// xenroll.idl : IDL source for xenroll.dll //
// This file will be processed by the MIDL tool to // produce the type library (xenroll.tlb) and marshalling code.
import "oaidl.idl"; import "ocidl.idl";
import "wincrypt.idl";
//+-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // interface ICEnroll
[ object, uuid(43F8F288-7A20-11D0-8F06-00C04FC295E1), dual, helpstring("ICEnroll Interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface ICEnroll : IDispatch { // // Walk the end user through the process of generating a key // pair, which either will or will not be required to use some form // of hardware private key management, per the fRequireHardware // parameter. Return to the caller a PKCS#10 of the resulting // generated key, where in the subject name // HRESULT createFilePKCS10( [in] BSTR DNName, [in] BSTR Usage, [in] BSTR wszPKCS10FileName );
// // Accept delivery of the credentials that correspond to a previous // call to GenerateKeyPair. This method puts the credentials // whereever they are supposed to go for easy subsequent access // by the user. // HRESULT acceptFilePKCS7( [in] BSTR wszPKCS7FileName );
HRESULT createPKCS10( // This is the DN name for the certificate in X500 name syntax. // For example CN=KeithV [in] BSTR DNName,
// This is the usage string, it will end up in the certificate // enumerating what the certificate is used for. For example // ClientAuth, Or CodeSigning. It can be any string. [in] BSTR Usage, // The return value is a Base64 encoded // PKCS10 Cert Request [out, retval] BSTR* pPKCS10
// // Accept delivery of the credentials that correspond to a previous // call to GenerateKeyPair. This method puts the credentials // whereever they are supposed to go for easy subsequent access // by the user. // HRESULT acceptPKCS7( // // The credentials that are to be stored. Credentials // are a PKCS#7 SignedData that is used simply as a bucket // to convey a bunch of certificates. There must be precisely // one certificate with no child in the bucket. // [in] BSTR PKCS7 );
HRESULT getCertFromPKCS7( [in] BSTR wszPKCS7, [out, retval] BSTR* pbstrCert );
HRESULT enumProviders( [in] LONG dwIndex, [in] LONG dwFlags, [out, retval] BSTR* pbstrProvName );
HRESULT enumContainers( [in] LONG dwIndex, [out, retval] BSTR* pbstr );
// // Session Id's must be appropriately clean up // HRESULT freeRequestInfo( // // The session Id that represents the data // [in] BSTR PKCS7OrPKCS10 );
[propget] HRESULT MyStoreName( [out, retval] BSTR * pbstrName );
[propput] HRESULT MyStoreName( [in] BSTR bstrName );
[propget] HRESULT MyStoreType( [out, retval] BSTR * pbstrType );
[propput] HRESULT MyStoreType( [in] BSTR bstrType );
[propget] HRESULT MyStoreFlags( [out, retval] LONG * pdwFlags );
[propput] HRESULT MyStoreFlags( [in] LONG dwFlags );
[propget] HRESULT CAStoreName( [out, retval] BSTR * pbstrName );
[propput] HRESULT CAStoreName( [in] BSTR bstrName );
[propget] HRESULT CAStoreType( [out, retval] BSTR * pbstrType );
[propput] HRESULT CAStoreType( [in] BSTR bstrType );
[propget] HRESULT CAStoreFlags( [out, retval] LONG * pdwFlags );
[propput] HRESULT CAStoreFlags( [in] LONG dwFlags );
[propget] HRESULT RootStoreName( [out, retval] BSTR * pbstrName ); [propput] HRESULT RootStoreName( [in] BSTR bstrName ); [propget] HRESULT RootStoreType( [out, retval] BSTR * pbstrType ); [propput] HRESULT RootStoreType( [in] BSTR bstrType );
