// SUPPORT.cpp: implementation of the CEnumRegistryValues and CEnumPrivileges classes.
// Copyright (c)1997-1999 Microsoft Corporation
#include "precomp.h"
#include "support.h"
#include "persistmgr.h"
#include <io.h>
#include "requestobject.h"
Routine Description:
This is the constructor. Pass along the parameters to the base class
Virtual: No (you know that, constructor won't be virtual!)
pKeyChain - Pointer to the ISceKeyChain COM interface which is prepared by the caller who constructs this instance.
pNamespace - Pointer to WMI namespace of our provider (COM interface). Passed along by the caller. Must not be NULL.
pCtx - Pointer to WMI context object (COM interface). Passed along by the caller. It's up to WMI whether this interface pointer is NULL or not.
Return Value:
None as any constructor
Notes: if you create any local members, think about initialize them here
CEnumRegistryValues::CEnumRegistryValues ( IN ISceKeyChain * pKeyChain, IN IWbemServices * pNamespace, IN IWbemContext * pCtx ) : CGenericClass(pKeyChain, pNamespace, pCtx) {
Routine Description:
Functionality: Destructor. Necessary as good C++ discipline since we have virtual functions.
Virtual: Yes. Arguments:
none as any destructor
Return Value:
None as any destructor
Notes: if you create any local members, think about whether there is any need for a non-trivial destructor
CEnumRegistryValues::~CEnumRegistryValues() {
Routine Description:
Functionality: Create WMI objects (Sce_KnownRegistryValues). Depending on parameter atAction, this creation may mean: (a) Get a single instance (atAction == ACTIONTYPE_GET) (b) Get several instances satisfying some criteria (atAction == ACTIONTYPE_QUERY) (c) Delete an instance (atAction == ACTIONTYPE_DELETE)
Virtual: Yes. Arguments:
pHandler - COM interface pointer for notifying WMI for creation result. atAction - Get single instance ACTIONTYPE_GET Get several instances ACTIONTYPE_QUERY Delete a single instance ACTIONTYPE_DELETE
Return Value:
Success: it must return success code (use SUCCEEDED to test). It is not guaranteed to return WBEM_NO_ERROR. The returned objects are indicated to WMI, not directly passed back via parameters.
Failure: Various errors may occurs. Except WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND, any such error should indicate the failure of getting the wanted instance. If WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND is returned in querying situations, this may not be an error depending on caller's intention.
HRESULT CEnumRegistryValues::CreateObject ( IN IWbemObjectSink * pHandler, IN ACTIONTYPE atAction ) {
// we know how to:
// Enumerate instances ACTIONTYPE_ENUM
// Get single instance ACTIONTYPE_GET
// Get several instances ACTIONTYPE_QUERY
// Delete a single instance ACTIONTYPE_DELETE
if ( ACTIONTYPE_ENUM != atAction && ACTIONTYPE_GET != atAction && ACTIONTYPE_QUERY != atAction && ACTIONTYPE_DELETE != atAction ) { return WBEM_E_NOT_SUPPORTED; }
// We must have the pPathName property.
CComVariant varPathName; if ( ACTIONTYPE_ENUM != atAction ) { //
// We are not enumerating, let's determine the scope of enumeration
// by testing the path property. If it existis, it must be a bstr.
hr = m_srpKeyChain->GetKeyPropertyValue(pPathName, &varPathName); }
// if enumeratig, or querying without a path, then get all
if ( ACTIONTYPE_ENUM == atAction || (ACTIONTYPE_QUERY == atAction && varPathName.vt != VT_BSTR ) ) {
// enumerate all supported registry values
hr = EnumerateInstances(pHandler);
} else if (varPathName.vt == VT_BSTR ) { //
// convert the reg path from \ to /
// Create the registry value instance
CComBSTR bstrKeyName; CComBSTR bstrLogName;
hr = MakeSingleBackSlashPath(varPathName.bstrVal, L'\\', &bstrLogName);
if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { bstrKeyName = SysAllocString(bstrLogName);
if ( bstrKeyName ) { for ( PWSTR pTemp = (PWSTR)bstrKeyName; *pTemp != L'\0'; pTemp++ ) { if ( *pTemp == L'\\' ) { *pTemp = L'/'; } } hr = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; } else { hr = WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } }
// successfully converted the backslashed path to forward slashed path
if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { if ( ACTIONTYPE_DELETE == atAction ) { hr = DeleteInstance(pHandler, bstrKeyName); } else { hr = ConstructInstance(pHandler, bstrKeyName, bstrLogName, NULL); } } }
return hr; }
Routine Description:
Functionality: Put an instance as instructed by WMI. Since this class implements Sce_KnownRegistryValues, which is registry persistence oriented, this will cause the Sce_KnownRegistryValues object's property information to be saved in the registry.
