// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
// File: kpkdc.h
// Contents: routines for communicating with the kdc
// History: 10-Jul-2001 t-ryanj Created
#include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <windows.h>
#ifndef SECURITY_WIN32
#define SECURITY_WIN32
#include <kerbcomm.h>
#include <dsgetdc.h>
#include <lm.h> /* for NetApiBufferFree */
#include "kpkdc.h"
#include "kpcontext.h"
#include "kpcore.h"
#define KDC_SERVICE_NAME "kerberos"
SHORT KpDefaultKdcPort; BOOL KpWSAStarted = FALSE;
ULONG KpGetPduValue( PKPCONTEXT pContext );
VOID KpInitDefaultKdcPort( VOID );
// Function: KpInitWinsock
// Synopsis: Starts winsock
// Effects:
// Arguments:
// Requires:
// Returns: Success value. If FALSE, GetLastError() for details.
// Notes:
BOOL KpInitWinsock( VOID ) { WORD wWinsockVersionRequested = MAKEWORD( 2,2 ); WSADATA wsaData; DWORD WSAStartError;
DsysAssert(!KpWSAStarted); WSAStartError = WSAStartup( wWinsockVersionRequested, &wsaData ); if( WSAStartError == SOCKET_ERROR ) { DebugLog( DEB_ERROR, "%s(%d): Error starting winsock: 0x%x.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, WSAGetLastError() ); SetLastError(WSAGetLastError()); goto Cleanup; }
KpWSAStarted = TRUE;
Cleanup: return KpWSAStarted; }
// Function: KpCleanupWinsock
// Synopsis: Cleans up winsock.
// Effects:
// Arguments:
// Requires:
// Returns:
// Notes:
VOID KpCleanupWinsock( VOID ) { if( KpWSAStarted ) { WSACleanup(); KpWSAStarted = FALSE; } }
// Function: KpInitDefaultKdcPort
// Synopsis: Finds the appropriate port for talking to kdcs.
// Effects:
// Arguments:
// Requires:
// Returns:
// Notes:
VOID KpInitDefaultKdcPort( VOID ) { PSERVENT krb5;
/* TODO: Read from registry. */
// Ask winsock what port kerberos works on. This should be defined in
// %systemroot%\system32\drivers\etc\services
// Note that winsock manages the servent struct, we don't need to free it.
if( krb5 = getservbyname( KDC_SERVICE_NAME, NULL ) ) { KpDefaultKdcPort = krb5->s_port; } else { DebugLog( DEB_WARN, "%s(%d): Could not determine kerberos port; falling back to port %d.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, KDC_FALLBACK_PORT ); KpDefaultKdcPort = htons( KDC_FALLBACK_PORT ); } }
// Function: KpKdcWrite
// Synopsis: Writes the response to the KDC.
// Effects:
// Arguments: pContext - the context
// Requires:
// Returns:
// Notes:
VOID KpKdcWrite( PKPCONTEXT pContext ) { PKERB_KDC_REQUEST pKdcReq = NULL; KERBERR KerbErr; ULONG PduValue = 0; /* compiler stupid, insists on =0 */ PDOMAIN_CONTROLLER_INFOA pKdcInfo = NULL; DWORD DsError; sockaddr_in KdcAddr; int connecterr; BOOL WriteSuccess;
DebugLog( DEB_TRACE, "%s(%d): %d bytes read from http.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, pContext->pECB->cbTotalBytes );
// First we need to find the PduValue for the request so we can unpack.
PduValue = KpGetPduValue(pContext);
if( !PduValue ) goto Error;
// Unpack the request.
KerbErr = KerbUnpackData( pContext->databuf + sizeof(DWORD), pContext->buflen - sizeof(DWORD), PduValue, (PVOID*)&pKdcReq );
if( !KERB_SUCCESS(KerbErr) ) { DebugLog( DEB_ERROR, "%s(%d): Kerberos Error: 0x%x\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, KerbErr ); goto Error; }
// Now we need to look for a KDC for the realm specified in the request.