[propget] HRESULT RootStoreFlags( [out, retval] LONG * pdwFlags ); [propput] HRESULT RootStoreFlags( [in] LONG dwFlags );
[propget] HRESULT RequestStoreName( [out, retval] BSTR * pbstrName ); [propput] HRESULT RequestStoreName( [in] BSTR bstrName ); [propget] HRESULT RequestStoreType( [out, retval] BSTR * pbstrType ); [propput] HRESULT RequestStoreType( [in] BSTR bstrType );
[propget] HRESULT RequestStoreFlags( [out, retval] LONG * pdwFlags ); [propput] HRESULT RequestStoreFlags( [in] LONG dwFlags ); [propget] HRESULT ContainerName( [out, retval] BSTR * pbstrContainer ); [propput] HRESULT ContainerName( [in] BSTR bstrContainer );
[propget] HRESULT ProviderName( [out, retval] BSTR * pbstrProvider ); [propput] HRESULT ProviderName( [in] BSTR bstrProvider );
[propget] HRESULT ProviderType( [out, retval] LONG * pdwType ); [propput] HRESULT ProviderType( [in] LONG dwType );
[propget] HRESULT KeySpec( [out, retval] LONG * pdw ); [propput] HRESULT KeySpec( [in] LONG dw );
[propget] HRESULT ProviderFlags( [out, retval] LONG * pdwFlags ); [propput] HRESULT ProviderFlags( [in] LONG dwFlags );
[propget] HRESULT UseExistingKeySet( [out, retval] BOOL * fUseExistingKeys ); [propput] HRESULT UseExistingKeySet( [in] BOOL fUseExistingKeys );
[propget] HRESULT GenKeyFlags( [out, retval] LONG * pdwFlags ); [propput] HRESULT GenKeyFlags( [in] LONG dwFlags );
[propget] HRESULT DeleteRequestCert( [out, retval] BOOL * fDelete ); [propput] HRESULT DeleteRequestCert( [in] BOOL fDelete ); [propget] HRESULT WriteCertToCSP( [out, retval] BOOL * fBool ); [propput] HRESULT WriteCertToCSP( [in] BOOL fBool ); [propget] HRESULT SPCFileName( [out, retval] BSTR * pbstr ); [propput] HRESULT SPCFileName( [in] BSTR bstr );
[propget] HRESULT PVKFileName( [out, retval] BSTR * pbstr ); [propput] HRESULT PVKFileName( [in] BSTR bstr );
[propget] HRESULT HashAlgorithm( [out, retval] BSTR * pbstr ); [propput] HRESULT HashAlgorithm( [in] BSTR bstr ); };
//+-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // interface ICEnroll2
[ object, uuid(704ca730-c90b-11d1-9bec-00c04fc295e1), dual, helpstring("ICEnroll2 Interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface ICEnroll2 : ICEnroll { HRESULT addCertTypeToRequest( [in] BSTR CertType );
HRESULT addNameValuePairToSignature( [in] BSTR Name, [in] BSTR Value );
[propget] HRESULT WriteCertToUserDS( [out, retval] BOOL * fBool );
[propput] HRESULT WriteCertToUserDS( [in] BOOL fBool );
[propget] HRESULT EnableT61DNEncoding( [out, retval] BOOL * fBool );
[propput] HRESULT EnableT61DNEncoding( [in] BOOL fBool ); };
//+-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // interface ICEnroll3
[ object, uuid(c28c2d95-b7de-11d2-a421-00c04f79fe8e), dual, helpstring("ICEnroll3 Interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface ICEnroll3 : ICEnroll2 { HRESULT InstallPKCS7( [in] BSTR PKCS7 );
HRESULT Reset( void );
HRESULT GetSupportedKeySpec( [out, retval] LONG * pdwKeySpec );
HRESULT GetKeyLen( [in] BOOL fMin, [in] BOOL fExchange, [out, retval] LONG * pdwKeySize );
HRESULT EnumAlgs( [in] LONG dwIndex, [in] LONG algClass, [out, retval] LONG * pdwAlgID );
HRESULT GetAlgName( [in] LONG algID, [out, retval] BSTR * pbstr );
