the Netlogon service,
// Do so
if ( FunctionCode != 0 ) {
// The dbflag should be set in the registry as well as in netlogon
// proper.
if ( FunctionCode == NETLOGON_CONTROL_SET_DBFLAG ) { SetDbflagInRegistry( ServerName, DbFlagValue ); }
NetStatus = I_NetLogonControl2( ServerName, FunctionCode, Level, (LPBYTE) &InputDataPtr, (LPBYTE *)&NetlogonInfo1 );
if ( NetStatus != NERR_Success ) { fprintf( stderr, "I_NetLogonControl failed: " ); PrintStatus( NetStatus ); return(1); }
if( (Level == 1) || (Level == 2) ) {
// Print level 1 information
printf( "Flags: %lx", NetlogonInfo1->netlog1_flags );
if ( NetlogonInfo1->netlog1_flags & NETLOGON_REPLICATION_IN_PROGRESS ) {
if ( NetlogonInfo1->netlog1_flags & NETLOGON_FULL_SYNC_REPLICATION ) { printf( " FULL_SYNC " ); } else { printf( " PARTIAL_SYNC " ); }
printf( " REPLICATION_IN_PROGRESS" ); } else if ( NetlogonInfo1->netlog1_flags & NETLOGON_REPLICATION_NEEDED ) {
if ( NetlogonInfo1->netlog1_flags & NETLOGON_FULL_SYNC_REPLICATION ) { printf( " FULL_SYNC " ); } else { printf( " PARTIAL_SYNC " ); }
printf( " REPLICATION_NEEDED" ); } if ( NetlogonInfo1->netlog1_flags & NETLOGON_REDO_NEEDED) { printf( " REDO_NEEDED" ); } if ( Level != 2 ) { printf( "\n" ); }
// For level 2, this is superfluous (same as tc_connection_status) or
// miss leading (the status for the BDC to PDC trust not for the queried domain).
if ( Level != 2 ) { printf( "Connection "); PrintStatus( NetlogonInfo1->netlog1_pdc_connection_status ); }
// Output the last DNS update status if asked
if ( FunctionCode == NETLOGON_CONTROL_QUERY_DNS_REG ) { if ( NetlogonInfo1->netlog1_flags & NETLOGON_DNS_UPDATE_FAILURE ) { printf( "There was a failure in the last update for one of the DC-specific DNS records\n" ); } else { printf( "There was no failure in the last update for all DC-specific DNS records\n" ); } } }
if( Level == 2 ) {
// Print level 2 only information
PNETLOGON_INFO_2 NetlogonInfo2;
NetlogonInfo2 = (PNETLOGON_INFO_2)NetlogonInfo1;
if ( NetlogonInfo2->netlog2_flags & NETLOGON_HAS_IP ) { printf( " HAS_IP " ); } if ( NetlogonInfo2->netlog2_flags & NETLOGON_HAS_TIMESERV ) { printf( " HAS_TIMESERV " ); } printf("\n");
printf("Trusted DC Name %ws \n", NetlogonInfo2->netlog2_trusted_dc_name ); printf("Trusted DC Connection Status "); PrintStatus( NetlogonInfo2->netlog2_tc_connection_status );
// If the server returned the trust verification status,
// print it out
if ( NetlogonInfo2->netlog2_flags & NETLOGON_VERIFY_STATUS_RETURNED ) { printf("Trust Verification "); PrintStatus( NetlogonInfo2->netlog2_pdc_connection_status ); } } if ( Level == 3 ) { printf( "Number of attempted logons: %ld\n", ((PNETLOGON_INFO_3)NetlogonInfo1)->netlog3_logon_attempts ); } if( Level == 4 ) {
PNETLOGON_INFO_4 NetlogonInfo4;
NetlogonInfo4 = (PNETLOGON_INFO_4)NetlogonInfo1;
printf("Domain Name: %ws\n", NetlogonInfo4->netlog4_trusted_domain_name ); printf("Trusted DC Name %ws \n", NetlogonInfo4->netlog4_trusted_dc_name ); }
NetApiBufferFree( NetlogonInfo1 ); }
// If we've been asked to debug password encryption,
// do so.