DebugLog( DEB_TRACE, "%s(%d): Realm found to be %s.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, pKdcReq->request_body.realm );
DsError = DsGetDcNameA( NULL, /* Computer Name */ pKdcReq->request_body.realm, NULL, /* Domain GUID */ NULL, /* Site Name */ DS_IP_REQUIRED | DS_KDC_REQUIRED, &pKdcInfo );
if( DsError != NO_ERROR ) { DebugLog( DEB_ERROR, "%s(%d): Error from DsGetDcName: 0x%x\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, DsError ); goto Error; }
DebugLog( DEB_TRACE, "%s(%d): DC found. %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, pKdcInfo->DomainControllerAddress );
// Construct the SOCKADDR_IN to connect to the kdc.
KdcAddr.sin_family = AF_INET; KdcAddr.sin_port = KpDefaultKdcPort; KdcAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(pKdcInfo->DomainControllerAddress+2 /* past the \\ */ );
// Create the socket.
pContext->KdcSock = socket( AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP );
if( !pContext->KdcSock ) { DebugLog( DEB_ERROR, "%s(%d): Error creating socket: 0x%x\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, WSAGetLastError() ); goto Error; }
// Connect the socket.
connecterr = connect( pContext->KdcSock, (sockaddr*)&KdcAddr, sizeof(sockaddr_in) );
if( connecterr ) { DebugLog( DEB_ERROR, "%s(%d): Error connecting to Kdc: 0x%x\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, WSAGetLastError() ); goto Error; }
// Associate the socket with the iocp.
/* if( KpGlobalIocp != CreateIoCompletionPort( (HANDLE)pContext->KdcSock,
KpGlobalIocp, KPCK_CHECK_CONTEXT, 0 ) ) */ if( !BindIoCompletionCallback( (HANDLE)pContext->KdcSock, KpIoCompletionRoutine, 0 ) ) { DebugLog( DEB_ERROR, "%s(%d): Error associating Iocp with Kdc socket: 0x%x.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, GetLastError() ); goto Error; }
// Write the request asynchronously.
ZeroMemory( &(pContext->ol), sizeof(OVERLAPPED) ); pContext->dwStatus = KP_KDC_WRITE;
WriteSuccess = WriteFile( (HANDLE)pContext->KdcSock, pContext->databuf, pContext->buflen, NULL, /* bytes written - not used in async */ &(pContext->ol) );
if( !WriteSuccess ) { if( GetLastError() != ERROR_IO_PENDING ) { DebugLog( DEB_ERROR, "%s(%d): Error issuing socket write: 0x%x\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, GetLastError() ); goto Error; } }
Cleanup: if( pKdcInfo ) NetApiBufferFree( pKdcInfo ); if( pKdcReq ) KerbFreeData( PduValue, pKdcReq ); return;
Error: KpReleaseContext(pContext); goto Cleanup; }
// Function: KpKdcRead
// Synopsis: Reads the response from the KDC.
// Effects:
// Arguments: pContext
// Requires:
// Returns:
// Notes: Just a stub now.
VOID KpKdcRead( PKPCONTEXT pContext ) { BOOL ReadSuccess;
// Read as much data as possible from the socket asynchronously.
ZeroMemory( &(pContext->ol), sizeof(OVERLAPPED) );
pContext->dwStatus = KP_KDC_READ;
DebugLog( DEB_PEDANTIC, "%s(%d): Reading up to %d bytes from Kdc socket.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, pContext->buflen - pContext->bytesReceived ); ReadSuccess = ReadFile( (HANDLE)pContext->KdcSock, pContext->databuf + pContext->bytesReceived, pContext->buflen - pContext->bytesReceived, NULL, /* bytes read - not used in async */ &(pContext->ol) );
if( !ReadSuccess ) { if( GetLastError() != ERROR_IO_PENDING ) { DebugLog( DEB_ERROR, "%s(%d): Error issuing read: 0x%x\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, GetLastError() ); goto Error; } }
Cleanup: return;
Error: KpReleaseContext(pContext); goto Cleanup; }
// Function: KpKdcReadDone
// Synopsis: Checks to see if enough data has been read.
