// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1996 - 1999
// File: crldist.cpp
// Contents: Cert Server Extension Encoding/Decoding implementation
#include "pch.cpp"
#pragma hdrstop
#include <assert.h>
#include "resource.h"
#include "bitstr.h"
#include "celib.h"
// CCertEncodeBitString::~CCertEncodeBitString -- destructor
// free memory associated with this instance
CCertEncodeBitString::~CCertEncodeBitString() { _Cleanup(); }
// CCertEncodeBitString::_Cleanup -- release all resources
// free memory associated with this instance
VOID CCertEncodeBitString::_Cleanup() { if (NULL != m_DecodeInfo) { LocalFree(m_DecodeInfo); m_DecodeInfo = NULL; } }
// CCertEncodeBitString::Decode -- Decode BitString
// Returns S_OK on success.
STDMETHODIMP CCertEncodeBitString::Decode( /* [in] */ BSTR const strBinary) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD cbBitString;
if (NULL == strBinary) { hr = E_POINTER; ceERRORPRINTLINE("NULL parm", hr); goto error; }
if (!ceDecodeObject( X509_ASN_ENCODING, X509_BITS, (BYTE *) strBinary, SysStringByteLen(strBinary), FALSE, (VOID **) &m_DecodeInfo, &cbBitString)) { hr = ceHLastError(); ceERRORPRINTLINE("ceDecodeObject", hr); goto error; }
error: if (S_OK != hr) { _Cleanup(); } return(_SetErrorInfo(hr, L"CCertEncodeBitString::Decode")); }
// CCertEncodeBitString::GetBitCount -- Get the Distribution Name Count
// Returns S_OK on success.
STDMETHODIMP CCertEncodeBitString::GetBitCount( /* [out, retval] */ LONG __RPC_FAR *pBitCount) { HRESULT hr = E_INVALIDARG;
if (NULL == pBitCount) { hr = E_POINTER; ceERRORPRINTLINE("NULL parm", hr); goto error; } if (NULL == m_DecodeInfo) { ceERRORPRINTLINE("bad parameter", hr); goto error; } *pBitCount = m_DecodeInfo->cbData * 8 - m_DecodeInfo->cUnusedBits; hr = S_OK;
error: return(_SetErrorInfo(hr, L"CCertEncodeBitString::GetBitCount")); }
// CCertEncodeBitString::GetBitString -- Get the bits
// Returns S_OK on success.
STDMETHODIMP CCertEncodeBitString::GetBitString( /* [out, retval] */ BSTR __RPC_FAR *pstrBitString) { HRESULT hr = E_INVALIDARG;
if (NULL == pstrBitString) { hr = E_POINTER; ceERRORPRINTLINE("NULL parm", hr); goto error; } ceFreeBstr(pstrBitString);
if (NULL == m_DecodeInfo) { ceERRORPRINTLINE("bad parameter", hr); goto error; }
hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; if (!ceConvertWszToBstr( pstrBitString, (WCHAR const *) m_DecodeInfo->pbData, m_DecodeInfo->cbData)) { ceERRORPRINTLINE("no memory", hr); goto error; } hr = S_OK;
error: return(_SetErrorInfo(hr, L"CCertEncodeBitString::GetBitString")); }
// CCertEncodeBitString::Encode -- Encode BitString
// Returns S_OK on success.
STDMETHODIMP CCertEncodeBitString::Encode( /* [in] */ LONG BitCount, /* [in] */ BSTR strBitString, /* [out, retval] */ BSTR __RPC_FAR *pstrBinary) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; CRYPT_BIT_BLOB BitString; LONG cbData; BYTE *pbEncoded = NULL; DWORD cbEncoded;
if (NULL != pstrBinary) { ceFreeBstr(pstrBinary); } if (NULL == strBitString || NULL == pstrBinary) { hr = E_POINTER; ceERRORPRINTLINE("NULL parm", hr); goto error; } if (CENCODEMAX < BitCount || 0 > BitCount) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; ceERRORPRINTLINE("bad count parameter", hr); goto error; }
cbData = SysStringByteLen(strBitString); if (BitCount > cbData * 8 || BitCount <= (cbData - 1) * 8) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; ceERRORPRINTLINE("bad BitCount parameter", hr); goto error; } BitString.cbData = cbData; BitString.pbData = (BYTE *) strBitString; BitString.cUnusedBits = cbData * 8 - BitCount;
// If cUnusedBits is 0, encode as X509_KEY_USAGE to ensure that trailing
// zero bytes are stripped, and trailing zero bits in the last byte are
// counted and that count is encoded into the CRYPT_BIT_BLOB.
if (!ceEncodeObject( X509_ASN_ENCODING, 0 == BitString.cUnusedBits? X509_KEY_USAGE : X509_BITS, &BitString, 0, FALSE, &pbEncoded, &cbEncoded)) { hr = ceHLastError(); ceERRORPRINTLINE("ceEncodeObject", hr); goto error; } if (!ceConvertWszToBstr(pstrBinary, (WCHAR const *) pbEncoded, cbEncoded)) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; ceERRORPRINTLINE("ceConvertWszToBstr", hr); goto error; }
error: if (NULL != pbEncoded) { LocalFree(pbEncoded); } return(_SetErrorInfo(hr, L"CCertEncodeBitString::Encode")); }
// CCertEncodeStringArray::_SetErrorInfo -- set error object information
// Returns passed HRESULT
HRESULT CCertEncodeBitString::_SetErrorInfo( IN HRESULT hrError, IN WCHAR const *pwszDescription) { assert(FAILED(hrError) || S_OK == hrError || S_FALSE == hrError); if (FAILED(hrError)) { HRESULT hr;
hr = ceDispatchSetErrorInfo( hrError, pwszDescription, wszCLASS_CERTENCODEBITSTRING, &IID_ICertEncodeBitString); assert(hr == hrError); } return(hrError); }