// pptrace.cpp
// The Event Tracing utility is built on top of the NT Event Tracer base services.
// The Event Tracer application programming interface (API) is a set of functions
// that developers can use to access and control all aspects of event tracing. Using
// the Event Tracer API, developers can manage event tracing sessions, generate event
// traces, and receive event traces. The Event Tracer API is divided into sections
// based on the functionality implemented:
// Event Trace Controller
// Event Trace Provider
// Event Trace Consumer
// Event Trace Controller - implemented in pptracelog.exe
// Event trace controllers start and stop event tracing sessions, manage buffer resources,
// and obtain execution statistics for sessions. Session statistics include the number of
// buffers used, the number of buffers delivered, the number of events and buffers lost,
// and the size and location of the log file, if applicable.
// Event Trace Provider - APIs used by all ISAPI/COM components are implemented in this file
// The event trace provider section of the Event Tracer API is where event trace
// providers and classes are registered with the Event Tracer, and event traces and
// event trace instances are generated. After registering to generate traces for one
// or more classes of events, an event trace provider can be enabled or disabled for
// an event tracing session. It is left to the provider to define its interpretation
// of being enabled or disabled. In general, if a provider has been enabled, it will
// generate event traces for the session to record, and while it is disabled, it will not.
// Event Trace Consumer - implemented in pptracedmp.exe
// Software that functions as an event trace consumer can select one or more event
// tracing sessions as the source of its event traces. Consumers can receive event
// traces stored in log files, or from sessions that deliver event traces in real-time.
// When processing event traces, a consumer can specify starting and ending times, and
// only events that occur in the specified time frame will be delivered to the consumer.
// A consumer can request events from multiple event tracing sessions simultaneously,
// and the Event Tracer will put the events into chronological order before delivering
// them to the consumer.
// 05-15-01 - naiyij created
#include <stdafx.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <ole2.h>
#include <wmistr.h>
#include <evntrace.h>
#include <pptrace.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#define IsEqualGUID(rguid1, rguid2) (!memcmp(rguid1, rguid2, sizeof(GUID)))
GUID TransactionGuid = {0xce5b1020, 0x8ea9, 0x11d0, 0xa4, 0xec, 0x00, 0xa0, 0xc9, 0x06, 0x29, 0x10};
TRACE_GUID_REGISTRATION TraceGuidReg[] = { { (LPGUID)&TransactionGuid, NULL } };
TRACEHANDLE LoggerHandle; TRACEHANDLE RegistrationHandle;
namespace PPTraceStatus { bool TraceOnFlag = false; UCHAR EnableLevel = 0; ULONG EnableFlags = 0; }
// TRACEHANDLE is typedefed as ULONG64
ULONG64 GetTraceHandle() { return LoggerHandle; }
// TRACEHANDLE is typedefed as ULONG64
void SetTraceHandle(ULONG64 TraceHandle) { LoggerHandle = TraceHandle; }
// TraceString
// Genereate a Trace Event with the input string
// unicode version - for future use
ULONG TraceString(UCHAR Level, IN LPCWSTR wszBuf) { ULONG status; PMOF_FIELD mofField; USER_MOF_EVENT UserMofEvent;
RtlZeroMemory(&UserMofEvent, sizeof(UserMofEvent));
UserMofEvent.Header.Class.Type = EVENT_TRACE_TYPE_INFO; UserMofEvent.Header.Class.Level = Level;
UserMofEvent.Header.Size = sizeof(UserMofEvent); UserMofEvent.Header.Flags = WNODE_FLAG_TRACED_GUID; UserMofEvent.Header.Guid = TransactionGuid; UserMofEvent.Header.Flags |= WNODE_FLAG_USE_MOF_PTR;
mofField = (PMOF_FIELD) & UserMofEvent.mofData; mofField->DataPtr = (ULONGLONG) (wszBuf); mofField->Length = sizeof(WCHAR) * (wcslen(wszBuf) + 1);
status = TraceEvent(LoggerHandle, (PEVENT_TRACE_HEADER) & UserMofEvent);
return status; }
// TraceString
// Genereate a Trace Event with the input string
// ansi version - used currently
ULONG TraceString(UCHAR Level, IN LPCSTR szBuf) { ULONG status; PMOF_FIELD mofField; USER_MOF_EVENT UserMofEvent;
RtlZeroMemory(&UserMofEvent, sizeof(UserMofEvent));
UserMofEvent.Header.Class.Type = EVENT_TRACE_TYPE_INFO; UserMofEvent.Header.Class.Level = Level;