Virtual: Yes. Arguments:
pInst - COM interface pointer to the WMI class (Sce_KnownRegistryValues) object.
pHandler - COM interface pointer for notifying WMI of any events.
pCtx - COM interface pointer. This interface is just something we pass around. WMI may mandate it (not now) in the future. But we never construct such an interface and so, we just pass around for various WMI API's
Return Value:
Success: it must return success code (use SUCCEEDED to test). It is not guaranteed to return WBEM_NO_ERROR.
Failure: Various errors may occurs. Any such error should indicate the failure of persisting the instance.
Notes: Since GetProperty will return a success code (WBEM_S_RESET_TO_DEFAULT) when the requested property is not present, don't simply use SUCCEEDED or FAILED macros to test for the result of retrieving a property.
HRESULT CEnumRegistryValues::PutInst ( IN IWbemClassObject * pInst, IN IWbemObjectSink * pHandler, IN IWbemContext * pCtx ) { HRESULT hr = WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER;
CComBSTR bstrRegPath; CComBSTR bstrConvertPath; CComBSTR bstrDispName; CComBSTR bstrUnits;
// CScePropertyMgr helps us to access WMI object's properties
// create an instance and attach the WMI object to it.
// This will always succeed.
CScePropertyMgr ScePropMgr; ScePropMgr.Attach(pInst);
DWORD RegType=0; DWORD DispType=0;
// the use of the macro SCE_PROV_IfErrorGotoCleanup cause
// a "goto CleanUp;" with hr set to the return value from
// the function (macro parameter)
SCE_PROV_IfErrorGotoCleanup(ScePropMgr.GetProperty(pPathName, &bstrRegPath));
// convert double back slash to /
SCE_PROV_IfErrorGotoCleanup(MakeSingleBackSlashPath(bstrRegPath, L'/', &bstrConvertPath));
// make sure single back slash is handled too.
for ( PWSTR pTemp= bstrConvertPath; *pTemp != L'\0'; pTemp++) { if ( *pTemp == L'\\' ) { *pTemp = L'/'; } }
// type info must exists
SCE_PROV_IfErrorGotoCleanup(ScePropMgr.GetProperty(pType, &RegType));
if ( hr == WBEM_S_RESET_TO_DEFAULT) { hr = WBEM_E_ILLEGAL_NULL; goto CleanUp; }
// We also need DisplayDialog property
SCE_PROV_IfErrorGotoCleanup(ScePropMgr.GetProperty(pDisplayDialog, &DispType)); if ( hr == WBEM_S_RESET_TO_DEFAULT) { hr = WBEM_E_ILLEGAL_NULL; goto CleanUp; }
SCE_PROV_IfErrorGotoCleanup(ScePropMgr.GetProperty(pDisplayName, &bstrDispName));
if ( DispType == SCE_REG_DISPLAY_CHOICE ) { SCE_PROV_IfErrorGotoCleanup(ScePropMgr.GetProperty(pDisplayChoice, &pnlChoice)); SCE_PROV_IfErrorGotoCleanup(ScePropMgr.GetProperty(pDisplayChoiceResult, &pnlResult));
} else if ( DispType == SCE_REG_DISPLAY_NUMBER ) { SCE_PROV_IfErrorGotoCleanup(ScePropMgr.GetProperty(pUnits, &bstrUnits)); }
// now save the info to registry
hr = SavePropertyToReg( bstrConvertPath, RegType, DispType, bstrDispName, bstrUnits, pnlChoice, pnlResult);
if ( pnlChoice ) { SceFreeMemory(pnlChoice, SCE_STRUCT_NAME_LIST); }
if ( pnlResult ) { SceFreeMemory(pnlResult, SCE_STRUCT_NAME_LIST); }
return hr;
Routine Description:
Functionality: Private helper to enumerate all registry values supported by SCE from registry.
Virtual: No. Arguments:
pHandler - COM interface pointer for notifying WMI of any events.
