Copyright (c) 1991-1992 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module contains support for the server get and set info APIs in the server service.
David Treadwell (davidtr) 7-Mar-1991
Revision History:
#include "srvsvcp.h"
#include "ssreg.h"
#include <netlibnt.h>
#include <tstr.h>
#include <lmerr.h>
Routine Description:
This routine uses the server parameters stored in the server service to return the server information.
Return Value:
NET_API_STATUS - NO_ERROR or reason for failure.
{ ULONG outputBufferLength; NET_API_STATUS error; ACCESS_MASK desiredAccess; LPWSTR DomainName; PNAME_LIST_ENTRY service; PTRANSPORT_LIST_ENTRY transport; UCHAR serverNameBuf[ MAX_PATH ]; UNICODE_STRING ServerNameUnicode; NTSTATUS status; ULONG namelen;
// validate incomming string lengths
if(ServerName!=NULL && StringCchLength(ServerName,1024,NULL) != S_OK) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
// Determine the access required for the requested level of
// information.
switch ( Level ) {
case 100: case 101:
desiredAccess = SRVSVC_CONFIG_USER_INFO_GET; break;
case 102: case 502:
desiredAccess = SRVSVC_CONFIG_POWER_INFO_GET; break;
case 503:
desiredAccess = SRVSVC_CONFIG_ADMIN_INFO_GET; break;
default: return ERROR_INVALID_LEVEL; }
// Make sure that the caller has that level of access.
error = SsCheckAccess( &SsConfigInfoSecurityObject, desiredAccess );
if ( error != NO_ERROR ) { return ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED; }
// Acquire the resource that protects server information. Since
// we'll only read the information, get shared access to the
// resource.
(VOID)RtlAcquireResourceShared( &SsData.SsServerInfoResource, TRUE );
if( ServerName == NULL ) { ServerName = SsData.ServerNameBuffer; }
// Convert the server name
if( ServerName[0] == L'\\' && ServerName[1] == L'\\' ) { ServerName += 2; }
RtlInitUnicodeString( &ServerNameUnicode, ServerName ); error = ConvertStringToTransportAddress( &ServerNameUnicode, serverNameBuf, &namelen ); if( error != NERR_Success ) { RtlReleaseResource( &SsData.SsServerInfoResource ); return error; }
// Look for the NAME_LIST_ENTRY entry that represents the name of the server
// the client referred to.
DomainName = SsData.DomainNameBuffer;
for( service = SsData.SsServerNameList; service != NULL; service = service->Next ) {
if( service->TransportAddressLength != namelen ) { continue; }
if( RtlEqualMemory( serverNameBuf, service->TransportAddress, namelen ) ) { DomainName = service->DomainName; break; } }
// If we didn't find an entry, find and use the primary entry
if( service == NULL ) { for( service = SsData.SsServerNameList; service != NULL; service = service->Next ) { if( service->PrimaryName ) { DomainName = service->DomainName; break; } } }
// Use the level parameter to determine how much space to allocate
// and how to fill it in.
switch ( Level ) {
case 100: {
PSERVER_INFO_100 sv100;
// All we copy is the server name.
outputBufferLength = sizeof(SERVER_INFO_100) + STRSIZE( ServerName);
sv100 = MIDL_user_allocate( outputBufferLength ); if ( sv100 == NULL ) { RtlReleaseResource( &SsData.SsServerInfoResource ); return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; }
// Copy over the fixed portion of the buffer.
RtlCopyMemory( sv100, &SsData.ServerInfo102, sizeof(SERVER_INFO_100) );
// Set up the name string.
sv100->sv100_name = (LPWSTR)( sv100 + 1 ); STRCPY( sv100->sv100_name, ServerName );
// Set up the output buffer pointer.
InfoStruct->ServerInfo100 = sv100;
break; }
case 101: {
PSERVER_INFO_101 sv101;
// All we copy is the server name.
outputBufferLength = sizeof(SERVER_INFO_101) + STRSIZE( ServerName ) + STRSIZE( SsData.ServerCommentBuffer ) ;
sv101 = MIDL_user_allocate( outputBufferLength ); if ( sv101 == NULL ) { RtlReleaseResource( &SsData.SsServerInfoResource ); return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; }
// Copy over the fixed portion of the buffer.