[propput] HRESULT ReuseHardwareKeyIfUnableToGenNew( [in] BOOL fReuseHardwareKeyIfUnableToGenNew );
[propget] HRESULT ReuseHardwareKeyIfUnableToGenNew( [out, retval] BOOL * fReuseHardwareKeyIfUnableToGenNew ); [propput] HRESULT HashAlgID( [in] LONG hashAlgID );
[propget] HRESULT HashAlgID( [out, retval] LONG * hashAlgID );
[propput] HRESULT LimitExchangeKeyToEncipherment( [in] BOOL fLimitExchangeKeyToEncipherment );
[propget] HRESULT LimitExchangeKeyToEncipherment( [out, retval] BOOL * fLimitExchangeKeyToEncipherment );
[propput] HRESULT EnableSMIMECapabilities( [in] BOOL fEnableSMIMECapabilities );
[propget] HRESULT EnableSMIMECapabilities( [out, retval] BOOL * fEnableSMIMECapabilities ); };
//+-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // interface ICEnroll4
[ object, uuid(c1f1188a-2eb5-4a80-841b-7e729a356d90), dual, helpstring("ICEnroll4 Interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface ICEnroll4 : ICEnroll3 {
[propput] HRESULT PrivateKeyArchiveCertificate( [in] BSTR bstrCert );
[propget] HRESULT PrivateKeyArchiveCertificate( [out, retval] BSTR *pbstrCert );
[propput] HRESULT ThumbPrint( [in] BSTR bstrThumbPrint ); [propget] HRESULT ThumbPrint( [out, retval] BSTR *pbstrThumbPrint );
HRESULT binaryToString( [in] LONG Flags, [in] BSTR strBinary, [out, retval] BSTR *pstrEncoded );
HRESULT stringToBinary( [in] LONG Flags, [in] BSTR strEncoded, [out, retval] BSTR *pstrBinary );
HRESULT addExtensionToRequest( [in] LONG Flags, [in] BSTR strName, [in] BSTR strValue );
HRESULT addAttributeToRequest( [in] LONG Flags, [in] BSTR strName, [in] BSTR strValue );
HRESULT addNameValuePairToRequest( [in] LONG Flags, [in] BSTR strName, [in] BSTR strValue );
HRESULT resetExtensions( void );
HRESULT resetAttributes( void );
HRESULT createRequest( [in] LONG Flags, [in] BSTR strDNName, [in] BSTR Usage, [out, retval] BSTR *pstrRequest );
HRESULT createFileRequest( [in] LONG Flags , [in] BSTR strDNName, [in] BSTR strUsage, [in] BSTR strRequestFileName );
HRESULT acceptResponse( [in] BSTR strResponse );
HRESULT acceptFileResponse( [in] BSTR strResponseFileName );
HRESULT getCertFromResponse( [in] BSTR strResponse, [out, retval] BSTR *pstrCert );
HRESULT getCertFromFileResponse( [in] BSTR strResponseFileName, [out, retval] BSTR *pstrCert );
HRESULT createPFX( [in] BSTR strPassword, [out, retval] BSTR *pstrPFX );
HRESULT createFilePFX( [in] BSTR strPassword, [in] BSTR strPFXFileName );
HRESULT setPendingRequestInfo( [in] LONG lRequestID, [in] BSTR strCADNS, [in] BSTR strCAName, [in] BSTR strFriendlyName );
HRESULT enumPendingRequest( [in] LONG lIndex, [in] LONG lDesiredProperty, [out, retval] VARIANT *pvarProperty );
HRESULT removePendingRequest( [in] BSTR strThumbprint );
HRESULT GetKeyLenEx( [in] LONG lSizeSpec, [in] LONG lKeySpec, [out, retval] LONG * pdwKeySize );
HRESULT InstallPKCS7Ex( [in] BSTR PKCS7, [out, retval] LONG * plCertInstalled );
HRESULT addCertTypeToRequestEx( [in] LONG lType, [in] BSTR bstrOIDOrName, [in] LONG lMajorVersion, [in] BOOL fMinorVersion, [in] LONG lMinorVersion );
HRESULT getProviderType( [in] BSTR strProvName, [out, retval] LONG *plProvType );
[propput] HRESULT SignerCertificate( [in] BSTR bstrCert );
[propput] HRESULT ClientId( [in] LONG lClientId ); [propget] HRESULT ClientId( [out, retval] LONG *plClientId );
