//+-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Microsoft Windows // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1996 - 1999 // // File: certview.idl // // Contents: IDL source for certview.dll // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This file will be processed by the MIDL tool to produce the type library // (certview.tlb) and marshalling code.
import "wtypes.idl";
//+-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ICertView::GetResultColumnValue Flags for value encoding:
const LONG CV_OUT_BASE64HEADER = 0x00000000; // BASE64 with begin/end const LONG CV_OUT_BASE64 = 0x00000001; // BASE64 w/o begin/end const LONG CV_OUT_BINARY = 0x00000002; // binary const LONG CV_OUT_BASE64REQUESTHEADER = 0x00000003; // BASE64 with begin/end const LONG CV_OUT_HEX = 0x00000004; // hex string const LONG CV_OUT_HEXASCII = 0x00000005; // hex string w/Ascii const LONG CV_OUT_BASE64X509CRLHEADER = 0x00000009; // BASE64 with begin/end const LONG CV_OUT_HEXADDR = 0x0000000a; // hex string w/addr const LONG CV_OUT_HEXASCIIADDR = 0x0000000b; // hex string w/Ascii+addr const LONG CV_OUT_ENCODEMASK = 0x000000ff; // encoding mask
// ICertView::SetRestriction SeekOperator values:
const LONG CVR_SEEK_NONE = 0x00000000; const LONG CVR_SEEK_EQ = 0x00000001; const LONG CVR_SEEK_LT = 0x00000002; const LONG CVR_SEEK_LE = 0x00000004; const LONG CVR_SEEK_GE = 0x00000008; const LONG CVR_SEEK_GT = 0x00000010; const LONG CVR_SEEK_MASK = 0x000000ff;
const LONG CVR_SEEK_NODELTA = 0x00001000;
// ICertView::SetRestriction SortOperator values:
const LONG CVR_SORT_NONE = 0x00000000; const LONG CVR_SORT_ASCEND = 0x00000001; const LONG CVR_SORT_DESCEND = 0x00000002;
// ICertView::SetColumnCount cResultColumn values:
// ICertView::GetColumnCount and ICertView::GetColumnIndex values for // fResultColumn
const LONG CVRC_COLUMN_SCHEMA = 0x00000000; // Schema column info const LONG CVRC_COLUMN_RESULT = 0x00000001; // Result column info const LONG CVRC_COLUMN_VALUE = 0x00000002; // Value column info const LONG CVRC_COLUMN_MASK = 0x00000fff; // column info mask
const LONG CVRC_TABLE_REQCERT = 0x00000000; // default table request+cert //const LONG CVRC_TABLE_REQUEST = 0x00001000; //const LONG CVRC_TABLE_CERTIFICATE = 0x00002000; const LONG CVRC_TABLE_EXTENSIONS = 0x00003000; // Extensions table const LONG CVRC_TABLE_ATTRIBUTES = 0x00004000; // Attributes table const LONG CVRC_TABLE_CRL = 0x00005000; // CRL table const LONG CVRC_TABLE_MASK = 0x0000f000; // Table mask const LONG CVRC_TABLE_SHIFT = 12; // Table shift
//+-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // IEnumCERTVIEWCOLUMN -- local COM interface, implementation uses DCOM //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ object, uuid(9c735be2-57a5-11d1-9bdb-00c04fb683fa), dual, local, helpstring("IEnumCERTVIEWCOLUMN Interface"), pointer_default(unique) ]
interface IEnumCERTVIEWCOLUMN: IDispatch { import "oaidl.idl";
HRESULT Next( [out, retval] LONG *pIndex);
HRESULT GetName( [out, retval] BSTR *pstrOut);
HRESULT GetDisplayName( [out, retval] BSTR *pstrOut);
HRESULT GetType( [out, retval] LONG *pType);
HRESULT IsIndexed( [out, retval] LONG *pIndexed);
HRESULT GetMaxLength( [out, retval] LONG *pMaxLength);
HRESULT GetValue( [in] LONG Flags, // CV_OUT_* [out, retval] VARIANT *pvarValue); HRESULT Skip( [in] LONG celt); HRESULT Reset(void); HRESULT Clone( [out, retval] IEnumCERTVIEWCOLUMN **ppenum); };
//+-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // IEnumCERTVIEWATTRIBUTE -- local COM interface, uses DCOM //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ object, uuid(e77db656-7653-11d1-9bde-00c04fb683fa), dual, local, helpstring("IEnumCERTVIEWATTRIBUTE Interface"), pointer_default(unique) ]
