// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
// File: kthttp.cxx
// Contents: Kerberos Tunneller, http communication routines
// History: 28-Jun-2001 t-ryanj Created
#include "ktdebug.h"
#include "kthttp.h"
#include "ktcontrol.h"
#include "ktkerb.h"
#if 0 /* Unneeded for now since http is running sync */
VOID CALLBACK KtHttpCallback( IN HINTERNET hInternet, IN DWORD_PTR dwContext, IN DWORD dwInternetStatus, IN LPVOID lpvStatusInformation, IN DWORD dwStatusInformationLength ); #endif
//#define KT_HTTP_AGENT_STRING TEXT("Kerbtunnel")
//#define KT_KERBPROXY_LOCATION TEXT("/kerberos-KDC/kerbproxy.dll")
// Function: KtInitHttp
// Synopsis: Performs necessary initialization for use of http
// Effects:
// Arguments:
// Requires:
// Returns: Success value. If FALSE, GetLastError() for details.
// Notes:
BOOL KtInitHttp( VOID ) { BOOL fSuccess = TRUE;
DsysAssert(KtInternet == NULL ); KtInternet = InternetOpen( KT_HTTP_AGENT_STRING, INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PRECONFIG, NULL, NULL, 0 ); if( KtInternet == NULL ) { DebugLog( DEB_ERROR, "%s(%d): Error initializing internet routines: 0x%x.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, GetLastError() ); goto Error; }
Cleanup: return fSuccess;
Error: KtCleanupHttp(); fSuccess = FALSE; goto Cleanup; }
// Function: KtCleanupHttp
// Synopsis: Performs necessary cleanup after use of http
// Effects:
// Arguments:
// Requires:
// Returns:
// Notes:
VOID KtCleanupHttp( VOID ) { if( KtInternet ) { InternetCloseHandle(KtInternet); KtInternet = NULL; } }
// Function: KtHttpWrite
// Synopsis: Opens a connection to the kerbproxy server, creates a POST
// request, and writes the contents of the context buffer as
// the request body.
// Effects:
// Arguments: pContext - A context.
// Requires:
// Returns: Success value. If FALSE, GetLastError() for details.
// Notes:
BOOL KtHttpWrite( PKTCONTEXT pContext ) { HINTERNET hConnect = NULL; HINTERNET hRequest = NULL; BOOL SendSuccess; BOOL IocpSuccess; BOOL fRet = TRUE; INTERNET_PORT InternetPort = INTERNET_DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT; DebugLog( DEB_TRACE, "%s(%d): Sending %d bytes over http.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, pContext->buffers->bytesused );
#if 0
if( KtIsAsRequest( pContext ) ) InternetPort = INTERNET_DEFAULT_HTTPS_PORT; #endif
// TODO: Add logic so that it tries all the servers in the list.
// Open a connection to the kerbproxy server and store it in the context.
hConnect = InternetConnect( KtInternet, (LPCWSTR)pContext->pbProxies, InternetPort, NULL, NULL, INTERNET_SERVICE_HTTP, 0, INTERNET_FLAG_ASYNC ); if( !hConnect ) { DebugLog( DEB_ERROR, "%s(%d): Error connecting to server: 0x%x.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, GetLastError() ); goto Error; } pContext->hConnect = hConnect; hConnect = NULL;
// Open a POST request to the kerbproxy object and store it in the context.
hRequest = HttpOpenRequest( pContext->hConnect, TEXT("POST"), KT_KERBPROXY_LOCATION, NULL, /* version */ NULL, /* referrer */ KT_MIMETYPES_ACCEPTED, 0, 0 ); if( !hRequest ) { DebugLog(DEB_ERROR, "%s(%d): Error opening %ws%ws: 0x%x.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, pContext->pbProxies, KT_KERBPROXY_LOCATION, GetLastError() ); goto Error; } pContext->hRequest = hRequest; hRequest = NULL; //
// Send the results from reading off the user socket as the request body.