if ( AnsiPassword != NULL ) { LPWSTR Password = NULL; UNICODE_STRING UnicodePasswordString; STRING AnsiPasswordString; CHAR LmPasswordBuffer[LM20_PWLEN + 1];
Password = NetpAllocWStrFromAStr( AnsiPassword ); RtlInitUnicodeString( &UnicodePasswordString, Password );
// Compute the NT One-Way-Function of the password
Status = RtlCalculateNtOwfPassword( &UnicodePasswordString, &NtOwfPassword ); if ( !NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) { fprintf( stderr, "RtlCalculateNtOwfPassword failed: 0x%lx", Status); return(1); }
printf( "NT OWF Password for: %s ", AnsiPassword ); DumpBuffer( &NtOwfPassword, sizeof( NtOwfPassword )); printf("\n"); NtPasswordPresent = TRUE;
// Compute the Ansi version to the Cleartext password.
// The Ansi version of the Cleartext password is at most 14 bytes long,
// exists in a trailing zero filled 15 byte buffer,
// is uppercased.
AnsiPasswordString.Buffer = LmPasswordBuffer; AnsiPasswordString.MaximumLength = sizeof(LmPasswordBuffer);
RtlZeroMemory( LmPasswordBuffer, sizeof(LmPasswordBuffer) );
Status = RtlUpcaseUnicodeStringToOemString( &AnsiPasswordString, &UnicodePasswordString, FALSE );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) {
RtlZeroMemory( LmPasswordBuffer, sizeof(LmPasswordBuffer) ); Status = STATUS_SUCCESS;
printf( "LM OWF Password for: %s\n", AnsiPassword ); printf( " ----- Password doesn't translate from unicode ----\n"); LmPasswordPresent = FALSE;
} else {
Status = RtlCalculateLmOwfPassword( LmPasswordBuffer, &LmOwfPassword); printf( "LM OWF Password for: %s ", AnsiPassword ); DumpBuffer( &LmOwfPassword, sizeof( LmOwfPassword )); printf("\n"); LmPasswordPresent = TRUE; }
// If we've been given a Rid,
// use it to further encrypt the password
if ( Rid != 0 ) { ENCRYPTED_LM_OWF_PASSWORD EncryptedLmOwfPassword; ENCRYPTED_NT_OWF_PASSWORD EncryptedNtOwfPassword;
if ( NtPasswordPresent ) {
Status = RtlEncryptNtOwfPwdWithIndex( &NtOwfPassword, &Rid, &EncryptedNtOwfPassword );
printf( "NT OWF Password encrypted by: 0x%lx ", Rid ); if ( NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) { DumpBuffer( &EncryptedNtOwfPassword,sizeof(EncryptedNtOwfPassword)); printf("\n"); } else { printf( "RtlEncryptNtOwfPwdWithIndex returns 0x%lx\n", Status ); } }
if ( LmPasswordPresent ) {
Status = RtlEncryptLmOwfPwdWithIndex( &LmOwfPassword, &Rid, &EncryptedLmOwfPassword );
printf( "LM OWF Password encrypted by: 0x%lx ", Rid ); if ( NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) { DumpBuffer( &EncryptedLmOwfPassword,sizeof(EncryptedLmOwfPassword)); printf("\n"); } else { printf( "RtlEncryptNtOwfPwdWithIndex returns 0x%lx\n", Status ); } } } #endif // NTRK_RELEASE
// If we've been asked to query a user,
// do so.
