#define _PassportExport_
#include "PassportExport.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include "PassportPerf.h"
#include "PassportPerfObjects.h"
#include "PerfSharedMemory.h"
#include "PerfUtils.h"
#include <loadperf.h>
#include <crtdbg.h>
#define PASSPORT_NAME_KEY _T("SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\%s\\Performance")
#define UNLOAD_NAME _T("unlodctr %s")
#define LOAD_NAME _T("lodctr ")
#define INI_EXT _T(".ini")
#define NAME_KEY_LEN (sizeof(PASSPORT_NAME_KEY)/sizeof(TCHAR))
#define UNLOAD_NAME_LEN (sizeof(UNLOAD_NAME)/sizeof(TCHAR))
#define LOAD_NAME_LEN (sizeof(LOAD_NAME)/sizeof(TCHAR))
#define INI_EXT_LEN (sizeof(INI_EXT)/sizeof(TCHAR))
DWORD dwOpenCount = 0; // count of "Open" threads
BOOL bInitOK = FALSE; // true = DLL initialized OK
// OpenPassportPerformanceData
// Arguments:
// Pointer to object ID of each device to be opened (VGA)
// Return Value: always ERROR_SUCCESS
DWORD APIENTRY OpenPassportPerformanceData(LPWSTR lpDeviceNames) { TCHAR lpszBuffer[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR *lpKeyName; LONG status; HKEY hKeyDriverPerf; DWORD dwFirstCounter = 0, dwFirstHelp = 0, dwLastCounter = 0, dwLastHelp = 0, dwNumCounters = 0, size = 0, i;
// here we need to find out the number of counters (remeber,
// this code not support counter instances) from the registry
if (dwOpenCount == 0) { for (i = 0; i < NUM_PERFMON_OBJECTS; i++) { DWORD dwStrLen; _ASSERT(g_PObject[i]); g_PObject[i]->PSM = new PerfSharedMemory(); if (g_PObject[i]->PSM == NULL) { g_PObject[i]->active = FALSE; continue; } // get counter and help index base values from registry
// Open key to registry entry
// read First Counter and First Help values
dwStrLen = lstrlen(g_PObject[i]->szPassportName); if ((NAME_KEY_LEN + dwStrLen) > (MAX_PATH+2)) { //
// The buffer size is MAX_PATH
// PASSPORT_NAME_KEY has %s in it, which will be replaced by g_PObject[i]->szPassportName
// So the length checking should be MAX_PATH + 2. THe NULL space is included in NAME_KEY_LEN.
lpKeyName = new TCHAR [ NAME_KEY_LEN + dwStrLen - 2]; if (NULL == lpKeyName) { g_PObject[i]->active = FALSE; continue; } } else { lpKeyName = &lpszBuffer[0]; } wsprintf(lpKeyName, PASSPORT_NAME_KEY, g_PObject[i]->szPassportName); status = RegOpenKeyEx ( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, lpszBuffer, 0L, KEY_READ, &hKeyDriverPerf); if (lpKeyName != &lpszBuffer[0]) { delete [] lpKeyName; lpKeyName = NULL; } if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { delete g_PObject[i]->PSM; g_PObject[i]->PSM = NULL; g_PObject[i]->active = FALSE; continue; } size = sizeof (DWORD); status = RegQueryValueEx( hKeyDriverPerf, _T("First Counter"), 0L, NULL, (LPBYTE)&dwFirstCounter, &size); if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { delete g_PObject[i]->PSM; g_PObject[i]->PSM = NULL; g_PObject[i]->active = FALSE; RegCloseKey(hKeyDriverPerf); continue; } status = RegQueryValueEx( hKeyDriverPerf, _T("First Help"), 0L, NULL, (LPBYTE)&dwFirstHelp, &size); if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { delete g_PObject[i]->PSM; g_PObject[i]->PSM = NULL; g_PObject[i]->active = FALSE; RegCloseKey(hKeyDriverPerf); continue; } status = RegQueryValueEx( hKeyDriverPerf, _T("Last Counter"), 0L, NULL, (LPBYTE)&dwLastCounter, &size); if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { delete g_PObject[i]->PSM; g_PObject[i]->PSM = NULL; g_PObject[i]->active = FALSE; RegCloseKey(hKeyDriverPerf); continue; } status = RegQueryValueEx( hKeyDriverPerf, _T("Last Help"), 0L, NULL, (LPBYTE)&dwLastHelp, &size); if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { delete g_PObject[i]->PSM; g_PObject[i]->PSM = NULL; g_PObject[i]->active = FALSE; RegCloseKey(hKeyDriverPerf); continue; } dwNumCounters = (dwLastCounter - dwFirstCounter) / 2; RegCloseKey(hKeyDriverPerf); if (!g_PObject[i]->PSM->initialize( dwNumCounters, dwFirstCounter, dwFirstHelp)) { delete g_PObject[i]->PSM; g_PObject[i]->PSM = NULL; g_PObject[i]->active = FALSE; continue; } for (DWORD j = 0; j < g_PObject[i]->dwNumDefaultCounterTypes; j++) { g_PObject[i]->PSM->setDefaultCounterType( g_PObject[i]->defaultCounterTypes[j].dwIndex, g_PObject[i]->defaultCounterTypes[j].dwDefaultType); } (void)g_PObject[i]->PSM->OpenSharedMemory( g_PObject[i]->lpcszPassportPerfBlock, FALSE); g_PObject[i]->active = TRUE; } } dwOpenCount++;
