// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1999 - 1999
// File: logstor.h
// Contents: Public functions in logstor.cpp
// History: 15-Sep-00 philh created
#ifndef __LOGSTOR_H__
#define __LOGSTOR_H__
// Register wait for callback functions
BOOL WINAPI ILS_RegisterWaitForSingleObject( PHANDLE hNewWaitObject, HANDLE hObject, ILS_WAITORTIMERCALLBACK Callback, PVOID Context, ULONG dwMilliseconds, ULONG dwFlags );
BOOL WINAPI ILS_UnregisterWait( HANDLE WaitHandle );
BOOL WINAPI ILS_ExitWait( HANDLE WaitHandle, HMODULE hLibModule );
// Registry support functions
void ILS_EnableBackupRestorePrivileges();
void ILS_CloseRegistryKey( IN HKEY hKey );
BOOL ILS_ReadDWORDValueFromRegistry( IN HKEY hKey, IN LPCWSTR pwszValueName, IN DWORD *pdwValue );
BOOL ILS_ReadBINARYValueFromRegistry( IN HKEY hKey, IN LPCWSTR pwszValueName, OUT BYTE **ppbValue, OUT DWORD *pcbValue );
// Get and allocate the REG_SZ value
LPWSTR ILS_ReadSZValueFromRegistry( IN HKEY hKey, IN LPCWSTR pwszValueName ); LPSTR ILS_ReadSZValueFromRegistry( IN HKEY hKey, IN LPCSTR pszValueName );
// Key Identifier registry and roaming file support functions
BOOL ILS_ReadKeyIdElement( IN const CRYPT_HASH_BLOB *pKeyIdentifier, IN BOOL fLocalMachine, IN OPTIONAL LPCWSTR pwszComputerName, OUT BYTE **ppbElement, OUT DWORD *pcbElement ); BOOL ILS_WriteKeyIdElement( IN const CRYPT_HASH_BLOB *pKeyIdentifier, IN BOOL fLocalMachine, IN OPTIONAL LPCWSTR pwszComputerName, IN const BYTE *pbElement, IN DWORD cbElement ); BOOL ILS_DeleteKeyIdElement( IN const CRYPT_HASH_BLOB *pKeyIdentifier, IN BOOL fLocalMachine, IN OPTIONAL LPCWSTR pwszComputerName );
typedef BOOL (*PFN_ILS_OPEN_KEYID_ELEMENT)( IN const CRYPT_HASH_BLOB *pKeyIdentifier, IN const BYTE *pbElement, IN DWORD cbElement, IN void *pvArg );
BOOL ILS_OpenAllKeyIdElements( IN BOOL fLocalMachine, IN OPTIONAL LPCWSTR pwszComputerName, IN void *pvArg, IN PFN_ILS_OPEN_KEYID_ELEMENT pfnOpenKeyId );
// Misc alloc and copy functions
LPWSTR ILS_AllocAndCopyString( IN LPCWSTR pwszSrc, IN LONG cchSrc = -1 );
// Converts the bytes into UNICODE ASCII HEX
// Needs (cb * 2 + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR) bytes of space in wsz
void ILS_BytesToWStr(DWORD cb, void* pv, LPWSTR wsz);
#endif // __LOGSTOR_H__