if ( QueryUser ) { if ( AnsiUserName != NULL && *AnsiUserName != L'\0' ) { PrintUserInfo( ServerName, AnsiUserName ); } else { goto Usage; } }
// If we've been asked to get the list of domain controllers,
// Do so
if ( AnsiDomainName != NULL ) { LPWSTR DomainName;
DomainName = NetpAllocWStrFromAStr( AnsiDomainName );
if ( DomainName == NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "Not enough memory\n" ); return(1); }
if ( GetPdcName ) { LPWSTR PdcName;
NetStatus = NetGetDCName( ServerName, DomainName, (LPBYTE *)&PdcName );
if ( NetStatus != NERR_Success ) { fprintf( stderr, "NetGetDCName failed: " ); PrintStatus( NetStatus ); return(1); }
printf( "PDC for Domain " FORMAT_LPWSTR " is " FORMAT_LPWSTR "\n", DomainName, PdcName );
} else if ( DoDsGetDcName ) {
NetStatus = DsGetDcNameWithAccountA( AnsiServerName, AnsiUserName, AnsiUserName == NULL ? 0 : 0xFFFFFFFF, AnsiDomainName, NULL, // No domain guid
AnsiSiteName, DsGetDcNameFlags, &DomainControllerInfo );
if ( NetStatus != NERR_Success ) { fprintf( stderr, "DsGetDcName failed: "); PrintStatus( NetStatus ); return(1); }
printf(" DC: %s\n", DomainControllerInfo->DomainControllerName ); printf(" Address: %s\n", DomainControllerInfo->DomainControllerAddress );
if ( !IsEqualGUID( &DomainControllerInfo->DomainGuid, &NlGlobalZeroGuid) ) {
RpcStatus = UuidToStringA( &DomainControllerInfo->DomainGuid, &StringGuid ); if ( RpcStatus != RPC_S_OK ) { return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } printf(" Dom Guid: %s\n", StringGuid ); RpcStringFreeA( &StringGuid ); }
if ( DomainControllerInfo->DomainName != NULL ) { printf(" Dom Name: %s\n", DomainControllerInfo->DomainName ); } if ( DomainControllerInfo->DnsForestName != NULL ) { printf(" Forest Name: %s\n", DomainControllerInfo->DnsForestName ); } if ( DomainControllerInfo->DcSiteName != NULL ) { printf(" Dc Site Name: %s\n", DomainControllerInfo->DcSiteName ); } if ( DomainControllerInfo->ClientSiteName != NULL ) { printf("Our Site Name: %s\n", DomainControllerInfo->ClientSiteName ); } if ( DomainControllerInfo->Flags ) { printf(" Flags:" ); if ( DomainControllerInfo->Flags & DS_NDNC_FLAG ) { printf(" NDNC"); DomainControllerInfo->Flags &= ~DS_NDNC_FLAG; } if ( DomainControllerInfo->Flags & DS_PDC_FLAG ) { printf(" PDC"); DomainControllerInfo->Flags &= ~DS_PDC_FLAG; } if ( DomainControllerInfo->Flags & DS_GC_FLAG ) { printf(" GC"); DomainControllerInfo->Flags &= ~DS_GC_FLAG; } if ( DomainControllerInfo->Flags & DS_DS_FLAG ) { printf(" DS"); DomainControllerInfo->Flags &= ~DS_DS_FLAG; } if ( DomainControllerInfo->Flags & DS_LDAP_FLAG ) { printf(" LDAP"); DomainControllerInfo->Flags &= ~DS_LDAP_FLAG; } if ( DomainControllerInfo->Flags & DS_KDC_FLAG ) { printf(" KDC"); DomainControllerInfo->Flags &= ~DS_KDC_FLAG; } if ( DomainControllerInfo->Flags & DS_TIMESERV_FLAG ) { printf(" TIMESERV"); DomainControllerInfo->Flags &= ~DS_TIMESERV_FLAG; } if ( DomainControllerInfo->Flags & DS_GOOD_TIMESERV_FLAG ) { printf(" GTIMESERV"); DomainControllerInfo->Flags &= ~DS_GOOD_TIMESERV_FLAG; } if ( DomainControllerInfo->Flags & DS_WRITABLE_FLAG ) { printf(" WRITABLE"); DomainControllerInfo->Flags &= ~DS_WRITABLE_FLAG; } if ( DomainControllerInfo->Flags & DS_DNS_CONTROLLER_FLAG ) { printf(" DNS_DC"); DomainControllerInfo->Flags &= ~DS_DNS_CONTROLLER_FLAG; } if ( DomainControllerInfo->Flags & DS_DNS_DOMAIN_FLAG ) { printf(" DNS_DOMAIN"); DomainControllerInfo->Flags &= ~DS_DNS_DOMAIN_FLAG; } if ( DomainControllerInfo->Flags & DS_DNS_FOREST_FLAG ) { printf(" DNS_FOREST"); DomainControllerInfo->Flags &= ~DS_DNS_FOREST_FLAG; } if ( DomainControllerInfo->Flags & DS_CLOSEST_FLAG ) { printf(" CLOSE_SITE"); DomainControllerInfo->Flags &= ~DS_CLOSEST_FLAG; } if ( DomainControllerInfo->Flags != 0 ) { printf(" 0x%lX", DomainControllerInfo->Flags); } printf("\n"); }
