Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1999
Module Name:
The IByteBuffer interface is provided to read, write and manage stream objects. This object essentially is a wrapper for the IStream object.
Doug Barlow (dbarlow) 6/16/1999
This is a rewrite of the original code by Mike Gallagher and Chris Dudley.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "ByteBuffer.h"
#include "Conversion.h"
#define SetXL(xl, low, high) do { xl.LowPart = low; xl.HighPart = high; } while (0)
// CByteBuffer
STDMETHODIMP CByteBuffer::get_Stream( /* [retval][out] */ LPSTREAM __RPC_FAR *ppStream) { HRESULT hReturn = S_OK;
try { *ppStream = Stream(); (*ppStream)->AddRef(); }
catch (HRESULT hError) { hReturn = hError; } catch (...) { hReturn = E_INVALIDARG; }
return hReturn; }
STDMETHODIMP CByteBuffer::put_Stream( /* [in] */ LPSTREAM pStream) { HRESULT hReturn = S_OK; LPSTREAM pOldStream = m_pStreamBuf;
try { pStream->AddRef(); m_pStreamBuf = pStream; if (NULL != pOldStream) pOldStream->Release(); }
catch (HRESULT hError) { hReturn = hError; } catch (...) { hReturn = E_INVALIDARG; }
return hReturn; }
The Clone method creates a new object with its own seek pointer that references the same bytes as the original IByteBuffer object.
ppByteBuffer [out] When successful, points to the location of an IByteBuffer pointer to the new stream object. If an error occurs, this parameter is NULL.
Return Value:
The return value is an HRESULT. A value of S_OK indicates the call was successful.
This method creates a new stream object for accessing the same bytes but using a separate seek pointer. The new stream object sees the same data as the source stream object. Changes written to one object are immediately visible in the other. Range locking is shared between the stream objects.
The initial setting of the seek pointer in the cloned stream instance is the same as the current setting of the seek pointer in the original stream at the time of the clone operation.
Doug Barlow (dbarlow) 6/16/1999
--*/ #undef __SUBROUTINE__
#define __SUBROUTINE__ TEXT("CByteBuffer::Clone")
STDMETHODIMP CByteBuffer::Clone( /* [out][in] */ LPBYTEBUFFER __RPC_FAR *ppByteBuffer) { HRESULT hReturn = S_OK; CByteBuffer *pNewBuf = NULL; LPSTREAM pNewStream = NULL;
try { HRESULT hr;
*ppByteBuffer = NULL; pNewBuf = NewByteBuffer(); if (NULL == pNewBuf) throw (HRESULT)E_OUTOFMEMORY; hr = Stream()->Clone(&pNewStream); if (FAILED(hr)) throw hr; hr = pNewBuf->put_Stream(pNewStream); if (FAILED(hr)) throw hr; pNewStream->Release(); pNewStream = NULL; *ppByteBuffer = pNewBuf; pNewBuf = NULL; }
catch (HRESULT hError) { hReturn = hError; } catch (...) { hReturn = E_INVALIDARG; }
if (NULL != pNewBuf) pNewBuf->Release(); if (NULL != pNewStream) pNewStream->Release(); return hReturn; }
The Commit method ensures that any changes made to an object open in transacted mode are reflected in the parent storage.
grfCommitFlags [in] Controls how the changes for the stream object are committed. See the STGC enumeration for a definition of these values.
Return Value:
The return value is an HRESULT. A value of S_OK indicates the call was successful.
This method ensures that changes to a stream object opened in transacted mode are reflected in the parent storage. Changes that have been made to the stream since it was opened or last committed are reflected to the parent storage object. If the parent is opened in transacted mode, the parent may still revert at a later time rolling back the changes to this stream object. The compound file implementation does not support opening streams in transacted mode, so this method has very little effect other than to flush memory buffers.