HRESULT addBlobPropertyToCertificate( [in] LONG lPropertyId, [in] LONG lReserved, [in] BSTR bstrProperty ); HRESULT resetBlobProperties( void ); [propput] HRESULT IncludeSubjectKeyID( [in] BOOL fInclude ); [propget] HRESULT IncludeSubjectKeyID( [out, retval] BOOL *pfInclude );
//+-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // interface IEnroll
[ object, uuid(acaa7838-4585-11d1-ab57-00c04fc295e1), local, helpstring("IEnroll Interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IEnroll : IUnknown { // // Walk the end user through the process of generating a key // pair, which either will or will not be required to use some form // of hardware private key management, per the fRequireHardware // parameter. Return to the caller a PKCS#10 of the resulting // generated key, where in the subject name // HRESULT createFilePKCS10WStr( [in] LPCWSTR DNName, [in] LPCWSTR Usage, [in] LPCWSTR wszPKCS10FileName );
// // Accept delivery of the credentials that correspond to a previous // call to GenerateKeyPair. This method puts the credentials // whereever they are supposed to go for easy subsequent access // by the user. // HRESULT acceptFilePKCS7WStr( [in] LPCWSTR wszPKCS7FileName );
HRESULT createPKCS10WStr( // This is the DN name for the certificate in X500 name syntax. // For example CN=KeithV [in] LPCWSTR DNName,
// This is the usage string, it will end up in the certificate // enumerating what the certificate is used for. For example // ClientAuth, Or CodeSigning. It can be any string. [in] LPCWSTR Usage, // The return value is a Base64 encoded // PKCS10 Cert Request [out] PCRYPT_DATA_BLOB pPkcs10Blob
// // Accept delivery of the credentials that correspond to a previous // call to GenerateKeyPair. This method puts the credentials // whereever they are supposed to go for easy subsequent access // by the user. // HRESULT acceptPKCS7Blob( // // The credentials that are to be stored. Credentials // are a PKCS#7 SignedData that is used simply as a bucket // to convey a bunch of certificates. There must be precisely // one certificate with no child in the bucket. // [in] PCRYPT_DATA_BLOB pBlobPKCS7 );
HCERTSTORE getMyStore( void );
HCERTSTORE getCAStore( void );
HCERTSTORE getROOTHStore( void );
HRESULT enumProvidersWStr( [in] LONG dwIndex, [in] LONG dwFlags, [out] LPWSTR * pbstrProvName );
HRESULT enumContainersWStr( [in] LONG dwIndex, [out] LPWSTR * pbstr ); // // Session Id's must be appropriately clean up // HRESULT freeRequestInfoBlob(
// // The session Id that represents the data // [in] CRYPT_DATA_BLOB pkcs7OrPkcs10
[propget] HRESULT MyStoreNameWStr( [out] LPWSTR * szwName ); [propput] HRESULT MyStoreNameWStr( [in] LPWSTR szwName ); [propget] HRESULT MyStoreTypeWStr( [out] LPWSTR * szwType ); [propput] HRESULT MyStoreTypeWStr( [in] LPWSTR szwType );
[propget] HRESULT MyStoreFlags( [out] LONG * pdwFlags ); [propput] HRESULT MyStoreFlags( [in] LONG dwFlags );
[propget] HRESULT CAStoreNameWStr( [out] LPWSTR * szwName ); [propput] HRESULT CAStoreNameWStr( [in] LPWSTR szwName ); [propget] HRESULT CAStoreTypeWStr( [out] LPWSTR * szwType ); [propput] HRESULT CAStoreTypeWStr( [in] LPWSTR szwType );
[propget] HRESULT CAStoreFlags( [out] LONG * pdwFlags ); [propput] HRESULT CAStoreFlags( [in] LONG dwFlags );
