Microsoft Windows, Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 2000
File: BasicConstraints.cpp
Content: Implementation of CBasicConstraints.
History: 11-15-99 dsie created
#include "StdAfx.h"
#include "CAPICOM.h"
#include "BasicConstraints.h"
#include "Common.h"
// Exported functions.
Function : CreateBasicConstraintsObject
Synopsis : Create a IBasicConstraints object and populate the porperties with data from the key usage extension of the specified certificate.
Parameter: PCCERT_CONTEXT pCertContext - Pointer to CERT_CONTEXT.
IBasicConstraints ** ppIBasicConstraints - Pointer to pointer IBasicConstraints object. Remark :
HRESULT CreateBasicConstraintsObject (PCCERT_CONTEXT pCertContext, IBasicConstraints ** ppIBasicConstraints) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; CComObject<CBasicConstraints> * pCBasicConstraints = NULL;
DebugTrace("Entering CreateBasicConstraintsObject().\n");
// Sanity check.
ATLASSERT(pCertContext); ATLASSERT(ppIBasicConstraints);
try { //
// Create the object. Note that the ref count will still be 0
// after the object is created.
if (FAILED(hr = CComObject<CBasicConstraints>::CreateInstance(&pCBasicConstraints))) { DebugTrace("Error [%#x]: CComObject<CBasicConstraints>::CreateInstance() failed.\n", hr); goto ErrorExit; }
// Initialize object.
if (FAILED(hr = pCBasicConstraints->Init(pCertContext))) { DebugTrace("Error [%#x]: pCBasicConstraints::Init() failed.\n", hr); goto ErrorExit; }
// Return interface pointer to caller.
if (FAILED(hr = pCBasicConstraints->QueryInterface(ppIBasicConstraints))) { DebugTrace("Error [%#x]: pCBasicConstraints->QueryInterface() failed.\n", hr); goto ErrorExit; } }
catch(...) { hr = E_POINTER;
DebugTrace("Exception: invalid parameter.\n"); goto ErrorExit; }
DebugTrace("Entering CreateBasicConstraintsObject().\n");
return hr;
ErrorExit: //
// Sanity check.
// Free resource.
if (pCBasicConstraints) { delete pCBasicConstraints; }
goto CommonExit; }
// CBasicConstraints
Function : CBasicConstraints::get_IsPresent
Synopsis : Check to see if the basic constraints extension is present.
Parameter: VARIANT_BOOL * pVal - Pointer to VARIANT_BOOL to receive result.
Remark :
STDMETHODIMP CBasicConstraints::get_IsPresent (VARIANT_BOOL * pVal) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
DebugTrace("Entering CBasicConstraints::get_IsPresent().\n");
try { //
// Lock access to this object.
// Check parameters.
if (NULL == pVal) { hr = E_INVALIDARG;
DebugTrace("Error [%#x]: Parameter pVal is NULL.\n", hr); goto ErrorExit; }
// Return result.
*pVal = m_bIsPresent; }
catch(...) { hr = E_POINTER;
DebugTrace("Exception: invalid parameter.\n"); goto ErrorExit; }
UnlockExit: //
// Unlock access to this object.
DebugTrace("Leaving CBasicConstraints::get_IsPresent().\n");
return hr;
ErrorExit: //
// Sanity check.
goto UnlockExit; }
Function : CBasicConstraints::get_IsCritical
Synopsis : Check to see if the basic constraints extension is marked critical.
Parameter: VARIANT_BOOL * pVal - Pointer to VARIANT_BOOL to receive result.
Remark :
STDMETHODIMP CBasicConstraints::get_IsCritical (VARIANT_BOOL * pVal) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
DebugTrace("Entering CBasicConstraints::get_IsCritical().\n");
try { //
// Lock access to this object.
// Check parameters.
if (NULL == pVal) { hr = E_INVALIDARG;
DebugTrace("Error [%#x]: Parameter pVal is NULL.\n", hr); goto ErrorExit; }
// Return result.
*pVal = m_bIsCritical; }
catch(...) { hr = E_POINTER;
DebugTrace("Exception: invalid parameter.\n"); goto ErrorExit; }
UnlockExit: //
// Unlock access to this object.
DebugTrace("Leaving CBasicConstraints::get_IsCritical().\n");
return hr;
ErrorExit: //
// Sanity check.
goto UnlockExit; }
Function : CBasicConstraints::get_IsCertificateAuthority
Synopsis : Check to see if the basic constraints extension contains the CA value.
Parameter: VARIANT_BOOL * pVal - Pointer to VARIANT_BOOL to receive result.
Remark :
STDMETHODIMP CBasicConstraints::get_IsCertificateAuthority (VARIANT_BOOL * pVal) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
DebugTrace("Entering CBasicConstraints::get_IsCertificateAuthority().\n");
try { //
// Lock access to this object.