Doug Barlow (dbarlow) 6/16/1999
--*/ #undef __SUBROUTINE__
#define __SUBROUTINE__ TEXT("CByteBuffer::Commit")
STDMETHODIMP CByteBuffer::Commit( /* [in] */ LONG grfCommitFlags) { HRESULT hReturn = S_OK;
try { hReturn = Stream()->Commit(grfCommitFlags); }
catch (HRESULT hError) { hReturn = hError; } catch (...) { hReturn = E_INVALIDARG; }
return hReturn; }
The CopyTo method copies a specified number of bytes from the current seek pointer in the object to the current seek pointer in another object.
pByteBuffer [in] Points to the destination stream. The stream pointed to by pByteBuffer can be a new stream or a clone of the source stream.
cb [in] Specifies the number of bytes to copy from the source stream.
pcbRead [out] Pointer to the location where this method writes the actual number of bytes read from the source. You can set this pointer to NULL to indicate that you are not interested in this value. In this case, this method does not provide the actual number of bytes read.
pcbWritten [out] Pointer to the location where this method writes the actual number of bytes written to the destination. You can set this pointer to NULL to indicate that you are not interested in this value. In this case, this method does not provide the actual number of bytes written.
Return Value:
The return value is an HRESULT. A value of S_OK indicates the call was successful.
This method copies the specified bytes from one stream to another. It can also be used to copy a stream to itself. The seek pointer in each stream instance is adjusted for the number of bytes read or written.
Doug Barlow (dbarlow) 6/16/1999
--*/ #undef __SUBROUTINE__
#define __SUBROUTINE__ TEXT("CByteBuffer::CopyTo")
STDMETHODIMP CByteBuffer::CopyTo( /* [out][in] */ LPBYTEBUFFER __RPC_FAR *ppByteBuffer, /* [in] */ LONG cb, /* [defaultvalue][out][in] */ LONG __RPC_FAR *pcbRead, /* [defaultvalue][out][in] */ LONG __RPC_FAR *pcbWritten) { HRESULT hReturn = S_OK; CByteBuffer *pMyBuffer = NULL; LPSTREAM pStream = NULL;
try { HRESULT hr; ULARGE_INTEGER xulcb, xulRead, xulWritten;
if (NULL == *ppByteBuffer) { *ppByteBuffer = pMyBuffer = NewByteBuffer(); if (NULL == *ppByteBuffer) throw (HRESULT)E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
hr = (*ppByteBuffer)->get_Stream(&pStream); if (FAILED(hr)) throw hr; SetXL(xulcb, cb, 0); SetXL(xulRead, 0, 0); SetXL(xulWritten, 0, 0); hr = Stream()->CopyTo(pStream, xulcb, &xulRead, &xulWritten); if (FAILED(hr)) throw hr; pStream->Release(); pStream = NULL; if (NULL != pcbRead) *pcbRead = xulRead.LowPart; if (NULL != pcbWritten) *pcbWritten = xulWritten.LowPart; pMyBuffer = NULL; }
catch (HRESULT hError) { hReturn = hError; } catch (...) { hReturn = E_INVALIDARG; }
if (NULL != pMyBuffer) { pMyBuffer->Release(); *ppByteBuffer = NULL; } if (NULL != pStream) pStream->Release(); return hReturn; }
The Initialize method prepares the IByteBuffer object for use. This method must be called prior to calling any other methods in the IByteBuffer interface.
lSize - The initial size in bytes of the data the stream is to contain.
pData - If not NULL, the initial data to write to the stream.
Return Value:
The return value is an HRESULT. A value of S_OK indicates the call was successful.
When using a new IByteBuffer stream, call this method prior to using any of the other IByteBuffer methods.
Doug Barlow (dbarlow) 6/16/1999
--*/ #undef __SUBROUTINE__
#define __SUBROUTINE__ TEXT("CByteBuffer::Initialize")
STDMETHODIMP CByteBuffer::Initialize( /* [defaultvalue][in] */ LONG lSize, /* [defaultvalue][in] */ BYTE __RPC_FAR *pData) { HRESULT hReturn = S_OK;
SetXL(xul, 0, 0); SetXL(xl, 0, 0);
hr = Stream()->SetSize(xul); if (FAILED(hr)) throw hr; hr = Stream()->Seek(xl, STREAM_SEEK_SET, NULL); if (FAILED(hr)) throw hr; if ((0 != lSize) && (NULL != pData)) { hr = Stream()->Write(pData, lSize, NULL); if (FAILED(hr)) throw hr; } }
catch (HRESULT hError) { hReturn = hError; } catch (...) { hReturn = E_INVALIDARG; }
return hReturn; }
The LockRegion method restricts access to a specified range of bytes in the buffer object.
libOffset [in] Integer that specifies the byte offset for the beginning of the range.
cb [in] Integer that specifies the length of the range, in bytes, to be restricted.
dwLockType [in] Specifies the restrictions being requested on accessing the range.