} else if ( DoDsGetFtinfo ) { PLSA_FOREST_TRUST_INFORMATION ForestTrustInfo; ULONG Index;
NetStatus = DsGetForestTrustInformationW( ServerName, DomainName, DsGetFtinfoFlags, &ForestTrustInfo );
if ( NetStatus != NERR_Success ) { fprintf( stderr, "DsGetForestTrustInformation failed: "); PrintStatus( NetStatus ); return(1); }
for ( Index=0; Index<ForestTrustInfo->RecordCount; Index++ ) {
switch ( ForestTrustInfo->Entries[Index]->ForestTrustType ) { case ForestTrustTopLevelName: printf( "TLN: %wZ\n", &ForestTrustInfo->Entries[Index]->ForestTrustData.TopLevelName ); break; case ForestTrustDomainInfo: printf( "Dom: %wZ (%wZ)\n", &ForestTrustInfo->Entries[Index]->ForestTrustData.DomainInfo.DnsName, &ForestTrustInfo->Entries[Index]->ForestTrustData.DomainInfo.NetbiosName ); break; default: printf( "Invalid Type: %ld\n", ForestTrustInfo->Entries[Index]->ForestTrustType ); } }
} else if ( GetDcList ) {
if ( !GetDcListFromDs( DomainName ) ) { DWORD DCCount; PUNICODE_STRING DCNames; DWORD i;
NetStatus = I_NetGetDCList( ServerName, DomainName, &DCCount, &DCNames );
if ( NetStatus != NERR_Success ) { fprintf( stderr, "I_NetGetDCList failed: "); PrintStatus( NetStatus ); return(1); }
printf( "List of DCs in Domain " FORMAT_LPWSTR "\n", DomainName ); for (i=0; i<DCCount; i++ ) { if ( DCNames[i].Length > 0 ) { printf(" %wZ", &DCNames[i] ); } else { printf(" NULL"); } if ( i==0 ) { printf( " (PDC)"); } printf("\n"); } }
} else if ( WhoWill ) {
if ( DomainName != NULL && *DomainName != L'\0' ) { WhoWillLogMeOn( DomainName, UserName, IterationCount ); } else { goto Usage; }
} else if( QuerySync ) {
NetStatus = I_NetGetDCList( ServerName, DomainName, &DCCount, &DCNames );
if ( NetStatus != NERR_Success ) { fprintf( stderr, "I_NetGetDCList failed: "); PrintStatus( NetStatus ); return(1); }
for (i=1; i<DCCount; i++ ) {
if ( DCNames[i].Length > 0 ) { SyncServerName = DCNames[i].Buffer; } else { SyncServerName = NULL; }
NetStatus = I_NetLogonControl( SyncServerName, NETLOGON_CONTROL_QUERY, 1, (LPBYTE *)&SyncNetlogonInfo1 );
if ( NetStatus != NERR_Success ) { printf( "Server : " FORMAT_LPWSTR "\n", SyncServerName ); printf( "\tI_NetLogonControl failed: "); PrintStatus( NetStatus ); } else {
printf( "Server : " FORMAT_LPWSTR "\n", SyncServerName );
printf( "\tSyncState : " );
if ( SyncNetlogonInfo1->netlog1_flags == 0 ) { printf( " IN_SYNC \n" ); } else if ( SyncNetlogonInfo1->netlog1_flags & NETLOGON_REPLICATION_IN_PROGRESS ) { printf( " REPLICATION_IN_PROGRESS \n" ); } else if ( SyncNetlogonInfo1->netlog1_flags & NETLOGON_REPLICATION_NEEDED ) { printf( " REPLICATION_NEEDED \n" ); } else { printf( " UNKNOWN \n" ); }
printf( "\tConnectionState : "); PrintStatus( SyncNetlogonInfo1->netlog1_pdc_connection_status );
NetApiBufferFree( SyncNetlogonInfo1 ); } } } else if( SimFullSync ) {
LPWSTR MachineName; LPWSTR PdcName;
MachineName = NetpAllocWStrFromAStr( AnsiSimMachineName );
if ( MachineName == NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "Not enough memory\n" ); return(1); }
NetStatus = NetGetDCName( ServerName, DomainName, (LPBYTE *)&PdcName );
if ( NetStatus != NERR_Success ) { fprintf( stderr, "NetGetDCName failed: " ); PrintStatus( NetStatus ); return(1); }
Status = SimulateFullSync( PdcName, MachineName );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( Status )) { return(1); } } }
// if we are asked to display the change log file. do so.
