// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation 1992 - 2000
// File: credapi.cxx
// Contents: Code for credentials APIs for the NtDigest package
// Main entry points into this dll:
// SpAcceptCredentials
// SpAcquireCredentialsHandle
// SpFreeCredentialsHandle
// SpQueryCredentialsAttributes
// SpSaveCredentials
// SpGetCredentials
// SpDeleteCredentials
// Helper functions:
// CopyClientString
// History: ChandanS 26-Jul-1996 Stolen from kerberos\client2\credapi.cxx
// KDamour 16Mar00 Stolen from NTLM
#include <global.h>
extern BOOL g_bCredentialsInitialized;
// Function: SpAcceptCredentials
// Synopsis: This routine is called after another package has logged
// a user on. The other package provides a user name and
// password and the package will create a logon
// session for this user.
// Effects: Creates a logon session
// Arguments: LogonType - Type of logon, such as network or interactive
// Accountname - Name of the account that logged on
// PrimaryCredentials - Primary credentials for the account,
// containing a domain name, password, SID, etc.
// SupplementalCredentials - NtLm -Specific blob not used
// Returns: None
// Notes:
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ok
DebugLog((DEB_TRACE_FUNC, "SpAcceptCredentials: Entering\n")); DebugLog((DEB_TRACE, "SpAcceptCredentials: Credential: LogonType %d\n", LogonType));
// AccountName is not currently used for any additional processing
if (AccountName) { DebugLog((DEB_TRACE,"SpAcceptCredentials: Entering AccountName %wZ\n", AccountName)); } else { DebugLog((DEB_TRACE,"SpAcceptCredentials: No AccountName provided\n")); }
if (PrimaryCredentials) { DebugLog((DEB_TRACE,"SpAcceptCredentials: DomainName\\DownlevelName %wZ\\%wZ\n", &PrimaryCredentials->DomainName, &PrimaryCredentials->DownlevelName)); DebugLog((DEB_TRACE,"SpAcceptCredentials: UPN DnsDomainName %wZ %wZ\n", &PrimaryCredentials->Upn, &PrimaryCredentials->DnsDomainName)); DebugLog((DEB_TRACE,"SpAcceptCredentials: LogonID (%x:%lx) Flags 0x%x\n", PrimaryCredentials->LogonId.HighPart, PrimaryCredentials->LogonId.LowPart, PrimaryCredentials->Flags)); } else { DebugLog((DEB_TRACE,"SpAcceptCredentials: No PrimaryCredentials provided\n")); goto CleanUp; }
if (SupplementalCredentials) { DebugLog((DEB_TRACE,"SpAcceptCredentials: Supplemental Creds Size %d\n", SupplementalCredentials->CredentialSize)); } else { DebugLog((DEB_TRACE,"SpAcceptCredentials: No Supplemental Credentials provided\n")); }
// If there is no cleartext password then can not do any operations - just leave
if (!(PrimaryCredentials->Flags & PRIMARY_CRED_CLEAR_PASSWORD)) { DebugLog((DEB_TRACE,"SpAcceptCredentials: No Primary ClearText Password - no active logon created\n")); Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; goto CleanUp; }
// If this is an update, just change the password
if ((PrimaryCredentials->Flags & PRIMARY_CRED_UPDATE) != 0) { // Make a copy of the password and encrypt it
Status = UnicodeStringDuplicatePassword(&ustrTempPasswd, &PrimaryCredentials->Password); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "SpAcceptCredentials: Error in dup password, status 0x%0x\n", Status )); goto CleanUp; }
if (ustrTempPasswd.MaximumLength != 0) { g_LsaFunctions->LsaProtectMemory(ustrTempPasswd.Buffer, (ULONG)(ustrTempPasswd.MaximumLength)); }
// Check to see if this LogonId is already in the list and update password
Status = LogSessHandlerPasswdSet(&PrimaryCredentials->LogonId, &ustrTempPasswd); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "SpAcceptCredentials: Failed to update LogonSession Password\n")); } else { DebugLog((DEB_TRACE, "SpAcceptCredentials: Updated Password for LogonSession\n")); } } else { DebugLog((DEB_TRACE, "SpAcceptCredentials: Create New LogonSession - not an update\n"));
// This is a new entry into the list so create a LogonSession listing
pNewLogonSession = (PDIGEST_LOGONSESSION)DigestAllocateMemory(sizeof(DIGEST_LOGONSESSION)); if (!pNewLogonSession) { Status = SEC_E_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY; DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "SpAcceptCredentials: Could not allocate memory for logonsession, error 0x%x\n", Status)); goto CleanUp; } LogonSessionInit(pNewLogonSession);
pNewLogonSession->LogonType = LogonType; pNewLogonSession->LogonId = PrimaryCredentials->LogonId;
DebugLog((DEB_TRACE, "SpAcceptCredentials: Created Digest Logonsession for for LogonID (%x:%lx)\n", PrimaryCredentials->LogonId.HighPart, PrimaryCredentials->LogonId.LowPart ));
Status = UnicodeStringDuplicate(&(pNewLogonSession->ustrAccountName), &(PrimaryCredentials->DownlevelName)); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "SpAcceptCredentials: Error in dup AccountName, status 0x%0x\n", Status )); goto CleanUp; }
Status = UnicodeStringDuplicate(&(pNewLogonSession->ustrDomainName), &(PrimaryCredentials->DomainName)); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "SpAcceptCredentials: Error in dup DomainName, status 0x%0x\n", Status )); goto CleanUp; }
Status = UnicodeStringDuplicate(&(pNewLogonSession->ustrDnsDomainName), &(PrimaryCredentials->DnsDomainName)); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "SpAcceptCredentials: Error in dup DnsDomainName, status 0x%0x\n", Status )); goto CleanUp; }
Status = UnicodeStringDuplicate(&(pNewLogonSession->ustrUpn), &(PrimaryCredentials->Upn)); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "SpAcceptCredentials: Error in dup Upn, status 0x%0x\n", Status )); goto CleanUp; }
Status = UnicodeStringDuplicatePassword(&(pNewLogonSession->ustrPassword), &(PrimaryCredentials->Password)); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "SpAcceptCredentials: Error in dup password, status 0x%0x\n", Status )); goto CleanUp; }
if (pNewLogonSession->ustrPassword.MaximumLength != 0) { g_LsaFunctions->LsaProtectMemory(pNewLogonSession->ustrPassword.Buffer, (ULONG)(pNewLogonSession->ustrPassword.MaximumLength)); }
DebugLog((DEB_TRACE, "SpAcceptCredentials: Added new logonsession into list, handle 0x%x\n", pNewLogonSession)); LogSessHandlerInsert(pNewLogonSession); pNewLogonSession = NULL; // Turned over memory to LogSessHandler
if (ustrTempPasswd.Buffer && ustrTempPasswd.MaximumLength) { // Zero out password info just to be safe
SecureZeroMemory(ustrTempPasswd.Buffer, ustrTempPasswd.MaximumLength); } UnicodeStringFree(&ustrTempPasswd);
if (pNewLogonSession) { (void)LogonSessionFree(pNewLogonSession); pNewLogonSession = NULL; }
DebugLog((DEB_TRACE_FUNC, "SpAcceptCredentials: Leaving status 0x%x\n", Status));
return(Status); }
// Function: SpAcquireCredentialsHandle
// Synopsis: Contains Digest Server Code for AcquireCredentialsHandle which
// creates a Credential associated with a logon session.