UserMofEvent.Header.Size = sizeof(UserMofEvent); UserMofEvent.Header.Flags = WNODE_FLAG_TRACED_GUID; UserMofEvent.Header.Guid = TransactionGuid; UserMofEvent.Header.Flags |= WNODE_FLAG_USE_MOF_PTR;
mofField = (PMOF_FIELD) & UserMofEvent.mofData; mofField->DataPtr = (ULONGLONG) (szBuf); mofField->Length = sizeof(CHAR) * (strlen(szBuf) + 1);
status = TraceEvent(LoggerHandle, (PEVENT_TRACE_HEADER) & UserMofEvent);
return status; }
// @func Calls TracePrint to print a string that is potentially longer than MAXSTR
// @rdesc does not return any value
VOID TracePrintString( UCHAR Level, //@parm log if current logging level is at least this
LPCSTR szFileAndLine, //@parm ignored
LPCSTR szContext, //@parm which function is this called from
LPCSTR szBuf //@parm the string itself
) { ATLASSERT(szContext); TraceString(Level, szContext); TraceString(Level, szBuf); }
// TracePrintBlob
// Generate a trace event with input binary blob
#define TOHEX(h) ((h)>=10 ? 'a' +(h)-10 : '0'+(h))
VOID TracePrintBlob( UCHAR Level, LPCSTR szFileAndLine, LPCSTR szDesc, LPBYTE binBlob, DWORD cSize, BOOL bUnderscore) //defaults to FALSE
{ // no data generated for the following two cases
if (!PPTraceStatus::TraceOnFlag || Level > PPTraceStatus::EnableLevel) return;
_ASSERT(szFileAndLine && szDesc); _ASSERT(*szFileAndLine && *szDesc); _ASSERT(binBlob && !IsBadReadPtr(binBlob, cSize));
char* pBuf = NULL; char* pAscii = NULL;
// the buffer to hold the hex version of the blob and other stuff + NULL + @
pBuf = new char [strlen(szFileAndLine) + cSize * 2 + 2]; pAscii = new char [cSize * (bUnderscore ? 2 : 1)+ 1];
if (!pBuf || !pAscii) { TraceString(Level, "not enough memory for this trace"); } else { char* pNext = pBuf; char* pNextAscii = pAscii; BYTE cValue; BYTE cHalf;
// convert the blob to hex chars
for (DWORD i = 0; i < cSize; ++i) { cValue = *binBlob++;
cHalf = cValue >> 4; *pNext++ = TOHEX(cHalf); cHalf = cValue & 0x0f; *pNext++ = TOHEX(cHalf);
if (isprint(cValue)) { *pNextAscii++ = cValue; if (bUnderscore) *pNextAscii++ = '_'; } else { *pNextAscii++ = '?'; if (bUnderscore) *pNextAscii++ = '?'; } }
*pNext++ = '@'; CHAR* pStr = strrchr(szFileAndLine, '\\'); if(pStr) { strcpy(pNext, ++pStr); pNext += strlen(pStr); }
*pNext = '\0'; *pNextAscii = '\0'; TraceString(Level, szDesc); TraceString(Level, pAscii); TraceString(Level, pBuf); }
if (pBuf) delete [] pBuf; if (pAscii) delete [] pAscii; }
// TracePrint
// Generate a trace event with input data
VOID TracePrint( UCHAR Level, LPCSTR szFileAndLine, LPCSTR ParameterList OPTIONAL, ... ) { // no data generated for the following two cases
if (!PPTraceStatus::TraceOnFlag || Level > PPTraceStatus::EnableLevel) return;
CHAR buf[MAXSTR]; int len = 0; if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT(ParameterList)) { va_list parms; va_start(parms, ParameterList); len = _vsnprintf(buf, MAXSTR-1, (CHAR*)ParameterList, parms); if (len < 0) len = MAXSTR - 1; va_end(parms); }
if (len < (MAXSTR - 1)) { CHAR* pStr = strrchr(szFileAndLine, '\\'); if (pStr) { pStr++; _snprintf(buf+len, MAXSTR-len-1, "@%s", pStr); } } TraceString(Level, buf); }
// CTraceFuncVoid
// Generate trace events for void functions
CTraceFuncVoid::CTraceFuncVoid(UCHAR Level, LPCSTR szFileAndLine, LPCSTR szFuncName, LPCSTR ParameterList, ...) : m_Level(Level) { // no data generated for the following two cases
if (!PPTraceStatus::TraceOnFlag || m_Level > PPTraceStatus::EnableLevel) return;
strncpy(m_szFuncName, szFuncName, MAXNAME-1);
CHAR buf[MAXSTR]; int len = _snprintf(buf, MAXSTR-1, "+%s(", m_szFuncName); int count = 0; if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT(ParameterList)) { va_list parms; va_start(parms, ParameterList); count = _vsnprintf(buf+len, MAXSTR-len-1, (CHAR*)ParameterList, parms); len = (count > 0) ? len + count : MAXSTR - 1; va_end(parms); } if (len < (MAXSTR - 1)) { CHAR* pStr = strrchr(szFileAndLine, '\\'); if (pStr) { pStr++; //remove '\'
_snprintf(buf+len, MAXSTR-len-1, ")@%s", pStr); } }
TraceString(m_Level, buf); };
CTraceFuncVoid::~CTraceFuncVoid() { // no data generated for the following two cases
if (!PPTraceStatus::TraceOnFlag || m_Level > PPTraceStatus::EnableLevel) return; std::ostringstream ost; ost << "-" << m_szFuncName << "()"; TraceString(m_Level, ost.str().c_str()); };