// rotate amoung objects and skip uninstalled objects
void ObjectRotate(DWORD *pi) { if (NUM_PERFMON_OBJECTS == 1) { return; } if (NUM_PERFMON_OBJECTS == 2) { if (g_PObject[!(*pi)]->active) { *pi = !(*pi); } return; } DWORD oldI = *pi; DWORD dwMod = NUM_PERFMON_OBJECTS; do { *pi = (*pi + 1) % dwMod; } while ((*pi != oldI) && (!g_PObject[*pi]->active)); return; }
// CollectPassportPerformanceData
// Arguments:
// IN LPWSTR lpValueName
// pointer to a wide character string passed by registry.
// IN OUT LPVOID *lppData
// IN: pointer to the address of the buffer to receive the completed
// PerfDataBlock and subordinate structures. This routine will
// append its data to the buffer starting at the point referenced
// by *lppData.
// OUT: points to the first byte after the data structure added by this
// routine. This routine updated the value at lppdata after appending
// its data.
// IN OUT LPDWORD lpcbTotalBytes
// IN: the address of the DWORD that tells the size in bytes of the
// buffer referenced by the lppData argument
// OUT: the number of bytes added by this routine is written to the
// DWORD pointed to by this argument
// IN OUT LPDWORD NumObjectTypes
// IN: the address of the DWORD to receive the number of objects added
// by this routine
// OUT: the number of objects added by this routine is written to the
// DWORD pointed to by this argument
// Return Value:
// ERROR_MORE_DATA if buffer passed is too small to hold data
// any error conditions encountered are reported to the event log if
// event logging is enabled.
// ERROR_SUCCESS if success or any other error. Errors, however are
// also reported to the event log.
DWORD APIENTRY CollectPassportPerformanceData( IN LPWSTR lpValueName, IN OUT LPVOID *lppData, IN OUT LPDWORD lpcbTotalBytes, IN OUT LPDWORD lpNumObjectTypes) {
DWORD rv = ERROR_SUCCESS, dwQueryType = 0; static DWORD i = 0;
// This is an exported routine. We need to verify the input parameters
if ((lpcbTotalBytes == NULL) || (lpNumObjectTypes == NULL)) {
// Are we allowed to return this error code?
if (dwOpenCount <= 0 || !g_PObject[i] || !g_PObject[i]->active) { *lpcbTotalBytes = (DWORD) 0; *lpNumObjectTypes = (DWORD) 0; ObjectRotate(&i); return ERROR_SUCCESS; // yes, this is a successful exit
} _ASSERT(g_PObject[i]->PSM);
if (!g_PObject[i]->PSM->checkQuery(lpValueName)) { *lpcbTotalBytes = (DWORD) 0; *lpNumObjectTypes = (DWORD) 0; ObjectRotate(&i); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } (void)g_PObject[i]->PSM->OpenSharedMemory( g_PObject[i]->lpcszPassportPerfBlock, FALSE);
if (*lpcbTotalBytes < g_PObject[i]->PSM->spaceNeeded()) { *lpcbTotalBytes = (DWORD) 0; *lpNumObjectTypes = (DWORD) 0; ObjectRotate(&i); return ERROR_MORE_DATA; }
if (!g_PObject[i]->PSM->writeData(lppData, lpcbTotalBytes)) { *lpcbTotalBytes = (DWORD) 0; *lpNumObjectTypes = (DWORD) 0; ObjectRotate(&i); return ERROR_SUCCESS; }
*lpNumObjectTypes = 1;
ObjectRotate(&i); return ERROR_SUCCESS; }
// ClosePassportPerformanceData
DWORD APIENTRY ClosePassportPerformanceData() { dwOpenCount--; if (dwOpenCount <= 0) { for (DWORD i = 0; i < NUM_PERFMON_OBJECTS; i++) { _ASSERT(g_PObject[i]); _ASSERT(g_PObject[i]->PSM); if (g_PObject[i]->active) g_PObject[i]->PSM->CloseSharedMemory(); delete g_PObject[i]->PSM; g_PObject[i]->PSM = NULL; } } return ERROR_SUCCESS; }
// DllUnregisterServer
STDAPI DllUnregisterServer(void) { TCHAR lpszBuffer[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR *pTmpBuffer; DWORD dwFileNameLen; DWORD dwBufLength; LONG result = 0; // BUGBUG the counter ini file must be in the same directory as
// the dll
// note: this "unlodctr " MUST be added to the buffer first,
// else UnloadPerfCounterTextStrings() fails. WHY? Literally,
// UnloadPerfCounterTextStrings first parameter is the Command
// Line of the unlodctr.exe application -- eeech!