// Effects:
// Arguments: pContext
// Requires:
// Returns: TRUE of reading is complete.
// Notes:
BOOL KpKdcReadDone( PKPCONTEXT pContext ) { InterlockedExchangeAdd( (LONG*)&(pContext->bytesReceived), (LONG)pContext->ol.InternalHigh ); return pContext->bytesReceived == pContext->buflen; }
// Function: KpCalcLength
// Synopsis: Calculates the length of the incoming request.
// Effects:
// Arguments: pContext
// Requires:
// Returns: Success value.
// Notes:
BOOL KpCalcLength( PKPCONTEXT pContext ) { BOOL fRet = TRUE; DWORD cbContent; LPBYTE newbuf = NULL;
// Spec says that all requests that we recieve should be in TCP form,
// meaning they are preceeded by at least 4 bytes in network byte order
// indicating the length of the message. So if we don't have at least
// four bytes of data, we're toast.
if( pContext->ol.InternalHigh < sizeof(DWORD) ) { DebugLog( DEB_TRACE, "%s(%d): Less than sizeof(DWORD) bytes received. CalcLength failed.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); goto Error; }
// Convert the four bytes to host byte order.
cbContent = ntohl(*(u_long*)pContext->databuf);
// If the sign bit is set, that means that another four bytes are
// needed for the length of the message. That's too long, so
// we'll just punt.
if( cbContent & 0x80000000 ) /* high bit set */ { DebugLog( DEB_TRACE, "%s(%d): Length won't fit in DWORD.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); goto Error; }
// So we're expecting as a total length, the length of the length
// plus the length of the content.
pContext->bytesExpected = sizeof(DWORD) + cbContent;
// Realloc our buffer to be large enough to hold the whole message.
pContext->buflen = sizeof(DWORD) + cbContent; newbuf = (LPBYTE)KpReAlloc( pContext->databuf, pContext->buflen ); if( !newbuf ) { DebugLog( DEB_TRACE, "%s(%d): Realloc failed. CalcLength failed.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); goto Error; } pContext->databuf = newbuf;
DebugLog( DEB_TRACE, "%s(%d): Looking for reply of length %d.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, pContext->bytesExpected );
Cleanup: return fRet;
Error: fRet = FALSE; goto Cleanup; }
// Function: KpGetPduValue
// Synopsis: Looks at the first byte of the request to determine the
// message type, and returns the appropriate PduValue for
// unpacking.
// Effects:
// Arguments: pContext
// Requires:
// Returns: The appropriate PduValue, or 0 on failure. Note that 0
// is a valid PduValue, but since we're only concerned with
// AS-REQ and TGS-REQ, we can ignore it.
// Notes:
ULONG KpGetPduValue( PKPCONTEXT pContext ) { ULONG PduValue = 0;
// If we don't have the first byte, we can't exactly parse it.
if( pContext->buflen < 1 + sizeof(DWORD) ) goto Cleanup;
// The last five bits of the first byte signify the message type.
switch( pContext->databuf[sizeof(DWORD)] & 0x1f ) /* last 5 bits */ { case 0xa: /* AS-REQUEST */ DebugLog( DEB_TRACE, "%s(%d): Processing AS-REQUEST.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); PduValue = KERB_AS_REQUEST_PDU; break; case 0xc: /* TGS-REQUEST */ DebugLog( DEB_TRACE, "%s(%d): Processing TGS-REQUEST.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); PduValue = KERB_TGS_REQUEST_PDU; break; default: DebugLog( DEB_ERROR, "%s(%d): Not an AS or TGS request.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); goto Cleanup; }
Cleanup: return PduValue; }