// Effects: Creates a DIGEST_CREDENTIAL
// Arguments: PrincipalName - Name of logon session for which to create credential
// CredentialUseFlags - Flags indicating whether the credentials
// is for inbound or outbound use.
// LogonId - The logon ID of logon session for which to create
// a credential.
// AuthorizationData - Optional username, domain, password info
// GetKeyFunction - Unused function to retrieve a session key
// GetKeyArgument - Unused Argument for GetKeyFunction
// CredentialHandle - Receives handle to new credential
// ExpirationTime - Receives expiration time for credential
// Returns:
// STATUS_SUCCESS -- Call completed successfully
// SEC_E_NO_SPM -- Security Support Provider is not running
// SEC_E_PACKAGE_UNKNOWN -- Package being queried is not this package
// SEC_E_PRINCIPAL_UNKNOWN -- No such principal
// SEC_E_NOT_OWNER -- caller does not own the specified credentials
// SEC_E_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY -- Not enough memory
// SEC_E_NOT_SUPPORTED - CredentialUse must be Outbound (Inbound once client code added)
// Notes:
NTSTATUS NTAPI SpAcquireCredentialsHandle( IN OPTIONAL PUNICODE_STRING pPrincipalName, IN ULONG CredentialUseFlags, IN OPTIONAL PLUID pLogonId, IN OPTIONAL PVOID pAuthorizationData, IN PVOID pGetKeyFunction, IN PVOID pGetKeyArgument, OUT PULONG_PTR ppCredentialHandle, OUT PTimeStamp pExpirationTime ) { NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; PDIGEST_CREDENTIAL pTmpCred = NULL; PDIGEST_CREDENTIAL pCredential = NULL; PDIGEST_LOGONSESSION pLogonSession = NULL; PDIGEST_CONTEXT pContext = NULL; // for delegation info lookup
ULONG NewCredentialUseFlags = CredentialUseFlags;
UNICODE_STRING AuthzUserName = {0}; UNICODE_STRING AuthzDomainName = {0}; UNICODE_STRING AuthzPassword = {0}; UNICODE_STRING ustrTempPasswd = {0};
SECPKG_CLIENT_INFO ClientInfo; SECPKG_CALL_INFO CallInfo; PLUID pLogonIdToUse = NULL; BOOL bAuthzDataProvided = FALSE;
DebugLog((DEB_TRACE_FUNC, "SpAcquireCredentialsHandle: Entering\n"));
if (!ppCredentialHandle) { DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "SpAcquireCredentialsHandle: Invalid arg to ACH (possible NULL pointer)\n")); return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
*ppCredentialHandle = NULL; if (pExpirationTime) { *pExpirationTime = g_TimeForever; // Never times out credential
DebugLog((DEB_TRACE, "SpAcquireCredentialsHandle: Expiration TimeStamp high/low 0x%x/0x%x\n", pExpirationTime->HighPart, pExpirationTime->LowPart)); }
// This should really not happen - just a quick check
ASSERT(g_bCredentialsInitialized); if (!g_bCredentialsInitialized) { DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "SpAcquireCredentialsHandle credential manager not initialized\n")); return SEC_E_NO_SPM; }
// Allow only INBOUND or OUTBOUND (not DEFAULT or Reserved)
if ( (CredentialUseFlags & (DIGEST_CRED_OUTBOUND | DIGEST_CRED_INBOUND)) == 0) { DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "SpAcquireCredentialsHandle: Credential flag not supported\n")); Status = SEC_E_NOT_SUPPORTED; goto CleanUp; }
// First get information about the caller.
Status = g_LsaFunctions->GetClientInfo(&ClientInfo); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DebugLog((DEB_ERROR,"SpAcquireCredentialsHandle: Failed to get client information: 0x%x\n",Status)); goto CleanUp; }
if( (ClientInfo.ClientFlags & SECPKG_CLIENT_THREAD_TERMINATED) || (ClientInfo.ClientFlags & SECPKG_CLIENT_PROCESS_TERMINATED) ) { Status = STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; DebugLog(( DEB_ERROR, "SpAcquireCredentialsHandle: GetClientInfo flags returned 0x%lx\n", Status)); goto CleanUp; }
// Got to have an impersonation level token in order to call ACH.
