// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1999 - 1999
// File: chPinDlg.cpp
// chPinDlg.cpp : implementation file
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <winscard.h>
#include <wincrypt.h>
#include <scardlib.h>
#include "chPin.h"
#include "chPinDlg.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif
static UINT AFX_CDECL WorkThread(LPVOID); static DWORD CSPType(IN LPCTSTR szProvider);
// CAboutDlg dialog used for App About
class CAboutDlg : public CDialog { public: CAboutDlg();
// Dialog Data
// ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides
protected: virtual void DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX); // DDX/DDV support
// Implementation
protected: //{{AFX_MSG(CAboutDlg)
CAboutDlg::CAboutDlg() : CDialog(CAboutDlg::IDD) { //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(CAboutDlg)
void CAboutDlg::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { CDialog::DoDataExchange(pDX); //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CAboutDlg)
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CAboutDlg, CDialog) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CAboutDlg)
// No message handlers
// CChangePinDlg dialog
CChangePinDlg::CChangePinDlg(CWnd* pParent /*=NULL*/) : CDialog(CChangePinDlg::IDD, pParent) { //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(CChangePinDlg)
// NOTE: the ClassWizard will add member initialization here
// Note that LoadIcon does not require a subsequent DestroyIcon in Win32
m_hIcon = AfxGetApp()->LoadIcon(IDR_MAINFRAME); }
void CChangePinDlg::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { CDialog::DoDataExchange(pDX); //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CChangePinDlg)
// NOTE: the ClassWizard will add DDX and DDV calls here
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CChangePinDlg, CDialog) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CChangePinDlg)
// CChangePinDlg message handlers
BOOL CChangePinDlg::OnInitDialog() { CDialog::OnInitDialog();
// Add "About..." menu item to system menu.
// IDM_ABOUTBOX must be in the system command range.
CMenu* pSysMenu = GetSystemMenu(FALSE); if (pSysMenu != NULL) { CString strAboutMenu; strAboutMenu.LoadString(IDS_ABOUTBOX); if (!strAboutMenu.IsEmpty()) { pSysMenu->AppendMenu(MF_SEPARATOR); pSysMenu->AppendMenu(MF_STRING, IDM_ABOUTBOX, strAboutMenu); } }
// Set the icon for this dialog. The framework does this automatically
// when the application's main window is not a dialog
SetIcon(m_hIcon, TRUE); // Set big icon
SetIcon(m_hIcon, FALSE); // Set small icon
// TODO: Add extra initialization here
m_pThread = AfxBeginThread(WorkThread, this);
return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control
void CChangePinDlg::OnSysCommand(UINT nID, LPARAM lParam) { if ((nID & 0xFFF0) == IDM_ABOUTBOX) { CAboutDlg dlgAbout; dlgAbout.DoModal(); } else { CDialog::OnSysCommand(nID, lParam); } }
// If you add a minimize button to your dialog, you will need the code below
// to draw the icon. For MFC applications using the document/view model,
// this is automatically done for you by the framework.
void CChangePinDlg::OnPaint() { if (IsIconic()) { CPaintDC dc(this); // device context for painting
SendMessage(WM_ICONERASEBKGND, (WPARAM) dc.GetSafeHdc(), 0);
// Center icon in client rectangle
int cxIcon = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXICON); int cyIcon = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYICON); CRect rect; GetClientRect(&rect); int x = (rect.Width() - cxIcon + 1) / 2; int y = (rect.Height() - cyIcon + 1) / 2;
// Draw the icon
dc.DrawIcon(x, y, m_hIcon); } else { CDialog::OnPaint(); } }
// The system calls this to obtain the cursor to display while the user drags
// the minimized window.
HCURSOR CChangePinDlg::OnQueryDragIcon() { return (HCURSOR) m_hIcon; }
static UINT AFX_CDECL WorkThread( LPVOID pv) { static TCHAR szReader[MAX_PATH]; static TCHAR szCard[MAX_PATH]; static TCHAR szProvider[MAX_PATH]; static BYTE pbSignature[(1024 / 8) + (4 * sizeof(DWORD))]; CChangePinDlg *pDlg = (CChangePinDlg *)pv; OPENCARDNAME_EX ocn; OPENCARD_SEARCH_CRITERIA ocsc; SCARDCONTEXT hCtx = NULL; HCRYPTPROV hProv = NULL; HCRYPTKEY hKey = NULL; HCRYPTHASH hHash = NULL; DWORD dwSts, dwLen, dwKeyType; DWORD dwProvType; BOOL fSts; CString szFqcn;
dwSts = SCardEstablishContext(SCARD_SCOPE_USER, NULL, NULL, &hCtx); if (SCARD_S_SUCCESS != dwSts) goto ErrorExit;
ZeroMemory(&ocsc, sizeof(ocsc)); ocsc.dwStructSize = sizeof(ocsc); // LPSTR lpstrGroupNames; // OPTIONAL reader groups to include in
// DWORD nMaxGroupNames; // search. NULL defaults to
// // SCard$DefaultReaders
// LPCGUID rgguidInterfaces; // OPTIONAL requested interfaces
// DWORD cguidInterfaces; // supported by card's SSP
// LPSTR lpstrCardNames; // OPTIONAL requested card names; all cards w/
// DWORD nMaxCardNames; // matching ATRs will be accepted
// LPOCNCHKPROC lpfnCheck; // OPTIONAL if NULL no user check will be performed.
// LPOCNCONNPROCA lpfnConnect; // OPTIONAL if lpfnConnect is provided,
// LPOCNDSCPROC lpfnDisconnect; // lpfnDisconnect must also be set.
