// File name: UTIL.H
// Description: Header file for util.cpp
// Microsoft Confidential
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation 1998
// All rights reserved
#define GUID_LEN 38
LPTSTR CheckSlash (LPTSTR lpDir); UINT CreateNestedDirectory(LPCTSTR lpDirectory, LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSecurityAttributes); VOID LoadMessage (DWORD dwID, LPTSTR lpBuffer, DWORD dwSize); BOOL ReportError (HWND hParent, DWORD dwError, UINT idMsg, ...); void SetWaitCursor (void); void ClearWaitCursor (void); BOOL Delnode (LPTSTR lpDir); BOOL StringToNum(TCHAR *pszStr,UINT * pnVal); HRESULT DSDelnode (LPTSTR lpDSPath); UINT CreateSecureDirectory (LPTSTR lpDirectory); HRESULT ConvertToDotStyle (LPOLESTR lpName, LPOLESTR *lpResult); LPOLESTR GetDomainFromLDAPPath(LPOLESTR szIn); LPOLESTR GetContainerFromLDAPPath(LPOLESTR szIn);
LPTSTR GetDCName (LPTSTR lpDomainName, LPTSTR lpInheritServer, HWND hParent, BOOL bAllowUI, DWORD dwFlags, ULONG ulRetFlags = 0);
LPTSTR MyGetUserName (EXTENDED_NAME_FORMAT NameFormat); void StringToGuid( TCHAR *szValue, GUID *pGuid ); void GuidToString( GUID *pGuid, TCHAR * szValue ); BOOL ValidateGuid( TCHAR *szValue ); INT CompareGuid( GUID *pGuid1, GUID *pGuid2 ); BOOL IsNullGUID (GUID *pguid); BOOL SpawnGPE (LPTSTR lpGPO, GROUP_POLICY_HINT_TYPE gpHint, LPTSTR lpDC, HWND hParent); LPTSTR MakeFullPath (LPTSTR lpDN, LPTSTR lpServer); LPTSTR MakeNamelessPath (LPTSTR lpDN); LPTSTR ExtractServerName (LPTSTR lpPath); BOOL DoesPathContainAServerName (LPTSTR lpPath); HRESULT OpenDSObject (LPTSTR lpPath, REFIID riid, void FAR * FAR * ppObject); HRESULT CheckDSWriteAccess (LPUNKNOWN punk, LPTSTR lpProperty); VOID FreeDCSelections (void); LPTSTR GetFullGPOPath (LPTSTR lpGPO, HWND hParent); DWORD GetDCHelper (LPTSTR lpDomainName, ULONG ulFlags, LPTSTR *lpDCName); LPTSTR ConvertName (LPTSTR lpName); LPTSTR CreateTempFile (void); DWORD QueryForForestName (LPTSTR lpServerName, LPTSTR lpDomainName, ULONG ulFlags, LPTSTR *lpForestFound); void NameToPath(WCHAR * szPath, WCHAR *szName, UINT cch); LPTSTR GetPathToForest(LPOLESTR szServer); BOOL IsForest(LPOLESTR szLDAPPath); BOOL IsStandaloneComputer (VOID); BOOL GetNewGPODisplayName (LPTSTR lpDisplayName, DWORD dwDisplayNameSize); BOOL GetWMIFilter (BOOL bBrowser, HWND hwndParent, BOOL bDSFormat, LPTSTR *lpDisplayName, LPTSTR * lpFilter, BSTR bstrDomain ); LPTSTR GetWMIFilterDisplayName (HWND hParent, LPTSTR lpFilter, BOOL bDSFormat, BOOL bRetRsopFormat); HRESULT SaveString(IStream *pStm, LPTSTR lpString); HRESULT ReadString(IStream *pStm, LPTSTR *lpString, BOOL bUseLocalAlloc = FALSE); BOOL GetSiteFriendlyName (LPWSTR szSitePath, LPWSTR *pszSiteName ); DWORD MapSecurityRights (PACL pAcl);
extern "C" { DWORD SetSysvolSecurityFromDSSecurity (LPTSTR lpFileSysPath, SECURITY_INFORMATION si, PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSD); } BOOL GetStringSid(LPTSTR szSamName, LPTSTR *szStringSid); BOOL GetUserNameFromStringSid(LPTSTR szStringSid, LPTSTR *szSamName); HRESULT UnEscapeLdapPath(LPWSTR szDN, LPWSTR *pszUnEscapedPath);
#if !defined(_WIN64)
bool IsWin64(); #endif // _WIN64
// Length in chars of string form of guid {44cffeec-79d0-11d2-a89d-00c04fbbcfa2}
#define GUID_LENGTH 38