[propget] HRESULT RootStoreNameWStr( [out] LPWSTR * szwName ); [propput] HRESULT RootStoreNameWStr( [in] LPWSTR szwName ); [propget] HRESULT RootStoreTypeWStr( [out] LPWSTR * szwType ); [propput] HRESULT RootStoreTypeWStr( [in] LPWSTR szwType );
[propget] HRESULT RootStoreFlags( [out] LONG * pdwFlags ); [propput] HRESULT RootStoreFlags( [in] LONG dwFlags );
[propget] HRESULT RequestStoreNameWStr( [out] LPWSTR * szwName ); [propput] HRESULT RequestStoreNameWStr( [in] LPWSTR szwName ); [propget] HRESULT RequestStoreTypeWStr( [out] LPWSTR * szwType ); [propput] HRESULT RequestStoreTypeWStr( [in] LPWSTR szwType );
[propget] HRESULT RequestStoreFlags( [out] LONG * pdwFlags ); [propput] HRESULT RequestStoreFlags( [in] LONG dwFlags ); [propget] HRESULT ContainerNameWStr( [out] LPWSTR * szwContainer ); [propput] HRESULT ContainerNameWStr( [in] LPWSTR szwContainer );
[propget] HRESULT ProviderNameWStr( [out] LPWSTR * szwProvider ); [propput] HRESULT ProviderNameWStr( [in] LPWSTR szwProvider );
[propget] HRESULT ProviderType( [out] LONG * pdwType ); [propput] HRESULT ProviderType( [in] LONG dwType );
[propget] HRESULT KeySpec( [out] LONG * pdw ); [propput] HRESULT KeySpec( [in] LONG dw );
[propget] HRESULT ProviderFlags( [out] LONG * pdwFlags ); [propput] HRESULT ProviderFlags( [in] LONG dwFlags );
[propget] HRESULT UseExistingKeySet( [out] BOOL * fUseExistingKeys ); [propput] HRESULT UseExistingKeySet( [in] BOOL fUseExistingKeys );
[propget] HRESULT GenKeyFlags( [out] LONG * pdwFlags ); [propput] HRESULT GenKeyFlags( [in] LONG dwFlags );
[propget] HRESULT DeleteRequestCert( [out] BOOL * fDelete ); [propput] HRESULT DeleteRequestCert( [in] BOOL fDelete ); [propget] HRESULT WriteCertToUserDS( [out] BOOL * fBool ); [propput] HRESULT WriteCertToUserDS( [in] BOOL fBool ); [propget] HRESULT EnableT61DNEncoding( [out] BOOL * fBool ); [propput] HRESULT EnableT61DNEncoding( [in] BOOL fBool ); [propget] HRESULT WriteCertToCSP( [out] BOOL * fBool ); [propput] HRESULT WriteCertToCSP( [in] BOOL fBool ); [propget] HRESULT SPCFileNameWStr( [out] LPWSTR * szw ); [propput] HRESULT SPCFileNameWStr( [in] LPWSTR szw );
[propget] HRESULT PVKFileNameWStr( [out] LPWSTR * szw ); [propput] HRESULT PVKFileNameWStr( [in] LPWSTR szw );
[propget] HRESULT HashAlgorithmWStr( [out] LPWSTR * szw );
[propput] HRESULT HashAlgorithmWStr( [in] LPWSTR szw );
[propget] HRESULT RenewalCertificate( [out] PCCERT_CONTEXT * ppCertContext );
[propput] HRESULT RenewalCertificate( [in] PCCERT_CONTEXT pCertContext );
HRESULT AddCertTypeToRequestWStr( [in] LPWSTR szw );
HRESULT AddNameValuePairToSignatureWStr( [in] LPWSTR Name, [in] LPWSTR Value );
HRESULT AddExtensionsToRequest( [in] PCERT_EXTENSIONS pCertExtensions );
HRESULT AddAuthenticatedAttributesToPKCS7Request( [in] PCRYPT_ATTRIBUTES pAttributes );
HRESULT CreatePKCS7RequestFromRequest( [in] PCRYPT_DATA_BLOB pRequest, [in] PCCERT_CONTEXT pSigningCertContext, [out] PCRYPT_DATA_BLOB pPkcs7Blob );
//+-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // interface IEnroll2
[ object, uuid(c080e199-b7df-11d2-a421-00c04f79fe8e), local, helpstring("IEnroll2 Interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IEnroll2 : IEnroll { HRESULT InstallPKCS7Blob( [in] PCRYPT_DATA_BLOB pBlobPKCS7 );
