// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1998 - 1999
// File: vroot.cpp
// File: vroot.cpp
// Contents: Code for creating IIS web server virtual roots under K2.
// Functions: AddNewVDir()
// History: 5/16/97 JerryK Created
// Include File Voodoo
#include "pch.cpp"
#pragma hdrstop
#include <lm.h>
#include <sddl.h>
#include "resource.h"
#include "certacl.h"
#include "multisz.h"
#define __dwFILE__ __dwFILE_CERTCLI_VROOT_CPP__
#define INITGUID
#ifndef INITGUID
#define DEFINE_GUID(name, l, w1, w2, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7, b8) \
EXTERN_C const GUID FAR name #else
#define DEFINE_GUID(name, l, w1, w2, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7, b8) \
EXTERN_C const GUID name \ = { l, w1, w2, { b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7, b8 } } #endif // INITGUID
#include <iwamreg.h>
#include <iadmw.h>
#include <iiscnfg.h>
extern HINSTANCE g_hInstance;
#define MAX_METABASE_ATTEMPTS 10 // Times to bang head on wall
#define METABASE_PAUSE 500 // Time to pause in msec
#define VRE_DELETEONLY 0x00000001 // Obsolete VRoot -- delete
#define VRE_SCRIPTMAP 0x00000002 // Add additional associations to the script map
#define VRE_ALLOWNTLM 0x00000004 // Alloc NTLM authentication
#define VRE_CREATEAPP 0x00000008 // Create an in-process Web application
typedef struct _VROOTENTRY { WCHAR *pwszVRootName; WCHAR *pwszDirectory; // relative to System32 directory
VROOTENTRY g_avr[] = { // pwszVRootName pwszDirectory Flags
{ L"CertSrv", L"\\CertSrv", VRE_ALLOWNTLM | VRE_SCRIPTMAP | VRE_CREATEAPP}, { L"CertControl", L"\\CertSrv\\CertControl", VRE_ALLOWNTLM }, { L"CertEnroll", L"\\" wszCERTENROLLSHAREPATH, 0 }, { L"CertQue", L"\\CertSrv\\CertQue", VRE_DELETEONLY }, { L"CertAdm", L"\\CertSrv\\CertAdm", VRE_DELETEONLY }, { NULL } };
typedef struct _VRFSPARMS { IN DWORD Flags; // VFF_*
IN BOOL fAsynchronous; IN DWORD csecTimeOut; OUT DWORD *pVRootDisposition; // VFD_*
OUT DWORD *pShareDisposition; // VFD_*
// Globals
WCHAR const g_wszBaseRoot[] = L"/LM/W3svc/1/ROOT"; WCHAR const g_wszCertCliDotDll[] = L"certcli.dll"; WCHAR const g_wszDotAsp[] = L".asp"; WCHAR const g_wszDotCer[] = L".cer"; WCHAR const g_wszDotP7b[] = L".p7b"; WCHAR const g_wszDotCrl[] = L".crl"; WCHAR const g_wszW3SVC[] = L"/LM/W3SVC";
WCHAR const g_wszMSCEP[] = L"mscep.dll"; WCHAR const g_wszMSCEPID[] = L"MSCEPGroup";
// caller must have CoInitialize()'d
BOOL IsIISInstalled( OUT HRESULT *phr) { IMSAdminBase *pIMeta = NULL;
*phr = CoCreateInstance( CLSID_MSAdminBase, NULL, CLSCTX_ALL, IID_IMSAdminBase, (VOID **) &pIMeta); _JumpIfError2(*phr, error, "CoCreateInstance(CLSID_MSAdminBase)", *phr);
error: if (NULL != pIMeta) { pIMeta->Release(); } return(S_OK == *phr); }
HRESULT vrOpenRoot( IN IMSAdminBase *pIMeta, IN BOOL fReadOnly, OUT METADATA_HANDLE *phMetaRoot) { HRESULT hr; DWORD i;
hr = S_OK; __try { // Re-try a few times to see if we can get past the block
for (i = 0; i < MAX_METABASE_ATTEMPTS; i++) { if (0 != i) { Sleep(METABASE_PAUSE); // Pause and try again
// Make an attempt to open the root
hr = pIMeta->OpenKey( METADATA_MASTER_ROOT_HANDLE, g_wszBaseRoot, fReadOnly? METADATA_PERMISSION_READ : (METADATA_PERMISSION_READ | METADATA_PERMISSION_WRITE), 1000, phMetaRoot); if (S_OK == hr) { break; // Success -- we're done!
// See if a previous call has things tied up
if (HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_PATH_BUSY) != hr) { _LeaveIfError(hr, "OpenKey"); // Detected some other error
} } _LeaveIfError(hr, "OpenKey(timeout)"); // Detected some other error
return(hr); }
hr2 = S_OK; __try { hr2 = pIMeta->CloseKey(hMeta); _LeaveIfError(hr2, "CloseKey"); } __except(hr2 = myHEXCEPTIONCODE(), EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { } if (S_OK != hr2) { if (S_OK == hr) { hr = hr2; } _PrintError(hr2, "CloseKey"); } return(hr); }
// Function: AddNewVDir(. . . .)
// Synopsis: Creates a new virtual root using the K2 metabase.
// Arguments: [pwszVRootName] Name to give to the virtual root
// [pwszDirectory] Path for the directory to use as the root.
// Returns: HRESULT status code regurgitated from metabase COM interfaces
// History: 05/16/97 JerryK Put in this file
// 05/22/97 JerryK Made OCM setup build with this stuff
// in place.
// Notes: Originally derived from sample code provided by MikeHow;
// hacked up a lot in between.
// We do a try, fail, pause, retry loop on our attempts to open
// the metabase master key to get around a K2 bug that can result
// in it being left busy if this function is called too many
// times successively.