// This check used to be in lsa, but moved here to enable
// some S4Uproxy scenarios to work w/o tcb.
if (ClientInfo.ImpersonationLevel <= SecurityIdentification) { DebugLog((DEB_WARN, "Trying to acquire credentials with an token no better than SecurityIdentification\n")); Status = SEC_E_NO_CREDENTIALS; goto CleanUp; }
Status = g_LsaFunctions->GetCallInfo(&CallInfo); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DebugLog((DEB_ERROR,"SpAcquireCredentialsHandle: Failed to get call information: 0x%x\n",Status)); goto CleanUp; }
// Check if acting as the server (Inbound creds)
if (NewCredentialUseFlags & DIGEST_CRED_INBOUND) { DebugLog((DEB_TRACE, "SpAcquireCredentialsHandle: Creating an Inbound Credential\n"));
// Allocate a credential block and initialize it.
pTmpCred = (PDIGEST_CREDENTIAL)DigestAllocateMemory(sizeof(DIGEST_CREDENTIAL) ); if (!pTmpCred) { Status = SEC_E_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY; // Out of memory return error
DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "SpAcquireCredentialsHandle Out of Memory\n")); goto CleanUp; } Status = CredentialInit(pTmpCred); if (!NT_SUCCESS (Status)) { DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "SpAcquireCredentialsHandle: CredentialInit error 0x%x\n", Status)); goto CleanUp; }
pTmpCred->CredentialUseFlags = NewCredentialUseFlags; memcpy(&(pTmpCred->LogonId), &ClientInfo.LogonId, sizeof(LUID));
pTmpCred->ClientProcessID = ClientInfo.ProcessID; //
// Add it to the list of valid credential handles.
pTmpCred->lReferences = 1; (void)CredPrint(pTmpCred);
CredHandlerInsertCred(pTmpCred); *ppCredentialHandle = (LSA_SEC_HANDLE) pTmpCred; // link to the output
DebugLog((DEB_TRACE, "SpAcquireCredentialsHandle: Added Credential 0x%lx\n", pCredential));
pTmpCred = NULL; // We do not own this memory anymore
} else { // Called by a client for Outbound direction
// Locate the LogonSession to utilize for the credential
// If the caller is a system process with the SE_TCB_NAME privilege, and the caller provides
// both the name and logon identifier, the function verifies that they match before returning
// the credentials. If only one is provided, the function returns a handle to that identifier.
// A caller that is not a system process can only obtain a handle to the credentials under
// which it is running. The caller can provide the name or the logon identifier, but it must
// be for the current session or the request fails.
DebugLog((DEB_TRACE,"SpAcquireCredentialsHandle: Have Outbound Credential request\n")); if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT(pLogonId) && ((pLogonId->LowPart != 0) || (pLogonId->HighPart != 0))) { // If the LUID of request not equal to Client LUID then must have TCBPrivilege, else rejest request
if (((pLogonId->LowPart != ClientInfo.LogonId.LowPart) || (pLogonId->HighPart != ClientInfo.LogonId.HighPart)) && !ClientInfo.HasTcbPrivilege) { Status = STATUS_PRIVILEGE_NOT_HELD; DebugLog((DEB_ERROR,"SpAcquireCredentialsHandle: LoginID change forbidden\n")); goto CleanUp; }
DebugLog((DEB_TRACE, "SpAcquireCredentialsHandle: Using pLogonID luid (%x:%lx)\n", pLogonId->HighPart, pLogonId->LowPart));
Status = LogSessHandlerLogonIdToPtr(pLogonId, FALSE, &pLogonSession); if (!NT_SUCCESS (Status)) { // Could not find the LogonID so fail
DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "SpAcquireCredentialsHandle: could not find LogonID status 0x%x\n", Status)); Status = STATUS_NO_SUCH_LOGON_SESSION; goto CleanUp; } pLogonIdToUse = pLogonId;
// If Principal name supplied, make sure they match with the loginsession
if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT(pPrincipalName) && pPrincipalName->Length) { if (!RtlEqualUnicodeString(pPrincipalName,&(pLogonSession->ustrAccountName),TRUE)) { DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "SpAcquireCredentialsHandle: PrincipalName does not match LogonSession\n")); Status = STATUS_NO_SUCH_LOGON_SESSION; goto CleanUp; } } } else if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT(pPrincipalName) && (pPrincipalName->Length)) { // Given only the principal name to lookup
DebugLog((DEB_TRACE, "SpAcquireCredentialsHandle: logonsession principal name lookup %wZ\n", pPrincipalName)); Status = LogSessHandlerAccNameToPtr(pPrincipalName, &pLogonSession); if (!NT_SUCCESS (Status)) { DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "SpAcquireCredentialsHandle: principal name not in logon list error 0x%x\n", Status)); Status = STATUS_NO_SUCH_LOGON_SESSION; goto CleanUp; }
// If make sure we have TCB if logonID are different
if ((((pLogonSession->LogonId).LowPart != ClientInfo.LogonId.LowPart) || ((pLogonSession->LogonId).HighPart != ClientInfo.LogonId.HighPart)) && !ClientInfo.HasTcbPrivilege) { Status = STATUS_PRIVILEGE_NOT_HELD; DebugLog((DEB_ERROR,"SpAcquireCredentialsHandle: PrincipalName selection forbidden, LoginID differs\n")); goto CleanUp; }
// pLogonIdToUse = &ClientInfo.LogonId;
pLogonIdToUse = &(pLogonSession->LogonId);
} else { // No LoginID or Principal name provided
// Use the callers logon id.