Return Value:
Success: it must return success code (use SUCCEEDED to test). It is not guaranteed to return WBEM_NO_ERROR.
Failure: Various errors may occurs. Any such error should indicate the failure of persisting the instance.
Notes: This is a registry reading routine. Refer to MSDN if you have questions.
HRESULT CEnumRegistryValues::EnumerateInstances ( IN IWbemObjectSink *pHandler ) { DWORD Win32Rc; HKEY hKey=NULL; DWORD cSubKeys = 0; DWORD nMaxLen;
if ( Win32Rc == ERROR_SUCCESS ) {
// enumerate all subkeys of the key
Win32Rc = RegQueryInfoKey ( hKey, NULL, NULL, NULL, &cSubKeys, &nMaxLen, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL ); }
hr = ProvDosErrorToWbemError(Win32Rc);
if ( Win32Rc == ERROR_SUCCESS && cSubKeys > 0 ) {
szName = (PWSTR)LocalAlloc(0, (nMaxLen+2)*sizeof(WCHAR));
if ( !szName ) { hr = WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } else { DWORD BufSize; DWORD index = 0;
do {
BufSize = nMaxLen + 1; Win32Rc = RegEnumKeyEx( hKey, index, szName, &BufSize, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == Win32Rc ) { index++;
// convert the path name (from single / to double \\)
bstrName = SysAllocString(szName); if ( bstrName == NULL ) { hr = WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; break; }
// replace / with \.
for ( PWSTR pTemp=(PWSTR)bstrName; *pTemp != L'\0'; pTemp++) { if ( *pTemp == L'/' ) { *pTemp = L'\\'; } }
// get all information from registry for this key
// and create an instance
hr = ConstructInstance(pHandler, szName, bstrName, hKey);
SysFreeString(bstrName); bstrName = NULL;
if ( FAILED(hr) ) { break; }
} else if ( ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS != Win32Rc ) { hr = ProvDosErrorToWbemError(Win32Rc); break; }
} while ( Win32Rc != ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS );
LocalFree(szName); szName = NULL;
if ( bstrName ) { SysFreeString(bstrName); }
} }
if ( hKey ) { RegCloseKey(hKey); }
return hr;
Routine Description:
Functionality: This is private function to create an instance of Sce_KnownRegistryValues.
Virtual: No. Arguments:
pHandler - COM interface pointer for notifying WMI of any events.
wszRegKeyName - name of the registry key.
wszRegPath - the registry key's path.
hKeyRoot - Root key.
Return Value:
Success: it must return success code (use SUCCEEDED to test). It is not guaranteed to return WBEM_NO_ERROR.
Failure: Various errors may occurs. Any such error should indicate the creating the instance.
Notes: (1) This is a registry reading routine. Refer to MSDN if you have questions. (2) There are numerous memory allocations. Make sure that you don't blindly short-circuit return and cause memory leaks. (3) It also opens registry keys. Don't forget to close them. Make sure that you don't blindly short-circuit return and cause key handle leaks.
HRESULT CEnumRegistryValues::ConstructInstance ( IN IWbemObjectSink * pHandler, IN LPCWSTR wszRegKeyName, IN LPCWSTR wszRegPath, IN HKEY hKeyRoot OPTIONAL ) { //
// Get registry information
HKEY hKey1 = NULL; HKEY hKey = NULL; DWORD dSize = sizeof(DWORD); DWORD RegType = 0;
PWSTR szDisplayName = NULL; PWSTR szUnit = NULL; PWSTR mszChoices = NULL; int dType = -1; int dDispType = -1;
if ( hKeyRoot ) { hKey = hKeyRoot; } else { //
// open the root key
if ( Win32Rc != NO_ERROR ) { //
// translate win32 error into HRESULT error
return ProvDosErrorToWbemError(Win32Rc); }
// try to open the reg key
if (( Win32Rc = RegOpenKeyEx(hKey, wszRegKeyName, 0, KEY_READ, &hKey1 )) == ERROR_SUCCESS ) {
// get reg type
Win32Rc = RegQueryValueEx(hKey1, SCE_REG_VALUE_TYPE, 0, &RegType, (BYTE *)&dType, &dSize );
if ( Win32Rc == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ) { Win32Rc = NO_ERROR; }
if ( Win32Rc == NO_ERROR ) {
// get display type
dSize = sizeof(DWORD);
Win32Rc = RegQueryValueEx(hKey1, SCE_REG_DISPLAY_TYPE, 0, &RegType, (BYTE *)&dDispType, &dSize );
if ( Win32Rc == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ) { Win32Rc = NO_ERROR; }
if ( Win32Rc == NO_ERROR ) { //
// get display name
dSize = 0; Win32Rc = RegQueryValueEx(hKey1, SCE_REG_DISPLAY_NAME, 0, &RegType, NULL, &dSize );
if ( Win32Rc == NO_ERROR ) { if ( RegType != REG_SZ ) { Win32Rc = ERROR_INVALID_DATA; } }
if ( Win32Rc == NO_ERROR ) { //
// need to free it!
