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  1. //+-------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. //
  3. // Microsoft Windows
  4. //
  5. // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997 - 1999
  6. //
  7. // File: polreg.h
  8. //
  9. // Contents: NT Enterprise CA Policy registry locations
  10. //
  11. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  12. #ifndef _POLREG_H_
  13. #define _POLREG_H_
  14. /*
  16. * [Software]
  17. * [Microsoft]
  18. * [Cryptography]
  19. * [CertificateTemplates]
  20. * [<CertType>] (Name)
  21. *
  22. * DisplayName: REG_SZ: - Display name of this cert type
  23. * SupportedCSPs: REG_MULTI_SZ - Supported CSP's
  24. * KeyUsage: REG_BINARY: - KeyUsage bitfield
  25. * ExtKeyUsageSyntax: REG_SZ: - ExtKeyUsage OID's (comma separated)
  26. * BasicContraintsCA:REG_DWORD: - CA flag
  27. * BasicConstraintsLen:REG_DWORD: - Path Len
  28. * Flags:REG_DWORD: - Flags
  29. * KeySpec:REG_DWORD: - Key Spec
  30. */
  31. // Policy root
  32. // Cert Types
  33. #define wszCERTTYPECACHE TEXT("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Cryptography\\CertificateTemplateCache")
  34. // Values under each cert type
  35. #define wszSECURITY TEXT("Security")
  36. #define wszDISPNAME TEXT("DisplayName")
  37. #define wszCSPLIST TEXT("SupportedCSPs")
  38. #define wszKEYUSAGE TEXT("KeyUsage")
  39. #define wszEXTKEYUSAGE TEXT("ExtKeyUsageSyntax")
  40. #define wszBASICCONSTCA TEXT("IsCA")
  41. #define wszBASICCONSTLEN TEXT("PathLen")
  42. #define wszCTFLAGS TEXT("Flags")
  43. #define wszCTREVISION TEXT("Revision")
  44. #define wszCTKEYSPEC TEXT("KeySpec")
  45. #define wszCRITICALEXTENSIONS TEXT("CriticalExtensions")
  46. #define wszEXPIRATION TEXT("ValidityPeriod")
  47. #define wszOVERLAP TEXT("RenewalOverlap")
  48. /* Key Names */
  49. #define wszTIMESTAMP TEXT("Timestamp")
  50. #define wszTIMESTAMP_AFTER TEXT("TimestampAfter")
  51. #endif // _POLREG_H_