DebugLog((DEB_TRACE, "SpAcquireCredentialsHandle: Using callers Logon (%x:%lx)\n", ClientInfo.LogonId.HighPart, ClientInfo.LogonId.LowPart));
Status = LogSessHandlerLogonIdToPtr(&ClientInfo.LogonId, FALSE, &pLogonSession); if (!NT_SUCCESS (Status)) { // Could not find the LogonID so fail
Status = STATUS_NO_SUCH_LOGON_SESSION; DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "SpAcquireCredentialsHandle: could not find caller's LogonSession status 0x%x\n", Status)); goto CleanUp; } pLogonIdToUse = &ClientInfo.LogonId; }
// We now must have a pLogonSession - this conditional is not needed after testing completed
if (!pLogonSession) { DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "SpAcquireCredentialsHandle: Must have LogonSession\n")); Status = STATUS_NO_SUCH_LOGON_SESSION; goto CleanUp; }
if (pAuthorizationData) { Status = CredAuthzData(pAuthorizationData, &CallInfo, &NewCredentialUseFlags, &AuthzUserName, &AuthzDomainName, &AuthzPassword);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DebugLog((DEB_ERROR,"SpAcquireCredentialsHandle: CredAuthzData error in reading authdata status 0x%x\n", Status)); } else bAuthzDataProvided = TRUE; DebugLog((DEB_TRACE,"SpAcquireCredentialsHandle: AuthData provided Username=%wZ DomainName=%wZ\n", &AuthzUserName, &AuthzDomainName)); }
DebugLog((DEB_TRACE, "SpAcquireCredentialsHandle: Using LogonSession Handle 0x%lx\n", pLogonSession)); DebugLog((DEB_TRACE, "SpAcquireCredentialsHandle: Logon luid (%x:%lx)\n", (pLogonSession->LogonId).HighPart, (pLogonSession->LogonId).LowPart));
if (!bAuthzDataProvided) { // If no authz data then see if it matches with an existing credential
DebugLog((DEB_TRACE, "SpAcquireCredentialsHandle: Check to see if cred exists\n")); Status = CredHandlerLocatePtr(pLogonIdToUse, NewCredentialUseFlags, &pCredential); }
if (NT_SUCCESS(Status) && !bAuthzDataProvided) { // We currently have a credential for this ProcessID, LogonId - just make any updates
DebugLog((DEB_TRACE, "SpAcquireCredentialsHandle: We currently have existing Credentials at 0x%x. Update only\n", pCredential));
Status = LogSessHandlerPasswdGet(pLogonSession, &(ustrTempPasswd)); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "SpAcquireCredentialsHandle: Error LogSess get TempPasswd Status 0x%x\n", Status)); goto CleanUp; } Status = CredHandlerPasswdSet(pCredential, &(ustrTempPasswd)); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "SpAcquireCredentialsHandle: Errors in Passwd set Status 0x%x\n", Status)); goto CleanUp; }
*ppCredentialHandle = (LSA_SEC_HANDLE) pCredential; // link to the output
pCredential = NULL; // Reference for this context owned by system
} else { // We need to create a new Credential
DebugLog((DEB_TRACE, "SpAcquireCredentialsHandle: Creating an Outbound Credential\n")); // Allocate a credential block and initialize it.
pTmpCred = (PDIGEST_CREDENTIAL)DigestAllocateMemory(sizeof(DIGEST_CREDENTIAL) ); if (!pTmpCred) { Status = SEC_E_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY; DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "SpAcquireCredentialsHandle Out of Memory\n")); goto CleanUp; }
Status = CredentialInit(pTmpCred); if (!NT_SUCCESS (Status)) { DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "SpAcquireCredentialsHandle: CredentialInit error 0x%x\n", Status)); goto CleanUp; }
pTmpCred->CredentialUseFlags = NewCredentialUseFlags; memcpy(&(pTmpCred->LogonId), &(pLogonSession->LogonId), sizeof(LUID));
pTmpCred->ClientProcessID = ClientInfo.ProcessID;
// Copy over the account & password info
// Some of these might not be utilized in client - may remove as appropriate
// Only three crednetial fields are used: ustrAccountName, ustrDomain, ustrPassword
if (!bAuthzDataProvided) { DebugLog((DEB_TRACE, "SpAcquireCredentialsHandle: Using default credentials\n"));
Status = UnicodeStringDuplicate(&(pTmpCred->ustrAccountName), &(pLogonSession->ustrAccountName)); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "SpAcquireCredentialsHandle: Error string duplicate Status 0x%x\n", Status)); goto CleanUp; }
if (pLogonSession->ustrDnsDomainName.Length) { Status = UnicodeStringDuplicate(&(pTmpCred->ustrDomain), &(pLogonSession->ustrDnsDomainName)); } else { // No DNSDomainName filled in - use NT's DomainName
Status = UnicodeStringDuplicate(&(pTmpCred->ustrDomain), &(pLogonSession->ustrDomainName)); } if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "SpAcquireCredentialsHandle: Error string duplicate Status 0x%x\n", Status)); goto CleanUp; }
// make sure that the username & DNS domain name are lowercase - will be used in ChallengeResponse
Status = RtlDowncaseUnicodeString(&(pTmpCred->ustrAccountName), &(pTmpCred->ustrAccountName), FALSE); if (!NT_SUCCESS (Status)) { DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "SpAcquireCredentialsHandle: Downcase accountname failed error 0x%x\n", Status)); goto CleanUp; } Status = RtlDowncaseUnicodeString(&(pTmpCred->ustrDomain), &(pTmpCred->ustrDomain), FALSE); if (!NT_SUCCESS (Status)) { DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "SpAcquireCredentialsHandle: Downcase Domain failed error 0x%x\n", Status)); goto CleanUp; } Status = UnicodeStringDuplicate(&(pTmpCred->ustrUpn), &(pLogonSession->ustrUpn)); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "SpAcquireCredentialsHandle: Error string duplicate Status 0x%x\n", Status)); goto CleanUp; }
Status = LogSessHandlerPasswdGet(pLogonSession, &(pTmpCred->ustrPassword)); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "SpAcquireCredentialsHandle: Error LogSess get Passwd Status 0x%x\n", Status)); goto CleanUp; } } else { // Force in the Authz creds provided
Status = UnicodeStringDuplicate(&(pTmpCred->ustrAccountName), &AuthzUserName); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "SpAcquireCredentialsHandle: Error string duplicate Status 0x%x\n", Status)); goto CleanUp; }
Status = UnicodeStringDuplicate(&(pTmpCred->ustrDomain), &AuthzDomainName); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "SpAcquireCredentialsHandle: Error string duplicate Status 0x%x\n", Status)); goto CleanUp; }
Status = UnicodeStringDuplicatePassword(&(pTmpCred->ustrPassword), &AuthzPassword); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "SpAcquireCredentialsHandle: Authz string copies error 0x%x\n", Status)); goto CleanUp; }
// Since Auth data is cleartext password MUST encrypt since always keep in encrypted format
if (pTmpCred->ustrPassword.MaximumLength != 0) { g_LsaFunctions->LsaProtectMemory(pTmpCred->ustrPassword.Buffer, (ULONG)(pTmpCred->ustrPassword.MaximumLength)); } }
pTmpCred->lReferences = 1; (void)CredPrint(pTmpCred);
// Add it to the list of valid credential handles.