HRESULT AddNewVDir( IN LPWSTR pwszVRootName, IN LPWSTR pwszDirectory, IN BOOL fScriptMap, IN BOOL fNTLM, IN BOOL fCreateApp, OUT BOOL *pfExists) { HRESULT hr; METADATA_RECORD mr; IMSAdminBase *pIMeta = NULL; IWamAdmin *pIWam = NULL; WCHAR *pwszNewPath = NULL; WCHAR *pwszCurrentScriptMap=NULL; WCHAR *pwszNewScriptMap=NULL; WCHAR wszKeyType[] = TEXT(IIS_CLASS_WEB_VDIR); METADATA_HANDLE hMetaRoot = NULL; // Open key to ROOT (where VDirs live)
METADATA_HANDLE hMetaKey = NULL; DWORD dwMDData = MD_LOGON_NETWORK; // Create network token when logging on anonymous account
*pfExists = FALSE; DBGPRINT(( DBG_SS_CERTLIBI, "AddNewVDir(%ws, %ws, fScriptMap=%d, fNTLM=%d, fCreateApp=%d)\n", pwszVRootName, pwszDirectory, fScriptMap, fNTLM, fCreateApp));
// Create an instance of the metabase object
hr = CoCreateInstance( CLSID_MSAdminBase, NULL, CLSCTX_ALL, IID_IMSAdminBase, (void **) &pIMeta); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "CoCreateInstance");
__try { hr = vrOpenRoot(pIMeta, FALSE, &hMetaRoot); _LeaveIfError(hr, "vrOpenRoot");
// Add new VDir called pwszVRootName
hr = pIMeta->AddKey(hMetaRoot, pwszVRootName);
DBGPRINT(( DBG_SS_CERTLIBI, "AddNewVDir: AddKey(%ws) --> %x\n", pwszVRootName, hr)); if (HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) == hr) { *pfExists = TRUE; } else { _LeaveIfError(hr, "AddKey"); }
if (fScriptMap) {
// get the current script map
DWORD dwDataSize; mr.dwMDIdentifier=MD_SCRIPT_MAPS; mr.dwMDAttributes=METADATA_INHERIT; mr.dwMDUserType=IIS_MD_UT_FILE; mr.dwMDDataType=MULTISZ_METADATA; mr.dwMDDataLen=0; mr.pbMDData=NULL; hr=pIMeta->GetData(hMetaRoot, L"", &mr, &dwDataSize); if (HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER)!=hr) { _LeaveError(hr, "GetData"); } pwszCurrentScriptMap=reinterpret_cast<WCHAR *>(new unsigned char[dwDataSize]); if (NULL==pwszCurrentScriptMap) { hr=E_OUTOFMEMORY; _LeaveError(hr, "new"); } mr.pbMDData=reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>(pwszCurrentScriptMap); mr.dwMDDataLen=dwDataSize; hr=pIMeta->GetData(hMetaRoot, L"", &mr, &dwDataSize); _LeaveIfError(hr, "GetData"); }
hr = pIMeta->SetData(hMetaRoot, pwszVRootName, &MDData); _LeaveIfError(hr, "CloseKey");
hr = pIMeta->CloseKey(hMetaRoot); _LeaveIfError(hr, "CloseKey");
hMetaRoot = NULL;
// Build the name of the new VDir
pwszNewPath = new WCHAR[wcslen(g_wszBaseRoot) + 1 + wcslen(pwszVRootName) + 1]; if (NULL == pwszNewPath) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; _LeaveError(hr, "new"); } wcscpy(pwszNewPath, g_wszBaseRoot); wcscat(pwszNewPath, L"/"); wcscat(pwszNewPath, pwszVRootName);
// Open the new VDir
hr = pIMeta->OpenKey( METADATA_MASTER_ROOT_HANDLE, pwszNewPath, METADATA_PERMISSION_READ | METADATA_PERMISSION_WRITE, 1000, &hMetaKey); _LeaveIfErrorStr(hr, "OpenKey", pwszNewPath);
// Set the physical path for this VDir
// virtual root path
mr.dwMDIdentifier = MD_VR_PATH; mr.dwMDAttributes = METADATA_INHERIT; mr.dwMDUserType = IIS_MD_UT_FILE; mr.dwMDDataType = STRING_METADATA; mr.dwMDDataLen = (wcslen(pwszDirectory) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); mr.pbMDData = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>(pwszDirectory); hr = pIMeta->SetData(hMetaKey, L"", &mr); _LeaveIfError(hr, "SetData");
// access permissions on VRoots: read & execute scripts only
mr.dwMDIdentifier = MD_ACCESS_PERM; mr.dwMDAttributes = METADATA_INHERIT; mr.dwMDUserType = IIS_MD_UT_FILE; mr.dwMDDataType = DWORD_METADATA; mr.dwMDDataLen = sizeof(dwAccessPerms); mr.pbMDData = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>(&dwAccessPerms); hr = pIMeta->SetData(hMetaKey, L"", &mr); _LeaveIfError(hr, "SetData");
// key type
mr.dwMDIdentifier = MD_KEY_TYPE; mr.dwMDAttributes = METADATA_NO_ATTRIBUTES; mr.dwMDUserType = IIS_MD_UT_SERVER; mr.dwMDDataType = STRING_METADATA; mr.dwMDDataLen = (wcslen(wszKeyType) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); mr.pbMDData = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>(wszKeyType); hr = pIMeta->SetData(hMetaKey, L"", &mr); _LeaveIfError(hr, "SetData");
// set authentication to be anonymous
DWORD dwAuthenticationType = MD_AUTH_ANONYMOUS;
// chg to Basic/NTLM if we're told to
if (fNTLM) dwAuthenticationType = MD_AUTH_NT;
mr.dwMDIdentifier = MD_AUTHORIZATION; mr.dwMDAttributes = METADATA_INHERIT; mr.dwMDUserType = IIS_MD_UT_FILE; mr.dwMDDataType = DWORD_METADATA; mr.dwMDDataLen = sizeof(dwAuthenticationType); mr.pbMDData = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>(&dwAuthenticationType); hr = pIMeta->SetData(hMetaKey, L"", &mr); _LeaveIfError(hr, "SetData");
if (fScriptMap) {
// already have current script map.
// walk through the script map and find .asp
WCHAR * pwszCurAssoc=pwszCurrentScriptMap; do { if (L'\0'==pwszCurAssoc[0]) { hr=HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND); _LeaveError(hr, ".asp association not found"); } else if (0==_wcsnicmp(pwszCurAssoc, g_wszDotAsp, 4)) { break; } else { pwszCurAssoc+=wcslen(pwszCurAssoc)+1; } } while (TRUE);
// Walk through the script map and find the last association.
// We can't just subtract one from the total length
// because there is a bug in IIS where sometimes it has a
// triple terminator instead of a double terminator. <Sigh>
unsigned int cchCurScriptMap=0; while(L'\0'!=pwszCurrentScriptMap[cchCurScriptMap]) { cchCurScriptMap+=wcslen(pwszCurrentScriptMap+cchCurScriptMap)+1; }
// create a new script map that has .crl, .cer, and .p7b in it.
// allocate enough space for the existing map, the three new associations, and the terminating \0.
unsigned int cchAssocLen=wcslen(pwszCurAssoc)+1; pwszNewScriptMap=new WCHAR[cchCurScriptMap+cchAssocLen*3+1]; if (NULL==pwszNewScriptMap) { hr=E_OUTOFMEMORY; _LeaveError(hr, "new"); }
// build the map
WCHAR * pwszTravel=pwszNewScriptMap;
// copy the existing map
CopyMemory(pwszTravel, pwszCurrentScriptMap, cchCurScriptMap*sizeof(WCHAR)); pwszTravel+=cchCurScriptMap;
// add the .cer association
wcscpy(pwszTravel, pwszCurAssoc); wcsncpy(pwszTravel, g_wszDotCer, 4); pwszTravel+=cchAssocLen;
// add the .p7b association
wcscpy(pwszTravel, pwszCurAssoc); wcsncpy(pwszTravel, g_wszDotP7b, 4); pwszTravel+=cchAssocLen;
// add the .crl association
wcscpy(pwszTravel, pwszCurAssoc); wcsncpy(pwszTravel, g_wszDotCrl, 4); pwszTravel+=cchAssocLen;
// add the terminator
// set the new script map
mr.dwMDIdentifier=MD_SCRIPT_MAPS; mr.dwMDAttributes=METADATA_INHERIT; mr.dwMDUserType=IIS_MD_UT_FILE; mr.dwMDDataType=MULTISZ_METADATA; mr.dwMDDataLen=(cchCurScriptMap+cchAssocLen*3+1) * sizeof(WCHAR); mr.pbMDData=reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>(pwszNewScriptMap); hr=pIMeta->SetData(hMetaKey, L"", &mr); _LeaveIfError(hr, "SetData"); }
hr = pIMeta->CloseKey(hMetaKey); _LeaveIfError(hr, "CloseKey");
hMetaKey = NULL;
// Flush out the changes and close
hr = pIMeta->SaveData();
// Note: W2k used to swallow this error
_LeaveIfError(hr, "SaveData"); // _PrintIfError(hr, "SaveData");
// hr = S_OK;
// Create a 'web application' so that scrdenrl.dll runs in-process
if (fCreateApp) { // Create an instance of the metabase object
hr = CoCreateInstance( CLSID_WamAdmin, NULL, CLSCTX_ALL, IID_IWamAdmin, (void **) &pIWam); _LeaveIfError(hr, "CoCreateInstance");
// Create the application running in-process
hr = pIWam->AppCreate(pwszNewPath, TRUE); _LeaveIfError(hr, "AppCreate"); }
error: if (NULL != pwszCurrentScriptMap) { delete [] pwszCurrentScriptMap; } if (NULL != pwszNewScriptMap) { delete [] pwszNewScriptMap; } if (NULL != pwszNewPath) { delete [] pwszNewPath; } if (pIMeta && NULL != hMetaKey) { pIMeta->CloseKey(hMetaKey); } if (NULL != hMetaRoot) { hr = vrCloseKey(pIMeta, hMetaRoot, hr); } if (NULL != pIWam) { pIWam->Release(); } if (NULL != pIMeta) { pIMeta->Release(); } return(hr); }
