@ echo off @ REM ======================================================================== @ REM Copyright (c) 1996 Microsoft Corporation @ REM @ REM Module Name: @ REM @ REM build.bat @ REM @ REM Abstract: @ REM @ REM This batch file builds the Calais DDK kit. @ REM @ REM Author: @ REM @ REM Doug Barlow (dbarlow) 3/26/1997 @ REM @ REM Updated @ REM @ REM Klaus U. Schutz 8/4/97 @ REM @ REM ========================================================================
@ REM @ REM Initialize the working variables. @ REM
set arch= if "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%" == "x86" set arch=i386 if "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%" == "alpha" set arch=alpha if "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%" == "mips" set arch=mips if "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%" == "ppc" set arch=ppc if "%arch%" == "" goto noArchitecture
set ntbindir=%_NTDRIVE%\%_NTROOT%
@ REM @ REM Initialize special pointers @ REM
set IEDrive=C: set IEPath=\Program Files\Internet Express set Calais=%_NTDRIVE%%_NTROOT%\Private\ISPU\Calais set ClDocs=%_NTDRIVE%%_NTROOT%\Private\ISPUdocs set KitDir=%Calais%\Tools\kits\DDK
@ REM @ REM Make sure the target paths exist. @ REM
if not exist "%IEDrive%%IEPath%\IExpress.exe" goto noIExpress if not exist %KitDir%\%tdir% mkdir %KitDir%\%tdir% if not exist %KitDir%\%tdir%\%arch% mkdir %KitDir%\%tdir%\%arch% if exist %KitDir%\%tdir%\%arch%\setup.exe del %KitDir%\%tdir%\%arch%\setup.exe if exist %KitDir%\%tdir%\%arch%\readme.txt del %KitDir%\%tdir%\%arch%\readme.txt
@ REM @ REM Copy the files to cabdir @ REM
mkdir cabdir for /f "tokens=1,2,3,4,5,6 delims=," %%i in (build.inf) do call :CopyToCabdir %%i %%k %%l %%m
@ REM @ REM Build the cab inf file @ REM
type scddk.mdf > temp set Num=0 call :BuildCabInfFileP1 scddk.inf for /f "tokens=1,2,3,4,5,6 delims=," %%i in (build.inf) do call :BuildCabInfFileP1 %%l %%m echo [SourceFiles] >> temp echo SourceFiles0=%kitdir%\cabdir\ >> temp echo [SourceFiles0] >> temp
set Num=0 call :BuildCabInfFileP2 for /f "tokens=1,2,3,4,5,6 delims=," %%i in (build.inf) do call :BuildCabInfFileP2
@ REM @ REM build the inf file @ REM
type scddk.inf > tmp.inf for /f "tokens=1,2,3,4,5,6 delims=," %%i in (build.inf) do call :BuildInfFile %%j %%l %%m %%n
sed -e s/{ARCH}/%arch%/g tmp.inf > cabdir\scddk.inf
@ REM @ REM Build the kit. @ REM
sed -e s/{NTBINDIR}/%ntbindir%/g -e s/{DIR}/%tdir%/g -e s/{ARCH}/%arch%/g temp > temp.sed
if not "%1" == "" goto stopBuild %IEDrive% cd "%IEPath%" IExpress.exe %KitDir%\temp.sed /N /Q %_NTDRIVE% cd %KitDir% del temp.sed rmdir /s /q cabdir goto end
@ rem @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ rem soubroutines @ rem @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
@ rem @ rem %1 - file type @ rem %2 - path @ rem %3 - original file name @ rem %4 - cab file name @ rem :CopyToCabdir
if %1 == 1 set SourceFile=%_NTDRIVE%%_NTROOT%\private\%2\%3 if %1 == 2 set SourceFile=%_NTDRIVE%%_NTROOT%\private\%2\obj\%arch%\%3 if %1 == 3 set SourceFile=%_NTDRIVE%%_NTROOT%\private\%2\objd\%arch%\%3
if not exist %SourceFile% echo *** WARNING *** && echo File %SourceFile% does not exist && pause
set DstFile=%4 if "%4" == "" set DstFile=%3
copy %SourceFile% cabdir\%DstFile% > NUL
goto :eof
@ rem @ rem %1 - component name @ rem %2 - original file name @ rem %3 - cab file name (can be empty) @ rem %4 - new file name (can be empty) @ rem :BuildInfFile
set CabfileName= set NewfileName=
if not "%ComponentName%" == "%1" echo [%1Files] >> tmp.inf && set ComponentName=%1 set CabfileName=%3 if "%CabfileName%" == "" set CabfileName=%2 set NewfileName=%4 if "%NewfileName%" == "" set NewfileName=%2
echo %NewfileName%,%CabfileName%,,0x0004 >> tmp.inf
goto :eof
@ rem @ rem %1 - original file name @ rem %2 - cab file name @ rem :BuildCabInfFileP1
set FileName=%2 if "%2" == "" set FileName=%1
echo FILE%Num%="%FileName%" >> temp set /a Num=%Num%+1
goto :eof
echo %%FILE%Num%%%= >> temp set /a Num=%Num%+1
goto :eof
@ REM @ REM Error processing. @ REM
:stopBuild echo Processing has been terminated with all temporary files intact. echo Don't supply the "%1" parameter to build the kit. goto end
:noDebug echo ERROR: NTDEBUG is undefined. goto end
:noArchitecture echo ERROR: PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE is unset or unrecognized. goto end
:noIExpress echo ERROR: IExpress is not installed in the default location. goto end
:end endlocal