// LPVOID pvUserData; // OPTIONAL parameter to callbacks
// DWORD dwShareMode; // OPTIONAL must be set if lpfnCheck is not null
// DWORD dwPreferredProtocols; // OPTIONAL
ZeroMemory(&ocn, sizeof(ocn)); ocn.dwStructSize = sizeof(ocn); ocn.hSCardContext = hCtx; ocn.hwndOwner = pDlg->m_hWnd; ocn.dwFlags = SC_DLG_FORCE_UI; ocn.lpstrTitle = TEXT("Change PIN Card Selection"); ocn.lpstrSearchDesc = TEXT("Select the Smart Card who's PIN is to be changed."); // HICON hIcon; // OPTIONAL 32x32 icon for your brand insignia
ocn.pOpenCardSearchCriteria = &ocsc; // LPOCNCONNPROCA lpfnConnect; // OPTIONAL - performed on successful selection
// LPVOID pvUserData; // OPTIONAL parameter to lpfnConnect
// DWORD dwShareMode; // OPTIONAL - if lpfnConnect is NULL, dwShareMode and
// DWORD dwPreferredProtocols; // OPTIONAL dwPreferredProtocols will be used to
// // connect to the selected card
ocn.lpstrRdr = szReader; ocn.nMaxRdr = sizeof(szReader) / sizeof(TCHAR); ocn.lpstrCard = szCard; ocn.nMaxCard = sizeof(szCard) / sizeof(TCHAR); // DWORD dwActiveProtocol; // [OUT] set only if dwShareMode not NULL
// SCARDHANDLE hCardHandle; // [OUT] set if a card connection was indicated
dwSts = SCardUIDlgSelectCard(&ocn); if (NULL != ocn.hCardHandle) dwSts = SCardDisconnect(ocn.hCardHandle, SCARD_LEAVE_CARD); if (SCARD_S_SUCCESS != dwSts) goto ErrorExit;
// The user has selected a card. Translate that into a CSP.
dwLen = sizeof(szProvider) / sizeof(TCHAR); dwSts = SCardGetCardTypeProviderName( hCtx, szCard, SCARD_PROVIDER_CSP, szProvider, &dwLen); if (SCARD_S_SUCCESS != dwSts) goto ErrorExit; dwSts = SCardReleaseContext(hCtx); hCtx = NULL; if (SCARD_S_SUCCESS != dwSts) goto ErrorExit; dwProvType = CSPType(szProvider); if (0 == dwProvType) { dwSts = NTE_PROV_TYPE_ENTRY_BAD; goto ErrorExit; } szFqcn = TEXT("\\\\.\\"); szFqcn += szReader;
// Activate a Key on the card.
fSts = CryptAcquireContext(&hProv, szFqcn, szProvider, dwProvType, 0); if (!fSts) { dwSts = GetLastError(); goto ErrorExit; } for (dwKeyType = AT_KEYEXCHANGE; dwKeyType <= AT_SIGNATURE; dwKeyType += 1) { fSts = CryptGetUserKey(hProv, dwKeyType, &hKey); if (fSts) break; } if (!fSts) { dwSts = GetLastError(); goto ErrorExit; }
// Use the CSP to force a PIN prompt.
fSts = CryptCreateHash(hProv, CALG_SHA, NULL, 0, &hHash); if (!fSts) { dwSts = GetLastError(); goto ErrorExit; } fSts = CryptHashData(hHash, (LPBYTE)szProvider, sizeof(szProvider), 0); if (!fSts) { dwSts = GetLastError(); goto ErrorExit; } dwLen = sizeof(pbSignature); fSts = CryptSignHash(hHash, dwKeyType, NULL, 0, pbSignature, &dwLen);
// All done. Clean up and notify the main thread that we're done.
ErrorExit: if (NULL != hHash) CryptDestroyHash(hHash); if (NULL != hKey) CryptDestroyKey(hKey); if (NULL != hProv) CryptReleaseContext(hProv, 0); if (NULL != hCtx) SCardReleaseContext(hCtx); if (SCARD_S_SUCCESS != dwSts) AfxMessageBox(ErrorString(dwSts), MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_OK); pDlg->PostMessage(APP_ALLDONE); return 0; }
This function converts a CSP Name to a CSP Type.
szProvider supplies the name of the CSP.
Return Value:
The CSP type of the given CSP, or zero if no such CSP can be found.
Doug Barlow (dbarlow) 1/14/1999
static DWORD CSPType( IN LPCTSTR szProvider) { LONG nSts; HKEY hList = NULL; HKEY hProv = NULL; DWORD dwProvType, dwValType, dwValLen;
nSts = RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, TEXT("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Cryptography\\Defaults\\Provider"), 0, KEY_READ, &hList); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != nSts) goto ErrorExit; nSts = RegOpenKeyEx( hList, szProvider, 0, KEY_READ, &hProv); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != nSts) goto ErrorExit; dwValLen = sizeof(DWORD); dwProvType = 0; // Assumes little endian.
nSts = RegQueryValueEx( hProv, TEXT("Type"), 0, &dwValType, (LPBYTE)&dwProvType, &dwValLen); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != nSts) goto ErrorExit; RegCloseKey(hProv); RegCloseKey(hList); return dwProvType;
ErrorExit: if (NULL != hProv) RegCloseKey(hProv); if (NULL != hList) RegCloseKey(hList); return 0; }
LRESULT CChangePinDlg::OnAllDone( WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { WaitForSingleObject(m_pThread->m_hThread, INFINITE); CDialog::OnOK(); return 0; }