BOOL TestForVDir( IN WCHAR *pwszVRootName) { HRESULT hr; IMSAdminBase *pIMeta = NULL; BOOL fExists = FALSE; BOOL fCoInit = FALSE; METADATA_HANDLE hMetaRoot = NULL; // Open key to ROOT (where VDirs live)
hr = CoInitialize(NULL); if (S_OK != hr && S_FALSE != hr) { _JumpError(hr, error, "CoInitialize"); } fCoInit = TRUE;
if (!IsIISInstalled(&hr)) { goto error; // Ignore if IIS is not functioning or not installed
// Create an instance of the metabase object
hr = CoCreateInstance( CLSID_MSAdminBase, NULL, CLSCTX_ALL, IID_IMSAdminBase, (void **) &pIMeta); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "CoCreateInstance");
__try { hr = vrOpenRoot(pIMeta, TRUE, &hMetaRoot); _LeaveIfError(hr, "vrOpenRoot");
// If we got here, we must have the master root handle
// look for VDir
hr = pIMeta->OpenKey( hMetaRoot, pwszVRootName, METADATA_PERMISSION_READ, 1000, &hTestHandle);
DBGPRINT(( DBG_SS_CERTLIBI, "TestForVDir: OpenKey(%ws) --> %x\n", pwszVRootName, hr));
if (S_OK != hr) { hr = S_OK; __leave; } fExists = TRUE;
hr = pIMeta->CloseKey(hTestHandle); _LeaveIfError(hr, "CloseKey"); } __except(hr = myHEXCEPTIONCODE(), EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { }
error: if (NULL != hMetaRoot) { hr = vrCloseKey(pIMeta, hMetaRoot, hr); } if (NULL != pIMeta) { pIMeta->Release(); } if (fCoInit) { CoUninitialize(); } return(fExists); }
#define SZ_HKEY_IIS_REGVROOT L"SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\W3SVC\\Parameters\\Virtual Roots"
HRESULT RemoveVDir( IN WCHAR *pwszVRootName, OUT BOOL *pfExisted) { HRESULT hr; HRESULT hr2; BOOL fCoInit = FALSE; IMSAdminBase *pIMeta = NULL; METADATA_HANDLE hMetaRoot = NULL; // Open key to ROOT (where VDirs live)
*pfExisted = FALSE; hr = CoInitialize(NULL); if (S_OK != hr && S_FALSE != hr) { _JumpError(hr, error, "CoInitialize"); } fCoInit = TRUE;
// Create an instance of the metabase object
hr = CoCreateInstance( CLSID_MSAdminBase, NULL, CLSCTX_ALL, IID_IMSAdminBase, (void **) &pIMeta); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "CoCreateInstance");
__try { hr = vrOpenRoot(pIMeta, FALSE, &hMetaRoot); _LeaveIfError(hr, "vrOpenRoot");
// If we got to here, we must have the master root handle
// remove VDir
hr2 = pIMeta->DeleteAllData( hMetaRoot, pwszVRootName, ALL_METADATA, ALL_METADATA); if (S_OK != hr2 && HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND) != hr2) { hr = hr2; _PrintError(hr2, "DeleteAllData"); } if (S_OK == hr2) { *pfExisted = TRUE; }
hr2 = pIMeta->DeleteKey(hMetaRoot, pwszVRootName); if (S_OK != hr2 && HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND) != hr2) { if (S_OK == hr) { hr = hr2; } _PrintError(hr2, "DeleteKey"); }
// HACKHACK: IIS reports S_OK in all cases above. However, if IIS is
// stopped, it will recreate vroots when restarted. We have to delete
// them from the registry manually (bleah!).
{ HKEY hKey;
hr2 = RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SZ_HKEY_IIS_REGVROOT, 0, KEY_SET_VALUE, &hKey); _PrintIfError2(hr2, "RegDeleteValue", ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND); if (hr2 == S_OK) { WCHAR wsz[MAX_PATH + 1];
if (wcslen(pwszVRootName) + 2 > ARRAYSIZE(wsz)) { CSASSERT(!"pwszVRootName too long!"); } else { wsz[0] = L'/'; wcscpy(&wsz[1], pwszVRootName);
hr2 = RegDeleteValue(hKey, wsz); _PrintIfError2( hr2, "RegDeleteValue (manual deletion of IIS VRoot)", ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND); } RegCloseKey(hKey); }
// ignore missing vroot entries
if (S_OK == hr && (HRESULT) ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND != hr2) { hr = hr2; } } } __except(hr = myHEXCEPTIONCODE(), EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { }
error: if (NULL != hMetaRoot) { hr = vrCloseKey(pIMeta, hMetaRoot, hr); } if (NULL != pIMeta) { pIMeta->Release(); } if (fCoInit) { CoUninitialize(); } return(hr); }
// Function: vrModifyVirtualRoots()
// Synopsis: Creates the virtual roots needed for cert server web pages.
// Effects: Creates IIS Virtual Roots
// Arguments: None.
HRESULT vrModifyVirtualRoots( IN BOOL fCreate, // else Delete
IN BOOL fNTLM, OPTIONAL OUT DWORD *pDisposition) { HRESULT hr; HRESULT hr2; WCHAR wszSystem32Path[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR wszVRootPathTemp[MAX_PATH]; BOOL fCoInit = FALSE; VROOTENTRY *pavr; BOOL fExist; DWORD Disposition = 0;
if (NULL != pDisposition) { *pDisposition = 0; } hr = CoInitialize(NULL); if (S_OK != hr && S_FALSE != hr) { _JumpError(hr, error, "CoInitialize"); } fCoInit = TRUE;
DBGPRINT(( DBG_SS_CERTLIBI, "vrModifyVirtualRoots(tid=%x, fCreate=%d, fNTLM=%d)\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), fCreate, fNTLM));
if (!IsIISInstalled(&hr)) { // IIS is not functioning or not installed
_PrintError2(hr, "IsIISInstalled", hr); hr = S_OK; Disposition = VFD_NOTSUPPORTED; goto error; }
// Create path for SYSTEM32 directory
if (0 == GetSystemDirectory(wszSystem32Path, ARRAYSIZE(wszSystem32Path))) { hr = myHLastError(); _JumpError(hr, error, "GetSystemDirectory"); }
// Create virtual roots
for (pavr = g_avr; NULL != pavr->pwszVRootName; pavr++) { CSASSERT(ARRAYSIZE(wszVRootPathTemp) > wcslen(wszSystem32Path) + wcslen(pavr->pwszDirectory));
wcscpy(wszVRootPathTemp, wszSystem32Path); wcscat(wszVRootPathTemp, pavr->pwszDirectory);
if (fCreate) { if (0 == (VRE_DELETEONLY & pavr->Flags)) // if not obsolete
{ hr = AddNewVDir( pavr->pwszVRootName, wszVRootPathTemp, (VRE_SCRIPTMAP & pavr->Flags)? TRUE : FALSE, (fNTLM && (VRE_ALLOWNTLM & pavr->Flags))? TRUE : FALSE, (VRE_CREATEAPP & pavr->Flags)? TRUE : FALSE, &fExist); if (S_OK != hr) { Disposition = VFD_CREATEERROR; _JumpErrorStr(hr, error, "AddNewVDir", pavr->pwszVRootName); } Disposition = fExist? VFD_EXISTS : VFD_CREATED; } } else // else Delete
{ hr2 = RemoveVDir(pavr->pwszVRootName, &fExist); if (0 == (VRE_DELETEONLY & pavr->Flags)) // if not obsolete
{ if (S_OK != hr2) { if (S_OK == hr) { hr = hr2; } Disposition = VFD_DELETEERROR; _PrintError(hr2, "RemoveVDir"); } else { Disposition = fExist? VFD_DELETED : VFD_NOTFOUND; } } } }
error: if (NULL != pDisposition) { *pDisposition = Disposition; } if (fCoInit) { CoUninitialize(); } DBGPRINT(( DBG_SS_CERTLIBI, "vrModifyVirtualRoots(tid=%x, hr=%x, disp=%d)\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), hr, Disposition)); return(hr); }
// myAddShare: create and test new net share
HRESULT myAddShare( LPCWSTR szShareName, LPCWSTR szShareDescr, LPCWSTR szSharePath, BOOL fOverwrite, OPTIONAL BOOL *pfCreated) { HRESULT hr; BOOL fCreated = FALSE;
// Share local path
SHARE_INFO_502 shareStruct; ZeroMemory(&shareStruct, sizeof(shareStruct));
shareStruct.shi502_netname = const_cast<WCHAR *>(szShareName); shareStruct.shi502_type = STYPE_DISKTREE; shareStruct.shi502_remark = const_cast<WCHAR *>(szShareDescr); shareStruct.shi502_max_uses = MAXDWORD; shareStruct.shi502_path = const_cast<WCHAR *>(szSharePath);
hr = myGetSDFromTemplate(WSZ_DEFAULT_SHARE_SECURITY, NULL, &shareStruct.shi502_security_descriptor); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "myGetSDFromTemplate");
hr = NetShareAdd( NULL, // this computer
502, // SHARE_LEVEL_502 struct
(BYTE *) &shareStruct, NULL); fCreated = (S_OK == hr);
if (hr == (HRESULT) NERR_DuplicateShare) { SHARE_INFO_2* pstructDupShare = NULL;
hr = NetShareGetInfo( NULL, const_cast<WCHAR *>(szShareName), 2, (BYTE **) &pstructDupShare); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "NetShareGetInfo");
if (0 == wcscmp(pstructDupShare->shi2_path, szSharePath)) { // they're the same path, so we're okay!