if( ListDeltasFlag ) {
LPWSTR DeltaFileName;
DeltaFileName = NetpAllocWStrFromAStr( AnsiDeltaFileName );
if ( DeltaFileName == NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "Not enough memory\n" ); return(1); }
ListDeltas( DeltaFileName ); }
// Handle shutting down a system.
if ( ShutdownReason != NULL ) { if ( !InitiateSystemShutdownExA( AnsiServerName, ShutdownReason, ShutdownSeconds, FALSE, // Don't lose unsaved changes
TRUE, // Reboot when done
SHTDN_REASON_FLAG_PLANNED | SHTDN_REASON_MAJOR_APPLICATION | SHTDN_REASON_MINOR_MAINTENANCE ) ) { fprintf( stderr, "InitiateSystemShutdownEx failed: "); PrintStatus( GetLastError() ); return 1; } }
if ( ShutdownAbort ) { if ( !AbortSystemShutdownA( AnsiServerName ) ) { fprintf( stderr, "AbortSystemShutdown failed: "); PrintStatus( GetLastError() ); return 1; } }
// Print the list of domain trusts on a workstation.
if ( DomainTrustsFlag ) { ULONG CurrentIndex; ULONG EntryCount; PDS_DOMAIN_TRUSTSA TrustedDomainList;
if ( TrustsNeeded == 0 ) { TrustsNeeded = DS_DOMAIN_VALID_FLAGS; }
NetStatus = DsEnumerateDomainTrustsA( AnsiServerName, TrustsNeeded, &TrustedDomainList, &EntryCount );
if ( NetStatus != NO_ERROR ) { fprintf( stderr, "DsEnumerateDomainTrusts failed: "); PrintStatus( NetStatus ); return 1; }
printf( "List of domain trusts:\n" );
for ( CurrentIndex=0; CurrentIndex<EntryCount; CurrentIndex++ ) {
printf( " %ld:", CurrentIndex ); NlPrintTrustedDomain( (PDS_DOMAIN_TRUSTSW)&TrustedDomainList[CurrentIndex], TrustedDomainsVerboseOutput, TRUE );
NetApiBufferFree( TrustedDomainList ); }
// Print the site names of all sites covered by this DC
if ( DoDsGetDcSiteCoverage ) { LPSTR *SiteNames; ULONG Nsites, i;
NetStatus = DsGetDcSiteCoverageA( AnsiServerName, &Nsites, &SiteNames);
if ( NetStatus != NERR_Success ) { fprintf( stderr, "DsGetDcSiteCoverage failed: "); PrintStatus( NetStatus ); return(1); }
for ( i = 0; i < Nsites; i++ ) { printf("%s\n", SiteNames[i]); }
NetApiBufferFree( SiteNames ); }
// Get the site name of a machine.
if ( DoDsGetSiteName ) { LPSTR SiteName;
NetStatus = DsGetSiteNameA( AnsiServerName, &SiteName );
if ( NetStatus != NERR_Success ) { fprintf( stderr, "DsGetSiteName failed: "); PrintStatus( NetStatus ); return(1); }
printf("%s\n", SiteName ); }
// Get the parent domain of a machine.