for (DWORD i = 0; i < NUM_PERFMON_OBJECTS; i++) { _ASSERT(g_PObject[i]); dwFileNameLen = lstrlen(g_PObject[i]->szPassportPerfIniFile); if ((dwFileNameLen + UNLOAD_NAME_LEN) > MAX_PATH - 2) { //
// 2 is for %s
pTmpBuffer = new TCHAR [dwFileNameLen + UNLOAD_NAME_LEN - 2]; if (!pTmpBuffer) { //
// Afraid of being break the caller. Just return E_UNEXPECTED as original codes dealing with error
// from UnloadPerfCounterTextStrings.
return E_UNEXPECTED; } dwBufLength = dwFileNameLen + UNLOAD_NAME_LEN - 2; } else { pTmpBuffer = lpszBuffer; dwBufLength = MAX_PATH; } wsprintf(pTmpBuffer, UNLOAD_NAME, g_PObject[i]->szPassportPerfIniFile); __try { result = UnloadPerfCounterTextStrings(pTmpBuffer,FALSE); } __except( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { ; } if (result != ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (pTmpBuffer != lpszBuffer) { delete [] pTmpBuffer; } return (E_UNEXPECTED); } dwFileNameLen = lstrlen(g_PObject[i]->szPassportName); if ((dwFileNameLen + NAME_KEY_LEN) > dwBufLength - 2) { if (pTmpBuffer != lpszBuffer) { delete [] pTmpBuffer; } pTmpBuffer = new TCHAR [dwFileNameLen + NAME_KEY_LEN - 2]; if (!pTmpBuffer) { //
// Afraid of being break the caller. Just return E_UNEXPECTED as original codes dealing with error
// from UnloadPerfCounterTextStrings.
return E_UNEXPECTED; } dwBufLength = dwFileNameLen + NAME_KEY_LEN - 2; } wsprintf(pTmpBuffer, PASSPORT_NAME_KEY, g_PObject[i]->szPassportName); LONG regError = RegDeleteKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,lpszBuffer); if (regError != ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (pTmpBuffer != lpszBuffer) { delete [] pTmpBuffer; } return (E_UNEXPECTED); } //
// If buffer is big enough for the above wsprintf(), it must be big enough for this one
wsprintf(&lpszBuffer[0],_T("SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\%s"), g_PObject[i]->szPassportName); regError = RegDeleteKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,lpszBuffer); if (pTmpBuffer != lpszBuffer) { delete [] pTmpBuffer; pTmpBuffer = NULL; } if (regError != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return (E_UNEXPECTED); } } return (S_OK); }
// DllRegisterServer
STDAPI DllRegisterServer(void) { DWORD dwAllocBufferLength=MAX_PATH; TCHAR lpszBuffer[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR *tmpStr = NULL; HKEY hkResult1; // address of handle of open key
HKEY hkResult2; // address of handle of open key
HKEY hkResult3; // address of handle of open key
DWORD ulOptions=0; REGSAM samDesired=KEY_ALL_ACCESS; DWORD Reserved=0; DWORD dwTypesSupported=7; DWORD dwCatagoryCount=1; LONG result = 0; DWORD dwStrLen; (void) DllUnregisterServer(); for (DWORD i = 0; i < NUM_PERFMON_OBJECTS; i++) { _ASSERT(g_PObject[i]); // Get DLL File Location
// 1 is for \ not the NULL
DWORD dwFileLen = lstrlen(g_PObject[i]->szPassportPerfDll)+1; dwStrLen = GetCurrentDirectory(MAX_PATH - dwFileLen, &lpszBuffer[0]); if (!dwStrLen) { goto Error; } if (dwStrLen > (MAX_PATH - dwFileLen)) { //
// NULL is included in dwStrLen.