// Check parameters.
if (NULL == pVal) { hr = E_INVALIDARG;
DebugTrace("Error [%#x]: Parameter pVal is NULL.\n", hr); goto ErrorExit; }
// Return result.
*pVal = m_bIsCertificateAuthority; }
catch(...) { hr = E_POINTER;
DebugTrace("Exception: invalid parameter.\n"); goto ErrorExit; }
UnlockExit: //
// Unlock access to this object.
DebugTrace("Leaving CBasicConstraints::get_IsCertificateAuthority().\n");
return hr;
ErrorExit: //
// Sanity check.
goto UnlockExit; }
Function : CBasicConstraints::get_IsPathLenConstraintPresent
Synopsis : Check to see if the basic constraints extension contains path length constraints.
Parameter: VARIANT_BOOL * pVal - Pointer to VARIANT_BOOL to receive result.
Remark :
STDMETHODIMP CBasicConstraints::get_IsPathLenConstraintPresent (VARIANT_BOOL * pVal) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
DebugTrace("Entering CBasicConstraints::get_IsPathLenConstraintPresent().\n");
try { //
// Lock access to this object.
// Check parameters.
if (NULL == pVal) { hr = E_INVALIDARG;
DebugTrace("Error [%#x]: Parameter pVal is NULL.\n", hr); goto ErrorExit; }
// Return result.
*pVal = m_bIsPathLenConstraintPresent; }
catch(...) { hr = E_POINTER;
DebugTrace("Exception: invalid parameter.\n"); goto ErrorExit; }
UnlockExit: //
// Unlock access to this object.
DebugTrace("Leaving CBasicConstraints::get_IsPathLenConstraintPresent().\n");
return hr;
ErrorExit: //
// Sanity check.
goto UnlockExit; }
Function : CBasicConstraints::get_PathLenConstraint
Synopsis : Return the path length constraints value.
Parameter: long * pVal - Pointer to long to receive value.
Remark :
STDMETHODIMP CBasicConstraints::get_PathLenConstraint (long * pVal) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
DebugTrace("Entering CBasicConstraints::get_PathLenConstraint().\n");
try { //
// Lock access to this object.
// Check parameters.
if (NULL == pVal) { hr = E_INVALIDARG;
DebugTrace("Error [%#x]: Parameter pVal is NULL.\n", hr); goto ErrorExit; }
// Return result.
*pVal = m_lPathLenConstraint; }
catch(...) { hr = E_POINTER;
DebugTrace("Exception: invalid parameter.\n"); goto ErrorExit; }
UnlockExit: //
// Unlock access to this object.
DebugTrace("Leaving CBasicConstraints::get_PathLenConstraint().\n");
return hr;
ErrorExit: //
// Sanity check.
goto UnlockExit; }
// Private methods.
Function : CBasicConstraints::Init
Synopsis : Initialize the object.
Parameter: PCCERT_CONTEXT pCertContext - Pointer to CERT_CONTEXT.
Remark : This method is not part of the COM interface (it is a normal C++ member function). We need it to initialize the object created internally by us with CERT_CONTEXT.
Since it is only a normal C++ member function, this function can only be called from a C++ class pointer, not an interface pointer. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
STDMETHODIMP CBasicConstraints::Init (PCCERT_CONTEXT pCertContext) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; CRYPT_DATA_BLOB DataBlob = {0, NULL}; PCERT_BASIC_CONSTRAINTS2_INFO pInfo = NULL; PCERT_EXTENSION pBasicConstraints = NULL; DebugTrace("Entering CBasicConstraints::Init().\n");
// Sanity check.
// Find the basic constraints extension.
if (pBasicConstraints = ::CertFindExtension(szOID_BASIC_CONSTRAINTS2, pCertContext->pCertInfo->cExtension, pCertContext->pCertInfo->rgExtension)) { //
// Decode the basic constraints extension.
if (FAILED(hr = ::DecodeObject(X509_BASIC_CONSTRAINTS2, pBasicConstraints->Value.pbData, pBasicConstraints->Value.cbData, &DataBlob))) { DebugTrace("Error [%#x]: DecodeObject() failed.\n", hr); goto ErrorExit; }
// Set values.
m_bIsPresent = VARIANT_TRUE;
if (pBasicConstraints->fCritical) { m_bIsCritical = VARIANT_TRUE; }
if (pInfo->fCA) { m_bIsCertificateAuthority = VARIANT_TRUE; }
if (pInfo->fPathLenConstraint) { m_bIsPathLenConstraintPresent = VARIANT_TRUE; m_lPathLenConstraint = (long) pInfo->dwPathLenConstraint; } }
CommonExit: //
// Free resources.
if (DataBlob.pbData) { ::CoTaskMemFree((LPVOID) DataBlob.pbData); }
DebugTrace("Leaving CBasicConstraints::Init().\n");
return hr;
ErrorExit: //
// Sanity check.
goto CommonExit; }