hr = S_OK; } else if (fOverwrite) { // not the same path, but we've been instructed to bash existing
// remove offending share
hr = NetShareDel( NULL, const_cast<WCHAR *>(szShareName), 0); if (S_OK == hr) { // try again
hr = NetShareAdd( NULL, // this computer
502, // SHARE_LEVEL_502 struct
(BYTE *) &shareStruct, NULL); fCreated = (S_OK == hr); } } if (NULL != pstructDupShare) { NetApiBufferFree(pstructDupShare); } }
// if share does not exist by this time, we bail
_JumpIfError(hr, error, "NetShareAdd");
// TEST: is writable?
#define UNCPATH_TEMPLATE L"\\\\%ws\\%ws\\write.tmp"
hr = myGetMachineDnsName(&pwszTestComputerName); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "myGetMachineDnsName");
// get the local machine name
pwszTestUNCPath = (LPWSTR)LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, (UINT)(( ARRAYSIZE(UNCPATH_TEMPLATE) + wcslen(pwszTestComputerName) + wcslen(szShareName) ) *sizeof(WCHAR))); if (NULL == pwszTestUNCPath) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; _JumpError(hr, error, "LocalAlloc"); }
// create UNC path
swprintf(pwszTestUNCPath, UNCPATH_TEMPLATE, pwszTestComputerName, szShareName);
hTestFile = CreateFile( pwszTestUNCPath, GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY | FILE_FLAG_DELETE_ON_CLOSE, NULL); if (hTestFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { hr = myHLastError(); _JumpErrorStr(hr, error, "CreateFile (test for UNC translation)", pwszTestUNCPath); }
// if we got this far, our test went well
hr = S_OK;
error: // if created and then something went wrong, clean up
if (fCreated && (hr != S_OK)) { // don't mash hr
HRESULT hr2; hr2 = NetShareDel( NULL, const_cast<WCHAR *>(szShareName), 0); // ignore NetShareDel hr
_PrintIfError(hr2, "NetShareDel"); // not fatal, might already be shared
if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hTestFile) CloseHandle(hTestFile);
if (NULL != pwszTestComputerName) LocalFree(pwszTestComputerName);
if (NULL != pwszTestUNCPath) LocalFree(pwszTestUNCPath);
if(shareStruct.shi502_security_descriptor) { LocalFree(shareStruct.shi502_security_descriptor); }
if(pfCreated) *pfCreated = fCreated;
return hr; }
HRESULT vrModifyFileShares( IN BOOL fCreate, // else Delete
OPTIONAL OUT DWORD *pDisposition) { HRESULT hr; WCHAR wszSystem32Dir[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR wszRemark[512]; WCHAR *pwszDirectory = NULL; DWORD Disposition = 0; BOOL fCreated = FALSE;
if (NULL != pDisposition) { *pDisposition = 0; } if (fCreate) { if (0 == GetSystemDirectory(wszSystem32Dir, ARRAYSIZE(wszSystem32Dir))) { hr = myHLastError(); _JumpError(hr, error, "GetSystemDirectory"); } hr = myBuildPathAndExt( wszSystem32Dir, wszCERTENROLLSHAREPATH, NULL, &pwszDirectory); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "myBuildPathAndExt");
if (!LoadString( g_hInstance, IDS_FILESHARE_REMARK, wszRemark, ARRAYSIZE(wszRemark))) { hr = myHLastError(); CSASSERT(S_OK != hr); _JumpError(hr, error, "LoadString"); }
hr = myAddShare(wszCERTENROLLSHARENAME, wszRemark, pwszDirectory, TRUE, &fCreated); if (S_OK == hr) { Disposition = fCreated? VFD_CREATED : VFD_EXISTS; } else if(HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_NETWORK_UNREACHABLE) == hr) { // Could not validate the share. Can happen if net cable is disconnected.
// Put a warning message and ignore the error.
Disposition = VFD_VERIFYERROR; hr = S_OK; } else { Disposition = VFD_CREATEERROR; _JumpErrorStr(hr, error, "NetShareAdd", wszCERTENROLLSHARENAME); } } else { hr = NetShareDel(NULL, wszCERTENROLLSHARENAME, NULL); CSASSERT(NERR_Success == S_OK); if (S_OK == hr) { Disposition = VFD_DELETED; } else if ((HRESULT) NERR_NetNameNotFound == hr) { Disposition = VFD_NOTFOUND; hr = S_OK; } else { Disposition = VFD_DELETEERROR; _JumpErrorStr(hr, error, "NetShareDel", wszCERTENROLLSHARENAME); } } NetShareDel(NULL, L"CertSrv", NULL); // delete old share name
error: if (NULL != pDisposition) { *pDisposition = Disposition; } if (NULL != pwszDirectory) { LocalFree(pwszDirectory); } return(myHError(hr)); }
// For now, this writes the entry "CertUtil -vroot", and is not generalized
HRESULT myWriteRunOnceEntry( IN BOOL fAdd // Add or Remove entry?
) { DWORD err;
// Add certutil -vroot to runonce commands
WCHAR szRunOnceCommand[] = L"certutil -vroot"; HKEY hkeyRunOnce = NULL; DWORD dwDisposition;
err = RegCreateKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\RunOnce", // address of subkey name
0, NULL, 0, KEY_SET_VALUE, NULL, &hkeyRunOnce, &dwDisposition); _JumpIfError(err, error, "RegCreateKeyEx");
// add or remove entry?