interface IEnumCERTVIEWATTRIBUTE: IDispatch { import "oaidl.idl";
HRESULT Next( [out, retval] LONG *pIndex);
HRESULT GetName( [out, retval] BSTR *pstrOut);
HRESULT GetValue( [out, retval] BSTR *pstrOut); HRESULT Skip( [in] LONG celt); HRESULT Reset(void); HRESULT Clone( [out, retval] IEnumCERTVIEWATTRIBUTE **ppenum); };
//+-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // IEnumCERTVIEWEXTENSION -- local COM interface, uses DCOM //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ object, uuid(e7dd1466-7653-11d1-9bde-00c04fb683fa), dual, local, helpstring("IEnumCERTVIEWEXTENSION Interface"), pointer_default(unique) ]
interface IEnumCERTVIEWEXTENSION: IDispatch { import "oaidl.idl";
HRESULT Next( [out, retval] LONG *pIndex);
HRESULT GetName( [out, retval] BSTR *pstrOut);
HRESULT GetFlags( [out, retval] LONG *pFlags);
HRESULT GetValue( [in] LONG Type, [in] LONG Flags, // CV_OUT_* [out, retval] VARIANT *pvarValue); HRESULT Skip( [in] LONG celt); HRESULT Reset(void); HRESULT Clone( [out, retval] IEnumCERTVIEWEXTENSION **ppenum); };
//+-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // IEnumCERTVIEWROW -- local COM interface, implementation uses DCOM //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ object, uuid(d1157f4c-5af2-11d1-9bdc-00c04fb683fa), dual, local, helpstring("IEnumCERTVIEWROW Interface"), pointer_default(unique) ]
interface IEnumCERTVIEWROW: IDispatch { import "oaidl.idl";
HRESULT Next( [out, retval] LONG *pIndex);
HRESULT EnumCertViewColumn( [out, retval] IEnumCERTVIEWCOLUMN **ppenum); HRESULT EnumCertViewAttribute( [in] LONG Flags, // must be 0 [out, retval] IEnumCERTVIEWATTRIBUTE **ppenum); HRESULT EnumCertViewExtension( [in] LONG Flags, // must be 0 [out, retval] IEnumCERTVIEWEXTENSION **ppenum); HRESULT Skip( [in] LONG celt); HRESULT Reset(void); HRESULT Clone( [out, retval] IEnumCERTVIEWROW **ppenum);
HRESULT GetMaxIndex( [out, retval] LONG *pIndex); };
//+-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ICertView -- local COM interface, implementation uses DCOM //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ object, uuid(c3fac344-1e84-11d1-9bd6-00c04fb683fa), dual, local, helpstring("ICertView Interface"), pointer_default(unique) ]
interface ICertView: IDispatch { import "oaidl.idl";
HRESULT OpenConnection( [in] BSTR const strConfig);
HRESULT EnumCertViewColumn( [in] LONG fResultColumn, // CVRC_COLUMN_* [out, retval] IEnumCERTVIEWCOLUMN **ppenum);
HRESULT GetColumnCount( [in] LONG fResultColumn, // CVRC_COLUMN_* [out, retval] LONG *pcColumn);
HRESULT GetColumnIndex( [in] LONG fResultColumn, // CVRC_COLUMN_* [in] BSTR const strColumnName, [out, retval] LONG *pColumnIndex);
// Set output column count and columns by column index:
HRESULT SetResultColumnCount( [in] LONG cResultColumn);
HRESULT SetResultColumn( [in] LONG ColumnIndex);
// Set the view restriction:
HRESULT SetRestriction( [in] LONG ColumnIndex, [in] LONG SeekOperator, // CVR_SEEK_* [in] LONG SortOrder, // CVR_SORT_* [in] VARIANT const *pvarValue);
// Open or reset the view:
HRESULT OpenView( [out, retval] IEnumCERTVIEWROW **ppenum); };
//+-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ICertView2 -- local COM interface, implementation uses DCOM //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ object, uuid(d594b282-8851-4b61-9c66-3edadf848863), dual, helpstring("ICertView2 Interface"), pointer_default(unique) ]
interface ICertView2: ICertView { HRESULT SetTable( [in] LONG Table); // CVRC_TABLE_* };