RtlCopyMemory( sv101, &SsData.ServerInfo102, sizeof(SERVER_INFO_101) );
if( service != NULL ) { sv101->sv101_type = service->ServiceBits; for( transport = service->Transports; transport; transport = transport->Next ) { sv101->sv101_type |= transport->ServiceBits; } } else { //
// If there are no transports,
// return the global information.
sv101->sv101_type = SsGetServerType(); }
// Set up the variable portion of the buffer.
sv101->sv101_name = (LPWSTR)( sv101 + 1 ); STRCPY( sv101->sv101_name, ServerName );
sv101->sv101_comment = (LPWSTR)( (PCHAR)sv101->sv101_name + STRSIZE( ServerName )); STRCPY( sv101->sv101_comment, SsData.ServerCommentBuffer );
// Set up the output buffer pointer.
InfoStruct->ServerInfo101 = sv101;
break; }
case 102: {
PSERVER_INFO_102 sv102;
// We copy the server name, server comment, and user path
// buffer.
outputBufferLength = sizeof(SERVER_INFO_102) + STRSIZE( ServerName ) + STRSIZE( SsData.ServerCommentBuffer ) + STRSIZE( SsData.UserPathBuffer ) ;
sv102 = MIDL_user_allocate( outputBufferLength ); if ( sv102 == NULL ) { RtlReleaseResource( &SsData.SsServerInfoResource ); return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; }
// Copy over the fixed portion of the buffer.
RtlCopyMemory( sv102, &SsData.ServerInfo102, sizeof(SERVER_INFO_102) );
if( service != NULL ) { sv102->sv102_type = service->ServiceBits; for( transport = service->Transports; transport; transport = transport->Next ) { sv102->sv102_type |= transport->ServiceBits; } } else { //
// If there are no transports,
// return the global information.
sv102->sv102_type = SsGetServerType(); }
// Set up the server name.
sv102->sv102_name = (LPWSTR)( sv102 + 1 ); STRCPY( sv102->sv102_name, ServerName );
// Set up the server comment.
sv102->sv102_comment = (LPWSTR)( (PCHAR)sv102->sv102_name + STRSIZE( ServerName )); STRCPY( sv102->sv102_comment, SsData.ServerCommentBuffer );
// Set up the user path.
sv102->sv102_userpath = (LPWSTR)( (PCHAR)sv102->sv102_comment + STRSIZE( sv102->sv102_comment ) ); STRCPY( sv102->sv102_userpath, SsData.UserPathBuffer );
// Set up the output buffer pointer.
InfoStruct->ServerInfo102 = sv102;
break; }
case 502:
// Allocate enough space to hold the fixed structure. This level has
// no variable structure.
InfoStruct->ServerInfo502 = MIDL_user_allocate( sizeof(SERVER_INFO_502) ); if ( InfoStruct->ServerInfo502 == NULL ) { RtlReleaseResource( &SsData.SsServerInfoResource ); return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; }
// Copy the data from the server service buffer to the user buffer.
RtlCopyMemory( InfoStruct->ServerInfo502, &SsData.ServerInfo599, sizeof(SERVER_INFO_502) );
case 503: {
PSERVER_INFO_503 sv503;
outputBufferLength = sizeof( *sv503 ) + STRSIZE( DomainName );
sv503 = MIDL_user_allocate( outputBufferLength );
if ( sv503 == NULL ) { RtlReleaseResource( &SsData.SsServerInfoResource ); return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; }
// Copy the data from the server service buffer to the user buffer.
RtlCopyMemory( sv503, &SsData.ServerInfo599, sizeof( *sv503 ) );
// Copy the domain name
sv503->sv503_domain = (LPWSTR)( sv503 + 1 ); STRCPY( sv503->sv503_domain, DomainName );
InfoStruct->ServerInfo503 = sv503;
break; }
RtlReleaseResource( &SsData.SsServerInfoResource ); return ERROR_INVALID_LEVEL; }
RtlReleaseResource( &SsData.SsServerInfoResource );
return NO_ERROR;
} // NetrServerGetInfo
Routine Description:
This routine sets information in the server service and server.
Return Value:
NET_API_STATUS - NO_ERROR or reason for failure.
{ NET_API_STATUS error; ULONG i; LONG parmnum; BOOLEAN validLevel = FALSE; PSERVER_REQUEST_PACKET srp; LPBYTE buffer = (LPBYTE)InfoStruct->ServerInfo100; BOOLEAN announcementInformationChanged = FALSE;
// Check that user input buffer is not NULL
if (buffer == NULL) { if ( ARGUMENT_PRESENT( ErrorParameter ) ) { *ErrorParameter = PARM_ERROR_UNKNOWN; } return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
if ( ARGUMENT_PRESENT( ErrorParameter ) ) { *ErrorParameter = parmnum; }
// Make sure that the caller is allowed to set information in the
// server.
error = SsCheckAccess( &SsConfigInfoSecurityObject, SRVSVC_CONFIG_INFO_SET );
if ( error != NO_ERROR ) { return ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED; }
// Acquire the resource that protects server information. Since
// we're going to be writing to the information, we need exclusive
// access to the reqource.