HRESULT Reset( void );
HRESULT GetSupportedKeySpec( [out] LONG * pdwKeySpec );
HRESULT GetKeyLen( [in] BOOL fMin, [in] BOOL fExchange, [out] LONG * pdwKeySize );
HRESULT EnumAlgs( [in] LONG dwIndex, [in] LONG algClass, [out] LONG * pdwAlgID );
HRESULT GetAlgNameWStr( [in] LONG algID, [out] LPWSTR * ppwsz );
[propput] HRESULT ReuseHardwareKeyIfUnableToGenNew( [in] BOOL fReuseHardwareKeyIfUnableToGenNew );
[propget] HRESULT ReuseHardwareKeyIfUnableToGenNew( [out] BOOL * fReuseHardwareKeyIfUnableToGenNew );
[propput] HRESULT HashAlgID( [in] LONG hashAlgID );
[propget] HRESULT HashAlgID( [out, retval] LONG * hashAlgID );
HRESULT SetHStoreMy( [in] HCERTSTORE hStore ); HRESULT SetHStoreCA( [in] HCERTSTORE hStore ); HRESULT SetHStoreROOT( [in] HCERTSTORE hStore ); HRESULT SetHStoreRequest( [in] HCERTSTORE hStore ); [propput] HRESULT LimitExchangeKeyToEncipherment( [in] BOOL fLimitExchangeKeyToEncipherment );
[propget] HRESULT LimitExchangeKeyToEncipherment( [out, retval] BOOL * fLimitExchangeKeyToEncipherment );
[propput] HRESULT EnableSMIMECapabilities( [in] BOOL fEnableSMIMECapabilities );
[propget] HRESULT EnableSMIMECapabilities( [out, retval] BOOL * fEnableSMIMECapabilities ); };
//+-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // interface IEnroll4
[ object, uuid(f8053fe5-78f4-448f-a0db-41d61b73446b), local, helpstring("IEnroll4 Interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IEnroll4 : IEnroll2 { [propput] HRESULT ThumbPrintWStr( [in] CRYPT_DATA_BLOB thumbPrintBlob ); [propget] HRESULT ThumbPrintWStr( [out, retval] PCRYPT_DATA_BLOB thumbPrintBlob );
HRESULT SetPrivateKeyArchiveCertificate( [in] PCCERT_CONTEXT pPrivateKeyArchiveCert ); PCCERT_CONTEXT GetPrivateKeyArchiveCertificate( void ); HRESULT binaryBlobToString( [in] LONG Flags, [in] PCRYPT_DATA_BLOB pblobBinary, [out] LPWSTR *ppwszString );
HRESULT stringToBinaryBlob( [in] LONG Flags, [in] LPCWSTR pwszString, [out] PCRYPT_DATA_BLOB pblobBinary, [out] LONG *pdwSkip, [out] LONG *pdwFlags );
HRESULT addExtensionToRequestWStr( [in] LONG Flags, [in] LPCWSTR pwszName, [in] PCRYPT_DATA_BLOB pblobValue );
HRESULT addAttributeToRequestWStr( [in] LONG Flags, [in] LPCWSTR pwszName, [in] PCRYPT_DATA_BLOB pblobValue );
HRESULT addNameValuePairToRequestWStr( [in] LONG Flags, [in] LPCWSTR pwszName, [in] LPCWSTR pwszValue );
HRESULT resetExtensions( void );
HRESULT resetAttributes( void );
HRESULT createRequestWStr( [in] LONG Flags, [in] LPCWSTR pwszDNName, [in] LPCWSTR pwszUsage, [out] PCRYPT_DATA_BLOB pblobRequest );
HRESULT createFileRequestWStr( [in] LONG Flags, [in] LPCWSTR pwszDNName, [in] LPCWSTR pwszUsage, [in] LPCWSTR pwszRequestFileName );
HRESULT acceptResponseBlob( [in] PCRYPT_DATA_BLOB pblobResponse );
HRESULT acceptFileResponseWStr( [in] LPCWSTR pwszResponseFileName );
HRESULT getCertContextFromResponseBlob( [in] PCRYPT_DATA_BLOB pblobResponse, [out] PCCERT_CONTEXT *ppCertContext );
HRESULT getCertContextFromFileResponseWStr( [in] LPCWSTR pwszResponseFileName, [out] PCCERT_CONTEXT *ppCertContext );
HRESULT createPFXWStr( [in] LPCWSTR pwszPassword, [out] PCRYPT_DATA_BLOB pblobPFX );
HRESULT createFilePFXWStr( [in] LPCWSTR pwszPassword, [in] LPCWSTR pwszPFXFileName );
HRESULT setPendingRequestInfoWStr( [in] LONG lRequestID, [in] LPCWSTR pwszCADNS, [in] LPCWSTR pwszCAName, [in] LPCWSTR pwszFriendlyName );