if ( DoGetParentDomain ) { LPWSTR ParentName; BOOL PdcSameSite;
NetStatus = NetLogonGetTimeServiceParentDomain( ServerName, &ParentName, &PdcSameSite );
if ( NetStatus != NERR_Success ) { fprintf( stderr, "GetParentDomain failed: "); PrintStatus( NetStatus ); return(1); }
printf("%ws (%ld)\n", ParentName, PdcSameSite ); }
// Deregister DNS host records
if ( DeregisterDnsHostRecords ) {
RPC_STATUS RpcStatus; GUID DomainGuid; GUID DsaGuid;
// Convert domain Guid string into the domain Guid
if ( StringDomainGuid != NULL ) { RpcStatus = UuidFromStringA ( StringDomainGuid, &DomainGuid ); if ( RpcStatus != RPC_S_OK ) { fprintf( stderr, "ERROR: Invalid Domain GUID specified\n" ); return(1); } }
// Convert Dsa Guid string into the Dsa Guid
if ( StringDsaGuid != NULL ) { RpcStatus = UuidFromStringA ( StringDsaGuid, &DsaGuid ); if ( RpcStatus != RPC_S_OK ) { fprintf( stderr, "ERROR: Invalid DSA GUID specified\n" ); return(1); } }
NetStatus = DsDeregisterDnsHostRecordsA ( AnsiServerName, AnsiDnsDomainName, StringDomainGuid == NULL ? NULL : &DomainGuid, StringDsaGuid == NULL ? NULL : &DsaGuid, AnsiDnsHostName );
if ( NetStatus != NERR_Success ) { fprintf( stderr, "DsDeregisterDnsHostRecordsA failed: "); PrintStatus( NetStatus ); return(1); } }
// Get the list of DC records in DNS for a given domain
if ( DoDsGetDcOpen ) { HANDLE DsGetDcHandle = NULL; ULONG SockAddressCount = 0; LPSOCKET_ADDRESS SockAddressList = NULL; CHAR SockAddrString[NL_SOCK_ADDRESS_LENGTH+1]; LPSTR AnsiHostName = NULL; BOOL PreamblePrinted = FALSE; BOOL SiteSpecPrinted = FALSE; BOOL NonSiteSpecPrinted = FALSE; WORD wVersionRequested; WSADATA wsaData;
// Initilaize Winsock (needed for NetpSockAddrToStr);
wVersionRequested = MAKEWORD( 1, 1 ); NetStatus = WSAStartup( wVersionRequested, &wsaData ); if ( NetStatus != 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Cannot initialize winsock: " ); PrintStatus( NetStatus ); return(1); }
// Get a context for the DNS name queries.
NetStatus = DsGetDcOpenA( AnsiDomainName, DS_NOTIFY_AFTER_SITE_RECORDS | DsGetDcOpenFlags, AnsiSiteName, NULL, // No domain guid
NULL, // No forest name
DsGetDcNameFlags, &DsGetDcHandle );
if ( NetStatus != NO_ERROR ) { fprintf( stderr, "DsGetDcOpenA failed: "); PrintStatus( NetStatus ); return(1); }
// Loop getting addresses
for ( ;; ) {
// Free any memory from a previous iteration.
if ( SockAddressList != NULL ) { LocalFree( SockAddressList ); SockAddressList = NULL; } if ( AnsiHostName != NULL ) { NetApiBufferFree( AnsiHostName ); AnsiHostName = NULL; }
// Get the next set of IP addresses from DNS
NetStatus = DsGetDcNextA( DsGetDcHandle, &SockAddressCount, &SockAddressList, &AnsiHostName );
// Process the exeptional conditions
if ( NetStatus == NO_ERROR ) { ULONG i;
if ( !PreamblePrinted ) { printf( "List of DCs in pseudo-random order taking into account SRV priorities and weights:\n" ); PreamblePrinted = TRUE; }
if ( AnsiSiteName != NULL && !SiteSpecPrinted ) { printf( "Site specific:\n" ); SiteSpecPrinted = TRUE; }
if ( AnsiSiteName == NULL && !NonSiteSpecPrinted ) { printf( "Non-Site specific:\n" ); NonSiteSpecPrinted = TRUE; }
printf( " %s", AnsiHostName );
for (i = 0; i < SockAddressCount; i++ ) { NetStatus = NetpSockAddrToStr( SockAddressList[i].lpSockaddr, SockAddressList[i].iSockaddrLength, SockAddrString );
if ( NetStatus == NO_ERROR ) { printf( " %s", SockAddrString ); } }
printf( "\n" );
// If the A record cannot be found for the SRV record in DNS,
// try the other name type.