if (fAdd) { err = RegSetValueEx( hkeyRunOnce, L"Certificate Services", 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE *) szRunOnceCommand, sizeof(szRunOnceCommand)); _JumpIfError(err, error, "RegSetValueEx"); } else { err = RegDeleteValue(hkeyRunOnce, L"Certificate Services"); _PrintIfError2(err, "RegDeleteValue", ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND); if (ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND == err) { err = ERROR_SUCCESS; } _JumpIfError(err, error, "RegDeleteValue"); }
error: if (hkeyRunOnce) RegCloseKey(hkeyRunOnce);
return (myHError(err)); }
DWORD vrWorkerThread( OPTIONAL IN OUT VOID *pvparms) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; HRESULT hr2; VRFSPARMS *pparms = (VRFSPARMS *) pvparms; DWORD Disposition; BOOL fFailed = FALSE;
CSASSERT(NULL != pparms);
if ((VFF_CREATEFILESHARES | VFF_DELETEFILESHARES) & pparms->Flags) { hr = vrModifyFileShares( (VFF_CREATEFILESHARES & pparms->Flags)? TRUE : FALSE, &Disposition); _PrintIfError(hr, "vrModifyFileShares"); if (NULL != pparms->pShareDisposition) { *pparms->pShareDisposition = Disposition; } if (VFD_CREATEERROR == Disposition || VFD_DELETEERROR == Disposition) { fFailed = TRUE; } } if ((VFF_CREATEVROOTS | VFF_DELETEVROOTS) & pparms->Flags) { BOOL fNTLM = FALSE; // set fNTLM iff Enterprise CA
if (IsEnterpriseCA(pparms->CAType)) { fNTLM = TRUE; }
hr2 = vrModifyVirtualRoots( (VFF_CREATEVROOTS & pparms->Flags)? TRUE : FALSE, fNTLM, &Disposition); _PrintIfError2(hr2, "vrModifyVirtualRoots", S_FALSE); if (S_OK == hr) { hr = hr2; } if (NULL != pparms->pVRootDisposition) { *pparms->pVRootDisposition = Disposition; } if (VFD_CREATEERROR == Disposition || VFD_DELETEERROR == Disposition) { fFailed = TRUE; }
if (S_OK == hr) { if (VFF_CREATEVROOTS & pparms->Flags) { DWORD ASPDisposition; BOOL fEnabledASP;
hr2 = EnableASPInIIS(&fEnabledASP); _PrintIfError(hr2, "EnableASPInIIS");
ASPDisposition = VFD_NOACTION; hr2 = SetCertSrvASPDependency(); _PrintIfError(hr2, "SetCertSrvASPDependency"); if (S_OK != hr2) { ASPDisposition = VFD_CREATEERROR; }
// enable ASP processing in IIS
if (VFF_ENABLEASP & pparms->Flags) { hr2 = EnableASPInIIS_New(&fEnabledASP); _PrintIfError(hr2, "EnableASPInIIS_New"); if (S_OK == hr2) { ASPDisposition = fEnabledASP? VFD_CREATED : VFD_EXISTS; } } if (NULL != pparms->pVRootDisposition) { *pparms->pVRootDisposition |= (ASPDisposition << 16); } if (VFD_CREATEERROR == ASPDisposition) { fFailed = TRUE; } } } }
if ((S_OK == hr && !fFailed) || ((VFF_DELETEVROOTS) & pparms->Flags)) // on success or removal
{ // remove "attempt vroot" flag so we don't try again
if (VFF_CLEARREGFLAGIFOK & pparms->Flags) { DBGPRINT((DBG_SS_CERTLIBI, "clearing registry\n")); hr = SetSetupStatus(NULL, SETUP_ATTEMPT_VROOT_CREATE, FALSE); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "SetSetupStatus"); }
hr = myWriteRunOnceEntry(FALSE); // worker thread deletes on success
_JumpIfError(hr, error, "myWriteRunOnceEntry"); }
LocalFree(pparms); DBGPRINT((DBG_SS_CERTLIBI, "vrWorkerThread returns %x\n", hr)); return(myHError(hr)); }
// Function: myModifyVirtualRootsAndFileShares
// Synopsis: Creates the virtual roots needed for cert server web pages.
// Effects: Creates IIS Virtual Roots
// Arguments: None.
HRESULT myModifyVirtualRootsAndFileShares( IN DWORD Flags, // VFF_*: Create/Delete VRoots and/or Shares
IN ENUM_CATYPES CAType, IN BOOL fAsynchronous, IN DWORD csecTimeOut, OPTIONAL OUT DWORD *pVRootDisposition, // VFD_*
OPTIONAL OUT DWORD *pShareDisposition) // VFD_*
{ HRESULT hr; HANDLE hThread = NULL; HMODULE hMod = NULL; DWORD ThreadId; DWORD dw; BOOL fEnable = TRUE; DWORD SetupStatus; VRFSPARMS *pparms = NULL;
if (NULL != pVRootDisposition) { *pVRootDisposition = 0; } if (NULL != pShareDisposition) { *pShareDisposition = 0; } dw = (VFF_DELETEVROOTS | VFF_DELETEFILESHARES) & Flags; if (0 != dw && dw != Flags) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; _JumpError(hr, error, "Mixed VFF_DELETE* and create flags"); } if (((VFF_CHECKREGFLAGFIRST | VFF_CLEARREGFLAGFIRST) & Flags) && (VFF_SETREGFLAGFIRST & Flags)) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; _JumpError(hr, error, "Mixed VFF_SETREGFLAGFIRST & VFF_*REGFLAGFIRST"); }
hr = GetSetupStatus(NULL, &SetupStatus); if (S_OK != hr) { _PrintError(hr, "GetSetupStatus(ignored)"); hr = S_OK; SetupStatus = 0; }
if (VFF_CHECKREGFLAGFIRST & Flags) { if (0 == (SETUP_ATTEMPT_VROOT_CREATE & SetupStatus)) { fEnable = FALSE; } } if (VFF_CLEARREGFLAGFIRST & Flags) { // remove "attempt vroot" flag so we don't try again
if (SETUP_ATTEMPT_VROOT_CREATE & SetupStatus) { hr = SetSetupStatus(NULL, SETUP_ATTEMPT_VROOT_CREATE, FALSE); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "SetSetupStatus"); } } if (VFF_SETREGFLAGFIRST & Flags) { // set "attempt vroot" flag so we'll try again if necessary
if (0 == (SETUP_ATTEMPT_VROOT_CREATE & SetupStatus)) { hr = SetSetupStatus(NULL, SETUP_ATTEMPT_VROOT_CREATE, TRUE); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "SetSetupStatus"); } }
hr = S_OK; if (fEnable) { // only set RunOnce on a real attempt (worker thread clears this)
if (VFF_SETRUNONCEIFERROR & Flags) { hr = myWriteRunOnceEntry(TRUE); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "myWriteRunOnceEntry"); }
pparms = (VRFSPARMS *) LocalAlloc( LMEM_FIXED | LMEM_ZEROINIT, sizeof(*pparms)); if (NULL == pparms) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; _JumpError(hr, error, "LocalAlloc"); }
pparms->Flags = Flags; pparms->CAType = CAType; pparms->csecTimeOut = csecTimeOut; pparms->fAsynchronous = fAsynchronous; if (!fAsynchronous) { pparms->pVRootDisposition = pVRootDisposition; pparms->pShareDisposition = pShareDisposition; } else { hMod = LoadLibrary(g_wszCertCliDotDll); if (NULL == hMod) { hr = myHLastError(); _JumpError(hr, error, "LoadLibrary"); } }
hThread = CreateThread( NULL, // lpThreadAttributes (Security Attr)
0, // dwStackSize
vrWorkerThread, pparms, // lpParameter
0, // dwCreationFlags
&ThreadId); if (NULL == hThread) { hr = myHLastError(); _JumpError(hr, error, "CreateThread"); }
pparms = NULL; // freed by the new thread
DBGPRINT((DBG_SS_CERTLIBI, "VRoot Worker Thread = %x\n", ThreadId));
// asynch? proper thread creation is all we do
if (fAsynchronous) { hr = S_OK; goto error; }
// Wait for the worker thread to exit
hr = WaitForSingleObject( hThread, (INFINITE == csecTimeOut) ? INFINITE : csecTimeOut * 1000 ); DBGPRINT((DBG_SS_CERTLIBI, "Wait for worker thread returns %x\n", hr)); if ((HRESULT) WAIT_OBJECT_0 == hr) { // worker thread returned.
if (!GetExitCodeThread(hThread, (DWORD *) &hr)) { hr = myHLastError(); _JumpError(hr, error, "GetExitCodeThread"); } DBGPRINT((DBG_SS_CERTLIBI, "worker thread exit: %x\n", hr)); if (S_OK != hr) { // If not synchronous, leave DLL loaded...