CredHandlerInsertCred(pTmpCred); *ppCredentialHandle = (LSA_SEC_HANDLE) pTmpCred; // link to the output
pTmpCred = NULL; // We do not own this memory anymore
// pLogonSession = NULL; // The Cred has ownership of ref count for logonsession
DebugLog((DEB_TRACE, "SpAcquireCredentialsHandle: Added Credential 0x%lx\n", *ppCredentialHandle));
} }
UnicodeStringFree(&AuthzUserName); UnicodeStringFree(&AuthzDomainName); if (AuthzPassword.Buffer && AuthzPassword.MaximumLength) { // Zero out password info just to be safe
SecureZeroMemory(AuthzPassword.Buffer, AuthzPassword.MaximumLength); } UnicodeStringFree(&AuthzPassword); if (ustrTempPasswd.Buffer && ustrTempPasswd.MaximumLength) { // Zero out password info just to be safe
SecureZeroMemory(ustrTempPasswd.Buffer, ustrTempPasswd.MaximumLength); } UnicodeStringFree(&ustrTempPasswd);
if (pTmpCred) { CredentialFree(pTmpCred); pTmpCred = NULL; } if (pLogonSession) { LogSessHandlerRelease(pLogonSession); }
if (pCredential) { CredHandlerRelease(pCredential); }
if (pContext) { CtxtHandlerRelease(pContext, 1); }
DebugLog((DEB_TRACE_FUNC, "SpAcquireCredentialsHandle: Leaving Status 0x%x\n", Status)); return(Status); }
// Function: SpFreeCredentialsHandle
// Synopsis: Frees a credential created by AcquireCredentialsHandle.
// Effects: Dereferences the credential in the global list..
// Arguments: CredentialHandle - Handle to the credential to free
// (acquired through AcquireCredentialsHandle)
// Requires:
// Returns: STATUS_SUCCESS on success,
// SEC_E_INVALID_HANDLE if the handle is not valid
// Notes:
DebugLog((DEB_TRACE_FUNC, "SpFreeCredentialsHandle: Entering Handle 0x%x\n", CredentialHandle));
Status = CredHandlerHandleToPtr(CredentialHandle, TRUE, &pDigestCred); // unlink from list
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { Status = SEC_E_INVALID_HANDLE; DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "SpFreeCredentialsHandle: Can not find ContextHandle in list Status 0x%x\n", Status)); goto CleanUp; } // Now check if we should release the memory
DebugLog((DEB_TRACE, "SpFreeCredentialsHandle: FreeCredHandle 0x%x ReferenceCount is %d\n", pDigestCred, pDigestCred->lReferences));
// Dereference the credential, it will also unlink from list if necessary
Status = CredHandlerRelease(pDigestCred); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "SpFreeCredentialsHandle: Error in Releasing Credential Status 0x%x\n", Status)); }
DebugLog((DEB_TRACE_FUNC, "SpFreeCredentialsHandle: Leaving Handle 0x%x Status 0x%x\n", CredentialHandle, Status));
return(Status); }
// Function: SpQueryCredentialsAttributes
// Synopsis: retrieves the attributes of a credential, such as the name associated with the credential.
// Effects: Dereferences the credential in the global list..
// Arguments: CredentialHandle - Handle of the credentials to be queried
// CredentialAttribute - Specifies the attribute to query. This parameter can be any of the following attributes
// Buffer - Pointer to a buffer that receives the requested attribute
// Requires:
// Returns: STATUS_SUCCESS on success,
// SEC_E_INVALID_HANDLE if the handle is not valid
// Notes:
// The caller must allocate the structure pointed to by the pBuffer parameter.
// The security package allocates the buffer for any pointer returned in the pBuffer structure
// The caller can call the FreeContextBuffer function to free any pointers allocated by the security package.
NTSTATUS NTAPI SpQueryCredentialsAttributes( IN LSA_SEC_HANDLE CredentialHandle, IN ULONG CredentialAttribute, IN OUT PVOID Buffer ) { NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; NTSTATUS TempStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; PDIGEST_CREDENTIAL pDigestCred = NULL; SECPKG_CALL_INFO CallInfo; SecPkgCredentials_NamesW Names;
LPWSTR ContextNames = NULL; LPWSTR Where = NULL;
DWORD cchUserName = 0; DWORD cchDomainName = 0; ULONG Length = 0;
DebugLog((DEB_TRACE_FUNC, "SpQueryCredentialsAttributes: Entering Handle 0x%x\n", CredentialHandle));
Names.sUserName = NULL;
Status = g_LsaFunctions->GetCallInfo(&CallInfo); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DebugLog((DEB_ERROR,"SpQueryCredentialsAttributes: Failed to get call information: 0x%x\n",Status)); goto CleanUp; }
if (CredentialAttribute != SECPKG_CRED_ATTR_NAMES) { DebugLog((DEB_WARN, "SpQueryCredentialsAttributes: Invalid Request Attribute %d\n", CredentialAttribute)); Status = SEC_E_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION; goto CleanUp; }
Status = CredHandlerHandleToPtr(CredentialHandle, FALSE, &pDigestCred); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { Status = SEC_E_INVALID_HANDLE; DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "SpQueryCredentialsAttributes: Can not find ContextHandle in list Status 0x%x\n", Status)); goto CleanUp; }
// specified creds.