Return Value:
The return value is an HRESULT. A value of S_OK indicates the call was successful.
The byte range can extend past the current end of the stream. Locking beyond the end of a stream is useful as a method of communication between different instances of the stream without changing data that is actually part of the stream.
Three types of locking can be supported: locking to exclude other writers, locking to exclude other readers or writers, and locking that allows only one requestor to obtain a lock on the given range, which is usually an alias for one of the other two lock types. A given stream instance might support either of the first two types, or both. The lock type is specified by dwLockType, using a value from the LOCKTYPE enumeration.
Any region locked with IByteBuffer::LockRegion must later be explicitly unlocked by calling IByteBuffer::UnlockRegion with exactly the same values for the libOffset, cb, and dwLockType parameters. The region must be unlocked before the stream is released. Two adjacent regions cannot be locked separately and then unlocked with a single unlock call.
Doug Barlow (dbarlow) 6/16/1999
--*/ #undef __SUBROUTINE__
#define __SUBROUTINE__ TEXT("CByteBuffer::LockRegion")
STDMETHODIMP CByteBuffer::LockRegion( /* [in] */ LONG libOffset, /* [in] */ LONG cb, /* [in] */ LONG dwLockType) { HRESULT hReturn = S_OK;
try { ULARGE_INTEGER xulOffset, xulcb;
SetXL(xulOffset, libOffset, 0); SetXL(xulcb, cb, 0); hReturn = Stream()->LockRegion(xulOffset, xulcb, dwLockType); }
catch (HRESULT hError) { hReturn = hError; } catch (...) { hReturn = E_INVALIDARG; }
return hReturn; }
The Read method reads a specified number of bytes from the buffer object into memory starting at the current seek pointer.
pByte [out] Points to the buffer into which the stream data is read. If an error occurs, this value is NULL.
cb [in] Specifies the number of bytes of data to attempt to read from the stream object.
pcbRead [out] Address of a LONG variable that receives the actual number of bytes read from the stream object. You can set this pointer to NULL to indicate that you are not interested in this value. In this case, this method does not provide the actual number of bytes read.
Return Value:
The return value is an HRESULT. A value of S_OK indicates the call was successful.
This method reads bytes from this stream object into memory. The stream object must be opened in STGM_READ mode. This method adjusts the seek pointer by the actual number of bytes read.
The number of bytes actually read is also returned in the pcbRead parameter.
Notes to Callers
The actual number of bytes read can be fewer than the number of bytes requested if an error occurs or if the end of the stream is reached during the read operation.
Some implementations might return an error if the end of the stream is reached during the read. You must be prepared to deal with the error return or S_OK return values on end of stream reads.
Doug Barlow (dbarlow) 6/16/1999
--*/ #undef __SUBROUTINE__
#define __SUBROUTINE__ TEXT("CByteBuffer::Read")
STDMETHODIMP CByteBuffer::Read( /* [out][in] */ BYTE __RPC_FAR *pByte, /* [in] */ LONG cb, /* [defaultvalue][out][in] */ LONG __RPC_FAR *pcbRead) { HRESULT hReturn = S_OK;
try { hReturn = Stream()->Read(pByte, cb, (LPDWORD)pcbRead); }
catch (HRESULT hError) { hReturn = hError; } catch (...) { hReturn = E_INVALIDARG; }
return hReturn; }
The Revert method discards all changes that have been made to a transacted stream since the last IByteBuffer::Commit call.
Return Value:
The return value is an HRESULT. A value of S_OK indicates the call was successful and the stream was reverted to its previous version.
This method discards changes made to a transacted stream since the last commit operation.