dwStrLen += dwFileLen; tmpStr = new TCHAR [dwStrLen]; if (!tmpStr) { goto Error; } dwAllocBufferLength = dwStrLen; dwStrLen = GetCurrentDirectory(dwAllocBufferLength, tmpStr); if (!dwStrLen) { goto Error; } } else { tmpStr = lpszBuffer; } _tcscat(tmpStr, _T("\\")); _tcscat(tmpStr, g_PObject[i]->szPassportPerfDll); // perfmon Registry Settings
if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, _T("SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services"), ulOptions,samDesired,&hkResult1)!=ERROR_SUCCESS) goto Error; if (RegCreateKey(hkResult1,g_PObject[i]->szPassportName, &hkResult2)!=ERROR_SUCCESS) { RegCloseKey(hkResult1); goto Error; } if (RegCreateKey(hkResult2,_T("Performance"),&hkResult3)!=ERROR_SUCCESS) { RegCloseKey(hkResult1); RegCloseKey(hkResult2); goto Error; } if (RegSetValueEx(hkResult3,_T("Library"), Reserved,REG_EXPAND_SZ, (UCHAR*)tmpStr,(dwFileLen+dwStrLen+1)* sizeof(TCHAR))!=ERROR_SUCCESS) { RegCloseKey(hkResult1); RegCloseKey(hkResult2); RegCloseKey(hkResult3); goto Error; } if (RegSetValueEx(hkResult3, _T("Open"),Reserved, REG_SZ,(UCHAR*)PASSPORT_PERF_OPEN, (_tcslen(PASSPORT_PERF_OPEN) + 1)* sizeof(TCHAR))!=ERROR_SUCCESS) { RegCloseKey(hkResult1); RegCloseKey(hkResult2); RegCloseKey(hkResult3); goto Error; } if (RegSetValueEx(hkResult3,_T("Collect"),Reserved, REG_SZ,(UCHAR*)PASSPORT_PERF_COLLECT, ((_tcslen(PASSPORT_PERF_COLLECT)+1)* sizeof(TCHAR)))!=ERROR_SUCCESS) { RegCloseKey(hkResult1); RegCloseKey(hkResult2); RegCloseKey(hkResult3); goto Error; } if (RegSetValueEx(hkResult3,_T("Close"),Reserved, REG_SZ,(CONST BYTE *)PASSPORT_PERF_CLOSE, ((_tcslen(PASSPORT_PERF_CLOSE)+1)* sizeof(TCHAR)))!=ERROR_SUCCESS) { RegCloseKey(hkResult1); RegCloseKey(hkResult2); RegCloseKey(hkResult3); goto Error; } RegCloseKey(hkResult1); RegCloseKey(hkResult2); RegCloseKey(hkResult3); //if (RegCloseKey(hkResult1)!=ERROR_SUCCESS)
// goto Error;
//if (RegCloseKey(hkResult2)!=ERROR_SUCCESS)
// goto Error;
//if (RegCloseKey(hkResult3)!=ERROR_SUCCESS)
// goto Error;
// BUGBUG the counter ini file must be in the same directory as
// the dll
// note: this "lodctr " MUST be added to the buffer first,
// else LoadPerfCounterTextStrings() fails. WHY? Literally,
// LoadPerfCounterTextStrings first parameter is the Command
// Line of the lodctr.exe application -- eeech!
// Both LOAD_NAME_LEN & INI_EXT_LEN include the NULL. So -1.
dwFileLen = lstrlen(g_PObject[i]->szPassportPerfIniFile) + LOAD_NAME_LEN + INI_EXT_LEN - 1; if (dwFileLen > dwAllocBufferLength) { //
// Allocate memory
if (tmpStr != lpszBuffer) { delete [] tmpStr; } tmpStr = new TCHAR [dwFileLen]; if (!tmpStr) { goto Error; } } _tcscpy(tmpStr, LOAD_NAME); _tcscat(tmpStr,g_PObject[i]->szPassportPerfIniFile); _tcscat(tmpStr, INI_EXT); __try { result = LoadPerfCounterTextStrings(lpszBuffer,FALSE); } __except( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { ; } if (tmpStr != lpszBuffer) { delete [] tmpStr; tmpStr = NULL; } if (result != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto Error; } } return(S_OK);
Error: if (tmpStr && (tmpStr != lpszBuffer) ) { delete [] tmpStr; } return(E_UNEXPECTED); }