Length = pDigestCred->ustrAccountName.Length + pDigestCred->ustrDomain.Length + (2 * sizeof(WCHAR));
ContextNames = (LPWSTR)DigestAllocateMemory( Length ); if( ContextNames == NULL ) { Status = SEC_E_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY; DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "SpQueryCredentialsAttributes: Internal Allocate failed Status 0x%x\n", Status)); goto CleanUp; }
Where = ContextNames;
if(pDigestCred->ustrDomain.Length) { RtlCopyMemory( ContextNames, pDigestCred->ustrDomain.Buffer, pDigestCred->ustrDomain.Length); cchDomainName = pDigestCred->ustrDomain.Length / sizeof(WCHAR); ContextNames[ cchDomainName ] = L'\\'; Where += (cchDomainName+1); }
if(pDigestCred->ustrAccountName.Length) { RtlCopyMemory( Where, pDigestCred->ustrAccountName.Buffer, pDigestCred->ustrAccountName.Length); }
cchUserName = pDigestCred->ustrAccountName.Length / sizeof(WCHAR); Where[ cchUserName ] = L'\0';
// Allocate memory in the client's address space
Status = g_LsaFunctions->AllocateClientBuffer( NULL, Length, (PVOID *) &Names.sUserName ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "SpQueryCredentialsAttributes: AllocateClientBuffer failed Status 0x%x\n", Status)); goto CleanUp; }
// Copy the string there
Status = g_LsaFunctions->CopyToClientBuffer( NULL, Length, Names.sUserName, ContextNames ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "SpQueryCredentialsAttributes: CopyToClientBuffer string failed Status 0x%x\n", Status)); goto CleanUp; }
// Now copy the address of the string there
if ( CallInfo.Attributes & SECPKG_CALL_WOWCLIENT ) { // Write out only a 32bit value
Status = g_LsaFunctions->CopyToClientBuffer( NULL, sizeof(ULONG), Buffer, &Names ); } else { Status = g_LsaFunctions->CopyToClientBuffer( NULL, sizeof(Names), Buffer, &Names ); } if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "SpQueryCredentialsAttributes: CopyToClientBuffer string address failed Status 0x%x\n", Status)); goto CleanUp; }
// Dereference the credential
if (pDigestCred) { TempStatus = CredHandlerRelease(pDigestCred); if (!NT_SUCCESS(TempStatus)) { DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "SpQueryCredentialsAttributes: Error in Releasing Credential Status 0x%x\n", TempStatus)); } }
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { if (Names.sUserName != NULL) { (VOID) g_LsaFunctions->FreeClientBuffer( NULL, Names.sUserName ); } Names.sUserName = NULL; }
if( ContextNames ) { DigestFreeMemory( ContextNames ); }
DebugLog((DEB_TRACE_FUNC, "SpQueryCredentialsAttributes: Leaving Handle 0x%x Status 0x%x\n", CredentialHandle, Status));
return(Status); }
NTSTATUS NTAPI SpSaveCredentials( IN ULONG_PTR CredentialHandle, IN PSecBuffer Credentials ) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(CredentialHandle); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(Credentials); DebugLog((DEB_TRACE_FUNC, "SpSaveCredentials: Entering/Leaving\n")); return(SEC_E_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION); }
NTSTATUS NTAPI SpGetCredentials( IN ULONG_PTR CredentialHandle, IN OUT PSecBuffer Credentials ) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(CredentialHandle); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(Credentials); DebugLog((DEB_TRACE_FUNC, "SpGetCredentials: Entering/Leaving\n")); return(SEC_E_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION); }
// Function not implemented. ok
NTSTATUS NTAPI SpDeleteCredentials( IN ULONG_PTR CredentialHandle, IN PSecBuffer Key ) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(CredentialHandle); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(Key); DebugLog((DEB_TRACE_FUNC, "SpDeleteCredentials: Entering/Leaving CredentialHandle 0x%x\n", CredentialHandle)); return(SEC_E_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION); }
if (!pCredential) { return (STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER); }
DebugLog((DEB_TRACE, "CredPrint: Credential 0x%x \n", pCredential));
if (pCredential->CredentialUseFlags & DIGEST_CRED_INBOUND) { DebugLog((DEB_TRACE, "CredPrint: INBOUND Session Credential \n")); } else { DebugLog((DEB_TRACE, "CredPrint: OUTBOUND Session Credential \n")); }
DebugLog((DEB_TRACE, "CredPrint: AccountName %wZ \n", &(pCredential->ustrAccountName))); // DebugLog((DEB_TRACE, "CredPrint: Password %wZ \n", &(pCredential->ustrPassword)));
DebugLog((DEB_TRACE, "CredPrint: Domain %wZ \n", &(pCredential->ustrDomain))); DebugLog((DEB_TRACE, "CredPrint: Upn %wZ \n", &(pCredential->ustrUpn))); DebugLog((DEB_TRACE, "CredPrint: References %ld \n", pCredential->lReferences));
return(Status); }
// Function: CredAuthData
// Synopsis: Copy over supplied auth data.
// Effects: Fills in string values - calling function must free.
// Arguments:
// Requires:
// Returns: STATUS_SUCCESS on success,
// SEC_E_INVALID_HANDLE if the handle is not valid
// Notes:
PSEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY_W TmpCredentials = NULL; ULONG CredSize = 0; ULONG Offset = 0; ULONG ulBuffSize = 0;
// Copy over the authorization data into out address
// space and make a local copy of the strings.
DebugLog((DEB_TRACE_FUNC, "CredAuthzData: Entering\n"));
ZeroMemory(&Cred32, sizeof(SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY32)); ZeroMemory(&CredEx32, sizeof(SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY_EX32));
if (AuthorizationData != NULL) { ulBuffSize = ((sizeof(SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY_EXW) > sizeof(SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY32)) ? sizeof(SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY_EXW) : sizeof(SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY32)); pAuthIdentityEx = (PSEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY_EXW) DigestAllocateMemory(ulBuffSize);
if (pAuthIdentityEx != NULL) {
if ( pCallInfo->Attributes & SECPKG_CALL_WOWCLIENT ) {
Status = g_LsaFunctions->CopyFromClientBuffer( NULL, sizeof( Cred32 ), pAuthIdentityEx, AuthorizationData );
if ( NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) { RtlCopyMemory( &Cred32, pAuthIdentityEx, sizeof( Cred32 ) ); }
} else { Status = g_LsaFunctions->CopyFromClientBuffer( NULL, sizeof(SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY), pAuthIdentityEx, AuthorizationData); }
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "CredAuthzData: Error from LsaFunctions->CopyFromClientBuffer is 0x%lx\n", Status)); goto CleanUp; } } else { Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "CredAuthzData: Error from Digest Allocate is 0x%lx\n", Status)); goto CleanUp; }
// Check for the ex version
if (pAuthIdentityEx->Version == SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY_VERSION) { //
// It's an EX structure.