Doug Barlow (dbarlow) 6/16/1999
--*/ #undef __SUBROUTINE__
#define __SUBROUTINE__ TEXT("CByteBuffer::Revert")
STDMETHODIMP CByteBuffer::Revert( void) { HRESULT hReturn = S_OK;
try { hReturn = Stream()->Revert(); }
catch (HRESULT hError) { hReturn = hError; } catch (...) { hReturn = E_INVALIDARG; }
return hReturn; }
The Seek method changes the seek pointer to a new location relative to the beginning of the buffer, to the end of the buffer, or to the current seek pointer.
dLibMove [in] Displacement to be added to the location indicated by dwOrigin. If dwOrigin is STREAM_SEEK_SET, this is interpreted as an unsigned value rather than signed.
dwOrigin [in] Specifies the origin for the displacement specified in dlibMove. The origin can be the beginning of the file, the current seek pointer, or the end of the file. See the STREAM_SEEK enumeration for the values.
pLibnewPosition [out] Pointer to the location where this method writes the value of the new seek pointer from the beginning of the stream. You can set this pointer to NULL to indicate that you are not interested in this value. In this case, this method does not provide the new seek pointer.
Return Value:
The return value is an HRESULT. A value of S_OK indicates the call was successful.
IByteBuffer::Seek changes the seek pointer so subsequent reads and writes can take place at a different location in the stream object. It is an error to seek before the beginning of the stream. It is not, however, an error to seek past the end of the stream. Seeking past the end of the stream is useful for subsequent writes, as the stream will at that time be extended to the seek position immediately before the write is done.
You can also use this method to obtain the current value of the seek pointer by calling this method with the dwOrigin parameter set to STREAM_SEEK_CUR and the dlibMove parameter set to 0 so the seek pointer is not changed. The current seek pointer is returned in the plibNewPosition parameter.
Doug Barlow (dbarlow) 6/16/1999
--*/ #undef __SUBROUTINE__
#define __SUBROUTINE__ TEXT("CByteBuffer::Seek")
STDMETHODIMP CByteBuffer::Seek( /* [in] */ LONG dLibMove, /* [in] */ LONG dwOrigin, /* [defaultvalue][out][in] */ LONG __RPC_FAR *pLibnewPosition) { HRESULT hReturn = S_OK;
SetXL(xlMove, dLibMove, 0); SetXL(xulNewPos, 0, 0); hReturn = Stream()->Seek(xlMove, dwOrigin, &xulNewPos); if (NULL != pLibnewPosition) *pLibnewPosition = xulNewPos.LowPart; }
catch (HRESULT hError) { hReturn = hError; } catch (...) { hReturn = E_INVALIDARG; }
return hReturn; }
The SetSize method changes the size of the stream object.
libNewSize [in] Specifies the new size of the stream as a number of bytes
Return Value:
The return value is an HRESULT. A value of S_OK indicates the call was successful.
IByteBuffer::SetSize changes the size of the stream object. Call this method to preallocate space for the stream. If the libNewSize parameter is larger than the current stream size, the stream is extended to the indicated size by filling the intervening space with bytes of undefined value. This operation is similar to the IByteBuffer::Write method if the seek pointer is past the current end-of-stream.
If the libNewSize parameter is smaller than the current stream, then the stream is truncated to the indicated size.
The seek pointer is not affected by the change in stream size.
Calling IByteBuffer::SetSize can be an effective way of trying to obtain a large chunk of contiguous space.
Doug Barlow (dbarlow) 6/16/1999
--*/ #undef __SUBROUTINE__
#define __SUBROUTINE__ TEXT("CByteBuffer::SetSize")
STDMETHODIMP CByteBuffer::SetSize( /* [in] */ LONG libNewSize) { HRESULT hReturn = S_OK;
SetXL(xul, libNewSize, 0); hReturn = Stream()->SetSize(xul); }
catch (HRESULT hError) { hReturn = hError; } catch (...) { hReturn = E_INVALIDARG; }
return hReturn; }
The Stat method retrieves statistical information from the stream object.
pstatstg [out] Points to a STATSTG structure where this method places information about this stream object. This data in this structure is meaningless if an error occurs.
grfStatFlag [in] Ignored.
Return Value:
The return value is an HRESULT. A value of S_OK indicates the call was successful.
IByteBuffer::Stat retrieves a pointer to the STATSTG structure that contains information about this open stream.