// If a parameter number was specified, set that one field.
if ( parmnum >= 0 ) {
// Walk through the field descriptors looking for an
// equivalent parameter number.
for ( i = 0; SsServerInfoFields[i].FieldName != NULL; i++ ) {
if ( (ULONG)parmnum == SsServerInfoFields[i].ParameterNumber ) {
// Verify that the field is settable.
// !!! We should also reject levels above 502?
if ( SsServerInfoFields[i].Settable != ALWAYS_SETTABLE ) { return ERROR_INVALID_LEVEL; }
(VOID)RtlAcquireResourceExclusive( &SsData.SsServerInfoResource, TRUE );
// Set the field.
error = SsSetField( &SsServerInfoFields[i], buffer, TRUE, &announcementInformationChanged );
RtlReleaseResource( &SsData.SsServerInfoResource );
// If a relevant parameter changed, call
// SsSetExportedServerType. This will cause an
// announcement to be sent.
if ( announcementInformationChanged ) { SsSetExportedServerType( NULL, TRUE, TRUE ); }
return error; } }
// If a match had been found we would have returned by now.
// Indicate that the parameter number was illegal.
// A full input structure was specified. Walk through all the
// server data field descriptors, looking for fields that should be
// set.
for ( i = 0; SsServerInfoFields[i].FieldName != NULL; i++ ) {
ULONG fieldLevel;
// We need to set this field if:
// o the level specified on input is the same order as the
// level of the field. They have the same order if
// they are in the same century (e.g. 101 and 102 are
// in the same order); AND
// o the specified level is greater than or equal to the
// level of the field. For example, if the input
// level is 101 and the field level is 102, don't set
// the field. If the input level is 102 and the field
// level is 101, set it; AND
// o the field is settable. If the field is not settable
// by NetServerSetInfo, just ignore the value in the
// input structure.
// Note that level 598 doesn't follow the first rule above. It
// is NOT a superset of 50x, and it is NOT a subset of 599.
fieldLevel = SsServerInfoFields[i].Level;
if ( Level / 100 == fieldLevel / 100 && ((fieldLevel != 598) && (Level >= fieldLevel) || (fieldLevel == 598) && (Level == 598)) && SsServerInfoFields[i].Settable == ALWAYS_SETTABLE ) {
// We found a match, so the specified level number must have
// been valid.
// !!! Reject levels above 502?
validLevel = TRUE;
// Set this field.
(VOID)RtlAcquireResourceExclusive( &SsData.SsServerInfoResource, TRUE );
error = SsSetField( &SsServerInfoFields[i], buffer + SsServerInfoFields[i].FieldOffset, TRUE, &announcementInformationChanged );
RtlReleaseResource( &SsData.SsServerInfoResource );
if ( error != NO_ERROR ) {
// Set the parameter in error if we need to.
if ( ARGUMENT_PRESENT(ErrorParameter) ) { *ErrorParameter = SsServerInfoFields[i].ParameterNumber; }
return error; }
// If no match was ever found, then an invalid level was passed in.
if ( !validLevel ) { return ERROR_INVALID_LEVEL; }
// Get an SRP and set it up with the appropriate level.
srp = SsAllocateSrp( ); if ( srp == NULL ) { return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } srp->Level = 0xFFFFFFFF;
(VOID)RtlAcquireResourceShared( &SsData.SsServerInfoResource, TRUE );
// Send the request on to the server.
error = SsServerFsControl( FSCTL_SRV_NET_SERVER_SET_INFO, srp, &SsData.ServerInfo102, sizeof(SERVER_INFO_102) + sizeof(SERVER_INFO_599) + sizeof(SERVER_INFO_598) );
// Release the resource and free the SRP.
RtlReleaseResource( &SsData.SsServerInfoResource );
SsFreeSrp( srp );
// If a relevant parameter changed, call SsSetExportedServerType.
// This will cause an announcement to be sent.
if ( announcementInformationChanged ) { SsSetExportedServerType( NULL, TRUE, TRUE ); }
return error;
} // NetrServerSetInfo