#if 0 /* unnecessary, as synchronous ops are being used now. */
InternetSetStatusCallback( hConnect, KtHttpCallback ); #endif
pContext->Status = KT_HTTP_WRITE; SendSuccess = HttpSendRequest( pContext->hRequest, NULL, 0, pContext->buffers->buffer, pContext->buffers->bytesused ); if( !SendSuccess /*&& (GetLastError() != ERROR_IO_PENDING)*/ ) { DebugLog(DEB_ERROR, "%s(%d): Error from sendrequest: 0x%x.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, GetLastError() ); goto Error; }
// Since this is being done synchronously right now, we need to post to
// the iocp in order to progress to the next step.
IocpSuccess = PostQueuedCompletionStatus( KtIocp, 0, KTCK_CHECK_CONTEXT, &(pContext->ol) ); if( !IocpSuccess ) { DebugLog(DEB_ERROR, "%s(%d): Error posting to completion port: 0x%x.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, GetLastError() ); goto Error; }
Cleanup: return fRet;
Error: fRet = FALSE; goto Cleanup; }
// Function: KtHttpRead
// Synopsis: Reads the response to the request sent by KtHttpWrite into
// the context buffer.
// Effects:
// Arguments: pContext - A context.
// Requires:
// Returns: Success value. If FALSE, GetLastError() for details.
// Notes:
BOOL KtHttpRead( PKTCONTEXT pContext ) { BOOL EndSuccess; BOOL ReadSuccess; BOOL fRet = TRUE; BOOL IocpSuccess; DebugLog( DEB_PEDANTIC, "%s(%d): Reading up to %d bytes from http.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, pContext->emptybuf->buflen );
// Read the response from the kerbproxy server.
pContext->Status = KT_HTTP_READ; ReadSuccess = InternetReadFile( pContext->hRequest, pContext->emptybuf->buffer, pContext->emptybuf->buflen, &(pContext->emptybuf->bytesused) );
if( !ReadSuccess ) { DebugLog(DEB_ERROR, "%s(%d): Error from readfile: 0x%x.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, GetLastError() ); goto Error; }
// Since we're doing this synchronously, we need to post to the iocp
// manually to move on.
IocpSuccess = PostQueuedCompletionStatus( KtIocp, 0, KTCK_CHECK_CONTEXT, &(pContext->ol) ); if( !IocpSuccess ) { DebugLog( DEB_ERROR, "%s(%d): Error for PQCS: 0x%x\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, GetLastError() ); goto Error; }
Cleanup: return fRet;
Error: fRet = FALSE; goto Cleanup; }
#if 0 /* Unneccessary because using synchronous calls for now */
// Function: KtHttpCallback
// Synopsis: Callback function for asynchronous http functions.
// Effects:
// Arguments: hInternet - connection appropriate to this callback
// pContext - context supplied at the time of the async call
// dwInternetStatus - why the callback was called
// lpvStatusInformation - more detailed info
// dwStatusInformationLength - length of *lpvStatusInformation
// Requires:
// Returns:
// Notes: Not being used right now, as synchronous wininet calls are
// being used, since it is not entirely clear how to do the
// asynchronous calls in all cases.
VOID CALLBACK KtHttpCallback( IN HINTERNET hInternet, IN DWORD_PTR pContext, IN DWORD dwInternetStatus, IN LPVOID lpvStatusInformation, IN DWORD dwStatusInformationLength ) { BOOL IocpSuccess;
if( dwInternetStatus == INTERNET_STATUS_REQUEST_COMPLETE ) { IocpSuccess = PostQueuedCompletionStatus( KtIocp, 0, KTCK_CHECK_CONTEXT, &(((PKPCONTEXT)pContext)->ol) ); if( !IocpSuccess ) { DebugLog( DEB_ERROR, "%s(%d): Error in PQCS: 0x%x.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, GetLastError() ); KtReleaseContext( (PKTCONTEXT)pContext ); } } else { DebugLog( DEB_TRACE, "This httpcallback status: 0x%x.\n", dwInternetStatus ); } } #endif