szDisplayName = (PWSTR)LocalAlloc(LPTR, (dSize+1)*sizeof(WCHAR));
if ( szDisplayName == NULL ) { Win32Rc = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } }
if ( Win32Rc == NO_ERROR ) {
Win32Rc = RegQueryValueEx(hKey1, SCE_REG_DISPLAY_NAME, 0, &RegType, (BYTE *)szDisplayName, // prefast will complain about this line
&dSize ); }
if ( Win32Rc == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ) { Win32Rc = NO_ERROR; }
if ( Win32Rc == NO_ERROR ) {
// get display unit
dSize = 0; Win32Rc = RegQueryValueEx(hKey1, SCE_REG_DISPLAY_UNIT, 0, &RegType, NULL, &dSize );
if ( Win32Rc == NO_ERROR ) { if ( RegType != REG_SZ ) { Win32Rc = ERROR_INVALID_DATA; } }
if ( Win32Rc == NO_ERROR ) {
// need to free it!
szUnit = (PWSTR)LocalAlloc(LPTR, (dSize+1)*sizeof(WCHAR));
if ( szUnit == NULL ) { Win32Rc = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } }
if ( Win32Rc == NO_ERROR ) {
Win32Rc = RegQueryValueEx(hKey1, SCE_REG_DISPLAY_UNIT, 0, &RegType, (BYTE *)szUnit, // prefast will complain about this line
&dSize ); }
if ( Win32Rc == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ) { Win32Rc = NO_ERROR; }
if ( Win32Rc == NO_ERROR ) {
// get display choices
dSize = 0; Win32Rc = RegQueryValueEx(hKey1, SCE_REG_DISPLAY_CHOICES, 0, &RegType, NULL, &dSize ) ;
if ( Win32Rc == NO_ERROR ) { if ( RegType != REG_MULTI_SZ ) { Win32Rc = ERROR_INVALID_DATA; } }
if ( Win32Rc == NO_ERROR ) {
// Need to free it
mszChoices = (PWSTR)LocalAlloc(LPTR, (dSize+2)*sizeof(WCHAR));
if ( mszChoices == NULL ) { Win32Rc = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } }
if ( Win32Rc == NO_ERROR ) { Win32Rc = RegQueryValueEx(hKey1, SCE_REG_DISPLAY_CHOICES, 0, &RegType, (BYTE *)mszChoices, // prefast will complain about this line
&dSize ); }
if ( Win32Rc == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ) { Win32Rc = NO_ERROR; } } } } } }
hr = ProvDosErrorToWbemError(Win32Rc);
if ( Win32Rc == NO_ERROR ) { //
// break up choices
for ( PWSTR pTemp = mszChoices; pTemp != NULL && pTemp[0] != L'\0'; ) {
Len = wcslen(pTemp); pT2 = wcschr(pTemp, L'|');
if ( pT2 ) { rc = SceAddToNameList(&pnlResult, pTemp, (DWORD)(pT2-pTemp));
if ( rc == SCESTATUS_SUCCESS ) { rc = SceAddToNameList(&pnlChoice, pT2 + 1, Len - (DWORD)(pT2 - pTemp) - 1); } Win32Rc = ProvSceStatusToDosError(rc);
pTemp += Len + 1;
} else { Win32Rc = ERROR_INVALID_DATA; break; } } }
hr = ProvDosErrorToWbemError(Win32Rc);
// the use of the macro SCE_PROV_IfErrorGotoCleanup cause
// a "goto CleanUp;" with hr set to the return value from
// the function (macro parameter)
if ( Win32Rc == NO_ERROR ) {
// now create the WMI instance
CComPtr<IWbemClassObject> srpObj; SCE_PROV_IfErrorGotoCleanup(SpawnAnInstance(&srpObj));
// CScePropertyMgr helps us to access WMI object's properties
// create an instance and attach the WMI object to it.