} else if ( NetStatus == DNS_ERROR_RCODE_NAME_ERROR ) {
printf( "WARNING: No records available of specified type\n" ); continue;
// If we've processed all of the site specific SRV records
// just indicate that we continue with non-site specific
} else if ( NetStatus == ERROR_FILEMARK_DETECTED ) {
AnsiSiteName = NULL; continue;
// If we're done,
// break out of the loop.
} else if ( NetStatus == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS ) {
// If DNS isn't available,
// blow this request away.
} else if ( NetStatus == ERROR_TIMEOUT || NetStatus == DNS_ERROR_RCODE_SERVER_FAILURE ) { // Server failed
fprintf( stderr, "ERROR: DNS server failure: "); PrintStatus( NetStatus ); return(1);
// If IP or DNS is not configured,
// tell the caller.
} else if ( NetStatus == DNS_ERROR_NO_TCPIP || // TCP/IP not configured
NetStatus == DNS_ERROR_NO_DNS_SERVERS ) { // DNS not configured
printf( "ERROR: DNS query indicates that IP is not configured on this machine\n" ); break;
// We don't handle any other error.
} else { fprintf( stderr, "ERROR: DNS query failure: "); PrintStatus( NetStatus ); return(1); } }
// Close
if ( DsGetDcHandle != NULL ) { DsGetDcCloseW( DsGetDcHandle ); } }
// Get the client digest
if ( DoClientDigest ) { ULONG Rid; LPWSTR UnicodeDomainName = NULL; CHAR NewMessageDigest[NL_DIGEST_SIZE]; CHAR OldMessageDigest[NL_DIGEST_SIZE];
UnicodeDomainName = NetpAllocWStrFromAStr( AnsiDomainName ); if ( UnicodeDomainName == NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "Not enough memory\n"); return(1); }
// First get the trust RID
NetStatus = I_NetlogonGetTrustRid( ServerName, UnicodeDomainName, &Rid );
if ( NetStatus != NO_ERROR ) { fprintf( stderr, "I_NetlogonGetTrustRid failed: "); PrintStatus( NetStatus ); return(1); }
// Next calculate the client digest
NetStatus = I_NetlogonComputeClientDigest( ServerName, UnicodeDomainName, Message, strlen(Message)*sizeof(CHAR), NewMessageDigest, OldMessageDigest );
if ( NetStatus != NO_ERROR ) { fprintf( stderr, "I_NetlogonComputeClientDigest failed: "); PrintStatus( NetStatus ); return(1); }
// Output the RID and the digest
printf( "Account RID: 0x%lx\n", Rid );
printf( "New digest: " ); NlpDumpBuffer(NL_ENCRYPT, NewMessageDigest, sizeof(NewMessageDigest) );
printf( "Old digest: " ); NlpDumpBuffer(NL_ENCRYPT, OldMessageDigest, sizeof(OldMessageDigest) ); }
// Get the server digest
if ( DoServerDigest ) { CHAR NewMessageDigest[NL_DIGEST_SIZE]; CHAR OldMessageDigest[NL_DIGEST_SIZE];
NetStatus = I_NetlogonComputeServerDigest( ServerName, Rid, Message, strlen(Message)*sizeof(CHAR), NewMessageDigest, OldMessageDigest );
if ( NetStatus != NO_ERROR ) { fprintf( stderr, "I_NetlogonComputeServerDigest failed: "); PrintStatus( NetStatus ); return(1); }
// Output the RID and the digest
printf( "Account RID: 0x%lx\n", Rid );
printf( "New digest: " ); NlpDumpBuffer(NL_ENCRYPT, NewMessageDigest, sizeof(NewMessageDigest) );
printf( "Old digest: " ); NlpDumpBuffer(NL_ENCRYPT, OldMessageDigest, sizeof(OldMessageDigest) ); }
// If we've been asked to convert an NT GMT time to ascii,
// Do so
PrintTime( "", ConvertTime );
// If we've been asked to unload netlogon.dll,
// stop the service.
if ( UnloadNetlogonFlag ) { StopService( SERVICE_NETLOGON ); } #endif // NTRK_RELEASE
printf("The command completed successfully\n"); return 0;