Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1995 - 1999
Module Name:
This header file implements a Dynamic Array.
Doug Barlow (dbarlow) 10/5/1995
Win32, C++ /w Exception Handling
#ifndef _DYNARRAY_H_
#define _DYNARRAY_H_
#ifdef __cplusplus
// CDynamicArray
template <class T> class CDynamicArray { public: // Constructors & Destructor
CDynamicArray(void); virtual ~CDynamicArray();
// Properties
// Methods
void Clear(void); void Empty(void); void Set(IN ULONG nItem, IN const T &Item); void Insert(IN ULONG nItem, IN const T &Item); void Add(IN const T &Item); T &Get(IN ULONG nItem) const; ULONG Count(void) const { return m_Mac; }; T * const Array(void) const { return m_List; };
// Operators
T & operator[](ULONG nItem) const { return Get(nItem); };
protected: // Properties
ULONG m_Max, // Number of element slots available.
m_Mac; // Number of element slots used.
T * m_List; // The elements.
// Methods
This routine sets an item in the collection array. If the array isn't that big, it is expanded with zeroed elements to become that big.
nItem - Supplies the index value to be set. Item - Supplies the value to be set into the given index.
Return Value:
Doug Barlow (dbarlow) 7/13/1995
template<class T> void CDynamicArray<T>::Set( IN ULONG nItem, IN const T &Item) {
// Make sure the array is big enough.
if (nItem >= m_Max) { ULONG dwI; ULONG newSize = (0 == m_Max ? 4 : m_Max); while (nItem >= newSize) newSize *= 2; T *newList = new T[newSize]; if (NULL == newList) throw (ULONG)ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; if (NULL != m_List) { for (dwI = 0; dwI < m_Mac; dwI += 1) newList[dwI] = m_List[dwI]; delete[] m_List; } m_List = newList; m_Max = newSize; }
// Make sure intermediate elements are filled in.
if (nItem >= m_Mac) { ZeroMemory(&m_List[m_Mac + 1], (nItem - m_Mac) * sizeof(T)); m_Mac = nItem + 1; }
// Fill in the list element.
m_List[nItem] = Item; }
This routine inserts an element in the array by moving all elements above it up one, then inserting the new element.
nItem - Supplies the index value to be inserted. Item - Supplies the value to be set into the given index.
Return Value:
Doug Barlow (dbarlow) 10/10/1995
template<class T> void CDynamicArray<T>::Insert( IN ULONG nItem, IN const T &Item) { ULONG index; for (index = nItem; index < m_Mac; index += 1) Set(index + 1, Get(index))) Set(nItem, Item); }
This method adds an element to the end of the dynamic array.
Item - Supplies the value to be added to the list.
Return Value:
Doug Barlow (dbarlow) 10/10/1995
template<class T> void CDynamicArray<T>::Add( IN const T &Item) { Set(Count(), Item); }
This method returns the element at the given index. If there is no element previously stored at that element, it returns NULL. It does not expand the array.
nItem - Supplies the index into the list.
Return Value:
The value stored at that index in the list, or NULL if nothing has ever been stored there.
Doug Barlow (dbarlow) 7/13/1995
template <class T> T & CDynamicArray<T>::Get( ULONG nItem) const { if (m_Mac <= nItem) return *(T *)NULL; else return m_List[nItem]; }
// Other members
template <class T> CDynamicArray<T>::CDynamicArray( void) { m_Max = m_Mac = 0; m_List = NULL; }
template <class T> CDynamicArray<T>::~CDynamicArray() { Clear(); }
template <class T> void CDynamicArray<T>::Clear( void) { if (NULL != m_List) { delete[] m_List; m_List = NULL; m_Max = 0; m_Mac = 0; } };
// CDynamicPointerArray
template <class T> class CDynamicPointerArray { public: // Constructors & Destructor
CDynamicPointerArray(void); virtual ~CDynamicPointerArray();
// Properties
// Methods
void Clear(void); void Empty(void); void Set(IN ULONG nItem, IN T *pItem); void Insert(IN ULONG nItem, IN T *pItem); void Add(IN T *pItem); T *Get(IN ULONG nItem) const; ULONG Count(void) const { return m_Mac; }; T ** const Array(void) const { return m_List; };
// Operators
T * operator[](ULONG nItem) const { return Get(nItem); };
protected: // Properties
ULONG m_Max; // Number of element slots available.
ULONG m_Mac; // Number of element slots used.
T **m_List; // The elements.
// Methods
This routine sets an item in the collection array. If the array isn't that big, it is expanded with zeroed elements to become that big.
nItem - Supplies the index value to be set. pItem - Supplies the value to be set into the given index.
Return Value:
Doug Barlow (dbarlow) 7/13/1995
template<class T> void CDynamicPointerArray<T>::Set( IN ULONG nItem, IN T *pItem) {
// Make sure the array is big enough.
if (nItem >= m_Max) { ULONG newSize = (0 == m_Max ? 4 : m_Max); while (nItem >= newSize) newSize *= 2; T **newList = (T **)LocalAlloc(LPTR, sizeof(T *) * newSize); if (NULL == newList) throw (ULONG)ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; if (NULL != m_List) { CopyMemory(newList, m_List, m_Mac * sizeof(T *)); LocalFree(m_List); } m_List = newList; m_Max = newSize; }
// Make sure intermediate elements are filled in.
if (nItem >= m_Mac) { ZeroMemory(&m_List[m_Mac + 1], (nItem - m_Mac) * sizeof(T *)); m_Mac = nItem + 1; }
// Fill in the list element.
m_List[nItem] = pItem; }
This routine inserts an element in the array by moving all elements above it up one, then inserting the new element.
nItem - Supplies the index value to be inserted. pItem - Supplies the value to be set into the given index.
Return Value:
Doug Barlow (dbarlow) 10/10/1995
template<class T> void CDynamicPointerArray<T>::Insert( IN ULONG nItem, IN T *pItem) { ULONG index; for (index = nItem; index < m_Mac; index += 1) Set(index + 1, Get(index))) Set(nItem, pItem); }
This method adds an element to the end of the dynamic array.
pItem - Supplies the value to be added to the list.
Return Value:
Doug Barlow (dbarlow) 10/10/1995
template<class T> void CDynamicPointerArray<T>::Add( IN T *pItem) { Set(Count(), pItem); }
This method returns the element at the given index. If there is no element previously stored at that element, it returns NULL. It does not expand the array.
nItem - Supplies the index into the list.
Return Value:
The value stored at that index in the list, or NULL if nothing has ever been stored there.
Doug Barlow (dbarlow) 7/13/1995
template <class T> T * CDynamicPointerArray<T>::Get( ULONG nItem) const { if (m_Mac <= nItem) return NULL; else return m_List[nItem]; }
// Other members
template <class T> CDynamicPointerArray<T>::CDynamicPointerArray( void) { m_Max = m_Mac = 0; m_List = NULL; }
template <class T> CDynamicPointerArray<T>::~CDynamicPointerArray() { Clear(); }
template <class T> void CDynamicPointerArray<T>::Clear( void) { if (NULL != m_List) { LocalFree(m_List); m_List = NULL; m_Max = 0; m_Mac = 0; } };
#endif // _DYNARRAY_H_