hMod = NULL; _JumpError(hr, error, "vrWorkerThread"); } } else { // timeout: abandoning thread, leave the dll loaded
hMod = NULL; _PrintError(hr, "WaitForSingleObject (ignored)");
// whack error
hr = S_OK; }
error: if (NULL != pparms) { LocalFree(pparms); } if (NULL != hThread) { CloseHandle(hThread); } if (NULL != hMod) { FreeLibrary(hMod); } DBGPRINT((DBG_SS_CERTLIBI, "myModifyVirtualRootsAndFileShares returns %x\n", hr)); return(myHError(hr)); }
// ASP/IIS related functions
const WCHAR g_wchExtensionOff = L'0'; const WCHAR g_wchExtensionOn = L'1'; LPCWSTR g_pcwszAspDll = L"asp.dll";
// Builds the full path to asp.dll
HRESULT BuildASPDllFullPath(LPWSTR &rpwszAspPath) { HRESULT hr; WCHAR wszAsp[MAX_PATH]; LPCWSTR pcwszAsp = L"\\inetsrv\\asp.dll";
if (0 == GetSystemDirectory(wszAsp, MAX_PATH)) { hr = myHLastError(); _JumpError(hr, error, "GetSystemDirectory"); }
rpwszAspPath = (LPWSTR)LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, sizeof(WCHAR)*(wcslen(wszAsp)+wcslen(pcwszAsp)+1)); _JumpIfAllocFailed(rpwszAspPath, error);
wcscpy(rpwszAspPath, wszAsp); wcscat(rpwszAspPath, pcwszAsp);
hr = S_OK;
error: return hr; }
// Saves the list of ASP restrictions to IIS metabase. IIS restriction
// list it's a multisz that looks like this:
// "1","DLL1","DLL2"...
// or
// "0","DLL1","DLL2"...
// When list starts with "1", the meaning is "enable all ASP DLLs
// excluding the list that follows". When it begins with "0", it means
// "disable all except the list".
HRESULT SetASPRestrictions(CMultiSz& ASPRestrictionList) { HRESULT hr; IMSAdminBase *pIMeta = NULL; METADATA_HANDLE hMetaRoot = NULL; void * pBuffer = NULL; DWORD cBuffer; bool fCoInit = false;
hr = CoInitialize(NULL); if (S_OK != hr && S_FALSE != hr) { _JumpError(hr, error, "CoInitialize"); } fCoInit = true;
hr = ASPRestrictionList.Marshal(pBuffer, cBuffer); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "CMultiSz::Marshal");
ASPRestrictionsMDData.pbMDData = (unsigned char *)pBuffer; ASPRestrictionsMDData.dwMDDataLen = cBuffer;
hr = CoCreateInstance( CLSID_MSAdminBase, NULL, CLSCTX_ALL, IID_IMSAdminBase, (void **) &pIMeta); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "CoCreateInstance");
hr = pIMeta->OpenKey( METADATA_MASTER_ROOT_HANDLE, g_wszW3SVC, METADATA_PERMISSION_READ | METADATA_PERMISSION_WRITE, 1000, &hMetaRoot); _JumpIfErrorStr(hr, error, "OpenKey", g_wszW3SVC);
hr = pIMeta->SetData(hMetaRoot, L"", &ASPRestrictionsMDData); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "SetData");
hr = pIMeta->CloseKey(hMetaRoot); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "CloseKey");
hMetaRoot = NULL;
hr = pIMeta->SaveData(); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "SaveData");
error: LOCAL_FREE(pBuffer);
ASPRestrictionsMDData.pbMDData = NULL; ASPRestrictionsMDData.dwMDDataLen = 0;
if (NULL != hMetaRoot) { pIMeta->CloseKey(hMetaRoot); } if(pIMeta) { pIMeta->Release(); } if (fCoInit) { CoUninitialize(); } return hr; }
// Loads the list of ASP restrictions from IIS metabase.
HRESULT GetASPRestrictions(CMultiSz& ASPRestrictionList) { HRESULT hr; IMSAdminBase *pIMeta = NULL; METADATA_HANDLE hMetaRoot = NULL; DWORD dwSize; bool fCoInit = false;
hr = CoInitialize(NULL); if (S_OK != hr && S_FALSE != hr) { _JumpError(hr, error, "CoInitialize"); } fCoInit = true;
hr = CoCreateInstance( CLSID_MSAdminBase, NULL, CLSCTX_ALL, IID_IMSAdminBase, (void **) &pIMeta); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "CoCreateInstance");
hr = pIMeta->OpenKey( METADATA_MASTER_ROOT_HANDLE, g_wszW3SVC, METADATA_PERMISSION_READ, 1000, &hMetaRoot); _JumpIfErrorStr(hr, error, "OpenKey", g_wszW3SVC);
hr = pIMeta->GetData(hMetaRoot, L"", &ASPRestrictionsMDData, &dwSize); if(MD_ERROR_DATA_NOT_FOUND==hr) { // value not set means ASP not enabled, return empty list
hr = S_OK; } else { if(HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) != hr) { _JumpErrorStr(hr, error, "GetData", g_wszW3SVC); }
hr = S_OK;
ASPRestrictionsMDData.pbMDData = (unsigned char*) LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, dwSize); _JumpIfAllocFailed(ASPRestrictionsMDData.pbMDData, error);
ASPRestrictionsMDData.dwMDDataLen = dwSize;
hr = pIMeta->GetData(hMetaRoot, L"", &ASPRestrictionsMDData, &dwSize); _JumpIfErrorStr(hr, error, "OpenKey", g_wszW3SVC);
hr = ASPRestrictionList.Unmarshal(ASPRestrictionsMDData.pbMDData); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "Unmarshal"); }
LOCAL_FREE(ASPRestrictionsMDData.pbMDData); ASPRestrictionsMDData.pbMDData = NULL; ASPRestrictionsMDData.dwMDDataLen = 0;
if (NULL != hMetaRoot) { pIMeta->CloseKey(hMetaRoot); } if(pIMeta) { pIMeta->Release(); } if (fCoInit) { CoUninitialize(); } return hr; }
// Verify if this is MSCEP setup specific
if((NULL == pwsz) || (NULL == pwszDLL)) goto error;
pwchar=wcsrchr(pwsz, L'\\');
if(NULL == pwchar) goto error;
if(0 != _wcsicmp(pwchar, pwszDLL)) goto error;
return fResult; }
// Tests if this ISAPI extension is enabled in IIS.
// If IIS restriction starts with a "1":
// "1", "DLL1", "DLL2" ...
// it means run all but specified DLLs; if we find the extension
// in the list then it's disabled
// If IIS restriction starts with a "0":
// "0", "DLL1", "DLL2" ...
// the meaning is disable all but specified DLLs; if we find
// the extension then it's enabled
HRESULT IsISAPIExtensionEnabled( LPCWSTR pcwszExtension, bool& rfEnabled) { HRESULT hr; CMultiSz ASPRestrictionList; CMultiSzEnum ASPRestrictionListEnum;
rfEnabled = false;
//special case for mscep.dll. Always return FALSE to
//proceed with the installation
if(IsMSCEPSetup(pcwszExtension, g_wszMSCEP)) { rfEnabled=FALSE; return S_OK; }
hr = GetASPRestrictions(ASPRestrictionList); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "GetASPRestrictionList"); if(!ASPRestrictionList.IsEmpty()) { ASPRestrictionListEnum.Set(ASPRestrictionList); const CString *pStr = ASPRestrictionListEnum.Next(); bool fRunAllExceptTheseDlls = false;
if(0 == wcscmp(*pStr, L"1")) { fRunAllExceptTheseDlls = true; }
for(pStr = ASPRestrictionListEnum.Next(); pStr; pStr = ASPRestrictionListEnum.Next()) { if(0 == _wcsicmp(pcwszExtension, *pStr)) break; }
// XOR: Enable if "1" is found but asp.dll not present or "0" (!"1")
// is found but asp.dll present
rfEnabled = fRunAllExceptTheseDlls ^ (NULL != pStr); }
hr = S_OK;
error: return hr; }
// Tests if ASP processing is enabled in IIS.