HRESULT enumPendingRequestWStr( [in] LONG lIndex, [in] LONG lDesiredProperty, [out] LPVOID ppProperty );
HRESULT removePendingRequestWStr( [in] CRYPT_DATA_BLOB thumbPrintBlob );
HRESULT GetKeyLenEx( [in] LONG lSizeSpec, [in] LONG lKeySpec, [out, retval] LONG * pdwKeySize );
HRESULT InstallPKCS7BlobEx( [in] PCRYPT_DATA_BLOB pBlobPKCS7, [out, retval] LONG * plCertInstalled );
HRESULT AddCertTypeToRequestWStrEx( [in] LONG lType, [in] LPCWSTR pwszOIDOrName, [in] LONG lMajorVersion, [in] BOOL fMinorVersion, [in] LONG lMinorVersion );
HRESULT getProviderTypeWStr( [in] LPCWSTR pwszProvName, [out, retval] LONG * plProvType );
HRESULT addBlobPropertyToCertificateWStr( [in] LONG lPropertyId, [in] LONG lReserved, [in] PCRYPT_DATA_BLOB pBlobProperty ); HRESULT SetSignerCertificate( [in] PCCERT_CONTEXT pSignerCert ); [propput] HRESULT ClientId( [in] LONG lClientId ); [propget] HRESULT ClientId( [out, retval] LONG *plClientId );
[propput] HRESULT IncludeSubjectKeyID( [in] BOOL fInclude ); [propget] HRESULT IncludeSubjectKeyID( [out, retval] BOOL *pfInclude );
//+-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // library XENROLLLib
[ uuid(5b9169c0-db65-42aa-a38a-0726846aaeb3), version(1.0), helpstring("xenroll 1.0 Type Library") ] library XENROLLLib { importlib("stdole32.tlb"); importlib("stdole2.tlb");
[ uuid(127698e4-e730-4e5c-a2b1-21490a70c8a1), helpstring("CEnroll Class") ] coclass CEnroll2 { [default] interface ICEnroll4; };
[ uuid(43F8F289-7A20-11D0-8F06-00C04FC295E1), helpstring("CEnroll Class") ] coclass CEnroll { [default] interface ICEnroll4; }; };
cpp_quote("extern \"C\" IEnroll * WINAPI PIEnrollGetNoCOM(void);") cpp_quote("extern \"C\" IEnroll2 * WINAPI PIEnroll2GetNoCOM(void);") cpp_quote("extern \"C\" IEnroll4 * WINAPI PIEnroll4GetNoCOM(void);")
cpp_quote("#define CRYPT_ENUM_ALL_PROVIDERS 0x1")
//enumPendingRequestInfo types cpp_quote("#define XEPR_ENUM_FIRST -1") cpp_quote("#define XEPR_CADNS 0x01") cpp_quote("#define XEPR_CANAME 0x02") cpp_quote("#define XEPR_CAFRIENDLYNAME 0x03") cpp_quote("#define XEPR_REQUESTID 0x04") cpp_quote("#define XEPR_DATE 0x05") cpp_quote("#define XEPR_TEMPLATENAME 0x06") cpp_quote("#define XEPR_VERSION 0x07") cpp_quote("#define XEPR_HASH 0x08") cpp_quote("#define XEPR_V1TEMPLATENAME 0x09") cpp_quote("#define XEPR_V2TEMPLATEOID 0x10")
//createRequest types cpp_quote("#define XECR_PKCS10_V2_0 0x1") cpp_quote("#define XECR_PKCS7 0x2") cpp_quote("#define XECR_CMC 0x3") cpp_quote("#define XECR_PKCS10_V1_5 0x4")
//GetKeyLenEx lSizeSpec types cpp_quote("#define XEKL_KEYSIZE_MIN 0x1") cpp_quote("#define XEKL_KEYSIZE_MAX 0x2") cpp_quote("#define XEKL_KEYSIZE_INC 0x3") cpp_quote("#define XEKL_KEYSIZE_DEFAULT 0x4")
//GetKeyLenEx lKeySpec types cpp_quote("#define XEKL_KEYSPEC_KEYX 0x1") cpp_quote("#define XEKL_KEYSPEC_SIG 0x2")
//addCertTypeToRequestEx types cpp_quote("#define XECT_EXTENSION_V1 0x1") cpp_quote("#define XECT_EXTENSION_V2 0x2")
//addBlobPropertyToCertificate flags cpp_quote("#define XECP_STRING_PROPERTY 0x1")
//ClientId property cpp_quote("#define XECI_DISABLE 0x0") cpp_quote("#define XECI_XENROLL 0x1") cpp_quote("#define XECI_AUTOENROLL 0x2") cpp_quote("#define XECI_REQWIZARD 0x3") cpp_quote("#define XECI_CERTREQ 0x4")