if ( pCallInfo->Attributes & SECPKG_CALL_WOWCLIENT ) { Status = g_LsaFunctions->CopyFromClientBuffer( NULL, sizeof( CredEx32 ), &CredEx32, AuthorizationData );
if ( NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) { pAuthIdentityEx->Version = CredEx32.Version ; pAuthIdentityEx->Length = (CredEx32.Length < (ULONG)sizeof( SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY_EX ) ? (ULONG)sizeof( SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY_EX ) : CredEx32.Length );
pAuthIdentityEx->User = (PWSTR) UlongToPtr( CredEx32.User ); pAuthIdentityEx->UserLength = CredEx32.UserLength ; pAuthIdentityEx->Domain = (PWSTR) UlongToPtr( CredEx32.Domain ); pAuthIdentityEx->DomainLength = CredEx32.DomainLength ; pAuthIdentityEx->Password = (PWSTR) UlongToPtr( CredEx32.Password ); pAuthIdentityEx->PasswordLength = CredEx32.PasswordLength ; pAuthIdentityEx->Flags = CredEx32.Flags ; pAuthIdentityEx->PackageList = (PWSTR) UlongToPtr( CredEx32.PackageList ); pAuthIdentityEx->PackageListLength = CredEx32.PackageListLength ;
} else { Status = g_LsaFunctions->CopyFromClientBuffer( NULL, sizeof(SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY_EXW), pAuthIdentityEx, AuthorizationData); }
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "CredAuthzData: Error from LsaFunctions->CopyFromClientBuffer is 0x%lx\n", Status)); goto CleanUp; } pAuthIdentity = (PSEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY) &pAuthIdentityEx->User; CredSize = pAuthIdentityEx->Length; Offset = FIELD_OFFSET(SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY_EXW, User); } else { pAuthIdentity = (PSEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY_W) pAuthIdentityEx;
if ( pCallInfo->Attributes & SECPKG_CALL_WOWCLIENT ) { pAuthIdentity->User = (PWSTR) UlongToPtr( Cred32.User ); pAuthIdentity->UserLength = Cred32.UserLength ; pAuthIdentity->Domain = (PWSTR) UlongToPtr( Cred32.Domain ); pAuthIdentity->DomainLength = Cred32.DomainLength ; pAuthIdentity->Password = (PWSTR) UlongToPtr( Cred32.Password ); pAuthIdentity->PasswordLength = Cred32.PasswordLength ; pAuthIdentity->Flags = Cred32.Flags ; } CredSize = sizeof(SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY_W); }
if ((pAuthIdentity->Flags & SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY_ANSI) != 0) { DoUnicode = FALSE; //
// Turn off the marshalled flag because we don't support marshalling
// with ansi.
pAuthIdentity->Flags &= ~SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY_MARSHALLED; } else if ((pAuthIdentity->Flags & SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY_UNICODE) == 0) { Status = SEC_E_INVALID_TOKEN; DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "CredAuthzData: Error from pAuthIdentity->Flags is 0x%lx\n", pAuthIdentity->Flags)); goto CleanUp; }
// This is the only place where we can figure out whether null
// session was requested
if ((pAuthIdentity->UserLength == 0) && (pAuthIdentity->DomainLength == 0) && (pAuthIdentity->PasswordLength == 0) && (pAuthIdentity->User != NULL) && (pAuthIdentity->Domain != NULL) && (pAuthIdentity->Password != NULL)) { *NewCredentialUseFlags |= DIGEST_CRED_NULLSESSION; }
// Copy over the strings
if( (pAuthIdentity->Flags & SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY_MARSHALLED) != 0 ) { ULONG TmpCredentialSize = 0; ULONG_PTR EndOfCreds = NULL; ULONG_PTR TmpUser = NULL; ULONG_PTR TmpDomain = NULL; ULONG_PTR TmpPassword = NULL;
DebugLog((DEB_TRACE, "CredAuthzData: Marshalled Auth data structure.\n"));
if( pAuthIdentity->UserLength > UNLEN || pAuthIdentity->PasswordLength > PWLEN || pAuthIdentity->DomainLength > DNS_MAX_NAME_LENGTH ) {
DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "CredAuthzData: Supplied credentials illegal length.\n")); Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto CleanUp; }
// The callers can set the length of field to n chars, but they
// will really occupy n+1 chars (null-terminator).
TmpCredentialSize = CredSize + ( pAuthIdentity->UserLength + pAuthIdentity->DomainLength + pAuthIdentity->PasswordLength + (((pAuthIdentity->User != NULL) ? 1 : 0) + ((pAuthIdentity->Domain != NULL) ? 1 : 0) + ((pAuthIdentity->Password != NULL) ? 1 : 0)) ) * (ULONG)sizeof(WCHAR);
EndOfCreds = (ULONG_PTR) AuthorizationData + TmpCredentialSize;
// Verify that all the offsets are valid and no overflow will happen
TmpUser = (ULONG_PTR) pAuthIdentity->User;
if ((TmpUser != NULL) && ( (TmpUser < (ULONG_PTR) AuthorizationData) || (TmpUser > EndOfCreds) || ((TmpUser + (pAuthIdentity->UserLength) * sizeof(WCHAR)) > EndOfCreds ) || ((TmpUser + (pAuthIdentity->UserLength * sizeof(WCHAR))) < TmpUser))) { DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "CredAuthzData: Username in supplied credentials has invalid pointer or length.\n")); Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto CleanUp; }
TmpDomain = (ULONG_PTR) pAuthIdentity->Domain;
if ((TmpDomain != NULL) && ( (TmpDomain < (ULONG_PTR) AuthorizationData) || (TmpDomain > EndOfCreds) || ((TmpDomain + (pAuthIdentity->DomainLength) * sizeof(WCHAR)) > EndOfCreds ) || ((TmpDomain + (pAuthIdentity->DomainLength * sizeof(WCHAR))) < TmpDomain))) { DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "CredAuthzData: Domainname in supplied credentials has invalid pointer or length.\n")); Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto CleanUp; }
TmpPassword = (ULONG_PTR) pAuthIdentity->Password;
if ((TmpPassword != NULL) && ( (TmpPassword < (ULONG_PTR) AuthorizationData) || (TmpPassword > EndOfCreds) || ((TmpPassword + (pAuthIdentity->PasswordLength) * sizeof(WCHAR)) > EndOfCreds ) || ((TmpPassword + (pAuthIdentity->PasswordLength * sizeof(WCHAR))) < TmpPassword))) { DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "CredAuthzData: Password in supplied credentials has invalid pointer or length.\n")); Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto CleanUp; }
// Allocate a chunk of memory for the credentials
TmpCredentials = (PSEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY_W) DigestAllocateMemory(TmpCredentialSize - Offset); if (TmpCredentials == NULL) { Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; goto CleanUp; }
// Copy the credentials from the client
Status = g_LsaFunctions->CopyFromClientBuffer( NULL, TmpCredentialSize - Offset, TmpCredentials, (PUCHAR) AuthorizationData + Offset ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "CredAuthzData: Failed to copy whole auth identity\n")); goto CleanUp; }
// Now convert all the offsets to pointers.