HRESULT IsASPEnabledInIIS( bool& rfEnabled) { HRESULT hr; LPWSTR pwszAsp = NULL;
hr = BuildASPDllFullPath(pwszAsp); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "GetASPDllFullPath");
hr = IsISAPIExtensionEnabled( pwszAsp, rfEnabled); _JumpIfErrorStr(hr, error, "GetASPDllFullPath", pwszAsp);
error: LOCAL_FREE(pwszAsp); return hr; }
// Enables ISAPI extension in IIS.
// - if list is empty/not found, set it to "0","extension", ie only enable
// this extension
// - if list starts with "1", remove extension if found
// - if list starts with "0", add extension if not already present
#pragma warning(push) // BUGBUG: nonstandard extension used : 'argument' : conversion from 'CString' to 'C &'
#pragma warning(disable: 4239) // BUGBUG: nonstandard extension used : 'argument' : conversion from 'CString' to 'C &'
HRESULT EnableISAPIExtension( IN LPCWSTR pcwszExtension, OUT BOOL *pfEnabledASP) { HRESULT hr; CMultiSz ASPRestrictionList; CMultiSzEnum ASPRestrictionListEnum; CString *pStr; DWORD dwIndex; bool fUpdateIt = false;
*pfEnabledASP = FALSE;
//special case for mscep.dll.
if(IsMSCEPSetup(pcwszExtension, g_wszMSCEP)) { hr=SetupMSCEPForIIS(pcwszExtension); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "SetupMSCEPForIIS"); }
hr = GetASPRestrictions(ASPRestrictionList); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "GetASPRestrictions");
ASPRestrictionListEnum.Set(ASPRestrictionList); pStr = ASPRestrictionListEnum.Next();
if(!pStr) { // list is empty, add "0"
pStr = new CString(L"0"); if(!pStr || pStr->IsEmpty()) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; _JumpError(hr, error, "new"); } ASPRestrictionList.AddTail(pStr); }
dwIndex = ASPRestrictionList.FindIndex(CString(pcwszExtension)); if(0 == wcscmp(*pStr, L"0")) { // List means "disable all but the following DLLs".
// To enable it add ASP dll if not already there.
if(DWORD_MAX == dwIndex) { CString * pAsp = new CString(pcwszExtension); if(!pAsp || pAsp->IsEmpty()) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; _JumpError(hr, error, "new"); } ASPRestrictionList.AddTail(pAsp); fUpdateIt = true; } } else { // List means "enable all but the following DLLs", to enable it
// remove extension if found
dwIndex = ASPRestrictionList.FindIndex(CString(pcwszExtension));
if(DWORD_MAX != dwIndex) { ASPRestrictionList.RemoveAt(dwIndex); fUpdateIt = true; } }
if (fUpdateIt) { hr = SetASPRestrictions(ASPRestrictionList); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "SetASPRestrictions");
*pfEnabledASP = TRUE; }
error: return S_OK; } #pragma warning(pop) // BUGBUG: nonstandard extension used : 'argument' : conversion from 'CString' to 'C &'
// Enables ASP processing in IIS.
*pfEnabledASP = FALSE;
hr = BuildASPDllFullPath(pwszAsp); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "GetASPDllFullPath");
hr = EnableISAPIExtension(pwszAsp, pfEnabledASP); _JumpIfErrorStr(hr, error, "GetASPDllFullPath", pwszAsp);
error: LOCAL_FREE(pwszAsp); return S_OK; }
// New APIs after IIS redesigning of enabling/disabling extensions
HRESULT SetMultiSzIISMetadata( METADATA_RECORD& MDRecord, CMultiSz& MultiSz);
HRESULT GetMultiSzIISMetadata( METADATA_RECORD& MDRecord, CMultiSz& MultiSz);
// Searches for the websvc specified extension and turns it on if needed
HRESULT EnableWebSvcExtension( IN LPCWSTR pcwszExtDll, // e.g. "asp.dll"
OUT BOOL *pfEnabled) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; CMultiSz WebSvcExtRestrictions; CMultiSzEnum WebSvcExtRestrictionsEnum; CString *pstr; CString strTmp; CString strExtDll = pcwszExtDll;
*pfEnabled = FALSE;
_wcslwr(strExtDll.GetBuffer()); // we need to find case insensitive, we'll
// also wcslwr the strings from list
hr = GetMultiSzIISMetadata(WebSvcExtRestrictionsMDData, WebSvcExtRestrictions); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "GetMultiSzIISMetadata");
WebSvcExtRestrictionsEnum.Set(WebSvcExtRestrictions); for(pstr = WebSvcExtRestrictionsEnum.Next(); pstr; pstr = WebSvcExtRestrictionsEnum.Next()) { // create a copy so we don't modify the original string
strTmp = *pstr;
if(NULL != wcsstr(strTmp, strExtDll)) { if(g_wchExtensionOff == *(pstr->GetBuffer())) { *(pstr->GetBuffer()) = g_wchExtensionOn; *pfEnabled = TRUE; } break; } }
if(!pstr) { hr = ERROR_NOT_FOUND; _JumpErrorStr(hr, error, "extension was not found in WebSvcExtRestrictions", pcwszExtDll); }
if(TRUE == *pfEnabled) { hr = SetMultiSzIISMetadata(WebSvcExtRestrictionsMDData, WebSvcExtRestrictions); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "GetISAPIRestrictions"); }
error: return hr; }
// Enable ASP processing in IIS
*pfEnabledASP = FALSE;
hr = EnableWebSvcExtension(g_pcwszAspDll, pfEnabledASP); _JumpIfErrorStr(hr, error, "GetASPDllFullPath", pwszAsp);
error: LOCAL_FREE(pwszAsp); return S_OK; }
// Stores a multisz property to IIS metabase root
HRESULT SetMultiSzIISMetadata( METADATA_RECORD& MDRecord, CMultiSz& MultiSz) { HRESULT hr; IMSAdminBase *pIMeta = NULL; METADATA_HANDLE hMetaRoot = NULL; void * pBuffer = NULL; DWORD cBuffer; bool fCoInit = false;
hr = CoInitialize(NULL); if (S_OK != hr && S_FALSE != hr) { _JumpError(hr, error, "CoInitialize"); } fCoInit = true;
hr = MultiSz.Marshal(pBuffer, cBuffer); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "CMultiSz::Marshal");
CSASSERT(NULL == MDRecord.pbMDData);
MDRecord.pbMDData = (unsigned char *)pBuffer; MDRecord.dwMDDataLen = cBuffer;
hr = CoCreateInstance( CLSID_MSAdminBase, NULL, CLSCTX_ALL, IID_IMSAdminBase, (void **) &pIMeta); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "CoCreateInstance");
hr = pIMeta->OpenKey( METADATA_MASTER_ROOT_HANDLE, g_wszW3SVC, METADATA_PERMISSION_READ | METADATA_PERMISSION_WRITE, 1000, &hMetaRoot); _JumpIfErrorStr(hr, error, "OpenKey", g_wszW3SVC);
hr = pIMeta->SetData(hMetaRoot, L"", &MDRecord); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "SetData");
hr = pIMeta->CloseKey(hMetaRoot); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "CloseKey");
hMetaRoot = NULL;
hr = pIMeta->SaveData(); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "SaveData");
error: LOCAL_FREE(pBuffer);
MDRecord.pbMDData = NULL; MDRecord.dwMDDataLen = 0;
if (NULL != hMetaRoot) { pIMeta->CloseKey(hMetaRoot); } if(pIMeta) { pIMeta->Release(); } if (fCoInit) { CoUninitialize(); } return hr; }
// Retrieves a multisz property IIS metabase root
HRESULT GetMultiSzIISMetadata( METADATA_RECORD& MDRecord, CMultiSz& MultiSz) { HRESULT hr; IMSAdminBase *pIMeta = NULL; METADATA_HANDLE hMetaRoot = NULL; DWORD dwSize = 0; bool fCoInit = false;