Doug Barlow (dbarlow) 6/16/1999
--*/ #undef __SUBROUTINE__
#define __SUBROUTINE__ TEXT("CByteBuffer::Stat")
STDMETHODIMP CByteBuffer::Stat( /* [out][in] */ LPSTATSTRUCT pstatstg, /* [in] */ LONG grfStatFlag) { HRESULT hReturn = S_OK;
try { HRESULT hr; STATSTG stg;
hr = Stream()->Stat(&stg, STATFLAG_NONAME); if (FAILED(hr)) throw hr; pstatstg->type = stg.type; pstatstg->cbSize = stg.cbSize.LowPart; pstatstg->grfMode = stg.grfMode; pstatstg->grfLocksSupported = stg.grfLocksSupported; pstatstg->grfStateBits = stg.grfStateBits; }
catch (HRESULT hError) { hReturn = hError; } catch (...) { hReturn = E_INVALIDARG; }
return hReturn; }
The UnlockRegion method removes the access restriction on a range of bytes previously restricted with IByteBuffer::LockRegion.
libOffset [in] Specifies the byte offset for the beginning of the range.
cb [in] Specifies, in bytes, the length of the range to be restricted.
dwLockType [in] Specifies the access restrictions previously placed on the range.
Return Value:
The return value is an HRESULT. A value of S_OK indicates the call was successful.
IByteBuffer::UnlockRegion unlocks a region previously locked with the IByteBuffer::LockRegion method. Locked regions must later be explicitly unlocked by calling IByteBuffer::UnlockRegion with exactly the same values for the libOffset, cb, and dwLockType parameters. The region must be unlocked before the stream is released. Two adjacent regions cannot be locked separately and then unlocked with a single unlock call.
Doug Barlow (dbarlow) 6/16/1999
--*/ #undef __SUBROUTINE__
#define __SUBROUTINE__ TEXT("CByteBuffer::UnlockRegion")
STDMETHODIMP CByteBuffer::UnlockRegion( /* [in] */ LONG libOffset, /* [in] */ LONG cb, /* [in] */ LONG dwLockType) { HRESULT hReturn = S_OK;
try { ULARGE_INTEGER xulOffset, xulcb;
SetXL(xulOffset, libOffset, 0); SetXL(xulcb, cb, 0); hReturn = Stream()->UnlockRegion(xulOffset, xulcb, dwLockType); }
catch (HRESULT hError) { hReturn = hError; } catch (...) { hReturn = E_INVALIDARG; }
return hReturn; }
The Write method writes a specified number from bytes into the stream object starting at the current seek pointer.
pByte [in] Address of the buffer containing the data that is to be written to the stream. A valid pointer must be provided for this parameter even when cb is zero.
cb [in] The number of bytes of data to attempt to write into the stream. Can be zero.
pcbWritten [out] Address of a LONG variable where this method writes the actual number of bytes written to the stream object. The caller can set this pointer to NULL, in which case, this method does not provide the actual number of bytes written.
Return Value:
The return value is an HRESULT. A value of S_OK indicates the call was successful.
IByteBuffer::Write writes the specified data to a stream object. The seek pointer is adjusted for the number of bytes actually written. The number of bytes actually written is returned in the pcbWritten parameter. If the byte count is zero bytes, the write operation has no effect.
If the seek pointer is currently past the end of the stream and the byte count is nonzero, this method increases the size of the stream to the seek pointer and writes the specified bytes starting at the seek pointer. The fill bytes written to the stream are not initialized to any particular value. This is the same as the end-of-file behavior in the MS-DOS FAT file system.
With a zero byte count and a seek pointer past the end of the stream, this method does not create the fill bytes to increase the stream to the seek pointer. In this case, you must call the IByteBuffer::SetSize method to increase the size of the stream and write the fill bytes.
The pcbWritten parameter can have a value even if an error occurs.
In the COM-provided implementation, stream objects are not sparse. Any fill bytes are eventually allocated on the disk and assigned to the stream.
Doug Barlow (dbarlow) 6/16/1999
--*/ #undef __SUBROUTINE__
#define __SUBROUTINE__ TEXT("CByteBuffer::Write")
STDMETHODIMP CByteBuffer::Write( /* [out][in] */ BYTE __RPC_FAR *pByte, /* [in] */ LONG cb, /* [out][in] */ LONG __RPC_FAR *pcbWritten) { HRESULT hReturn = S_OK;
try { hReturn = Stream()->Write(pByte, cb, (LPDWORD)pcbWritten); }
catch (HRESULT hError) { hReturn = hError; } catch (...) { hReturn = E_INVALIDARG; }
return hReturn; }