// This will always succeed.
CScePropertyMgr ScePropMgr; ScePropMgr.Attach(srpObj);
SCE_PROV_IfErrorGotoCleanup(ScePropMgr.PutProperty(pPathName, wszRegPath));
SCE_PROV_IfErrorGotoCleanup(ScePropMgr.PutProperty(pType, (DWORD)dType ));
SCE_PROV_IfErrorGotoCleanup(ScePropMgr.PutProperty(pDisplayDialog, (DWORD)dDispType ));
if ( szDisplayName ) { SCE_PROV_IfErrorGotoCleanup(ScePropMgr.PutProperty(pDisplayName, szDisplayName )); }
if ( szUnit ) { SCE_PROV_IfErrorGotoCleanup(ScePropMgr.PutProperty(pUnits, szUnit )); }
if ( pnlChoice ) { SCE_PROV_IfErrorGotoCleanup(ScePropMgr.PutProperty(pDisplayChoice, pnlChoice )); }
if ( pnlResult ) { SCE_PROV_IfErrorGotoCleanup(ScePropMgr.PutProperty(pDisplayChoiceResult, pnlResult )); }
// give WMI the instance
hr = pHandler->Indicate(1, &srpObj);
if( hKey1 ) { RegCloseKey( hKey1 ); }
if ( szDisplayName ) { LocalFree(szDisplayName); }
if ( szUnit ) { LocalFree(szUnit); }
if ( mszChoices ) { LocalFree(mszChoices); }
if ( pnlChoice ) { SceFreeMemory(pnlChoice, SCE_STRUCT_NAME_LIST); }
if ( pnlResult ) { SceFreeMemory(pnlResult, SCE_STRUCT_NAME_LIST); }
if ( hKey != hKeyRoot ) { RegCloseKey(hKey); }
return hr; }
Routine Description:
Functionality: This is private function to delete an instance of Sce_KnownRegistryValues.
Virtual: No. Arguments:
pHandler - COM interface pointer for notifying WMI of any events. Not used here.
wszRegKeyName - name of the registry key.
Return Value:
Success: it must return success code (use SUCCEEDED to test). It is not guaranteed to return WBEM_NO_ERROR.
Failure: Various errors may occurs. Any such error should indicate the creating the instance.
Notes: (1) This is a registry reading routine. Refer to MSDN if you have questions. (2) It also opens registry keys. Don't forget to close them. Make sure that you don't blindly short-circuit return and cause key handle leaks.
HRESULT CEnumRegistryValues::DeleteInstance ( IN IWbemObjectSink * pHandler, IN LPCWSTR wszRegKeyName ) {
HKEY hKey = NULL; DWORD Win32Rc;
// open the root key
if ( Win32Rc == NO_ERROR ) { //
// delete the subkey
Win32Rc = RegDeleteKey (hKey, wszRegKeyName); }
if ( hKey ) { RegCloseKey(hKey); }
return ProvDosErrorToWbemError(Win32Rc);
Routine Description:
Functionality: This is private function to save instance of Sce_KnownRegistryValues to registry.
Virtual: No. Arguments:
wszKeyName - name of the registry key. Property of the WMI class (Sce_KnownRegistryValues).
RegType - Property of the WMI class.
DispType - Property of the WMI class.
wszDispName - Property of the WMI class.
wszUnits - Property of the WMI class.
pnlChoice - Property of the WMI class.
pnlResult - name of the registry key.
Return Value:
Success: it must return success code (use SUCCEEDED to test). It is not guaranteed to return WBEM_NO_ERROR.
Failure: Various errors may occurs. Any such error should indicate the creating the instance.
Notes: (1) This is a registry reading routine. Refer to MSDN if you have questions. (2) It also opens registry keys. Don't forget to close them. Make sure that you don't blindly short-circuit return and cause key handle leaks. (3) It also allocates heap memory. Make sure that you don't blindly short-circuit return and cause memory leaks.