hr = CoInitialize(NULL); if (S_OK != hr && S_FALSE != hr) { _JumpError(hr, error, "CoInitialize"); } fCoInit = true;
hr = CoCreateInstance( CLSID_MSAdminBase, NULL, CLSCTX_ALL, IID_IMSAdminBase, (void **) &pIMeta); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "CoCreateInstance");
hr = pIMeta->OpenKey( METADATA_MASTER_ROOT_HANDLE, g_wszW3SVC, METADATA_PERMISSION_READ, 1000, &hMetaRoot); _JumpIfErrorStr(hr, error, "OpenKey", g_wszW3SVC);
CSASSERT(NULL == MDRecord.pbMDData); CSASSERT(0 == MDRecord.dwMDDataLen);
hr = pIMeta->GetData(hMetaRoot, L"", &MDRecord, &dwSize);
if(HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) != hr) { _JumpErrorStr(hr, error, "GetData", g_wszW3SVC); }
hr = S_OK;
MDRecord.pbMDData = (unsigned char*) LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, dwSize); _JumpIfAllocFailed(MDRecord.pbMDData, error);
MDRecord.dwMDDataLen = dwSize;
hr = pIMeta->GetData(hMetaRoot, L"", &MDRecord, &dwSize); _JumpIfErrorStr(hr, error, "OpenKey", g_wszW3SVC);
hr = MultiSz.Unmarshal(MDRecord.pbMDData); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "Unmarshal");
LOCAL_FREE(MDRecord.pbMDData); MDRecord.pbMDData = NULL; MDRecord.dwMDDataLen = 0;
if (NULL != hMetaRoot) { pIMeta->CloseKey(hMetaRoot); } if(pIMeta) { pIMeta->Release(); } if (fCoInit) { CoUninitialize(); } return hr; }
// Check if an ISAPI dependency is present in the list
bool IsISAPIDependencySet(CMultiSz& ISAPIDependList, LPCWSTR pcwszDependency) { return ISAPIDependList.Find(pcwszDependency, false); // false == case insensitive
// Add an ISAPI dependency to the list
HRESULT AddISAPIDependency(CMultiSz& ISAPIDependList, LPCWSTR pcwszDependency) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; CString *pStr;
pStr = new CString(pcwszDependency); if(!pStr || pStr->IsEmpty()) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; _JumpError(hr, error, "new"); }
if(!ISAPIDependList.AddTail(pStr)) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; _JumpError(hr, error, "CMultiSz::AddTail"); }
error: if(S_OK != hr) { delete pStr; }
return hr; }
// Set an application dependency in IIS metabase
HRESULT SetApplicationDependency(LPCWSTR pcwszDependencyString) { HRESULT hr; CMultiSz AppDependList;
hr = GetMultiSzIISMetadata(ApplicationDependenciesMDData, AppDependList); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "GetISAPIRestrictions");
if(!IsISAPIDependencySet(AppDependList, pcwszDependencyString)) { hr = AddISAPIDependency(AppDependList, pcwszDependencyString); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "AddISAPIDependency"); }
hr = SetMultiSzIISMetadata(ApplicationDependenciesMDData, AppDependList); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "SetISAPIRestrictions");
error: return S_OK; }
// Set CertSrv dependency on ASP in IIS metabase
HRESULT SetCertSrvASPDependency() { HRESULT hr; CString strCertSrvASPDepend; LPCSTR pcwszASP = ";ASP";
if(!strCertSrvASPDepend.LoadString(IDS_CERTIFICATE_SERVICES)) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; _JumpError(hr, error, "LoadString(IDS_CERTIFICATE_SERVICES)"); }
// build the dependency string "Certificate Services;ASP"
strCertSrvASPDepend += pcwszASP;
hr = SetApplicationDependency(strCertSrvASPDepend); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "SetApplicationDependency");
error: return S_OK; }
// Tests if ASP processing is enabled in IIS.
HRESULT IsASPEnabledInIIS_New( bool& rfEnabled) { HRESULT hr; CMultiSz WebSvcExtRestrictions; CMultiSzEnum WebSvcExtRestrictionsEnum; CString *pstr; CString strTmp;
rfEnabled = false;
hr = GetMultiSzIISMetadata(WebSvcExtRestrictionsMDData, WebSvcExtRestrictions); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "GetMultiSzIISMetadata");
WebSvcExtRestrictionsEnum.Set(WebSvcExtRestrictions); for(pstr = WebSvcExtRestrictionsEnum.Next(); pstr; pstr = WebSvcExtRestrictionsEnum.Next()) { // create a copy so we don't modify the original string
strTmp = *pstr;
if(NULL != wcsstr(strTmp, g_pcwszAspDll)) { if(g_wchExtensionOn == *(pstr->GetBuffer())) // string format is "1,"path\asp.dll,..." if
// asp is enabled
{ rfEnabled = true; } break; } }
error: return hr; }
HRESULT SetupMSCEPForIIS(LPCWSTR pcwszExtension) { HRESULT hr=E_FAIL; CString strMSCEPAppDepend; BOOL fEnabled=FALSE; CMultiSz WebSvcExtList; WCHAR wszDescription[255];
LPWSTR pwszWebSvcExt=NULL; CString *pstrWebSvcExt=NULL;
if(NULL == pcwszExtension) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; _JumpError(hr, error, "CheckForInput"); }
// set up the ApplicationDepedencies in the format of
// "ApplicationName";"GroupID"
if(!strMSCEPAppDepend.LoadString(IDS_MSCEP)) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; _JumpError(hr, error, "LoadString(IDS_MSCEP)"); }
// build the dependency string "Certificate Services;ASP"
strMSCEPAppDepend += L";"; strMSCEPAppDepend += g_wszMSCEPID;
// add to the metadata if it does not exist
hr = SetApplicationDependency(strMSCEPAppDepend); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "SetApplicationDependency");
// set up the WebSvcExtRestrictionList in the format of
// 1,d:\windows\system32\certsrv\mscep\mscep.dll,0,GroupID,Description
// turn on the enable bit if there exists an entry
if(S_OK == (hr=EnableWebSvcExtension(g_wszMSCEP, &fEnabled))) goto error;
// we have to add a new entry
if(!LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_MSCEP_DES, wszDescription, ARRAYSIZE(wszDescription))) { hr = myHLastError(); _JumpError(hr, error, "LoadString"); }
pwszWebSvcExt=(LPWSTR)LocalAlloc(LPTR, sizeof(WCHAR)* (wcslen(pcwszExtension) + wcslen(g_wszMSCEPID) + wcslen(wszDescription) + 7)); if(NULL == pwszWebSvcExt) { hr=E_OUTOFMEMORY; _JumpError(hr, error, "LocalAlloc"); }
wcscpy(pwszWebSvcExt, L"1,"); wcscat(pwszWebSvcExt, pcwszExtension); wcscat(pwszWebSvcExt, L",0,"); wcscat(pwszWebSvcExt, g_wszMSCEPID); wcscat(pwszWebSvcExt, L","); wcscat(pwszWebSvcExt, wszDescription);
hr = GetMultiSzIISMetadata(WebSvcExtRestrictionsMDData, WebSvcExtList); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "GetMultiSzIISMetadata");
pstrWebSvcExt=new CString(pwszWebSvcExt); if((NULL == pstrWebSvcExt) || (pstrWebSvcExt->IsEmpty())) { hr=E_OUTOFMEMORY; _JumpError(hr, error, "new"); }
if(!WebSvcExtList.AddTail(pstrWebSvcExt)) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; _JumpError(hr, error, "CMultiSz::AddTail"); }
hr = SetMultiSzIISMetadata(WebSvcExtRestrictionsMDData, WebSvcExtList); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "SetISAPIRestrictions");
if(pwszWebSvcExt) LocalFree(pwszWebSvcExt);
if(S_OK != hr) { if(pstrWebSvcExt) delete pstrWebSvcExt; }
return hr; }