if (TmpCredentials->User != NULL) { USHORT cbUser;
TmpCredentials->User = (LPWSTR) RtlOffsetToPointer( TmpCredentials->User, (PUCHAR) TmpCredentials - (PUCHAR) AuthorizationData - Offset );
ASSERT( (TmpCredentials->UserLength*sizeof(WCHAR)) <= 0xFFFF );
cbUser = (USHORT)(TmpCredentials->UserLength * sizeof(WCHAR)); UserName.Buffer = (PWSTR)DigestAllocateMemory( cbUser );
if (UserName.Buffer == NULL ) { Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; goto CleanUp; }
CopyMemory( UserName.Buffer, TmpCredentials->User, cbUser ); UserName.Length = cbUser; UserName.MaximumLength = cbUser; }
if (TmpCredentials->Domain != NULL) { USHORT cbDomain;
TmpCredentials->Domain = (LPWSTR) RtlOffsetToPointer( TmpCredentials->Domain, (PUCHAR) TmpCredentials - (PUCHAR) AuthorizationData - Offset );
ASSERT( (TmpCredentials->DomainLength*sizeof(WCHAR)) <= 0xFFFF ); cbDomain = (USHORT)(TmpCredentials->DomainLength * sizeof(WCHAR)); DomainName.Buffer = (PWSTR)DigestAllocateMemory( cbDomain );
if (DomainName.Buffer == NULL ) { Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; goto CleanUp; }
CopyMemory( DomainName.Buffer, TmpCredentials->Domain, cbDomain ); DomainName.Length = cbDomain; DomainName.MaximumLength = cbDomain; }
if (TmpCredentials->Password != NULL) { USHORT cbPassword;
TmpCredentials->Password = (LPWSTR) RtlOffsetToPointer( TmpCredentials->Password, (PUCHAR) TmpCredentials - (PUCHAR) AuthorizationData - Offset );
ASSERT( (TmpCredentials->PasswordLength*sizeof(WCHAR)) <= 0xFFFF ); cbPassword = (USHORT)(TmpCredentials->PasswordLength * sizeof(WCHAR)); Password.Buffer = (PWSTR)DigestAllocateMemory( cbPassword );
if (Password.Buffer == NULL ) { SecureZeroMemory( TmpCredentials->Password, cbPassword ); Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; goto CleanUp; }
CopyMemory( Password.Buffer, TmpCredentials->Password, cbPassword ); Password.Length = cbPassword; Password.MaximumLength = cbPassword;
SecureZeroMemory( TmpCredentials->Password, cbPassword ); }
} else { if (pAuthIdentity->Password != NULL) { Status = CopyClientString( pAuthIdentity->Password, pAuthIdentity->PasswordLength, DoUnicode, &Password ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "CredAuthzData: Error from CopyClientString is 0x%lx\n", Status)); goto CleanUp; }
} if (pAuthIdentity->User != NULL) { Status = CopyClientString( pAuthIdentity->User, pAuthIdentity->UserLength, DoUnicode, &UserName ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "CredAuthzData: Error from CopyClientString is 0x%lx\n", Status)); goto CleanUp; }
} DebugLog((DEB_TRACE, "CredAuthzData: Domain buffer 0x%x length %d bytes\n", pAuthIdentity->Domain, pAuthIdentity->DomainLength)); if (pAuthIdentity->Domain != NULL) { Status = CopyClientString( pAuthIdentity->Domain, pAuthIdentity->DomainLength, DoUnicode, &DomainName ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "CredAuthzData: Error from CopyClientString is 0x%lx\n", Status)); goto CleanUp; }
// Make sure that the domain name length is not greater
// than the allowed dns domain name
if (DomainName.Length > DNS_MAX_NAME_LENGTH * sizeof(WCHAR)) { DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "CredAuthzData: Invalid supplied domain name %wZ\n", &DomainName )); Status = SEC_E_UNKNOWN_CREDENTIALS; goto CleanUp; }
} } } // AuthorizationData != NULL
pUserName->Buffer = UserName.Buffer; pUserName->Length = UserName.Length; pUserName->MaximumLength = UserName.MaximumLength; UserName.Buffer = NULL; // give memory to calling process
pDomainName->Buffer = DomainName.Buffer; pDomainName->Length = DomainName.Length; pDomainName->MaximumLength = DomainName.MaximumLength; DomainName.Buffer = NULL; // give memory to calling process
pPassword->Buffer = Password.Buffer; pPassword->Length = Password.Length; pPassword->MaximumLength = Password.MaximumLength; Password.Buffer = NULL; // give memory to calling process
if (pAuthIdentityEx != NULL) { DigestFreeMemory(pAuthIdentityEx); }
if (TmpCredentials != NULL) { DigestFreeMemory(TmpCredentials); }
if (DomainName.Buffer != NULL) { DigestFreeMemory(DomainName.Buffer); }
if (UserName.Buffer != NULL) { DigestFreeMemory(UserName.Buffer); }
if (Password.Buffer != NULL) { SecureZeroMemory(Password.Buffer, Password.Length); DigestFreeMemory(Password.Buffer); }
DebugLog((DEB_TRACE_FUNC, "CredAuthzData: Leaving Status 0x%x\n", Status));
return (Status); }