HRESULT CEnumRegistryValues::SavePropertyToReg ( IN LPCWSTR wszKeyName, IN int RegType, IN int DispType, IN LPCWSTR wszDispName, IN LPCWSTR wszUnits, IN PSCE_NAME_LIST pnlChoice, IN PSCE_NAME_LIST pnlResult ) { if ( wszKeyName == NULL ) { return WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
// merge pnlChoice and pnlResult to one buffer
DWORD Len=0; PSCE_NAME_LIST pName; DWORD cnt1,cnt2;
for ( cnt1=0, pName=pnlChoice; pName != NULL; cnt1++, pName=pName->Next) { Len += wcslen(pName->Name); }
for ( cnt2=0, pName=pnlResult; pName != NULL; cnt2++, pName=pName->Next) { Len += wcslen(pName->Name); }
if ( cnt1 != cnt2 ) { return WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
PWSTR mszChoices=NULL;
if ( cnt1 != 0 ) { //
// each string has a | and a \0
Len += cnt1 * 2 + 1;
// need to free the memory pointed to by mszChoices
mszChoices = (PWSTR)LocalAlloc(LPTR, Len*sizeof(WCHAR)); if ( mszChoices == NULL ) { return WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } }
PWSTR pTemp = mszChoices; pName = pnlResult; PSCE_NAME_LIST pName2 = pnlChoice;
while ( pName ) { //
// these wcscpy are not overrunning the buffer. See size of allocation above
wcscpy(pTemp, pName->Name); pTemp += wcslen(pName->Name); *pTemp++ = L'|'; wcscpy(pTemp, pName2->Name); pTemp += wcslen(pName2->Name); *pTemp++ = L'\0';
pName = pName->Next; pName2 = pName2->Next; }
NULL, // &SecurityAttributes,
&hKeyRoot, &Disp );
if ( rc == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { rc = RegCreateKeyEx( hKeyRoot, wszKeyName, 0, NULL, 0, KEY_WRITE, NULL, &hKey, &Disp );
if ( rc == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { DWORD dValue = RegType; rc = RegSetValueEx (hKey, SCE_REG_VALUE_TYPE, 0, REG_DWORD, (BYTE *)&dValue, sizeof(DWORD) );
if ( rc == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { dValue = DispType; rc = RegSetValueEx (hKey, SCE_REG_DISPLAY_TYPE, 0, REG_DWORD, (BYTE *)&dValue, sizeof(DWORD) );
if ( rc == ERROR_SUCCESS && wszDispName ) { rc = RegSetValueEx (hKey, SCE_REG_DISPLAY_NAME, 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE *)wszDispName, // prefast will complain about this line
(wcslen(wszDispName)+1)*sizeof(WCHAR) ); }
if ( rc == ERROR_SUCCESS && wszUnits ) { rc = RegSetValueEx (hKey, SCE_REG_DISPLAY_UNIT, 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE *)wszUnits, // prefast will complain about this line
(wcslen(wszUnits)+1)*sizeof(WCHAR) ); }
if ( rc == ERROR_SUCCESS && mszChoices ) { rc = RegSetValueEx (hKey, SCE_REG_DISPLAY_CHOICES, 0, REG_MULTI_SZ, (BYTE *)mszChoices, // prefast will complain about this line
Len*sizeof(WCHAR) ); } }
if ( rc != ERROR_SUCCESS && REG_CREATED_NEW_KEY == Disp ) { //
// something failed during create/save the registry thing
// delete it if it's created
RegCloseKey(hKey); hKey = NULL; RegDeleteKey (hKeyRoot, wszKeyName); } } }
if ( hKeyRoot ) { RegCloseKey(hKeyRoot); }
if ( hKey ) { RegCloseKey(hKey); }
hr = ProvDosErrorToWbemError(rc);
return hr; }
// implementing CEnumPrivileges
Routine Description:
This is the constructor. Pass along the parameters to the base class
Virtual: No (you know that, constructor won't be virtual!)
pKeyChain - Pointer to the ISceKeyChain COM interface which is prepared by the caller who constructs this instance.
pNamespace - Pointer to WMI namespace of our provider (COM interface). Passed along by the caller. Must not be NULL.
pCtx - Pointer to WMI context object (COM interface). Passed along by the caller. It's up to WMI whether this interface pointer is NULL or not.
Return Value:
None as any constructor
Notes: if you create any local members, think about initialize them here
CEnumPrivileges::CEnumPrivileges ( IN ISceKeyChain * pKeyChain, IN IWbemServices * pNamespace, IN IWbemContext * pCtx ) : CGenericClass(pKeyChain, pNamespace, pCtx) {
Routine Description:
Functionality: Destructor. Necessary as good C++ discipline since we have virtual functions.
Virtual: Yes. Arguments:
none as any destructor
Return Value:
None as any destructor
Notes: if you create any local members, think about whether there is any need for a non-trivial destructor
*/ CEnumPrivileges::~CEnumPrivileges () { }
Routine Description:
Functionality: Create WMI objects (Sce_SupportedPrivileges). Depending on parameter atAction, this creation may mean: (a) Get a single instance (atAction == ACTIONTYPE_GET) (b) Get several instances satisfying some criteria (atAction == ACTIONTYPE_QUERY) (c) Enumerate instances (atAction == ACTIONTYPE_ENUM)
Virtual: Yes. Arguments:
pHandler - COM interface pointer for notifying WMI for creation result. atAction - Get single instance ACTIONTYPE_GET Get several instances ACTIONTYPE_QUERY Enumerate instances ACTIONTYPE_ENUM
Return Value:
Success: it must return success code (use SUCCEEDED to test). It is not guaranteed to return WBEM_NO_ERROR. The returned objects are indicated to WMI, not directly passed back via parameters.
Failure: Various errors may occurs. Except WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND, any such error should indicate the failure of getting the wanted instance. If WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND is returned in querying situations, this may not be an error depending on caller's intention.
HRESULT CEnumPrivileges::CreateObject ( IN IWbemObjectSink * pHandler, IN ACTIONTYPE atAction ) { //
// we know how to:
// Enumerate instances ACTIONTYPE_ENUM
// Get single instance ACTIONTYPE_GET
// Get several instances ACTIONTYPE_QUERY
if ( ACTIONTYPE_ENUM != atAction && ACTIONTYPE_GET != atAction && ACTIONTYPE_QUERY != atAction ) { return WBEM_E_NOT_SUPPORTED; }
// if not enumerating, then see if we have the Right name property
CComVariant varRightName; if ( ACTIONTYPE_ENUM != atAction ) { //
// this property must be a bstr
hr = m_srpKeyChain->GetKeyPropertyValue(pRightName, &varRightName); }
if ( ACTIONTYPE_ENUM == atAction || (ACTIONTYPE_QUERY == atAction && varRightName.vt != VT_BSTR) ) {
// if enumeration or query for all instances
WCHAR PrivName[128]; SCESTATUS rc;
for ( int i = 0; i < cPrivCnt; i++ ) { int cbName = 128;
// get the privilege right name so that we can constrcut the instance
rc = SceLookupPrivRightName( i, PrivName, &cbName );
if ( SCESTATUS_SUCCESS != rc ) { //
// SCE returned errors needs to be translated to HRESULT.
hr = ProvDosErrorToWbemError(ProvSceStatusToDosError(rc));
} else {
// get one privilege
hr = ConstructInstance(pHandler, PrivName);
if ( FAILED(hr) ) { break; }
} else if (varRightName.vt == VT_BSTR) {
// Create the privilege instance
hr = ConstructInstance(pHandler, varRightName.bstrVal);
return hr; }
Routine Description:
Functionality: This is private function to create an instance of Sce_SupportedPrivileges.
Virtual: No. Arguments:
pHandler - COM interface pointer for notifying WMI of any events.
PrivName - privilege name.
Return Value:
Success: it must return success code (use SUCCEEDED to test). It is not guaranteed to return WBEM_NO_ERROR.
Failure: Various errors may occurs. Any such error should indicate the creating the instance.
HRESULT CEnumPrivileges::ConstructInstance ( IN IWbemObjectSink * pHandler, IN LPCWSTR PrivName ) { //
// lookup privilege display name
DWORD dwLang; WCHAR DispName[256]; DWORD cbName = 255; DispName[0] = L'\0';
if ( LookupPrivilegeDisplayName(NULL, PrivName, DispName, &cbName,&dwLang) ) { //
// create a blank instance so that we can fill in the properties
CComPtr<IWbemClassObject> srpObj;
if (FAILED(hr = SpawnAnInstance(&srpObj))) { return hr; }
// CScePropertyMgr helps us to access WMI object's properties
// create an instance and attach the WMI object to it.
// This will always succeed.
CScePropertyMgr ScePropMgr; ScePropMgr.Attach(srpObj);
hr = ScePropMgr.PutProperty(pRightName, PrivName);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && DispName[0] != L'\0' ) { ScePropMgr.PutProperty(pDisplayName, DispName ); }
hr = pHandler->Indicate(1, &srpObj); }
// if not find it (it's a user right, ignore it)
return hr; }